Organizations allowed in included Breitbart News, the One America News Network and The Washington Times, all with conservative leanings. Journalists from ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Fox News also attended....
“Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties,” Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The Times, said in a statement. “We strongly protest the exclusion of The New York Times and the other news organizations. Free media access to a transparent government is obviously of crucial national interest.”
UPDATE: The sentence quoted in the post title later included the names of more news organizations. I'm cutting and pasting this at 7:45 CT on February 25th: "Reporters from The Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, the BBC and The Huffington Post were among those shut out of the briefing." There's no notation at the article that it was updated, but the sentence just quoted is the only sentence in the article with the word "Politico" in it, so clearly the article was updated.
Here are the results on the poll (possibly skewed by my emphasis on the apparently false fact that only 3 organizations were excluded):
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 309 of 309mockturtle: "At least Chuck is a genuine contributor here and not just a troll."
Indeed. Chucks "insider" knowledge on the state of political play during the election was "invaluable" a indicator of what not to believe.
*better than 'hump the hostess', right?
Unknown: "Why is Trump attacking the Press besides being butthurt about the reporting that is unflattering to him?"
Maybe you should direct your question to your earth-bound messiah, Obama:
Take your time
[from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, of course.]
"Attacking Chuck is one of our favorite pastimes here. And I rather suspect Chuck enjoys it, too, as he seems to deliberately provoke it. At least Chuck is a genuine contributor here and not just a troll. Give him credit that you don't deserve."
Mockturtle, your comment to me sounds like useless dumb trolling. I'd think you could do better.
Drago, I did not qualify the contributions.
mockturtle: "Drago, I did not qualify the contributions."
We'll chalk it up to "participation trophy" level contribution.
John Henry,
Yeah I recognized the "E-Stop" button when Secretary Clinton did her thing. Most people have at least seen them at a gas station.
My thought was that if RESET was written on it and President Trump delivered it with his honed genial deal making patter it would be one of those instances of delayed response by the crowd in the room. Who exactly is getting gored here? How will my reaction be perceived? It's funny but can I laugh?
President Trump's base would love it. The dig at Hillary. The bigger emergency stop connotation you brought up. And the sheer ballsiness of it all.
The MSM couldn't be outraged without looking like they were chasing their own tail -I think.
"Could it be that he and his administration are setting up a narrative of a completely untrustworthy "enemy" Press so that when the shit hits the fan regarding the Trump/Russia investigation conclusions, he can claim fake news, or that the Press is smearing him unfairly?"
No. (you asked)
Drago; NO ONE had mentioned any boy on this blog today, by name or not, until you did. You did, at 6:36 pm, Blog Time. You brought it up. You, alone. There is only one person to blame for initiating the topic today. That person is you.
OM, I think I'm right and you're wrong, but tiime will tell.
Unknown: " Could it be that he and his administration are setting up a narrative of a completely untrustworthy "enemy" Press so that when the shit hits the fan regarding the Trump/Russia investigation conclusions, he can claim fake news, or that the Press is smearing him unfairly?"
Biggest nothing burger used as a fig leaf to cover democrat incompetence ever.
Obama signed his 11th hour order allowing for wider dissemination of raw intel across multiple agencies as he was exiting in order to allow him many minions access for leaking purposes of any and all damaging info.
The fact that we are this far down the road with the MSM simply recycling the same innuendo from months before the election all mean the same thing: there is nothing there and never has been.
The value of this set of "investigations" is that they never end, never come up with anything real, but allow the Obama-ites burrowed into the Deep State to keep leaking innuendo.
That's all there is and all there ever will be.
But hey, the lefty base needs shiny objects to focus on otherwise Robbie Mook, John Podesta and the rest of dem campaign mutants at table 9 would have some serious 'splainin' to do!
Carry on!
Chuck: "Drago; NO ONE had mentioned any boy on this blog today, by name or not, until you did. You did, at 6:36 pm, Blog Time. You brought it up. You, alone. There is only one person to blame for initiating the topic today. That person is you"
I'll take that as another failure by you to address your previous actions.
The FBI says it's bullshit, Inga, but hey, I understand all your eggs are in that basket.
Original Mike: "The FBI says it's bullshit, Inga, but hey, I understand all your eggs are in that basket"
"Nuh uh!"
The lefties also have the 25th Amendment!!
Or better yet, Sally Kohn's (patent pending) underwear gnome strategy to get Hillary back onto the throne!!
Not exactly OM. The FBI supposedly said that the meetings with Russian Intelligence was bogus, but that may not be true either. Members of the Trump campaign staff have been reported to have met with Russians during the campaign, by many news outlets now, plus it's being investigated by at least 6 Federal agencies. It's premature to dismiss it as nothing.
Oh, so we're supposed to start every Althouse day with a mind wipe?
We're supposed to forget the other discussions?
Start clean?
I'm going to need binoculars for those goalposts.
Unknown: "Not exactly OM. The FBI supposedly said that the meetings with Russian Intelligence was bogus, but that may not be true either"
What a maroon!
Keep Hope Alive baby!
I guess Trump rejected my suggestion to turn the WaPo, CNN, and NYT HQs into refugee and deportation centers. For now.
Your daily behavior toward Chuck is moronic, hold up the mirror before insulting others.
Actually Drago, your behavior in general is moronic, come to think of it. What is your excuse?
There is nothing in the first amendment nor in the long history of American journalism that confers on media a right of privileged access. They are corporate organizations run by those with economic and careerist self-inters who are pursuing their own interests each day at work--not elected or appointed, not more moral or more disinterested than anyone else.
Their sanctimony about their special privileges is nothing but entitlement dressed up in moral preening and pretension.
There is nothing in the first amendment nor in the long history of American journalism that confers on media a right of privileged access. They are corporate organizations run by those with economic and careerist self-inters who are pursuing their own interests each day at work--not elected or appointed, not more moral or more disinterested than anyone else.
Their sanctimony about their special privileges is nothing but entitlement dressed up in moral preening and pretension.
Well lets just at you are an all too trusting soul, ned price, career CIA turned out to be a political appatchik serving as rhodes, as was his deputy Humana Ahmed, now they as well as colonel deare have outed themselves as likely leakers
The names of these Russian officials who were in contact with the campaign, a real life example Paul kengor discovered that Ted Kennedy used gene tunney's some as a liaison to andropov.
I am stone cold sober and this thread is hilarious!
Thanks for the giggles!
"Members of the Trump campaign staff have been reported to have met with Russians during the campaign..."
John Podesta was reported to have met with aliens, but I don't think they influenced our election.
Aliens as in ET.
Plus Original Mike, Trump and his administration are trying awfully hard to keep this story out of the news. They've gone so far as to try to get the FBI and the ranking members of the investigating House and Senate Intelligence Committees to minimize this investigation and tell the media it's nothing serious. If there was nothing to this story, Trump wouldn't be asking the FBI and others to bury the story.
The Kennedy administration as fat back as the Vienna summit was meeting with a gru officer, bolshakov who was relaying info back and firth with kruschev
Chuck calls so much attention to himself that everyone seems to have missed the joke that Michael K. was referring to halfway through this thread.
Please allow me to tell my version and lighten the load we bear from angry trolls:
Henry Kissinger was dancing with Barbara Walters at a White House Correspondents Dinner. They were enjoying each others company when Dr. Kissinger quietly asked, "Barbara, would you sleep with me tonight for a million dollars?'
Ms. Walters batted her eyes, looking mightily pleased and said, "Of course, Mr. Secretary. I would be flattered"
Kissinger then required, "Will you sleep with me for a dollar?"
Indignantly, Ms. Walters threw up her hands and angrily responded, "What do you think I am sir - a whore?'
Kissinger calmly responded, "Madame, we have already established that fact. We are simply dickering over the price."
If the times were clever, they could allude to the officers png'd back in December, but then they'd to come up with a coverstory of how they know this.
Several times. Baraka had a private get-together with exclusively LEFT mags, blogs and newspapers.
Response to this outrage?
"Obama’s private briefings for liberal members of the media, which excluded conservatives, were well-documented. A few:
December 2012: Several journalists reported that MSNBC hosts were meeting privately with President Obama to discuss the impending “fiscal cliff” fight.
May 2013: NPR’s Ari Shapiro reported that President Obama was meeting privately with “lefty columnists,” but hastened to add that there was “nothing nefarious” about it.
November 2013: President Obama met again with liberal journalists, as Obamacare struggled with the failure of and other problems.
March 2015: Politico’s media reporter, Hadas Gold, reported that “a group of journalists and columnists,” all on the left, met privately with President Obama, but the White House refused to say “who else was at the meeting or what was discussed.”
Outrage at the press's astounding bias against Trump was one of the reasons I voted for Trump. I remember in particular the blatant lie that "Trump invites Russians to hack Hillary's server." Shocked when I read that headline at CNN, I watched the video of Trump's press conference where he supposedly said that. The first thing he said on that topic was that he thought the Russians already had everything on her illegal private server. A few minutes later, he said, "I hope they can find the 30,000 emails." How in the hell was that calling for Russia to hack Hillary's server, which by then was in the FBI's possession? Breathtakingly dishonest. And I agree with a lot that has been said in this thread that it's not the end of the world for these 3 news organizations to be excluded from this gaggle (if that is what happened), particularly where there was a pool reporter.
Having said all that, I would prefer he avoid dust-ups like this. Sure, call out the media when they peddle fake news, like the MLK bust hit job. But I would prefer he not go out of his way to create these kerfuffles. Get out your message: "I am here working hard for the American people to [insert policy here -- repeal Obamacare and replace it with a free market alternative, lower taxes, reform the tax code, reduce the regulatory burden on businesses, destroy ISIS, stop illegal immigration, improve vetting of immigrants, etc]"
So the story of the three Pakistani house intelligence staffers, whose clearances were suspended for a whole host of reason, including it now turns out a hezbollah connected Iraqi fugitive from justice, now that's a spicy meatball.
Mark Twain posed a solution to Inga and her fellow trolls that we may be wise to heed:
"Never argue with stupid people. There drag you down to their level and defeat you with experience."
There = they.
"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast. ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them. under their feet..."
Matthew 7:6
Blogger Francisco D said...
"There = they.
LOL! Stupid people indeed.
Peter Irons correctly reminds us that the MSM are private corporations with their own self-interests. Most of them are connected to the entertainment industry. Why is this seldom mentioned? Why have they so long been sacrosanct?
The times did get around the mentioning the gitmo story of Al harith going boom in mosul, but with enough caveats to miss the point. Leaving out these were dangerous individuals who were freed given British tax payers cash and on at least one occasion, reappeared as enemy combatants.
"If there was nothing to this story, Trump wouldn't be asking the FBI and others to bury the story."
A few weeks before the election, the Times wrote a lengthy story on the supposed involvement of the Russians in the election:
The most serious part of the F.B.I.’s investigation has focused on the computer hacks that the Obama administration now formally blames on Russia. That investigation also involves numerous officials from the intelligence agencies. Investigators, the officials said, have become increasingly confident, based on the evidence they have uncovered, that Russia’s direct goal is not to support the election of Mr. Trump, as many Democrats have asserted, but rather to disrupt the integrity of the political system and undermine America’s standing in the world more broadly.
There verdict? There was nothing to it. But that was when they thought there gal would win handily. Uh-oh! She lost!
Amazing how all the evidence of Russian's aiding Trump was completely invisible until after the election, isn't it?
Do i have to bring up, they are relying onnthe dubious crowdstrike report, which didn't even firmly identify the software as Ukrainian origin and now in many private hands?
Narciso: Here's an other article regarding that issue. Here is says there were four Pakistanis involved.
Media Ignores Firing of Pakistanis for Accessing Sensitive Documents
The more details come out the more innocuous this turns out to be. Its not the direct snub I was hoping for but more like the practicalities of jambing reporters into a room. This makes the presses bleating all the more pathetic.
There's one reporter rukasiak for the daily caller, that is diligently folleing the story. Now the irony the figure involved Dr. Ali attar was once loosely tied to bush administration dealings in Iraq, but he was recently in hezbollah redoubt, Beirut.
The FBI supposedly said that the meetings with Russian Intelligence was bogus, but that may not be true either.
Please ! Inga, keep pushing this fake narrative !
The left seems unable to come to terms with the fact that they lost the election to the hated Trump.
Violating the first rule of holes, they are about to elect Keith X Mohammad/Ellison as DNC chair.,
With Trump, the GOP has lucked into a media expert who seems to be willing to solve a lot of national problems for reasons that are probably related to his desire for redemption and national gratitude.
Unlike the Clintons, for example, he seems to have no desire to make a fortune from"public service" as most politicians do.
We have a unique situation in American history here. Are we dealing with a member of the Society of the Cincinnati here or is he planning to cash out somehow. ?
I don't see how.
Maybe Inga can explain.
There has been no "verdict" yet. The House is investigating also, besides the FBI,CIA and a couple of other agencies. Why are you people so poorly informed? Why do you think Trump is trying to keep this from being reported on?
"A Senate Intelligence Committee investigation of Russia’s effort to influence last year’s U.S. election is shaping up as an unexpectedly bipartisan effort that could take months to complete as it explores the most significant controversy shadowing the new Trump administration.
The investigation, which will involve scouring highly classified material, is still in its early stages, but Republicans are so far joining Democrats on the panel in pledging to conduct it in a serious manner.
The committee will examine the extent of contacts that President Donald Trump’s associates had with Russian officials before and after the Nov. 8 vote. In particular, it plans to look into conversations that Michael Flynn, who was ousted last week as Trump’s national security adviser, had with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.
Negotiations are under way with spy agencies including the CIA over how much access committee aides will get to highly classified material, according to U.S. intelligence officials. It’s not unusual for the agencies and committees to work out approval for aides to review material that’s classified beyond their normal security clearance levels, as well as what material they can have access to."
FD: "Please allow me to tell my version..."
Kissinger = Churchill in real life.
But let's keep Barbara W.
Nice twist!
Yes we already know this conversations were perfectly in line, otherwise general Lynn would be facing arraignment hearings about now.
There is nothing worse than a stuck pig squealing, except the press.
"Maybe Inga can explain."
Maybe Inga thinks you're an idiot.
"Extremely important intelligence documents have been accessed by four Muslim IT specialists working the Democrat members of Congress on their congressional computers. There are concerns that information was funneled to an external server."
What is it with Democrats, intelligence, and computers?
This is the most recent findings
As per the times, the post, the journal and USA today this story is not happening.
And then there is the problem of the real Trump and not Inga's imagination,
What the press has largely ignored about Trump’s latest pronouncement is an obvious truth that undermines its own narrative: someone who was safely in Vladimir Putin’s pocket wouldn’t run around saying things like this. While liberal America may have forgotten recent history, Russia certainly hasn’t: provoking a nuclear arms race with an outclassed, economically weak Soviet Union was Ronald Reagan’s winning strategy in the 1980s. Tech and wealth are two key American advantages over Russia now as they were over the Soviet Union then; Trump’s message here is that he intends to follow in Reagan’s footsteps to use these strengths to advance American power, with the inevitable result of marginalizing one of Russia’s primary sources of power and prestige. Putin’s ramshackle Russia is no more capable of matching an American nuclear buildup than Brezhnev’s sclerotic Soviet Union could keep up with the United States—and Putin knows it.
The left risks becoming irrelevant next year. Keep it up, Inga.
"Maybe Inga can explain."
Maybe Inga thinks you're an idiot.
And then again, maybe Inga is an idiot. Unicorns and rainbows.
>Blogger narciso said...
>The Kennedy administration as fat back as the Vienna summit was meeting with a gru officer,
As a Southerner, I really had to take a second glance at that sentence to clear the cognitive dissonance..
"The committee will examine the extent of contacts that President Donald Trump’s associates had with Russian officials before and after the Nov. 8 vote. In particular, it plans to look into conversations that Michael Flynn, who was ousted last week as Trump’s national security adviser, had with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition."
In particular, it plans to look into a story we already know is a nothingburger?
And then again maybe Michael is a common Troll, you know hairy and warty.
One important bit of metainformation is that the Russians, like everyone else not in the Trump campaign (plus Hannity and a few others), thought Hillary would win. Given that the US has been painting Putin and his pals as kleptocrats, the Russian goal was likely to color Hillary and associates with that brush. This was made exceptionally easy because of Hillary's cynical and corrupt mixing of US and Clinton Global Initiative interests, and her willingness to compromise US security in order to keep her emails out of the reach of FOIA requests.
The people who aided and abetted the Russians' palns were the Democrats, including the sainted Bernie Sanders, who claimed that her private email server was no big deal.
Hey, you got to keep a server's OS and software up to date to keep it secure. Anyone know how far behind on updates Hillary's basement server was?
OM, but you don't "know" anything of the sort.
There is no information that anything untoward happened, Inga. None.
Chuck said: Just where do you step off, Bob, with that kind of crap?
I'm just reading what you wrote. When you say Althouse "ought to be horrified" are you not telling her what to think? I sometimes wonder if you read what you write.
OM, you don't know that. Are you privy to the confidential info that is being viewed by the investigators? It's far too soon to declare there is nothing to these investigations. You're wishcasting.
There is no information that anything untoward happened, Inga. None.
She and her fellow travelers have been doing this for months, and they're going to have the same effect they had before the election without some actual proof.
Yes autocorrect doesn't prevent typos another story left out is the real nature of the Yemen story:
Which is still more informative then that dhs document, which is the next squirrel.
"One White House official with knowledge of the conversations told me that the Russian ambassador raised the sanctions to Flynn and that Flynn responded that the Trump team would be taking office in a few weeks and would review Russia policy and sanctions. That's neither illegal nor improper."
We shall see, won't we?
"You're wishcasting."
Listen to you.
"Never interfere with an enemy that is making a mistake. "
Unknown:"There has been no "verdict" yet."
Oh yes there has. Which is why it's the "death of a thousand leaks" where all the "leaks" are simply repeating the same thing over and over again with the only changes being the date issued and the headlines.
Not to worry. There are a lot of "creative" folks on the left and with the Democrats with Bylines on their side, once this latest hilariously false Russian nonsense is dispensed with the lefties will move seamlessly to the next one.
It's quite literally all they have going for them right now.
Unknown: "We shall see, won't we?"
We already have.
Goose egg.
Can't wait for the next one.
Oh yes there has. Which is why it's the "death of a thousand leaks" where all the "leaks" are simply repeating the same thing over and over again with the only changes being the date issued and the headlines.
That does bring up a serious issue though. Trump has to flush out all the old Obama people if he wants to have any hope of a bureaucracy that acts in the country's interests.
The context of this latest kerfluffle
At least three have outed themselves deare, price, Ahmed the last two reported to Ben rhodes oh sally Yates, but we already knew that
Bob Loblaw: "That does bring up a serious issue though. Trump has to flush out all the old Obama people if he wants to have any hope of a bureaucracy that acts in the country's interests"
True, but there are plenty that Obama moved into permanent "non political" positions.
Those roles will require "redeployment" to move them into a corner.
I'm sure there is a plan for that but lets face it, Trump's team has not yet marshalled all its forces to perform that task.
There are ways around it in the interim but even those tactics will not stop activities like we saw earlier today out of the DHS where some Obama-ite generates a "report" (which is nothing more than 1 persons input cribbed from open sources by the 1 Obama-ite on DHS letterhead) which is then immediately leaked to the Dems with bylines in the MSM.
These "reports" invariably are hyped as "Something That Is Very Important and Wrong That Trump Is About To do"!
This "News from nowhere" is never going to stop.
"Why is Trump attacking the Press besides being butthurt about the reporting that is unflattering to him? Could it be that he and his administration are setting up a narrative of a completely untrustworthy "enemy" Press so that when the shit hits the fan regarding the Trump/Russia investigation conclusions, he can claim fake news, or that the Press is smearing him unfairly? Things must be getting very hot for him regarding these investigations, because Trump's attacks on the media have become almost unhinged."
Yep, nailed it.
Hey! Unknown#98.
Get a name.
You're embarrassing the legitimate Unknowns.
Maybe "The Mad Pussyhatter"
Sounds pretentious, like Pedro's stupid names.
I still think you two would make a fabulous couple!
#98 is the new #51.
Come on! I'm sure you can squeeze another one out!
Just for Yemen one can mention the lackawanna ring, awlaki, the underwear bomber including two other aviation based plots, in uncovered by an asset btennan burned, a once in a lifetime look into Sq's lead affiliate, Afghanistan besides Orlando and the Chelsea bomber, there's the zazi plot against the path train, Somalia well there's Ohio state, just recentkt
Chuck: "It doesn't take my complaints, to realize that most of this is bullshit because Trump -- or Bannon, or Spicer -- picks on elements of the media depending on his daily mood(s)."
How is it possible for you to know this? This is just confirmation bias.
He's a "Floating, Invisible Dick With Ears" on the wall.
Kinda like a fly, but dirtier.
The press has been in a state of chaos since Water Closet broke -- or was it the Nigerian Phishing Expedition -- and exposed the special and peculiar interests, foreign and domestic, that influence DNC politics.
You would think JournoLists were busy covering the trail of tears from Libya to Syria to Ukraine and globally caused by Obama waging social justice (e.g. elective regimes changes, extrajudicial trials) that has been a first-order cause of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform (CAIR).
Perhaps not. They seem more interested in promoting Liberals' anti-nativism agenda, abortion rites and Planned Parenthood, and transgender homosexual and crossover conversion therapy targeting prepubescent and adolescent children.
A floater .
It is nice to see such solicitude for CNN and the NYT. These are not just for-profit companies owned by billionaires, they are a sacrosanct part of the constitutional order. The divine right of huge corporations is under threat from a mere elected official.
I think it likely that dozens or even hundreds of people/organizations are excluded from such briefings who apply to attend. I don't think the NYTimes, CNN, or Politico have any actual right being violated here, and a history of what can well be described as an unwarranted privilege over others.
or, a link
LOL, Inga throws her turds and spitballs at us and calls them "pearls."
No, sweetie, everyone but you knows you're Madame Dumkopf.
The Out, Loud and Proud, Dung Beetles, are going to file a lawsuit!
Trademark Infringement!
Return to sender.
Where was all this outrage when the former administration used to hold SECRET get togethers????
I also do not remember the outrage when the previous administration SPYED on a journalist and his family....
This is all fake news to get the left all wee-wee'd up!! (it doesn't take much~!!)
So, is this the fall of democracy or something?
2 things:
1. Fuck the NYT.
2. What, exactly, is being lost here?
Certain news organizations are being treated with the contempt they deserve. More of this needs to follow.
mockturtle said...
Unknown complains: Drago, Fabi and Birkel are the three who most often engage in this odd daily attack on Chuck, there may be others I can't recall now. It's high time they stopped. It does nothing to enhance the experience of Althouse readers and commenters.
Attacking Chuck is one of our favorite pastimes here. And I rather suspect Chuck enjoys it, too, as he seems to deliberately provoke it. At least Chuck is a genuine contributor here and not just a troll. Give him credit that you don't deserve.
He's boring.
How'd you like to be stuck at a perty with Chuck?
After about five minutes you'd be looking for a stong branch to throw a rope over.
How'd you like to be stuck at a perty with Chuck? Rusty inquires.
I'm trying to imagine Chuck being invited to a party.
hombre said...
Chuck: "It doesn't take my complaints, to realize that most of this is bullshit because Trump -- or Bannon, or Spicer -- picks on elements of the media depending on his daily mood(s)."
How is it possible for you to know this? This is just confirmation bias.
No it is based on a couple of objective facts. First, Trump went out of his way, in his CPAC speech, to claim that he was not opposed to the media in general*, and that people should pay more attention to the fact that he had a little list of media offenders who never would be missed. Let's quote Trump's Tweet: "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!"
But that doesn't even conform to the list of news outlets barred from the gaggle in Spicer's office. Spicer shunned the NY Times, the LA Times and CNN. Spicer let some of "the enemies of the American people" in: NBC, ABC,CBS. Spicer also allowed in the Wall Street Journal, which had been the subject of a Trump attack last week, and Spicer also allowed in the Washington Post, which had published a story that Trump's CPAC speech singled out for particular criticism.
So you see, there's no real method to this madness. The Trump Administration vacillates between lauding with strange praise (i.e., Trump calling the New York Times a great American "jewel" late last year), before now turning on them whenever he is displeased (now referring to the earlier "jewel" as "the failing NY Times").
*That Trump would ever be a staunch defender of First Amendment press freedoms is a bad joke. Trump has a worse history of nuisance libel litigation, frivolous litigation threats against journalists, more reckless statements about changing libel laws to facilitate more litigation, and more laughable statements about "anonymous sources." From the guy who has not only been USING anonymously-sourced claims (Obama birth certificate), but who once appeared as his own anonymous source in the person of one "John Baron."
Oso Negro yesterday afternoon, I hadn't seen that O'Sullivan review of Bitter Harvest; thanks! Looking about the Internet briefly, it seems to me that most of the quarreling between historians is over whether the Genocide™ term is used 'correctly', there not being any question that millions of Ukrainians died because of the political decisions of Stalin et al.
On NPR this morning it was claimed that the LA Times was also excluded.
ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Reuters and Bloomberg were all included so it can't be said that the MSM were banned.
from Urban Dictionary - TOP DEFINITION (of gaggle )
gaggle-a group, preferably of bitches, more than 5. NBA Star Dikembe Mutombo always travels with a gaggle of bitches. by Moz April 21, 2005
gaggle-A group. Mostly pertaining to animals. A gaggle of geese flew by.
by Joey The Hobo December 21, 2004
gaggle- The act of making a female laugh while giving a blow job, thereby causing here to giggle and gag. I raised my eyebrows when she swallowed the whole length and my expression made her gaggle. #blowjob #giggle #blumkin #chortle #fellatio
If the same press had any integrity, wouldn't they refuse to attend the political theater that are press briefings? Wouldn't they refuse to have offices in the white house?
Incidentally, why the hell haven't the same whiners done actual reporting on immigrant violence in Europe? We know it's worse than what the apologists say, but is it really as bad as the other side claims?
Still not bored with winning!
I kinda like the idea of "redistributive justice" in relation to who gets into media gaggles or press pools
- or whatever it was that someone got into but someone else didn't (remember high school?)
-or else the whole is fake news
And will it still matter by the time someone sorts it out? New Althouse poll: Which is Trump:
Delusional billionaire
Hillary puppet
Putin puppet
Hitler Unhinged
Nixon Unhinged
Unhinged General Enemy of All That Is
The Flower of Scotland
["Oh Flower of Scotland/ When will see your like again/That stood against proud Clinton's power/And sent her home to think again]
Like to watch "Inga and the Unknowns" trying to end pushback against hardworking "lifelong Republican" (who is perhaps an Isengard troll, not a Mordor troll but so what, how different were they in the end?). The "poor little Chuckie" theme is so inappropriate. My personal name for Chuck is Rabid Wolverine. And if Chuck posts the most offensive things he can think of in the most involved way he can find, Chuck expects pushback.
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