March 5, 2017

Today in Death Valley, we walked up Titus Canyon.

I'm not going to describe how windy it was. I'm just going to say: Look at the wiener dog's ears:


Eventually, the canyon walls had the effect of blocking the wind (as opposed to being a wind tunnel)...


And Meade put up with my slow walking camera wielding...


He sweetly amused me by handing me rocks he thought I'd particularly enjoy. Like this...


... and this tiny pseudo-petroglyphic heart....


... which I left in Titus Canyon.


Etienne said...

Those photo's remind me of the film "The Big Country" where Henry Terrill and Rufus Hannassey killed each other with long rifles, as James McKay made love to Julie Maragon with his eyes.

That dog looks confused...

Wince said...

"Today in Death Valley, we walked up Titus Canyon."

I hope you wore a condom.

Wince said...

Knew I recognized that dog from somewhere.

rcocean said...

Poor Weiner dog. I assume he didn't walk very far.

wild chicken said...

Our 'cabin' was in the high desert. Meh...But there were pretty rocks everywhere on the ground amethyst and quartz and fool's gold. That part was nice.

rcocean said...

Hope you went into some Lead mines. Sounds like "fun":

The ghost town of Leadfield "boomed" for less than a year in 1926-27 because the lead deposits bottomed out quickly. All that is left today are a few shacks and a number of mines. Many of the mines are open, but enter at your own risk. Loose rocks, rotten timbers, unexpected vertical shafts, and animals seeking shelter are potential hazards.

traditionalguy said...

I suppose identifying Geology Lab samples is an intellectual challenge of a sort. It takes your mind off big ideas and grounds golf in Spring.

rcocean said...

BTW, if Althouse's post leads you to wanting to buy some rocks, please use the Althouse Amazon portal.

Amazon has a nice collection of rocks for sale.

Thank you.

Curious George said...

"and this tiny pseudo-petroglyphic heart...."

Looks like Ohio to me. Maybe he was try to say he'd rather be in Cincy....

TA said...

Nice trip, If you have time, Zabriskie Pt. at sunrise is often pretty spectacular.

JohnAnnArbor said...

rcocean, do the rocks have reviews?

madAsHell said...

Titus pass??


rcocean said...

"rcocean, do the rocks have reviews?"

Yes indeed. Mostly 4 or 5 star reviews.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Re: the top pic.
Wolves are kind of runty in Death Valley, must be from the heat. The animal doesn't look starved.
When they pack, I suppose that they are dangerous.

Etienne said...
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Big Mike said...

Well that tears it. You can't get to Racetrack Playa from Titus Canyon without going back east and looping around and Google says Scotty's castle is closed.

le Douanier said...

I'm surprised that they let gals* into Titus canyon w/o a manicure.

*and guys

le Douanier said...

If the Rs try to impeach him, maybe DJT will threaten to launch nukes at somewhere (doesn't matter where) if they don't backdown. He'd be like, dudes (and few gals) I got this football that's connected to folks/systems that operate automatically, regardless of how much in the mud I may be. I.e., you are in a weak bargaining position.

That would just be good deal making, DJT would be stupid to not take advantage of an advantage. And, he's too smart for that. The art of the deal.


OTOH, the Rs could negotiate an arrangement where they have some sorta retirement thing like the last Pope and there are all sorts of honors and a parade w/ missiles, and they'd transfer a hundred billion dollars to DJT to pay him off: win-win.

Michael K said...

Very interesting speculation about a possible Clinton Foundation investigation.

Maybe the gloves will come off now.

Rutledge is one of two state attorneys general in the country who have undisputed standing to investigate the Clinton Foundation. The other state is New York, but their thoroughly politicized Democrat attorney general would never lift a hand against the Clintons, no matter how outrageous their corruption. Both A.G.s have standing by virtue of the physical location of Clinton Foundation offices within their borders.

Rutledge could do a great service for both her own considerable political ambitions and the Trump administration by accepting the Trump's Justice Department's help on the hot-potato investigation and prosecution of Clinton Foundation corruption. Trump could quietly lend Rutledge's own limited investigatory resources the far greater capabilities of federal agencies to build a lock-tight racketeering case against the Clintons and then quietly fade from the scene before Rutledge (soon to become the world's most famous state attorney general and a household name) announces the indictments.

Hmmm. Maybe that wiretap was not a good idea.

Fred Drinkwater said...

You left the rock in the canyon? (Well, I suppose that's proper, it being a park and all...) But I'm always coming home with zip-loc bags of rock samples; I'd be pissed if my wife left them behind.
I recommend John McPhee's various geology-oriented books, particularly Rising From the Plains and The Control of Nature. The first of these starts with my favorite opening passage of any book.

Anonymous said...

Professor - a bit too late to be mentioning it (and maybe it has been mentioned), but are you familiar with the Roadside Geology series? Invaluable for road-trippin' across the western (and not so western) U.S., if you have any interest in geology and understanding what you're looking it. We've used 'em and loved 'em for years. (The locally appropriate volumes are sold in Park bookstores, ime.)

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Poor Weiner dog. I assume he didn't walk very far."

My wiener will walk four miles with aplomb. They're tough little bastards. But, yeah, a wiener in Titus canyon? Seems a bit of a stretch..

Fred Drinkwater said...

I second the recommendation for the Roadside Geology collection.

Fred Drinkwater said...

McPhee's books are full of gems of useful knowledge. For instance, from Cooling the Lava, one learns the Icelandic phrase "Pissa a hraunid".
"Hraunid" means "lava".

Paul, Bonnie and Henri said...

Both of those rocks are "Leaverrite"

Mark Nielsen said...

Well, technically, any rock in a national park is "leaverrite" (leaver 'er right where you found 'er). But sometimes that can be pretty tough. On our last family trip to Badlands we found several great fossil specimens, including a great skull fragment showing a suture line. We obediently just marked the locations with our GPS and reported them to the rangers. But I still think longingly on those rocks sometimes.

Ann Althouse said...

1. The dachshund was happy, doing fine, and got way out ahead of me. I did a 2 mile out and back. Could have gone farther, just had other stuff to do.

2. I left the rock because it is my understanding that you are not supposed to take anything from a national park.

Earnest Prole said...

Twenty-five annual trips to Death Valley with my children produced a pile of beautiful rocks in my living-room window, but now the children are grown I'm tempted to perform a repatriation.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Yeah, I should clarify my rock-hounding: I don't remove samples from parks or other restricted areas. There's plenty of exposed rock in unrestricted areas. Don't be evil.

The Godfather said...

@Althouse: Your dachshund (we never say "wienerdog") looks identical to mine. They're an undaunted -- indeed, undauntable -- breed.

Paul said...

You guys do know what the words.. 'Flash Flood' mean, right?

Portlandmermaid said...

I love Titus Canyon, the Devil's Racetrack, Zabrieskie Point for stargazing, Dante's Inferno for a panoramic view of the valley, and Scotty's Castle for the tours: upper and lower.

walter said...

Dogs seek out the wind-tunnel effect. A wiener dog has difficulty extending out a car window.
"And it seems to me..that you lived your a wiener in the wind.."
Hey..where is Titus?

Ann Althouse said...

It's not our dog, of course. We don't have a dog. Back home, we borrow a dog.

Unknown said...
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Lewis Wetzel said...

Tweets from alternate universe Donald Trump:
Parents, remember to keep the vaccinations of your little ones up to date!Government programs may provide free vaccinations if you can't afford a doctor!

Let's keep working to keep our economy on a better, stronger course! Smile!

Had a taco bowl at Trump tower for lunch! I love Mexican immigrants!

Senate leaders should put the common good above politics—the integrity of our nation's highest court depends on it.

There's still more work to do, but let's celebrate how far we've come. MAGA!

rhhardin said...

What's this about marines having a naked female marine photo sharing pool.

It's a good sign. Consciousness raising efforts haven't ruined the marines completely yet.

You could prevent it by only recruiting senior citizen males. They don't think about sex all day.

rhhardin said...

We don't have a dog.

Alternative pleading.

My dog doesn't bite.

That's not my dog.

Laslo Spatula said...

From the Fauxhaus Blog:

Claims of Model Abuse and Racist Casting Roil Fashion Week

The headline begins with Claims of Model Abuse, which seems to primarily consist of the models having to wait in a stairwell for three hours: those hoping for whips and chains will need to look elsewhere. Fashion Models already seem to live within an S&M relationship, forced by Masters to starve to stay skinny and wear uncomfortable clothing, so I am not that concerned with petty games of control in that World. After all, their audience is also engaged in that same S&M relationship, allowing themselves to be forced to accept whatever the new Fashion Trend may be -- if they cannot figure out their 'Safe Word' that is their problem, not mine...

No, it is the Racist Casting that seems to be the Heat that is causing the Headline's Roiling.

"He also accused the fashion house Lanvin of specifically requesting not “to be presented with women of color,” which he said he had been told by “several agents.”"

Which asks the question: can there be Diversity in the narrow constraints of Fashion? When White is the New Black do we worry about what now happens to Black...?

Fashion may be about many things, but color is a primary one: the Designer's palette typically sets the tone for the New Line. Does not this use of choosing color extend to the skin color that is next to the clothing? Is it acceptable to argue that some colors look better against certain shades of skin? Deep Blue against Dark Black, Muted Yellow against Pale White: is this not an artist choosing the background composition to best support his or her foreground? Are we concerned that when Bob Ross painted 'happy little trees' they were inevitably green?

Time for a poll. What best encapsulates your feelings about the possibility of racism on the runway?

1. Racism is wrong, whether it is on the sidewalk or the catwalk.

2, Like I give a damn about the Fashion World. It is a Tempest in an overpriced teapot.

3. The Designers are Artists, and should be free to present their art however they see fit.

4. Fashion Models are people, too. If you are concerned about the surface color then use a mannequin.

5. I am only interested in High Fashion when the Models wear See-Thru Clothing.

I am Laslo.

Sarah Rolph said...

We love Death Valley and our favorite walk is Mosaic Canyon. If you're still there, check it out! It's near Stovepipe Wells.

Rusty said...

EDH said...
"Today in Death Valley, we walked up Titus Canyon."

"I hope you wore a condom."

That's a thread winner right there.

Hagar said...

I think I read somewhere that the deepest dry point on earth is somwhere on the back side of the Himalayas.

Hagar said...

Dachs is German for badger and dachshunds are bred to go after badgers in their burrows and kill them. Being killer dogs, they will also kill anything else that moves, especially if found on "their" property, even up to horses, which they kill by hamstringing them so that they bleed to death. That is, if they are any good as dachshunds.

Fabi said...

I didn't even know Death Valley was in Wisconsin.

Big Mike said...

@Laslo, answer #5 has to be wrong -- the average Parisian model would need silicon implants to get up to an A cup. Therefore the correct answer is #2.

Bob Boyd said...

The first rock has a tiny, unoccupied, pseudo-petroglyphic, bikini top. It's red and white, down near the bottom corner.

Michael K said...

"they will also kill anything else that moves, especially if found on "their" property,"

Basset hounds were bred to hunt rabbits but Juliet, my basset hound, ignores rabbits. Last night on our walk, a rabbit ran right across the road in front of us. She whined and made some "I'd like to chase that rabbit" noises but quickly lost interest. Bassets are lovers, not fighters.

rhhardin said...

A neighbor's basset hound was chasing a rabbit through the fields and neighborhood for a half hour or so years ago. Every now and then the dog would lose the track but pick it up again, and you'd see rabbit and dog running by every so often.

I was squatting in my yard working on a scythe and the rabbit ran under me and stopped, seeing perhaps a last kind of protection. The dog completely lost the track then. The rabbit hung around under me for a while until it seemed clear and then left.

rhhardin said...

My copy of Sara Hottinger "Inventing the Mathematician: Gender, Race, and Our Cultural Understanding of Mathematics" arrives today.

Whether it's up there with Carol Addams's "The Sexual Politics of Meat" is still open.

The latter, bought long ago for amusement, turned out to be a serious classic on the left. You never know about underestimation these days.

Tom C said...

That kinda looks like Fall Canyon, since there are no obvious car tracks.
Beautiful part of the world!

Birches said...

Thank you for the travel updates and beautiful pictures. I never knew Death Valley was so dramatic. I thought it more a flat, dust bowl, wasteland.

Unknown said...

Is Titus a neighbor dog?

Bill said...

Death Valley is my favorite place on earth. And my favorite unearthly thing to do in Death Valley is to walk out on the salt flat at Badwater under a full moon in summer. Even though he air temperature is 90 or higher, the salt underfoot crunches like ice, and resembles a glowing ice field. You might be on another planet.

Quaestor said...

That big rock is porphyry. It's a shame you must leave it because polished up they are quite handsome. That sulphury yellow color makes me suspect what you're handling is low-grade gold ore, one would need a microscope to see the tiny granules of gold that would confirm its presence.

chickelit said...

It's pretty sad that Titus left Althouse high and dry after she so obviously made this post for him. It reminded me of the time years ago when he stood her up in Madison, link showing up too late.

Perhaps Titus has gone the way of bissage. Sad.

Bob Boyd said...

"Is Titus a neighbor dog?"

Titus is an unfailingly entertaining commenter here.

chickelit said...

Titus despised Bushy-wushy and loved Obama-wama.

What is Titus's wide stance on Trumpy-wumpy?

chickelit said...

Bob Boyd claims: Titus is an unfailingly entertaining commenter here.

I submit that Laslo long ago outdid anything that Titus ever did. We should celebrate the here and now instead of the past.

Bob Boyd said...

Laslo outdoes us all.
I haven't given up on Titus though. Didn't he comment the other day? I think he did.
Could be he just hasn't seen this post yet. Maybe he's at the gym taking shirtless selfies.

FullMoon said...
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Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I see a Templar Cross on the smaller rock and surmise you might be close to the Oak Island treasure.

Yancey Ward said...

Been in Titus Canyon, too. Your photos are making me want to go back so I can spend more time, Ann. I had to cram all my hiking into a day and a half when I was there in 2002- I was on a business trip to San Diego that I had extended my stay an extra two days by leaving out early for a weekend in Death Valley.

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