March 14, 2017




Entering Zion National Park on March 1st.


Meade said...

I'm ready to go back.

DKWalser said...

Of the national parks you visited in Utah, which was your favorite?

Original Mike said...

Don't go to the light!!!

HT said...

Old news!

New news:

“We’ve Got Trump Tax Returns”

Ruh Roh.

sojerofgod said...

my favorite was the Time Tunnel. Got any pics of that one?

Jeff Gee said...

You didn't bring the fish eye lens??

Original Mike said...

“We’ve Got Trump Tax Returns”

No sleep tonight for Unknown/Inga.

David Begley said...

Maddow is completely unhinged. Not even good at innuendo.

sojerofgod said...

My big reaction to the big reveal:

David Begley said...

Just mailed the return to a so-called reporter.

Maddow and Chris Hayes are so, so annoying.

Original Mike said...

FoxNews is watching Rachel Maddow so we don't have to.

David Begley said...

David Cay Johnson is completely nuts. Speculating that Trump released naked photos of Mrs. Trump.

David Begley said...

News flash. Trump followed the law; unlike Obama and the Clintons.

David Begley said...

Trump paid the AMT tax. These people are nuts.

YoungHegelian said...

Isn't it wonderful when reporters hate the president so much that they'll be party not only to a felony but also the breach of the trust between citizen & IRS that their information will be kept confidential. "Well, yeah, we'll keep it confidential. As long as we like you."

I think it's time that the Trump administration start releasing confidential government information on some opposition figures. Seez how they like them apples!

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

Maddow never asked Johnson if he knows who gave him the pages from the return.


FullMoon said...

Maddow looks stupid, Trump kills the "Breaking News"

The Hill reports:
The White House on Tuesday night released some details of President Trump's income and paid taxes from 2005, as MSNBC prepared to release the information in an evening broadcast.

Trump reported $150 million in income and $38 million paid in taxes, according to a statement from the White House.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow had teased Tuesday evening that she had Trump's 1040 form from 2005. MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell tweeted, "This is the night we've been waiting for."

MSNBC alerted the White House about the information, and the White House seemed to opt to take the punch out of the report, releasing the major numbers itself shortly before the broadcast — and slamming MSNBC in the process.

“You know you are desperate for rating when you are willing to violate the law to push a story about two pages of tax returns from over a decade ago," the statement read. "Despite this substantial income figure and tax paid, it is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns. The dishonest media can continue to make this part of their agenda, while the President will focus on his, which includes tax reform that will benefit all Americans."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Right, Trump ran for President without having his taxes squared away.

But thanks for handing the Republicans another weapon.

Original Mike said...

Maddow just mocked a congressman for voting "Present".

Freeman Hunt said...

How are tax returns from 2005 even a story? Who cares?

David Begley said...

Questions remain!

Original Mike said...

It's pretty funny watching Maddow wave around a couple of pieces of paper like a scalp.

She says the MSNBC website has crashed. Now we know where Inga is.

David Begley said...

Nothing found in Al Capone's secret vault.

Original Mike said...

Over to you, Lawrence.

heyboom said...

A big nothingburger. HT hardest hit...ruh roh indeed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


rcocean said...

Trump needs to start releasing the Tax returns of the NBC - or whoever owns them - board of directors.

And of course, when I say "Trump" I really mean some mysterious, and easily deniable Trump "minion".

You think the guys who own NBC wouldn't get the message? They'd be on the phone to MSNBC in two seconds.

rcocean said...

Rachael Maddow, Kieth Olbermann, Larry O'Donnell, Chris Matthews.

Judas Priest what a bunch of freaks.

rcocean said...

How can anyone look at Rachael Maddow and say, "Hey, I what that to be the face of my network"?

The people who own MSNBC are a bunch of freaks.

Original Mike said...

DNC: The reason Trump won't release his taxes is to hide what's in them. No word on why Obama wouldn't release his birth certificate.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I still think that the real reason Trump won't release his tax returns is that they'll show him to be much less rich than he pretends to be.

I'm uninterested in Obama's birth certificate. But I am deeply interested in his college transcripts. Maybe he and Trump can arrange a swap.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

No sleep tonight for Unknown/Inga.

3/14/17, 8:17 PM

You're right. Inga and sunsong will be crying into their pillows tonight. They got so excited when they heard the announcement. They couldn't wait to come here and gloat. "Gotcha now, Trumpies!"

Alas, once again, their hopes are utterly crushed and their beloved Maddow, the manliest man on MSNBC, is now a national laughingstock.

It's so enjoyable.

David Begley said...

Theory: Trump secretly released his 2005 tax return knowing MSNBC would vastly overplay its hand and look like idiots.

Anonymous said...

"How are tax returns from 2005 even a story? Who cares?

Exactly, it's not a story. It's a distraction probably came straight from the Trump himself. Let's see the rest of the 2005 return and the rest of the years.

Anonymous said...

Why is Breitbart trying to throw Ryan under the bus? Is he pissed that Trump is siding with Ryan on TrumpCare?

rcocean said...

"Inga and sunsong will be crying into their pillows tonight."

Both of them are dreaming of licking Rachael Maddow's beautiful, powerful, anti-trump, cunt.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

John henry said...

Someone elsewhere pointed out that in the early 90s Trump had lost enough money that he had a $900mm tax loss carry forward.

Somehow, in the intervening dozen or so years, he managed to make enough money to not only use up the entire $900mm but also to earn $138mm in taxable income.

That is a pretty savvy businessman to come back from so far in the hole to so good an income in just a dozen years.

Well done, President Trump.

John Henry

rcocean said...

Inga has always been attracted to Rachael Maddow's beautiful Cunt. Dreaming and wondering how great it would be.

Its a liberal thing. Its why MSNBC hired her, and gave her those glasses.

John henry said...

I wonder if President Trump planned this?

1) 2005 tax returns. Who care?

2) He looks pretty good paying a significant percentage on a significant income. I am surprised how much he reported. I figured he would use all the typical real estate tricks to show a "loss" or only a small income. I think I said here a while back that he would have in the range of $10-20mm. Boy, was I off!

3) He now has the best excuse in the world to go in and clean house at the IRS. Somebody did something illegal in releasing the taxes. What more excuse does he need to fire everyone and rewrite/simplify the tax code? He will be able to stir up some really righteous anger if he chooses.

4) Maddow/MSNBC look even stupider than usual.

5) I expect that this will shut up the clamor for his tax returns. Maybe not. It will continue but at a lower level. Then his 2014 returns will come out showing him making even more money and paying an even higher rate.

6) Does this finally prove once and for all that there is no Russian connection? Everyone said that the tax returns would prove that. Never said how, only that they would. So did they?

Well played, Mr Trump. Very well played.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Original Mike said...

DNC: The reason Trump won't release his taxes is to hide what's in them. No word on why Obama wouldn't release his birth certificate.

Obama did release the birth certificate last week. It shows a Kenyan birth.

Well, not ex-president Barrack Obama. His Kenyan half-brother released a BC showing Barrack born in Mombasa.

I'm sticking with the born in HI until I see something more.

John Henry

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

They all suspected that he sent the the 2005 taxes to the reporter himself. No one was fooled. It was a typical distraction ahead of what may be coming soon. It was theme of first thing that was mentioned on the Maddow show. And the 2005 1040 was only two pages long? Oh please, lol. Where is the rest of it?

John henry said...

Question for one of the lawyers here:

I agree that MSNBC can't be pre-emptively prevented from publishing an illegally obtained document. that came out of the Pentagon Papers

But can they be fined, sued, arrested otherwise punished for publishing illegally obtained documents?

I would think so but Maddow says no.

John Henry

Anonymous said...

"5) I expect that this will shut up the clamor for his tax returns. Maybe not. It will continue but at a lower level. Then his 2014 returns will come out showing him making even more money and paying an even higher rate."

6) Does this finally prove once and for all that there is no Russian connection? Everyone said that the tax returns would prove that. Never said how, only that they would. So did they?"

You've got to be kidding.

FullMoon said...

Rumor now is taxes are stamped "client copy". Naturally, speculation is President trolled MSNBC.

FullMoon said...

Breaking news: Maddow discloses location of Amelia Airheart plane.

Anonymous said...

Here's the real story, the tax distraction didn't work.

(CNN)Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said Tuesday that FBI Director James Comey promised to tell him Wednesday whether the FBI is investigating ties between Russia and the campaign of President Donald Trump.I

The Rhode Island Democrat said that Comey made the promise in a March 2 meeting with him and Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina.

According to Whitehouse, Comey assured them he would confirm if an investigation exists "and the scope of their Russia/Trump investigation because he had not been able to at that point say that there was one."

Whitehouse and Graham both asked the Justice Department last week to provide any evidence that would support Trump's claims that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. The two are leading one of three Congressional investigations into Russia's interference in the US elections."

Drago said...

More Breaking News: Trump lists Putin as a dependent on tax forms MSNBC does NOT have, however 2 guys who look totally reputable hanging around some bar claim to have seen it!

For Realz.

Tune in to Maddow tomorrow night for the yuuuuge reveal!

Move over Geraldo! Maddow comin' thru!!!

Drago said...

Unknown: "Here's the real story, the tax distraction didn't work."

I'm tellin' ya, there's a pony in there! Seriously. A beautiful beautiful pony...

Drago said...

MSNBC BREAKING NEWS: Another Al Capone Vault located!

Anonymous said...

Trump must be pretty desperate to pull a stunt like this tax fiasco. No was has been distracted.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Unknown said..."They all suspected that he sent the the 2005 taxes to the reporter himself. No one was fooled."

Bullshit. I watched 45 minutes of the program.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of those times he called radio shows pretending to be his own publicist, "John Baron". What a freak.

heyboom said...

Trump must be pretty desperate to pull a stunt like this tax fiasco.

Sure, the desperate one isn't Maddow who eagerly released it to great fanfare, right? Or you, already with the new talking point that Trump leaked it himself?

Mark said...

So where is the evidence to support that crazy claim of a deep state, shadow government conspiracy of government employees engaging in sabotage and subterfuge as part of an effective coup?

Here is it, exhibit no. 231, elements within the IRS, which already engaged in political activities against organizations opposed to the Obama regime, now violating taxpayer privacy and illegally divulging tax returns.

Anonymous said...

On the Rachel Maddow Show yesterday evening, Johnston speculated that Trump himself might have sent him the 2005 tax documents anonymously via mail — since that year’s return at least shows the former casino mogul paying some taxes, following his final big score as an actual real estate developer. It wouldn’t be the first time that Trump had attempted to manipulate the media from behind a screen of anonymity.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Unknown said..."No, they did mention that the tax forms could've come from Trump himself. You didn't listen very well. It was one of the first things the reporter said. Why lie about it?"

I didn't see the first 15 minutes. They certainly didn't return to this idea. There was a lot of talk about not knowing where they came from.

FullMoon said...

Unknown said...
It wouldn’t be the first time that Trump had attempted to manipulate the media from behind a screen of anonymity.

Haha, and they(and you) fall for it every time. Sad

FullMoon said...

Breaking: Maddow identifies Zodiac Killer.

heyboom said...

There was a lot of talk about not knowing where they came from.

And yet they still eagerly and breathlessly announced that they had them and were going to reveal them to the world without any apparent vetting of what they had.

But again, Trump is the desperate one!

Anonymous said...

"Haha, and they(and you) fall for it every time. Sad"

Nope, not me. I thought it was a Trump stunt the minute I heard about it.

Anonymous said...

"Johnston speculated that Trump himself might have sent him the 2005 tax documents anonymously via mail ..."

Ken B said...

Is this a cafe? Maddow lied. She said returns plural. Plural, she had one.

One that Trump released long ago and was reported on by the WSJ last year.

But the real point is she lied, straight up.

Anonymous said...

Much more interesting.

"(CNN)Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said Tuesday that FBI Director James Comey promised to tell him Wednesday whether the FBI is investigating ties between Russia and the campaign of President Donald Trump."

Ken B said...

Stage 1 "This will kill Trump!"
Stage 2 "See? see?"
Stage 3 "It's a Trump dirty trick!"

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Does Rachel Maddow ever change clothes? I don't watch her often but it's weird that she always seems to wear the same drab costume.

Drago said...

Straightforward from here:

1) obtain Trump tax returns
2) connect make-believe Russian-Trump dots
3) impeach Trump and Pence
4) Ryan vs Hillary
5) President Hillary!


Drago said...

Admiral "Rachel" Ackbar: "It's a trap!"

Drago said...

Unknown: "Johnston speculated that Trump himself might have sent him the 2005 tax documents anonymously via mail ..."

Impeach now!

Johnston is like a Human Lie Detector!

Yancey Ward said...

2005, huh? Did Trump deduct pussy grabbing expenses?

I am sure he is wrong, but Begley above makes a good point- this so undermines the narrative the media has been trying to create that the most likely thing that happened is that Trump leaked the pages himself to MSNBC.

I am guessing that Trump has simply sat back and waited for the documents to slowly leak out, then undercut them by releasing the only real details anyone other than hard-core Trump haters are going to care about- how much he made and how much he paid in taxes. Just wait, at some point intervening years are going to leak out, and will likely show the exact same thing- about a 25% overall tax rate in the years he made money at all.

YoungHegelian said...

Unknown: "Johnston speculated that Trump himself might have sent him the 2005 tax documents anonymously via mail ..."

Of course, the MSNBC would suggest that the return came from Trump himself. That way they're not too obviously party to a felony.

jaydub said...

Anyone who thinks the IRS under Obama - weaponized as it was and led by Democrat political hacks and operated by Democrat loyalists posing as civil servants - would allow Trump any leeway whatsoever on tax law or sit on fraudulently filed tax returns from Trump is as loony as Inga. Trump HAS to be as pure as Caesar's wife regarding taxes, as does any other Republican presidential candidate; so none of the demands for Trump's tax returns have ever risen above the level of a campaign ploy hoping to find some legitimate tax deduction that could be spun to fire up the base.

Caroline said...

RE: jaydub above:


There is no curiosity regarding the Clintons and their "charitable" foundation, but instead the Dems and their media stooges choose to obsess over the tax returns of a man who has probably been audited more times than any other American. The idea that there is something illegal in his returns in another left-wing fantasy. They go after Trump simply because he ran as a Republican, and they are fueled by hating Republicans. If Trump were a Democrat he would be a god to them.

Caroline said...

If the leftist media claim that Trump himself released the tax docs are true, then they were all pretty freaking stupid to run with them, weren't they? If Trump is as unhinged as they say, how is it that the media always ends up looking like a bunch of morons? Which is it idiots: is he an unhinged lunatic or a brilliant, devious mastermind that can beat you every time? Or maybe we are to believe Trump is an unhinged brilliant mastermind? (If so, then the left is truly screwed.)

The thing is, if Trump haters really believed he was as unhinged and incompetent as they say he is, they would sit back and let him screw up and either get impeached or voted out. But in reality what's eating at their reptile brains is the fear that he will actually do a better job than their hero Obama.

They need to face the fact that they're not winning. They're only solidifying Trump's base and helping him gain support from people who are fed-up and repelled by the unabashed ugliness of their hatred of Republicans; a hatred that is prone to violent, illegal, and under-handed tactics-- such tactics as were never seen from right-wing Obama opponents. As an example, comparing a Tea party rally with a typical leftist "protest" is like comparing a picnic with a riot.

Caroline said...

RE: comment above: First sentence should be "is true" not "are true".

Triangle Man said...

Nice! Pictures of tunnels. Metaphorical pornography.

Jaq said...

It wouldn’t be the first time that Trump had attempted to manipulate the media from behind a screen of anonymity.

Who could have believed a stunt like that! We have never seen a POTUS use anonymous leaks before to "manipulate" the media. Not once! What fresh Hell is this?

Jaq said...

With a handle like "triangle man" I can see where you were going with that.

Jaq said...

The reason is that British intelligence had access to NSA surveillance data – which captures every phone call in the United States – and were able to provide such intelligence to President Obama without a FISA court warrant or any other paper trail that would expose an American intelligence agency that used the same NSA data.

I know a lot more about this than I will share here, but since the advent of Voice Over IP, (VOIP) "recording" phone conversations became child's play, and since the advent of cheap and massive storage, you can keep lots and lots of phone conversations in huge warehouses, and paw through them at will.

A VOIP call is nothing but an mp3 broken into packets and sent in a stream, like Spotify or Pandora, you can use freely available software like Wireshark to pick them out of the other traffic, reassemble them, and play them back if you have access to the data. Economics killed the idea of dedicating a pair of wires to a phone call after it leaves your house. Trump Towers is probably VOIP through and through.

So far I haven't seen any leaks that wouldn't have resulted from intercepts of Russian diplomats, and I think that the real scandal was selective leaks used to smear Trump when there is no evidence to support any of it.

The first news story on this came from an employee of an ISP, who called himself Tea Leaves, who should have been fired for trolling through DNS logs searching on the name "Trump" and gave them to the press with a bullshit conspiracy theory that was catnip to the Trump hating press and the likes of our Unknown Troll.

Jaq said...

The part about recording every call in the US is probably bullshit, for now. Maybe the can make a record of who called whom, or when you move your cell phone between areas, or turn it on in a new city. International calls between parties of interest, certainly. Type a command.

Jaq said...

Remember last month when the "reality-based community" assured us that Trump had paid no taxes in twenty years? Good times, good times...

Triangle Man said...

If you need me, I will be in my totally private locked office.

rhhardin said...

``I recognize a recurrence of my childhood love of tunnels.'' (Genet, Funeral Rites, cited in Derrida _Glas_ p.108)

Fernandinande said...

Sometimes a tunnel is just a cigar.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

democrat fake news perfumers always have "experts".

tcrosse said...

Reminds me of my colonoscopy (except for the prep)

Jaq said...

Do restaurant kitchens count as offices? Asking for a friend...

lonetown said...

Between the tunnels and the arches, I'm beginning to think your trip has some overarching theme. I hope Meade is paying attention.

FullMoon said...

Unknown said...

"Haha, and they(and you) fall for it every time. Sad"

Nope, not me. I thought it was a Trump stunt the minute I heard about it.

Of course you did! That is why you immediately made a comment to that effect, hahahaha.
When it is disclosed that Trump did not actually do it, you will be here saying you were only kidding.

Triangle Man said...


I'm not an expert in the matter of restaurant kitchen classification, but if I learned one thing from "Happy Days" it is that a public restroom is indeed an office.

Clyde said...

MSNBC: The MSM short bus.

n.n said...

From twilight to dawn.

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