Watch it here.
IN THE COMMENTS: Meade said:
Next best thing to a shoulder rub: commiseration over being wire tapped by Obama.That was priceless! I'll bet many people had forgotten that Obama wiretapped Merkel. For Trump to slip in that reference so slyly with Merkel standing right there — that goes on the historical highlight reel of the Trump presidency. Watch Merkel's face as she realizes what he's saying and reacts.
ALSO: Here's the reference video for Meade's joke in the post title:
1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»Democrats should be embarrassed that Biden was one of them.
But they aren't. They really have no shame.
Not so sure I agree with Meade. Better than grabbing . . . .
No worries Meade. Trump is a self-professed germanphobe.;)
What a difference. Trump will never rise to her level. Merkel was gracious, well spoken, exuding Intelligence, Trump, sullen, ignorant, but hey what's new? What an embarrassment.
Next best thing to a shoulder rub: commiseration over being wire tapped by Obama.
I hope she doesn't grab him by the pussy.
Merkel thought she could import cheap labor from the middle east by pretending to be a humanitarian an open border humanitarian.
It's all a farce and she didn't to any good, for anybody.
She is the main reason Putin doesn't look so bad to many Americans. She's a moron.
Our immigration policy should be "do the exact opposite of what Merkel, or just send all refugee's to Madison, WI."
Both brilliant and obvious, though it required Trumpian boldness to say it.
Heh. That one will last.
I watched the conference live with my wife, and we both burst out laughing when he made the wiretapping comment. That was brilliant political theater.
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, Trump is completely incapable of any dissembly. He wears his heart on his sleeve, you know exactly what he's feeling at all times.
Whether you think that's a good or a bad thing depends on how important you think keeping up appearances is. Traditionally we are used to politicians who hide their true feelings about any given situation, who wear masks of body-language and language-language. Trump is either completely incapable of that and/or simply refuses to put on a show for everyone.
buwaya said...
Both brilliant and obvious
It can't be both. But, it can be tacky. Dragging Trump's crazy man version of partisan politics into our foreign relations is tacky.
"Merkel thought she could import cheap labor from the middle east"
I think that was a rationalization after the fact, to cover their loss of nerve when the crisis was upon them. One of several other transparent rationalizations.
They were between a rock and a hard place, afraid of (a) certain bad publicity if they were blocked/interned vs (b) possible bad results if let in. So ever since they have been working furiously to suppress criticism of (b).
Gusty .Winds
BMW and Mercedes employs many Americans in the South. Merkel should have appreciated that fact before she opened the floodgates from the Middle East. Historic mistake by her.
Yes, Angela Merkel is now the Leader of the Free World. Trump gave it away.
Dragging Trump's crazy man version of partisan politics into our foreign relations is tacky.
Handing Lavrov a Jacuzzi® button- now that's tacky.
When the refugees finally take over Frankfurt and wreck its red-light district, Germany will have nothing left.
Then you'll actually have to go to Ukraine to actually sleep with young Ukrainian women.
"It can't be both."
Sure it can. Napoleon always did the obvious - looked at in hindsight. But he did it when the other guy thought it was unlikely - not impossible, unlikely.
Ref for this, over and over and over -
David Chandler, "Campaigns of Napoleon". Available on Kindle, on the Althouse Amazon portal.
But I prefer it on paper, as I find it much easier to flip around to ref maps and previous text.
Unknown said...
Yes, Angela Merkel is now the Leader of the Free World. Trump gave it away.
We should shut down all American military bases in Germany and see how long she lasts...
The look on Merkel's face was priceless, when Trump said they had wiretapping in common. She looked like she was thinking, "Ach, mein Gott, du bist so dumm!"
"Yes, Angela Merkel is now the Leader of the Free World"
Nope. How many divisions has Angela Merkel? Not one that she can send out of Germany.
Nor for that matter has she two Deutschmarks to rub together, she is stuck with Euros, in the hands of a bunch of balking Euros.
AA says:
That was priceless! I'll bet many people had forgotten that Obama wiretapped Merkel. For Trump to slip in that reference so slyly with Merkel standing right there — that goes on the historical highlight reel of the Trump presidency. Watch Merkel's face as she realizes what he's saying and reacts.
I think she appreciated the joke, as did some others in the room.
If MSM starts fact checking Trump on this statement, another win for Trump. For the record, I doubt that Obama personally set up the tap. He had someone else do it.
Says Meade when I say President Trump and Angela Merkel are about to hold .. hands.
Ha ha that's how I cognized it for about 23 ms.
buwaya said...
Sure it can.
Up is down and down is up in Trump's America.
It was obvious. It wasn't brilliant. It is sad. A child in a man's body.
Gusty Winds said...
[Merkel] is the main reason Putin doesn't look so bad to many Americans.
Is Germany planning on attacking Russia again?
buwaya said...
How many divisions has Angela Merkel? Not one that she can send out of Germany.
I guess not.
The Germans take hand-shaking very seriously, and it's big news that Trump did not shake the chancellor's hand.
I'd just like to add some context here (from 2013)
"The latest claim, reported in the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag, followed reports in Der Spiegel that the surveillance of Mrs Merkel’s phone began as long ago as 2002, when she was still the opposition leader, three years before being elected Chancellor. That monitoring only ended in the weeks before Mr Obama visited Berlin in June this year, the magazine added."
Military strength ranked by total population: Germany -17
Ranked by available manpower: Germany - 17
Ranked by active military: Germany - 32
Ranked by number of tanks: Germany -41
Ranked by total aircraft inventory: Germany- 18
Ranked by naval destroyers - Germany - 30
Ach, mein Gott, Unknown Inga, du bist so dumm!
"Consider for a moment how Trump’s agenda is faring compared to the last President’s.
By this point in his Presidency, Barack Obama had passed an eight-hundred-and-thirty-one-billion-dollar ($831) stimulus bill, a sweeping piece of legislation that alone would have made his first term memorable.
By early April his (Obama's) first federal budget had passed both chambers of Congress, laying the groundwork for his overhauls of health care and government spending on education.
Obama signed these large-scale policy changes into law the following year, along with the rewrite of Wall Street regulations known as Dodd-Frank.
Of all the major pieces of legislation that Obama pushed during his first two years, only his climate-change plan, which passed the House and died in the Senate, failed. In all, it was the most significant period of legislating since Lyndon Johnson’s first few years in office."
Trump's first 50-days:
Muslim Ban: FAIL
TrumpCare: FAIL
As Trump said on the campaign, there will be so much winning you'll be telling him to slow down. Yeah, right - dream on baby.
To be clear, it was in the photo op after their meeting that Trump didn't shake hands with Merkel; it sounds like the press were after him to do so. When he greeted her at the White House, they did shake hands.
Nonapod said...
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, Trump is completely incapable of any dissembly. He wears his heart on his sleeve, you know exactly what he's feeling at all times.
I think he also has a sense of humor about himself - otherwise he wouldn't sing "Green Acres" or shave the head of some fake-wrestling guy. And the Taco Bowl Incident...
By this point in his Presidency, Barack Obama had passed an eight-hundred-and-thirty-one-billion-dollar ($831) stimulus bill, a sweeping piece of legislation that alone would have made his first term memorable.
Funny, you overlooked "Cash for Clunkers"!!
Unknown, why did you type out 831?
Carter Wood said...
The Germans take hand-shaking very seriously,
Take two propranolol and call me in the morning.
Merkel grew up with eavesdropping. Cf. "The Lives Of Others."
chickelit said...
Merkel grew up with eavesdropping. Cf. "The Lives Of Others."
I see her more as the eavesdropper's prostitute. She seemed pretty nice.
By this point in his Presidency, Barack Obama had passed an eight-hundred-and-thirty-one-billion-dollar ($831) stimulus bill, a sweeping piece of legislation that alone would have made his first term memorable.
Oh, it was memorable. Memorable because it stimulated nothing for the average American and the poor fared far worse under Obama. I would call it incompetence, but it wasn't that. All of the Friends of Democrats gotten taken care of for eight years. Washington D.C. partied hard. Good years for them.
Except for the part where he didn't get wiretapped by Obama. But who cares? What a great joke.
We Americans sure pay way too much attention to these ceremonial meetups. And especially to our presidents and their daily comings and goings. A president can hardly take a crap in peace.
You all -- and especially you, Althouse and Meade -- should drop this careless use of "wiretap."
The only point in using that lousy, inaccurate, misleading term is to make things less uncomfortable for Trump.
The Der Speigel that broke the news of NSA surveillance of Merkel's cellphone never said anything about a "wiretap," and went to great lengths to describe, technologically, what was known about the process. It wasn't any "wiretap."
Obama didn't "wiretap" Merkel's phone.
In fact, the surveillance program was quite possibly authorized by the Bush Administration, before Obama took office. So much for the idiotic and hateful personalizing things as to Barack Obama ("a bad (or sick) guy").
Here is the original Der Speigel story. From 2013. Leaked, obviously, before leaking became cool in the Trump era.
Unknown knows how to use Google Translator! That's M.A. in gender studies paid off.
Dems don't care if a bill is successful; it's all about passing bills that makes them feelz good as Curt Schlichter would say.
"Yes, Angela Merkel is now the Leader of the Free World. Trump gave it away."
Obama's embarrassing walk back from his own red line in Syria was the day the US surrendered world leadership. Trump will proceed with what he believes is in the best interest of the US, if other countries want to join in - fine. Whether this will be enough to bring countries like Egypt and the Philippines back to the West - we will have to wait and see.
Unknown: "Yes, Angela Merkel is now the Leader of the Free World. Trump gave it away."
Merkel couldn't even keep Great Britain in the EU!
And I don't think there are any peoples anywhere on this globe who, when in trouble, ask themselves: "I wonder if the Germans will come to our assistance?"
But that's okay, Germany is the Leader of the Free World according to some chick online somewhere.
Now you are going after George Bush and defending Barack Obama. How long have you been a "lifelong Republican?'
Surveillance is a general term that encompasses wiretapping. However, the English language evolves (in a sloppy manner). People generally think of wiretapping and surveillance as the same thing. Your attempt to distinguish between the two is disingenuous.
I agree with Carter Wood. Trump's obvious avoidance of a handshake with Merkel following their meeting was "big news." The difference between their post meeting photo op and that of Trump/Shinzo Abe was very telling.
What a rude and crude moron, Trump wouldn't even shake Merkel's hand. What a monumental embarrassment.
But still kissing Putin's ass.
A pet peeve of mine is camera noise.
All that clickety-click, bzzzzz, whrrr drives me nuts in the clip.
there is no need for that and the WH should make reporters use silent cameras.
Unless they are still using film cameras? In the 21st century?
John Henry
I prefer semantic precision. And as such I haven't been thrilled about Trump using the term "wiretap" as a blanket term for any type of surveillance. I'd argue that Trump is an abstract emotional communicator who has little interest in precision. He conveys his feelings on a subject more clearly than specific ideas. In some ways, he communicates like a Democrat rather than a Republican (since Democrats try to appeal to emotion more often than Republicans do).
I find emotional communicators like Trump infuriating at times. But I know that style of communicating is hugely appealing.
Don't squeeze the Charmin, President Bush!
Merkel should be run out of office. And open borders fanatic of the worst sort.
Listened to part of the press conference. Same old self-important hacks, making policy statements and then asking dumb, loaded questions. President Trump: "blah, blah, blah, blah, (and finally) Question. Then blah, blah, blah, (and finally) a second question.
The Press unbearable, the BBC and Kraut press are just as bad.
Francisco D said...
Now you are going after George Bush and defending Barack Obama. How long have you been a "lifelong Republican?'
Surveillance is a general term that encompasses wiretapping. However, the English language evolves (in a sloppy manner). People generally think of wiretapping and surveillance as the same thing. Your attempt to distinguish between the two is disingenuous.
I am not being tricky or evasive in my use of the language. Trump is. Because we all have a very good idea what it means, to order a wiretap. And we all likewise understand what it means to intercept radio-wave transmissions as with a cellphone.
The Der Spiegel article I linked is wonderfully descriptive. Nobody at that time was talking about any "wiretap." Because it would have been weirdly out of place and misleading.
We are only talking about "wiretaps" now, because Trump did, and there is a large pro-Trump media -- like the Althouse blog -- working to soften the impact of Trump's language abuse.
"David Chandler, "Campaigns of Napoleon". Available on Kindle, on the Althouse Amazon portal."
I agree, its the best book on Napoleon's campaigns.
Vive la France. Vive L'empereur!
I'm not sure what was so telling about Merkel's reaction. Unknown and the Professional Left seem to think she owned him. I didn't see that. It seemed more like, "I can't believe he went there."
Oh, about Bush, and Obama, and the Merkel surveillance.
I like it. I like it all. I like it best, if we don't get caught. And to the extent that we might get caught and offend a very good ally like Germany, maybe we ought to re-think it.
I want American intelligence services to know more than any other intelligences services.
"What a monumental embarrassment."
Yes, you are Inga, by idiotically claiming that Merkel is the "leader of the Free World."
Another self-beclowning by our resident Bozo!! Haha, and she's too dim to be embarrassed.
Of course, self-awareness on Inga's part could be disastrous. Imagine her realizing one day just how dense she is. What a blow to her inflated self-esteem! The shame would be overwhelming.
However, the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. So she'll just continue to blather away and make a horse's patoot out herself.
"Unknown and the Professional Left seem to think she owned him. I didn't see that. It seemed more like, "I can't believe he went there."
I agree she probably did think that and then thought what a dumbass he was for bringing it up.
Unknown said...
But still kissing Putin's ass.
Unknown still thinking Russia rigged the election for Trump.
Hahaha! What a clown you are!
You dodged one question and completely avoided the other about being a "lifelong Republican." If you deliberately lie about one thing, how are we to know when you are telling the truth, as you see it?
I wonder if any of the lefty commenters on this site really believe you are a Republican.
So, how many world leaders has Trump insulted now?
Great Britain
While still kissing Putin's ass.
Oh, let's not forget China. Trump had to back down from that one and agree with the One China Policy. Will he apologize to GB regarding accusing their spy agency of "wiretapping" him?
Blogger Unknown said...
"I agree she probably did think that and then thought what a dumbass he was for bringing it up."
No matter how stupid and hypocritical they look, the leftists always have their best argument waiting to be repeated again and again.
I am still waiting for trump to be impeached because he is a Russian agent.
You couldn't write a better parody.
Talking about personally "insulting" allied leaders is childish.
Right now I'm seeing trump, and his kid and the First Lady board Air Force One.
Melania looked fabulous in some sort of red thing with sunglasses.
Back to Florida, for even more work
You know what is a parody Achilles? You. Still think Trump the Oligarch will save America from the Oligarchs?
Mein Gott, du bist auch dumm.
Francisco D said...
You dodged one question and completely avoided the other about being a "lifelong Republican." If you deliberately lie about one thing, how are we to know when you are telling the truth, as you see it?
I wonder if any of the lefty commenters on this site really believe you are a Republican.
What question(s) do you want me to answer? I didn't avoid anything as far as I know.
I don't care what you think of me. I don't care what any of you believe. Do you notice? I don't ever question anyone, about who they say that they voted for, or what their party affiliation is, or what they do for a living, or what their election day activities were. I don't ask that, because I don't care. There are a few commenters here -- Brando, Bruce Hayden, Althouse, etc. -- who present intelligent, well-founded views that prompt me to ask them questions. They are few and far between.
I honestly don't understand why I am the subject of such questioning. As I see it, it can only be because my criticisms of Trump can't be met on the merits, so the resort is to an ad hominem attack, which is made tougher for my adversaries because I am indeed a lifelong Republican and party loyalist. My criticism of Trump is not based on left-wing politics or any loyalty to Obama, or Clinton, or Clinton, or Clinton...
No Oval Office handshake, no warm words about her country, a lecture on immigration and a wiretapping smack: Even Ivanka can't lift Trump's VERY chilly summit with Germany's Merkel
Francisco D said...
I wonder if any of the lefty commenters on this site really believe you are a Republican.
If by Republican you mean stands up for all the things Republicans believed in up until 1.5 years ago, then yes Chuck is really a Republican.
Unknown said...
"Consider for a moment how Trump’s agenda is faring compared to the last President’s.
By this point in his Presidency, Barack Obama had passed an eight-hundred-and-thirty-one-billion-dollar ($831) stimulus bill, a sweeping piece of legislation that alone would have made his first term memorable.
Because Obama did not have hysterical opponents attempting to destroy him. Although disagreeing with much of his policy, Republicans were able to put aside differences for the sake of America. Unlike Pelosi, Shumer, Waters and others psychopaths.
Chuck wonders:
I honestly don't understand why I am the subject of such questioning. As I see it, it can only be because my criticisms of Trump can't be met on the merits, so the resort is to an ad hominem attack, which is made tougher for my adversaries because I am indeed a lifelong Republican and party loyalist. My criticism of Trump is not based on left-wing politics or any loyalty to Obama, or Clinton, or Clinton, or Clinton...
Goddang it ,Chuck, I know you were laughing out loud when you said that. Whatever happens, never leave this blog. Ain't gonna lie, I look for your comments. You sure know how to stir things up.
"Because Obama did not have hysterical opponents attempting to destroy him."
Oh please. How many years did Trump push the birther lie? How quickly they forget.
Merkel thought she could import cheap labor from the middle east by pretending to be a humanitarian an open border humanitarian.
Merkel will go down in history as the chancellor who destroyed Germany.
By this point in his Presidency, Barack Obama had passed an eight-hundred-and-thirty-one-billion-dollar ($831) stimulus bill, a sweeping piece of legislation that alone would have made his first term memorable.
Yes, by this point Obama had already made a really big mistake.
What was your point?
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I am not being tricky or evasive in my use of the language."
Says the Moby who is quite tricky and evasive in the use of language.
Well played, President Trump.
From ARM link.
Vid shows Merkle asked if he wanted to do handshake for camera photo op. Trump did not hear, or understand what she said. Very obvious. More fake news.
"As the two sat down for their first face-to-face meeting since his election, Trump called it a 'great honor' to meet her.
Helping to break the ice at a joint meeting with business executives was Germany's support for apprenticeship programs, something Trump, the former 'Apprentice' star, couldn't help but point out.
'Both Germany and the United States are pioneering job-training programs,' Trump said. Here in the United States, companies have created revolutionary high-tech and online courses and, of course, for decades Germany has been a model for highly successful apprenticeship – that's a name I like, apprentice – apprenticeship programs,' Trump said."
Read more:
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Blogger Unknown said...
"Because Obama did not have hysterical opponents attempting to destroy him."
Oh please. How many years did Trump push the birther lie? How quickly they forget.
Haha, just trying amateur detective work. You really are Inga. Thanks for falling for that simple trick, genius.
Trump shook her hand at the lectern!
But you know the left and their "lifelong republican" allies.
Tonight, a Very Special Maddow Report proves Trump's handshake with Merkel was faked!
Expect "lifelong republican" Chuck to demand ANOTHER Trump apology for the Fake Handshake-gate Crisis!
A pet peeve of mine is camera noise.
I like it! Otherwise how do you know what's going on when video of picture-taking is occurring? (Obvious video clip).
Apparently from this thread the thing to be OUTRAGED!!!!!! about is the lack of a filmed handshake. Quelle horreur!!!!
Full Moon, you don't think ther are any number of liberals that would give a similar response to your idiotic assertion?
Mein Gott, du bist also dumm.
"Awkward: Merkel asks for a handshake, Trump doesn't respond
Amid the chaos of President Trump and Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel's first meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, a request was made.
Photographers wondered if the world leaders would shake hands.
Merkel turned to Trump. "Do you want a handshake?" she asked.
Trump didn't respond. (To be fair, it seemed loud in the room.)
And then Merkel made a face."
Will we have to fight a war against the Very Powerful German War Machine headed up by Merkel-Leader Of The Free World due to lack of a filmed handshake at the end of a days worth of meetings which included a half dozen on-camera handshakes?
Lefties and "lifelong republicans" tremble at the thought this latest Teutonic Bombshell will unleash her Very Powerful Foreign Aid Solicitation Force and bleed us dry.
Looks like that 1.3% of GDP year over year defense expenditure in Germany is really paying off!
That Trump must be half Bob Hope and half Joan Rivers. And somehow he he slipped that straight man's line to the German Journalist like he did his very honorable 2005 Tax return to Maddow.
It's Hollywood Level Entertainment, using CNN as straight men.
And it is reportedthat our girl Kellyanne punched Bannon on the shoulder when Trump used her material.
Did you see Chuck Todd oil down Tricky Hickenlooper a few weeks ago on meet the press?
Seriously, Merkle represents a reborn German Empire calling it self the EU. Its military has come cheap because it uses the USA's military, because RUSSIA. The German EU manages to rule over England and Russia with our help and a promise from Obama's Gang of an EU ruling the Globe.
And after he finishes off the Norks, Tillerson will be sent to deal with the Krauts.
"A pet peeve of mine is camera noise."
I recommend a quiet DSLR. Some are quieter than others.
Or probably one of the nice mirrorless ones with interchangable lenses.
You can run them totally silent.
The Fuji XT-1/XT-2 are very nice.
Unknown said...
Full Moon, you don't think ther are any number of liberals that would give a similar response to your idiotic assertion?
Mein Gott, du bist also dumm.
Nothing to be ashamed of, Inga. A rose by any other name.....
Is the "they did not shake hands story" like the "Sean Hannity shot and killed Juan Williams" story?
Yes, it is. Fake news. :)
Brilliant theater by Trump.
The lawless admission of migrants in 2015, completely flouting European rules, because Germany, was the most arrogant action by any European leader since WWII.
See for yourself, Merkel asks Trump for a handshake twice, he ignores her.
Trumpists are too quick to label everything fake news.
They say that if everyone you meet seems to be an asshole, it's a sure sign that you're an asshole. What about if every other commenter, with only three or four or five exceptions, on a website with hundreds of them, seems to you incapable of "present[ing] intelligent, well-founded views that prompt [you] to ask them questions"? That might just imply that you are the one incapable of intelligent argument.
LOL - thanks for clearing that up, Darcy. I thought so. /
Mein Gott, du bist auch dumm.
3/17/17, 3:45 PM
Let's see, I turned Inga's ignorant remark against her after she laughably called the leader of a 3rd rate military power "the leader of the Free World" and was repeatedly shown just how idiotic her comment was.
She now proceeds to use the same line against others. "I know I am but what are you?" is the level of wit she rises to. Or maybe she wants to proudly show off her great proficiency in German. My, we're all so impressed that you know how to use Babelfish.
Yeah, it's the bedpan carrier, alright.
"Full Moon, you don't think ther are any number of liberals that would give a similar response to your idiotic assertion?"
I recall one liberal "Unknown" turned up here the other day and was at pains to point out that she was not the "slightly dim" (her words) other liberal Unknown. I could guess that already though - she actually posted a thoughtful and well-written comment.
That's how I knew it wasn't Inga.
The Germans have been free riding on our defensive capabilities since 1945. Trump has put them on notice that isn't "on" anymore. I am fine with it. Merkel got a wake up call today. She is going to have to live with it and adapt to the new sheriff in town.
"The Germans have been free riding on our defensive capabilities since 1945. Trump has put them on notice that isn't "on" anymore. I am fine with it. Merkel got a wake up call today. She is going to have to live with it and adapt to the new sheriff in town."
But, but, what about THE HANDSHAKE?? That's the really important thing here!!!
AReasonableMan said...
Francisco D said...
I wonder if any of the lefty commenters on this site really believe you are a Republican.
If by Republican you mean stands up for all the things Republicans believed in up until 1.5 years ago, then yes Chuck is really a Republican.
Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.
khesanh0802: "The Germans have been free riding on our defensive capabilities since 1945."
Free riding on the US since 1945!
No wonder the lefties think Germany is "King Of The World"!
But wait a minute. Unknown claims Germany and Merkel are leading the Free World. But Erdogan says Merkel and Germany are Nazis!
And according to the Lefts victim heiearchy, Erdogan as a muslim cannot be wrong.
Therefore, our lefties are proud to claim the Nazi Merkel as their real leader and person of class!
Well. Isn't this a fine pickle the lefties find themselves in?
Flynn worked for Erdogan.
Oh noes! Handshake! All of the news feeds are following this catastrophe in american diplomacy!
To the queen!
Lefties are nothing if not consistent! This is a RED LINE!
"German Chancellor Angela Merkel was “livid” over substantiated reports that the U.S. government was monitoring her mobile phone. According to a spokesman for the chancellor, Merkel told President Obama in 2013 that “she unmistakably disapproves of and views as completely unacceptable such practices, if the indications are authenticated."
'Ol '55 just won't quit.
She's Bad.
Unknown: "Flynn worked for Erdogan."
He had to.
According to the left if Flynn refused that would make him a racist.
Unknown said...
Flynn worked for Erdogan.
The sad part is though this is just 2 words and 2 names put in a sentence seemingly at random that has nothing to do with anything this probably isn't an original thought. This unknown's stupidity is tiresome.
Meanwhile Trump is more popular than ever and the media has been defenestrated. The democrats are headed for 38 Senators in 2018. MAGA indeed.
The US has approximately 108,000 personnel and 21 bases/installations in Germany.
Because Germany is the leader of the free world.
Achilles: "...Merkel told President Obama in 2013 that “she unmistakably disapproves of and views as completely unacceptable such practices,.."
Gee, talking sassy to obambi?
Maybe Merkel IS a racist.
Unknown: "See for yourself, Merkel asks Trump for a handshake twice, he ignores her."
That's EXACTLY like rape!
Gee, talking sassy to obambi?
Maybe Merkel IS a racist.
3/17/17, 5:23 PM
But that was before she became the leader of the Free World, so it doesn't count.
exiledonmainstreet: "But that was before she became the leader of the Free World, so it doesn't count."
Duly noted. I stand corrected.
However, Lefty/"lifelong republican" Rules clearly state that if, at any point in the future, said "Leader of the Free World" either steps down or is displaced, then any and all previously noted "Guilt Assignments" are reactivated until such time as a Social Justice Jury determines such designation is no longer appropriate. Which is never.
Just sayin'.
"Is the "they did not shake hands story" like the "Sean Hannity shot and killed Juan Williams" story?
Yes LOL! Per CNN: Sean tried to Kill Juan. Evil white man Sean Hannity brought loaded gun to Fox news, then toyed with gun, pointed it at Juan innocent black man, and said "Die, you African-american liberal, Die!!"
Pulled trigger. But it just went "click". No bullets. Quick thinking by fellow liberal Megyn Kelly. She'd distracted Evil Sean Hannity earlier by bleeding from "whatever".
Whole thing swept under rug by Roger Ailes. But intrepid CNN/MSNBC reporters uncovered the truth.
"Unknown knows how to use Google Translator! That's M.A. in gender studies paid off."
Except she uses the familiar, which wouldn't be appropriate meeting world leaders or in these comments.
Merkel always reminds me of Patty Murray. The same grey-faced cluelessness made absolute by impenetrable self-righteousness.
One major reason that the US is the moral, military and political leader of the Free World is that we saved the German people (and many others) from the predations of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZIs) and Soviet Communism.
we saved the German people (and many others) from the predations of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZIs) and Soviet Communism.
Which is why the Left hates us so much.
Your vulgar language is not appreciated even if your expressed sentiment is.
Leave that to the 'lifelong Republican."
The Cracker Emcee: "Merkel always reminds me of Patty Murray. The same grey-faced cluelessness made absolute by impenetrable self-righteousness."
That is not fair to Merkel.
If by Republican you mean stands up for all the things Republicans believed in up until 1.5 years ago, then yes Chuck is really a Republican.
Remember Taft?
The GOP has not elected a doctrinaire conservative to the presidency since 1984.
Before Reagan, we have to go back to Hoover. Or maybe Coolidge.
Whatever the GOP has done that allowed to capture a majority of the senate and house seats, and make dramatic gains at the state level, hasn't helped them win the presidency. The GOP candidate for president has won the popular vote in just one of the last seven presidential elections. Whatever the GOP was doing before Trump, it wasn't working, at least as far as presidents go.
You didn't post the link, to the CNN/Money webpage that contained the report.
Here it is:
There was an incident, involving Hannity and Williams. It was investigated by Fox News Human Resources. That, according to Fox News.
The CNN report included a statement from Williams, saying that he did not feel endangered by the incident apparently.
Now who has been fairer, and straighter; rcocean, with his blandly fake made-up quotes? Or me? I have supplied the link to the CNN/Money original story, and the actual background.
I am not choosing a side, nor am I telling you who to believe. Although, as most of you know, I think Hannity is a stupid stooge for Trump.
the predations of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZIs) and Soviet Communism
The parties of single, central, monolithic, and final solutions, that are often first-order causes of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change (e.g. catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform) and PC spectrum disorders (e.g. progressive corruption, progressive confusion, political correctness).
I'm personally hoping that the Germans send their All-Powerful "Leader of The Free World" Fleet to the South China Sea to counter the ChiComs buildup of man-made islands designed to extend China sovereignty where it doesn't belong.
What do the Germans have now in terms of resources? A handful of non-nuke submarines and a couple handfuls of smaller combatant ships.
I'd list them all out but to "lifelong republican" Fleet Admiral Chuck, they all look like Frigates.
Unknown will be back shortly to explain how the mere mention of these vessels from our "Leader of the Free World" Germans strikes fear, FEAR I tellya, into the hearts of the ChiComs!
"lifelong republican" Chuckies li'l link has this Fake News screaming headline: "Sources: Sean Hannity once pulled a gun on Juan Williams"
Followed by this enlarged type just below the headline: "Sean Hannity is surrounded by jackasses."
Nope, nothing dishonest about that.
At all.
No wonder "lifelong republican" Chuck linked it.
Of course all parties involved deny it, but hey, Moby's gotta Moby.
"I'm personally hoping that the Germans send their All-Powerful "Leader of The Free World" Fleet to the South China Sea to counter the ChiComs buildup of man-made islands designed to extend China sovereignty where it doesn't belong."
I would be happy if the Germans would just give their navy (and a few billion to maintain/operate it) to the Pinoys. That would just about suffice to change things dramatically.
The Germans COULD make a difference, in one place, once, but only by giving their all.
Maybe it's just me, but DJT seems like a kid. Merkel seems like a gal w/ a P Chem PhD who can speak Russian fluently.
Carry on.
For that matter the French Navy would be even more useful. Those long range SSNs would be useful to threaten the Chinese coast all the way to the Korean border. And the nukes, well, a deterrent class of their own.
And both the South Korean and Turkish navies would be considerably more useful than the German.
And the Swedish and Dutch navies wouldn't be much worse than the German, for East Asian deterrent purposes.
Hmm, as these making a difference things go, the Germans aren't #1.
I have had a lot of business dealings with Germans. They are honest, hard working and stiff necked. You really need to use a 2x4 sometimes to get a German's attention. Looks like Trump was using the 2x4 approach.
Fuck you, Drago.
I linked to the CNN/Money page, because rcocean, after supplying a hysterically fictionalized account of it, didn't provide the link.
I provided the link, and suggested to people that they make up their own minds.
"No wonder I linked to it." Because rcocean didn't link to it.
Here is that link again, in case anybody missed it:
Here's a list of US Navy ships. Here's a list of German Navy ships.
Who's equipped to be leader of the free world?
"Trump has visited Mar-a-Lago for five weekends so far and has spent nearly a quarter of his time there since taking office.
His first weekend trip alone cost taxpayers an estimated roughly $3 million. A subsequent report by The Washington Post estimated Trump's trips as of Feb. 21 added up to a taxpayer cost of $10 million.
Last Thursday, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) introduced legislation that would prevent the use of taxpayer funds to pay for any expenses at places owned by President Trump and his family.
The bill, named the No Taxpayer Revenue Used to Monetize the Presidency (No TRUMP) Act, is unlikely to come to anything while the GOP controls the House.
Trump's frequent visits to Mar-a-Lago have also raised concerns about security and access to the president.
Resort guests have frequently posted about the president's visits on social media, and Trump received criticism in February after one guest posted a photo of the aide responsible for carrying nuclear launch codes to Facebook."
"lifelong republican" and Fleet Admiral Chuck: "Fuck you, Drago."
Do you kiss your life-size blowup doll of Rachel Maddow with that mouth?
Remember, if you want to be "Leader of the Free World" according to the left/"lifelong republicans", what you do it let a million improperly vetted muslims from terrorist hell-holes into your nation and then, and only then, come up with this: "Islamist terrorism is ‘greatest threat’ to Germany says Angela Merkel, months after letting more than a million Middle Eastern migrants into her country"
You can really tell that Maddow-Fail threw Chuckie for quite a loop. So many dreams dashed so quickly!
You guys complain about trolls on this site but, trust me, they aren't real trolls. This guy is a troll.
How embarrassing to treat your guest with such disrespect. He wouldn't even look at her. Not my President.
The meeting of national leaders has a little effect on the relationship, but is primarily done as a PR opportunity for each ones people to see progress.
DJT refused to give Merkle. Photo of a handshake. To do so would help in her re-election coming up. Die Merkle, die.
"Maybe it's just me, but DJT seems like a kid. Merkel seems like a gal w/ a P Chem PhD who can speak Russian fluently."
Its usually that way, because Prime Ministers are parliamentary leaders. They're usually chosen by Party leaders and they're are not heads of state. Churchill was WAY smarter than FDR. Blair was smarter than Clinton. Thatcher was WAY smarter than Reagan. Even Wilson was smarter than LBJ in terms of speaking off the cuff in public.
American Presidents are chosen because they are good at answering questions - off the top of their head - in public. In most countries, that's a required skill to be a PM.
BTW, Merkel has been an absolute disaster for Germany. She has blood on her hands.
How many Germans will suffer because she let in a million Middle Easterners who are neither German nor Christian nor assailable?
How will these Million middle easterners make life better for Germany? They will be a burden. That wasn't she was elected for. If she wanted to be generous to Middle Easterners, she should have adopted some into her family. That at least would be honorable. ut of course, she is "insulated" from any blowback.
Sorry for the bad spelling. I'm almost done at work. Woo hoo.
Drago, you nasty piece of shit. I think I have said exactly one nice thing about Rachel Maddow in my history of commenting on this blog.
It was on the occasion of Kellyanne Conway choosing to appear with Rachel on her show for a very extended interview. It was therefore completely unlike a Hannity/O'Reilly interview. Polite, searching, long-form. Hard questions, with an opportunity for the guest to respond fully and make a point. With appropriate follow-up. I supplied a link at that time, and told people to take the time to watch and -- again -- make up their own minds.
I am going to do that again now, because I want to grind you on this. I want to get in your grill, sport.
Here is that link, with the video in three parts:
I'm not a Rachel Maddow fan and I am not suggesting that anyone else should be. I am saying that I found this interview quite amazing, and if others do too then that is fine. Judge for yourselves.
I am also saying that you are a prick and an asshole and a low-grade troll.
steve uhr: "How embarrassing to treat your guest with such disrespect. He wouldn't even look at her. Not my President."
steve uhr, not my co-citizen.
Hey, this is easy!
Judge Watkins, not my Judge!
Chuck Schumer, not my Senate Minority Leader!
Nancy Pelosi, not my Botox Role Model!
Chuck: "Drago, you nasty piece of shit. I think I have said exactly one nice thing about Rachel Maddow in my history of commenting on this blog"
And it was positively lovely.
I wish you all the luck in the world with your doll.
Chuck, 7:13:
I did miss that. Was hoping it wasn't true, then read this:
"While discussing the issue of firearms, I showed my good friend Juan Williams my unloaded firearm in a professional and safe manner for educational purposes only," Hannity's statement read. "Every precautionary procedure that I have been trained in since the age of 11 was followed." (Uh-oh. I don't trust the passive voice.)
If he did what he's said to have done and doesn't specifically deny, he would seem unfamiliar with at least half of Colonel Cooper's Rules.
I'm not a big fan of our president either, Chuck, but gee whiz:
"You all [ ] should drop this careless use of 'wiretap.'"
I don't get the outrage. I listened to an NPR reporter tonight give a multi-minute setup to Trump's joke by explaining that he has never offered any evidence, just in case any of her listeners might not recognize it as pure slander.
But not being very interested - I am consciously becoming a Low Information Voter, for the good of my sanity - I see it like this:
Drip, drip of headlines: Intercepted communications between the Russians and Trump associates prove Flynn and others lied!
Trump: Wow, can you believe Obama tapped my phones?
Chorus: WHAT?! He did not! You have no proof! How can you say that?
(Former Obama flack: Um, you guys might want to be careful exactly how you deny this one.)
Riddle: "How many Germans does it take to intimidate the Russians?"
Ans: 1, to make the call to the Americans for help.
steve uhr said...
How embarrassing to treat your guest with such disrespect. He wouldn't even look at her. Not my President.
3/17/17, 7:42 PM
If you look at where the embedded video in this post is paused, he's looking right at her.
I think it's sexist to call gals shrill. So, it seems like I shouldn't say that about Macho Radcow (as Mike Savage has said).
But even the sexism PC folks must be willing to agree that some people on the planet are shrill, and some of these shrill folks are going to be gals. Surely if anyone on the planet is shrill we can all agree that it's Maddow.
Anywho, I think that Tur chick is more interesting. Her dad turned into a gal. Don't see that everyday.
And how the F can Chris Jansing be 60? That's so old, but there's still something sorta doable re her. Weird.
Mary Beth -- look at the photo- op prior to the press conference. They are seated five feet apart. She leans in and looks at him like a puppy dog he ignores her and looks straight ahead. Refuses to shake her hand as is typical in such situations. I.e. He is his typical asshole self.
Steve Uhr complains: They are seated five feet apart.
Who shakes hands while sitting five feet apart? Have you?
I don't understand all this BS about a handshake. There is a picture on the front page of the MN Star -Tribune of Merkel and Trump shaking hands. Am I not supposed to believe that photo? Llink.
rcocean notes: How will these Million middle easterners make life better for Germany? They will be a burden. That wasn't she was elected for.
What? The whole German refugee agenda is suppose to finally absolve Germany of wartime guilt. That's the memo that Merkel got.
For Trump to slip in that reference so slyly with Merkel standing right there — that goes on the historical highlight reel of the Trump presidency.
No it doesn't. Since the context came upon his being such an inveterate paranoid liar that it turned out to be the biggest thing he said (so far) that had to be ignored, then we can (and history will) also ignore how he tried to make light of it.
How does someone come off as "sly" when it's just to cover up what an idiotically paranoid congenital liar they are? This guy is quickly becoming the most irrelevant president ever when it comes to having to tune out his bullshit and ignoring his lies. The British kerfuffle and reaction is just about the sloppiest unforced clusterfuck (you can't say "blunder" when it's errors that the presidency normally has "built-in" mechanisms to avoid) in diplomacy ever. They're supposed to be our closest ally. And he comes up with right-wing tabloid press garbage to repeat that blows back onto them. It's like our allies are having to put training wheels on the guy. He thinks it's no big deal that the press doesn't take him seriously. But now our allies have learned they can't take him seriously either. And as for our enemies, how many more nuclear provocations are the NORKs going to test his ass with?
This guy is a joke. Some fuck-ups are just too big and idiotic to recover from with a joke. Merkel's tapping was real. She's not going to look kindly on his self-serving attempt to commiserate with her by relating his own "fake" tapping... at the alleged hands of the British!
Just stop shilling for the guy, already. There's no defense. How many courts have to strike down that signature policy of his he keeps persisting with before you're done taking him seriously also? What are you.. A "so-called" law professor? Ha ha.
ARM wrote: Up is down and down is up in Trump's America.
It was obvious. It wasn't brilliant. It is sad. A child in a man's body.
Buwaya finds himself in the position of J. J. Gittes when confronted with all-pervasive corruption.
Forget it, Jake. It's Uneducable Town where ARM's brain lives.
Note to ARM (as if any truth will displace his stupidity): All genius is the ability to see the obvious.
"And he comes up with right-wing tabloid press garbage to repeat that blows back onto them."
Well where in the world else could he possibly go to find out what the executive branch has done re surveillance.
He's got to watch Fox News to see what leaks from the executive branch.
Makes sense.
"The whole German refugee agenda is suppose to finally absolve Germany of wartime guilt. That's the memo that Merkel got."
That was part of the spin that the German government was putting out to some of their mouthpieces. That and that they needed this lot for future economic growth, and etc.
In truth they chickened out in dealing with a crisis foisted on them by Erdogan.
Nancy Pelosi, not my Botox Road Kill!
Trump is so awesome.
The Brainless Revolutionary wrote: A "so-called" law professor? Ha ha.
Why the quotes around so-called? You imply that the term is bogus whether that was your intent. Althouse is a law professor emeritus. You note the obvious.
Congratulations, you may be a genius.
Well where in the world else could he possibly go to find out what the executive branch has done re surveillance.
He's got to watch Fox News to see what leaks from the executive branch.
Makes sense.
All true, sarcastically speaking. But the problem here is that he's too much of an unlearned lunatic to be able to get anyone competent to work for him. Only the biggest kiss-asses in the world are interested, and then he's got this advisory circle of Irish fibbers and talebearers to make "stories" out of his delusions as if to add interest to them if not credibility. The only value that rules in Trumpland is paranoia, and they are probably all paranoid of each other. The career civil servants will bring him down, if they get the chance. So he micromanages, as he's probably always done. If this is the "CEO presidency" the company to compare it to would be a combination of Enron and Apple pre-takeover. Debauchery, pomposity and micromanagement. That's this White House.
Althouse is a law professor emeritus.
Fine, then. A "so-called law professor emeritus," then.
Trump's words.
The point is, how big a shit does she have to take on the actual law that her new dream client cares so little for? You'd think a law professor, emerita or not, (and I thought you right-wing assholes were into gender norms, what's up with your sloppy disregard for the Latin there, sport?) would actually care about the law. But not in this case.
That's one way for a career to go out with a whimper rather than a bang. Proving you had no reputational investment in the values of the profession in the first place.
Kellyanne Conway's been reprimanded by the bar, BTW. So soon for her to come that close a step to what they did to Bill Clinton, eh?
TTR:" If this is the "CEO presidency" the company to compare it to would be a combination of Enron and Apple pre-takeover."
Well, I am hard pressed to think of many CEO Presidencies where your competitor got to pick 95% of your staff.
the handshake.
Quaestor said...
Some stupid stuff desperately trying to sound smart
Einstein developed the brilliant concept of relativity.
Einstein developed the obvious concept of relativity.
Well, I am hard pressed to think of many CEO Presidencies where your competitor got to pick 95% of your staff.
I'm not sure how to interpret... Trump's picking not only the people that presidents conventionally/traditionally have to nominate, but the people who report to them. That's certainly a new level of micromanagement. Doesn't he have any trust in the powers of delegation possessed by the people he wants reporting to him? I don't get it. How unconcerned is the right with his obvious challenges where knowing how to delegate is concerned? It's kind of a job way to big to micromanage, IIRC. It's not just a local diner. It's not anything like any kind of a small business at all, in fact. I think this is where the right is losing the script.
TTR: "Kellyanne Conway's been reprimanded by the bar, BTW. So soon for her to come that close a step to what they did to Bill Clinton, eh?"
I'm afraid she has not.
What has happened is some lefties decided to launch a frivolous complaint about her to the bar.
So you know, one guy (Clinton) perjures himself. You know, "under oath" sort of stuff.
The gal simply has political opponents launch a complaint.
I guess that's "close a step" to Clinton alright. Right up there with horseshoes and hand grenades.
Whatevs. It's just KellyAnne so lets move to the punishment phase of our pretend proceeding.
Well, so German leadership hates him, and he's half German.
The other half is Scottish. Let's see what their opinion is.
How's that for dishonoring one's heritage!
TTR: "I'm not sure how to interpret..."
We sir, are men of action. Feigning lack of understanding does not become us.
Trump represents an existential employment and policy threat to vast swaths of institutional employees at the federal level.
Let's not pretend he does not or that it doesn't impact performance.
Still, I think I'll give Trump more than just 2 months before I demand we call the whole thing off.
I'm afraid she has not.
You're right Drago. I stand corrected.
Realized that just shortly after I posted.
April Apple, what don't you understand about before Press Conference in Oval Office- refused handshake and after Press Conference-shook hands. Are you a slow learner?
The Toothless Revolutionary: "Well, so German leadership hates him, and he's half German.
The other half is Scottish. Let's see what their opinion is.
How's that for dishonoring one's heritage!"
Well, when one considers what that heritage includes, perhaps "dishonoring" Nazism and Scotland turning into one of the biggest welfare states, I guess I'm not too upset by that.
Lets face it, the problem with that its full of Scots!
TTR: "You're right Drago. I stand corrected.
Realized that just shortly after I posted"
I thought so. Don't think I didn't google once just to make sure myself!!
Unknown: "April Apple, what don't you understand about before Press Conference in Oval Office- refused handshake and after Press Conference-shook hands. Are you a slow learner"
Compare and contrast Trump/Merkel with Obama/Netanyahu.
I wonder what Unknown would be saying if Trump shoved Merkel out the side entrance by the garbage?
'cuz that's what REAL "statesmen" do to allies.
Preach it Unknown!!
Blogger Unknown said...
April Apple, what don't you understand about before Press Conference in Oval Office- refused handshake and after Press Conference-shook hands. Are you a slow learner?
So, you're saying Trump shook her hand.
Got it.
eric: "So, you're saying Trump shook her hand.
Got it"
NO NO NO! Trump only shook her hand in a very "non-hand-shakey" sort of way! That doesn't count!! I need this to be true since my beloved Rachel left me hangin'!!
Drago said...
Lets face it, the problem with that its full of Scots!
What the fuck is wrong with the Scots? They made the Appalachians what they are today.
ARM: "What the fuck is wrong with the Scots? They made the Appalachians what they are today."
Nonsense. Those mountains pre-date the Scots arrival by about 500 Million Years!
ARM, there is nothing wrong with the Scots that can't be fixed by about 200 years of Prima Nocta.
Germany is the fulcrum. The EU is really just domination of the continent by Germany, and the US stupidly tries to use this and NATO as leverage against Russia, a country which should (and could) be one of our best partners.
Despite what some reporters or bloggers want to suggest, Trump wasn't sullen or disrespectful here. He had already shaken hands with Merkel at both the beginning and end of their meeting. Then a reporter with a whining insistent voice asks them three times to shake hands yet again. I suspect Trump was not going to be a performing seal for a twirp like him. Trump wasn't grumpy either. He was chatting with other reporters, as was Merkel. Some people are so intent on discrediting Trump, they see whatever they want to see. (Or misrepresent what they did see).
J. Farmer: "Germany is the fulcrum. The EU is really just domination of the continent by Germany, and the US stupidly tries to use this and NATO as leverage against Russia, a country which should (and could) be one of our best partners"
The problem with that its full of Russians.......(no? Too much? Okay)
I disagree that Russia ever could be one of our best partners. They hate our guts all the way down to our tippy toes.
Still, national interests, even among competitors, often overlap in interesting ways and we need to be able to make use of those overlaps.
Everyone should watch the video. I don't know much about Scotland, but the way they say, "PRRRRRaaaaeck!" and get that 4-year old to call him a "cunt," are hilarious.
Other Scottish insults hurled at Trump when he congratulated them (erroneously) for Brexit:
Coming up with words like these alone should give the country an honorary Nobel prize for literary accomplishment.
Unknown said...Are you a slow learner?
That's hilariously unself-aware.
Trump shakes hand of Shinzo Abe in Oval Office photo op.
Trump practically French kissed Abe during his visit.
Scottish accomplishments:
Color photography
Flushing toilet
Taking over the country of their historical English oppressors (James I)
I'd say that's pretty good for a country as small as theirs.
"I suspect Trump was not going to be a performing seal for a twirp like him."
No seal, no seal, you're the seal, no you're the seal.
Carry on.
I know you are but what am I?
I'm rubber you're glue.
The Toothless Revolutionary: "I'd say that's pretty good for a country as small as theirs."
Did the inventors of those things ever get their picture on a bubblegum card?!
Hmm? Hmm?
How can they be so great if they never got their picture on a bubblegum card?
PB: "No seal, no seal, you're the seal, no you're the seal."
Heidi Klum has nothing to do with this conversation.
Unless she's Scottish or German!
Oh, what's that? She is eh? Okay then...
The Ritmo list should have included the upcoming new Benz G wagen.
After decades w/ the current structure it seems like it's time for a redo.
I disagree that Russia ever could be one of our best partners. They hate our guts all the way down to our tippy toes.
I don't think that is true at all. What angers Russians mostly is American provocation and busy bodying. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the US has made a bad habit of needlessly antagonizing Russia and then acting as if Russia's (relatively minor) reactions to our provocations are some kind of dangerous threat to global stability. Russia has long standing cultural, linguistic, financial, and security ties to Eastern and Southeastern Europe. We should recognize this area as Russia's sphere of influence and allow them much wider latitude in their arrangements with these countries. Trying to pull these countries into our orbit of influence costs us greatly in terms of the Russo-US relationship, and we achieve very little strategic value in return. By what mad calculus is a NATO guarantee to Montenegro worth souring relationships with a major global power?
Trump shaking hands with Justin Treudeau in Oval Office photo op.
Dreamy Justin had to think twice about shaking Drumpf's hand, I bet.
Unknown: "Trump practically French kissed Abe during his visit."
And you guys complained about that!
I didn't hear Abe complaining.
Crying a little, but NOT complaining!
Chuck said...
"You didn't post the link, to the CNN/Money webpage that contained the report."
Spicer, just today, was gutted by the leftist media for having the temerity to quote media as evidence.
You must not have opened up the newest Journ o list e mail to get your talking points.
Trudeau, sorry Justin. Can you please invade our country?
Unknown: "Dreamy Justin had to think twice about shaking Drumpf's hand, I bet."
Limited political experience, no business experience, never worked a day in his life.
Hey, let's give him a Nobel!
ARM opined: What the fuck is wrong with the Scots? They made the Appalachians what they are today.
The ones who left Scotland did that. Do you credit Britain with America's achievements as well?
Unknown: "Trudeau, sorry Justin. Can you please invade our country?"
Don't do it Justin! How will you replace your 11 pop guns and 3 canoes if the invasion doesn't go well?
Let's put it this way, I give Fargo ND even odds to whip Canada all by themselves.
As long as it's done politely of course.
Iowan2: "You must not have opened up the newest Journ o list e mail to get your talking points."
In Chuck's defense Rachel hadn't broadcast her show yet so Chuck was a little flat footed.
"Spicer, just today, was gutted by the leftist media for having the temerity to quote media as evidence."
Faux News was Fake News before Fake News was Fake News, as everyone who knows news knows.
On second thought, there might be something to ARM's reasoning. Ethnic Germans rejected Judge Kloppenburg in Wisconsin. The same Germanic people gave the election to Trump last Fall.
J Farmer: "I don't think that is true at all."
Oh, it's true alright.
Still, there are others the Russians hate more!
We're Not The Most Hated! We're Not The Most Hated!
We can build on that.
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