March 16, 2017

"I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down, for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than."

Said Chelsea Clinton — according to a statement released in her name.

Interesting that she's already written a book called "She Persisted," when the "she persisted" meme only got started last month when Mitch McConnell uttered the words.

But who even believes that Chelsea writes her own books? The idea that the book is already written is just another thing to feel dubious about, and why devote any time to searching for authenticity in the vicinity of Chelsea Clinton? What a sad case! So conspicuous and so never there at all.

I'm linking to the news about her today, but there was news about her yesterday too: "Chelsea Clinton fuels speculation of political run." Fuels. As if energy emanates from the woebegone woman.
“She’s never denied that she has an interest in running for office, and that leads me to believe that one day she will,” said one former aide to Hillary Clinton. “And she’d probably be successful.”

Yet many caution that the time might not be right for another Clinton to enter the political scene....
As they say in the cartoons: How about never — is never good for you?

ADDED: She wrote the book "for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than," but she's the one who's always been made to feel more than.


David Begley said...

Having seen her in person, she should definitely run. She'd get her clock cleaned; even in a House race.

Sigivald said...

Chelsea Clinton, naturally, the voice of the silenced and downtrodden.

Oh, irony.

(O tempora, o mores!)

Chuck said...

I don't care about Chelsea Clinton or her book, although I very much like this Alhouse post. Not caring about Chelsea doesn't mean I am disinterested in any mention of her.

On the larger subject of ghostwriting, I am looking forward to reading "The Art of the Deal," after Trump ghostwriter Tony Schwartz's comments:

Original Mike said...

Chelsea Clinton has been deprived of a voice? Shut up!

Known Unknown said...

"For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post"

Take a hint, Charles.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Good lord, stop trying to make Chelsea "Fetch" Clinton happen. It's not going to happen.

You know who probably felt less-than? I bet a young intern who got outed to the world as a human humidor for the most prominent politician in the nation and then had to hear that same politician assert "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" felt a little less-than. I mean, obviously she's a hero too, 'cause that's how feminism works, but my point is that I'm sure Monica Lewinsky will appreciate Chelsea's thoughtful meditation on overcoming adversity. Quick question--how many days of honest work has Chelsea done in her life, again? Getting a cool $600k from a Media company for a few videos doesn't count.

Hey Chuck, nice work turning the actual discussion to an attack on Trump. That's not getting tired or annoying at all, buddy. And only three comments in! For someone who puts so much stock in the Professor's rules "try to be responsive to the post" doesn't seem to govern much of your choice of posting, huh pal?

Hunter said...

Maybe you think you're being silenced because you are a woman, when the real reason is that your idea was stupid.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down...

So for toddlers.

Anonymous said...

"But who even believes that Chelsea writes her own books?"

There are plenty of people who claim they could write a book, but probably don't have any more writing skills than Chelsea does, in reality.

Chuck said...

"Ghostwriting" is the theme, Hoodlum.

Bay Area Guy said...

How come the Left and the media (yes, redundancy abounds) are so dishonest?

Hillary and Bill made $153 Million in the past 8 or so years. No business, no product, no service, but a lotta high-paying speeches at Goldman Sachs and other toney enterprises.

Ok, great. We're not Communists. Go fill your bank account up real high, Clintons.

Now, Chelsea is the only child of these real rich politicians. Great. Good for her. Born on 3rd base, thinks she hit a triple.

She's dabbled in the network news and other high profile stuff. Great, why not?

She's married with a kid, has a beaucoup money from her parents, and doesn't have to work. Nice gig if you can get it.

So, duh, what might her next career move be? Why yes a calling to run for political office to help out all those poor souls who don't have fancy condos in the Upper West Side.

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Drago said...

You will be made to care about and revere Chelsea Clinton.

Her sassy tweets, brilliant insights into the human condition and her willingness to "fight for you!"

In the end, all the Dems and "lifelong republicans" will fall in line.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jaed said...

I mean, obviously she's a hero too, 'cause that's how feminism works

That's not how feminism works. Feminism works like this: Monica was inconvenient to the left, and therefore Monica was, variously, crazy, deluded (before the blue dress and DNA testing), a stalker, a groupie (after the blue dress and DNA testing), unattractive, and some sort of cheap sex fiend who kept condoms in her nightstand (the awfulness!). The rage against Monica Lewinsky, and the instinctive, vociferous defense of Clinton, was a sight to see, back in the day.

"Feminism? What feminism? Oh, you didn't take all that stuff about coming to the defense of other women seriously, did you?"

rehajm said...

When you run for public office communication skills are important.

Fallback position: be boyfriend material.

dreams said...

Chelsea Clinton got screwed when she was conceived. Hillary screwed her own daughter while she was screwing her ugly law pardner. Poor Chelsea.

Drago said...

There are no doubt half a dozen books already for publication in the hopper for Chelsea that will be rolled out on cue as needed.

The literary awards are also primed to go as well to ensure maximum exposure.

As surely as night follows day there will be a "Spoken Word" award along with whatever Hollywood can throw her way in terms of the inevitable documentary.

This isn't ghost writing: this will be a Ghost Invasion.

Now, which sitting democrats are going to have to "ghost" themselves to clear the path?

Ann Althouse said...

"So for toddlers."

It is a children's book.

What is it with these accessory women and their writing of children's books?

The irony that these are books that act like they're doing feminism.

If feminism matters, lady, quit writing fake children's books! Leave the book writing to actual artists who have something in their soul to give to a child. Get your disgusting politics out of their sacred presence.

Gahrie said...

....and lifelong Republican Chuckles yet again uses a thread about a Democrat to launch an attack on a Republican....

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Chelsea has to be the most uninteresting public figure I can think of.

I'm puzzled as to why that is. Billy Jeff is interesting, in his "aw shucks" snake oil salesman way. If Hillary was ever interesting, it was leached out of her a long time ago and replaced with nothing but greed for power. But Chelsea had a pretty unique childhood. She's traveled the world over, met important people, educated at the "best" schools - and yet she's boring. Boring and plain and that can't be hidden no matter how much the MSM tries to make her seem glamorous and profound.

Come to think of it, the same is true of the Kennedy spawn as well.

Fernandinande said...

"I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down, for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than."

So the book is for Milo?

Gary Davis beat her to the punch with The Sound Reinforcement Handbook

Known Unknown said...

""Ghostwriting" is the theme, Hoodlum."

You would think it would have a 'ghostwriting' tag. But nope, just a Chelsea one.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gahrie said...
....and lifelong Republican Chuckles yet again uses a thread about a Democrat to launch an attack on a Republican...."

Chuck thinks he's a brave contrarian. He's even more boring than Chelsea.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

I suppose the longest chapter will be devoted to campus conservatives and Trump supporters.

Jane the Actuary said...

Children's books are, by and large, pretty dull these days. Half are preachy, about some subject or another, and a good share of the remainder want to be artsy, poetry of the sort that appeals to artsy adults, not kids. Yes, I'm glad that my kids are past that age.

Yancey Ward said...

I feel for Mrs. Mezvinsky. The downtrodden and trod upon could find no better carrier of their torch.

Sebastian said...

"She persisted." Sounds about right for the grifters. If they quit, the money dries up. They gotta at least plausibly threaten to run again. Of course, we're all waiting to find out how Michelle will "persist."

"If feminism matters, lady . . ." Now that's funny. Especially the "if."

Static Ping said...

Quaestor, per the article and Ann this is a children's book. I dunno. Maybe there will be more things to color on those pages. True diversity requires all the colors of the rainbow and the 152 piece Crayola collection.

As to ghostwriting, a children's book is pretty embarrassing. With more serious books you can believe that the celebrity actually gives an outline of what will be there, perhaps adding some interesting details in places, and the ghostwriter is there to do the actual writing within those parameters. A ghostwriter who writes 200 pages on a 10 page outline adds value but so does the person who does the outline. It's a team. I do realize that much of the time the ghostwriter is doing almost all or all of the work, but the fantasy is there. The idea that you would need someone to write a children's book indicates illiteracy more than anything else.

traditionalguy said...

They came close ($120 million close) to having the third Bush to run last year, and only two Clintons have been run so far. Fair is fair.

Free Chelsea! She can run as, Clinton Three, it's her turn.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

It is a children's book.

I can just picture the elementary school teacher trying to read this to a group of kids, having to tell them to quiet down, and entirely missing the irony.

Static Ping said...

As to Chelsea's future political career:

1. She seems to have zero charisma.
2. She seems to have zero political talent.
3. She has accomplished very little in her life.
4. With all that said, if she moves to the correct district or state and someone in the political machine clears the road for her, she will get elected.

Objectively, she would be a better representative than Maxine Waters. And there are plenty of senators that essentially do nothing but collect paychecks and get themselves re-elected in very safe seats. It's not that hard of a job. A potted plant could be the senator from California if they could train it to vote.

tcrosse said...

Well, the family bribe machine has dried up and her husband's hedge fund has gone bust. She doesn't seem to have any particular talent, so what's a girl to do ? She can tap into the loyalty of royalist sympathisers to put kale on the table.

Anonymous said...

For everyone who's ever been born on third base but think they hit a triple.

Rick said...

"I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down, for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than."

Less than what?

“She’s never denied that she has an interest in running for office, and that leads me to believe that one day she will,” said one former aide to Hillary Clinton. “And she’d probably be successful.”

It's a sign of our party dysfunction that such a vapid unaccomplished person would even be considered. It says ideas are irrelevant in favor of party loyalty and Q rating.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I find it interesting that the Clintons are coopting Warren's slogan.

I wonder how Warren will retaliate.

hombre said...

The graft faucet has been shut off and she's only in for what, $15 mil?


Comanche Voter said...

A certain lack of selfawareness seams to permeate Clan Clinton---at least on the distaff side. Ol Billy Jeff always knew what he was doing, and generally knew how he was perceived.

I don't know how many no talent to modestly talented people have been paid half a million a year or so to be a "reporter" for NBC, but I guess that's how you come to learn or feel that you are less than---maybe a box of rocks? But a well paid box of rocks, so there is that.

Paddy O said...

"I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down..."

It's a collection of stories about all the good Democratic Presidential candidates who could have run in 2016.

William said...

Aging movie stars write tell all books where they drop a dime on their ex-lovers' weird sexual demands and their costars struggle with flatulence during romantic scenes. It's a paycheck. I'd read a tell all book by Chelsea, but it doesn't look like she'll ever be so broke that a Mommy Dearest book will become an economic necessity. Maybe after her parents are dead and the will is probated, she can write one for spite and to set the record straight........They say fame without money is a curse. You don't have the resources to keep the prying eyes away. Chelsea has celebrity without beauty or charisma. Beauty or charisma are a kind of protective shield against prying eyes. Well, she has money, and that helps. Still, Chelsea is not a woman who blossoms and flowers with public attention.

eric said...

The Hill has tweeted 70 articles about Chelsea Clinton in 2017.

Drago said...

Bill, Republic of Texas:"I find it interesting that the Clintons are coopting Warren's slogan.
I wonder how Warren will retaliate"

Rhetorical "ghost scalping"?

Adopt a "live and let live" arrangement by smoking a peace-pipe and divvying up the democrat/"lifelong republican" electorate? You know, carve out so-called "reservations" of voter blocks so they are not forced to drive each other onto any tearful trails? You know, bury the hatchet, so to speak?

Maybe simply share authentic Native American recipes and share them over "secure" servers?

Brando said...

Oh Good, another Clinton emerges. Like the Kennedys I don't think we'll ever be free of them, they just keep coming back.

buwaya said...

"It is a children's book. "

There are way too many childrens books I think.
Our kids ran through them like cookies, and got bored very quickly. Then they had to have real books.

And the old ones are really tough to beat, unless one is truly brilliant.
"Thomas the Tank Engine" series for instance, which we had the lot of.
And the "Berenstain Bears". We had the lot of that too, I think, though there are so many of the damn things I can't say for sure.
Both were thoroughly didactic, but they brought a lot else to the table. When someone misbehaved, we could cite the appropriate Thomas or Bears to cover the case. Those things had authority.
"Thomas" I especially admired, it had a powerful element of the real.
It has some excellent lessons in management too - or how not to manage.

And a bunch else, but mostly (or nearly all) very old things, including my personal favorite and the kids (for a while, each, kids are fickle) Stephensons "Child's Garden of Verses".

A lot of other, modern, kids books are momentary publishing marketing efforts that are sold to mothers, as a fashionable gesture.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Chelsea has read her book yet?

buwaya said...

Another set which we couldn't get many of, at the time, for our kids in their original form, were the Penguin "Ladybird" series. In one little book you had physics experiments you could make with corks and feathers, in another all the sights and background of Palestine, in another Vikings off massacring someone, or Kings losing their heads. We had these as kids, and they were really brilliant.

Jim S. said...

I remember some news article -- I don't know if it was Bill was first running or after he was elected -- which said that Bill and Hillary had given Chelsea public speaking training sessions as a child where they verbally challenged her with unfair and hostile comments. The article said Chelsea would be reduced to tears and ask, "But why would anyone say something so mean?" and Bill and Hillary would say, "That's what they do, you have to get used to it." I remember at the time, as a Clinton supporter, that it was a slush piece, portraying Clinton's opponents as mean bullies, and putting it into the context of childhood to make them seem even meaner.

Big Mike said...

@BADuBois, you have a thread winner!

AlbertAnonymous said...

Eric said:

"The Hill has tweeted 70 articles about Chelsea Clinton in 2017."

70? Is that accurate? Jeeze we're only, what, 75 days into 2017?

Rae said...

On the one hand, I would dearly love to watch another Clinton go down in political flames. On the other - I can't believe the Dems would be stupid enough to foist her on us. On the gripping hand, it's not like they have a deep bench anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Profiles in Courage" it's not

MadisonMan said...

I believe there was a revolution, 1776ish, to separate from Royalty such as the Clinton family. Yet they persist. Why? Are they that hungry STILL for money?

Roughcoat said...

Children's books: The Wind in the Willows. Freddie the Pig books. Jungle Book. Anything illustrated by N.C. Wyeth but especially Robin Hood and The White Company. Smokey the Crow and Smiling Hill Farm. The Singing Sword.

Those are best, Conon.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Guess the MSM/DNC/publishing hegemon really wants to make Chelsea a "thing" after all.


TrespassersW said...

"...for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than."

That phrase -- "...feel less than" -- is in a dead heat with "woke" for the Most Vapid Locution of 2017.

LYNNDH said...

A box of rocks has more smarts.

Brando said...

"That phrase -- "...feel less than" -- is in a dead heat with "woke" for the Most Vapid Locution of 2017."

My same reaction--"...less than." to end a sentence, as though somehow profound.

And "woke"--ugh! What word should we use to describe those of us not woke? "Still Sleeping" sounds a bit clumsy.

Yancey Ward said...


Well, I am sure she has staff that read it to her, or gave her the gist of it.

Yancey Ward said...

Bill, Republic of Texas,

Yes, that is the most interesting thing of all. Just another in a long line of evidence that Hillary! is running in 2020. Warren probably made a big mistake in not immediately copyrighting "She Persisted".

JAORE said...

For those of you wondering exactly what is meant by "white privilege"....

damikesc said...

According to usual output, it will be boring as all hell and she probably got an advance that far exceeded her likely revenue generated.

Anthony said...

Drago said...
You will be made to care about and revere Chelsea Clinton.

Her sassy tweets, brilliant insights into the human condition and her willingness to "fight for you!"

In the end, all the Dems and "lifelong republicans" will fall in line.

3/16/17, 11:33 AM

End of thread.

Jaq said...

You know who told Chelsea to shut up? Her parents when she tried to reform the Clinton Foundation.

Michael K said...

"Children's books: The Wind in the Willows"

A great series is The Red Wall Series by a guy named Brian Jacques.

damikesc said...

On the larger subject of ghostwriting, I am looking forward to reading "The Art of the Deal," after Trump ghostwriter Tony Schwartz's comments:

I'm curious how this is relevant to any topic at hand.

We get it. You don't like Trump. No need to constantly remind folks.

FullMoon said...

“She’s never denied that she has an interest in running for office, and that leads me to believe that one day she will,” said one former aide to Hillary Clinton. “And she’d probably be successful.”

She ever deny an interest in fondling an Arabian Stallion? Or mare?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

This is all about trying to keep $ flowing in the Clinton foundation. The Clintons want donors to think there is still influence to be bought.

FullMoon said...

Ignorance is Bliss said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down...

So for toddlers.

And for every normal boy in grade school..

viejo loco said...

Chuck the schmuck - "Henry VI, Act 2, Scene 2." Live it, asshole.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
If feminism matters, lady, quit writing fake children's books! Leave the book writing to actual artists who have something in their soul to give to a child. Get your disgusting politics out of their sacred presence.

3/16/17, 11:39 AM

Dayum! Were you holding back while still teaching law?

FullMoon said...

Chuck finally finished Louis L Amour and now gonna read "Art of the Deal"
Published thirty years ago.
Next up, "How to win friends and Influence People" Published 80 years ago.

Way to stay on top of thinks, Chuck.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Less than? She's 1%+

Weddings and babies expensed through Clinton Grifter, Inc.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And for every normal boy in grade school..

3/16/17, 2:24 PM

And every normal boy who has to listen to some progressive teacher read this ghost-written dreck to him...

Lewis Wetzel said...

On the positive side for those of us who do not want an American aristocracy, Chelsea seems to lack political talent. She has even less charisma than Elizabeth Warren.
I could see her being given a safe congressional district as a consolation prize, but where? She isn't really from anywhere. What district would feel good about giving her a place over a native son or daughter?

David said...


Left Bank of the Charles said...

Not tagging with Clinton derangement syndrome is one of the leading signs of Clinton derangement syndrome.

tcrosse said...

Not tagging with Clinton derangement syndrome is one of the leading signs of Clinton derangement syndrome.
It is hardly derangement to do a clear-eyed assessment of someone with political ambitions. If anyone had applied that assessment to Hillary (which they did in 2008) we would have been saved a lot of fuss and bother.

zefal said...

Including the White House travel office staff her mother fired on phonied-up charges? Who were handcuffed and put into a back of a van so her mother could "bring in our own people". Who ghost wrote jfk's Profiles of Courage?

Are you going to post anything on your joke of a college president, Ann?

buwaya said...

This was posted on Instapundit -

“Well,” I said, “you know how you’ve been running around here celebrating George Washington? We always talk about George Washington fighting for freedom. But George Washington also owned black people as slaves.”

Her intrigue turned to horror."

Note - writer is talking about her 7-year old.

Just posting to illustrate the default politico-cultural atmosphere in California school districts, because this is the prevailing attitude of the teachers and admin at these places. And this is only better to a small degree at private schools.

Imagine the sort of childrens books that would pass muster.

damikesc said...

Note - writer is talking about her 7-year old.

Just posting to illustrate the default politico-cultural atmosphere in California school districts, because this is the prevailing attitude of the teachers and admin at these places. And this is only better to a small degree at private schools.

Imagine the sort of childrens books that would pass muster.

But worrying that kids might not ever assimilate because schools spend considerable effort attacking the US is just crazy talk.

Do these same schools discuss how Sanger wanted to limit black births? From my experience, no. Or how Wilson segregated the government. How FDR turned away Jews dealing with the Holocaust?

Real American said...

Chelsea Clinton reading a book is news. That she would supposedly write one is laughable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

lifted from Hotair:
for the lulz

“Think of it as the literary version of a sad trombone.”

Wilbur said...

I have less regard for Ms. Chelsea and her 3 parents than most people here.

But a little voice in the back of my head says it's a dangerous thing to underestimate any potential candidate for office. Especially one crawling out of this nest of vipers.

Fernandinande said...

buwaya said...

"Professor of religion" advises people to follow her religious beliefs:

"If we parents don’t point it out, show how it works and teach why it is false, over time our children are more likely to accept racist messages at face value. When they see racial inequality — when the only doctors or teachers they see are white, or fewer kids in accelerated classes are black, for example — they won’t blame racism. Instead, they’ll blame people of color for somehow falling short."

Rule: Always blame white people.

Corollary: All groups of people are the same.

john burger said...

Erm . . . "Less than . . ." what? Successful? Helpful?


Francisco D said...

Aside from surviving two sociopathic parents, what has Chelsea ever persisted at?

buwaya said...

"Aside from surviving two sociopathic parents"

That's a pretty good achievement on its own actually.
The poor woman seems to have survived fairly well, all things considered.
She's probably got a very interesting book in her, maybe, one day. Sort of a "Mommie Dearest".

I suspect she is still under the thumb of those two, and would rather just be a private person if left to her own devices.

Gahrie said...

Do these same schools discuss how Sanger wanted to limit black births? From my experience, no. Or how Wilson segregated the government. How FDR turned away Jews dealing with the Holocaust?

I do.

My favorite however is to give them some of Lincoln's quotes from the Lincoln-Douglas debate, and then explain the trick he pulled with the Emancipation blows their minds and is a huge opportunity for me to again teach them not to believe "what everyone knows" and not to trust what they see in the media.

johns said...

I'm going to go to a Chelsea book signing. I'm going to ask her to inscribe my copy with "For Chuck. Don't let them silence you!!"

Gahrie said...

I explain to my students that despite what they have learned, every major act of racism committed by the U.S. government was done by Democrats and I challenge them to come up with one done by Republicans.

The only thing they have come up with in ten years is Wounded Knee. (both the massacre and the later shoot out were under Republican presidents.)

buwaya said...

"every major act of racism committed by the U.S. government was done by Democrats"
"The only thing they have come up with in ten years is Wounded Knee"

There are quite a few doozies along those lines that went down on the other side of the Pacific, under McKinley and Roosevelt and Taft.

The concentration camp scandals alone were at least on the scale of the Boer war, for which the British caught such flak.

And I include Roosevelt and Taft as the Moro wars, more or less through 1913, were remarkably bloody as far as the Moro body count, and most of the US commanders weren't very careful that their troops limit themselves to shooting combatants.

Lets say William Calley of My Lai fame had a good number of predecessors; or to put it another way there were several dozen Wounded Knees. I don't exaggerate. Much of this did not become scandalous in the US, beyond the "howling wilderness" of Samar that did erupt in the press. But there is much more besides that Samar business.

Michael K said...

The Moros were responsible for the Colt 1911, 0.45 caliber pistol. The .38 would not stop them.

The Marines learned this all over again in Afghanistan.

There are occasional silver linings.

Georgia Lawyer said...

Chelsea would do well to emulate Amy Carter - a similarly plain White House little girl. Amy had the good sense and the good grace to exit the public stage - and never return.

buwaya said...

"The Moros were responsible for the Colt 1911, 0.45 caliber pistol. The .38 would not stop them. "

Yes, there were dozens of incidents of this sort. The Moro juramentados were peculiar that way. There is a recorded case of one who was shot 32 times before ending his rampage.

However on the larger point, it wasn't just Muslims that were on the receiving end of the "Wounded Knee" treatment. Most were Catholics, for instance all those thousands of Luzon and Samar.

Chris N said...

You go girl!

Put on that pink traveling pantsuit, and Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow!

Chris N said...

Also, two-Buck Chuck:

Totally with you on that monomaniacal anti-Trump bender, dawg.

Don't ever change!

Bad Lieutenant said...

March 16, 2017
"I wrote this book for everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down, for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than."
Said Chelsea Clinton — according to a statement released in her name.

I wonder if she dedicated the book to the military and Secret Service personnel she held in such contempt all her time in the White House. (I wonder where she learned that?)

Bob Loblaw said...

I feel like the Democrats a harnessing the slowest, dumbest horse at the stables and asking if we want to race. It's such an obvious loser you have to wonder if there's a trap here somewhere.

RMc said...

For everyone who's ever been born on third base but think they hit a triple.

Actually, Chelsea was born on second, then did a Jean Segura:

cheddar said...

Jeez, I was a huge Hillary fan but even so I would have to say "no way" to Chelsea running for office. No, just no. No.

Fritz said...

Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Chelsea has to be the most uninteresting public figure I can think of.

I'm puzzled as to why that is. Billy Jeff is interesting, in his "aw shucks" snake oil salesman way. If Hillary was ever interesting, it was leached out of her a long time ago and replaced with nothing but greed for power. But Chelsea had a pretty unique childhood. She's traveled the world over, met important people, educated at the "best" schools - and yet she's boring. Boring and plain and that can't be hidden no matter how much the MSM tries to make her seem glamorous and profound.

Come to think of it, the same is true of the Kennedy spawn as well.

Regression to the mean.

cheddar said...

"and yet she's boring. Boring and plain and that can't be hidden no matter how much the MSM tries to make her seem glamorous and profound.

Come to think of it, the same is true of the Kennedy spawn as well."

John John would have been less boring.

EMyrt said...

Blogger viejo loco said...

Chuck the schmuck - "Henry VI, Act 2, Scene 2." Live it, asshole.

I fell in love with those plays when I was seven. There are three of them. Which one are you referring to? Part 1: Talbot and Bedford on the walls of Orleans--seems too obscure. Part 2: The famous white and red roses scene. Most likely. "Edward III, my lord had seven sons..." or Part III, where Margaret and Suffolk gloat over York's severed head, while Henry protests that they are unchristianly?

MD Greene said...

Brave, brave Chelsea Clinton speaks truth to power.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Feel less than

Fake news


She persisted

= words/phrases I am tired of hearing or (in the case of the first) I will be tired of hearing if I hear it even once more

Paul said...

Chelsea who?

kentuckyliz said...

Who told her to sit down and shut up?

Most likely her Mom and Dad.

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