February 2, 2017

"The hard left, which has become so utterly anthetical to free speech in the last few years, has taken a turn post-Trump's election..."

"... where they simply will not allow any speaker on campus — even somebody as silly and harmless and gay as me — to have their voice heard. They're absolutely petrified by alternative visions of how the world ought to look."

Says Milo Yiannopoulos, in this NYT video, which also shows the violent protests that got Berkeley to shut down his speech.

I transcribed the quote, because it does not appear in the accompanying article, "Berkeley Cancels Milo Yiannopoulos Speech, and Donald Trump Tweets Outrage."

(The previous post has more detail about the Berkeley incident. I'm only putting up this second post because of the video and the interesting quote from Yiannopoulos.) 


California Snow said...

If you want Milo to go away you ignore him. What you do not do is create national headlines.

Ryan said...

By burning shit and shutting down the speech, they are actually helping his message out. If the speech was simply allowed to proceed it would not have gotten much attention. Streisand effect at work.

Sigivald said...

As Reynolds would say...

"Analysis: True."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ann Coulter must hate this guy for stealing her schtick.

Anonymous said...

"Ann Coulter must hate this guy for stealing her schtick."

And he's far prettier and more feminine than she is.

Hagar said...

I don't think they are petrified. Behavior like this is fun for thugs and any excuse that is allowed will do.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The left is mostly assholes now. Which explains the amount of shit on their side of the aisle.

Rusty said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
"Ann Coulter must hate this guy for stealing her schtick."

I think they get along well.

MaxedOutMama said...

Well, am I correct that Milo got a book deal? Every time something like this happens, isn't it free publicity?

I would think his publisher is chortling with glee.

rcocean said...

Notice how the MSM is completely uninterested in WHO is protesting, burning, and committing violence?

The headlines are always passive. "Protests break out" "Protests force Berkley to cancel speech". "UC Berkeley protest clash over speech".

So WHO IS PROTESTING? Who are they? What do they want? Are they students? Are they Soros stooges? Communists?

We never know. The MSM is completely incurious.

Che Dolf said...

NYT - "No serious injuries were reported, [Berkeley spokesman Dan] Mogulof said..."

This must not have made it into the report: "antifa beating an unconscious dude with a shovel at their UC Berkeley Milo protest on periscope."

YoungHegelian said...

There's nothing new here in the history of the Left.

Why is this happening in liberal areas? Take a look at this quotation, which I've posted before:

Born in the womb of bourgeois democracy, fascism in the eyes of the capitalists is a means of saving capitalism from collapse. It is only for the purpose of deceiving and disarming the workers that social-democracy denies the fascization of bourgeois democracy and draws a contrast in principle between the democratic countries and the countries of the fascist dictatorship. On the other hand, the fascist dictatorship is not an inevitable stage of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in all countries. The possibility of averting it depends on the forces of the fighting proletariat, which are paralyzed by the corrupting [disintegrating] influence of social-democracy more than by anything else.

Extracts from the Theses of the Thirteenth ECCI Plenum on Fascism, the War Danger, and the Tasks of the Communist Parties (Dec. 1933)

Notice the line I've bolded. That's the communists referring to social democrats as those who are "paralyzing" the will of the proletariat to fight back against fascism. That's why the Communists in the 30's called social democrats "social fascists".

In other words, from the viewpoint of the Black Bloc types, the "peaceable" liberals & lefties are doing more to harm the cause of the revolution than are the righties. Trump's excesses will "heighten the contradictions" & force the masses into action. Half-ass attempts by "nice" liberals to rein him in only delay the dawn of the revolution. Thus, they must be targeted even before the right.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They are succeeding in making Free Speech synonymous with Hate Speech.

Anonymous said...

Free speech for churches now too! Trump is vowing to end the Johnson Amendment that prohibits churches from becoming a political entity. I say he should go ahead, but churches should lose their tax expempt status then too.

YoungHegelian said...


So WHO IS PROTESTING? Who are they? What do they want? Are they students? Are they Soros stooges? Communists?

We never know. The MSM is completely incurious.

Yes, the MSM is. But, the good news is the groups themselves are very upfront about it for whoever cares to look.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

That was good thug work. Soros should award them bonuses, but I bet he is too cheap to do it.

Bay Area Guy said...

The seminal case I recall from the late 1970s was when the American Nazi party marched in Skokie Illinois .

Then, the ACLU and the Left defended the right of these A-Holes to march.

Now, the ACLU is silent, and the Left denies a 25-year old gay, frat-boy type the right to speak on campus.

My how times change.

But, the end result, is that sensible people in the mushy middle will view these leftists with distaste and migrate towards Trump in 2020 -- so all is good.

David said...

Sounds about right. Same with "hate." To the radical left (an expanding concept) hate is ok if directed at the right person or group.

Gk1 said...

Its fun engaging with lefties on FB today. They are being alinsky'ed back to the stone age trying to defend the indefensible. Being asked to follow their own rule book they have preached to us 24/7 since Trump was elected. I engaged with someone who lives near Berkeley actually trying to contend that the thugs that beat people up were "probably not from the bay area" and were "vigilantes fighting this Nazi scum". They then gave tepid disapproval about the violence before going completely radio silent. There actually seems to be... what is the word for this? Shame? For what happened last night and a realization that not everyone agrees with them outside of this loony bin we call the bay area.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The amazing thing to me is that these lefty protestors are rioting and causing damage to businesses and to people in their own leftist community. People who, in Berkeley, are probably 90% on their side.

Talk about fouling your own nest. Harming people who might have supported you. Supported, that is until you ruin their livelihoods and destroy their property.

If they really truly meant what they say, they would take their game to Trumplandia. They won't because they are cowards. They won't because they know there will be repercussions.

I sincerely hope that they don't and just stay in their comfortable little bubbles, continue to throw their giant toddler tantrums. Stay where they are, so that no harm will come upon their little snowflake heads and they look ever more ridiculous. While the rest of us laugh at their wailing, kicking and screaming.

Jon Ericson said...

"BillySaturday" is Unknown#55, AKA "william", AKA "bill".
The least stupid of the three Unknown sisters: Unk#11, Unk#51 and Unk#55.

HT said...

If you want Milo to go away you ignore him. What you do not do is create national headlines. Agree, but he will flame out soon enough at any rate. He's entertaining what with his Trump Daddy crush.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I think they get along well.

2/2/17, 4:58 PM

Yep. They're friends.

wholelottasplainin said...

AReasonableMan said...
Ann Coulter must hate this guy for stealing her schtick.

2/2/17, 4:51 PM
Blogger BillySaturday said...
"Ann Coulter must hate this guy for stealing her schtick."

And he's far prettier and more feminine than she is.


You're both full of shit. She's spent an hour on his podcast. Loves him.

Only your own confused sexuality would claim that HE's prettier and more feminine.

But thanks for sharing your snot with us.

Virgil Hilts said...

Sooner or later these thugs are going to kill a few innocent people (probably by kicking them to death) and the shit is going to hit the fan. I am glad the cops are not doing too much. We do not need another Kent State.

Michael K said...

Steve Hayward was at the early stage of the rally against Milo. He saw the masked black clad rioters arriving and decided the better part of valor...

Wearing mask is a felony in California I have been told. These people were being directed by others standing out side the crowd with cellphones. The black clad rioters came equipped with back packs containing bricks, smoke bombs and sledge hammers they used to vandalize ATMs. Probably a little thievery, too.

The Berkeley cops backed off and allowed the riot, which is consistent with Berkeley city politics. No one was arrested.

I would like to see Trump put the FBI on this case to find out who these people are and who is funding them. Maybe a RICO case.

MacMacConnell said...

The Johnson Amendment prohibits all 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations for political speech. Churches weren't necessarily it's target. It also applies to universities, hows that working out?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

As someone who's been paying attention to Milo for a while, I noted this in the previous thread:

He was a more subdued character in England - watch some of the older videos on You Tube, and you'll see an earnest and thoughtful young man. He came here and dialed up the flamboyance. (And it worked - the last time a London gay with an oversized ego and quick wit made such a sensation touring America his name was Oscar Wilde.) I have come to find the constant jokes about black dick annoying and predictable, but I know why he does it - to constantly remind the left that he's in one of their pet victim groups and yet he's not one of them.

But when he speaks seriously, he makes excellent points. There is a podcast of him being interviewed by Stefan Molyneaux and he comes off as a deeper, more complex person than the guy who sashays on stage in drag to piss off the SJWs.

Gk1 said...

Good point Dust Bunny Queen. I would love to see these same thugs go to say Sacramento, Bakersfield or other red parts of the state and pull this crap. But where is the fun when there is an outside chance you might come home with a concussion and a mouth full of bloody chiclets?

Sebastian said...

They are not petrified. They are fighting hard, believing that if they fight hard enough -- in the streets, as Tim Kaine urged -- they will win. For now, Trump stands in the way, but not forever.

"By burning shit and shutting down the speech, they are actually helping his message out." At this point, Milo the medium is the message.

PB said...

We've had certainly 8 years, possibly 16 years and perhaps 24 years of our schools mal-educating our students and turning them away from the solid, rational foundation of our country and it's laws. This means many, many people under 40 years old have little knowledge of or agreement with the core purpose of our republic. They only "know what is right" and have been trained to take their stage directions from their party leaders, efficiently and effectively as any of Pavlov's Dogs.

This level of programming won't be cured by reasoned arguments.

Michael K said...

"BillySaturday" is Unknown#55, AKA "william", AKA "bill".
The least stupid of the three Unknown sisters: Unk#11, Unk#51 and Unk#55.

We are over run with trolls lately. Maybe they will buy something through Ann's portal.

Amadeus 48 said...

Milo ended up on Tucker Carlson last night when his speech was canceled and got to address 3 million people rather than 450 people at Berkeley.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Agree, but he will flame out soon enough at any rate."

I don't know about that. Look at how long the left has been willing to indulge that greasy old tub of offal Michael Moore and his phony "man of the people" posturing. Milo's a helluva a lot easier on the eyes.

HT said...

Maybe, who knows. There were at least three people that I know of in the blog o sphere who predicted a Trump win: Ann Coulter, Mike, and Michael Moore.

HT said...


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
They're friends.

Friends? Frenemies? How do we reliably judge the feelings of attention whores? She appears on his show because it is free publicity, just as good as free crack. She would appear on anyone's show and make nice if it was in her interest.

I don't dislike Coulter, her tweets are funny on occasion, but she is what she is.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger PB said...
We've had certainly 8 years, possibly 16 years and perhaps 24 years of our schools mal-educating our students and turning them away from the solid, rational foundation of our country and it's laws.

They teach the that language is violence used to oppress them, and so they are free, of course, to use violence as a response to oppressive language.
from what I can tell, they are taught that this is reality, and not a critical interpretation of social dynamics as text (i.e.literary structuralism).

The Vault Dweller said...

Whenever the left does something bad, the MSM tends to cast it as a political process story, or they completely remove the subject of the story. So story will be about how "Republicans seize on a political opportunity with Democrat faux pas", or "Some acts of violence broke out at a protest." They never focus on the left and the left's bad actions. I think it is because they view themselves as the left, and showing the left behaving badly makes the left look the like the bad guy. And most in the left desperately want to view themselves and have everyone view themselves as the good guy.

MacMacConnell said...

Suave RICO! The new AG should shove it so far up Soros' and his minions' asses that their eyes bleed.

HT said...

Did we see you on College Ave last night Mac?

MacMacConnell said...

I'm looking for investors for my MAGA baseball bats. The deluxe model will have spikes in it.

mezzrow said...

Cycle of violence. Trump bad.

Wait for it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

CNN and other networks besides Fox went to great length to avoid referring to Milo by name. They don't want to give him publicity.

What the media and the idiot rioters and the left as a whole find especially maddening about him is that he is the counterculture now. He is the rebel, the brave one defying conformity and the Establishment. Not those old crones at the Women's March and all their sheep-like followers who demand obedience to their sacred tenets.

The Left is the Old Guard now - unimaginative, repressive, prudish and censoring. It's no wonder some kids flock to see Milo speak - they're experiencing the thrill of breaking taboos, just like grandpa did back in '67 when he went to go see Lenny Bruce. Now grandpa is enforcing his own taboos and those kids who are not hopelessly brainwashed are sick of it. The dullards battle to reinforce the status quo.

MacMacConnell said...

The cops have lost their touch when dealing with rioters. In the old days just blowing off a few looters' faces would defuse things.

HT said...

Wait for it.

Will do!

MacMacConnell said...


Milo and Trump are the cutting edge now, they are the revolutionaries.

HT said...

Milo is a compelling speaker. If the Democrats had even one or two leaders like him, I wonder if we'd see protests.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Mac McConnell said...
The cops have lost their touch when dealing with rioters. In the old days just blowing off a few looters' faces would defuse things.

2/2/17, 5:49 PM

A small business person thinking about opening a cafe or coffee shop near Sproul Hall, might just be considering another location today.

Lesson for Starbucks: No matter how much PC ass you kiss, you're still just another dirty capitalist in the end.

MacMacConnell said...

I hope these dick weeds keep it up, they'll just get more Trump. They're actually doing me a favor, less doors to knock on in 2020.

Robert said...

Wow, just saw the video of the woman being pepper sprayed by a leftist at Berkeley. Madness.

Maybe I've missed it because I'm trying not to follow the news too closely (for my own peace of mind) but I have not seen a single prominent Democrat *anywhere* calling on the Left to stop engaging in violence. When I think back on 60 Minutes demanding Trump issue a statement against violence by his supporters (mere isolated incidents, and mostly fake news), I just laugh. When is the MSM going to call on Democrat leaders to call off their violent street thugs?

Robert said...

"I hope these dick weeds keep it up, they'll just get more Trump. "

I think they're hoping to cause Trump and his supporters to violently respond. Which I hope doesn't happen. Let's keep all the violence on one side, and let them keep showing America who they are.
But now I feel obligated to order Milo's book, even though I doubt I'll wanna read it. lol
Part of me also now wants to order a Trump hat, but I'm not sure. Wearing one is literally dangerous to one's physical safety, however I'm not yet at the point where I wanna become a martyr.

HT said...

One, there are no "Democrat leaders." Two, and there are very few Democratic leaders.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More dispatches from the Cult of the Drama Queen.

Go say what you want. Stop protesting the fact that no one's interested in hearing it.

That's what the issue's all about. An unpopular, minority right-wing envying the idea of victimhood status over the fact that no one cares for their pernicious, phony whines.

Suck on it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Milo is a compelling speaker.

"Milo" doesn't say nearly as much as he wants you to believe he does. He's an attention whore with daddy issues.

mockturtle said...

If ever a pernicious phony whined, Crank, it was you.

HT said...

I don't entirely disagree CC.

CWJ said...

HT wrote -

"Milo is a compelling speaker. If the Democrats had even one or two leaders like him, I wonder if we'd see protests."

Now that's funny underwear gnome logic.

Democrat speaks.
No protests.

What did you have in mind? How exactly does that work HT?

HT said...

What do you mean CWJ? Can you please be more specific?

CWJ said...

I quoted you in your entirety. What the heck did YOU mean.

HT said...

I meant, if the Dems had our own leader, we probably would not have seen those protests. Is that clear, or still no?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If ever a pernicious phony whined, Crank, it was you.

Did you stick your fingers in your fat ears when you said that and go, "I know you are but what am I?"

Yep, the corporate tool known as "mockturtle" who says that corporate propaganda doesn't exist, is calling me a phony.

There's credibility for you. In BIZARRO WORLD.

Birkel said...

Commander Crankshaft:
Is "daddy issues" your code language for calling out homosexual men?

Carry on.

CWJ said...

OK, yeah. That's what I thought. So my previous comment stands.

Democrat leader speaks.
No protests.

How does that work?

HT said...

What do you mean?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Go say what you want. Stop protesting the fact that no one's interested in hearing it."

The people on your side sure are terribly interested in stopping it. They obviously care - if they didn't, Milo would have spoken to about 400 people and then gone out cruising in SF and nobody would be talking about it today.

Just wait until his book comes out. I am looking forward to seeing the tolerant left - who doesn't care at ALL what Milo says! - engaging in book burning.

You know, to protest Fascism.

Paco Wové said...

"BillySaturday" is Unknown#55, AKA "william", AKA "bill".

Always nice to meet someone who shares my hobbies. How many sockpuppets did you add to your life list today?

FYI, my sockpuppet tally for that particular account is:
Bill, BillySaturday, HRM William, LW, Louisa Wurlitzer, , Unknown, Unknown#1, WL, Willy. (so far.)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is "daddy issues"...

what M.Y. references when talking about himself and referring to Donny Douchebag Tinyhands as "daddy!"

Look it up.

...your code language for calling out homosexual men?

Carry on.

Your belief in the power of your ignorance is strong.

Birkel said...

The word issues was yours, Commander Crankshaft. Do not back down now. Tell us what the issues are.

Or just claim the anti-gay conservative bill by the horns.

Carry on.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crank supports leftwing ISIS.


"Off with their heads, they didn't respect the religion."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oh please, the left are the epitome of daddy issue. One giant sucking daddy issue.

"waaa hands of my uterus waaa pay for may abortions waaaa Milo is scary waaa I'm gonna call Trump a name waaaaaa"

Jon Ericson said...

Paco Wové :
Sorted alphabetically.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The people on your side sure are terribly interested in stopping it. They obviously care - if they didn't, Milo would have spoken to about 400 people and then gone out cruising in SF and nobody would be talking about it today.

Just wait until his book comes out. I am looking forward to seeing the tolerant left - who doesn't care at ALL what Milo says! - engaging in book burning.

You know, to protest Fascism.

He got what he wants. A minority-elected, erratic walking catastrophe-in-the-making with no management skills who's just as addicted to needless provocation and ego worship as he is.

It's now time for him to shut up. Yes, he had some mildly interesting points to make here and there in the past, back in the days when grandiose Wars of Civilization were put on hold for more important business and colleges had less interesting things to wring their hands over.

But the time for that is passed. The movement to reduce human nature to a man-child's tantrums is become the business of the day and these nonsensical "culture wars" which have no place in American government (maybe he's confusing them with the European governments he's more familiar with and that he thinks it's Trump's job to fix) are keeping the actual business of the American government from getting done.

Trump didn't get elected because of his love of knowledge. This drama queen should get into President Bannon's cabinet and wrap his boa around himself there. Clearly universities and their mission to deepen and broaden knowledge have no place in this administration. So they're all barking up the wrong tree at this point.

Let this homo teach a course on disruptive histrionics at Trump University.

His act is done. The Nazis won.

It's time for him to take his study in a walking contradiction to some place where it actually adds something.

CWJ said...


Lord you're obtuse.

A. Democrat leader.
B. No protest.

Path from A to B. ????

Birkel said...

Since that state of affairs does not exist any proposed steps are logical. That is the HT position.

It is stupid. It is juvenile. It is HT.

Fabi said...

"...no management skills..."


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"...no management skills..."


You laugh? Ignorance is bliss.

The evidence is in. Chaos is a shit way to run an organization in any direction... other than into the fucking ground.

Whistling past a graveyard, you fools are.

Michael said...


A rational person would not burn down their neighborhood liquor store making the next trip that much further and more expensive. But these kids are anarchists operating under the comfort of masks and numbers. Had they guts they would be robbing these stores instead of smashing them. But it is fun for kids, boys, to bust shit up and that is all they are doing and that is their only point.

I could see them out of my window in DC breaking windows and setting trash cans on fire on K street.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"It's now time for him to shut up."

Sorry, despite the new nic, you don't command anything or anybody and Milo will not be obeying your little Internet directives and decrees. Neither will Trump or anybody else.


Now that the Nazis have won, shouldn't you be packing and saying your goodbyes before you're sent off to the camps rather than hanging out here spouting your usual hyperbole? Or perhaps you'll be running off to the Catskills to join up with the Resistance. That's gonna be a problem for a guy that hates guns and doesn't know how to shoot....


Michael said...

Comander Crankshaft

Chaos is the word of the day for the MSM and has been for the 13 days, days, that Trump has been president and for the run up to his inauguration. It will fade and another word will take its place as the chaos turns out results. And I would not turn to James Stewart's reporting in the NYT to get to the absurd statement "the evidence is in." LOL

Fabi said...

Carry on, sad and bitter fry boy. Carry on.

Jon Ericson said...

Don't go callin' him names or he'll start swearin' and insultin' and before you know it, POOF! All his comments disappear.

And we wouldn't want that now.

Michael said...

Chaos for Washington DC folks is anything happening above 15 miles per hour. It shortens their leisure. The fear there can be tasted in the air. Imagine the number of numb nuts who had measured the size of their new offices, who had let their wives talk them into putting down non refundable deposits on digs in Georgetown in anticipation of their pending promotions. Think of the horror in their homes, the screeching shrews disappointed, the fury. Oh, there is chaos in Washington DC but it is not the chaos they are writing about . Give it some time and watch the divorces stack up as it is discovered that one cannot live in DC on sanctimony and anger, when it is discovered that there are no jobs for the unconnected, when the invitations begin to dry up.

Chuck said...

I heard an interesting comment from Chuck Lane of the New York Times tonight on weeknight television's best program "Special Report with Bret Baier" on FNC.

Lane said that Trump ought to apologize to Cal-Berkeley for his de-funding threat, given that the University handled the whole thing the right way. First, they committed what they thought would be all needed security resources to protect the holding of the Milo event, and defended the right of Milo to speak. Then, they provided time and place accomodations for anti-Milo protestors on campus. But the next thing that happened was the organized and premeditated riot, by the "Black Bloc" group that has been committing riots and other violence to police and property way beyond the Cal-Berkeley campus for a long time. They came into being around the time of the Oakland Occupy! protests and have caused damage throughout the bay area. They are a problem beyond the scope of Cal-Berkeley.

I hope that they are investigated and brought to justice as organized criminal anarchists.

So the suggestion that Trump apologize has merit with me. I'd also suggest that everyone on the Left condemn the "Black Bloc" group, and cooperate with authorities in an investigation and prosecution. That would have been a great move by Trump. Divide THAT group from the left, instead of making a bad charge against Cal.

Fabi said...

Chuck sides with the guy from New York Times and thinks that Trump should apologize!


Bob Loblaw said...

Friends? Frenemies? How do we reliably judge the feelings of attention whores? She appears on his show because it is free publicity, just as good as free crack. She would appear on anyone's show and make nice if it was in her interest.

This is true. I can't figure out if Coulter went around saying Trump would win because she believed it or because she thought it would get everyone excited. If the latter she's the luckiest woman in public life.

Michael said...


Naw. The university beclowned itself with its anti-free speech "hate" gobbledy gook. Trump should go after the Black Bloc as well as cut funding to Cal. They are going to secede anyway so what's the point of giving them money now. They will be fine in the new Country.

buwaya said...

"Divide THAT group from the left, instead of making a bad charge against Cal."

But why? Thats not the political desiderata of the US right. Nor yours either, or your interests, properly understood. The real enemy is Chuck Lane, the NYT and the powers-that-be at UC Berkeley, and the entire society they represent.

Thats why Milo, thats why Trump, and thats why the "Black Block" must not be divided from the left. The "Black Bloc" are in themselves irrelevant, save for their value as propaganda one way or the other.

Think like a revolutionary, for this is a revolutionary moment.

Chuck said...

Fabi I sided with one guy from the New York Times (who is a Fox News Channel regular), on one thing, on one occasion.

Of course I realize that in TrumpWorld, nothing that anybody who is in any way affiliated with any mainstream media outlet must never be believed, or accepted or even listened to. Only Trump-approved and Trump-approving news outlets have any place in a conversation.

That is why each passing day makes TrumpWorld dumber and less informed.

You could have disputed the bases and premises for the comment that I attributed. Instead you went straight to full-ad hominem. As usual.

What a dumb, dispiriting, useless bunch of crackpots you are all becoming.

n.n said...

Paid provocateurs? And the rest are simply acutely phobic.

Hate Loves Abortion

Chuck said...

Michael said...

Naw. The university beclowned itself with its anti-free speech "hate" gobbledy gook. Trump should go after the Black Bloc as well as cut funding to Cal. They are going to secede anyway so what's the point of giving them money now. They will be fine in the new Country.

A quick test, for the fun of it. Answer, within on minute of my posting this comment, whether you actually read the statement of the Cal-Berkeley Chancellor. Just "yes" or "no," right now. Be honest. Then, you can have all night to expound. Go.

buwaya said...

"Answer, within on minute of my posting this comment, whether you actually read the statement of the Cal-Berkeley Chancellor. "

I don't know about the rest of you, but I did. Boilerplate and CYA to try to more or less please everyone that they need to please and divert blame. Do not take these things seriously from such people.

Fabi said...

"...given that the University handled the whole thing the right way."

Since they knew of the terror group, and since the terror group destroyed property and shuttered the event, it's ludicrous to claim they handled it the right way. It's equally ludicrous to waste much time debating such stupidity line-by-line.

Up your game, Chuck. Quit the chronic blamecasting onto Trump and his supporters.

Chuck said...

buwaya said...
"Answer, within on minute of my posting this comment, whether you actually read the statement of the Cal-Berkeley Chancellor. "

I don't know about the rest of you, but I did. Boilerplate and CYA to try to more or less please everyone that they need to please and divert blame. Do not take these things seriously from such people.

Well it's too late for my challenge, so here's the link to the Chancellor's statement. It's extraordinary. Nothing boilerplate about it. I'm not sure I agree with it; but there is almost nothing canned about this statement.

This is the BEFORE statement, by the way; how the University intended for the thing to go down.

What I don't like about the statement is that it seemingly confers some level of seriousness on Milo Yiannopoulos. As I remarked in another thread, it surprises me that anybody on the right or the left gets all worked up about this nasty little piece of work who's never done much of anything in public life.

Chuck said...

oops, forgot the link! Here it is:


Fabi said...

Furthermore, in my 7:36, I restarted two facts relevant to your comment -- hardly ad hominem. If you want ad hominem, look at the last paragraph of your 7:44, Chuck.

Irony is not dead. Unexpectedly.

Fabi said...


Chuck said...

Fabi, that terror group -- or a similar and possibly related group -- caused the Trump Campaign to cancel an event in Chicago.

The rioting is wrong, of course. I am dissatisfied that there have been so few arrests, and so seemingly little investigation of their conspiracies.

But sometimes the only thing to do is to cancel, for the safety of others. When that happens, people ought to be going to jail for having obstructed free speech. In Chicago or in Berkeley. But you seem to be holding Cal to a different standard than Trump, for deciding to cancel an event.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now that the Nazis have won, shouldn't you be packing and saying your goodbyes before you're sent off to the camps rather than hanging out here spouting your usual hyperbole? Or perhaps you'll be running off to the Catskills to join up with the Resistance. That's gonna be a problem for a guy that hates guns and doesn't know how to shoot....

Nope. I'm in good enough with Kushner/Ivanka's top 0.0001% (or whatever) that I don't have to worry. You OTOH, have to sleep your way to the top. That can get kind of dicey, especially after the regime is ousted and whores like you get your heads shaved and publicly stripped, beaten and humiliated.

Sorry, despite the new nic, you don't command anything or anybody and Milo will not be obeying your little Internet directives and decrees. Neither will Trump or anybody else.

And guess what? IT'S STILL time for him to SHUT UP! No one cares for his gig now that his Nazi Sugar Daddy won. They made their own point. The minority won and is implementing its disaster as quickly as it takes for Donny Douchebag to lose a couple favorability points every week or so. Point proven: Obnoxious, unpopular assholes CAN actually wield power. No lesson for the universities here. They already knew that, and have known it for years. So his "PLEASE STOP OPPRESSING ME" act has no significance. It's like watching an unemployed clown holding a "LOOKING FOR WORK" sign while standing on a lawn full of plastic flamingos. It has no significance. So go argue for his right to JAM his obnoxious asshole "My views are oppressed while they run the world" bullshit act down everyone's throats as much as you want. It doesn't need to be made; a sane person would realize the backlash isn't worth it, and would move on or re-evaluate. But you fuckfaces are nothing if it weren't for all those dead horses to beat. Sometimes I wonder how decayed a corpse you're willing to find when it comes to dead horse beating.

Videos of your destiny being fulfilled:




Fabi said...

If they had to cancel due to safety then they didn't handle it the right way, did they, Chuck? The rest of your paragraph is a tu quoque, and doesn't deserve a response.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Right. Small munitions to fight off Nazis. That's realistic. Talk about a Republican wet dream.

Trump's ego is nuclear. It self-destructs every day.

jr565 said...

I've watched MILO videos on You Tube. And they are nowhere close to white nationalism. or racist. He simply pokes SJW's in the eye through well deserved ridicule. But he also usually backs it up with stats and/or logic. yes, He likes to push their buttons.


Even if he were a white nationalist, the response was fascistic. And it was the protesters who lost the argument. Forever, frankly.
Not to mention he got more of a platform by getting to make his case on national tv than he woudl have speaking on campus.
So, they just made him stronger.

jr565 said...

"And guess what? IT'S STILL time for him to SHUT UP! No one cares for his gig now that his Nazi Sugar Daddy won. They made their own point. The minority won and is implementing its disaster as quickly as it takes for Donny Douchebag to lose a couple favorability points every week or so. Point proven: Obnoxious, unpopular assholes CAN actually wield power."

He doesnt have to shut up. You should tell the protesters they need to not riot. he is entitled to be as much of a brat as he wants. And continue to tweak SJW's in perpetuity. If you want to challenge him, wait till the end of his lectures when its time for theQ&A and ask him a question.

buwaya said...

Eye of the beholder Chuck. I guess is the degree of cynicism. Mine is fairly high I think.

Anyway, on the Milo business, you need to consider the larger dimensions, the context. It's most certainly not about the fellows material or moral qualities or even rhetorical abilities. That may have gotten him some leverage originally, but now it's beyond that. These all are now irrelevant detail. The point is now purely symbolic, in every direction.

It's like, say, the Carlist red beret. As the Oriamundi had it, it must come to pass that the red beret enter Madrid. Thats how the Carlists would know they had won. That's the nature of a symbol.

Milo is a symbol, a totem, and to succeed in imposing him on an enemy venue, or to succeed in blocking him, is a demonstration of power. With a sense of power, a suppressed people can be encouraged to push back against their oppressors.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He doesnt have to shut up.

Awwwwww! What's a matter? Is the big, bad, tough propagandist afwaid that the powerful regime's message is not going out or going unheeded? Ooooh. Poor you! Poor little self-hating Trump propagandist Milo!

You should tell the protesters they need to not riot.

Little conflicted homosexual Milo is one person. His sugar daddy pissed off a whole nation of people. Or a solid majority. Looks like it's the former whom you need to scold.

SJW's has now become your code word for, "The country largely hates my unhinged president but I think I'll blame the sentiment on a loud and vocal minority instead."

Keep dreaming.

Michael said...

Commander C
"SJW's has now become your code word for, "The country largely hates my unhinged president but I think I'll blame the sentiment on a loud and vocal minority instead."

LOL. You must live on facebook. The assholes breaking stuff in Oakland aren't sjws . Surely you know the difference? The SJW are all beta. The assholes are beta plus. Get your nomenclature straight.

Anonymous said...

Berkeley should just invite Milo back next week. If they are against free speech tell him he has to charge for the show.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nah, I'll let you worry about that stuff, Michael. Slicing and dicing people up into meaningless categories is sort of your thing.

Michael K said...

"Whistling past a graveyard, you fools are."

Field Marshall Ritmo speaking. Pay attention !


Good night.

Birkel said...

Commander Crankshaft: Milo needs to shut up.

Milo: My books sales are up 12740% today over yesterday as pre-orders for a book available in six weeks.

Me: Advantage to Milo. When do you switch to hard liquor, Commander Crankshaft?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't forget to fuck yourself as you pull the blanket over your myopic eyes!

"Field Marshall." This twat recycles his own sayings every other hour. He really is about as creative as a sloth.

Bedtime is good. It usually occurs after his wet nurse gave him some titty milk, burped him, and bundled him up.

It's amazing how easily some old farts revert right back to childhood.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Milo: My books sales are up 12740% today over yesterday as pre-orders for a book available in six weeks.

Me: Advantage to Milo.

Idiocy is lucrative, eh?

So how much did you get paid to be so stupid?

Oh right! It's the selling of idiocy that's lucrative. Buying it still comes at a steep price.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Nope. I'm in good enough with Kushner/Ivanka's top 0.0001% (or whatever) that I don't have to worry"

LOL. Aren't you a pharmacist? They must pay pharmacists very well in Manhattan. Or perhaps you're a street pharmacologist, which would many of your comments. It's never a good idea to oversample the wares, Ritmo.


His book is #1 on Amazon. And Trump's in the WH, Tillerson is SoS and Gorsuch is going to sit on the SCOTUS for a long time. I'm happy.

It's really fun, watching you lose your mind.

Birkel said...

So, the hard liquor started an hour ago? The pitiable rage makes me laugh. I just cannot help myself when you get drunk. The impotence must be savored in between dodging the spittle, of course. But I admire your public displays. They are selfless acts.

Carry on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, but does he sell snake oil, also?

Yep, you can never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Or catering to it, as the lady who wants small arms to fight off the Nazis she got her head shaved for cavorting with tells us.

You're about as phony as a $3 bill.

And Trump's in the WH, Tillerson is SoS and Gorsuch is going to sit on the SCOTUS for a long time. I'm happy.

When do people like you not rejoice at destroying your country?

I don't even think you care for any of it. Like you said, you're a meek submissive wanna-be in your personal life, whose only joy is annoying people online. You're just a phony who doesn't believe in anything apart from her own ability to annoy, when she's not digging for gold. Which is at least as boring a challenge as your boyfriend's effort to mine your barren womb for fruit.

DId your family have framed Mussolini pictures growing up? From admiring Il Duce to admiring Il Douchey. Quite the maturation process, there. Hopefully you're not the only one with a barren womb in the family. And your boyfriend probably has sex with Milo Yagamamandpopulous behind your back. With more pleasure than he would with you.

You people are all screwed up. You hate your country and only get off on annoying the people in it. That's the only reason you're here. Leave, already.

Or maybe stay, stop being a coward, go into a riot zone, and get a steel trash can thrown at your head. Have some courage for once. Get a scar that will show some character once the disaster's over and your head's shaved by angry mobs.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"So, the hard liquor started an hour ago?"

It isn't nice to laugh at drunks, I know. But how can you help it?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"When do people like you not rejoice at destroying your country?"

You're right! I absolutely delight in destroying the country. I hope President Trump starts out by sending a drone into your studio apartment.

G'night, dear! Cheers!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can't help yourself when it comes to most things. You only have enough self-control to shut-up IRL, and take it out online. You are a coward who lacks the courage of your convictions, assuming you even had the intelligence to figure them out.

Go kiss that framed picture of Il Douchey and his great wondrous crowds on the Mall. Or get a picture of him kissing himself in the mirror. Totally your type.

Now go prune your barren womb before the weeds overgrow it.

Jon Ericson said...

Another CC comment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Craunk - Shouldn't you be out on a ledge?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Yep, there's the suppressed aggression. Being a sub must be really hard work.

Now go out and tell those protesters how wrong they are to be in agreement with nearly 70% of this country. Do it quick, coward, before the steel trash can gets thrown at your stupid head.

What's it like being such a piece of worthless human trash that you place all hopes for your mindless political vengeance into a man with a combover and a 3-year old's impulse control?

Is it a mafia thing?

mockturtle said...

Idiocy is lucrative, eh?

You must be rich as Croesus!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Craunk - Shouldn't you be out on a ledge?

Ledges are for people who don't have anything to live for.

You just let others do your living and thinking for you.

Is your pussy ready for Trump's tiny hands? Finally, a guy for whom you can sacrifice yourself to the great, anti-liberal cause.

Be a good SS wife and submit to your master. We know you're not the master of your own fate.

Every Trumpster is turning out to be a spineless rat. The people at Lem were right about you.

Trump's ego demands that everyone "with" him be a spineless rat. Amazing how slave-like these people's mindless devotion is.

Jon Ericson said...

Another CC comment.

Jon Ericson said...

C'mon Cranklube, I'm getting thirsty.

Jon Ericson said...

Must be another epic-length one "Cued up".

Jon Ericson said...

Passed out?

Drago said...

Commander Crankshaft: "Don't forget to fuck yourself as you pull the blanket over your myopic eyes!"

I have to admit, the yoga is really paying off.

Drago said...

HT: "Agree, but he will flame out soon enough at any rate."

And Trump will never win the nomination and certainly not win the general election!

You know, given your recent predictive performance, perhaps a bit of caution should be observed.

Oh what the heck, keep the inaccurate predictions rolling!

Jon Ericson said...

They take a licking and keep on ticking!

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