March 29, 2017

"If someone steps down or something changes, I’ll then ask and answer those questions at that time. But right now, no, I’m not running for public office."

Says Chelsea Clinton speaking — in her exquisitely annoying fashion — and purporting to find it "all rather hysterical" that people keep asking if she'll run for office, acting as if she's ending the inquiry, yet obviously keeping alive the hope/fear that she will — if some unstated condition clicks — run for office:


Will Cate said...

When she says "constantly surprised" what she means is "100% totally flattered."

Inga said...

I find Ivanka to have an annoying speaking style. Chelsea's speaking style doesn't bother me in the least. Is this going to be a let's all bash Chelsea (because... why?) thread?

Brando said...

Ah Chelsea, the answer to the question no one asked.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

My prediction, based on the steps down phrasing:

They are arranging for someone to "step down", in a place where Chelsea can be appointed by a Democrat governor, to be the replacement. That way, the first time she has to run will be as the incumbent.

Once written, twice... said...

Ivanka has parlayed for both herself and her husband an office in the West Wing. But you are annoyed with Chelsea.

Got it.

Inga said...

Can we all say "Nepotism"? Repeat after me....

Bill said...

Annoying, yes, but at least she doesn't punctuate every other word with um, as Caroline Kennedy did during her ill-fated bid to replace Hillary in 2008.

donald said...

I've ever heard Ivan's Trump speak, it would have to bother me a lot however being as she's and exquisite beauty.

I do know Webster Hubbel's daughter's voice however and it's as homely as that annoying bleat

donald said...

I swear I am proof reading and correcting these errors! Damn.

tcrosse said...

I don't want to hear another goddam word about my white male privilege.

Ann Althouse said...

"I find Ivanka to have an annoying speaking style. Chelsea's speaking style doesn't bother me in the least. Is this going to be a let's all bash Chelsea (because... why?) thread?"

Because Chelsea made a video talking to us about a subject she must have deemed to be of public importance.

You bring Ivanka up out of nowhere, yet you ask why we're talking about Chelsea? You're the one reflexively distracting us. We'll talk about Ivanka when Ivanka thrusts herself forward... like... oh... let's see... YESTERDAY!

Rob said...

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

Earnest Prole said...

She obviously got her annoying speech patterns from her mother; the question is whether it's nature or nurture, genetics or culture.

gspencer said...

"If someone steps down or something changes, I’ll then ask and answer those questions at that time."

Translation, "If a seat's basically handed to me, yeah, I'll take it, and let the voters bask in the glow of my wonderfulness. But it better be a good seat, I'll tell ya that much. I've never had to work for anything in my life. Why, of all things, would I be expected to work at winning an election, of actually trying to persuade voters that my ideas are better. Things have just been given to me. Why would things change now?"

buwaya said...

"Ah Chelsea, the answer to the question no one asked."

The question is "will you give me money?", and its a very popular question.
This works at both ends of the pay to play system.
Clinton money buys a political office, which give Clintons influence to sell in order to collect more money.

tcrosse said...

She may have inherited her Mom's personal sense of entitlement, which warms the hearts of Royalists everywhere.

Inga said...

That's a distraction? Ivanka has thrust herself forward, yes indeed. But sure, let's talk about how Chelsea is brazenly thrusting herself forward and let's simply forget that Ivanka has done the same thing with the help of her father.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Chelsea has accomplished absolutely nothing and has the charisma and brains of a wet dishrag. She has none of her father's political skills.

It just goes to show you how lacking in talent the Dem bench is, that the media has to push this nullity as Princess-In-Waiting. But then, their desire for an American liberal dynasty is strong and the Obama girls aren't old enough yet. She's our Prince Charles, another dud who would be nothing except for an accident of birth.

Francisco D said...

She has her mother's voice. Ugh!

I wonder what Webster Hubbell's voice sounded like?

Brando said...

"The question is "will you give me money?", and its a very popular question. "

I guess the family smarted a bit from their pay for play operation shutting down (or at least going into lower gear) so they figure sending out their spawn to chase more dollars is what they'll do.

I suspect she'll be even less successful than her mother was.

khesanh0802 said...

The House of Windsor knows when to be quiet and withdraw from public view. I wish the House of Clinton had the same good judgement. I am astounded that anyone would back Chelsea for any public office, but the Dems continue to be the party of celebrities, good or bad. Of course Chelsea does not have the magic BS of her "father" so I don't think she will go far no matter how hard she is pushed.

Mr. Groovington said...

(I believe the male reaction to Chelsea Clinton is universal)

Hagar said...

Having the Clintons for parents is a tough burden to bear, but Chelsea should stop trying to live up to their 'standards.'
Chelsea looks to be a good wife and mother, which is not such a small thing, and should stick to that. She is not a killer.

Will Cate said...

exiledonmainstreet said... "Chelsea has accomplished absolutely nothing"

Ah, but she has accomplished this: she's been paid truckloads of money for remarkably little work. That carries a lot of weight in certain circles.

DanTheMan said...

Be fair. She has the same qualification as her mother for being a senator:
1) She lived in the White House
2) Her last name was Clinton

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Be fair. She has the same qualification as her mother for being a senator:
1) She lived in the White House
2) Her last name was Clinton

3/29/17, 3:13 PM

Don't forget 3! Chelsea also dodged sniper fire in Bosnia!

buwaya said...

"Chelsea looks to be a good wife and mother, which is not such a small thing, and should stick to that."

But its looking like her husband isn't up to being the breadwinner in the family, having lost lots of money in various ventures. Mama and Papa seem washed up at this point, as far as revenues from influence peddling.

So someone has to provide for the family, to go to work at whatever she can get. Its like a mother taking in washing and housekeeping for others when her husband is out of work.

TosaGuy said...

Fully functioning adults can observe different people at the same time.

DanTheMan said...

Isn't the real question why she isn't ahead by 50 points by now?

I'm Full of Soup said...

"We'll talk about Ivanka when Ivanka thrusts herself forward."

Hot damn - is there video of that?

Rick said...

"Chelsea has accomplished absolutely nothing"

In that at least she follows both her parents. Let's not kid ourselves a good speaking voice and knowing how to fool the rubes is "something" in any meaningful way.

Unfortunately that describes the entire political class, not just Democrats and Republicans but the European parties as well. Their squabbling over the right to decide how everyone else should contribute to their well being is no more legitimate than the ancient aristocracy deciding what they "deserve" from their peasants.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Inga- I doubt anyone here is crazy about Ivanka nor thrilled that she is reputed to be a big lib and that she has her father's ear.

D.D. Driver said...

I love the phrase "constantly surprised." How can one be constantly surprised by the same thing? After you have been surprised once, aren't you on guard for the next occurrence?

Michael K said...

"Chelsea's speaking style doesn't bother me in the least."

OMG! You like her ? You really like her ?

That's my Sally Fields imitation.

Jason said...

The libs are shitty to Melania, too, and she's doing nearly everything possible to stay OUT of the public eye.

Inga said...

"OMG! You like her ? You really like her ?"

I don't hate her and I refuse to join in a gratuitous insulting Chelsea session. This is petty and beneath the blogress.

Inga said...

Liberals have been mostly neutral to Melania, but this is a distraction. Get back to insulting Chelsea.

Jay Vogt said...

It was interesting that she referred to her cohort and thereby herself as "young people". She's in her mid to late 30's. While she's not old, it funny how the culture changes. Bruce Springsteen came to the frightening realization that "maybe we ain't that young anymore" in Thunder Road when he was in his mid 20's I believe.

Pookie Number 2 said...

AJ Lynch - I suspect you're right, although I wonder if Ivanka's exposure to the vast left-wing temper tantrum has led her to re-evaluate.

Anonymous said...

As General Sherman almost said, "If ignored, I will not serve."

Pookie Number 2 said...

In Chelsea's defense, there's no shortage of people attracted to her unimaginative shallow politics. I'd be constantly surprised myself if the brain-dead hordes weren't pushing her to run.

Balfegor said...

Re: Francisco D:

She has her mother's voice. Ugh!

Not really -- what strikes me in Chelsea's speech is the vocal fry aka "creaky voice." Which some people do find quite annoying. I don't think Hillary Clinton did creaky voice.

Wilbur said...

For her sake I hope she seeks advice from her fathers before thrusting herself further into the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Her trial balloons of the last few months were met with a response from indifference to revulsion.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Wilbur said...
For her sake I hope she seeks advice from her fathers before thrusting herself further into the public eye.

3/29/17, 3:56 PM

Is Web Hubbell still alive?

rehajm said...

I am astounded that anyone would back Chelsea for any public office

When leftie voters look down the bench at the leftie relievers available to go...

M Jordan said...

Chelsea Clinton is truly the worst possible answer to Dems woes. The worst, Jerry, the worst.

Ken B said...

What's the opposite of missing? Surfeited? I am pre-surfeited.

Bill said...

The calculation of this ad -- and make no mistake, that's exactly what it is -- reminds me of Hillary's first campaign ad from her 2008 presidential run. It was the first time I'd heard the word conversation used in the manner that's become so cherished by the left, and so emetic to me.

Original Mike said...

I cant believe she included President in the list of offices she is not seeking.

You know, city council, ...president...

Wince said...

LarsPorsena said...
Blogger Wilbur said...
For her sake I hope she seeks advice from her fathers before thrusting herself further into the public eye.

Great, just what America needs: a good 'skull fucking' by Chelsea Clinton.

Big Mike said...

She answered a question no one is asking.

'TreHammer said...

...oh, I don't know...I think she's kinda cute...

YoungHegelian said...


I wonder what Webster Hubbell's voice sounded like?

Like a heavy-set Southern lawyer, which is what he is. His voice has no affected mannerisms.

I say this after having spoken to him multiple times at functions for a charity group we were once both involved in.

readering said...

Her speaking style did not bother me but what she was saying was so boring I cut halfway through. She does kinda sound like her mother, but faster talking. I guess she's more of a New Yorker.

Bay Area Guy said...

Run, Chelsea, run! Because we need the long tail of the never-ending Clintonian nightmare to persist!

She's like Carolyn Kennedy -- only less articulate.

The Godfather said...

Oh please please please PLEASE run, Chelsea! Run for the Senate. New York could use a Republican Senator for a change. And please have your Mom manage your campaign, just to be sure.

mezzrow said...

At one point, Michael Corleone probably wanted to get out of the family business too.



Sebastian said...

Started running for office with a lie. Figures.

walter said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...
Ivanka has parlayed for both herself and her husband an office in the West Wing. But you are annoyed with Chelsea.
Got it
Well..with Melania essentially bowing out of the usually unaccountable yet empowered role of "1st lady", Trump brought in other family.
Hey..instead of the Clinton's "Two for one" Hil' beamed about, we're getting a 3-fer.
But really..I'm less annoyed by Chelsea's political tap-dance than I am her having been employed as a "natural journalist" for 600k.

Anonymous said...

My heavens. I haven't posted here in a scorpion's lifetime but if the subject is the entitled child of the most corrupt administration in the history of criminal pollitical enterprises, I have to say, Why?

Why are yoiu consumed with a young lady married to a criminal's son who lost all his invetor's money in the Ukraine and couldn't even look good in leather/

Pretty skinny issues to adle the brain cells.

fivewheels said...

"Liberals have been mostly neutral to Melania"

Delusional. When they're not calling her a prostitute, they're calling her a battered woman with no evidence, or encouraging her to murder her husband in his sleep. Liberals can't even hold back from attacking her 10-year-old son. "Neutral." Ha.

Amadeus 48 said...

This is so cool. Chelsea says she is not running for anything...until maybe someone will die or retire or be in a car wreck or get poisoned or fall out of a window or get indicted or something. And then at that time she'll ask and answer all those questions that will get asked and need to be answered, and in the meantime she can work on sounding like Emma Stone or Selena Gomez or one of those other Disney kids or whatEVERRRRR. And that nice Mr. Diller will make sure that we can keep the nanny on. America needs Chelsea the way they needed her at McKinsey and NBC and IAC and Expedia...and this is really cool, she tried to find if she cared about money...AND SHE DIDN'T! OMG!!! How great is that?

America needs Chelsea and we need her now.

Over to you, Inga.

Toto said...

All of momma's charisma and entitlement and a fraction of her dubious achievements. Chelsea's a natural!

Yet here's the press on an almost daily mission to make this happen. It's almost like reporters are hopelessly biased. But that can't be. They keep telling us they aren't.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Oh for the love of God, what is the media obsession with this woman?

Go away already.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Can't these people (the Clintons) just go the fuck away?

Mr. Groovington said...

‪Original Mike‬ said...
I cant believe she included President in the list of offices she is not seeking.

You know, city council, ...president...
3/29/17, 4:16 PM

Yes, it was shocking she would even think to include it on the denial list. Her various hideousnesses completely creep me out.

Fred Drinkwater said...

D d driver:
I believe Douglas Adams answered the question you pose. Apparently, sheep are surprised every morning by the rising of the sun.
Analogy left to the reader...

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Inga wrote:

I find Ivanka to have an annoying speaking style. Chelsea's speaking style doesn't bother me in the least. Is this going to be a let's all bash Chelsea (because... why?) thread?

First and second sentences - that's because your a Clinton homer. Those pirates can do anything and you are cool with it.

Third sentence - Yes it is. She certainly deserves it.

Heywood Rice said...

Clintons! (am I right?)

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"I won't work for it, but if it is handed to me I might think about accepting."

Geez, it is hard to design a worse answer.

Jim at said...

"Get back to insulting Chelsea."

She brings it all on herself.

Just like you.

Amadeus 48 said...

And Chelsea is getting the Power of Women Award from Variety, together with Jessica Chastain, Blake Lively, Gayle King, Audra McDonald and Shari Redstone. Because she is SO accomplished.

So let's look at that lineup: an actress, an actress, Oprah's BFF, a singer, Sumner Redstone's daughter, and Chelsea. Well, which of these is not like the other? Gayle King is on TV. Shari is someone's daughter, but she is the head of Viacom now that Pop has lost it.

It's Chelsea. She hasn't done a damn thing, even though she is Bill and Hillary's daughter.

I smell a rat. I'll never take Variety seriously again.

Gretchen said...

Just an observation. Most women of means who can afford top salons, skin regimens, makeup artists, plastic surgeons can be made to looks somewhat good. Hillary is a case in point, she is an average looking woman who looked quite good during her televising appearances. You need a special kind of homely to still look as hideous as Chelsea.

Chelsea is the political equivalent of Paris Hilton, famous because of her parents. Hopefully there will never be a Chelsea sex tape, but if the Clinton's get that desperate, who knows.

Inga said...

Hopefully we'll never get to see a real picture of Gretchen.

MaxedOutMama said...

I perceived that as a major "Yes" - but I'm not paying for it.

More cynically, don't all the family enterprises depend on political influence? The board seats, Clinton Foundation checks, etc - aren't they all dependent on Chelsea somehow keeping the ball in the air?

There is no way she could ever come out and say "No way."

Balfegor said...

Re: sodal ye:

Yes, it was shocking she would even think to include it on the denial list. Her various hideousnesses completely creep me out.

I think it was intended as a joke. But her delivery and timing is poor, very flat.

And that vocal fry.

Swede said...

I see a Nobel Peace Prize in her future.

They give that shit away nowadays.

Wilbur said...

I didn't think Hillary was unattractive, especially the pictures of her when she was younger. The dear didn't age well into her 40s. But when I heard her speak and saw her body language I couldn't help but intuit her very unpleasant character and personality.

Chelsea's not bad looking now either. I suspect she has some work done; nothing wrong with that.

I liked the bullpen analogy somebody made above. It's like the Democrats are calling down to the bullpen and being told Erskine's bouncing his curve ball.

A real baseball fan will get that reference.

Chris N said...

We're setting up a You-Go-Girl Traveling Pantsuit Global Health Empowerment
Clinton kickoff at The Kennedy Compound LEED certified New England Wind Initiative.

100K a head.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

redstate said...
Here’s a list of the presidents who hit 35% or lower in the Gallup approval poll compared with how many days it took them to get to that point:

Trump – 69 days
Truman – 524 days
Reagan – 741 days
Carter – 851 days
H.W. Bush – 1,283 days
Nixon – 1,659 days
Johnson – 1,725 days
George W. Bush – 1,926 days

Trump’s popularity took a massive hit last week as he began to publicly support the wildly unpopular healthcare bill that many are calling “RyanCare.”

exhelodrvr1 said...


"The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!! The Giants win the pennant!!"

Huge Giants fan - SF native (born in '58), but I read everything I could about the New York Giants, especially after Willie Mays (my boyhood idol) came up.

chickelit said...

Chelsea is totally lacking in the real life accomplishments department. But then, so too was Barack Obama.

Original Mike said...

Why can't ARM/Inga adhere to the topic?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
While their guy Trump is busy ruining this country they distract from it by insulting Chelsea Clinton.

I think Althouse is trying to distract from the crater sized hole her boy Ryan made in his debut as a leader of men.

Michael K said...

"So why is Trump failing so miserably Chickie?"

What worries the Democrats, Inga, is that he is not failing. A lot of those savvy enough to see beyond their noses realize he is reversing Obama'd record which, if Obama had had an interest in legislation, might be in statutes instead of EOs.

The GOP Congress is showing itself weak and disorganized. Ryan had a terrible week. Trump thought he knew what he was doing. He didn't. The guy who is looking good right now is Rand Paul.

Mount Gorsuch is coming up in a week and Democrats have to decide if this is the hill they want to die on.

Obama packed the DC Circuit with lefties after Reid blew up the filibuster. Now, it's Trump's turn.

Inga said...

Yes OM is right, we should stay on topic.

Chelsea is the devil, just a horrid ugly human being, she shouldn't be allowed to breath our air.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I think Althouse is trying to distract from the crater sized hole her boy Ryan made in his debut as a leader of men.

Of course, it could be that Ryan screwed up badly AND that Chelsea Clinton's relentless unattractiveness as a candidate is interesting.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

ExxonMobil urges White House to abide by Paris climate accord

Next up, Darth Vader urges the Emperor to go easy on the Rebel Alliance.

chickelit said...

Inga asks: So why is Trump failing so miserably Chickie?

Is he? Has that question been polled?

Pookie Number 2 said...

Chelsea is the devil, just a horrid ugly human being, she shouldn't be allowed to breath our air.

I think you're confusing her with her mother. Chelsea's just vapid.

Inga said...

I can think of far more unattractive candidates than Chelsea, but I won't list them because it might distract from the Chelsea bashing.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I can think of far more unattractive candidates than Chelsea, but I won't list them because it might distract from the Chelsea bashing.

I'm curious as to whether any of these far more unattractive candidates you're thinking of are Democrats.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Chelsea is the devil, just a horrid ugly human being, she shouldn't be allowed to breath our air."

No, she's just a vapid mediocrity who has done nothing to deserve the adulation she has received except pop out of Hillary's womb.

Inga said...

"I'm curious as to whether any of these far more unattractive candidates you're thinking of are Democrats."

Some might be but you'll not be able to find out who they are because it would be off topic.

tim maguire said...

"Not at this precise moment, no." Ok, thanks Chelsea.

chickelit said...

AReasonableMan said...
ExxonMobil urges White House to abide by Paris climate accord

No doubt the Saudis and the fracking industry will do/say the same.

You have strange bedfellows these days.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Some might be but you'll not be able to find out who they are because it would be off topic.

Oh, well. Back to the Flash for me, then.

le Douanier said...

We have a post/thread because it's interesting to call this gal annoying and suggest she's a purported fibber re her observed hysteria re her having been asked a particular question her entire life.

Got it.

Carry on.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Pookie Number 2 said...
it could be that Ryan screwed up badly AND that Chelsea Clinton's relentless unattractiveness as a candidate is interesting.

Let's think about these two situations. Ryan screws with one sixth of the world's largest economy, imperils the health of tens of millions of people and delivers a potential death blow to Trump's presidency. Chelsea gives an interview.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

ARM, in Trump's defense, he started from a much lower place.

Inga, Chelsea releases a video designed to keep herself in the public eye about a political run, but it's not ok for us to have an opinion on it? (For the record, I do not have an opinion on Ivanka snagging an advisor spot any more than I do Bobby Kennedy snagging something far more substantive.)

Pookie Number 2 said...

We have a post/thread because it's interesting to call this gal annoying and suggest she's a purported fibber re her observed hysteria re her having been asked a particular question her entire life.

Got it.

The interesting part is that she's being asked this particular question her entire life, despite her being annoying and displaying no talent for the position(s) about which she's being asked.

chickelit said...

I think Althouse is trying to distract from the crater sized hole her boy Ryan made in his debut as a leader of men.

Paul Ryan wasn't even in "The New Yorker"'s locker room. Remember?. Neither was Trump, but Hillary and Rand Paul were. Interesting.

If Mark Ulriksen were to draw a similar cover for today's Dems, it would be a women's or a transgender locker room.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Let's think about these two situations. Ryan screws with one sixth of the world's largest economy, imperils the health of tens of millions of people and delivers a potential death blow to Trump's presidency. Chelsea gives an interview.

They're very different. But varying topics - big and small - appeal to different people. My oldest may soon get engaged, and I'm about to watch the Flash. I don't equate the two in terms of seriousness, but they're both true.

Inga said...

"..Chelsea releases a video designed to keep herself in the public eye about a political run, but it's not ok for us to have an opinion on it?"

My concern was that this was merely a way of inviting people to gratuitously insult Chelsea Clinton, after all she has that annoying way of speaking, you know...that invites others to gratuitously insult her.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim maguire said...
in Trump's defense, he started from a much lower place.

And, none of the other guys had a bone-head like Ryan killing him in the House. After a populist election, let's lead off with tax cuts for the rich and cut health insurance for the old and poor.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
madAsHell said...

Why do I feel like she rehearsed, and that she finally got it right on the 3rd take?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She Persisted, How Hillary Clinton Will Never Leave Us Alone Until She's Dead

ARM - arguing like RAchel Maddow, the 15 year old boy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Mark Ulriksen were to draw a similar cover for today's Dems, it would be a women's or a transgender locker room.

Or early bed time at the Memory Care Center.

Rick said...

Original Mike said...
Why can't ARM/Inga adhere to the topic?

To them (and Chuck) every topic is "How to attack those we hate". That's what makes them both boring and useless.

Rick said...

Michael K said...
"So why is Trump failing so miserably Chickie?"

Trump hasn't made the country better, that's a tall order. But he hasn't screwed it up yet which is better than we could say for the actual Obama or the hypothetical Clinton.

When Gorsuch is confirmed the decay may even slow. Then we just have to hope every other initiative fails and we can declare victory.

harrogate said...

It's just so funny how many comments this got, I thought if add one more.


le Douanier said...

"The interesting part is that she's being asked this particular question her entire life, despite her being annoying and displaying no talent for the position(s) about which she's being asked."

Presumably you're using the word "interesting" in a gauge symmetry sorta way such that up is down for the transformation, therefore "uninteresting" is the observable.

That makes sense.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Presumably you're using the word "interesting" in a gauge symmetry sorta way such that up is down for the transformation, therefore "uninteresting" is the observable.

You lost me there.

JOB said...

To Chelsea, in My Dreams

“You said they had found the secret of happiness because they had never heard that love can be a sin.” – Eugene O’Neill, Mourning Becomes Electra

I did not tell the world your name but kept
In secret what no government could pry
Away from me: Through warp and weave, I slept
With Chelsea Clinton, never asking why
It would not do us any common good to meet
Beyond the bed of Hypnos’ diligent conceit.

In solemn mood you came, a maiden cut
From Browning’s tweedy cloth, a Stanford girl
With melancholy smiles, your bolts of chestnut
Enshrined in flowing lock and plying curl.
(And famous Morpheus lets poet’s pen secure
For us alone obscurity’s own sinecure!)

And smarting as a tragic heroine
From Sophocles, Euripides or O’Neill
You came to me like dawn and stayed till noon
And time again had struck its shady deal:
“But hush…” you said, and sang instead of morning light –
Of origins of day and incense owls by night….

You thought adultery a privilege
Of presidents – their public moments struck
With blooming adulation’s entourage;
So bitterness committed lines of Greek
To your memory: “No god harkens to the voice
Of lost Electra – no, nor heeds the sacrifice

Once offered by my father long ago” –
Stained testimonies, dresses, legal suits,
The palace intrigue and tabloids’ ado.
Our hearts were met where head on breast refutes
An idiotic world, though wishes borrow time
And count them by the rhyming sense of reason’s dream.

You had your life and I had mine; we knew
The world was full of cares that cared for us
Much less than daughters for such fathers who
Inhaled Climene’s venomous nonplus:
I kissed your lips and winding Lethe spoke your name….
All politics is local in Elysium.

chickelit said...

Pookie Number 2 said...You lost me there.

It's not unlike Jelly to reason that way.

BN said...

Too many comments. Didn't read.

But just a quick take on the subject if I may: does anyone else miss the besottled/junkie, lousy pilot--sorry--fatuous ingenue--I'm so sorry!--Kennedy grandkids?

Those were the days, eh?

Earnest Prole said...

The calculation of this ad -- and make no mistake, that's exactly what it is -- reminds me of Hillary's first campaign ad from her 2008 presidential run. It was the first time I'd heard the word conversation used in the manner that's become so cherished by the left, and so emetic to me.

This exactly.

wildswan said...

Who will Chelsea replace?
"As soon as someone from an important state like New York dies or retires to spend more time with their family, I, Chelsea Clinton, will get their seat as Senator. Aha. You didn't think about that when you thought the Clintons were done, did you? You thought I'd never get elected. You didn't think about me getting appointed. But Dad and Mom don't give up, you should know that by now."

Wonder how the Democratic members of the Senate feel when they read the latest Clinton manifesto? Are they thinking: "Which one of us already has a knife in the back and doesn't know it?" Or are they asking: "How much? How much are the Clintons offering?"

Curious George said...

"AReasonableMan said...
Let's think about these two situations. Ryan screws with one sixth of the world's largest economy, imperils the health of tens of millions of people and delivers a potential death blow to Trump's presidency."

You are confusing health insurance with healthcare. No one in this country goes without healthcare. Except by choice. Walk into any hospital. They will provide medically necessary treatment because they are required to. Regardless of having insurance or the ability to pay.

Tom said...

What she basically said is -- I won't take on any opponent's straight up. But if the opportunity arrises to slide into a position, I'll seize the opportunity. Lovely. Just lovely.

JAORE said...

""Liberals have been mostly neutral to Melania"

Delusional. When they're not calling her a prostitute, they're calling her a battered woman with no evidence, or encouraging her to murder her husband in his sleep. Liberals can't even hold back from attacking her 10-year-old son. "Neutral." Ha. "

Yeah, that comment drew a WOW(or WTF?, take yer pick) from me too. If Inga truly thinks liberals are neutral on ANYTHING Trump I'd advise an adjustment up on those meds.

Robert Cook said...

"No one in this country goes without healthcare. Except by choice. Walk into any hospital. They will provide medically necessary treatment because they are required to. Regardless of having insurance or the ability to pay."

So there's no problem, then, no healthcare crisis in America! In fact, why should anyone even purchase health insurance? I guess we have de facto "healthcare for all," given that any of us can just walk into a hospital anytime we're ill and receive all the necessary care and follow up treatment that we would otherwise have to mortgage our homes to afford...and it's free!! No one has to go bankrupt anymore paying for expensive health insurance that still may not pay for all the medically necessary treatment they receive!

Pookie Number 2 said...

Cook's general philosophy completely depends on idiotic misrepresentations of what his opponents believe. Otherwise, he'd actually have to think about the real-life consequences of the policies he favors, and that - as he repeatedly demonstrates - is a step he refuses to take.

Skeptical Voter said...

Good advice for New York--dump Chuck. Sub in Chelsea.

TestTube said...

Note to any one wishing to build their own political dynasty: Fecundity.

Hillary's big mistake was in having only one child, and a girl at that. Imagine what a political powerhouse the House of Clinton would be if she had three or four boys, with maybe a few girls to keep the line going into the third generation.

House of D'Alesandro/Pelosi has been active in politics off and on since 1935, and given a tradition of fertility among the younger generations, as well as $100M of family wealth, it is likely our great grandchildren will ponder electoral ballots that include a descendant of Thomas D'Alesandro among the candidates.

Clark said...

Inga, I have an idea. Start a blog. Write about whatever the fuck you want.

Portlandmermaid said...

Her feigned surprise that EVERYONE asks if she's going into politics is annoying. She's the sole offspring of two lifetime politicians with little else to recommend her, what else would they ask?

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