March 30, 2017

"That picture of Hillary is so freaky. Is that real? Where'd you get it?"

I said, and Meade texted me the link.

It's like she's immersed in a boiling cauldron... but it's just the Professional Business Women of California Conference.


pdug said...

Is Hillary still having seizures and all the other neurological stuff that happened to her? Or is that over now?

Roughcoat said...

Hillary's "Leather Tour."

Luke Lea said...


JohnAnnArbor said...

The '70s called. They want their decor back, and we should give it to them.

Meade said...

"Or is that over now?"

Appears to be over. For now.

She wants you to R.I.P.E. : resist. insist. persist. and exist. Something like that.

Chuck said...

It looks like "The Dating Game 2017."

Reason I say that, is because former Michigan governor, and reputed AG pick for the never-to-occur Hillary Clinton presidency, Jennifer Granholm actually did appear on the Dating Game, in 1978. With hair that was unspeakably 70's:

I want to reassure all of you, that the prospect of a Hillary! presidency with a Granholm as Attorney General was enough (and in fact there was more) to get me to hold my nose and vote for Trump. Easily. Which is really saying a lot.

jaydub said...

The leather (latex?) Hillary is the best Hillary. Nothing like 69 year old grandmother with no significant accomplishments, but living a royal life, complaining about how unfair life is. Gag me with a spoon.

chuck said...

The resistance wears leather. Where is PETA?

Bad Lieutenant said...

For insist, aggress?

Damned tease, offering us HRC boiling in a pot.

Wearing plastic, that's our gal. If ugly goes straight down to the bone, tacky pierces the marrow and permeates the immune system. Born grifter. You could see it in her father's villainous face.

FullMoon said...

How much was her fee for the speech?

Chuck said...

chuck said...
The resistance wears leather. Where is PETA?

I'm thinkin' the pants were neoprene. A secure moisture barrier to avoid embarrassments when you need to be your best.

LYNNDH said...

Uplifting? Attacks on Max Waters? And Rainshower Ryan? Hillary in her Leathers? Does she have a riding crop to give ole Bill a good spanking? What Pap they are serving.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Clintons really must be hurting for money now that the Foundation has been shut down. It looks like Hillary is now reduced to making clothes from car seat covers. Maybe she's been salvaging the leather out of abandoned autos she finds on her long rambles though the woods.

David Begley said...

Double, double toil and trouble.

Big question: How much was the two time loser paid?

The shakedown tour resumes.

Mark O said...

Bill is out buying a quirt.

David53 said...

"Hillary Clinton delivered an uplifting, inspirational speech at the Professional Business Women of California Conference in which she praised the resistance that killed Republicans' attempt to repeal Obamacare, and encouraged that fight to continue."

So, the resistance killed Republican's attempt to repeal Obamacare. All this time I thought it was killed by Republican ineptitude. I learn something new everyday.

Etienne said...

"If the past few months of the resistance have shown us anything, it’s that tens of millions of us will also be there with her, every step of the way."

I just vomited in my mouth a little.

Does anyone know a quick way to treat this Clinton Corporation reflux?

Rae said...

She looks like a Bond villain parody. I suppose it's better than the drapes was wearing.

tcrosse said...

Cue the complaints about gratuitous Hillary-bashing being unworthy of our Hostess. And add a dig at Ivanka.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And that backdrop makes it look like she's introducing the Jefferson Airplane circa 1968.

"I shoulda brought a jacket with me, damnit! It's freezing!"

"Here, Morrison was so drunk he left his jacket backstage last time the Doors played a gig here. You can wear it, if you can fit into it."

"It's sort of tight - skinny bastard, isn't he? It'll have to do."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Rae said...
She looks like a Bond villain parody. I suppose it's better than the drapes was wearing.

3/30/17, 2:47 PM

My favorite look was the Giant Oven Mitt:

Richard Dolan said...

Her instincts are just awful.

Proves again, if further proof were needed, that Hillary! is surrounded by people who don't know how to tell her No. They may be too weak to speak up (here's looking at you, Huma), or just know that she wouldn't listen anyway.

Pathetic that this is who the Dems are looking to as a key player in the Resistance!. Trump is so lucky in having opponents like this.

Etienne said...

Resist, Insist, Persist, Enlist - RIPE
Ratify, Obfuscate, Tax = ROT

Anything ripe is rotten the day after.

rehajm said...

Wife's grandfather always told my wife 'pear is no shape for a woman'. Usually when her grandmother was leaving a room...

Pear is tough to dress. I'm not sure Hillary could even pull of the classic navy slacks and fitted white shirt bit.

Maybe Ao dai?

Etienne said...

Do the Clinton's even know how to relate to peasants?

If Maxine Waters ever met a real American, she would piss and crap her pants.

Etienne said...

"pear is no shape for a woman"

The bullet-proof vest doesn't help.

mockturtle said...

Does this mean she has abandoned the Mao look?

MaxedOutMama said...

Like Scarlett O'Hara, Hillary has been reduced to cutting up the household furnishings to supplement her wardrobe. In her case, the Pleather couch rather than the curtains.

Drago said...

Etienne: "The bullet-proof vest doesn't help."

It's actually an exo-skeleton designed to keep her upright for those moments (that were "frequent" according to Bill until scrubbed by the networks) when Hil feels a bit under the weather and/or dehydrated.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Resist, insist, persist, enlist. RIPE.

A ripist, just like Bill!

David said...

The hair! Nothing like chlorine to bring out the highlights.

And I loved the fair and balanced reporting: "Hillary Clinton is getting a lot of attention for her strong condemnation of racist and sexist attacks on Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and White House correspondent April Ryan, but the rest of her speech was filled with strength and inspiration, as well."

I believe the attack on Waters, or at least one of the supposed attacks, also involved hair. Bill what's his name said she had brown hair. Or meant to. It came out as James Brown hair. Saying something that funny about Rep, Waters has to be racist, right?

I wonder how much she was paid for the speech? Old habits die hard.

Etienne said...

pdug said...Is Hillary still having seizures and all the other neurological stuff that happened to her? Or is that over now?

All I know, is that Huma Weiner is nowhere to be found, and Anthony hasn't been caught yet at whatever he's up to now.

Chuck said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
My favorite look was the Giant Oven Mitt:

omg, that looks photoshopped it is so bad. But it's too awful in a bland sort of way to be photoshopped. Nobody could imagine that unless it really happened.

But then, Cher is in that picture too! I smell fashion conspiracy all over that one.

Hillary's thing (what do you even call it? Looks like it has cloaking panels to make it undetectable to radar. If only it made her invisible to human eyesight...

Bay Area Guy said...

Angry woman with green hair! Angry woman with green hair!

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!

Aaron Csicseri said...

Talk about Trypophobia. There is one too many holes on that stage.

johns said...

i can't believe she's wearing naugahyde. taken right off the sofa that was in the rec room of my house in the 1950s

neal said...

This is what happens in Planet of the Apes. No naughas were harmed in the filming of the altered timeline paradox thingy.

madAsHell said...

What's next?.....pierced nipples, and fart splitter underpants?
It's so awkward to watch her maintain her relevance.

tcrosse said...

Will the Economic Royalists of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood cough up the big dough for Her again ? Will the courtiers and bootlickers fall in line again ? Or will Obama direct that support elsewhere, to a mercenary to be named later ? Stay tuned....

MaxedOutMama said...

JohnAnnArbor - yes, that whole thing - the outfit, the hair, the orange/black backdrop, and the flowers are all late Sixties/early Seventies. I shudder to think what will ensue when the inevitable avocado accent shows up.

Static Ping said...

I do not find it remotely as creepy as Meade but it is an odd outfit, not remotely flattering. Body hugging and shiny jackets can work, but not that jacket with that body type. To make that work requires to have a better tailored jacket or a more appropriate set of curves.

Of course, really beautiful women can get away with almost anything. Halter top, faded sweatpants, off brand sneakers? Kate Upton can get away with that. Hillary, not so much.

Once written, twice... said...

Jealous Ann? She looks great.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

No, Chuck, it wasn't photoshopped. She was actually wearing the hideous thing.

There's really no need for Hillary's enemies to photoshop her fashion flops when the real thing is worse than all our imaginings.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Once written, twice... said...
Jealous Ann? She looks great.

I think it's wonderful that the blind now have access to Braille computer keyboards.

Bill said...

A pathogen in a Petri dish.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My own personal conspiracy theory is that Hillary's fashion consultant must be a gay guy who is secretly a Republican.

"Darrrling! That looks absolutely fabulous on you!"

Later on, having drinks with his boyfriend:

"You wouldn't believe what that cow wore out in public today. OMG, I thought my eyes were going to start bleeding! It's so great, I pick out the most hideous crap you've ever seen, tell her she looks fabulous -and she believes me!"

Bay Area Guy said...

Hillary should bring back that "Ming the Merciless" big open neck dress thingy she once wore.

That'd be a hoot!

Bilwick said...

For years I've joked that "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government sniffers and State-shtuppers") probably get off on photoshopped pictures of Hillary holding a whip and wearing a "Hilse, She-Wolf of the IRS" costumer. Well, now they need photoshop no lomnger. Although "liberals" having a strong sadomasochistic streak, they probably will want to put in the whip.

LordSomber said...

Maybe she raided Nick Gillespie's wardrobe.

mockturtle said...

MOM says: Like Scarlett O'Hara, Hillary has been reduced to cutting up the household furnishings to supplement her wardrobe. In her case, the Pleather couch rather than the curtains.

:-D I'm not a fashion maven but I can't remember seeing any prominent woman with less taste or sense of style than Hillary. You'd think she could afford a consultant.

mockturtle said...

exiled remarks: I think it's wonderful that the blind now have access to Braille computer keyboards. Another :-D. Good one!

gspencer said...

The dyke side is really cummin' out now, n'est pas?

AllenS said...

Damn, now I can see why Huma Abedin went back to the Weiner.

Andrew said...

"Damn, now I can see why Huma Abedin went back to the Weiner."

They got back together so they wouldn't be forced to testify against each other in court.

AllenS said...

You have your reasons, Andrew, and I have mine. Sometimes, a picture is worth a million words.

Mary Beth said...

The biggest problem with the jacket is the blouse that's under it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Wasn't the big upside to Trump's victory not having to talk about the Clinton's ever again? Why does Althouse keep bringing them back? What is she trying to hide?

Unknown said...

And, Trump is old and overweight.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember the video of Hillary collapsing into a van?

Mark Warner(D) said today that was all staged by the Russians.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's running in 2020. Will the base let her? Do you want to lose again because democrats have NO bench?

Actually perhaps democrats should consider Hickenlooper. You could do worse. An old crook like Hillary - even after she stuffs herself into a pleather, with a $2000 hair cut, is worse.

Freeman Hunt said...

She wants you to R.I.P.E. : resist. insist. persist. and exist. Something like that.

I thought the progressive vision was S.T.A.B. : subsist, twist, and blacklist.

Pookie Number 2 said...

And, Trump is old and overweight.



Clyde said...

Scary. With that outfit, the first question would be "What is the safe word?"

Oso Negro said...

It's Christoper Walken pretending to be Hillary.

tcrosse said...

Why does Althouse keep bringing them back?
How can Althouse bring them back if they just will not fucking go away ?

Bruce Hayden said...

:"Hillary Clinton is getting a lot of attention for her strong condemnation of racist and sexist attacks on Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and White House correspondent April Ryan, but the rest of her speech was filled with strength and inspiration, as well."

Of all those Dems who have been unhinged about the fake Trump/Russian coordination story, maybe the most unhinged has been Rep Waters. Woman has been just wacko, even surpassing her previous meltdowns. But, apparently it is both racist and sexist to point that out. Right.

Trumpit said...

Hillary looks great to me, a little like Ann Althouse. She looks like she's a motorcycle girl raring to hop on a Harley. I doubt she'd have worn leather as president, but that boat passed her by. What will she do with her future? Continue to speak out, and write, I would assume. Al Gore is concerned with the environment, and has a new movie coming out about it. A documentary will come out sooner or later about how the 2016 election was stolen from her, and that, as she predicted, a catastrophe ensued.

gadfly said...

Its the best that she has looked in over a year. A new clothes look with the fake leather and a styled wig appropriate for someone half her age. But the biggest change is a rearrangement of the botox injections to make her difficult to recognize - she puffs out in different places this month.

urbane legend said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
My favorite look was the Giant Oven Mitt:

Thank you for that. Best laugh I've had all day.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tcrosse said...
How can Althouse bring them back if they just will not fucking go away ?

This story came from ShareBlue. How fucking desperate to troll your readership do you need to be to read ShareBlue? This is not a story in the mind of anyone other than Althouse.

What is she trying to hide?

Michael K said...

"Is Hillary still having seizures and all the other neurological stuff that happened to her?"

I saw a video of her doing something a few weeks ago and her left abducens muscle is still giving her the crazy eye when she looks around.

Didn't see a seizure, though. Keep the apomorphine going.

fivewheels said...

"Professional Business Women of California Conference"

Because of Mrs. Clinton's successful and innovative career in business?

AllenS said...

Trumpit said...
Hillary looks great to me ... She looks like she's a motorcycle girl raring to hop on a Harley.

Hillary looks like she's ready to dodge sniper fire. LOL

mezzrow said...

That coat would look better on Camille Paglia.

mezzrow said...

Oh, I'll say it, then...

Hillary Tuscadero.

Darrell said...

Hillary is trying to toughen her image before she enters prison. A half-million felony convictions can start you thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't beat Mook or Podesta to death with a pipe beforehand. Street cred is everything.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Hey, I know! That's Madeleine Albright's special place in hell for women who don't help other women!

buwaya said...

"This story came from ShareBlue"

It was on all the major channels and SFgate (SF Chronicle) a couple of days ago.

Nancy Reyes said...

an exactly how are her suggestions going to help a women succeed in business?

Someone once quipped that men saw Hillary as their nagging ex wife.

Here she seems to be telling women that they too need to be a nagging ex wife, not a cooperative, hard ass professional person.

Barry Dauphin said...

"... boling cauldron"? Are you suggesting a witch

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
And, Trump is old and overweight.


3/30/17, 4:38 PM

He didn't lose in November, did he?

Hillary did.

As far as Trump being old and fat, well, it was tough for him, being up against young, svelte Hill (and that buff young whippersnapper, Bernie Sanders) but - he prevailed.

TestTube said...

I suspect that the odd fashions that Hillary wore were a sort of power statement -- I don't follow fashion, I define it, my tastes and style are so far above you that you probably can't understand it, and here is my good friend Anna Wintour to back me up.

Sort of a female version of the emperor's new clothes, but as a power play. Like the emperor marched down the street not because he thought he was clothed, but because he was daring anyone to remark that he was naked.

Real power, that. And Hillary has that power over a rather large swathe of the population.

But not enough.

Big Mike said...

Ah'm tough! Ah wears leathah!!!

Big Mike said...

Also I see that she's sticking with the purple look.

madAsHell said...

Hillary and Chelsea are coordinating the paparazzi for the Mother-Daughter visit to the tattoo shop, and the matching tramp stamps.

Paco Wové said...

How fucking desperate ... do you need to be to read ShareBlue"

Indeed. It's like Tiger Beat for liberals.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Between Amy Schumer's leather show and Billary's Malificent outfit, I'm really starting to appreciate veganism.

glenn said...

She soooo hip.

Michael said...

Sad granny outfit. Grim sad.

William said...

Hillary's new look has inspired quite a few funny put downs. I read through this post with enjoyment. I didn't feel quite right about laughing at an elderly woman with delusions and fainting spells.. There used to be a Sinead O'Connor, Britney Spears vibe to her absurdity. But this new look is totally mockable and without that substrata of pathos. You go girl. Maybe a tat to highlight the new look and make her ready for her close up.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Maybe we should attempt to construct an Althouse Distraction Index that measures how desperately Atlhouse is trying to distract her audience from the real news of the day. I would say we are at Defcon 1 on the ADI at the moment - total shutdown, all actual news rejected.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia

Real news - ignored by Sad Democrat Hack press.

Known Unknown said...

"Maybe she raided Nick Gillespie's wardrobe."

The Jacket is the sentient life form in a parasitic relationship with a human remora named Nick.

dwick said...

AReasonableMan said 3/30/17, 7:40 PM...
"Maybe we should attempt to construct an Althouse Distraction Index that measures how desperately Atlhouse is trying to distract her audience from the real news of the day...

Maybe we should construct an ARM Butthurt Index to measure how pathetically whiny your comments here are. Good lord man, Althouse is not now and never has been a member of the news media and this is not a "news" site. There are a gazillion other websites serving up 'news' from any perspective you want - not to mention newspapers and broadcast media outlets. If that's still not adequate for you, go out and set up your own website proffering up whatever qualifies as 'the news of the day' in your narrow mind.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

dwick said...
Maybe we should construct

The resistance to knowledge is strong in this one.

Dan C said...

Groovy Baby, Yeah!!!

David said...

"The dyke side is really cummin' out now, n'est pas?"

Harsh. She has more money than style, that's all.

cronus titan said...

Billy Shakespeare had an insightful comment about Hillary and that picture:

Round about the caldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.—
Toad, that under cold stone,
Days and nights has thirty-one;
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot!

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

Billy was rather prescient about Hillary.

Unknown said...

She looks awful. Someone needs to tell her.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

PPP said...
Paul Ryan is the most unpopular politician in the country. At the start of the Trump administration he had a 33% approval rating, with 43% of voters disapproving of him. Now his approval has plunged to 21%, with his disapproval spiking all the way up to 61%. Ryan's particularly seen his image crater with Trump voters- what was a 53/23 approval rating with them in mid-January is now negative at 35/41.

In contrast, the Affordable Care Act is more popular than ever, with a 52-37 percent approval rating.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

How could it be racist and sexist, as opposed to the natural reflex of any rational human being, to mock Maxine Waters? She is seriously batshit.

ARM is correct. Why is it necessary to dredge Shareblue when the freakin' DNC is the Leftist equivalent of Infowars?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The ACA is not popular. Whole thing is a lie, an economic titanic, a rip off and everyone is paying more for less.
Any poll that says ACA is popular is like this.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Makes me want to claw my eyes out

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Paul Ryan - still better than Maxine Nitwit and Nancy Pelusi.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump demands intel panel probe Clinton Foundation ties to Russian uranium deal

Hillary baby - keep her front and center. Pleather.

Mr. Majestyk said...

One of Hillary's many shortcomings as a candidate was that people did not perceive her as authentic. Does donning a leather jacket on top of what appear to be normal grandma clothes help her get away from that perception? I don't think so.

wwww said...

Hillary & Chelsea are old news. History is turning the page as they exit stage left.

Lewis Wetzel said...

AReasonableMan said...
PPP said...
Paul Ryan is the most unpopular politician in the country. At the start of the Trump administration he had a 33% approval rating, with 43% of voters disapproving of him. Now his approval has plunged to 21%, with his disapproval spiking all the way up to 61%.

It's a nonsense number. Paul Ryan's national popularity isn't important. The important thing is how popular he is to his constituents, they are the people that keep him in office.
Ryan doesn't answer to the American people, he answers to his constituents and his caucus. Geez.

richard mcenroe said...

"Senescent unemployed dominatrix with degenerating mental faculties composes political slogan not requiring the formation of full sentences."

Laslo Spatula said...

"Thank you for calling Lesbian Counseling Hotline, my name is Kylie, how may I assist you...?"

"This is.... Ilsa. I'm am struggling with my lesbianism."

'I understand, Ilsa: living an honest life as a lesbian can be tough indeed..."

"I mean, I did the whole sham marriage thing, the squicky kid thing: it was expected, right? I stood by my man and hid my true self, and when it was MY turn I STILL didn't get elected -- I mean, I didn't get the promotion. That promotion to... Company President. I feel like I have lived a lie..."

"Ilsa, it is common for lesbian women of a certain age to go through what you have gone through, and to feel that way. Are you abusing drugs or alcohol, Ilsa?"

"Can we not talk about that? The Black-Outs are when I am most at Peace..."

"Okay, Ilsa: we can talk about this later. Are you in a committed relationship with a woman right now?"

"I was... She was my assistant, but we kind of drifted apart after I lost the... Promotion."

"Ilsa, work isn't everything, right? Was your quest for your 'promotion' interfering with your desire to live as a proud lesbian woman?"

"Yes! Yes! I had to hide my real self, and then everyone said I seemed fake and insincere!"

"That's common, Ilsa, when we try to live a life that is not in harmony with our True Self. Perhaps it is time to let go of the Work Life and find time for the Real You. Tell me something about the Real You, Ilsa..."

"Well... I like money..."

"Let's dig deeper, Ilsa--let's dig deeper..."

"OK, OK: I was addicted to making money any way I could to fill the hole left by not being able to be myself and freely eat pussy."

"Does that feel better, Ilsa, saying that out loud?"

"Yes: yes it does. I LIKE TO EAT PUSSY!"

Say it again, Ilsa -- let it out..."


"See, Ilsa? Isn't it better, being true to your feelings?"


"VERY good, Ilsa. Now what would be a first step for you in being your true self in Public?"

"Maybe I could wear different clothes."

"Go on, Ilsa..."

"I REALLY like leather. Maybe I could get a Lesbian Haircut and wear Leather Ass-less Chaps."

"Are you ready for that, Ilsa?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll just start with a sensible leather jacket..."

"That's good, Ilsa: you don't have to do it all at once..."

"You're Right! Maybe I should just take slow, steady steps, and then -- by 2020 -- people will be ready to give That Lesbian Her Promotion!"

"Ummm... Ilsa, I know you don't want to talk about alcohol and drugs, but I need to ask: are you drunk right now?"

"Uhhh... yes: yes I am. How did you know?"

"I knew because you have called me dozens of times, and we have had this very same conversation, yet you never remember it."

"Really? And was I shitting my pants those times, too...?"

I am Laslo.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The resistance to knowledge is strong in this one.

3/30/17, 8:21 PM

I didn't know it was Althouse's duty to inform us of the news of the day, particularly of the stories ARM wants covered.

BN said...

Dear Class,

If Elvis and Dylan were Hillary and Trump, who would play the tambourine?

You have exactly one hour (50 minutes).


Churchy LaFemme: said...

William Shatner!

chickelit said...

One of your better efforts, Laslo.


Rusty said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
"The resistance to knowledge is strong in this one.

3/30/17, 8:21 PM

I didn't know it was Althouse's duty to inform us of the news of the day, particularly of the stories ARM wants covered."

Perhaps he should start his own blog where he can cover those subjects that are important to him.

urbane legend said...

David said...
"The dyke side is really cummin' out now, n'est pas?"

Harsh. She has more money than style, that's all.

36 cents covers that.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

Once again, Laslo does not disappoint. Oh, my...

lonetown said...

What was the mag that had her on the cover as a dominatrix? National Review? Very funny and much like the one referenced here.

Tacitus said...

Laslo is like an expert sailor. Tacking so close to the wind that at any moment the S.S. Tawdry could capsize leaving him bobbing amidst floating detritus that you would really rather not look upon. Close, so close to pushing too far.....and a deft turn sends his(?) satire serenely gliding over the choppy waves of the moment.

Or he could just be the cook's mate on a garbage scow who has learned the simple lesson of not tossing the slop bucket directly into the wind.

It works either way.

I salute you Sir.


JAORE said...

Wow,if I'd seen this young, hip..... even super cool version of Hillary last fall, I'd have voted for .... Trump. Sad.

It really does appear to be (another in a long line of) repackaging Hilary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Anyone in the pro-democrat hack media care?

Rusty said...

Ha Ha she lost.

Resist what? Exactly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Resist the truth - That The Clinton use their power to stuff their personal bank accounts.

That's fake news! How dare you understand the truth! Erase your thoughts and buy the lie .

Beth B said...

She looks like the "Before" image in an old Alka-Seltzer commercial.

wildswan said...

Jacket the Ripper's Rap


jr565 said...

She looks like a Batman villain, with that shiny coat, the odd hair and the polka dot background.

Unknown said...

She is channeling her inner Frau Frabissina.

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