March 10, 2017

Speaking of hairstyles... Hillary Clinton shows up in a new hairdo for International Women's Day.

Because what says progress for women better than a new hairstyle?

I'm seeing the video — with her saying "Stand up. Resist. Run for office. Be a champion" — at The Daily Mail, which forefronts the hair, but where the highest rated comments are not hair-related. There's a lot of resistance to the word "resist":
• Resist what? She certainly can't be talking to American women. There's nothing to resist here....

• Resist what??!!!

• Resist what? Obeying the laws?

• Yeah right, 'resist' but she couldn't 'resist' that 250 million dollar donation from A.rabia who has to be THE most women abusing country on the planet.

• Resist what?


MadisonMan said...

I wonder what fee she received for her appearance.

Big Mike said...

On November 8th we resisted the Clinton machine. Does that count?

khesanh0802 said...

@Ann You seem to have gotten a lot more cynical about politics since you retired. I am not sure that anyone can ever be cynical enough , but you are doing pretty well!

khesanh0802 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
khesanh0802 said...

The new hair style is awful. Shows what happens when you are in NYC too long. What a despicable - and now irrelevant - person she is.

Anonymous said...

That 'do is the much shorter version of what my hair looks like when I wake up in the morning and it's really due for a wash.

David Begley said...

This woman has had at least 100 hairstyles during her public life. Something is wrong there.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Run for office. Be a champion

So how's that workin' for ya, Madame President?

Quaestor said...

I suggest women within shouting distance of 70 years of age resist the temptation to blonde it up.

Wince said...

"Stand up. Resist. Run for office. Be a champion."

Notice she didn't say be elected to office.

Quaestor said...

Something is wrong there.

Just one something, or a legion of 'em?

Paddy O said...


My wife lived and worked in Montauban, France for about 4 years after college. The church she attended and worked with had an attic area, really more of a unfinished second story, that was used as a POW jail during World War 1. Before that, well before that, it was a prison for Protestant women who refused to become Catholics. The men were often sent to become galley slaves.

Marie Durand spent 38 years in prison for her religious convictions, at the Tower of Constance. The word résister was scratched into the wall, seemingly by Durand herself.

To put things into perspective.

Quaestor said...

How come feminists, who allegedly HATE sexist stereotypes, all want to be blondes?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A new hair cut washes away all of Hillary's horrendous lies.... right?

That's all it takes.

Hillary wants to run again in 4 years. Watch. Will the left put a stop to it, or will they let her do it again?

MD Greene said...

When a woman past middle age changes hairstyles frequently, it usually means that she lacks a fundamental understanding of who she is. This is the sort of confused person whose closet holds basic business suits, pink frilly things, motorcycle jacks and dramatic muumuus. She has no fixed center. It's rather sad.

MD Greene said...

Motorcycle JACKETS

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

We did resist. We resisted her.

Bob Boyd said...

I don't mind the hair cut. It's an improvement.
But he problems with Hillary's head are not cosmetic.

sunsong said...

What an embarrassingly stupid question to ask: resist what?

J2 said...

She's just a few months behind Kristen Stewart.

Real American said...

When is Local Women's Day? These International Women are so boring.

Unknown said...

It looks to me like she just had some facelift work done. The haircut is just to make you not notice the facial change. Look carefully - her smile is more joker-like now.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What an embarrassingly stupid question to ask: resist what?

It is a very logical question to ask in response to the open ended statement "Resist".

Seriously...resist what? Resist the temptation to have another piece of coffee cake? Resist punching a hippie?

The next question to the statement "Resist", once that object has been defined is...How? What do you expect us to do?

GWash said...

how about resist a trumpcare plan that will be the ruination of millions of your fellow 'mericans...
watch your wallets..
how about resist the fact that the ruskies are calling the shots on much of our foreign policy...
how about resist the non science based dissembling of climate science..
and the list goes on...

TA said...

Life's terrible. Resist life.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I'll give ole Hillary credit for one thing; at least the new cut looks better than a vagina hat.

Charlie Currie said...

I've spent the last eight years resisting. I got bored. Now I'm into supporting. Refreshing.

Fernandinande said...

Paddy O said...
Marie Durand spent 38 years in prison for her religious convictions, at the Tower of Constance. The word résister was scratched into the wall, seemingly by Durand herself.

That was probably even before the invention of the resister color code**! But Billary is too old to spend 38 years in prison, unfortunately.

John Lynch said...
We did resist. We resisted her.

Speaking of Lynch, Loretta said on Fecebook that people are "afraid", and they're seeing their "rights" "rolled back", of course without mentioning any given "right".

The only things she could be referring to are illegal aliens and their right to break immigration laws, and crazy peoples' right to use the wrong bathroom.

Oh, the horror!

**Bad boys rape our young girls but violet gives willingly.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Democrats should resist the urge to appear deranged or their current path will ensure 8 years of Trump.

Nonapod said...

As the brutal orange autocrat marches millions into his death camps, the cold text emitted from his great propaganda machine T.W.I.T.T.E.R. fills the giant view screens that populate every street of the new oppressive dystopian hellscape with the message "All is well! Great (Amazing)!", and the rights of women reduce them to mere handmaidens, no longer able to own property or drive cars or even venture out in public without a male family member present... one brave lone voice cries out from the darkness... "Resist!".

AllenS said...

That was some good writing, Nonapod.

Quaestor said...

sunsong wrote: What an embarrassingly stupid question to ask: resist what?

Here's sunsong's own description of herself: I'm someone who looks at life and the world and thinks it can be better.

Well, congratulations, sunsong! (That is if you own self-congratulations aren't more than sufficient already.) You share the outlook and self-image of many famous and history-making people, among them Jean-Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre, Karl Marx, Vladimir Illyich Ulyanov (Lenin), Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin), Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot.

We see through you, sunsong.

Quaestor said...

As the brutal orange autocrat marches millions into his death camps...

The Orange Autocrat should ask sunsong, she can think of a few — 62,979,879 to be exact.

Titus said...

She looks like an old drag queen

wendybar said...

Ann, we are laughing at them. They can resist all they want, but when there is no there, need to move on. The more they keep it up, the more people do not want to be anything like they are....Call them what you want, but they are wimpy, whiney, petulant and childish. They need to grow up!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Speaking of Hillary, I've always thought it was interesting that when it was discovered that she was being fed debate questions on the sly, the media focused only on those who leaked the questions. No spotlight at all for Hillary on why she accepted an unethical advantage. It's as though everyone, even her fans, assumed she was crooked and had no expectation she would do the right thing. If she really was as smart as she pretends she would have used this opportunity to display a certain degree of integrity. Oh well, who am I kidding?

Merny11 said...

I don't mind her new hairdo - but I sure as he'll mind HER. What a bullet we dodged last fall.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

resist what?

Here's video of the resistance

sunsong said...

Ann, we are laughing at them. They can resist all they want, but when there is no there, need to move on. The more they keep it up, the more people do not want to be anything like they are....Call them what you want, but they are wimpy, whiney, petulant and childish. They need to grow up!

LOL - that's got to be one of the funniest ones :-)

Really? Is Trump your 'model' of being grown-up????


Basil Duke said...

I wonder if she's been snorting the narrative line for so long that she actually believes the preposterous false narrative - that American women (in reality, the most-pampered and privileged bi-peds to ever trod this suffering globe) exist on a horrifying border between subjugation and outright enslavement and that only constant vigilance, gobs of poon tang tukes and "resistance" can save them from disaster. Maybe. A few years back, at a meeting, a female co-worker from a different department bitterly mused, apropos of nothing, about the "glass ceiling" that prevented her from ascension to full lady glory. I pointed out to her that at the time, my immediate supervisor was a woman, that my deputy director was a woman and that my director was a woman. "I'm really not the person to be nagging about the glass ceiling, " I concluded. She could only stutter at this expression of raw, uncensored patriarchy. Her mindset is likely similar to Hill Dawg's, when she's lighting her farts and guzzling the grape with her coven and raging against 'the man.'

Quaestor said...

She looks like an old drag queen

Not that good.

Speaking of old drag queens, sunsong uses LOL to express derision.


Quaestor said...

Call them what you want, but they are wimpy, whiney, petulant and childish. They need to grow up!

Too late! Many of them are already grown down.

Michael K said...

how about resist the fact that the ruskies are calling the shots on much of our foreign policy...

Resist being out of date about what the current narrative is.

If you miss too many DNC training sessions, they will cut off your Soros checks.

Qwinn said...

"Resist that the russkies are calling the shots on much of our foreign policy"

We did resist that. That's why we had to get rid of Obama and prevent Hillary, both of whom gave the Russians everything they could possibly want at every possible opportunity.

But please, tell us which Trump foreign policy (encouraging fracking, building the pipeline, standing by the Ukraine, condemning Russia for violating treaties, too many etceteras to list) that Putin so cleverly engineered.

buwaya said...

As I read the Iliad and the Odyssey to my kids, I realized that the very models of a grown-up were in the Odyssey - Odysseus and Penelope. They are handed a host of problems, and they just deal, and never give up.

Odysseus seems very Trump-like actually.

Trumpit said...

I could not resist a $250,000,000 donation either. I'd think of all the good things, charitable things I could do with the money. I'd give most of it away. I'd help less fortunate kids everyday; I'd help unwanted animals. And yes, I'd resist Trump, who is a passing delusion and catastrophic genetic & political error, more effectively. I'd buy a new car, and drive to Death Valley, but not in the summer.

Paddy O said...

I've posted this a few times over the years hereabouts, but it sometimes just really fits. An article about my great-great-great grandmother, written in 1926:

Just Hard Work Says Woman Who Did It

“Work. That’s the secret of being a centenarian,” yesterday declared Mrs. Eliza McConnell 810 East Forty-fifth Street, who will celebrate her one hundredth birthday anniversary Monday. And when Mrs. McConnell says “work” she means just that.

In the days when Cynthia, Indiana was a straggling frontier settlement, Mrs. McConnell and the other women would help the menfolk plow the field and clear the forest with axes, after the washing and household chores were finished. Mrs. McConnell was married and had nine children. When her husband was killed in the Civil War she was left alone to do the farm work and care for the children.

“Soft,” Mrs. McConnell contemptuously refers to the present generation. “They can’t compare with the boys and girls I knew. Imagine a flapper with seven children to support. The world is full of weaklings.”

Mrs. McConnell laughed at the modern housewife who requires servants.

She and her family moved to Los Angeles in the 1870s. I guess having had family like this, and marrying into a family with such women affects my perspective. That's the trouble with the kind of generalizing narratives that the Left uses. People have significantly different histories and experiences and contributions.

What would Gran McConnell say about Hillary Clinton, I wonder. I suspect she'd be all for encouraging women to work and benefit from that work. I doubt she'd be on board with the tactics and rhetoric used by Hillary and others.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

South Park: La Resistance

Trumpit said...

You get your jollies calling Hillary a drag queen. I find those comments in bad taste, and misogynistic. Please post a picture of yourself. I like to see monkeys dressed in clothes, smoking a cigar.

Qwinn said...

Just occurred to me. Progressives spent tbe last 80 years defending the Russians and mocking any conservative who warned about their intentions. Now they're hysterically screaming about them every chance they get. And this changed practicallu overnight.

I never thought I'd actually see Orwell's "We have always been at war with EastAsia" replicated in real life so dramatically, but damned if that isn't exactly what Unknown, Gwash, etc. are doing.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

You get your jollies calling Hillary a drag queen. I find those comments in bad taste, and misogynistic. Please post a picture of yourself. I like to see monkeys dressed in clothes, smoking a cigar.

I think Titus did post a picture of himself.

Michael K said...

I finally looked at the photo. That left eye still has quite a bit of esotropia. The cavernous sinus thrombosis is probably the cause of the abducens palsy and may never resolve. Does she still have intermittent cranial pressure issues ?

Multiple problems may result.

Wilbur said...

"Every issue is a women's issue."

More soaring oratory from the not bouffant-haired, not small-handed, not orange-skinned Ms. Clinton. See ... no insults about her appearance!

If every issue is a women's issue, there are no women's issues.

glenn said...

I live the part about "The Resistence". Let's a lot of overweight, out of shape Boomers picture themselves as Charles Boyer and Jeanne Moreau with jaunty berets and ciiggies dangling facing down the evil Nazis. Or Trump.

Sigivald said...

"Resist the Democrats losing elections."


Known Unknown said...

Trump also has named Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia. Huntsman hasn't been much of a Putin-lover.

Quaestor said...

I like to see monkeys dressed in clothes, smoking a cigar.

Just one cigar? Either most the monkeys won't get enough nicotine to make the experience amusing, or the cigar won't last very long.

Quaestor said...

Trump also has named Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia.

Does Huntsman speak Russian? He knows a little Mandarin, which he used as a LDS missionary in Taiwan. Lord Zero appointed him Ambassador to China, which made sense. Sending him to Russia without Russian doesn't.

Rumpletweezer said...

What do women do when they've had a major disappointment? Get a new hairdo and buy some shoes. Was she wearing new shoes?

rcocean said...

I see she has the Nancy Reagan "Red look". She and Bill and Chelsea need to shut up and go away.

At least the Bushes seem to have gotten the message.

Yancey Ward said...

Like a commenter above, it appears to me that Clinton has had some sort of cosmetic facial procedure done. Could just be Botox, or could be a facelift. In any case, that photo/video is very odd looking.

Yancey Ward said...

Also, just another piece of information that makes me think she is running again in 2020. If so, the Democrats have a real problem on their hands because I don't know if anyone in the party is brave enough to put a stake through her heart.

Night Owl said...

What women need to resist is a divisive mindset that pits their sons against their daughters. Shallow-thinking leftists forget that children don't have the perspicacity born out of years of experience that adults do, and therefore cannot put the anti-masculine attitude of modern feminism into a framework that does not end up unfairly stigmatizing innocent boys. Instead of a simplistic, exclusionary emphasis on "girl power", instead teach children that both boys and girls can be leaders, if that is what they want to be.

The leftist mindset that drives modern feminism is divisive, which is detrimental to a peaceful society, and which is just too weird for me. It ultimately always ends up "unintentionally" harming the innocent, in this case young boys.

MayBee said...

I think she's trying to inch her way toward Claire Underwood.

Qwinn said...

Still waiting on the list of Trump's foreign policy initiatives that make Putin all warm and contented. Also waiting to hear why in the world Putin would've disliked Hillary "we'll give you 20% of our uranium for a check to our foundation" Clinton as President.

Anonymous said...

"I suggest women within shouting distance of 70 years of age resist the temptation to blonde it up."

What? You think Althouse is a natural blond? I'm quite sure Althouse is probably white and has gone "blond" for many years now. The same goes for Clinton. Both are old enough to have white hair. Also blond looks better on an older woman who has gone white than a darker color.

Anonymous said...

"Resist what?"

Seriously, you don't know? Resist normalizing and accepting Trump as POTUS. The man is a monumental fraud.

Anonymous said...

"LOL - that's got to be one of the funniest ones :-)

Really? Is Trump your 'model' of being grown-up????


Exactly, LOL!

Bilwick said...

Hot. Very hot. And I thought my poster of Hillary in a leather "Hilse, She-Wolf of the IRS" and holding a whip was a turn-on!

But seriously . . .

Wonder how supportive Queen Cacklepants would be if, say, Tammy Bruce ran for office.

Etienne said...

I wanna live
with a potato shaped girl
I could be happy
the rest of my life
With a potato shaped girl.

Qwinn said...

Not surprised that Unknown, who pushes the "Trump is a Russian stooge" narrative harder than anyone, posts a meaningless insult and ignores the pertinent question posed: explain to us what Trump has done for Putin, and explain to us why Putin wouldn't have preferred Hillary who sold him our uranium for a check to her foundation.

I've been reading your posts for months now and never saw a good answer. C'mon, you're so SURE about your narrative, you post it relentlessly, surely those questions are easy to answer.

madAsHell said...

I suggest women within shouting distance of 70 years of age resist the temptation to blonde it up.

I figured she was trying to capture that freshly-fucked-look. I-just-got-out-of-bed-with-my-boy-toy-named-Esteban, and last night he FOUND the right wrinkle.

It's a little like the walk-of-shame, but that's just for younger women.....that still have a smidgen of shame.

Unknown said...

she looks like she's broadcasting from a penal colony in the penal colony outfit and the penal colony bob. I wish.

Jim at said...

What you leftists don't understand with your 'resistance' bullshit is .... WE are the resistance. You are the status quo. The beltway. The Establishment.

We resisted YOU. And won.

And you can't stand it.

urbane legend said...

. . . dramatic muumuus.

Great band, but not even a one hit wonder.

The Godfather said...

Forget her hairdo. Watch the Hillary video with the sound off. It's a hoot! I bet it's even more revealing than that thing they staged with a male actor playing her in a debate. In fact, from now on, I'm going to watch everything political with the sound off. If everybody else does the same, then when the pols find out, they'll shut up.

Isn't that what you've always wanted?

richard mcenroe said...

Hillary can't stand up in a mild breeze or resist a stiff drink. Not the best ally...

dustbunny said...

Women should be able to look however they want! Crazy Jane,what the fuck are you talking about? Are you suggesting a woman has to look exactly the same once she reaches middle age, as though she is put out to pasture?? Fashion is interesting and powerful. Women should feel free to change it up whenever they like. Men can too, but they are rarely interested in the process. Viva la difference!

dustbunny said...

I agree, we are the resistance, Hillary, despite her hairdo changes is the status quo.

Quaestor said...

Women should feel free to change it up whenever they like.

Men, largely homosexual, change it for them.

Rusty said...

sunsong said...
"Ann, we are laughing at them. They can resist all they want, but when there is no there, need to move on. The more they keep it up, the more people do not want to be anything like they are....Call them what you want, but they are wimpy, whiney, petulant and childish. They need to grow up!

LOL - that's got to be one of the funniest ones :-)

Really? Is Trump your 'model' of being grown-up????"

Sure as shit you're not.

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