March 7, 2017

At the Zabriskie Point Café...

... bundle up, stargazers.


Original Mike said...

Coldest I've ever observed with a telescope is -5 F. (Don't lick the scope's truss-tubes!)

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Professor, am I right in thinking you have made many comments about disliking travel? Did Meade convince you?

madAsHell said...

I'm sure the small gas stove with Meade tending over mouth-watering hot chocolate is just outside the field of view!


Original Mike said...

"I'm sure the small gas stove with Meade tending over mouth-watering hot chocolate is just outside the field of view!"

Hot liquids (with a little kicker added) is a must for enjoyable cold-weather observing.

Ann Althouse said...

There was no fire and no hot liquid. No morning coffee even until 60 miles after we left that place.

Ann Althouse said...

@Annie C

Meade is more travel a erse than I am!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

No coffee for 60 miles? oh... the humanity! Was it worth it to see the Milky Way?

Original Mike said...

"There was no fire and no hot liquid. No morning coffee even until 60 miles after we left that place."

Next trip I suggest a small camping stove and a thermos. Make the coffee/chocolate the night before in your room/camp.

chickelit said...

Shades of full burqa jacket

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

can't say why exactly - but love that pic! maybe a weird cross of sci-fi and humor?

Original Mike said...

"Was it worth it to see the Milky Way?"

Oh...the humanity!

William said...

Seen one galaxy, you've seen them all.

Original Mike said...

Blogger William said..."Seen one galaxy, you've seen them all."

NGC 253, 1365, 1532, LMC, M31, ...

You know not of which you speak.

ga6 said...

No one get the film reference yet???

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

LOL - I would love looking up at the stars without light pollution. Rare to do so.

Original Mike said...

"LOL - I would love looking up at the stars without light pollution. Rare to do so."

Unfortunately, nowadays it takes an effort.

mockturtle said...

You will emerge from that cocoon a butterfly!

traditionalguy said...

IIR Dances With Wolves got an Oscar nomination for costume design of indigenous inhabitants of the Great Plains, and now you have out done them on the Buffalo Gal look. Cute.

buwaya said...

Looks like fun!

I could never get my wife into such straits though.
You are a good sport.

Heartless Aztec said...

The burqua becomes you.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Guess what? I'm sitting in the United Club in the Houston airport and I'm 90% certain that Ron Paul is sitting at the next table.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Never mind. 100% sure. A man just walked up to him and addressed him as Dr. Paul and he offered him a chair. If I didn't have my grimy baby on my lap I'd say hello myself.

mockturtle said...

Guess what? I'm sitting in the United Club in the Houston airport and I'm 90% certain that Ron Paul is sitting at the next table.

Give him a kiss for me. :-) I voted for him for President twice.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Pants - cool!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Tell him I missed him on the Mandy Connell show the other day. Drat! She's he's #1 fan in CO.

tcrosse said...

It can get mighty cold in the desert at night. But as they say in the Upper Midwest, it's a dry cold.

TWW said...

"No one get the film reference yet???"

We get it; we just don't care to reference one the truly worst films of the twentieth century. Some say, 'Plan Nine from Outer Space'. I say 'Zabriskie Point'(or maybe 'AI").

Meade said...

Pants, we passed Koch Brother, David in the Furnace Creek lobby when we checked in last Friday. 100%.

bwebster said...

That may be my new favorite photo of you, Ann. :-)

khesanh0802 said...

Great photo!

rehajm said...

From the Vault 7 CIA leaks, this fun little tidbit:

Another profound revelation is that the CIA can engage in "false flag" cyberattacks which portray Russia as the assailant.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, that's really you under all those layers? I'd have thought you'd be wearing a light spring jacket, being from Wisconsin and all.

Original Mike said...

"@Althouse, that's really you under all those layers? I'd have thought you'd be wearing a light spring jacket, being from Wisconsin and all."

It's been my observation that the difference between people from warm vs cold climes is not that the coldsters can tolerate cold better, but that they have enough sense to wear clothes.

buwaya said...

"It's been my observation that the difference between people from warm vs cold climes is not that the coldsters can tolerate cold better, but that they have enough sense to wear clothes."

I am an old hand at observing tropical people in cold climates. No, clothes don't suffice.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I don't allow myself to bitch about the cold, seeing as how I ain't never even been to Bastogne and all.

jez said...

I would recommend a detour through Utah. Maybe Zions National Park or Capital Reef. You are in my lovely neck of the woods l. good on ya!

khesanh0802 said...

@rejahm Thanks for the llnk. Makes those Silicon Valley guys who support big government look pretty stupid or naive or both.