March 18, 2017

German reporter prompts Trump to express regret over tweets.

A quick clip from yesterday's press conference:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Very seldom." "The media doesn't tell the truth."

Trump speaks truth to power.

rehajm said...

What is it with the constant prompting for apologies and regret- haven't they figured out the game by now, and that they're losing?
Zee Ghurmannz are supposed to be five hours ahead of Washington...

Tank said...

He's good.

Try to imagine any of the 16 other Repub candidates answering that question as well. Forget it. Instead of being defensive in any way, he weaponized the opportunity.

Weaponized the opportunity. I like that.

Now, he could have asked him if Obama spied on Bernie Sanders too, or was it just him and Merkel? How about Bibi? OKOK, everyone knows Obama spied on Bibi.

Darrell said...

Why would Trump need to get around the lying media? And Chuck.

Once written, twice... said...

Chancellor Merkel clearly thinks Trump is a dolt.

Trump is winning?

Republicans are fleeing him left and right. Their agenda has broken down and is not advancing in the congress and instead of proving leadership, Trump is goofing off BIGLY! Sad.

Once written, twice... said...

We are not even two months into this, but it feels like two years. I am getting the sense of growing buyers remorse from those who made the snap decision and voted for this goofball.

Darrell said...

Republicans are fleeing him left and right.

Only the ones that aren't going to be able to call themselves "Republicans" when the voters catch up with them. The rest of us love Trump.

Darrell said...

Once Written, Twice shit on the sidewalk has buyers remorse. That's what you get when you vote for Hillary. Choke on it.

Remorse said...

TRUMP: Vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive defense, it provides to Germany!

"I've worked on NATO issues or studied them for the better part of 30 years, never seen a more ignorant or uninformed comment about it."
- Sean Kay

Sean Kay is a Professor in the Department of Politics and Government at Ohio Wesleyan specializing in international politics, international security, international organizations, and U.S. foreign and defense policy.

He also is the Chair of the International Studies Program. Kay is a Mershon Associate at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies at The Ohio State University and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Eisenhower Institute in Washington, D.C., specializing in international security.

Kay has held positions as Visiting Assistant Professor of International Relations at Dartmouth College; Assistant Professor of International Studies at Rhodes College; Research Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (U.S. Department of Defense); instructor in the Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst; and worked on the International Secretariat of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels.

He also has been a Visiting Scholar at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London; Visiting Scholar at the Center for International Relations, University of British Columbia in Vancouver; Visiting Research Professor at University College Dublin, Ireland; and Visiting Scholar at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

In the U.S. Department of Defense, Kay worked on policy and analysis dealing with NATO enlargement, the Balkans, NATO’s internal transformation, and U.S.-Russia relations. He also was an advisor to the Department of State on NATO enlargement.

He received his Ph.D., dissertation with honors, from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, specializing in international relations. He has been a post-graduate student at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), holds an M.A. degree in International/Strategic Studies from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, as well as M.A./B.A. degrees from Kent State University.

Kay is a member of the Editorial Board of Contemporary Security Policy.
Faculty Bio

Wince said...

Watched Bill Maher last night. Andrew Sullivan, Barney Frank (2-man panel); Jake Tapper and Sheldon Whitehouse in one-on-ones. All anti-Trump.

It's interesting to really listen and understand where these people are coming from and to analyze the conceits hidden just below the surface.

Big focus: Trump's Tweet about "Obama tapping," saying Trump's crazy, etc.

Admittedly, Trump stepped on his own message with the specificity of his Tweet. At the same time, however, clearly what all the anti-Trump panelists were doing was avoiding the 800-pound gorilla in the room: the Russian collusion story that the press has been stroking for months has proven to be a "nothing-burger."

Trump made an impulsive Tweet that stepped on his own message of vindication. But who's been breathlessly pursuing a conspiracy theory for months in an attempt, dare I say, to "influence the outcome of our election"? The mainstream press, obviously.

Jake Tapper was no better. When asked to list Trump effronteries, Tapper gave a election campaign list: McCain hero, disabled reporter, etc.

What Tapper made abundantly clear from his interview was that he was bringing a bunch of election campaign grudges into the White House.

Remorse said...

"At least not since the last time Trump said something about it."

-Daniel Larison, Senior Editor at The American Conservative

Heywood Rice said...

“All we did was quote a very talented legal mind.” We don't have the attention span for for security briefings, we get our information from Fox news. They're very reliable.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

antiphone said...
“All we did was quote a very talented legal mind.” We don't have the attention span for for security briefings, we get our information from Fox news. They're very reliable.

This is my new morning dance song.

tcrosse said...

The idea of Hillary sharing a platform with Angela is too hideous to contemplate.
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens.

Once written, twice... said...

For those of you saying "nothingburger," you should note that Republicans in Congress are not saying that about potential Russian ties to Trump. But they are falling over themselves and saying that Trump's charges of being wiretapped by President Obama are untrue and reckless.

Heywood Rice said...

No,no, those aren't Trumps charges "Judge" Napolitano told us on the TV. Who is Larry C. Johnson? It's nap time.

Unknown said...

"Trump is goofing-off". Love it.

Trump is so out of depth it is now funny just watching him like a slow-motion car-crash.

Unknown said...

a/ When writing electronic communication eg. email, text and tweets, most people know not to write anything that you couldn't show your mother or a Judge and jury. Otherwise, it could bite your butt in the future.

b/ Trump believes everything he has said and written in the past has no consequences.

c/ Trump is stupid.

Darrell said...

Obama was out of his depth when he met a gateway holding an umbrella.

Darrell said...

Hillary was out of her depth when she didn't heed the old adage "Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States."

Wince said...

Unknown said...
When writing electronic communication eg. email, text and tweets, most people know not to write anything that you couldn't show your mother or a Judge and jury. Otherwise, it could bite your butt in the future.

Applicable to DJT but not Podesta and Hillary?

Good to know.

buwaya said...

There is no need for messaging control vis a vis the other side, as this is an open cold war. There is no need, or possibility, of calming down the press, as the reason they are hostile is the fundamental conflict of interests versus the Trump coalition.
Not simply Trump, but his supporters. These are two enemy peoples in conflict. In any other polity, with less economic padding, where life is closer to the bone, we would be talking about militias, guerillas, and ethnic cleansing, such is the level of enmity, people-to-people.
These two sides are irreconcilable enemies without a word being said. In this environment words are simply weapons. They are used because people have too much to lose should they use real weapons.

grackle said...

I think what happened in the private Trump/Merkel meeting was something one of my old bosses(a retired USMC gunny sergeant) called a “consciousness-raising session.”

All of us devoutly wished never to be on the other end of one these sessions. Grown men emerged from these meetings pale and obviously shaken.

My President Trump has demanded and will get more money for NATO from Merkel. The others will fall in line after her example. They’ve all been on a free ride since WW2. Time to start paying your fair share, my dears.

Anonymous said...

Merkel is now being called "The Leader of the Free World" all around the free world.

Michael said...

Once written

Hey there!! How's that Dow Jones Industrial Average working out for you? LOL.

tcrosse said...

Merkel is now being called "The Leader of the Free World" all around the free world.

The "Free World" is a term from the Cold War which referred to anything outside of the Iron Curtain, which no longer exists. It is obsolete. Merkel is barely the leader of Germany, as will be determined in the next elections.

buwaya said...

Trumps people want the masters of the other side impoverished and driven from their positions of power, if not imprisoned or exterminated.

Trumps powerful enemies want Trumps people impoverished and under their close control in every way, with no civil liberties, and ultimately exterminated.

Deep down, to a degree unconscious, this is the fundamental imperative, the end to which the emotional urge, that we see just the edge of, is directed. Extermination.

The US is Yugoslavia in 1991, with too much to lose to start honestly shooting. What we have here are Serbs and Croats. It is too much to expect the Serb press to deal with Croats without hostility, and vice versa.

Wince said...

Unknown said...
Merkel is now being called "The Leader of the Free World" all around the free world.

How's that working out for 'em?

‘We’ll blow your minds’ Turkey threatens to allow through 15,000 migrants a MONTH to EU

In another blackmail threat interior minister Suleyman Soylu said he would “blow the minds” of Brussels leaders by sparking a fresh refugee crisis unless they cave into his demands.

Turkish diaspora in Europe should have at least 5 children: Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on the Turkish citizens residing in Europe to have at least five children in an attempt to multiply their presence in the continent amid rising tensions between the European Union and Ankara.

Heywood Rice said...

Update! The Mexican wall is a bad deal for America (tired of it) the new wall will be in Germany. Central location, downtown Berlin and the best part... guess who's paying. Great again!

Anonymous said...

Ex NSA director Flynn is an agent of Turkey. Nice. I wonder what advice he's giving Erdogan.

Anonymous said...

So, will Erdogan now be Trumpists new hero, after Putin of course.

"A day later, the coup failed; Erdoğan proceeded to round up thousands of alleged plotters and sympathizers, including military officers, judges, and teachers. A Times editorial accused the Turkish President of staging a “counter-coup” and acting “increasingly authoritarian.” Such characterizations tend to unnerve tourists and foreign investors. In early August, Ekim Alptekin, a Turkish businessman and the chairman of the Turkey-U.S. Business Council, contacted Flynn’s consulting firm, the Flynn Intel Group, about repairing Turkey’s image in the United States. Flynn, whom I profiled for the magazine in February, was one of Trump’s most prominent supporters on the campaign trail, and often accused Hillary Clinton of “influence peddling.” Still, he agreed to help Alptekin, in exchange for a six-hundred-thousand-dollar contract.

In order to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or fara, lobbyists working directly or indirectly on behalf of foreign governments must file paperwork with the Justice Department identifying themselves as “foreign agents.” After agreeing to work with Alptekin, Flynn and his colleagues initially considered doing this, according to a source who participated in the discussions, but they concluded that it wasn’t necessary, since Alptekin was not a Turkish official and the funds were not Turkish government funds. Instead, they filed with Congress, under the Lobbying Disclosures Act. Flynn was merely helping a businessman, they rationalized, and not acting as an agent of a foreign government.

But, last week, Flynn—who was forced to resign as Trump’s national-security adviser on February 13th—refiled his paperwork, to acknowledge that his work for Alptekin may, in fact, have benefitted the Turkish government. The disclosure put Flynn’s work with Alptekin in a new light, raising new questions about Flynn’s judgment—during both the campaign and his brief time in the Administration—and about the Administration’s handling of his entanglements."

Darrell said...

Merkel is now being called "The Leader of the Free World" all around the free world.

Yeah. By asshole Lefties. It will work out as well all all the rest of their schemes in the last 16 months.

Darrell said...

Merkel was so dour yesterday, I figured that the baby she ate on her flight over must have been overcooked.

Wince said...

Unknown said...
So, will Erdogan now be Trumpists new hero, after Putin of course.

So, will Erdogan now be the anti-Trumpists new hero, after Putin of course.

Fixed it for ya'.

Anonymous said...

Nope, Erdogan is Flynn's boss. He's no hero to any lefties. You need to keep up with the latest Trumpist heroes list.

buwaya said...

Flynn was advising Erdogan while Erdogan was a bitter enemy of Putin, both backing different sides in Syria and Erdogan was shooting down Russian airplanes and Russia was threatening shutting down Turkish airspace and starting a war. They still back different sides today, though less openly hostile.
So therefore Flynn was at the same time Putins patsy and Erdogans, while these two were shooting at each other. There is little sense in these talking points.
As I have long said, these words are just substitutes for bullets in America's current civil war. They are just weapons.

buwaya said...

As for the peculiar nature of Unlnown/Inga and PB&J and Once.. et al, these are not just internet cranks, they are an authentic voice of a very large chunk of the other side.

They hate you, individually and collectively, not Trump, with a passion. Trump is merely a useful object. They want you gone, exterminated, this is the only satisfactory object of such an obsessive and deep emotional state.

Wince said...

So, will Erdogan now be the anti-Trumpists new anti-hero, after Putin of course.

Fixed it for ya'.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"this goofball."

You sure it's genuine goof though?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Since I decided to goofset your mindset, it's goofing all the way down.

Anonymous said...

EDH: So, will Erdogan now be the anti-Trumpists new anti-hero, after Putin of course.

It may be that Erdoğan will soon be experiencing strange new respect among the lefties. I don't read Vox but this article's headline scrolled by in my newsfeed this morning, and I was intrigued enough to see how they might dance around certain colliding world-views re Turkey and Europe to click.

On the one hand they have to condemn European nationalists, who "[feed] off of this [Turko-Euro] antagonism and used it for their own political gain". On the other hand Erdoğan is a bad guy in Turkey. On the other other hand he's openly promoting the shitlibs' wet dream of an Islamized Europe (and has been for a while now):

"Speaking at a rally in the Turkish city of Eskisehir on Friday, Erdoğan told his compatriots living in Europe that they should view success — and the creation of big families — as the best way to combat the swell in anti-Muslim and anti-Turkish sentiment across the continent.

'Go live in better neighborhoods. Drive the best cars. Live in the best houses. Make not three, but five children. Because you are the future of Europe. That will be the best response to the injustices against you,' he said.
[my bold]

Or, rather, the shitlibs' wet dream of sticking it to "fascists" (i.e., non-shitlibs) by whatever means handy.

Stay tuned.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Drago said...
So it's Erdogan now, eh?

Well, I guess that Putin thing isnt panning out to well for our lefty pals.

Don't sweat it. Tomorrow or next week it will be some new "horrible" that is "Actually Running American Policy Under Trump".

BTW, while we are on the subject, can anyone tell me who this weeks "Spinning Wheel" selection happens to be for "The Person Who Is Actually Telling Trump What To Do"?

It changes quite frequently.

And this is all akin to "The Person Who Is Actually Running The Republican Party", which contains many consistent standbys but now and then a new person gets lobbed into the role by our lefty paranoid mass hysteria types.

Grover Norquist was one of the funnier ones but also includes the NRA guys, Koch brothers, Rush Limbaugh, that Akin guy from Missouri, back in McCain's time some preacher from Ohio that hardly anyone ever knew, etc.

Kind of a parlor game really.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Let's agree that Germany doesn't pay its fair share in respect to defence. Wouldn't the smart play be to reduce our defence spending on NATO in order to force them to spend more or face whatever consequences that result from their lack of spending? Why would we commit to spending more on defence? Doesn't this undermine our bargaining position? Dumb American's keep spending on defence so we don't have to.

Drago said...

ARM, I like where you are going with that and I believe that is probably the negotiating position that Trump took.

Of course, the Germans weak commitment of reaching 2% of GDP for defense allocations isn't required until 2024. Further, I think the current 1.3% will only increase in the coming year by 8%, so Germany will only hit about 1.4% for 2017.

But, baby steps initially for the "Leader of The Free World" according to Field Marshall Unknown.

Anonymous said...

"Well, I guess that Putin thing isnt panning out to well for our lefty pals."

Lefties never liked Putin. You don't seem to know lefties all that well. It's Trumpists who love him as he is Trump's "big daddy". Erdogan Is Flynn's employer, Trump loved Flynn and Flynn loved Trump, oh he loved Putin too ( three way). We lefties never liked Erdogan either. You need to get your facts straight when trying to 'right-splain' to the other rightists here who the lefties hold in high regard.

cacimbo said...

Obama claimed to receive most important information from media during his tenure. Fast & Furious, General Petraeus sex scandal, IRS targeting Tea Party groups, his own administration using the espionage act to target reporters, spying on Merkel, Hillary's email........ Each time BO was shocked when he learned of these events via media. Now Trump like BO claims to have learned of the Obama administrations misdeeds via media. Trump has only been President for two months. Hopefully he will prove more capable than BO and be able to correct the conditions that force Presidents to get vital information from media rather than through the appropriate channels.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Lefties never liked Putin."

I guess this is the point where we forget how Obama turned belly up for Putin re: flexibility, uranium, resets and the Ukraine.

Not to mention the Amazing Appearing and Disappearing Syrian Red Line which blazed a direct path for Russia to re-established their position in the Middle East.

Not to mention Obama hollowing out the military and trying to hinder fracking which has helped kick Putin in the teeth.

Oh, that's right. You're the moron who thinks Germany is some sort of superpowet/"Leader Of The Free World", aren't you?


Drago said...

Poor unknown. She may never recover from the Maddow-Fail!

So much invested emotionally in that and then it was yanked away.

And all within just a few hours!

Such cruelty towards the lefty automatons by that evil Dasher of hopes, Senor Fate.

Drago said...

Oh, it gets better of course.

Unknown is also the one who begged Trudeau to invade the US!

Hilarious. The Canadians can't even handle an extra couple of hundred border jumpers! But hey, go ahead and invade the US! Please please dreamy Trudeau, use your vast military prowess and strategic talents to overthrow Trump!

This is the hilarious level to which the lefties have sunk. So far.....

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I was the first one here to say that Trump himself sent his 2005 taxes to the reporter, so no, I wasn't expecting anything. Of course Trump wouldn't have sent any other year but that one, I wonder why, lol.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hyphenated American said...

"Merkel is now being called "The Leader of the Free World" all around the free world."

I wonder if this means Germany will lead the fight against ISIS, defeat Iran, free Crimea. deal with North Korea, china, and end the war in Syria. And one more thing, shouldn't Germany match US payments to UN!

Anonymous said...

But I am really excited for the House Intelligence Committee's hearing on Monday. Comey to testify.

Hyphenated American said...

"Lefties never liked Putin."

At this point, what difference does it make how you felt about Putin? Liberals with their stupid policies enabled him. Removing air defense from Eastern Europe, slowing down oil and gas development in USA, giving up Middle East to Iran and ISIS, pushes my regulations down the threat of American businesses, unilaterally disarming us armed forces....

Anonymous said...

"This is the hilarious level to which the lefties have sunk. So far....."

Hahahaha! OMG. It wasn't us lefties that put Trump in the White House to embarrass the US in front of the rest of the world. That's how far you people sank, we knew what he was way before Election Day.

hombre said...

Once ... wrote: "Trump is winning? Republicans are fleeing him left and right."

Trump never had the GOPe. They are the gatekeepers to the swamp and will only be happy when they have lost their majorities at mid-term because Trumpers stay home.

hombre said...

Remorse wrote: "
'"I've worked on NATO issues or studied them for the better part of 30 years, never seen a more ignorant or uninformed comment about it."
- Sean Kay

Sean Kay is a Professor in the Department of Politics and Government at Ohio Wesleyan specializing in international politics, international security, international organizations, and U.S. foreign and defense policy....'

Addendum: And Kay is a "lifelong Republican" and longstanding member of the progressive circle jerk whose sound bites are frequently used in fallacious appeals to authority.

Drago said...

Unknown: "It wasn't us lefties that put Trump in the White House to embarrass the US in front of the rest of the world."

I'm sorry that your beloved "rest of world" will now have to start engaging in fair trade deals with the US and actually living up to their commitments in defense arrangements.

It's quite telling that upsets you so much.

You know who else doesn't want Fair Trade for the US and allies picking up their fair share of the NATO budget tab?

That's right, Vlad Putin!

Irony much?

Not to worry, perhaps some other random nation can be your newest Knight In Shining Armor to rescue you from Trump! Maybe Lichtenstein!

Anonymous said...

Well as a BIL to a large, prominent Belgian family, all I can say is that every time in the past I brought up NATO, they all reminded me that NATO is America behind an acronym.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Hahaha! I was the first one here to say that Trump himself sent his 2005 taxes to the reporter, so no, I wasn't expecting anything."


Oh yeah, the old "I meant that!" tactic!

Oh the pain felt on the left after that little debacle. Even Slate was insulting your heroine!

Too funny.

Next week: Trump "may have" jaywalked in the early 70's! Dems call for an investigation!

tcrosse said...

Hahahaha! OMG. It wasn't us lefties that put Trump in the White House to embarrass the US in front of the rest of the world.
The Big Money Democrats sacrificed the Progressive Agenda on the altar of Hillary Clinton's personal sense of entitlement. For this error, they deserve a lot of the credit for putting Trump in the White House.

Drago said...

Shorter Remorse: Some lefties who agree with all the other lefties are happy to put out more lefty talking points.


BTW, is it possible for us to get our Uranium back from obambi's boyfriend Vlad?

Drago said...

tcrosse: "The Big Money Democrats sacrificed the Progressive Agenda on the altar of Hillary Clinton's personal sense of entitlement. For this error, they deserve a lot of the credit for putting Trump in the White House."

The democrats hacked their own primary and then told all the "Unknowns" to shut up and do what they were told.

Naturally, the lefty lemmings did.

FullMoon said...

Unknown said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Hahaha! I was the first one here to say that Trump himself sent his 2005 taxes to the reporter, so no, I wasn't expecting anything. Of course Trump wouldn't have sent any other year but that one, I wonder why, lol.

If Trump sent the 2005 taxes, he is waiting for MSM and sheep followers like you to keep making the same stupid remarks. Then, he would release newer taxes showing he paid the same or more. But, you are too stupid to realize that.
And, you did not "figure out" Trump did it. You saw it first on the net , then repeated it. You have no imagination, Inga.

Drago said...

Poor put-upon Donna Brazile. She certainly did everything she had to do.

You know Sberbank, Russia's largest bank with significant ties to Russian intelligence, got their moneys worth out of the Podesta clan!

Of course, OF COURSE, Democratic super lobbyist Tony Podesta "forgot" to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) when he agreed to represent Sberbank!!

Wow, who could have seen that coming?

Drago said...

FullMoon: "You saw it first on the net , then repeated it. You have no imagination, Inga."

As noted before, Unknown is always a minimum of 36 hours behind the latest dem talking points.

Reading Unknown is like stepping into a time capsule and going back in time before new information that has already come to light is incorporated and internalized by the body politic.

Reading Unknown is like reading The Onion in that regard.

Drago said...

Just wait until the Gorsuch hearings start.

Oh my. I feel sorry for the army of therapists who have to exist to deal with the legion of lefty snowflakes who will be fainting left and right through those proceedings.

On the other hand, playing "Guess the Travesty" wherein the players try to determine how the dems will attempt to "Otherize" the republican nominee is always fun.

I am predicting that Gorsuch will be accused of being a secret Nazi party member by the end of the second afternoon.

Heywood Rice said...

As for the peculiar nature of Unlnown/Inga and PB&J and Once.. et al, these are not just internet cranks, they are an authentic voice of a very large chunk of the other side

So true! I just want to take a moment to thank all the real internet cranks, the keyboard commandos, the mouth breathing morans and the freeperazzi who troll the internet 24/7, not for money or fame, and not because they actually believe any of the conspiracy garbage they spew, (you know who you are!). I mean, it is truly mind boggling to witness the dogged and often self destructive determination it takes to keep our nation's information superhighway well lubricated with authentic, all American bullshit (and I mean that in the best possible way).

There's a lot of competition out here today, am I right? Some of it foreign, some professional and some of it not quite fully human, yet. But here's to the kooks, quacks,the shut ins, the mobys and the phone zombies for keeping it real in basements and compounds from sea to shining sea. Well played!

buwaya said...

You will hear precisely the same as any of these people as from people with $100m in assets with flats in Pacific Heights.
For all I know they could in fact be people I know in Pacific Heights.

Anonymous said...

"The democrats hacked their own primary....."

Hahahahaha! Reading Drago is like reading World net Daily or Info Wars. Conspiracy 24/7 and doesn't recognize real news when it hits him upside the head, sad, as Trump would say.

Drago said...

Again, Unknown is days behind the narrative.

No one at all, anywhere, questions what the dem party did to Bernie to ensure Hillary's nomination.

Unknown is fully on board with every lunatic Russia conspiracy but can't accept what her own party members are telling her about their own primary.

Beyond caricature.

Drago said...

Poor, poor li'l Unknown.

Drago said...

Poor, poor li'l Unknown:

snip: "Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was forced aside by the release of thousands of embarrassing emails among party officials that appeared to show co­ordinated efforts to help Clinton at the expense of her rivals in the Democratic primaries."

Uh, oh, theres even more!

snip: "The presidential campaign of 2016 was rocked when Wikileaks revealed an email appearing to show Donna Brazile passing along a question from a CNN debate to Hillary Clinton. After months of denials, the former interim DNC chair finally admitted Friday that she was guilty of the accusation"

Now, in Unknowns defense, we all know Unknown is at least 36 hours behind on all information and talking points, therefore since Braziles admission just occurred yesterday Unknown won't be capable of "knowing" this until tomorrow at the earliest.

Good luck with your catching up Unknown!

Anonymous said...

Poor Drago. We all know the DNC was hacked, but we also know they didn't hack themselves.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Poor Drago. We all know the DNC was hacked, but we also know they didn't hack themselves."

I see your problem, or at least this one of many.

When we reference the dems "hacking their own primary", we don't mean that the DNC jumped into any IT system and released emails.

We mean the DNC "hacked" their primary PROCESSES to help ensure Hillary's win. This has been well established as you can see by the links above.

I'm sorry if your own party can hack their own primary processes, admit to it afterwards and have internal meetings to ensure it never happens again all the while you sit here saying it never happened!

That is a very, very, very special kind of stupid.

Drago said...

If its any consolation Unknown, at least Rachel was "courageous" enough to share with all of us, last night, the actual, no kidding, never before seen envelope the tax returns actually came in!

Yes, an envelope! An actual envelope!

Probably a Russian envelope.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


"The democrats hacked their own primary..."

You need to learn to speak clearly and concisely. If you wanted to say that the DNC gave Hilary more help and favored her over Sanders, you should've just said so instead of trying to be clever with the use of the word " hacked". Your use of the word "hacked" was sloppy. You didn't catch on to your misuse of the word until now?

Hahahaha, now who is a special kind of stupid? You.

narciso said...

It would be accurate to say they fixed that primary, with the help of the risotto tray media.

Meanwhile Solomon and Carter, have uncovered the trail between trump tower and alpha bank was counterfeit, and the five pakistani intelligence committee staffers may have had access to every members network

Anonymous said...

Just like Trump saying wiretapping encompasses all forms of survellience, lol, what a pair of dumbasses you and Trump are Drago. I won't forget this and will rub your nose in it for weeks and weeks, maybe even months and months, give you some of your own medicine.

Anonymous said...

And one more thing Drago, you took all that time finding all those citations to prove your "point". Oh Lordy, hahahahaha!

Drago said...

Unknown: "And one more thing Drago, you took all that time finding all those citations to prove your "point"."

1 Search. 3 Links. About 30 seconds.

I realize that you, as a lefty, consider that alot of work!


Drago said...

Unknown: " I won't forget this and will rub your nose in it for weeks and weeks, maybe even months and months, give you some of your own medicine."


I can certainly live with you bringing up over and over again in the weeks and months to come how the dems hacked their own primary!

Maybe we could get our German "Leaders of The Free World" to make sure the dems don't do that to themselves again! Or maybe Trudeau can invade to keep the dems from hacking their own primary again!

Now go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you as you catch up on all the events from 2 days ago!

Drago said...

Even more bad news for Unknown and her hacked pals:

snip: "Key Democratic officials are clearly worried about the expectations that have been purposely stoked and are now trying to tamp them down. Many of them have tried to signal that the beliefs the base has been led to adopt have no basis in reason or evidence.

The latest official to throw cold water on the MSNBC-led circus is President Obama’s former acting CIA chief Michael Morell."

This is from 2 days ago so Unknown should be just about ready to "learn" this as it is just within her standard "behind the curve by 36 hours" capability.

Keep hope alive!

Bob Loblaw said...

Let's agree that Germany doesn't pay its fair share in respect to defence. Wouldn't the smart play be to reduce our defence spending on NATO in order to force them to spend more or face whatever consequences that result from their lack of spending? Why would we commit to spending more on defence? Doesn't this undermine our bargaining position? Dumb American's keep spending on defence so we don't have to.

Why are we in Europe (and NATO) at all? It made sense when there was an international communist bloc that was interested in imposing their way of life on us. But there isn't any more. If war comes to Europe again there are no US interests at stake - let the Europeans work it out. If I were president I would tell Frau Merkel "Look, you have ten years. Ten years from now the only US servicemen in Europe will be on vacation. Start fielding whatever forces you think you'll need to defend yourself."

Gahrie said...

I am predicting that Gorsuch will be accused of being a secret Nazi party member by the end of the second afternoon.

I'm betting that they stick to tradition and dredge up some last minute sexual harassment charges.

Anonymous said...

Nato, and even individual country defense.
I've heard it said that if Turkey wanted they could march from Istanbul to Chunnel exit in two weeks. Germany's soldiers are Unionized, only work from 8 to 4, and not on weekends have no ammunition reserves, and seldom if ever hold a live fire exercise because of a lack of ammunition. Turkey has none of these problems. And not only train they have real live fire practice with the PKK, who kill their share of the Turks who have learned all those lessons well. Combined Artillery and Maneuver would be a disaster for the Germans. They'd run out of TOW missiles first day, and most would fail for countermeasures, plus a lack of trained maintenance staff, union and budgets again. I'd expect Bonn and Paris to sue for terms in the first week and expect the U.N. Blue Helmets to reverse Turkey's gains as they begin large scale resettlement of their own grievance community who have complained most loudly about their abuse by the German's. Which will mean another partitioning of Germany. Talk about chicken's coming home to roost. And Nato would be left there sitting on its thumbs because all the Nato armories are empty, budget and a belief war will never return, and if it did Daddy U.S. will be there to save U.S.

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