March 8, 2017

"A Day Without a Woman" makes a classic sexist mistake.

That phrase — "A Day Without a Woman" —  assumes you are a man!

I am a woman. I never have a day without a woman.

ALSO: "Is the ‘Day Without a Woman’ protest elitist?" (in WaPo):
The organizers of the massive post-inauguration women’s mar­ches have called on female workers to stay home Wednesday, raising concerns among some supporters of the burgeoning feminist movement that the burden of the protest will fall too heavily on the poor.....

To make it more inclusive, organizers are urging women to take the day off only if they feel they can....

Linda Sarsour, co-chair of the Women’s March on Washington, said the strike also is a way to continue the momentum from the marches....

“The idea of the strike — it’s another strategy,” Sarsour said. “It was not going to be comfortable for everyone.”

Historically, the people at the forefront of labor strikes have not been from among the most privileged, she said, citing hourly-pay workers who have fought to raise the minimum wage and farmworkers who have left the fields to advocate for worker protections.

“They risked their jobs, and they had big wins,” Sarsour said.
So... with today's strike, people are doing it only where they are not risking their jobs, where they are already privileged. Where's the leverage for the "big wins"? But it makes the news, even as it is kept comfortable. 


Eleanor said...

Taking a day off to show your boss how indispensable you are often has the opposite effect.

Sebastian said...

No, it is standard feminist rhetoric, all of which aims to undercut supposed male privilege by showing that women are very, very special.

chickelit said...

It's always about halving it all.

Brando said...

The whole thing makes no sense. The sort of women who would participate in this would only be "punishing" themselves (having to take time off work) or the men and women in their lives, who presumably think like them politically. And are they refusing to accept the services of "men" while they do this? Such as police protection, or who will serve them food?

More likely this will be an embarrassing reminder of just how ineffectual such strikes are.

Brando said...

Sort of like "let's all not buy gas on Wednesday! That'll show the oil companies somehow!"

buwaya said...

Getting in to work.
I suspect the ladies will all be there today.
None have told me they wont be.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Something tells me that this is going to be a massive flop. The Left's hype is so consistently outrunning reality that regrouping may not be possible. I know the ideological pendulum will always swing but, Jesus, they're doing their best to lock it to the right.

rehajm said...

Never a day without a woman? You may have broken Wilt Chamberlain's record but there were many days where Wilt had more than one.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Getting in to work.
I suspect the ladies will all be there today.
None have told me they wont be."

At my work as well. Though it will be a great opportunity for good-natured teasing. "Damn it, Sharon. This was supposed to be a day without women. Why are you bothering me..." Lots of that around the country today, I'm sure. Though it will no doubt be spun differently.

Paul said...

Well what if we MEN strike. Yea.. a 'day without MEN'.

Would be interesting. Virtually no fire department, no police, no military. Factories close. Highway departments close. No plumbers. Construction closes down.

You know, "burly men jobs."


Ignorance is Bliss said...

No women in my office today. Just like every other day.

Three people in my office ( 1/3 of the total ) are immigrants, and they all came to work on the day without immigrants. Two of them support Trump.

In theory my wife could pull the day without a woman shit at home, but she knows better. She is currently in a big push to finish up a Master's degree, and I am helping by doing most of the cooking, cleaning, and laundry.

damikesc said...

I love that one of the main groups organizing this, the Action Network, has no women in positions of leadership at all.

traditionalguy said...

Don't the Prison systems run all the days without women for, Life. OK, maybe a few female guards and infirmary nurses are mixed in.

We need lots more transsexuals. Somebody arrange to trick the children.

Bruce Hayden said...

Hmm, a day without women. Sounds a bit enticing. No "Honey Do" list today. No specified family time, dinner time. No demand that I walk with her to get my exercise. Etc. Sounds pretty relaxing. Think I may go back to bed, since there aren't going to be any demands made on me today by women. Normally, my partner doesn't get into this sort of thing (for one thing, she is to the right of me politically), but I think that I may push her to participate, for the sake of the sisterhood, and all that.

Ok, I will admit that getting popcorn over at the neighborhood Walmart is going to be problematic, since most of the staff there at the McDonald's are female. Luckily, Home Depot employees tend to be male, so even if they all skip work there (unlikely), I should be able to get what I want there (and they do have do-it-yourself checkout).

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Paul said...

Well what if we MEN strike.

Women and children can afford to be careless, but not men...

Quaestor said...

So what will you do to show solidarity, refuse to feed yourself?

Me? I'm going to watch Cleopatra (1963) without my pants on.

Brando said...

I will note that it appears all the women seem to be at the office today. They must not have gotten the memo.

Brando said...

"Me? I'm going to watch Cleopatra (1963) without my pants on."

You're describing my typical Wednesday evening!

Sebastian said...

"Would be interesting. Virtually no fire department, no police, no military. Factories close. Highway departments close. No plumbers. Construction closes down."

No nuclear power, or any other power, no network security, no clean water--unless men set the relevant systems on autopilot ahead of time. Oh, and no trash pickup.

The only place where a day without women is really disastrous is hospitals. Everywhere else, a week without men means the end of civilization as we know it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

a 'day without MEN'.

Would be interesting. Virtually no fire department, no police, no military. Factories close. Highway departments close. No plumbers. Construction closes down.

Yeah. My husband (whose on line handle is The Dumbplumber) is really upset about this day without women deal. That means he is going to have to continue to pump out that 1500 gallon storage tank that has settled 5 inches crooked iwith all the flooding and saturated ground. Get into the well vault where the pump is, pump the standing water, about 3 feet, out and somehow repair the broken pipes between the pump and a new temporary pressure tank while the other burly construction guys figure out how to remove the 1500 gallon tank from the hole that 'they' had dug and engineered for the tank (thank goodness that was their eff up).

Then he has to repair the broken, frozen pipes in another pump house and in a house that the owner (stupid woman) didn't bother to freeze protect before she left the house vacant in sub zero weather.

If he has time, he may also drain a bladder tank and get it ready to be removed and replaced with a new one in a few days.

ALL without women.....oh my HOW will he ever cope????? Oh. Wait. He always does this stuff without "women". (Other than sending me to pick up an occasional missing part.)

This whole protest movement is not only a ridiculous stunt by well off protected leftist women, it is going to reflect so badly on them. I wonder if they realize what a laughing stock they are in the real world, where people need to work for a living and don't have time for this foolishness.

My part of women's day is that I'm making a lemon cream pie and going to bbq a steak for MY dumbplumber when he gets home today. Of course...since I'm chained to the stove ,by the patriarchy, anyway I might as well do something constructive.....right? I'd better get my pearls and Donna Reed dress ready so I can appropriately greet him at the door with a nice cold scotch and water too.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Sebastian said...

...a week without men means the end of civilization as we know it.

That is their goal.

Bob Boyd said...

Every day is a day without a woman
named Hillary
in the White House

Fernandinande said...

A manly song a manly song I like to sing a manly song
My manly friends all sing along as we sing our manly song

I am a manly man who lives a manly life
In my manly house with my manly wife
And two manly children
And a manly guinea pig
My cell phone's very small and my TV's really big.

Bruce Hayden said...

Ok, it didn't go well, telling my partner that today was the day without women, and that we could get together again tomorrow morning as usual. She claimed that this was a ****ing excuse not to exercise on my part. And, went on from there. I mentioned the sisterhood, then vacated the room, just in case. Probably was wise on my part. She somehow got the idea that I didn't quite grasp the concept. Not sure what she meant there - I thought that it was pretty clear, that the purpose of the day was so that men wouldn't have to deal with women for an entire day.

Anonymous said...

DBQ: Of course...since I'm chained to the stove ,by the patriarchy, anyway I might as well do something constructive.....right? I'd better get my pearls and Donna Reed dress ready so I can appropriately greet him at the door with a nice cold scotch and water too.

That's close to what I'd be doing (well, wine, not scotch), but it just so happens it's my "dumbplumber's" weekly dining-out with male friends night tonight. An even more appropriate way to spend the evening of "a day without women", eh?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Brando said...
I will note that it appears all the women seem to be at the office today. They must not have gotten the memo.

No, the protest was improperly titled. "A Day Without Rich Leftist Women" would be more accurate.

Oh Yea said...

I bet next Thursday and Friday more men will participate in "Days Without Men" in their workplaces than women participate in todays's "Day without Women". It will just start shortly before tip-off.

alan markus said...

Been waiting for today to rework that old Jewish proverb, "I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes. Then I met a man with no feet" to I felt sorry for myself because it was a day with no woman. Then I met a man with no hands."

Virgil Hilts said...

How about a day without "grievance-oriented feminism" (as defined by Paglia).
Hell, I'm willing to take a risk and extend it from a day to a decade so we can get a better idea of what the loss would be to western civilization, and then maybe reconsider the whole think in 2027.

Laslo Spatula said...

Alan Allen, College Student with a SJW Girlfriend...

So Jezzy tells me she is not going to her classes today, because of the "A Day Without a Woman" protest. I ask her if that won't adversely affect her studies, but she says that the Day is not about her education, but about the needed education of MEN. I don't ask anymore questions, but -- of course -- she continues to tell me about it, anyway...

Evidently men do not realize women do things. She waits for me to disagree, but I am not falling for it this time. I know what "A Day Without a Woman" really means, and it means I am not going to be getting a blow-job today...

Jezzy tells me it is unfair that some women are so underpaid that they cannot afford to not go to work today: that Patriarchy thing, and the Misogyny of Capitalism. I shrug, and now she is getting visibly upset: she wants me to say SOMETHING so that she can rail against it, but I just tell her I'm going to go to the Library to study -- I have a Science exam in two days...

Jezzy says that Science under-appreciates women and their contributions: for instance, polio would have been stopped by a woman, if they were just given an equal chance. Me -- I'm just glad I don't have to worry about polio, I don't care about the sex of who made this happen...

I gather my books and my laptop, and ask Jezzy what she is going to do today while I'm gone. She tells me there is a March on campus that she is going to attend with her new lesbian friend. I desperately want to ask her how "A Day Without a Woman" works for lesbians, but I think better of it...

I admit it: my only concern with "A Day Without a Woman" is that the hot librarian at the Library might not be there: THAT would suck...

I am Laslo.

Jupiter said...

As I understand it, this is supposed to be a follow-up to "Everyone-Wear-A-Crude- Simulacrum-Of-Your-Genitalia-On-Your-Head Day", so it sounds like they are actually moving in the direction of sanity, although they've still got a long ways to go.

Have they figured out exactly what it is they want yet? I guess they will just act pissed off and we're supposed to figure out what we did wrong. Same old shit.

Meade said...

"Lonely days
Lonely nights
Where would I be
without my woman?"

MayBee said...

The amount of ego-boosting and self-esteem support the modern woman needs is just astounding.

Sally327 said...

There are a lot of woman in management positions where I work and they're all here beavering away along with the rest of us. (Oh, maybe I shouldn't have used the word beavering.)

I find it wildly amusing that if you are a woman of a certain age you thought equality and women's rights should mean you could get out there and work if you wanted to and not sit at home cleaning the house. You could work hard, prove yourself, advance. Just like a man.

Now it means you throw off those tedious work responsibilities and don't go to your job so you can prove you're a feminist. The world is a very strange place.

hombre said...

A day without women? Meh! The grim reality is: They do what we let them do.

tcrosse said...

What do women want ?

buwaya said...

Making discreet inquiries about absenteeism today.

Levi Starks said...
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Levi Starks said...

Civilization without men would end in about a week, without women would take a little longer.
I'd say about 9 months.

Big Mike said...

"Lonely days
Lonely nights
Where would I be
without my woman?"

You'd be back in Cincinnati.

FullMoon said...

alan markus said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Been waiting for today to rework that old Jewish proverb, "I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes. Then I met a man with no feet" to

"I felt sorry for myself because it was a day with no woman. Then I met a man with no hands."

Took me a couple of seconds....that is pretty dang funny.

FullMoon said...

No doubt MSM will make this an important and successful anti-Trump thing somehow.

Big Mike said...

I suspect that managers will be examining who they can count on to get their jobs done, and who they can't. And that will be unfair to poor women who have to take the day off because the schools in some jurisdictions will be closed and, being poor, those women will have to take off to stay home with the kids.

But the women, and men, who push this sort of foolishness don't much care about poor women.

Lewis Wetzel said...

This will cripple the nation to the same extent as Day Without Chelsea Clinton Day, last held on February 27.

mockturtle said...

Aristophanes had the idea in Lysistrata, although the cause was different. And, unlike the feminazis of today, Aristophanes' women were able to laugh at themselves.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

I never have a day without a woman

Well, aren't you fortunate. Many of us are left dating, serenading, and waiting. But, she's worth it.

Mrs Whatsit said...

There's another sexist assumption operating here: that the women who participate either hold such unimportant jobs that no real harm will be done to anyone if they skip a day (that is, they aren't emergency responders or brain surgeons or mothers of small children or sole proprietors of small businesses), or they don't care enough about their jobs to mind if harm is done. Neither of those assumptions says anything good about the participants.

buwaya said...

Word is no unusual trend of absentees today.
This is downtown San Francisco.

exhelodrvr1 said...

SO what does it tell us if we survive a day without women in the workforce?

tcrosse said...

All this because that big old poopie-head Trump usurped the throne from the rightfully entitled Queen. As if any of this has any chance of restoring the Monarchy.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Meade said...
"Lonely days
Lonely nights
Where would I be
without my woman?

YOUR woman, Meade?! Doubleplusungood.

I was thinking more ain't no sunshine when she's gone anyway, but it's a nice sunny day where I am.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Virtue signalling day. No smiling if you are a leftwing prog.

Or else!

TestTube said...

I reject the boys vs. girls viewpoint that is the foundation of feminism. It is a puerile viewpoint, something that we all should have grown out of by middle school.

Men and women together are better than just women, or just men.

Which philosopher was it who posited that women and men were each half of some creature, sundered before history, and desperately trying to reunite?

I think that theory models reality much better than the idea that one sex does not need the other.

fivewheels said...

"the burgeoning feminist movement"

Really? I'd like to see some numbers on that.

Todd said...

Wait, you mean this "day without women" thing is supposed to be a punishment?

fivewheels said...

Saw this is a tweet that I can't find now. The site has a suggested out-of-office email auto-reply you can send out:

"Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office today to participate in the Women’s March on Washington’s Day Without A Woman in observance of International Women’s Day. I am not working today and will respond to your message tomorrow. For anything urgent, please contact [Insert name of male colleague covering your work, if applicable]."

male colleague covering your work

Tell me 'bout that wage gap s'more.

Balfegor said...

There's a big difference between striking to force employers to accede to specific goals, and taking a day off work in this kind of vague "protest." What are they trying to get employers to do? Support a coup d'etat to install Mme. Clinton as President? It was the same with that idiotic "Day without immigrants" a few weeks ago.

I may not like unions, and I think unions in the US are particularly crazy, but there's at least some logic to what they're doing, and they do serve a meaningful -- if flagrantly anti-competitive and anti-consumer -- role in the market on behalf of workers who individually have little leverage or negotiating power.

This . . . this is just silliness. Calling it a strike is an insult to strikers.

Bay Area Guy said...

How about a "Day Without Nagging"? That would be a hoot, Bay Area Gal. [Smack]

At some point, hopefully soon, we need to retire the global, generalized "Women" thing.

There are wonderful women, and stupid women; just as there are wonderful men and stupid men.

This weird societal push to make women more like men, and men more like women is getting tedious.

The other weird societal push to claim women are generally victims of men is also getting tedious.

mockturtle said...

Woman with important jobs...nursing, medicine, air traffic control...will show up for work.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Todd said...

mockturtle said...

Woman with important jobs...nursing, medicine, air traffic control...will show up for work.

3/8/17, 12:15 PM

And don't forget moms. They will be working today too (at least most of them will)...

heyboom said...

Woman with important jobs...nursing, medicine, air traffic control...will show up for work.

True, as my RN wife did this morning.

This is all the perpetuation, especially in the last 8 years, that somehow women and blacks are still being oppressed in this country. And all while completely ignoring real oppression in other regions around the world. When one has it too good here in America, one has to generate fake problems to assuage the guilt.

n.n said...


Women with important but less critical jobs will also show up for work.

And women on the front-line, mothers, will also show up for duty... I mean, work.

The rest will bask in the twilight of a narcissistic fringe.

Gahrie said...

I think that theory models reality much better than the idea that one sex does not need the other.


A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle......

But a man needs a woman just like a fish needs the ocean.

Achilles said...

Sexbots are almost here for both sexes. They will keep the house clean, be really good at cooking, and enjoy watching whatever TV show you want. They will be better at these things than their human counterpart and look however you want them to. They will never get fat nor will they eat the last piece of pizza.

And not too long after that they will come with incubators, be loving parents with infinite patience, and be very good teachers.

Anyone uncomfortable yet? I can keep going.

Balfegor said...

Re: Achilles:

That sort of coddling will turn us all into little monsters unable to deal with disagreement or disappointment. Like modern American college students!

Brando said...

"Woman with important jobs...nursing, medicine, air traffic control...will show up for work."

I'll go out on a limb and assume the only ones taking off work are those with ample paid vacation time, or students.

It's not a good idea to call for a strike when you're not sure it'll actually "shut things down". It can end up making you seem a lot less essential than you thought.

mockturtle said...

Todd says: And don't forget moms. They will be working today too (at least most of them will)...

Oh, yes! The most important job of all and it is usually performed in conjunction with a paying job, from which the mom cannot afford to stay home.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I think one of the main reasons I have zero empathy for these drama queen liberal women who are so completely butt hurt about....what? I don't know is that MY mother was one of the earliest female pioneers in her field. Working in a man's job, union member, probably on one of a handful of women nationwide who worked in the printing trade. This was normal. Mom and Dad both worked. And we all lived in a 40 ft trailer for over 10 years.

She didn't do it because of some feminist reason or to prove a point. It was just what you did to make a living and she was damned good at it....and got paid just the same or better than many of the men. We didn't think anything about my mother not being a traditional Donna Reed types of mom. She was just our Mom who happened to be a union printer and worked in the same newspapers as our Dad. I'm sure she handled the irritations of the men in the 1950's towards a woman who was treading into a man's occupation just the same way she handled being the oldest girl in a Irish family of 9 other siblings. (verbal smack down!!! and don't take any shit Mom!) I never ever heard her complain about working or job conditions or anything else in that area. Lots of complaints about me and my brother being bratty, messy and not doing our chores though :-)

So. I'm unsympathetic to the imaginary self inflicted woes of these modern women. Their woe is me attitude. Their thin skins. I cannot take them

Here are a couple of youtube vids made from our old 8mm films showing Mom and Dad at the small town newspaper they ran for a while in 1956. Quick glimpse of me and my brother lurking in the background among the hot lead type and printing press.

and one with music!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

oops.... forgot to link

Mom & Dad at work 1956

Country Newspaper Printing

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh....and in the videos. My parents were just 25 and to be on their Mommy and Daddy's insurance plans in today's cotton batting coated world. And....there was no insurance coverage then either.

Grown up and responsible parents in 1956 with careers. Irresponsible snowflakes today whining about everything. Where did we as a society go wrong?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

So this morning I went to Salem Friends of Felines, like I do every Wednesday morning, and volunteered my time. That was misstep No. 1. (NB: all the rest of our all-female staff were also there.) Afterwards, I went to Fred Meyer and bought groceries (from a female cashier). That was misstep No. 2. Misstep No. 3 was probably watching the other people coming into Fred Meyer and noticing that the male/female ratio was pretty much as per usual.


The people most hurt by this will be the women who have to take unpaid leave from work to tend to their kids. Especially if they are single mothers. Really, has anyone thought this thing through? For a single mother, "a day without women" means that her children will be without food, water, or supervision for 24 hours. No unpaid labor, right?

mockturtle said...

DBQ, thank you for the video about your mother. My mother was a stay-at-home suburban mom but was--and still is!--a wonderful mother. I admit to having felt a little sorry for friends whose mothers weren't there when they got home from school but they managed fine.

As a working mom, myself, I know the sacrifices one must make and also the guilt one sometimes feels when missing an event. My work also required a fair amount of travel across the country to monitor mill trials and printing trials involving new papermaking products and processes. At least I had a husband to rely on. It would not have been possible on my own. My girls grew up to be wonderful adults, great mothers and also career women. I don't understand feminists who demean motherhood and women who choose to make it their career.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

I heard that Hillary! took (yet another) day off from her duties as POTUS.

robother said...

A day literally without women would be a bleak day indeed for mankind in all its many-gendered splendor.

On the other hand, a day without the kind of women who take "A Day Without Women" seriously sounds like the kind of day any sane culture would want to make permanent. I can't think of any educational, commercial, professional or retail enterprise that wouldn't be much improved.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yes, we cannot ignore the importance of Mothers. They make the world go round, and we owe them huge debts of gratitude for all they do.

As aside, that's one of my qualms about gay marriage. I have a hard time accepting that raising a baby with an extra Dad, and no Mom, is somehow equivalent to a raising a baby with Mom (doing most of the infant work) and Dad. My wife reminds me of the many, persistent sleepless nights she had when our kids were toddlers - while I blissfully slept and went to work, like an obstuse Man!

I could be wrong, don't want to sidetrack this thread.

Women Power!

ccscientist said...

Saw 1 (one, single, solitary) young woman with one of those stupid hats at the library. It sure looked like she was working though. The ones who stayed home--who can tell?

Achilles said...

Balfegor said...
Re: Achilles:

That sort of coddling will turn us all into little monsters unable to deal with disagreement or disappointment. Like modern American college students!

Better than life virtual reality and direct dopamine injection will be worse. Exponentially worse.

Caroline said...

I knew this thread would be the perfect anti-dote to Facebook thanks, guys. As a follow up, I offer this sincerely: spent most of today at the proLife Heroic Media luncheon in Dallas, given annually as ballast for the Planned Parenthood awards luncheon down the street. I've attended for four years, and each year the crowd about 2,000 people filled the ballroom, and what struck me was how balanced the crowd least half men. Half the speaker roster was male as well. We were all there to support the idea that life is sacred and worth defending, and to raise money on behalf of women in crisis pregnancies who are told by PP that there really is only one choice.
Me, I love the guys. Can't imagine they would put up with a roomful of pussy-hat wearing Victims of Oppression.

Brando said...

"Yes, we cannot ignore the importance of Mothers. They make the world go round, and we owe them huge debts of gratitude for all they do."

I think we all appreciate the women in our lives--relatives, spouses, kids, co-workers--and this idea that we don't (and they need to strike to show just how little we appreciate them) is absurd. It's not even clear what they're trying to accomplish--are the rest of us just generally acting as if they don't exist? I hardly think that's the case.

This is more of the "identity politics" division that's wrecking this country.

buwaya said...

Out at lunch today, on the sidewalk in front of the Ferry Building we saw 8-9 young ladies with signs of the "Oppress the Patriarchy" sort, flouncing by.

buwaya said...

Ah, found the main swarm.
Justin Herman Plaza across from the crazy fountain. 2-300 spectators at a manifestation with a band and banners. I can't say the music was compelling.

buwaya said...

Also just a few women there with pink knit hats.

Todd said...

buwaya puti said...
Out at lunch today, on the sidewalk in front of the Ferry Building we saw 8-9 young ladies with signs of the "Oppress the Patriarchy" sort, flouncing by.

3/8/17, 3:11 PM

If I didn't have a job I could be out there counter protesting with a sign that reads "Why don't you do something productive, like make me a sandwich!"

buwaya said...

A comment on protest music -

I have seen hundreds of them by this time, here in downtown SF. They often have music.
Its almost always some sort of bad-tempered rap; if it isn't its some variety of loud, heavy beat stuff.

What would be nice, what would be novel, would be a well done bit of melody, a sunny sort of song, even a Joan Baez type thing, a catchy tune fit for something other than beating heads in. One would think its obvious.

mockturtle said...

The Taming of the Shrew is on TCM tonight. Rather late, though.

Drago said...

From Ace Of Spades:

Women's March ✔ @womensmarch
"Women birth half the population and we are half the population!" - Nelini Stamp from the Working Families Party #DayWithoutAWoman
10:22 AM - 8 Mar 2017

Couldn't this woman find a corpse-man to help her "logic that one out" a tad?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Women birth half the population and we are half the population!"

Really? Who births the other half of the population.

mockturtle said...

DBQ asks: Really? Who births the other half of the population.

The other half are grown in pods.

mockturtle said...

And, honestly, I think I know who some of these pod-people are! ;-)

n.n said...

Dust Bunny Queen:

They probably misstated birth for conception, and half the population for half of the genomic diversity. It's an honest mistake, considering their sincerely held fantasy, and the prevalence of [class] diversity in their ranks.

n.n said...


Pods a.k.a. womb banks. The reduction of women is half complete. You've come along way, baby.

buwaya said...

"Pods a.k.a. womb banks."

Very likely the most technically difficult piece of artificial conception.
R&D in that direction is likely to go slowly.
That uterus is a very clever piece of equipment.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Women birth half the population and we are half the population!"

Seriously ladies/girls....I know that math, science and logic are haaaaaard for you feminzai types. But, please, stop embarrassing the rest of us. Get a man or maybe a butch
dyke lesbian to explain these things to you.

n.n said...


Actually, I was thinking along the lines of surrogates used to normalize dysfunctional women, orientations, and mid-life mothers.

Michael K said...

"That phrase — "A Day Without a Woman" — assumes you are a man!"

I call a "Day without a Woman" peace and quiet.

I'm sure it's just me.

Doug said...

Brando said,"More likely this will be an embarrassing reminder of just how ineffectual such strikes are."

More likely this will be a reminder of just how ineffectual such women are." There, fixed it.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

In my official capacity as Woman, I declare the effort a major flop. The only woman not in the office today was one who went home sick yesterday. All others showed up and performed their jobs uneventfully, without angst or malice. I'm not even sure they knew...

Todd said...

Yellow Kitty said...

In my official capacity as Woman, I declare the effort a major flop. The only woman not in the office today was one who went home sick yesterday. All others showed up and performed their jobs uneventfully, without angst or malice. I'm not even sure they knew...

3/8/17, 7:27 PM

Good for you and your's! You performed and behaved like actual grown-ups. Something these protesters and those sheltered snowflakes and cry-bullies should strive to emulate.

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