Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital - just two miles away from the White House - into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.Do Democrats really benefit from Obama's help? Looking at the last 8 years, I'd think they be screaming Stop helping us. Maybe he's not even trying to help the party that fell to pieces and shrunk to next to nothing during his leadership. If he wanted to help, he should withdraw from the scene, in classic ex-President style, and give other stars in his party a chance to rise.
Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.
And Obama is being aided in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friend...
As the "close family friend" reportedly said, the idea is not to rebuild the Democratic Party at all, but to undermine the current President. I can't believe a former President thinks that's a dignified role for himself.
It's interesting to hear this so soon after Trump's well-received address to Congress. Trump turned to the light (from the "dark" inaugural speech). Who can forget the old Obama credo "When they go low, we go high"? If Trump has finally gotten people other than his core supporters to see him as going high, are the Obamas now going to go low and seek to undercut him at every turn?
The effort to associate Trump with disorder — craziness and abnormality — is failing. I don't think it will work out well for Democratic Party to shift from fretting and scaring us about disorder to working to increase disorder by disrupting a presidency that people see as a force for order.
"I always think SEX first"
Atta girl!
You have to love Meade's exuberance.
Now, if Susan Rice had moved in . . .
This situation reads like a bad Marvel Comics script.
Daily Mail is not exactly the...the...gotta come up with a receiver here...
From the article:
"Barack Obama is turning his new home...into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor...."
But remember, folks: Donald Trump poses a unique threat to American democracy.
I started out with a cautious, skeptical, hope for the best, wait-and-see approach to Trump's presidency, but these people are determined to put me wholeheartedly on his side.
"I always think SEX first, but according to The Daily Mail:
Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital - just two miles away from the White House - into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.
Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.
And Obama is being aided in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friend..."
You seem extra careful when analyzing anything Trump related. Perhaps this piece, from a British tabloid which doesn't really have a strong track record of good journalism, should be viewed with some skepticism.
Such a petty, narcissistic, insecure, little man. It was always about me, me, me with him.
And apparently the only two people who could tell him that his behavior is self defeating have pom poms out, cheering him on.
delusional on so many levels....
Follow the money.
Obama appointing himself as leader of the "resistance" will accrue many donations for his Organizing for Action group.
How Obama works with his homeboy Perez at the DNC will be enlightening on who the strategy will emerge and how the money gets divvied up.
This is really disturbing. Obama's behavior, as president and since, is difficult to comprehend. Perhaps it is indicative of an almost sociopathic combination of egomania and utter lack of concern about the consequences of his actions. There are other possible explanations, but they smack of conspiracy theory, and I am reluctant to go there.
...on what strategy will emerge.....
can't edit this morning!
It does seem that Democratic ex-Presidents want to fill a sort of President Emeritus role, while Republican ex-Presidents just retire. Since the 70s, at least.
Not "fell to pieces and shrunk," but "fell to pieces and shrank."
Also--not correct to say "the Obamas [are] now going to go low"--NOW?
Are you kidding? They've been gong low against Trump forever; you could respond by talking about Trump and birtherism, but the Obamas have been out to undermine Trump all along.
What's more, they seem to have organized their stay-behinds and fan base to do the same.
And the Democrats' behavior at Trump's speech to Congress is of a piece, or pieces, with that.
Obama's hubris will destroy him. It's already destroyed the democrats. It is a ravening beast that requires much blood.
It does fit in nicely with the Manchurian candidate theory, now with threesomes!
Yeah, this is exactly like when GW Bush left office. He immediately organized with the Shadow Government he left behind to hamstring Obama, and took an office near the White House....
oops--after pointing out that you misconjugated verb "to shrink," Ann, I misspelled "going" as "gong"--justice, I guess
Steeped in Critical Theory from childhood it's never about building with these people, only tearing down and destroying. It's only natural that eight years in power would wreck their party and severely damage our country. Now they are on to destroying the people bent on rebuilding the nation. It's who they are and what they do.
I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama.
"Follow the money."
I have conservative friends who say that all the time. But you know, that impulse only arises when they analyze people they dislike - Democrats or liberals. We're quick to think the worst of people we disagree with. It's hard to unlearn that behavior.
Jimmy Carter built a lot of goodwill by disappearing and building houses before he got his partisan claws out.
Obama has no goodwill that will extend outside of partisans.
Obama is a POS. I knew he would eventually rise and float in the bowl.
22 commenters so far, I see. I'll volunteer to believe 1/22 of this story if the rest of you will do your fair share.
Obama continues to cement his legacy as the Worst. President. Ever.
Obama = Robespierre
Sponging off of, undermining and destroying things other people built is Barack Obamasa reason for living. He said it himself. Quote "You didn't build that". This move doesn't surprise me at all. It's Barry. Now we have to see how many Dems go with him.
Obama has been acting like a Russian agent trying to destroy the prosperity , political power and moral power on the world stage. So why stop now? He really is a POS
mockturtle said...
I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama.
Me neither; in this case I thought of "mini-me".
This one is so badly done that it's funnier.
It's the Guardian. They are printing what they want to be true.
I yield to no one in my disdain for Obama, but even he cannot be so foolish as to think the country will tolerate an ex president trying to impeach his successor.
PS Can we PLEASE stop calling ex presidents, governors, senators, etc. by their FORMER titles? GWB is Mr. Bush, he is NOT President Bush, nor is HRC Secretary Clinton.
Who expected anything else from the illegal immigrant with a fake birth certificate who just gave nuclear weapons to the Iranians at war with us while trying every move possible to destroy our energy generation systems and our Military readiness while arranging a Muslim invasion we paid for? the fifth columnist rolls along.
Nyamujal: You seem extra careful when analyzing anything Trump related.
Or maybe it just looks extra careful to you. We are all both extra careful writers and extra careful readers, depending.
Perhaps this piece, from a British tabloid which doesn't really have a strong track record of good journalism, should be viewed with some skepticism.
One of the recurring amusements of the last 15 years or so is being informed by earnest souls that the Daily Mail is...the Daily Mail.
I really don't think our hostess needs to be advised to approach this paper (or any paper) with some skepticism.
I think she's making the same assumption, and showing the same respect, to her readers.
(The really funny joke of recent years is that the Daily Mail has come to function as a useful adjunct and corrective to the "prestige" press. Remarkable what information they slide in beside the celebrity gossip, for the astute and discerning reader.)
Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.
I imagine that the Obamas and Jarrett will create a discussion salon in their home.
For example, knowledgeable guests might be invited to discuss the possibilities that the Kremlin intended to blackmail Michael Flynn for violating the Logan Act. The basic idea was the the Russian ambassador tape-recorded his own telephone conversation with Flynn and then intended to use his own tape-recording to BLACKMAIL Flynn for violating THE LOGAN ACT.
This Russian BLACKMAIL possibility upset Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Soon after those three became so upset, the information about this BLACKMAIL was leaked to The Washington Post
So, Yates, Brennan and Clapper certainly would be frequent guests at the Obama salon.
Another good guest would be Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence official who phoned some acquaintances in Russia and then used those phone conversations as the basis of his dossier about the Kremlin exerting BLACKMAIL against our President Donald Trump.
The FBI, under the US Department of Justice, planned to pay Steele for this valuable intelligence.
Anyway, Obama, Jarrett, Yates, Brennan, Clapper, Steele and others will be collaborating to use this RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL intelligence, leaked from the Deep State, to remove our President Trump from office.
I think Valerie is why Michelle looks unhappy.
If it's sex I'd think Valjar and Michelle first.
posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital
While it may be a mansion, Kalorama is not "posh" by DC standards. Is it massively expensive? Yes, but that's because a tarpaper shack in DC west of Rock Creek Park will cost you half a million, much less a mansion. Fox Hall Road, on the other hand, is "posh".
Isn't there anyone in the Democratic party with enough sense to tell Obama just to go on permanent vacation from politics? That it's time for new blood? I guess the answer is "No", & that he's the best they've got. Which tells you something right there.
DanTheMan: "It's the Guardian. They are printing what they want to be true.
I yield to no one in my disdain for Obama, but even he cannot be so foolish as to think the country will tolerate an ex president trying to impeach his successor"
Well start getting used to the idea that he is that foolish as you ponder the trickle of nothingburgers regarding Russia and the rhetoric being used by the dems.
The dems, after a full year of FBI "investigations" know there is nothing there so they are coordinating with their democratic operatives with bylines to get a Special Prosecutor that can go out and "Scooter Libby" a few people who get a precise date and time of day wrong from 18 months ago or something.
This is now well established democrat operating procedure within DC and obama clearly issued his little last minute executive order which greatly expanded the army of people who have access to raw intelligence and investigation results.
If you think that was an accident, particularly after what we have seen with the coordinated hits against Trump by the Journolist contingent, well, then you are simply not paying close enough attention.
File this one under Fake News.
At least I hope so.
I have always been interested in the idea of "switching" as one reads news stories in the popular press. Read a story about Trump, or conservatives, and note how language is used, and then replace "Trump" with "Obama" and "Republican" with "Democrat."
Do that exercise with this story. (And of course this story is something of an all-purpose tutorial on the inflamed rhetoric and florid vernacular of the British tabloid press. I expected to see a Page 3 girl at the end.)
"Mansion... consigliere... insurgency... " It is such awful writing! The writer and editors blew the possessive "Obama's" for the plural "Obamas." And take a moment to read the quotes from the (one) "Obama family source." They aren't real quotes; they can't be. Who talks like that? Here's one: 'No longer the most powerful man in the world, he was just observing Trump and not liking what he saw,' said the source.
Right. "The source" actually talks like that? Until I started mentally Fisking this steaming pile of journalistic garbage, I didn't actually pay attention to the fact that they use single-quotation marks for their "quotes." What's that all about?
There might be a story here; ex-Presidents are bound to make news. (And they should act very carefully, knowing that.) But this is presented is such a shitty, gossipy, stinking way that I am turned off to whatever might be worthwhile news.
One way in which this craptastic story was actively misleading -- essentially worse than no story at all -- was the use of the Eric Holder quote. Holder was NOT talking about a generalized anti-Trump political insurgency. Holder was asked by reporters about a specific initiative; the organized political battle over congressional redistricting commissions. And Obama, like most Democrats, see an opening as a result of the Arizona Redistricting Commission case and want to promote their own campaign to spread it to other states.
And we Republicans need to fight that rotten idea.
But a good fight means marshaling good law, meaningful policy and accurate facts. Maybe, the Breitbart/Drudge/Tabloid axis helps us pick up stupid and emotional voters who can't see much farther than Obama-hatred. That's not my stle, however.
None of this jiggery-pokery is going to make Hillary President, which is probably the farthest thing from Obama's mind anyway.
I don't think that money is a bad thing. What money is, however, is the ability to execute political plans like the type that OFA does. There is only so much money to slosh around in politics and it goes where folks think it will be effective. Will that be OFA or to actual candidates? Will OFA replace the DNC as the money conduit? If so, how much will they skim off the top?
The Clinton Foundation essentially became a slush fund for the Clintons to live well and extend influence. No reason to not think that OFA is the same thing, but will be a degree more mission-focused than the CF.
Trump will be an atrocious president, to be sure, but Obama was no good, either--other than that he was a loyal middle manager for the deep state's agenda and for the oligarch's bank accounts--so his participation in any political activity simply furthers the delusions of the Democrats that they are not a dying, hopelessly corrupt appendage of the same bodies that are served by their purported political enemies, the Republicans.
Robert Cook, you're not making sense.
Obama wants the Clinton Foundation mega bucks.
I have learned to think the worst of everyone.
And the Daily Mail is essential reading. It will regularly cover stories the US press misses, or avoids. And in those it will use sources that the US press will not use. And it is not dominated by opinion pieces.
Its a much better tabloid paper for the US than any still in the US.
The other British papers, other than the normally silly and opinion-soaked Guardian, are a good corrective to the US press, but they are also affected by the bien-pensant urges of their owners. They lost their ancient Fleet Street cutthroat piratical qualities.
After reading the sub-heds on that article last night, I looked up the meaning of sedition. It's plotting to overthrow a duly elected leader, essentially.
Can some legal eagle explain to me how this very public, active effort - on the front page of major newspapers, mind you - to undermine and overthrow Trump is not the dictionary definition of sedition on the part of the entire Obama machine?
I think this is great news for republicans. Ex President Reverse Midas touch is on the job. Maybe he can help turn the fabled blue wall into the new "solid south" for the republicans?
Chuck, you're also not making sense. Wrighting is hard!
I can't believe a former President thinks that's a dignified role for himself.
The rest of us have a lower opinion of the man.
If Trump has finally gotten people other than his core supporters to see him as going high, are the Obamas now going to go low and seek to undercut him at every turn?
Sure. Why not? Until now Obama has managed to get a pass from folks who pay attention to his words and ignore his actions.
I don't think it will work out well for Democratic Party to shift from fretting and scaring us about disorder to working to increase disorder by disrupting a presidency that people see as a force for order.
Well, they think differently. Only a thorough shellacking in 2018 will convince those Dumbocrat fools that acting against the best interests of the American people is a good way to recover power. Please don't just vote against Baldwin next year; please actively support whomever she is running against.
Whether or not that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the house with the Obamas, don't forget the fact that they decided to live in Washington DC. Now, ask yourself, why?
@Meade, you dawg you.
I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama
I do, when I think of Michell Obama. I think.....which one???
Well good luck with the new life plan Obama. Go for impeachment. Please. And right away.
AllenS said...
Whether or not that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the house with the Obamas, don't forget the fact that they decided to live in Washington DC. Now, ask yourself, why?
The stated reason is that the Obama girls are finishing their schooling there.
Same reason, as I recall, why Melania Trump remains residing in Manhattan with the youngest Trump child.
Your turn...
They are reportedly renting the mansion. This would make a great sitcom, a new take on Three's Company. I'd cast Alec Baldwin as Mr. Roper.
Robert Cook
Calling Obama a "middle manager" is brilliant. I salute you.
After not hearing much about Barrack Obama for a few weeks (other than him kite surfing or some such nonsense), I felt a few things:
1) Wow, it's nice not to hear about that guy constantly.
2) Maybe I was wrong about what I thought his post presidency behavior would be (I was one of many who believed he would do exactly something like this).
But after seeing this, while I get the simple satisfaction of being right about the guy, I would rather have been wrong. Having ones assumptions about a person confirmed... having that tiny burst of dopamine... is hardly worth the depressing reality of an endless disgraceful and petty political counterinsurgency run by a former President.
It's ironic to me that people go on and on about Trump not being "Presidential" and behaving in classless ways, meanwhile Obama is showing us what it really is to be classless. With this final act of pure hubris, not only has Obama demonstrated that he is small and petty, but also that he has no respect for the office he held.
And according to the same story, Val lived in the White House for the entire 8 years. True? We know the mother-in-law did.
"If Trump has finally gotten people other than his core supporters to see him as going high...."
Does anyone really believe this? He gave a speech carefully-calibrated to project this image of him as "presidential," but certainly everyone knows it was simply a performance, (not without its fair share of fear-mongering deceptions and impossible-to-fulfill promises).
Val Jar is needed because she was the actual brain behind the Obama Administration. Barack can't keep focus long enough to accomplish anything. Obama wants to make America ungovernable until his pal George Soros can plot a path to a one world government. Without competing systems, the idiots think they can print as much money as they like and give people free shit without limit. People will be assigned to whatever jobs need doing without choice. They will implement their stupid ideas, like getting the Earth's population to their "sustainable" 1.5 billion. The other 5.5 billion+? Adios.
"Jarrett played a vital - if at times low-key - role in the Obama presidency. She lived in the White House, dined with the Obamas, and help shape his domestic and foreign policies."
Until I started mentally Fisking this steaming pile of journalistic garbage, I didn't actually pay attention to the fact that they use single-quotation marks for their "quotes." What's that all about?
They're British, Chuck.
With Obama, always and everywhere, it's all about him.
Hitler promised Gotterdammerung for Germany if Germans proved unworthy of him. And Germany was destroyed. Obama found us unworthy of him since his economy sucked, millions fell out of the workforce, the Middle East imploded, Christian communities there were wiped out...and he must protect that legacy!!
When all you've left behind is s turd to be remembered by, it's sad that you even have to defend that.
Why the Obamas are living in DC: The stated reason is that the Obama girls are finishing their schooling there.
Same reason, as I recall, why Melania Trump remains residing in Manhattan with the youngest Trump child.
Your turn...
That IS a valid reason.... until the girls are in college, when they would be most likely moving anyway. Like Kelly Ann Conway and Melania, good parents put their childrens' needs first. I do believe that the Obamas are good parents.
However, Melania isn't starting a political action organization in her spare time to try to take down the government or to subvert the elected government's agenda by having ensconced operatives within the government carry out the sedition.
I'm pretty sure that Melania isn't interested in being a source of public opposition to any government and probably more interested in making sure her son is properly taken care of.
BTW: Is Michelle's mommy still living with them? Hmmmm?
This is as weird as when Karl Rove moved into the Crawford ranch after Obama's election in order to undermine the new President.
Jarrett needs a husband, that's for sure. What a meddling Mrs Kravitz.
"he gave a speech carefully calibrated to project this image"
Of course. They all do this, some with vastly more care, in a more scripted, controlled, prepared, group-generated manner, with control in the hands of a committee. Obama was as heavily produced as a network TV show, he being just the on-air talent.
This matters to people who care too much about appearances.
"I always think SEX first"
Yes. But who is pitching and who is catching?
Tomorrow's News Today: "Grand Jury impaneled to investigate allegations of official corruption against Valerie Jarrett."
David Begley said...And according to the same story, Val lived in the White House for the entire 8 years. True? We know the mother-in-law did.
If true, not only is she a bad political influence for America, she's a freeloader.
How about some in-depth reporting on this whole weird symbiosis, NYT/WaPo? Try to regain a little trust with flyover America.
"When all you've left behind is a turd to be remembered by"
But you have to admit, it's one heck of a turd! I mean, we're talking South Park 'Biggest Crap Ever'-level turd!!
"I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama."
I get aroused when you mention sex, mockturtle. Do it more often.
The FBI planned to pay dossier-writer Christopher Steele as an intelligence source.
The new CIA Director Mike Pompeo should determine whether the CIA under Mike Brennan likewise planned to pay or actually did pay Steele as an intelligence source.
Steele is a former British intelligence official who phoned acquaintances in Russia and then used those phone conversations to write a dossier about how the Kremlin had filmed prostitutes urinating on Trump and then was already using those films to BLACKMAIL Trump as a Presidential candidate.
I'll bet that Brennan's CIA played Steele plenty of money.
The Deep State is trying to remove our President Trump from office by means of accusations that he and his cabinet members are subject to RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL.
If any cabinet ever have visited Russia, then the Deep State will leak accusations that prostitutes urinated on them in hotel rooms there.
If cabinet members have not visited Russia, then the Deep State will leak accusations that the Russian Ambassador has tape-recorded conversations with them and might use those tape-recordings to BLACKMAIL them for violating THE LOGAN ACT.
The Democrats have battered spouse syndrome, and after eight years of it with their black eye and bloodied lip they face down the cop there to help, and insist that their batterer still loves them.
"an almost sociopathic combination of egomania and utter lack of concern about the consequences of his actions."
Obama is going for the full Venezuela treatment here.
He thinks it would be fine and that Chavez, his buddy, just didn't do it right.
This is actually a Clinton plot to make Chelsea's presidential bid seem reasonable.
Okay, I'm joking, but Barack Obama is the Mr. Bean of presidential politics.
Paul Zrimsek said...
"Until I started mentally Fisking this steaming pile of journalistic garbage, I didn't actually pay attention to the fact that they use single-quotation marks for their 'quotes.' What's that all about?"
They're British, Chuck.
No. Wrong. "British" doesn't explain it. "Lowbrow" explains it. Here's the London Daily Telegraph (a really great newspaper) with their Jeff Sessions story today. Note the quotation-mark stylings. You'll see the same at The Times of London, too:
Proper British newspapers don't do what the Daily Mail has done in this regard. I must say; I actually questioned myself when I read your post. Even after having lived in London and having worked for a Tory who went into the Thatcher cabinet, I momentarily thought I might have been mistaken. I am not mistaken. At least I don't think so.
Obama hates America.
If this isn't treason, it's definitely crazy. I mean stupid crazy. Remember the garbage about the Russians, on election day, mounting a coup by knocking out the power grid with computer viruses, hacking the voting machines and installing a puppet in the White House? This stuff is very odd and very troubling.
"Maybe he's not even trying to help the party that fell to pieces and shrunk to next to nothing during his leadership."
Maybe? The only thing Obama cares about is Obama. The Democrats will never call him out, because they just spent the last decade saying to do so was racist.
Obama is still trying to transform our country, the country he hates.
Its going to be interesting. I think, in the end, it is going to greatly diminish Obama, and, relatedly, his Presidency. OFA is apparently already helping fund and organize the people disrupting town hall meetings by Republicans. And, some of the money seems to be coming from, of course, George Soros. The thing that they seem to have forgotten is that some of the things that the "resistance" is doing is illegal. For example, it is a crime to organize and plan to riot and cause property damage (and harm people). What they have forgotten is that the reason that they got away with it for eight years is that they had a captive, highly politicized, DoJ on their side, that turned a blind eye to their shenanigans. This likely won't be the case with Trump and the Sessions DoJ. I fully expect that the FBI is already starting to investigate this sort of stuff, and will, in time, follow the trail up to the top, flipping people along the way. And, if the top leads to Obama, then fine. A sitting President can only be removed through impeachment. But, a former President is fair game. Esp. if he is actively trying to sabotage his successor. I doubt that they will get Obama, but even getting hits on OFA would diminish him and his legacy. And, we can always hope, there is always George Soros.
What they need to remember is that Trump is famously vindictive. Former Presidents are somewhat given a pass by their successors, maybe because they want the same when they leave office. But, that is predicated on them not attacking their successors once out of office. The rules change when a former President tries to lead the "resistance". I fully expect (above and beyond the FBI being used to investigate) that Trump will start calling Obama out personally, if Obama starts attacking him personally. Just like he did the MSM. It will, though, be interesting to see what nickname Trump comes up with for Obama (Jarret, and Michelle). Also - something else that is sure to come out is that the Obama Administration was monumentally, historically, corrupt. More corrupt, probably, than any other Administration in the last century, at least. The rampant corruption was glossed over by the MSM, in its zeal to protect Obama. I suspect that it will be made front and center, if Trump goes to war with Obama, in a way that they MSM can't control (think of what happened with the Swedish Muslim rape and crime issue that they were pretending didn't exist).
"Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital - just two miles away from the White House - into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency" Isn't that a zoning violation?
"Do Democrats really benefit from Obama's help? Looking at the last 8 years, I'd think they be screaming Stop helping us. Maybe he's not even trying to help the party that fell to pieces and shrunk to next to nothing during his leadership." Maybe? It's not about Dem, it's about O.
"the idea is not to rebuild the Democratic Party at all, but to undermine the current President. I can't believe a former President thinks that's a dignified role for himself" Please, no. No more of that "I can't believe" faux-surprise stuff. We can believe it very well. In fact, yours truly laid out the O post-presidency right here, months ago. Now if he were to withdraw from the scene, that would justify a real "I can't believe" exclamation. Not a chance.
...the idea is not to rebuild the Democratic Party at all, but to undermine the current President. I can't believe a former President thinks that's a dignified role for himself.
Not so much of a stretch when you realize the man made his start fomenting dissatisfaction, dissention and disorder as a "community organizer." Much the same skill set as "Bomber" Bill Ayres or, say, your average radical Islamic terrorist.
. I can't believe a former President thinks that's a dignified role for himself.
Dignity is an archaic sentimental concept. The only thing that matters is raw power...power to defeat your enemies and impose your will.
"In British English, quotation marks are called inverted commas, and the single ones are used more frequently than the double for direct speech."
Ann says: As the "close family friend" reportedly said, the idea is not to rebuild the Democratic Party at all, but to undermine the current President. I can't believe a former President thinks that's a dignified role for himself.
Why is it so hard to believe? All along, Obama has shown himself to be a petty, vindictive, ill-educated man. His policies have done more to gut this country economically than the Depression did.
Now, he and his wife have signed a two-book contract for $60 million (although this is complete nonsense; the Clinton's got $15 million, so I suspect there's a small advance with a bunch of escalator clauses built in. Sort of like baseball players getting bonuses for reaching milestones such as player of the year). Anyway, Obama has to remain viable in some way on the political scene so that he can convince the rubes that he's worthy of being bribed.
He's also betting that his dismal record as president won't receive much thoughtful coverage by the media. They'll forget how he shielded the bankers from being prosecuted, how Holder was responsible for "Fast and Furious" gun running and keeping the Black Panthers from being prosecuted. They'll forget Hillary's role in Benghazi and how she jailed a filmmaker for exercising his free speech right at the wrong time. They'll not mention how, under his watch, the Democrats went from the "permanent majority" to near-Whig status.
The odds are on his side.
I think it's time for Trump to release all the secret details about Obama's Iran deal.
Oh my word, Chuck. It is impossible to take you either seriously or literally. But I do enjoy the entertainment.
Shouldn't a President's speech be "presidential" in the first place? The bar is set so low for Trump all he has to do is step over it and all of a sudden he is the best and highest of high jumpers. If Obama is indeed doing what this article suggest then he is doing what should be done. Obama had way more access to the intelligence compiled on the Trump/Russian election collusion, so it is practical to assume that Obama knows that the Russians put Trump in the White House and that Trump is a danger to the republic.
This is why Obama helped Hillary lose, so he could stay relevant and be the leader of the opposition.
Obama is annoying, it's true. On the other hand, anyone who worked to defeat Hillary can't be all bad.
The alternative to this admittedly conspiratorial theory is that Obama was sincerely trying to help Hillary win. If that's the case, we don't have much to worry about.
A wealthy political brothel. Money grubbing is a leftwing thing.
There is the Republic, and then there is "The Republic".
Or rather, there is the nation, and then there is the state.
Something certainly should be a danger to the state, because at this point the state is a danger to the nation.
It's the Daily Mail. I'm skeptical about the quote.
That's not to say I can't appreciate the Daily Mail's celebrity reporting.
But I take it with a grain of salt. I'll watch what people do. So far he's been hanging out with his daughter in NYC and vacationing with his wife in the Caribbean. Looks like he's got a big book deal lined up.
That doesn't sound like someone who is going to be involved in politics. It sounds like someone moving into the money-making, legacy/brand preserving stage. He'll plan the library, do legacy preservation, give some speeches, write a book. Then he'll do something Jimmy Carter-like but in the Obama style. "Getting young people involved in volunteering" or some such.
It'll take a while for people to "get" -- but Hillary is gone from the political scene. Obama has exited stage left. The partisan stage has changed, as it does in the USA every 4 or 8 years.
They're gone, and other people will be the new leaders. The Democratic party is in transition, so you don't know who the new faces are going to be yet.
The "Russia did it" argument is total bullshit. Made up out of whole cloth. People around here using it instantly lose all credibility. It's even made up by the same losers that made up the YouTube video as the cause of the terrorism in Eqypt and Benghazi on 9-11-2012.
So for 8 years Barry's Mother-in-Law was living in the WH, on the taxpayer dime, and now this. Dude must really like being hen-pecked.
Dreams summed up Obama in only three words: Obama hates America.
So for 8 years Barry's Mother-in-Law was living in the WH, on the taxpayer dime, and now this. Dude must really like being hen-pecked.
It's not that strange for a grandma to live with her daughter & grandchildren after her husband has passed, is it? It's great for young kids to have grandparents around.
I think people are being dramatic. There's no evidence yet that he's going to be active in current politics.
Michelle O, 2020
What an absolute disgrace Obama is. Dedicating himself to overthrow the duly elected president with some community organizin'...scumbag. To think the asshole was elected twice by America. But then again, some people think he's such a nice man...
I have no doubt. Valerie Jarrett is the Evil One behind Obama's every move. Nobody should take this for granted. It means all out war against Trump using the most vile, underhanded tactics. Of all the post-election stories about the Democrats wanting to destroy our President, this is the first that has struck fear in my being, much like the premonitions about what a Hillary presidency would be like. Both are traitors worthy of being hung in the public square.
Val was the unelected President. WaPo to run story. Soon!
People can go back to my comments here about Ex-President Obama as far as 2008. I've always supported him. Initially partly because I felt that McCain was not a natural born citizen. Over the past 8 years, he has done exactly what I expected him to do. He has pretty much destroyed the Democrat Party to the point where the only 2 candidate in 2016 were a superannuated grifter and a person who has always made a point of never being a Democrat and still isn't.
More importantly, he destroyed American's faith in big govt and kindled liberal beliefs to a level never seen before. Witness Ron Paul in 2012. He never had a chance but did MUCH better than anyone expected. In 2016 the Repos ran not just 1 but 2 liberal candidates, Paul and Cruz plus Trump. Trump may not be what most people think of as a liberal but he is hitting a lot of the right notes such as shrinking govt and govt regulation. And missing some, like trade, of course.
I initially chalked it up to President Obama's incompetence though I was always open to the possibility he was doing it on purpose. In the past year or two I have become convinced that nobody that incompetent could get elected. I am more and more convinced that he is a liberal mole or Manchurian Candidate sent to destroy big, progressive, government. One of the results of his efforts has been President Trump.
So why quit now? His work is not finished. He needs to keep pushing people into the libera/Trumpian camp.
I think at some point in the future we well see President Obama not just as the 3rd best president of the 21st century, 12th best all time but number 1 or 2 overall. Not for what he did. I think even his supporters can agree that pretty much everything he touched turned to shit. But for what he enabled.
One of his biggest victories will be killing the concept of govt healthcare for the next 100 years. Obamacare was so badly designed and implemented that nobody will want to do it again. This assumes that we can hold the Repo feet to the fire and get it repealed.
I am a fan. There is still work to be done Mr ExPresident that only you can do. We need your permanent campaign to push back on.
John Henry
I have learned to think the worst of everyone.
Man, you are on a doomy-gloomy bender lately.
Now let's see if Reggie Love moves into the new house.
I can understand having an office in the house and ValJar working out of it. Why does she need to live there?
Re the school excuse for staying in DC: that doesn't ring true. If that was the reason, he could rent. Now is not the time to buy a house in DC. Prices got jacked up because of all the govt jobs and cheese under ex-president Obama. President Trump just announced some serious cuts to State and EPA. Those people aren't going to be able to stay in their houses without jobs.
I suspect that we are going to see a real estate crash and the value of the O-House will plummet.
John Henry
John Henry
Just planning a little S & M (sedition and mayhem).
8,300 square feet is a lot of room. Plenty of hangers-on can crash at that pad
Blogger Yellow Kitty said...
I have no doubt. Valerie Jarrett is the Evil One behind Obama's every move. Nobody should take this for granted. It means all out war against Trump using the most vile, underhanded tactics.
Agree, Kitty. It certainly does and good on them.
How many comments have we seen here along the lines of "I never liked Trump and supported him reluctantly (or not at all). Al this vile venom has helped drive me firmly into support."
As the Demmies become more and more unhinged, they will drive more and more people in the President Trump camp. President Trump is helping, of course. Look at Van Jones, one of the more unhinged becoming, if not a supporter, at least an accepter. Every journey starts with a single step, Van.
Witness the latest outrage about Sessions answering no to a question that was never asked.
Bring it on. Keep the rage going against you and your methods. Never let us get complacent. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. I know, someone corrected me before when I said that. It is close enough and I don't feel like looking up the exact wording. Thanks, BTW, for the original correction.
John Henry
Above, President Trup is helping by turning out to be both reasonable and competent
Yellow Kitty said...
I have no doubt. Valerie Jarrett is the Evil One behind Obama's every move. Nobody should take this for granted. It means all out war against Trump using the most vile, underhanded tactics. Of all the post-election stories about the Democrats wanting to destroy our President, this is the first that has struck fear in my being, much like the premonitions about what a Hillary presidency would be like. Both are traitors worthy of being hung in the public square.
You know what this sounds like? It sounds like the flip side of, Bush lied, people died! Karl Rove is Bush's brain! They just wanted to take Iraqi oil! Blood for oil! Bush and Cheney should have been impeached! Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld are war criminals who should be locked up at The Hague! But the corporatist media and the international bankers wouldn't let it happen!...
"I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama"
Neither does Michelle.
Community agitator.
This is what he always was.
Also no class.
"Follow the money."
Yeah, it's not about organizing the douchecanoe, it's about monetizing it.
Hitched! Kind of reminds me of Eleanor Roosevelt.
"Above, President Trup (sic) is helping by turning out to be both reasonable and competent."
That's far too soon to know.
"Man, you are on a doomy-gloomy bender lately."
I try, I try. You will find the truth only by ripping off the scabs and letting the pus flow.
"That's far too soon to know."
Rusty said...
"I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama"
Neither does Michelle.
You stay classy, Rusty.
Again, I ask you to do the "Flip Side" exercise. Imagine a Melania sex joke. Or, in that vein, a Melania sex-worker joke. See what I did there?
"Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment."
If this is true, there goes his "legacy." There goes also any thought of even moderate comity in American politics for a long time to come.
"You say you want a Revolution . . . "
You know how the song goes. Count Me Out.
Can you do punk rock in text?
Hillary won the popular vote.
Obama knows he is far more popular than Hillary.
Naturally, Obama believes a large majority of the country is on his side.
Michelle had her mother there in the White House, and Valerie is a substitute mother for Barack. That's how I saw it. She'll probably help writing his book. Not sexy at all.
Obama said he wants to develop young talent in the party but I've read that Bernie Sanders has been doing more organizing on local levels. Wonder what would happen if those two were trapped in an elevator.
Chuck's 'lifelong Republican' facade has totally eroded now and his Dem-Prog self is shining through for all to see. Some of us--maybe most of us--knew all along.
This is very smart of the Obamas.
The Clintons already did the fake charity thing to enrich themselves. The Obamas had to find another way.
The point here isn't to help the Democrats or oust Trump.
The point here is to make some money. And they're going to be racking it in.
"The effort to associate Trump with disorder — craziness and abnormality — is failing."
Not among the base. Check the comments in the NYT article about Sessions.
This is very dangerous stuff. It has gone very far, very fast. Powerful voices are assisting. Is Obama really going to join in?
The whole mess is doubtless pleasing the Russians very much.
"The point here is to make some money. And they're going to be racking it in."
They already have $60 million. Book deal. It will be unsurprising if it's all advance.
Professor Emeritus - Do you still love Obama?
I am reminded of these lyrics:
I don't know how to love him.
What to do, how to move him.
I've been changed, yes really changed.
In these past few days, when I've seen myself,
I seem like someone else.
I don't know how to take this.
I don't see why he moves me.
He's a man. He's just a man.
And I've had so many men before,
In very many ways,
He's just one more.
Should I bring him down?
Should I scream and shout?
Should I speak of love,
Let my feelings out?
I never thought I'd come to this.
What's it all about?
Don't you think it's rather funny,
I should be in this position.
I'm the one who's always been
So calm, so cool, no lover's fool,
Running every show.
He scares me so.
I never thought I'd come to this.
What's it all about?
Yet, if he said he loved me,
I'd be lost. I'd be frightened.
I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope.
I'd turn my head. I'd back away.
I wouldn't want to know.
He scares me so.
I want him so.
I love him so.
It is a mistake to underestimate the anti-American rottenness of the Obama's.
The only reason anyone does it because the media of record lied, re-construed, recast and covered, and etc. his malignancy.
Go Daily Mail.
It is a mistake to underestimate the anti-American rottenness of the Obama's.
The only reason anyone does is because the media of record lied, re-construed, recast and covered, and etc. his malignancy.
Go Daily Mail.
Clapper, Brennan, Jarrett, Holder, Yates, Obama -- it sounds like a convention of the worst public servants of the last 100 years.
On other hand, given their effect on down-ballot races, I say please come forward.
To quote noted pussy-grabber and manslaughter perpetrator Ted Kennedy, "The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream will never die." They'll get that Republican, just the way they got Nixon.
My bleeding heart gay stepson is convinced that if Trump is removed from office and Mike Pence becomes President, all the gays will be packed off to reeducation camps, or something Third Reichy like that. And this guy is an attorney. I also had to explain to him that Hillary, whom he doesn't particularly like either, is nowhere in the line of succession.
mockturtle said...
Chuck's 'lifelong Republican' facade has totally eroded now and his Dem-Prog self is shining through for all to see. Some of us--maybe most of us--knew all along.
Just like I know, that you are a high school dropout, laid off from your hourly job and oxy-addicted. Racist, and anti-Semitic.
I can say all of that, with exactly the same base of knowledge that supports your claiming that I am a "Dem-Prog."
Wouldn't it have been a fun experiment to see what would have happened if Bush had rented a mansion in DC and:
1. Stuck Rove/Cheney in it
2. Had a political NGO named Organizing for Action
3. Had taken donations from a bevy of mostly foreign billionaires
4. Actively paid protesters around the country
5. Teamed up with administration bureaucrat holdovers to leak title 50 and SIGINT material
6. and leaked that material to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity!
All in an effort to undermine Obama of course.
Note that nobody denies this is happening. They never deny Obama is actually doing this because it is patently obvious that it is just like the Podesta emails were never denied. To democrats these are things the people shouldn't know and the crime is that they do know it.
And as of now it is pretty clear that Bush and Obama are on the same team too so this wouldn't be necessary.
Chuck said...
Just like I know, that you are a high school dropout, laid off from your hourly job and oxy-addicted. Racist, and anti-Semitic.
I can say all of that, with exactly the same base of knowledge that supports your claiming that I am a "Dem-Prog."
That is a really poor argument. I don't think you are a lawyer anymore either.
If that was the reason, he could rent.
he is renting.
Atta girl!
Hahahaha....there isn't any husband who read that who didn't laugh out loud.
Unfortunately, you may pay a price for it. {my fist raised and head bowed in wistful solidarity}
- Krumhorn
Poor Barack. Eight years just didn't give him the time he needed to finish the country off!
As I just commented at the "No There, There" post: how long before the Obama Bunker becomes protest-central for Trump supporters?
When they start closing the streets, won't there be some kind of zoning review of the home and what it's used for?
It beggars belief that the Obamas would work to get Trump impeached...not least because helping to install a Pence administration would not serve any interest of theirs.
What looks increasingly plausible, even probable, though is that they are working to undermine and weaken Trump. It looks to me tgat Obama saw a weak hand in terms of options for his successor and decided that the least worst choice would be a weak GOP POTUS. His team then tasked with a plan came up with the idea of orchestrating a Russian hack of the DNC and a whisper campaign to pin it on Trump.
This is tabloid nonsense.
Besides, Obama has always struck me as laaaaazy. That dude doesn't want to do anything but hang out, golf, give speeches, and write that new book to rake in the cash.
This portrait of him as some kind of tireless, ideologically fanatical schemer doesn't mesh with the rest of his persona.
Besides, Obama has always struck me as laaaaazy. That dude doesn't want to do anything but hang out, golf, give speeches, and write that new book to rake in the cash.
I agree with that but it's not as though he has to be an active participant. The Obamas are now occupy the position formerly taken by the Clintons, as cash magnets. It does require hobnobbing but not much in the way of actual work. Also required is the preservation of a positive "legacy". Bill had Sandy Dox in Sox Berger doing cleanup for him, and Obama will undoubtedly have his own minions.
@Krumhorn- as a wife I found Meade's comment funny too.
On the other hand, trying to imagine any possible situation where my husband might think of suggesting that another woman should move into our home...nope, system error, does not compute.
Valerie Jarrett is said to have moved in with the Obamas . . .
and it's all leftist-style sabotage and sedition aimed toward the overthrow of the lawful government and the maintenance of power held-over from the Obama regime.
If Val did live in the WH for 8 years, why wasn't it reported? The press people in the WH knew.
@Chuck, OTOH I truly am a lifelong Republican, and I can easily spot the difference between you and a fellow Republican. There are people you can fool, but I'm not one of them.
"You will find the truth only by ripping off the scabs and letting the pus flow."
I found an STD that way too.
For at least a year or two before the election, I expressed that I would not be surprised if Obama were to act like some third-world president-for-life and refuse to give up power or even vacate the White House.
Well, he has proven himself to be doing at least 90 percent of that. The only "transition" his regime has made has been for his personal family to move out of the White House, but leaving behind an army of moles embedded in the executive branch and probably even there in the White House. All the rest he basically is trying to do.
On the other hand, trying to imagine any possible situation where my husband might think of suggesting that another woman should move into our home...nope, system error, does not compute
I get that. I'm reasonably certain Meade wasn't waving that flag. You strike me as someone who knows fully well that no instruction manual is required for the care and feeding of the male of the species. No special arrangements are required to keep most of us happy and in line.
.....just ask my girlfriend
- Krumhorn
Obama has always struck me as laaaaazy. That dude doesn't want to do anything but hang out, golf, give speeches, and write that new book to rake in the cash.
And what do you think that guys like Hugo Chavez, Nicolás Maduro, Fidel and Raul, Kim Jong-un did/do?
With all the time he has now, our community organizer will finally be able to focus on quelling the violence in the city of his presidential library...which just so happens will adjoin a golf course.
I think it's sex, too. While ValJar's title says she works for Barack, she accompanies Michelle on all of her vacations and appears to be closer to her. The two ladies are likely a couple who found a guy to get them where ValJar wanted to be. Barack doesn't care about sex with Michelle because he's gay. Look for a "personal assistant" to move in, too. One big happy foursome. I don't know for sure, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Reggie Love?
Ha Krumhorn- I guess it wasn't clear but in my comment I was just pivoting to the topic of the post, not connecting that to Meade's comment.
Michael "Fitzgerald: What an absolute disgrace Obama is. Dedicating himself to overthrow the duly elected president with some community organizin'...scumbag."
Obama did spend many formative years in a third world country.
If he wanted to help, he should withdraw from the scene, in classic ex-President style, and give other stars in his party a chance to rise.
What, though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?
That Glory never shall Trump's wrath or might
Extort from him.
I think we need more sources for this article to make anything of it. I should think both Obamas will be hard at work protecting their advances from Penguin.
Obama doesn't think that paradise is lost, only that there is an intruder.
"Besides, Obama has always struck me as laaaaazy. That dude doesn't want to do anything but hang out, golf, give speeches, and write that new book to rake in the cash."
And get elected President. Apparently not too lazy.
Ring. Ring. Hey, Obama, Aaron Burr is calling.
I should think both Obamas will be hard at work protecting their advances from Penguin.
Let's see if Bill Ayres drops out of sight for a few months.
Obama has always struck me as laaaaazy. That dude doesn't want to do anything but hang out, golf, give speeches, and write that new book to rake in the cash.
And what do you think that guys like Hugo Chavez, Nicolás Maduro, Fidel and Raul, Kim Jong-un did/do?
German Army version:
how he judged his officers: “I divide my officers into four classes as follows: The clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid. Each officer always possesses two of these qualities.
Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerves and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous.”
He didn't mention "stupid and lazy" but I thin we know who fits that description.
We can only thank God Obama was lazy.
Sorry, he did mention it.
By their own admission we have an ex President , his former political appointees and ranking members of the Democratic party ( along with some Republicans) actively plotting and working to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America by any means possible, aided and abetted by the media and upper level bureaucrats in numerous government agencies. Can you say sedition?
It's all about him, always has been, always will be. He thinks he has a "legacy" to preserve and protect, but it's in the process of being dismantled and there's very little the community organizer and his alter ego can do about it. That's the danger of governing by executive fiat, a pen and a phone, executive order and regulation. Erasing Obama may be cumbersome, but it's doable and it's being done. He shouldn't have conducted his presidency from inside an echo chamber.
It's time for Trump to declassify EVERYTHING from Obama. Every. single. thing.
And we Republicans need to fight that rotten idea.
Republicans MUST defend Obama. For reasons.
A major newspaper is accusing Obama of sedition. Might be time for a massive independent counsel investigation.
Is she paying rent? If not I would like to know if Obama will be giving her a W2 for the imputed income. A nice apartment in Kalorama DC runs at least $4000 a month.
"It's time for Trump to declassify EVERYTHING from Obama. Every. single. thing." Yes, f*ck Obama. Lets get all the dirt out there and have him twist in the wind. that disingenuous piece of sh*t.
Chuck said...
Rusty said...
"I never think 'sex' when I think of Obama"
Neither does Michelle.
You stay classy, Rusty.
Again, I ask you to do the "Flip Side" exercise. Imagine a Melania sex joke. Or, in that vein, a Melania sex-worker joke. See what I did there?
Shhh. Go ask your mom. She'll explain it to you.
I can say all of that, with exactly the same base of knowledge that supports your claiming that I am a "Dem-Prog."
Or that Russia hacked the election in support of Trump.
But nobody is calling for an investigation of the first two unprovable claims. You ARE demanding one for the last one.
Because you want to be "fair"?
Fuck that noise. The Democrats don't play fair and your continuing to desire to give them what they want is self-defeating. Do you think that if Rubio won, they'd be doing anything differently? If Cruz won, as I'd have preferred, they'd be doing this to him.
Ducking down and hoping the bear eats you last is not a solid strategy for survival. If Graham and McCain cannot figure that out, then they might be best not being in office. Id Rubio cannot, then he REALLY needs to never be President.
BREAKING NEWS: Hillary and Huma have announced that, along with Valerie J., they also will be moving in with the Obamas.
MSNBC in negotiations with all 5 over a new reality series.
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