February 24, 2017

"Well @realDonaldTrump, from one Republican to another, this is a disaster. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me."


Etienne said...

Everything's a disaster when the blood stops flowing to your - wherever.

I don't expect the President to do anything for heterosexuals, or asexuals. Why then should the perverts of society require constant hand holding from the President? A man concerned with building more nuclear weapons.

Is where you defecate important enough to spend trillions on restructuring society?

Whew, that's a lot of questions on top of my Whopper and Onion rings...

Bay Area Guy said...

Heh -- the evolution of gay rights in America:

Stonewall riots (1969) - Murder of Harvey Milk (1978) - Ryan White Act (1999) - Obergfell decision (2015) - not allowing transgenders in bathrooms (2017)

The arc of history bends towards justice, but dammit, the fight must goes on!!

Sydney said...

Amazing how much Jenner is starting to look like her step-daughters.

Luke Lea said...

What exactly does LGBTQ stand for? Isn't it lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer? Then why do homosexual males get two letters and the others only one? Could someone please mansplain it to me?

tcrosse said...

Gender identity and sexual orientation are two entirely different things.

Seeing Red said...

She wants to use the men's bathroom?

JRoberts said...

Why does the left believe that the ONLY source of rights and protections is the federal government?

Most of these issues need to be resolved on a state and local level.

To claim Trump has turned his back on the LGBTQ community is ridiculous.

mockturtle said...

I think Trump meant that he would make sure crimes against the LBGTQ folks would be prosecuted. Anything more than that is just pandering. Has Ms. Jenner been assaulted lately? This whole transgender thing is taking up far more column space than it ever warranted.

gerry said...

The normalization of gender dysphoria. Sad.

rehajm said...

Still teeters on a low heel.

tcrosse said...

Trump might have been better advised at this point in his Administration to let Obama's guidance stand, but just quietly neglect to enforce it. Meanwhile, nobody seems to care what the guidance actually said or what its rescission actually means.

Rocketeer said...

Gender identity and sexual orientation are two entirely different things.

Correct. I have come to understand that sexual orientation, while occasionally "nurture", is mostly "nature." Gender dysphoria, however, is a mental illness which is highly treatable, and would be widely recognized as such if compassion we more highly regarded than political power.

Paddy O said...

"Then why do homosexual males get two letters and the others only one?"

Part of their strategy to take over the whole English language. They won't stop fighting until every word and letter is another way of referring to homosexuality.

CJ said...

Returning issues, where an honest, neutral observer can easily see both sides' arguments, to the States is the fairest and most Constitutional course of action.

n.n said...

This doesn't affect transgender/homosexuals. This is about social therapy to facilitate conversion of prepubescent boys and girls, children before the age of consent, and adults who have passed the point of no return.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Just cut it off, Bruce, just cut it off.

Anonymous said...

A White House mandate for tranny friendly bathrooms in all public facilities across America, including elementary school bathrooms, is 4+ loco. Even weird. The only legitimate concern of government about public restrooms involves sanitation and plumbing standards; see to it that the commodes & sinks are clean, and the bad water goes out.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eric said...

Don't call him President Trump.

If he doesn't understand what you did without having to speak with you personally, then he won't understand via a phone conversation.

Tim said...

Mainstreaming mental illness.

damikesc said...

What exactly does LGBTQ stand for? Isn't it lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer?

Thought it was "questioning" or something similar. Could be "queer" though.

Trump has said schools will not be FORCED to do it. Not that they CANNOT do so. Don't get the outrage over non-federal interference. But, odds are, the "libertarians" at Reason are quite upset over it.

Trump might have been better advised at this point in his Administration to let Obama's guidance stand, but just quietly neglect to enforce it.

Can't agree. If you have no intention to actually enforce a law, why have the law?

And, honestly, given that they didn't EXIST until recently, this trend of "transgender" kids is more akin to parental abuse than anything else.

tcrosse said...

If you have no intention to actually enforce a law, why have the law?
In this case, it's not really a law. And rescinding it raises more of a shitstorm than it's worth.

Jess said...

The entire LGBTQ thing amazed me from the beginning. With so many aberrant sexual preferences thrown into one pile, and a continuation of trying to demand society spend millions to accommodate less than 1% of the population, I half expect them to ask NAMBLA to join their cause, and inflate their numbers

Kate said...

You rescind the directive (or support it) because it's moving through the court system. Ignore is not really one of the options.

khesanh0802 said...

@tcrosse Rescinding is the right thing to do regardless of the very small shit storm. Like abortion, this issue should have been left to the states to decide/legislate/evolve over time. The Feds have no place here.

As someone pointed out yesterday transgenders are estimated at something like .003% of the population. If you cured the mentally ill portion it would probably be something like .000000003%. Both of them could be happy.

Sebastian said...

"Don't get the outrage over non-federal interference." If federal interference serves prog proposes, it's good; if federal abstention hurts prog purposes, that's bad. Prog federalism, like prog ethics and prog linguistics and prog sexual morality, is entirely situational.

Bay Area Guy said...


For the record, I am for the LGBQ, but have some qualms about the T (on purely medical grounds), unless the Q stands for Queer, and is implied within the L or the G, which then I would oppose due to redundancy - but this perhaps raises a belated objection to the B, which may fall within the purview of either the L or the G, and would seem to have larger numbers if strictly applied, warranting a reconfiguration into the front of the acronym, which, I believe, therefore, should be reassembled as follows:

The BLG and sometimes T (except when medically necessary) Community.

Mike Sylwester said...

This is what happens when a transexual tries to understand federalism.

Trumpit said...

The true haters, baiters, perverts, bullies, and homophobes are out in force in the comments section. Go back to your day job of digging a sewer line. Your ugliness and intolerance is retarded, and rejected by good people everywhere. You all deserve a smelly sock in the face. That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans.

Matt said...

Any society or culture, or whatever you want to call it, that considers this anything other than ridiculous and embarrassing deserves its inevitable collapse.

buwaya said...

"That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans."

And I hope you are having a very nice day also.

n.n said...


abortion, this issue should have been left to the states

Why? Abortion is a final solution (e.g. denying life unworthy). Elective abortion is premeditated termination of wholly innocent human lives for causes of wealth, pleasure, leisure, narcissistic indulgence, democratic leverage, and spare parts.

Static Ping said...

Trumpit, I don't understand why you comment at all if that is what you are going to do. Really, at this point you should go outside and start picking fistfights. It would be more productive.

Static Ping said...

As I noted in a prior thread, there was no legal justification for this "guidance." It was pure lawlessness by the Obama administration. It had no business being upheld or defended. And I say that regardless of whether I support the position or not. If the "guidance" had said the exact opposite, I would also would oppose it. Follow the law or pass a new one.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Your ugliness and intolerance is retarded, and rejected by good people everywhere."

That statement discriminates against the non-beautiful community (ugliness), and worse, seeks to marginalize the differently-abled with hostile, hateful language (retarded).

Please report to the Dean's office immediately.

Sam L. said...

Return to the states. Why does the Fed hneed to make such rules?

Drago said...

Trumpit: "The true haters, baiters, perverts, bullies, and homophobes are out in force in the comments section. Go back to your day job of digging a sewer line. Your ugliness and intolerance is retarded, and rejected by good people everywhere. You all deserve a smelly sock in the face. That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans."

Please God, give Trumpit a key role in Democrat communications.


le Douanier said...

Sure, this may be a disaster. But, it's still not horrible--like mixing up an aphorism.

traditionalguy said...

We need some more Marches and Riots to drive it home that Transgenders are a new species. Voters will agree to that delusion for sure.

mockturtle said...

CNN might want Trumpit. Or the WaPo. After all, they took John Pederast. Er, Podesta.

Francisco D said...

Of the 100 most important national issues facing America, where would you place "preferred gender" bathroom rights?

It's not even on my list.

Let the states decide.

Fabi said...

"The true haters, baiters, perverts, bullies, and homophobes are out in force in the comments section. Go back to your day job of digging a sewer line. Your ugliness and intolerance is retarded, and rejected by good people everywhere. You all deserve a smelly sock in the face. That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans."


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, Trumpit sure showed us.

Michael said...


so where were you when that motherfucker homophobe Obama declined to address this for over 7 years. And what about the decades and decades stretching back to the beginning of the written word where this important matter was ignored both here and everywhere?

chickelit said...

Trumpit wins the coveted downtownlad award for friendliest shout out to straights and breeders.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Go back to your day job of digging a sewer line."

Hey, that's an important blue collar, union job for plumbers! My understanding is that President Trump wants to increase these type of jobs for the American worker.

Caitlyn Jenner (net worth $100 Million) could not be reached for comment.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Michael, well, it wasn't entirely ignored.

There was Elagabalus, Roman Emperor from 218 to 222.

" He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia."

"His behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, the Senate, and the common people alike. Amidst growing opposition, Elagabalus, just 18 years old, was assassinated and replaced by his cousin Severus Alexander on 11 March 222, in a plot formulated by his grandmother, Julia Maesa, and carried out by disaffected members of the Praetorian Guard. "

No word on whether he met his end while in the ladies room.

gspencer said...

"Call me"

DJT, "When the phone don't ring, you'll know it's me."

Birches said...

Wait, I thought federalism was cool again. Is that only for sanctuary cities? Do people even understand the order that was rescinded. I heard Chicago Public Schools came out with a statement that said no matter what the President said, they were still going to let transgender kids pick their bathrooms. Well, yeah, idiots, no one is going to force you one way or another.

The stupid is strong with these people.

Static Ping said...

Elagabalus's body was also dragged through the city and tossed in the Tiber. He was not popular.

Unknown said...

Did Bruce say, to the president of the United States,"Call me."
On what basis is that said. Is Bruce the recognized spokesperson, leader, lobbyist, or representative or any organization of or for all of these people? I have never heard of any private person or individual tell, (or have the temerity to say that) to the President of the United States.
Bruce seems to have more than sexual issues to deal with; ego and aggrandizement, come to mind.

Michael said...


Excellent! Elagabalus made Caligula look like a baptist preacher. He disgusted his subjects, themselves profligate in the extreme. Gibbon has lots to say about this.

Static Ping said...

For the record, Caitlyn Jenner still looks like a guy in drag acting like a stereotype. It is off putting.

rehajm said...

Bruce could crank the ball off the tee, even during the transition. Does Caitlyn still play?

I see a golf summit in the future.

mishu said...

Those hands have no problem opening pickle jars. You're not fooling anyone Bruce.

Clayton Hennesey said...

If picking the bathroom one wants to use is a civil right, who can lawfully be excluded from exercising it?

Since I don't think we have any special, group-specific civil rights - civil right, by definition, are universal, no? - any law mandating trans access to bathroom is really a law mandating all bathrooms as unisex, regardless of what the door label suggests, right?

Some lawyer tell me if I'm wrong.

If I'm not wrong, trans access to a bathroom different from their parts can never be more than a privilege unilaterally extended by whatever institution does so, never a ma mandate by the state, no matter how local.

buwaya said...

"Hey, that's an important blue collar, union job for plumbers!"

Good point. This is a rather elitist attitude, and a most impractical one. Looking down on the trades is telling.
And its not just about plumbers, or sewer workers, who aren't always plumbers by trade. Also, sewer/wastewater treatment/drainage systems are quite complex and it is a civil engineering specialty, as well as some other very technical fields.

Putting on the old Sherlock Holmes hat - the quick grabbing of such a profession/social role as an epithet says something about our friend Trumpit. This person is not a professional or worker in any practical, physical fields or trades.

DKWalser said...

Last night (2/23), Tucker Carlson had a good debate with a Democrat who was aghast at Trump's hateful act of putting us back where we were as a nation for most of Obama's term in office. The Democrat said it was settled science that people are born with their gender identity; it was, therefore, anti-science and bigotry to say that anyone's gender was different than what a person claims it is. Tucker got stuck on demanding proof for the settled science claim -- offering him $1,000 for a well respected biologist who would come onto the program and back up the Democrat's claim.

The other claim the Democrat made was that allowing students to sue the bathroom that matches their claimed gender was all about making everyone in a school feel comfortable. I'm sorry, but I doubt that most 12 year olds with two X chromosomes would feel comfortable sharing a bathroom with someone how has a Y chromosome, not matter what the "boy" claims as "his" gender. Why are we adopting a policy that makes 999 out of 1,000 feel uncomfortable and unsafe in the hopes of making the 1 in 1,000 feel a skosh more included?

robother said...

So, "Caitlyn" Jenner, who has always been female, was traumatized by having to use the boys locker room all through high school, college and the Olympics, and should always have been allowed to use the girl's facilities throughout his athletic career and after, while married to 3 different women who bore him 6 children. "Her" presence in the girls locker room and facilities should not have caused the slightest concern or embarrassment to any women or girls, unless they happened to be bigots. Right.

Unknown said...

and another promise to rural/middle america. guess which one's bigger.

Unknown said...

Jenner is probably relieved. when was she last in the news?

buwaya said...

"Hey, that's an important blue collar, union job for plumbers!"

And, need I add, nearly all sewer workers, wastewater treatment and other related professionals, are government employees or contractors. Most no doubt belong to public employee unions. Around here they certainly do.

Known Unknown said...

Good point. This is a rather elitist attitude, and a most impractical one. Looking down on the trades is telling.

I recall Biden's quip about "I don't know any plumbers who make $150,000 a year." during the 2012 campaign. I thought it was a huge gaffe, but the media didn't seem to care. The crowd at the rally laughed.

These people apparently know of zero plumbers who own their own plumbing businesses.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Please God, give Trumpit a key role in Democrat communications."

Pretty sure he/she already has one.

Anonymous said...

If Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, or John Leguizamo as their characters from To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar were to go into the ladies room I wouldn't say a word.

As themselves, that's another thing.

The Title IX letter pertains to K-12 schools. Minors. And it also pertains to locker rooms, not just restrooms. We have a different situation here. Why are we elevating the "rights" of one over the "rights" of the many? In most of these cases, the trans student was given a uni-sex, private area to use to change. But that wasn't "good enough." They wanted to be with the other 27-29 students in the class to change. But what about those students' rights? Perhaps those girls don't want to change in front of a biologically male student.

The private changing area should be acceptable. It's not as though it's "stigmatizing", everyone knows that the student is trans because the student has announced it publicly.

Fritz said...

tcrosse said...
Gender identity and sexual orientation are two entirely different things.

That just happen to have about a 95% correlation...

Bob Loblaw said...

Please God, give Trumpit a key role in Democrat communications.

That's got to be a parody account.

Michael K said...

Tucker got stuck on demanding proof for the settled science claim -- offering him $1,000 for a well respected biologist who would come onto the program and back up the Democrat's claim.

That was one weird humanoid.

Of all things, the American College of Pediatrics, has called "Gender Dysphoria" a "mental illness and opposes hormone therapy.

Now that is not the Academy of Pediatrics which has never met a left wing cause it did not endorse.

Snopes is in high dudgeon calling the College "a politically motivated group."

No mention of the left wing orientation of the Academy.

David said...

Federalism gets no respect from the left. Unless it benefits them.

Michael K said...

Trumpit may well be an Academy member. The tone seems familiar.

When I was a cardiac surgery resident at Childrens Hospital of LA, I was told my principle responsibility was to keep Pediatrics residents away from the patient. I haven't felt the same way about Pediatricians ever since.

Jim at said...

"That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans."

Right back at you, asshole.

Achilles said...

Trumpit said...
The true haters, baiters, perverts, bullies, and homophobes are out in force in the comments section. Go back to your day job of digging a sewer line. Your ugliness and intolerance is retarded, and rejected by good people everywhere. You all deserve a smelly sock in the face. That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans.

For the life of me I can't understand why democrats are fairing so poorly in elections.

BN said...

It would be easier on everone if they just shortened "LGBTQ" to "A." For abnormal. Used to be a word. Like "normal."

Everthing went to shit when we landed on the moon. I blame Armstrong.

BN said...

Armstrong starts with an A, so it fits.

Like it's sposed to.

sunsong said...

Denying a human right is a significant matter.

buwaya said...

"such nasty, disgusting subhumans"

Once I retire I may well take this as an inspiration.
All my life I have been so, well, square.

In my greying years though I seem to be turning into an edgy, transgressive type.
A rebel, a threat, the frightening other.
Its exciting!

I do have to find a matching personal style. Bald is probably out, as is a ponytail, both are done to death. What would frighten the locals? This requires a think.

tcrosse said...

Denying a human right is a significant matter.
Favoring the rights of one group where they conflict with those of another is a significant matter. We are not comfortable with dilemmas.

Bob Loblaw said...

Denying a human right is a significant matter.

I suppose it would be if that's what was happening.

Big Mike said...

As soon as Bruce/Caitlyn figures out to allow him/her and other transgendered male to female folks who still have their male genitals to use the stalls in ladies' restrooms while at the same time keeping out heterosexual pedophiles, then we'll be glad to hear it. Until then, Bruce/Caitlyn, your inconvenience is the lesser problem.

Roadkill711 said...

Now I have a message for you, Bruce: I'm sorry, but you are mentally ill; get some help.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

sunsong said...
Denying a human right is a significant matter."

Women and girls have a human right not to see penises in their gym locker rooms and showers.

Steven said...

The "queer" in LGBTQ isn't used as a synonym for any of the previous, but as a catch-all for people who aren't mainstream but aren't (or object to being called) a member of the previous groups.

For one example, a woman whose sexual preference is "non-op transgender women" (physiologically male persons who live as women and do not plan surgery) isn't herself trans. Similarly, she isn't typically straight, lesbian, or bisexual, since she isn't attracted to either cisgender men or women, much less both. So she's "queer".

CWJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CWJ said...

Sunsong -

"Denying a human right is a significant matter."

It would help if you could make a cogent argument that it is so, and not merely declare it such.

Your feelz are strong, but we've seen your mask slip.

n.n said...

Denying life unworthy is a serious matter. Never again! And then there is Planned Parenthood's Mengele division. Clinical cannibalism is a liberal departure from civilization.

Normalization or promotion of transgender/crossover through social therapy, medical corruption, and institutional indoctrination of prepubescent boys and girls, adolescent children, and confused adults is so Pro-Choice Church.

At least the transgender/homosexual orientation was normalized through a transgender/homosexual judge, albeit with a conflict of interest.

And what's up with [class] diversity. Judging people by the "color of their skin"? So progressive.

n.n said...

Sex is genetic and binary. Transgender is a behavioral spectrum ranging from homosexual to bisexual to crossover to fluid.

MeMySelf said...

So we're going to change who can use a public restroom for .6% of the population?We need a law or EO for this? If a transgender person decides to use the restroom of their "gender identity" how would we know? If they dress and act like a man or woman you wouldn't know, unless they were loudly proclaiming LOOK AT ME! I"M TRANSGENDER AND I DEMAND YOU ACCEPT ME! And I believe that's what's happening today. Except or be othered. Well I'm not going to accept men whether they're transgender or not, using the restroom with my two teenage daughters. That's just the way it is. Unlike the left, I won't riot, burn, destroy and attack, I'll just vote. Just like I did this past November.

Lucien said...

There are lots of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and queer parents out there who might have some of the same misgiving that straight parents do when it comes to the (perhaps overblown) prospect of young children having to share restrooms with people who outwardly appear to be adults of a different gender. Even though their concerns are basically the same as straight parents, they run the risk of being vilified as traitors to the "community" if they don't follow the party line.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

" "Your ugliness and intolerance is retarded, and rejected by good people everywhere.""

Just not in the voting booth. I really have to wonder if the bathroom thing wasn't a stealth torpedo from Obama aimed at the bulbous hull of the S. S. Hillary. Obama knew full freakin' well that the Brothers wouldn't be down with this. And Michele wouldn't want a tranny within a country mile of her daughters. There wasn't a reason on Earth to do this the year before the election except to force Hillary to defend it. Which any fool would know was not going to play well outside the bubbles. I'm not saying it would deter any of the Free Stuff legions from voting Democrat but, given the closeness of the election in PA and the Blue Wall Midwest states, it probably kept enough Donks home and turned enough apolitical Deplorables out to swing the election.
Trump has done the Donks a great favor by relieving them of this millstone. I bet in 2020 you'll hear nothing about this from the Elizabeth Warren.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Or any other Elizabeth Warren.

Drago said...

sunsong: "Denying a human right is a significant matter"

Said the leftists, in between praising socialist totalitarian heroes across the globe.

Anonymous said...

Res Ipsa Loquitur

The Thing Speaks for Itself.

Darrell said...

On the other hand, if you think you are a dolphin now, you can pee in the school pool.

Curious George said...


damikesc said...

Go back to your day job of digging a sewer line.

Go back to your day job of helping to stifle the spread of disease and increase life expectancy immensely?

Yup, you showed THEM!

That's as polite as I will be to such nasty, disgusting subhumans.

Don't want to force schools to allow them to use the bathrooms of the real opposite gender? Sub-human.

Want to kill them en masse? Well, you can't judge Islam, really...

And, Bruce, if some dude claimed he was a woman and demanded to be in the same bathroom as your daughters --- no, you would not have been OK with it. But now that you don't have to worry any longer, you can opine as you so wish.

Nyamujal said...

Wait, is Caitlyn Jenner only now realizing that she was sold a bill of goods? Some of us realized that a while back.

Triangle Man said...

Drago's argument: Screw the trannies because Stalin.

Nyamujal said...

Oh Caitlyn, you'll be fine. No one's going to bully you. The poor awkward kid in the suburbs who's discovering his identity on the other hand...
It's not surprising that a lot of gay and trans kids end up killing themselves.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Targeting prepubescent and adolescent children for transgender conversion therapy through indoctrination and/or corruption of healthy tissue. And now social therapy that targets children at large in captive settings (e.g. school). You would think that liberals would stop at Pro-Choice/abortion and [class] diversity. It's no wonder that confusion is a progress condition.

jaydub said...

Wasn't Trumpit the same person who before the election posted as Armpit? The thought patterns appear very similar.

Anyone who wants to find someone to thank for this whole transgender bathroom/locker room insanity has only to look as far as the 8 Democrats on the Charlotte city council. They were the ones who passed the LGBTQ/bathroom "civil rights" law allowing anyone to use the public facilities of their choice, which was nothing but an election year ploy. The sole purpose of that Charlotte law was to inject out of state money into the govenor's race during the last election, a fact that is best illustrated by the city's repeal of that law the month after the election of the new Democrat governor. My grandfather, a former Charlotte Democrat and alderman, is rolling over in his grave.

Jose_K said...

Well as Carson said , this comes next:
"Trinity’s transgender wrestler wins first 2 matches at state meet"

Fritz said...

For one example, a woman whose sexual preference is "non-op transgender women" (physiologically male persons who live as women and do not plan surgery) isn't herself trans. Similarly, she isn't typically straight, lesbian, or bisexual, since she isn't attracted to either cisgender men or women, much less both. So she's "queer".

In every sense of the word.

Dixie_Sugarbaker said...

Prior to President Obama's order regarding transgendered students, were there instances where the schools did not try to accommodate a transgendered student? I remember that schools would make arrangements, such as allow the student to use the faculty bathrooms, that the student did not like, but it seemed to me that most, if not all the schools, tried to accommodate the transgendered student AND accommodate the other students. What documented evidence is there that now the transgendered students will be harmed whenI am not aware of an instance prior to the order when they were actually physically harmed?

tcrosse said...

Dixie_Sugarbaker - Stop Making Sense.

Annie said...

Do you think Jenner goes into the bathroom with his daughters and exes? Are they comfortable changing with him? How about their friends?

Dave said...

Seriously? The whole bathroom thing is overblown. Stop already.

Freeman Hunt said...

The problem with LGBTQ is that is includes too many different things. You could maybe group LGB together, but T doesn't have anything to do with those, and Q is so undefined that it's hard to see how you can categorize it with the others or effectively advocate for it.

Meade said...

" Well @realDonaldTrump, from one Republican to another, this is a disaster. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me."


From one Trump voter to another, your confused tweet is a disaster. You don't seem to remember what candidate Trump in fact promised to do everything in his power to protect the LGBTQ community from. Call me.

Hint: It had nothing to do with who goes to the bathroom where. It had to do with "the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology."

Hint#2: Do you remember the Orlando terrorist attack?

Viking In Winter said...

I'm really tired of this fraud, Jenner. He is not a trans. He is trying to salvage a dying TV career. If he was genuine he would get his voice altered and get his junk cut off. He's a terrible spokesMan for anything. Even Wheaties dropped him.

30yearProf said...

Caitlyn REALLY needs a good voice coach.

veni vidi vici said...

The commenter who noted the lady who Jenner rear-ended to death (lol) automotively (BEHAVE!!!) has it right. This is bad theatre from a self-beclowned has-been still wearing the clown make-up without a pathway back to respectability.

The Depeche Mode song "Leave In Silence" has a lesson for hir.

veni vidi vici said...

p.s. The first thing that came to mind seeing the quote was an old beer commercial:

"From one beer lover to another, Stroh's".

That is all.

Trumpit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

"Women and girls have a human right not to see penises in their gym locker rooms and showers."

You want to protect women and girls from evil penises. I wish your mother had felt the same way, then we would not have to deal with the bigoted, benighted likes of you.

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