March 12, 2017

“The influx has been too much. The borders should close. If this continues, our culture will cease to exist.”

Says a resident of Amsterdam, quoted in "Anti-immigrant anger threatens to remake the liberal Netherlands" (in WaPo).
In interviews across the Netherlands in recent days, far-right voters expressed stridently nationalist, anti-immigrant views that were long considered fringe but that have now entered the Dutch mainstream.

Voters young and old, rich and poor, urban and rural said they would back the Geert Wilders-led Freedom Party — no longer the preserve of the “left-behinds” — which promises to solve the country’s problems by shutting borders, closing mosques and helping to dismantle the European Union.


Michael K said...

They are about 40 years late.

Laslo Spatula said...

So many countries have weeping sores that will never heal.

If Sweden, the Netherlands -- even France and Britain -- closed their borders now they have imported a culture inside that will -- for the most part -- never fully assimilate.

If Israel were to shut its borders it still has a sizable Arab population inside that will never fully assimilate.

In the US the first weeping sore is the result of Slavery, and that -- no matter what is done -- some blacks will never fully assimilate into the 'Parent' culture.

Now we have added undocumented Mexicans to the list, of which many do not wish to assimilate.

The question is if the weeping sores will lead to necrosis.

I am Laslo.

Tarrou said...

Imagine, if the hyper-liberals had just had their immigration at a slower pace, or from more peaceful areas like asia, this could have been prevented. When the new nationalism now ascendant takes power, you can safely blame those shitlibs who chose to victimize their countrymen and attempted to end western civilization. Scandinavia reformed their worst socialist mistakes, and were well on their way to sustainable, progressive avatar-hood. Then they decided what they really needed for ultimate progress was a pack of seventh-century revanchist murderers and rapists. Because nothing says liberal values like a literal patriarchal theocracy.

TL:DR - Shitlibs are too stupid to breathe.

Curious George said...

Too late. For them. And the rest of Europe. It will all be Eurabia soon.

Laslo Spatula said...

Okay, okay. I'll go back to talking about Black Monster Cocks.

I am Laslo.

gilbar said...

What does Pony Tail girl on a treadmill think about weeping sores?

Virgil Hilts said...

I have wife/several sisters/multiple daughters. If I don't want the culture they live in to become less friendly thru the intro of young men from cultures that think these same women are worthy of being assaulted due to their beliefs and manner of dress, who would treat them with w/ little more regard than cattle, then the progressive left wants to label me as stridently nationalist, anti-immigrant, racist or some other BS.
Well screw them. Cultures are and have never been equal. Keep pretending that they are and look forward to more Trumps (as Europe is about to get).

wendybar said...

Let's bring that here!!! We don't need no stinking Vetting!!!

Bob Boyd said...

So typical. It's the reaction to the wave that will remake the Netherlands, not the wave itself.

Anonymous said...

Tarrou: Imagine, if the hyper-liberals had just had their immigration at a slower pace, or from more peaceful areas like asia, this could have been prevented. When the new nationalism now ascendant takes power, you can safely blame those shitlibs who chose to victimize their countrymen and attempted to end western civilization.

Oh, the shitlibs will continue blaming it all on "the extreme right wing", "nazis", etc., and they will go to their graves doing so. You don't expect any honest introspection from these people, do you? Prudent policies, based on common sense about human nature, and taking easily foreseeable problems into account? It's not the shitlib way. It's gone like this:

1) They'll assimilate; you're a racist if you say otherwise.

2) They're not assimilating, but it's because you're a racist.

3) It's racist to expect them to give up their culture and assimilate.

4) You have to give up your culture and assimilate to them, and you're a racist if you have a problem with that. (I'm not making this up. Sweden actually puts out government propaganda ads demanding just that.)

Guess we're entering stage 5, where no doubt a good time will be had by all. Thanks shitlibs!

Anonymous said...

Note also that the underlying assumption of the article (as always) is that the anger of Europeans toward watching their cultures being destroyed is irrational. The real problem, the real source of their dismay, is something else, somewhere else, nothing to do with the "scapegoated" immigrants or refugees, something that only "informed elites" seem to understand. The anger of the voters is illegitimate, period.

William said...

Before Nasser took power,there were a significant number of Italians, Greeks, and Maltese that lived in Egypt. Their families had lived there since before the Romans. They had no place in Nasser's Egypt. They're now all gone. The Coptics in Egypt were there before the Muslims. Half of them are now gone, and the rest are looking to emigrate. Why are western cultures the only ones that are enriched by diversity? Other cultures always seem to be seeking stability by enforcing religious and ethnic homogeneity, and they do this without one word of protest from the pro diversity crowd........The boat people from Vietnam were mostly ethnic Chinese. I don't recall anyone on the left criticizing the Vietnamese Communists for their bigotry......Obama's other grandmother was a Luo. The Luo are a minority tribe in Kenya. They have been subjected to several massacres. Many of them now live in resettlement camps where the women are frequently raped by the so called guards of those camps. I don't recall Obama speaking out forcefully about the ill treatment his Luo people have received at the hands of the majority Kikuyu group.......Yankee go home and take us with you.

chickelit said...

Europeans did themselves in with plummeting birthrates. They needed extra bodies to prop up their 35 hour work weeks and months-long paid vacations. Their demise is almost a mathematical certainty.

Marc in Eugene said...

Note the current scandal in the Netherlands caused by Turkish ministers Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya (family affairs) and Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu (foreign affairs): they were prevented from (in effect) campaigning in the Netherlands for Mr Erdoğan's referendum next month-- campaigning amongst the thousands of Turks there who none the less continue to participate in Turkey's politics. Anyone want to guess why the Dutch government has elected to do the 'hard-line' thing just now?

Paco Wové said...

"So typical. It's the reaction to the wave that will remake the Netherlands, not the wave itself."

Your reaction to my divisive actions is divisive.
Your reaction to my radical changes is radical.
Stop it, you bad person.

Luke Lea said...

Maybe the word "Islamophobia" needs to be de-stigmatized? Rather than standing for something irrational it should stand for a perfectly rational fear that the tenets of Islam are incompatible with the liberal institutions at the heart of modern Western civilization. There could still be opponents of Islamophobia, of course, but they should be forced to argue on rational grounds, not with the dismissive language of vilification. Just a thought.

Fernandinande said...

In interviews across the Netherlands in recent days, far-right voters expressed stridently nationalist, anti-immigrant views that were long considered fringe but that have now entered the Dutch mainstream.

Those strident people could NOT have had any foresight because they're naughty and stupid.

gspencer said...

Call me an Islam-realist. All of this is the future of all Western countries where Muslims are allowed in who then proceed to set up their parallel societies with their ready-made system of law & polity (the Shariah).

Just step back and see what these Turkish Muslims (those living in Holland fired up by political leaders directly from Turkey!) are doing here. They are coming to a foreign (to them) country to campaign for an issue back in the “home” country, that issue being the further strengthening of a Muslim “president”-cum-dictator who in time will assert more and more authority over Western countries.

Are we nuts? Probably not. Rather our “leaders” (& not just Merkel) are betraying us. Intentionally. Though we are nuts to continue to tolerate these “leaders.”

Bruce Hayden said...

@Laslo - I think that many/most Hispanics assimilate just fine. We currently live in a brand new subdivision that is heavily Hispanic. Met our next door neighbor last week and her brother. Both are delightful. Assimilated enough that their English is extremely good, but with an Hispanic lilt. Which makes me think that they had Spanish spoken in their home growing up, but mostly speak English these days. Brother is back living with their parents a couple miles away after a divorce in Dallas. One of the interesting things has been the number of people at the door or just dropping off advertising for most anything useful for a new house - landscaping in particular, but also painting, carpentry, concrete work, etc. one Black, and the rest Hispanic. A lot more hustle than I have ever seen before. Think though that we will use our next door neighbor's brother, who has been laying pavers on the side and back of her house after work. He does excellent, careful work.

I grew up with the stereotype of the lazy Mexican. But this was destroyed when I worked at a brick yard in Boulder, CO a bit over 40 years ago. Back breaking work that the CU students couldn't do - they wouldn't last a week before quitting. You would have maybe 5 of us stacking wet bricks coming out of the pug mill, and all of a sudden, two of the young guys would start a race to see who could stack the most bricks. That would be effectively a 5-10 minute break for the rest of us. Then we would all work for another 15-20 minutes, before the next competition. We never knew for sure whether they were legal or not, but the yard would shut down production every winter, they would all go home to Mexico, live like kings, and then they showed up the next spring. Working there was the first time that I ever saw the joy so many of them have in life. And, I saw the same joy in the neighbors I met last week.

I actually think that the bulk of Hispanics assimilate fairly well, learn English, adopt tomost of our culture, and fit in decently well (and we pick up some of theirs as this happens). I have been told that there are places, esp in S CA, where this is not happening. My guess is that it is a question of critical mass - after a certain point, people can live comfortably in their old cultures without assimilating. Which is one reason I support enforcing our immigration laws. Still, I would far prefer to deal with Hispanic assimilation than Muslim assimilation, esp from the more fundamentalist type. The Hispanics are mostly Roman Catholic, which is no more incompatible with the (mostly) Protestant founding of this country than the Roman Catholicism of the Irish and Italians before them. If my partner were still capable of sitting in the hard pews, she would probably be attending a nearby Catholic Church that had a majority Hispanic membership, some services in Spanish, but more in English, not significantly different than the Catholicism that she grew up with. As I have said before here - I would far prefer having our Hispanic immigration problem than Europe's Muslim one. Far prefer.

buwaya said...

All the trends that were ignored can no longer be ignored. Its getting serious even in places with large margins of error like the Netherlands.

And good point about Egypt. It was once a cosmopolitan place, or some of its cities were. Lawrence Durrell could not plausibly have set his "Alexandria Quartet" in modern Egypt.

This process has happened in all sorts of former colonies or ex-imperial lands. In earlier ages nationalism was a wild European-romantic idea, and in entrepots were a mix of peoples, who largely maintained separate identities, or when mixed formed new ones. But ethnic nationalism became popular, in various flavors.

You will find that Egyptian-style of forced uniformity anywhere in East Asia. Its interesting to compare the ethnic situation in 1939, say, versus today. Hong Kong used to have a powerful Parsi commercial community - gone. Manila used to be @10%-30% white or foreign or foreign-derived - Europeans, Americans, and native residents/mestizos, Indians, Latin Americans - nearly all emigrated, leaving just the Chinese as the only relevant foreign element.
And on and on. Asia in 1939 was far more mixed than it is now.

Laslo Spatula said...

Bruce Hayden said...

"I actually think that the bulk of Hispanics assimilate fairly well, learn English, adopt tomost of our culture, and fit in decently well (and we pick up some of theirs as this happens). I have been told that there are places, esp in S CA, where this is not happening."

I previously lived in the Central Valley in California. Some assimilated, but a large portion did not: the west side of town was basically Little Tijuana. Big gang culture, although some of the Low-riders were cool.

That said:

"As I have said before here - I would far prefer having our Hispanic immigration problem than Europe's Muslim one. Far prefer."

I agree.

I am Laslo.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Beth said...

Remember that they said the shift to the PPV was already happening on the 10th. If Wilders' party wins on Wednesday, it's going to be attributed to yesterday's Rotterdam riot because it will be easier for some to believe it's a reaction to one event rather than a long-term change in what the country's citizens want from their government.

Jaq said...

My mother watched as Hitler's armies rolled over the Netherlands' tiny air force. This is the fallout. As was the saying in the Arab world "In heaven, Allah! On earth, Hitler" except now I guess it is Merkel. The Dutch brought in the Turks after the war to help rebuild. I guess my mother, who still has nightmares about that war, is a Nazi now, by the definition of the American left.

Jaq said...

"Imagine there's no countries, it's easy if you try.
Nothing to kill or die for, above us only sky."

If only John Lennon were still alive, he had a plan, but it died with him, I guess.

buwaya said...

Another case - Shanghai was at one time the most cosmopolitan city on earth. It had everything and everyone, and not just in its foreign concessions. The police force was a mix of Chinese, Britons, Sikhs, Russians and Japanese, and run by British officers.
Uniform now.
Take any Asian city you like, the pattern is the same.

Yancey Ward said...

Marc Puckett above wrote the comment I came here to write myself. It has been fucking hilarious watching the Dutch government suddenly becoming hardliners against the Erdogan government the last week before the election. Fucking hilarious!

Roughcoat said...

Bruce Hayden

I was also a CU student 40 years ago and my experiences and interactions with Mexicans does not comport with yours. E.g., my then-wife-to-be purchased a house in a Mexican neighborhood in Denver and I moved in with her, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that we were fortunate to have escaped that area, after several difficult years of trying to make a go of it, with our lives. How many confrontations did I have, that were forced upon us, with our violent, thuggish, brustishly stupid and bigoted, neighbors? Can't count them all. They had wholeheartedly embraced La Raza's racist, violent ideology. We had shots fired anonymously at our house at night, e.g., and there were chest-bumping incidents with shouting La Raza activists at our front gate. The police were no help, they pretty much regarded where we lived as a no-go area, which it was. Gunshots at night, gang violence, rampant drug dealing and use, hostile behavior. I saw very little evidence that they took their Roman Catholic faith to heart, that they were practitioners of it.

Also: those Mexicans in the brick yard (and you), were they being paid sub-par wages? I too was a CU student and I work some very hard jobs. I knew other CU students who did the same.

Which goes to show, generalizations can go both ways.

My wife and I finally left Denver and Colorado altogether. I don't want to live in a country with a sizeable Mexican population and a dominant (or even influential) Mexican/Hispanic culture. I already did that, on a smaller scale, in Denver. If I wanted that, I'd move to Mexico.

Roughcoat said...

Just a quick note: the Dutch have been among America's best allies in the war on terror. Their soldiers are brave and highly competent, just ask any American soldier or Marine who has the good fortune of serving with them in battle in Afghanistan, e.g. Same goes for the Danes.

Please keep that in mind.

Steve said...

Liberal Netherlands is going to be remade one way or the other. Either they will close the border to Islamic immigrants or Islamic immigrants will make the Netherlands antiliberal. Geert Wilders was a flamboyantly gay politician in favor of everything that Americans think of as liberal Netherlands. He was labeled as far right and murdered for his beliefs.

Fernandinande said...

tim in vermont said...
My mother watched as Hitler's armies rolled over the Netherlands' tiny air force.

My mom had a Nazi bomb land in her front yard. It didn't go off, and I was a bit surprised at the implied poor quality control, what with them being efficient Nazis and all.

Many years later mom had a black physical therapist come over, and when he left she said "Oh, I'm so glad he's not German!"

Yancey Ward said...


There are many who probably wish Wilders had been murdered. I think you have him confused with Theo Van Gogh.

cronus titan said...

There is an old cliche that fascism is always descending upon the U.S. but landing in Europe. There is a lot of truth to it. European history is full of a growing problem that is ignored until it grows powerful and dangerous. They have opened their borders to populations who are not interested in assimilation but are interested in establishing their own communities, with their own laws and culture. Occasionally, at least some of these populations commit an act of mass terror. When their own citizens raise concerns, they are shouted down and insulted. Hence, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen.

This will not end well. It never does in Europe.

Anonymous said...

So what attributes of European civilizations led to the successes and failures which keep importing a potentially incompatible civilization (or at least a very different civilization) in the wake of the wars that wracked Euroean civilizations this past century?

Is it just history and human nature itself, piling up century upon century, toil and war, serf and deep and operating on unseen cycles that no one knows for sure?

What about the American project importing so many of Europe's good and bad ideas, including the radical discontents? Is it in the DNA?

Are we running out of room?

Fernandinande said...

Roughcoat said...
I was also a CU student 40 years ago and my experiences and interactions with Mexicans does not comport with yours.

Me too! Well, CU anyway. I don't recall any Mexicans at all, just Chinese guys.

How many confrontations did I have, that were forced upon us, with our violent, thuggish, brustishly stupid and bigoted, neighbors? Can't count them all.

I think my girlfriend's sister lived in that neighborhood. It's cleared up quite a bit.

I too was a CU student and I work some very hard jobs. I knew other CU students who did the same.

Not me! I was getting paid for writing my thesis, and for writing software to design beam-control magnets for a cyclotron.

Anonymous said...

Yancey Ward: There are many who probably wish Wilders had been murdered. I think you have him confused with Theo Van Gogh.

Pim Fortuyn.

Mary Beth said...

Yancey Ward said...


There are many who probably wish Wilders had been murdered. I think you have him confused with Theo Van Gogh.

3/12/17, 11:05 AM

Pim Fortuyn.

Mary Beth said...

Angel-Dyne beat me. I got slowed down by all the click on the square tests. (3 different ones for one post!)

n.n said...

Social justice adventurism without responsibility, including elective regime changes, extra-judicial trials, abortion fields are first-order causes of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. Immigration exceeding the rate of assimilation and integration are a profitable for anti-native factions, [class] diversitists, welfare industry, and social complex. The abortion industry coupled with CAIR has a clear and progressive [moral] conflict of interest.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...


That video is incredible. I wonder if the unmoored (no pun intended) European Left subconsciously crave the rigors of a dictatorial theocracy, Their ideology won't allow them to accept it from White Christians but the same ideology actually enables such a theocracy when it's coming from non-Christian POCs. The gob-smacking self-delusion of the Jewish woman is just amazing.

Danno said...

Blogger Michael K said...They are about 40 years late.

Theo Van Gogh is not available to comment!

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, (he is) Laslo. I didn't know you had it in you.

Now, how can you weave into this discussion some astute commentary about heterosexual buggery?

Sebastian said...

"Imagine, if the hyper-liberals had just had their immigration at a slower pace, or from more peaceful areas like asia, this could have been prevented." Many EU countries have a lot of immigration from other EU countries and the US. Outside the UK, it's rarely a problem. But as the Turks in Holland show, adherents of the religion of peace are, umm, different.

Anonymous said...

I notice that WaPo assiduously avoids mentioning the Theo Van Gogh murder, not to mention the multiple other Koran inspired atrocities that have taken place across Europe recently.

Achilles said...

Angel-Dyne said...

1) They'll assimilate; you're a racist if you say otherwise.

2) They're not assimilating, but it's because you're a racist.

3) It's racist to expect them to give up their culture and assimilate.

4) You have to give up your culture and assimilate to them, and you're a racist if you have a problem with that. (I'm not making this up. Sweden actually puts out government propaganda ads demanding just that.)

Guess we're entering stage 5, where no doubt a good time will be had by all. Thanks shitlibs!

Stage 5: "Fascism is always descending on the United States, and always seems to land in Europe."

Fortunately or unfortunately Germany is already occupied.

Achilles said...

cronus titan said...

This will not end well. It never does in Europe.

I am late to the conversation it seems.

MaxedOutMama said...

The Dutch experience with Moroccans has been remarkably negative, and they fear the same with Syrians:

The article ignores the reality that the Dutch experienced and that produced this societal change.

Achilles said...

tim in vermont said...
"Imagine there's no countries, it's easy if you try.
Nothing to kill or die for, above us only sky."

If only John Lennon were still alive, he had a plan, but it died with him, I guess.

I don't think there is a more evil song in existence than "imagine."

Anonymous said...

The Cracker Emcee: That video is incredible. I wonder if the unmoored (no pun intended)...

Ha. I love puns

...European Left subconsciously crave the rigors of a dictatorial theocracy, Their ideology won't allow them to accept it from White Christians but the same ideology actually enables such a theocracy when it's coming from non-Christian POCs.

I don't claim to understand the leftist mind, but judging from their behavior that seems plausible. What else have they got but secular nihilism? Man cannot live on non-discrimination and equality, and witch-hunting "racists" and "haters", alone. The '68ers were (are) hell-bent on destroying the "vertical integration", the vital feeling of being linked to the past and the future, of Western man, and they've succeeded to a great extent. There are now a couple of generations of broken "educated" people floating in a cultural void.

People who deliberately cut off their own progeny from their cultural inheritance, who teach them to hate their forebears (or who passively allow this to be done) have committed a great evil.

It's not just Europeans. Americans are in the same boat.

Rick said...

I notice that WaPo assiduously avoids mentioning the Theo Van Gogh murder,

There's a far more on-point event. How much better off would we be if Pim Fortuyn had succeeded?

buwaya said...

Re cultural inheritance, the cutting off thereof -

Thats definitely on the educational nomenklatura's program.
I have seen it, heard it, read it ad nauseam. They are entirely open about it.

Victor Hanson at one time wrote quite a bit on it, about shutting down courses on the classics in the CA State and UC systems.

buwaya said...

More, re the cutting off - they aren't replacing it with anything either. Christian ethics and European philosophy arent getting swapped with Confucius and Mencius and the Chinese classics for the local Chinese.

Confucius would frighten the local PTB actually.

Yancey Ward said...

Angel-Dyne and Mary Beth,

Ah, I had forgotten Fortyn. That is who Steve meant.

Balfegor said...

Like the Roman, Enoch seemed to see the river Tiber, foaming with much blood.

Big Mike said...

Can you imagine the loss of tourist dollars if Shariah law forces the closure of Amsterdam's red light district?

Anonymous said...

"There's a far more on-point event. How much better off would we be if Pim Fortuyn had succeeded?..." /Rick

This is definitely worth mentioning, but Fortuyn was not murdered by a Muslim.

Anonymous said...

rightguy2: This is definitely worth mentioning, but Fortuyn was not murdered by a Muslim..

But he was murdered by an animal-rights greenie who was distressed by Fortuyn's "Islamophobia".

I believe it was the Australian journalist Tim Blair who coined the phrase "moronic convergence".

Anonymous said...

Balfegor: Like the Roman, Enoch seemed to see the river Tiber, foaming with much blood.

Powell is a fascinating figure. To this day, "conservatives" like Peter Hitchens (reformed Trotskyskite) try to blame the highly-cultured Powell for "poisoning the well" re discussion about immigration - as if expressing what the vast majority of the native population felt about this subject could "poison" public debate. What poisoned public debate, was, of course, the small minority of bien-pensants - media-controlling apparatchiks like the (then) Peter Hitchens - viciously tarring dissenters from the proto-multiculi program as "racists".

PaoloP said...

Evidently, the WaPo believes you can have infinite immigration while maintaining your culture intact. To think otherwise is to be on the "far-right".
Another explanation is that the WaPo believes that Europe should not maintain its culture, while every other culture in the world must be protected in its integrity.
To think otherwise is, again, to be in the "far-right"

Michael K said...

"I actually think that the bulk of Hispanics assimilate fairly well, learn English, adopt tomost of our culture, and fit in decently well

I think this was much more common 50 years ago. My best friend in medical school was second generation. His father ran a wrought iron business in east LA. His mother never learned English and made her own tortillas. He was on e of ten siblings. His oldest brother was killed in an industrial accident. He went to Stanford on a scholarship paid for by Francisco Bravo a very successful Mexican doctor in east LA. His other sibs all had graduate degrees.

My ex-wife worked as an elementary school teacher in east LA while I was a student. She had to be careful talking to parents (many of whom used the kids as translators.) If she told them the kid was not studying hard, he/she would come to school the next day black and blue.

That assimilation culture is gone. There are still hard working Hispanics, mostly Mexican origin.

Lots of alcoholism and crime now.

Bob Boyd said...

"Angela Merkel was poised to close the German border to hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees at the height of the migrant crisis in September 2015 — but pulled back at the last moment because she feared the resulting clashes with police would look bad on television."

Martin said...

That WaPo headline is wrong, it's the immigrants who threaten to remake the liberal Netherlands into something illiberal. The only hope to preserve the liberal Netherlands is to clamp way down on immigration from illiberal places.

Paco Wové said...

Iowa's Steve King weighs in.

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