February 17, 2017

So this is happening at the NYT....

Seen just now, at Memeorandum:

Well, he talked about you, so you talk about him. What he said, at his press conference yesterday, was:
The failing New York Times wrote a big, long front-page story yesterday. And it was very much discredited, as you know. It was — it’s a joke....
And here's Michael Goodwin at The New York Post: "Sorry, media — this press conference played very differently with Trump’s supporters."
Amid feverish reports of chaos on his team and with Democrats fantasizing that Russia-gate is another Watergate, Trump took center stage to declare that reports of his demise are just more fake news. Far from dead, he was positively exuberant. His performance at a marathon press conference Thursday was a must-see-TV spectacle as he mixed serious policy talk with standup comedy and took repeated pleasure in whacking his favorite piƱata, the “dishonest media.”...

Trump’s detractors immediately panned the show as madness, but they missed the method behind it and proved they still don’t understand his appeal. Facing his first crisis in the Oval Office, he was unbowed in demonstrating his bare-knuckle intention to fight back. He did it his way. Certainly no other president, and few politicians at any level in any time, would dare put on a show like that.

In front of cameras, and using the assembled press corps as props, he conducted a televised revival meeting to remind his supporters that he is still the man they elected...
And they know that however many times he does it, they will need to sit there and take it, allow themselves to be used. Can they boycott the press conference? Can they become disruptive in the room? Can they phrase their questions with ever heightening belligerence and hatred? I think they know they can't.
Trump, first, last and always, matches the mood of the discontented. Like them, he is a bull looking for a china shop.* That’s his ace in the hole and he played it almost to perfection....

Just three weeks into his term, Democrats, in and out of the media, smelled blood. Many already were going for the kill. They won’t get it, at least now. Trump bought himself time yesterday....
He didn't just buy some time. He showed how he can take them all on. They can keep fighting him, and I understand they want to. But visualize where this will go and who will win. I think the people at the NYT really believe they can bring Trump down. But can they? I think Trump has a big advantage in this fight. And yet, what is the fight and what constitutes winning? Trump kept saying "the failing New York Times." For the NYT, winning may simply be getting and maintaining a monetizable readership. Trump doesn't have to fall. All can win. Perhaps that is Trump's art-of-the-deal game: We can all win. He said it at the press conference: "I know how good everybody’s ratings are right now."

Perhaps it's pro-wrestling — a theatrical, hard-fought fake fight. I'm only a member of the audience, like you. I want to know what I am looking at. And we also do need a President. The show cannot supplant government. It can't just be a show. And I must say, I'm either nervous or disbelieving when I hear Trump talk about how much he watches the TV news shows. He does things, then watches on TV to see how they look. After doing the press conference, he must have settled down in front of a television to watch himself on TV. I'm picturing him enjoying that show immensely — laughing, commenting, bragging. Imagine watching him watching himself. What would that be like? Freaky? Great fun? A horror show?


* Long ago, George Orwell wrote:
A newly invented metaphor assists thought by evoking a visual image, while on the other hand a metaphor which is technically ‘dead’ (e. g. iron resolution) has in effect reverted to being an ordinary word and can generally be used without loss of vividness. But in between these two classes there is a huge dump of worn-out metaphors which have lost all evocative power and are merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves.
If you would just follow that advice, you won't find yourself saying something as silly as "a bull looking for a china shop." Bulls aren't hot to relocate to china shops! They're not on a mission to break china. They just would break a lot of china if they ever were in a china shop, which never happens.


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Jon Ericson said...

Better than something you could have come up with, Pedro.

buwaya said...


Of course.
In Britain those types are more honestly called newsreaders, because thats what they do. There is no pretense that they discover or even write their material.
The US MSM affectations are transparent, even to such a degree that they insult their audience.
The collusion and coordination are similarly transparent.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Try having something to say before hitting the "post comment" button, Jon.

Anonymous said...

It's actually easier being a liberal commenter here than being a conservative who is opposed to Trump. One does have to give Chuck a lot of credit. Similarly, the right wing radio talk show host Charlie Sykes from Milwaukee, that was run out of town and the radio after his opposition to Trump persisted, even after the election. Brave souls, Charlie and Chuck. Keep up the good work.

Jon Ericson said...

Do another line Pedro, and stop showing us your starry, tanned asterisk.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"...merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves."

It makes sense for Orwell to reach this conclusion because he was a brilliant writer however it doesn't transfer to average, or below, folks merely trying to honestly convey an opinion that, potentially, might result in society's betterment, albeit at the potential cost of a momentary feeling of elation upon having written a phrase, horrible or evil or lukewarm as it were, that could be considered "invented" by those subscribing to the "vanity is all" philosophy taught in the Holy Bible yet discarded by most today as unoriginal hence lacking value.

The proper disposition, as of this instant and guaranteed to change soon, is based upon the idea there is nothing new under the sun.

Jon Ericson said...

Hey, Sockie, 'sup?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do another compulsive comment, Jon. Don't think before you post. Just react.

Jon Ericson said...

I'm sorry I can't keep a straight face with some nitwit named toothless.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Toothless? I'll bite your friggin' 'ead off!

Jon Ericson said...

Ha, that's the funniest thing you've ever said.

Jon Ericson said...

Or did you think I was going to make a compliment about your gums?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I try, Jon. I try.

Achilles said...

SockPuppet#55 said...
It's actually easier being a liberal commenter here than being a conservative who is opposed to Trump. One does have to give Chuck a lot of credit. Similarly, the right wing radio talk show host Charlie Sykes from Milwaukee, that was run out of town and the radio after his opposition to Trump persisted, even after the election. Brave souls, Charlie and Chuck. Keep up the good work.

You call them conservatives, but you are all on the same team. What you are too stupid to figure out is we took the republican party away from the oligarchs by electing Trump. Ritmo will tell you that he is mad they failed to take the DNC from the Oligarchs. There are a lot of Republicans from NRO to Salem Inc. to Redstate ad others who were basically just there to tell us how we needed open borders and "free" trade. The consultant class republicans like Chuck were so certain we just needed to pass amnesty to win back the latino vote. McCain was over in Germany today talking to his financiers about how awful Trump is.

Does it make you sad that you are on the same side as the Neocons now? You can have the Chamber of Commerce WASP crowd too. We will trade you for the private sector unions who are joining the republican party now.

Anonymous said...

You either are too stupid, or nuts, or both, to realize is that your God Trump is an Oligarch. He filled his cabinet with Wall Street billionaires, dummy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Blogger Ron Winkleheimer said...
You know, Chuck is a troll. And a very good one.

2/17/17, 4:26 PM

The man has humbled my estimation of my abilities, yet inspired me to set higher goals.

Generally lessons I learn have been shown to be limited and transient, surprisingly to me, but one concept I do endorse without the usual limitless caveats is that persistence pays*.

Isn't there a saying about old French Whores or something or another along these lines?

If the market rewards and in tandem incentives this behavior of Chuck and others what sense would I be making in failing to understand that due to my focus on the Althouse equivalent to flotsam and jetsam, especially when all my logical arguments are correct as viewed through the perfect hindsight of 20/20?

*Kid Rock theorized that if persistence pays then he will buy the whole planet by the time he's through in one of his songs, a concept I heavily doubt with all fibers of my being.

Jon Ericson said...

Indeed there is a saying about Old French Whores.
Please unload.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whether Trump ends up disrupting oligarchy (I'm skeptical for the same reasons as SP55) or just being someone who talked the talk to get elected, we'll see. Achilles disagrees with me over whether his cabinet is a shadow oligarchy; but either way our problems might go deeper than what could be solved with trade and or manufacturing. I just saw Bloomberg interviewing Mark Cuban - now there's a billionaire who really knows his shit. Myself, at <5% unemployment I think blasting our way to reinvigorating manufacturing will go a long way, but Cuban reminds us about how other disruptions disrupt us faster than Trump's real-or-imagined disruption of oligarchy will yield jobs. Either way, good interview, and a good reminder that staying on top of our problems requires a defter mind than the mindset we had in 1920, let alone 1950.

Guildofcannonballs said...



featuring Eminem

A shimmy shimmy cocoa cocoa pu- pu fucking pop bitch
It's the K-K-Kid Rock with the K-K-Kid Rock shit
I'm on top bitch and rock for tricks
Helly whips and nips and flip trips for whips
I get all the money, pussy falls like rain
Been gettin' laid and paid that's why I never complain
If I ain't in it for the money, I'm in it for the P
It's 1998 yo and you still can't fuck with me
You don't be fucking with the blue eye
Fucking with my 2-5 hope your fucking ass like my shoe size
I got a new vibe, kinda like voodoo
You do what we say and we'll do what we wanna do
We're fucking up your city and we're fucking up your program
Fuckin' all your bitches we can fuck and give a goddamn
Twisted Brown gets down with no assistance
We won't quit until we're banned from existence
Persistence pays, if that holds true
Then Imma buy this fucking planet before the time I'm through

I was praised and raised on the thoughts of no faking
So I'm gonna get what I got coming and the rest I'm takin'
I'm shaking like Jerry Lee Lewis and shit
You act like a motherfucker's brand new at this shit
But I've been true to this shit, givin' my heart and soul
Been shining like a diamond but gettin passed as coal

So Fuck Off (Fuck Off Fuck Off Fuck Off)

With my pants half hanging off my ass and shit
Bowl filled with hash, pockets stuffed with cash
I be the mushroom trippin', sippin' shots of Jack
Cause the kids that listen, gettin' lots of flack
I be the do wa diddy up and down your block an'
The ten karat Kid with my triggers cockin'
The K the I the D- R- O- C- K motherfucker and you still don't know me
So blow me bitch, I don't rock for ******
I rock for the cash and the topless dancers
Don't have no answers, so pass the joint
I'm just paid in full and made in Detroit
I ride like Senna in the Indy five
And get live with that, which gets me high
Strive for perfection, this much is true
We do what we say, you say what we do
Kid Rock,I couldn't be no Bozo
And I get too much P to ever [be no homo]
Rock from Soho to Arizona
I'm an easy rider dreaming of Wynonna
I roam the country, like a Greyhound bus
Put faith in lust and in God I trust
I'm not Peter Pan, I don't fuck with fairies
But I bust more rhymes than virgin cherries
And Harry Carey couldn't call my game
Fucked so many hos I'm in the hall of fame
And I show no shame from coast to coast
I don't mean to brag, but I like to boast

Fuck Off (Fuck Off Fuck Off Fuck Off)
Yeah right in your motherfucking ass bitch
With that Detroit city shit, ain't shit switched We're on the same script
Nothing new since 76, Kid Rock
Yo Slim Shady, come break these motherfuckers off

Slim Shady [Eminem]
Yo tell the world to hold their breath they're breathing the wrong air
This planet belongs to me and this hippie with long hair
Two white boys who spike punch and light joints
Hang around drugs loud music and like noise
Slim Shady and Brown Trucker another bunch of motherfuckers
Who hate the world just as much as each other

And I ain't leaving this party tonight
'Till I see some naked bitches dancing around drunk touching each other
Rum and Pepsi got your whole perception of me sketchy

'Cause when I stage dive people are scared to catch me
'Cause all I do is curse and fuck
So when I do shrooms you all better give me two rooms
'Cause I'm fucking the first one up
So when you see me on your block you better lock your cars
'Cause you know I'm losing it when I'm rappin' to rock guitars
This is for children who break rules
People that straight fool
And ever single teenager that hates school

Fuck Off

bgates said...

He filled his cabinet with Wall Street billionaires, dummy.

Name them.

Chuck said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
After Jeb made his comment about amnesty being "an act of love," I swore I would stay at home rather than cast a vote for him in the general. Luckily, I didn't have to do that.

You liar. Jeb never called "amnesty...an act of love." Jeb, I don't think, ever endorsed amnesty at all. Jeb suggested a narrow category of legal status, and not citizenship. And he regarded immigration under legal circumstances "an act of love."

So fuck off, with your reckless misquotes. I took one look at your post and knew that didn't sound right. I knew it, and I was right. A quick Google search turned up an article from The Hill on that very quote:


Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Whether Trump ends up disrupting oligarchy (I'm skeptical for the same reasons as SP55) or just being someone who talked the talk to get elected, we'll see. Achilles disagrees with me over whether his cabinet is a shadow oligarchy; but either way our problems might go deeper than what could be solved with trade and or manufacturing. I just saw Bloomberg interviewing Mark Cuban - now there's a billionaire who really knows his shit. Myself, at <5% unemployment I think blasting our way to reinvigorating manufacturing will go a long way, but Cuban reminds us about how other disruptions disrupt us faster than Trump's real-or-imagined disruption of oligarchy will yield jobs. Either way, good interview, and a good reminder that staying on top of our problems requires a defter mind than the mindset we had in 1920, let alone 1950.

You see, this is why I give you respect on here.

I am dubious about Cuban because he sided with Clinton and the globalists during the election. If he played it right he would have been in the cabinet but like Trump he has a massive ego and was mostly jealous that Trump did something he probably thinks he could do better. But he didn't do it. So here he is.

If Trump is blind to the changes in the economy coming down the pipe like Cuban thinks then we will find that out soon enough. Trump is going to have to do something with the 10 million drivers of various vehicles in this country that will be displaced. Cuban is totally right on that.

But Cuban is totally blind about the Deep State. He doesn't understand why Trump is paranoid? Everyone in this country should be paranoid. You people all realize they are recording every phone call, text, email and every other electronic communication you make right? Word. For. Word. Metadata? That is a fucking joke. They don't even need interpreters here and soon software is going to do all that work.

Do you guys know that in December/January Obama make an executive order that allowed the NSA to share intercepted SIGINT with 16 other federal agencies? Democrats and liberals used to be on the front line against this big brother shit. If you really knew what they were doing you would be.

Achilles said...

SockPuppet#55 said...
You either are too stupid, or nuts, or both, to realize is that your God Trump is an Oligarch. He filled his cabinet with Wall Street billionaires, dummy.

You see, this is the difference between you and Ritmo. You are just not smart enough to carry on a conversation with.

SukieTawdry said...

I'm picturing him enjoying that show immensely — laughing, commenting, bragging. Imagine watching him watching himself. What would that be like? Freaky? Great fun? A horror show?

Please, I try not to think of such things. Getting through these four years is going to be struggle enough.

I'll bet that sometime, somewhere there's been a bull in a china shop. And he probably broke things.

Kirk Parker said...

Hagar, I actually bought some counterfeit Lucas headlights once. I know, I know--who would make such a thing? But there they were.... Presumably the 'they' in this case were Chinese.

Bruce Hayden said...

But Cuban is totally blind about the Deep State. He doesn't understand why Trump is paranoid? Everyone in this country should be paranoid. You people all realize they are recording every phone call, text, email and every other electronic communication you make right? Word. For. Word. Metadata? That is a fucking joke. They don't even need interpreters here and soon software is going to do all that work.

Yes, I think that you are paranoid. They would be committing federal felonies if they actually did record every phone call - because they don't have the warrants to do so. The phone of the Russian Ambassador was very likely tapped, because he is an "agent of a foreign state" under FISA, and there has presumably been a FISA warrant for the phone of whomever has that position, probably from the passage of FISA some 40 or so years ago. As I have noted - the tapping of the ambassador's phone was very likely justified, warranted, and legal, and the conversation with Flynn was recorded because he was talking to someone whose public phone is always recorded, when possible. But, federal crimes were committed when Flynn's call was disclosed, and when the contents were disclosed. From a technological point of view, collecting email is problematic too, at least if you aren't using a multinational company to host your email.

Do you guys know that in December/January Obama make an executive order that allowed the NSA to share intercepted SIGINT with 16 other federal agencies? Democrats and liberals used to be on the front line against this big brother shit. If you really knew what they were doing you would be.

I have read it. It doesn't really look too bad, but I may be naive, and may be missing the subtleties there. We shall see.

Bruce Hayden said...

Let me add that there are two ways that your telephone calls can be legally recorded by the feds (assuming that you are a US Citizen or US legal alien). One is if the feds acquired a wiretap order under the Wiretap Act, by going to a US District Court judge, and showing that there reasonable cause to believe that you have committed a federal crime. The other is if you talk to someone legally (like the Russian ambassador in their embassy) or physically outside the US, and they have a FISA warrant for tapping that phone (there are some exceptions, such as right after Congress declaring war). They cannot get a FISA warrant to tap your phone if you are a US Person in the US, and they cannot show that you are an agent of a foreign power, or a (real) terrorist.

Achilles said...

Bruce Hayden said...

Yes, I think that you are paranoid.

Just going to say this. I know about everything you are talking about. I am not a Clinton, so I can't just go saying stuff that I was read on to. So I am not going to talk about the things I did.

That said I agree I am paranoid. And it is for damn good reason. They aren't going through 2 million gallons of water a day for evaporative cooling on servers in Utah to backup IRS and other agency files. They seem to want to delete those when investigated. And they are forcing the communication companies to play ball.

Anonymous said...

Stark raving nuts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am dubious about Cuban because he sided with Clinton and the globalists during the election. If he played it right he would have been in the cabinet but like Trump he has a massive ego and was mostly jealous that Trump did something he probably thinks he could do better. But he didn't do it. So here he is.

He's doing a good job where he is and I'm sure he'd do a good job in a lot of places. What the heck makes you think everyone lusts for political power? They don't.

But Cuban is totally blind about the Deep State.

I think he has other things to be concerned about. "Deep State" might mean something in other countries where dictators regularly stage coups to replace each other and the only stabilizing influence might be a government institution - say like in Egypt, where it's the military. And a damn good thing for that. If it weren't right now you'd have the Muslim Brotherhood back in charge.

In America we have going all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt if not earlier a government staffed by civil servants who are selected on merit for their professionalism and dedication to the job. The alternative was the spoils system, staffed with cronies, which is what the Republicans and especially now Trump seem to want to return to. Authentic conservatives used to believe in institutions, and it appears this "deep state" may just be one of them. One can not rein in the excesses of our intelligence agencies if one cannot get any credibility by them regarding loyalty over and above foreign powers - which is Trump's problem. The military doesn't trust him either, I imagine. Because when he talks about how to respond to Russian subs off of Connecticut or uranium he sounds just plain weird.

He doesn't understand why Trump is paranoid?

Trump is a delusional narcissist who gaslights like no one before him.

Everyone in this country should be paranoid.

No they shouldn't. That's no way to run a country.

You people all realize they are recording every phone call, text, email and every other electronic communication you make right?

So what? It's been going on since the 1990s. I remember watching that 60 Minutes broadcast right there, at the time. Echelon. This is not news to some of us, and we got it from what Trump calls "fake news," decades ago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Word. For. Word. Metadata? That is a fucking joke. They don't even need interpreters here and soon software is going to do all that work.

Yep. Technology evolves. But we never got rid of NSA or Echelon in the first place? Would we? This goes beyond purposes of partisanship and totalitarian control. It's mixed up in that terrorism threat that Trump's always yammering on about. Republicans control everything now. THey have for a while. If it was a concern to them, they'd have done something. They rightly conclude terrorism is the bigger concern. If they're worried about how a president would misuse it, they'd have done something. But most have them have sworn heart-felt fealty oaths to Trump, from the bottom of their electoral polls. That ain't changing.

Do you guys know that in December/January Obama make an executive order that allowed the NSA to share intercepted SIGINT with 16 other federal agencies?

If he did than good for him. They need to communicate and our compulsive liar in chief can't be trusted.

The press, the intelligence agencies, the media, the military, the independent judiciary, NASA... the parks and recreation services! At some point you're going to run out of American institutions to go to war against in an effort to defend Trump's indefensible breaches against longstanding American traditions. The reason the task of defending him (or President Bannon, or whomever) looks daunting is because what he's been putting himself up against are things that that Americans cherish more or are more important to them than you can conceivably care for. It ended the moment he didn't think outreach/compromise was necessary despite losing the popular vote - a sentiment echoed by most commenters here. That's just basic political malpractice. You may have a system that occasionally goes against the popular will (or the will of those included who just are too disgusted to go to the polls). But to get self-righteous over a win in those circumstances - and not just self-righteous but more arrogant and ambitious in that than has ever been the case in a long time - is asking for trouble.

Anonymous said...

There's a curious lack of education by our elites and even curiosity. How does management by objectives work in detail? Did none of them earn and MBA? How is it when an MBO boss hires someone he says "If I new how to do your job I wouldn't have hired you." "if you find yourself struggling with an item I can help with I'll be disappointed in your intellect and judgement if you don't call me. And if you find you can't do the job, please find out who can and let me know, and then resign. And I'll have your back and you'll have mine. And I never ever say anything discourteous about someone who has given it his best effort." Flynn did not get fired he resigned given changed conditions that would affect his ability to accomplish the objectives he had committed to for T. And the press just calls themselves a liar when they repeat this slander. Which all of T's supporters understand which drives the press insane.

Ryan McLaughlin said...

"And they know that however many times he does it, they will need to sit there and take it, allow themselves to be used. Can they boycott the press conference? Can they become disruptive in the room? Can they phrase their questions with ever heightening belligerence and hatred? I think they know they can't."

This is how Trump positions himself: he wins regardless of what the other party does. If the press boycotted or became disruptive, it would immediately play into the biased media narrative. So instead the press has to sit there and be used as props, which works our just as well for Trump.

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