Only two more, and Trump's transition will be as chaotic as Obama's. Haha.
Well, let's count Gen. Flynn as 1.5 -- he was actually in, and then dropped out. Even though he's not a cabinet officer requiring confirmation, his position is a lot more important than all the lower-level nominees Obama named and then had to withdraw. So let's say 1 more and Trump will break Obama's record.
"The groundswell of opposition had led several Republicans to waver in their support for Mr. Puzder ahead of his confirmation hearing on Thursday morning."
In this Senate, there are no scalps claimed by the Democrats, only those claimed by Republicans.
That they quote any Democratic Senators as to why the guy wasn't confirmed (cough, Bernie Sanders) is fake journalism.
Trumpy now needs to find someone even more hardcore to replace Puzder. Then he needs to fire Comey and have AG Sessions go after the Obama saboteurs, criminal and traitors. Eventually all of the schmutz will point back to Hillary Clinton and Obama.
Wonderful news. Puzder was a godawful choice. He was an enthusiastic supporter for importing cheap labor to undercut the wages of American citizens. That may be beneficial to Carl, Jr.'s bottom line, but it's godawful for the American worker.
It is sad to see wobbly republicans. You would think they would have more backbone in the face of a monolith democrat party filibuster. But nope. They stupid.
The guy never had a chance. It's the name. Puzder. It's a fucked up name, weird, awkward, the d and the z are ass- backwards, and it sounds like a category of pervert, as in, "Dude was a frickin' puzder is what he was. The guy must have puzd half the people who work here before they caught him and made him stop. Yuck!" Just sayin'.
"The groundswell of opposition had led several Republicans to waver in their support for Mr. Puzder ahead of his confirmation hearing on Thursday morning."
This pussy GOPe. They are still under the illusion that they won their seats in spite of Trump. If they succeed in bringing him down, I will do all I can to un-elect every GOP candidate in the midterm 2018 election.
The story you definitely won't hear (unless you follow Ann Coulter on twitter) is that his nomination was canned by Republicans. Because of his desire to replace citizens with immigrant labor.
Blogger mockturtle said... "The groundswell of opposition had led several Republicans to waver in their support for Mr. Puzder ahead of his confirmation hearing on Thursday morning."
This pussy GOPe. They are still under the illusion that they won their seats in spite of Trump. If they succeed in bringing him down, I will do all I can to un-elect every GOP candidate in the midterm 2018 election.
You need to look deeper into this story. He was opposed by many in the base for his weak stance on immigration.
It seems odd for a President whose signature issue was his opposition to illegal immigration as well as replacing American workers with foreign workers to nominate a labor secretary who seemed to be in favor of both.
He was an open borders, cheap labor, union hating, billionaire. That doesn't leave much of support base. The Democrats hated him. So they only had to get 3 squishy RINO's to vote against him.
Why did he support Trump since he was an open borders fanatic? For some reason he did, so Trump repaid the favor.
Look, the Dems have lost the House, Senate, Presidency, Governorships, and State Legislatures. Soon, they will lose the Supreme Court.
Will the midterms save them in 2018? Not with 23 Senate Dems to defend.
They are out for a few meaningless scalps. They got Flynn (which is a shame) and now Putzer (which nobody cares about). They might get a few more. Not a big deal though.
It seems odd for a President whose signature issue was his opposition to illegal immigration as well as replacing American workers with foreign workers to nominate a labor secretary who seemed to be in favor of both.
I think it's fine to bring in someone with a strong business background as labor secretary but picking someone from the fast food industry was always going to be a tough sell because of the stigma attached to "McJobs."
This pussy GOPe. They are still under the illusion that they won their seats in spite of Trump.
Many of them won their (re)elections with a higher percentage of the vote in their district/state than Mr. Trump did so if they think that they won "in spite of Trump" they may have good reason for thinking that. Regardless, the fault for this belongs to the guy who nominated someone for a controversial post who (a) was at odds with the President's signature issue that related directly to the job of Labor Secretary and (b) had an illegal nanny and tax issues related to the same (which has sunk more than a few qualified nominations in my lifetime).
This weakness just feeds the beast. The unions are all high fiving. They will never support a Republican. They need to be taken down.
This has nothing to do with unions. Yes the opposition party is going to oppose Puzder. No surprise there. He is withdrawing because of the criticism he is getting from the right.
"It seems odd for a President whose signature issue was his opposition to illegal immigration as well as replacing American workers with foreign workers to nominate a labor secretary who seemed to be in favor of both."
It's not hard to understand. Trump has no principles at all. He spoke of draining the swamp, yet filled his cabinet with Wall Street billionaires.
In 1979, one of the most effective arguments the GOP had against President Jimmy Carter was that he appeared to be floundering and ineffective and incompetent in his job. Polls showed that even many Democrats agreed that "Carter can't handle the job."
At the rate Trump is going, it won't take three years for Americans to reach that same conclusion about him: Trump can't handle the job. If the Trump Administration can't get its act together by the summer, the public will wash its hands of him like Carter.
This has nothing to do with unions. Yes the opposition party is going to oppose Puzder. No surprise there. He is withdrawing because of the criticism he is getting from the right.
If you mean GOPe squishes, I agree. The unions were in full cry and that is what scared the wimps.
The ex-wife stuff gave us President Obama so there is that.
I would suggest a guy who builds the robots for McDonalds.
That would be great theater. Trump has to double down. Just like Las Vegas.
Trumpy now needs to find someone even more hardcore to replace Puzder. Then he needs to fire Comey and have AG Sessions go after the Obama saboteurs, criminal and traitors. Eventually all of the schmutz will point back to Hillary Clinton and Obama.
I would like to see that. And I'd also like to see an honest and complete investigation of the Clinton Global Initiative, who donated, and what Hillary did as a result.
After the election, I take even Gallup with a truckload of salt, but for what it's worth: 62% of Americans say Trump keeps his promises, 59% believe he is a strong and decisive leader and 53% think he can "bring about the changes this country needs."
Yes, he has high negatives as well. Guess what? You can believe he's going to be a strong and decisive leader and is going to bring about positive changes without necessarily liking him.
And that's after months and months of nonstop negative press. I suspect increasing numbers of Americans are just tuning it all out while the libs engage in their delusional circle jerk.
You know what words are never applied to Jimmah Peanut? "A strong and decisive leader."
I would suggest a guy who builds the robots for McDonalds.
Geez man. What's up with you and McDonalds? It's like a goddamn obsession of yours.
Did you find one of your patients' excised tissue in under the bun, one time, next to a pickle? Did you mistakenly insert ground beef into an open body cavity?
Did you have nightmares when they got an outsourced Indian telemedicine portal and/or robot to do one of your procedures?
Priebus and Spicer should be near the top, since Establishment, business-as-usual types that they are, probably are the ones who thought it a good idea for Flynn to go "because he was becoming a distraction," which as I said is Establishment, business-as-usual way of thinking, but as usual has blown up in their faces.
But even more than that, there are a few hundred in the Administration who not only need to be next, they need to go to prison. These are the dark state, shadow government, Obama holdovers and radical progressive careerists who are conspiring and undermining and committing sabotage and sedition to effectively overthrow the lawful and legitimate government of the United States.
...for what it's worth: 62% of Americans say Trump keeps his promises, 59% believe he is a strong and decisive leader and 53% think he can "bring about the changes this country needs."
For what it's worth, those are the sort of questions Stalin or Mao could have aced, easily.
Do not doubt it -- if this were the Third World or the 19th century, these folks would have instigated violent insurrection by now (like they did in 1861).
Mnunchin is not a billionaire, though he is a banker.
Was he the Goldman Sachs guy, or was it one of the other appointments?
Either way, it's fun watching him fill this swamp with all the ilk he promised to avoid like the plaque during his campaign. I guess that's one promise he not only didn't keep, but outright lied about.
But he seems to like to make picks that are not unlike himself, in the dishonesty department. This cabinet of confabulators is shaping up to be a pretty interesting one, from a special interests standpoint.
If you think that the media is going to do to Trump what it did to Bork and Nixon back in that day when people believed in the mainstream media and there were no blogs or talk radio to counter it, then you didn't follow the election. If you think Trump has to win every round every day and be accounted winner by the media, then you didn't follow the election.
In 2016 the media was persuaded right up till nine o'clock election night that Hillary was ahead. They thought they had created an echo chamber in which the citizens heard only what the media deemed important. Turned out the media itself was in the echo chamber and most of its members haven't left it yet.
Trump caught a break with Flynn, who was a loose cannon just waiting to explode. A few days trouble versus a ruined presidency if he had become entrenched. Pudzer was also a dud politically. Letting DeVos go down would have also have been to his long term benefit, but it is a relatively unimportant position from which she can't do much damage.
The idiot Republican Establishment may not have, but most of the rest of the country have caught on to the Pravda media. Nothing that they "report" can be trusted and more and more people are not trusting it, even though fellow travelers might jump on it.
I think Pudzer probably understood the part of the labor issue that involves part-time workers and illegal immigrants. Part-time work in the service industry is a growing part of the labor force and many part-timers are illegal as well. These are two important pieces of the problem and Pudzer probably would have done something for those people and their special problems which is why he was chosen.
Of course, the Democrats never even asked how he saw the issues, just did some oppo research and went with it. The "research" seems questionable anyhow after a few days exposure to the light of day. But publishing smears based on fake-clickbait is the way they are in the mainstream today. And we will remember the way they are.
Mark: The idiot Republican Establishment may not have, but most of the rest of the country have caught on to the Pravda media. Nothing that they "report" can be trusted and more and more people are not trusting it, even though fellow travelers might jump on it.
I should be taking screen-shots of my newsfeed headlines every morning, to save and show to my grandchildren: "This is what it looks like when the PTBs and their lackeys feel threatened and begin losing their minds".
Really? Then why was it you who rallied behind his: 1) Implacability, 2) Strength and decisiveness, and 3) transformative potential?
Because those are the very Stalinesque qualities that you apparently admire in him. Not me.
What a weak retort. You know you've got an unhinged delusional maniac on your hands (who makes you "cringe) and you're doing your best to play that down. Save your country first. Saving face on this one will take a lot longer.
Since plutocrats the world over are substantially on the left, once again this faux concern from the frauds on the left about Trump's nominees' wealth is totally fake.
Yeah, we've caught on to you too. And it would not be all that bad if you weren't so utterly dull and boring.
In his bid to build a staff of “the greatest people, the most incredible people,” Trump has nominated, in the main, plutocrats and those who hold their interests closest to heart.
The link didn't work, but I know the article. Yes, many of them are wealthy. That is not the same thing as "Wall Street billionaires."
Yeah, we've caught on to you too. And it would not be all that bad if you weren't so utterly dull and boring.
You got that, liberals and other normal people? Mark wants you to entertain him! He's LOSING it! Get on it! He's boring himself and needs some drama, pronto! Trump's shenanigans and the most chaotic cabinet in history aren't giving him enough of the drama he needs! He's about to fall asleep already, god dammit!
Mark said... Since plutocrats the world over are substantially on the left, once again this faux concern from the frauds on the left about Trump's nominees' wealth is totally fake."
Yep. Castro was a billionaire.
And I never read that Stalin or Mao were interested in ridding the government of corruption, which is what "draining the swamp" means. The left doesn't want the swamp drained, because it lives there. The left has no problem whatsoever with unelected bureaucrats running an unaccountable super-state. That how the left rules.
"Since plutocrats the world over are substantially on the left...."
Another ridiculous assertion that serves to reiterate the self-serving fable that substantially all evil, of every type, all the time, is perpetrated largely by those on "the left," and conversely, by definition, those on the right are too virtuous and high-minded ever to do anything "really wrong."
But then, a milquetoast centrist Democrat like Obama--a better friend to the corporate plutocrats who are raping the world could not be found--is characterized as "hard left," a "socialist," a "commie" by what used to be considered the right-wing lunatic fringe but who are now the right-wing lunatic majority. So, perhaps by your (and their) distorted perspective anyone not to the right of Barry Goldwater is a "hard leftist." But that just reveals your derangement.
Fanaticism is a stranger to no philosophy or ideology, and dangerous zealots are found on the left and right and in-between...just as are sober-minded, reflective people who mean well and try to do their best according to their understanding of the world.
Another ridiculous assertion that serves to reiterate the self-serving fable that substantially all evil, of every type, all the time, is perpetrated largely by those on "the left," and conversely, by definition, those on the right are too virtuous and high-minded ever to do anything "really wrong."
I honestly have no definition for how the right defines itself these days, other than "self-righteous". They literally are fixated with and drunk with power and think that they do no wrong. By definition. No matter how much evidence you show them. It's all just a name-calling exercise to them, at this point. Nothing else.
Former grill cook, Tom Smykowski, from the original Phoenix McDonald’s location before it was shutdown for robot repairs and upgrades, is still mad about losing his job.
“You know there are people in this world who don’t have to put up with all this?”
And I never read that Stalin or Mao were interested in ridding the government of corruption, which is what "draining the swamp" means.
I read that Trump was interested in it, and then he changed his tune entirely once in office. What's his cabinet rule on interacting with lobbyists?
The left doesn't want the swamp drained, because it lives there.
The left's riches tend to be with new, innovative industries that grow prodigiously and have the potential to grow much further. Truly disruptive technologies.
The right just likes enriching and further empowering the industrial empires of yesterday. Usually by removing all liability for them when it comes to their significant negative externalities. And by helping with barriers to entry.
Right. This is what we need for a Secretary of Labor. A way to not only obviate getting one's hands dirty, but using them to prepare things for others. Remove all organic interaction between people - preferably when it comes to some of the most joyous labors of love. Fuck. Even Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver chop their own fucking onions. What would they know! Stupid entrepreneurs!
Didn't consider him a good choice in the first place. I want the labor secretary to be a right-to-work guy but I don't want him to be a cheap-foreign-labor-right-to-work guy.
I want the labor secretary to be a right-to-work guy but I don't want him to be a cheap-foreign-labor-right-to-work guy.
So just a right-to-work-as-a-free-rider-off-of-the-labor-movement's-protections guy, then. Not a right-to-work-due-to-artifical-barriers-to-competition guy.
SukieTawdry said... Didn't consider him a good choice in the first place. I want the labor secretary to be a right-to-work guy but I don't want him to be a cheap-foreign-labor-right-to-work guy.
Don't these come as a package? All the different ways of weakening the power of labor are all fundamentally anti-family. Why pick and choose?
So just a right-to-work-as-a-free-rider-off-of-the-labor-movement's-protections guy, then. Not a right-to-work-due-to-artifical-barriers-to-competition guy.
Seems reasonable.
Borders are no more artificial than property lines.The right you have to keep people out of your home is the same right countries have to keep people out.
ARM: Don't these come as a package? All the different ways of weakening the power of labor are all fundamentally anti-family. Why pick and choose?
No. All power corrupts. There is nothing inherently "bad" and corrupt about either "labor" or "capital". There is no permanent political solution here, only an endless effort to keep a balance between both. (That's why ideologues of any stripe are idiots. And why any "conservatism" that isn't post-war neoliberal neo-connery/glibertarianism recognizes that. That's why contemporary American "true conservatism" is nothing of the sort.)
So Sukie Tawdry's dichotomy, applied to the contemporary political landscape, makes perfect sense.
Just for fun let's think about the role McConnell has played in getting Trump's cabinet of relatively controversial nominees confirmed. I think he has done a tremendous job in timing, keeping negative publicity down and keeping his people in line. (Mnuchin was confirmed yesterday, I believe) I would guess that McConnell decided that Puzder was too big a load to carry for the relative unimportance of his position. Sure there are some Obama labor policies that need to be cleaned up, but how do they compare in importance to what happens to Obamacare? So he tells Trump that he's not prepared to go to the mat in this instance. Trump says okay and gets Puzder to withdraw. So the next guy up is a little less hated by the unions, but how long can they fight? Simple inside baseball.
I know very little about Flynn, but am convinced he made a mistake then tried to cover it up. If that's the case we are better off having someone with better judgement.
kehesan0802: Just for fun let's think about the role McConnell has played in getting Trump's cabinet of relatively controversial nominees confirmed. I think he has done a tremendous job in timing, keeping negative publicity down and keeping his people in line. (Mnuchin was confirmed yesterday, I believe) I would guess that McConnell decided that Puzder was too big a load to carry for the relative unimportance of his position.
Exactly. Srsly, people, get some perspective. Mad Dog Mattis. DeVos. Jefferson by God Beauregard Sessions III.
"The left doesn't want the swamp drained, because it lives there. The left has no problem whatsoever with unelected bureaucrats running an unaccountable super-state. That how the left rules."
The Toothless Revolutionary & ARM: The labor movement's protections were codified into law long ago. Unions now are at best redundant and at worst actually harmful (see, for example, the UAW which demanded that unskilled work be compensated at craftsman levels). Public employees unions are a travesty and should be outlawed. It's not the job of the labor secretary to be a union labor protectionist. At least it shouldn't be.
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Only two more, and Trump's transition will be as chaotic as Obama's. Haha.
Well, let's count Gen. Flynn as 1.5 -- he was actually in, and then dropped out. Even though he's not a cabinet officer requiring confirmation, his position is a lot more important than all the lower-level nominees Obama named and then had to withdraw. So let's say 1 more and Trump will break Obama's record.
Puzder is an example why it is a mistake to hire a Spanish-speaking nanny or gardener. Stick to folks who only speak English!
"The groundswell of opposition had led several Republicans to waver in their support for Mr. Puzder ahead of his confirmation hearing on Thursday morning."
In this Senate, there are no scalps claimed by the Democrats, only those claimed by Republicans.
That they quote any Democratic Senators as to why the guy wasn't confirmed (cough, Bernie Sanders) is fake journalism.
Trumpy now needs to find someone even more hardcore to replace Puzder. Then he needs to fire Comey and have AG Sessions go after the Obama saboteurs, criminal and traitors. Eventually all of the schmutz will point back to Hillary Clinton and Obama.
They oppoose him for, among other things, "...supporting automation in the workplace."
Progressives always bring progress!
(I'll have to check the archives to see if a secretary of labor was shot down in the early 1900s for disrespecting harness and buggy manufacturers.)
I fail to see why he dropped out. His wife has said she lied about the abuse. They seem to be on friendly terms.
Is there any evidence other than her recanted statements that it occurred?
This seems like the time to say "Fuck you, I'm not quitting." Both Pudzner for himself and President Trump for his nominee.
John Henry
This seems like the time to say "Fuck you, I'm not quitting." Both Pudzner for himself and President Trump for his nominee.
John Henry
2/15/17, 4:19 PM
I'd heard was also fed up with Bureaucratic nightmare and paperwork needed for his nomination.
Wonderful news. Puzder was a godawful choice. He was an enthusiastic supporter for importing cheap labor to undercut the wages of American citizens. That may be beneficial to Carl, Jr.'s bottom line, but it's godawful for the American worker.
I fail to see why he dropped out.
Simple. There were not enough votes in the Senate to confirm him.
What a loser. I can't believe Trump is selecting people like him.
This is not the greatness he was selling.
I'm glad he's out.
Hey, they got their scalp!
It is sad to see wobbly republicans. You would think they would have more backbone in the face of a monolith democrat party filibuster. But nope. They stupid.
The guy never had a chance. It's the name. Puzder. It's a fucked up name, weird, awkward, the d and the z are ass- backwards, and it sounds like a category of pervert, as in, "Dude was a frickin' puzder is what he was. The guy must have puzd half the people who work here before they caught him and made him stop. Yuck!"
Just sayin'.
"The groundswell of opposition had led several Republicans to waver in their support for Mr. Puzder ahead of his confirmation hearing on Thursday morning."
This pussy GOPe. They are still under the illusion that they won their seats in spite of Trump. If they succeed in bringing him down, I will do all I can to un-elect every GOP candidate in the midterm 2018 election.
Not at all displeased about this.
Trump is picking some of the worst people possible for his cabinet. Who's next? I hope all of them...
I'm not blaming the GOP. This guy was a dead fish, and he stank.
Trump doesn't seem to know how the Senate works. Pence is setting him up to fall. I think Pence is the Mole.
I have to agree with J. Farmer on this one. I thought he was a bad pick for the same reason and I'm not sorry to see him go.
Sunsong, I really hope you have a good therapist for the next 8 years. And I hope you pay them well for putting up with your delusions.
So far, it seems to be a shit show going in the court of King Trump!
It's time for Trump to fight back with a more hardcore choice. You can't appease sharks. Their appetite is insatiable.
The story you definitely won't hear (unless you follow Ann Coulter on twitter) is that his nomination was canned by Republicans. Because of his desire to replace citizens with immigrant labor.
Puzder would have been a great Secretary of Labor. It is America's loss.
Blogger mockturtle said...
"The groundswell of opposition had led several Republicans to waver in their support for Mr. Puzder ahead of his confirmation hearing on Thursday morning."
This pussy GOPe. They are still under the illusion that they won their seats in spite of Trump. If they succeed in bringing him down, I will do all I can to un-elect every GOP candidate in the midterm 2018 election.
You need to look deeper into this story. He was opposed by many in the base for his weak stance on immigration.
It seems odd for a President whose signature issue was his opposition to illegal immigration as well as replacing American workers with foreign workers to nominate a labor secretary who seemed to be in favor of both.
Pruitt is next. He's got a huge target on his back from the enviro-wackos.
Nonetheless, the forces of good can already declare victory and go home with Sessions and DeVos (vouchers to the inner city kids).
I love Dr. Tom Price, too.
I'm not surprised. Who was for him -except Trump?
He was an open borders, cheap labor, union hating, billionaire.
That doesn't leave much of support base. The Democrats hated him. So they only had to get 3 squishy RINO's to vote against him.
Why did he support Trump since he was an open borders fanatic?
For some reason he did, so Trump repaid the favor.
"Pruitt is next."
Pruitt might be different. He's a congressman. If the Senators vote him down, the House of Representatives might not take that too well.
Look, the Dems have lost the House, Senate, Presidency, Governorships, and State Legislatures. Soon, they will lose the Supreme Court.
Will the midterms save them in 2018? Not with 23 Senate Dems to defend.
They are out for a few meaningless scalps. They got Flynn (which is a shame) and now Putzer (which nobody cares about). They might get a few more. Not a big deal though.
This seems like the time to say "Fuck you, I'm not quitting." Both Pudzner for himself and President Trump for his nominee.
This weakness just feeds the beast. The unions are all high fiving. They will never support a Republican. They need to be taken down.
Trump needs to up his game.
Bay Area Guy said...
Pruitt is next. He's got a huge target on his back from the enviro-wackos."
DeVos had a huge target on her back and still got through. Pruitt will make it if none of the Republicans turn squish.
It seems odd for a President whose signature issue was his opposition to illegal immigration as well as replacing American workers with foreign workers to nominate a labor secretary who seemed to be in favor of both.
Yeah, better support the robot guy.
I think it's fine to bring in someone with a strong business background as labor secretary but picking someone from the fast food industry was always going to be a tough sell because of the stigma attached to "McJobs."
"DeVos had a huge target on her back and still got through. Pruitt will make it if none of the Republicans turn squish."
Totally right. I was totally stunned that DeVos made it through. It was like an early Christmas present. At least 50 GOP senators showed some spine.
Pruitt will have as big a target on his back as DeVos.
This pussy GOPe. They are still under the illusion that they won their seats in spite of Trump.
Many of them won their (re)elections with a higher percentage of the vote in their district/state than Mr. Trump did so if they think that they won "in spite of Trump" they may have good reason for thinking that. Regardless, the fault for this belongs to the guy who nominated someone for a controversial post who (a) was at odds with the President's signature issue that related directly to the job of Labor Secretary and (b) had an illegal nanny and tax issues related to the same (which has sunk more than a few qualified nominations in my lifetime).
Trump won't last a year, much less 8. You might need the therapist for Trump withdrawal.
@Michael K:
This weakness just feeds the beast. The unions are all high fiving. They will never support a Republican. They need to be taken down.
This has nothing to do with unions. Yes the opposition party is going to oppose Puzder. No surprise there. He is withdrawing because of the criticism he is getting from the right.
"It seems odd for a President whose signature issue was his opposition to illegal immigration as well as replacing American workers with foreign workers to nominate a labor secretary who seemed to be in favor of both."
It's not hard to understand. Trump has no principles at all. He spoke of draining the swamp, yet filled his cabinet with Wall Street billionaires.
The deep state doesn't like the constitution.
Two parties can't combine to force something on a third party that they couldn't do separately.
In particular forced negotiation.
Who's next? Doesn't matter.
Trump is going down. GOP needs SCOTUS and tax cuts for the rich signed-off by Trump and then will stop supporting him.
Gosh! There has never been such a chaotic administration.
I mean no POTUS has ever nominated Cabinet Secretaries who had to withdraw their names.
Well, except for Obama, Clinton, and many others.
History did not start yesterday folks. The lefties would like to to think otherwise.
R-E-L-A-X. This shall pass.
He spoke of draining the swamp, yet filled his cabinet with Wall Street billionaires.
Filled his cabinet? The whole one I can think of that would fit that description is Wilbur Ross. Mnunchin is not a billionaire, though he is a banker.
"Trump won't last a year, much less 8."
Trump has no chance of winning the nomination!
Trump has no chance of winning against Hillary!
The recounts will sink Trump!
The faithless electors won't vote for Trump!
I'm sure there were other witless predictions made by you but I can't keep track of all the stupidities. I need to start saving them in a file.
Fools will rush in.... and especially foolish fools will continue to do so no matter how frequently their dopey predictions blow up in their faces.
Here's my prediction: the Dems will be slaughtered in the mid-term elections.
Too bad Ann doesn't permit betting on her site. I'll put my prediction up against sock puppet Inga's any day.
In 1979, one of the most effective arguments the GOP had against President Jimmy Carter was that he appeared to be floundering and ineffective and incompetent in his job. Polls showed that even many Democrats agreed that "Carter can't handle the job."
At the rate Trump is going, it won't take three years for Americans to reach that same conclusion about him: Trump can't handle the job. If the Trump Administration can't get its act together by the summer, the public will wash its hands of him like Carter.
This has nothing to do with unions. Yes the opposition party is going to oppose Puzder. No surprise there. He is withdrawing because of the criticism he is getting from the right.
If you mean GOPe squishes, I agree. The unions were in full cry and that is what scared the wimps.
The ex-wife stuff gave us President Obama so there is that.
I would suggest a guy who builds the robots for McDonalds.
That would be great theater. Trump has to double down. Just like Las Vegas.
If the Trump Administration can't get its act together by the summer, the public will wash its hands of him like Carter.
Hope springs eternal in the left wing breast.
That's why so many states have GOP legislatures,
Any more Kim siblings still alive?
Trumpy now needs to find someone even more hardcore to replace Puzder. Then he needs to fire Comey and have AG Sessions go after the Obama saboteurs, criminal and traitors. Eventually all of the schmutz will point back to Hillary Clinton and Obama.
I would like to see that. And I'd also like to see an honest and complete investigation of the Clinton Global Initiative, who donated, and what Hillary did as a result.
Who's next? Trump himself, hopefully!
Barring that, at least 2 or three cabinet officials and/or advisors.
After the election, I take even Gallup with a truckload of salt, but for what it's worth: 62% of Americans say Trump keeps his promises, 59% believe he is a strong and decisive leader and 53% think he can "bring about the changes this country needs."
Yes, he has high negatives as well. Guess what? You can believe he's going to be a strong and decisive leader and is going to bring about positive changes without necessarily liking him.
And that's after months and months of nonstop negative press. I suspect increasing numbers of Americans are just tuning it all out while the libs engage in their delusional circle jerk.
You know what words are never applied to Jimmah Peanut? "A strong and decisive leader."
I would suggest a guy who builds the robots for McDonalds.
Geez man. What's up with you and McDonalds? It's like a goddamn obsession of yours.
Did you find one of your patients' excised tissue in under the bun, one time, next to a pickle? Did you mistakenly insert ground beef into an open body cavity?
Did you have nightmares when they got an outsourced Indian telemedicine portal and/or robot to do one of your procedures?
Seriously, it's like a fixation with you.
Priebus and Spicer should be near the top, since Establishment, business-as-usual types that they are, probably are the ones who thought it a good idea for Flynn to go "because he was becoming a distraction," which as I said is Establishment, business-as-usual way of thinking, but as usual has blown up in their faces.
But even more than that, there are a few hundred in the Administration who not only need to be next, they need to go to prison. These are the dark state, shadow government, Obama holdovers and radical progressive careerists who are conspiring and undermining and committing sabotage and sedition to effectively overthrow the lawful and legitimate government of the United States.
...for what it's worth: 62% of Americans say Trump keeps his promises, 59% believe he is a strong and decisive leader and 53% think he can "bring about the changes this country needs."
For what it's worth, those are the sort of questions Stalin or Mao could have aced, easily.
Do not doubt it -- if this were the Third World or the 19th century, these folks would have instigated violent insurrection by now (like they did in 1861).
Mnunchin is not a billionaire, though he is a banker.
Was he the Goldman Sachs guy, or was it one of the other appointments?
Either way, it's fun watching him fill this swamp with all the ilk he promised to avoid like the plaque during his campaign. I guess that's one promise he not only didn't keep, but outright lied about.
But he seems to like to make picks that are not unlike himself, in the dishonesty department. This cabinet of confabulators is shaping up to be a pretty interesting one, from a special interests standpoint.
If you think that the media is going to do to Trump what it did to Bork and Nixon back in that day when people believed in the mainstream media and there were no blogs or talk radio to counter it, then you didn't follow the election. If you think Trump has to win every round every day and be accounted winner by the media, then you didn't follow the election.
In 2016 the media was persuaded right up till nine o'clock election night that Hillary was ahead. They thought they had created an echo chamber in which the citizens heard only what the media deemed important. Turned out the media itself was in the echo chamber and most of its members haven't left it yet.
Trump caught a break with Flynn, who was a loose cannon just waiting to explode. A few days trouble versus a ruined presidency if he had become entrenched. Pudzer was also a dud politically. Letting DeVos go down would have also have been to his long term benefit, but it is a relatively unimportant position from which she can't do much damage.
The idiot Republican Establishment may not have, but most of the rest of the country have caught on to the Pravda media. Nothing that they "report" can be trusted and more and more people are not trusting it, even though fellow travelers might jump on it.
Is his pattern similar to how Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover stacked their cabinets?
In his bid to build a staff of “the greatest people, the most incredible people,” Trump has nominated, in the main, plutocrats and those who hold their interests closest to heart.
"For what it's worth, those are the sort of questions Stalin or Mao could have aced, easily."
If he was like Stalin or Mao, you'd love him.
Michael K: If you mean GOPe squishes, I agree.
Not just GOPe squishes.
I think Pudzer probably understood the part of the labor issue that involves part-time workers and illegal immigrants. Part-time work in the service industry is a growing part of the labor force and many part-timers are illegal as well. These are two important pieces of the problem and Pudzer probably would have done something for those people and their special problems which is why he was chosen.
Of course, the Democrats never even asked how he saw the issues, just did some oppo research and went with it. The "research" seems questionable anyhow after a few days exposure to the light of day. But publishing smears based on fake-clickbait is the way they are in the mainstream today. And we will remember the way they are.
Mark: The idiot Republican Establishment may not have, but most of the rest of the country have caught on to the Pravda media. Nothing that they "report" can be trusted and more and more people are not trusting it, even though fellow travelers might jump on it.
I should be taking screen-shots of my newsfeed headlines every morning, to save and show to my grandchildren: "This is what it looks like when the PTBs and their lackeys feel threatened and begin losing their minds".
Draining the swamp was about rooting out corruption, not keeping rich people out of government. Or at least that's how I always interpreted it.
Hold that line!
Don't feed the trolls!
If he was like Stalin or Mao, you'd love him.
Really? Then why was it you who rallied behind his: 1) Implacability, 2) Strength and decisiveness, and 3) transformative potential?
Because those are the very Stalinesque qualities that you apparently admire in him. Not me.
What a weak retort. You know you've got an unhinged delusional maniac on your hands (who makes you "cringe) and you're doing your best to play that down. Save your country first. Saving face on this one will take a lot longer.
Since plutocrats the world over are substantially on the left, once again this faux concern from the frauds on the left about Trump's nominees' wealth is totally fake.
Yeah, we've caught on to you too. And it would not be all that bad if you weren't so utterly dull and boring.
In his bid to build a staff of “the greatest people, the most incredible people,” Trump has nominated, in the main, plutocrats and those who hold their interests closest to heart.
The link didn't work, but I know the article. Yes, many of them are wealthy. That is not the same thing as "Wall Street billionaires."
I say Tom Daschle or Nancy Killefer. Oh wait, sorry this isn't February 2009.
Yeah, we've caught on to you too. And it would not be all that bad if you weren't so utterly dull and boring.
You got that, liberals and other normal people? Mark wants you to entertain him! He's LOSING it! Get on it! He's boring himself and needs some drama, pronto! Trump's shenanigans and the most chaotic cabinet in history aren't giving him enough of the drama he needs! He's about to fall asleep already, god dammit!
See, It works!
Mark said...
Since plutocrats the world over are substantially on the left, once again this faux concern from the frauds on the left about Trump's nominees' wealth is totally fake."
Yep. Castro was a billionaire.
And I never read that Stalin or Mao were interested in ridding the government of corruption, which is what "draining the swamp" means. The left doesn't want the swamp drained, because it lives there. The left has no problem whatsoever with unelected bureaucrats running an unaccountable super-state. That how the left rules.
"Since plutocrats the world over are substantially on the left...."
Another ridiculous assertion that serves to reiterate the self-serving fable that substantially all evil, of every type, all the time, is perpetrated largely by those on "the left," and conversely, by definition, those on the right are too virtuous and high-minded ever to do anything "really wrong."
But then, a milquetoast centrist Democrat like Obama--a better friend to the corporate plutocrats who are raping the world could not be found--is characterized as "hard left," a "socialist," a "commie" by what used to be considered the right-wing lunatic fringe but who are now the right-wing lunatic majority. So, perhaps by your (and their) distorted perspective anyone not to the right of Barry Goldwater is a "hard leftist." But that just reveals your derangement.
Fanaticism is a stranger to no philosophy or ideology, and dangerous zealots are found on the left and right and in-between...just as are sober-minded, reflective people who mean well and try to do their best according to their understanding of the world.
Farmer my link works perfectly for me, maybe its your settings?
Another ridiculous assertion that serves to reiterate the self-serving fable that substantially all evil, of every type, all the time, is perpetrated largely by those on "the left," and conversely, by definition, those on the right are too virtuous and high-minded ever to do anything "really wrong."
I honestly have no definition for how the right defines itself these days, other than "self-righteous". They literally are fixated with and drunk with power and think that they do no wrong. By definition. No matter how much evidence you show them. It's all just a name-calling exercise to them, at this point. Nothing else.
"Seriously, it's like a fixation with you."
I see Ritmo has donned a new pseudonym.
What is it with all the trolls ?
Trump needs to double down I want the guy who builds these robots to be Sec Labor.
Former grill cook, Tom Smykowski, from the original Phoenix McDonald’s location before it was shutdown for robot repairs and upgrades, is still mad about losing his job.
“You know there are people in this world who don’t have to put up with all this?”
No kidding dopey.
This is the guy Trump needs to nominate,
Any one of them although they probably all voted for Hillary
And I never read that Stalin or Mao were interested in ridding the government of corruption, which is what "draining the swamp" means.
I read that Trump was interested in it, and then he changed his tune entirely once in office. What's his cabinet rule on interacting with lobbyists?
The left doesn't want the swamp drained, because it lives there.
The left's riches tend to be with new, innovative industries that grow prodigiously and have the potential to grow much further. Truly disruptive technologies.
The right just likes enriching and further empowering the industrial empires of yesterday. Usually by removing all liability for them when it comes to their significant negative externalities. And by helping with barriers to entry.
Right. This is what we need for a Secretary of Labor. A way to not only obviate getting one's hands dirty, but using them to prepare things for others. Remove all organic interaction between people - preferably when it comes to some of the most joyous labors of love. Fuck. Even Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver chop their own fucking onions. What would they know! Stupid entrepreneurs!
Behold the next Republican agenda: Anti-quality.
Didn't consider him a good choice in the first place. I want the labor secretary to be a right-to-work guy but I don't want him to be a cheap-foreign-labor-right-to-work guy.
There is no more annoying troll than Michael K.
I want the labor secretary to be a right-to-work guy but I don't want him to be a cheap-foreign-labor-right-to-work guy.
So just a right-to-work-as-a-free-rider-off-of-the-labor-movement's-protections guy, then. Not a right-to-work-due-to-artifical-barriers-to-competition guy.
Seems reasonable.
SukieTawdry said...
Didn't consider him a good choice in the first place. I want the labor secretary to be a right-to-work guy but I don't want him to be a cheap-foreign-labor-right-to-work guy.
Don't these come as a package? All the different ways of weakening the power of labor are all fundamentally anti-family. Why pick and choose?
@ SukieTawdry
I agree with you about the priorities of the Labor Secretary.
Does anybody who reads Althouse honestly believe that your preferred Republican candidate would face a less strenuous #Resistance?
My favorite candidate was Scott Walker. He would have been #Resisted just as much as Trump.
My second favorite candidate was Ted Cruz. #TheResistance would have been the same.
Did anybody think a self-aware Leviathan would somehow be pacific?
Feed them, or they'll bite your ankles!
The trolls seem to have these identity crises in common. About every two or three weeks they manifest themselves.
"...corporate plutocrats who are raping the world..."
Don't hold back, Cookie!
@The Tootheless Revolutionary:
So just a right-to-work-as-a-free-rider-off-of-the-labor-movement's-protections guy, then. Not a right-to-work-due-to-artifical-barriers-to-competition guy.
Seems reasonable.
Borders are no more artificial than property lines.The right you have to keep people out of your home is the same right countries have to keep people out.
About every two or three weeks they manifest themselves.
Two or three days or two or three hours,
Maybe when the McDonald's shift ends.
The first total robot McDonald's is supposed to be in Phoenix. I might drop by for lunch.
Trolls come with hard trurtle shells now, better to live under the bridge with.
ARM: Don't these come as a package? All the different ways of weakening the power of labor are all fundamentally anti-family. Why pick and choose?
No. All power corrupts. There is nothing inherently "bad" and corrupt about either "labor" or "capital". There is no permanent political solution here, only an endless effort to keep a balance between both. (That's why ideologues of any stripe are idiots. And why any "conservatism" that isn't post-war neoliberal neo-connery/glibertarianism recognizes that. That's why contemporary American "true conservatism" is nothing of the sort.)
So Sukie Tawdry's dichotomy, applied to the contemporary political landscape, makes perfect sense.
Just for fun let's think about the role McConnell has played in getting Trump's cabinet of relatively controversial nominees confirmed. I think he has done a tremendous job in timing, keeping negative publicity down and keeping his people in line. (Mnuchin was confirmed yesterday, I believe) I would guess that McConnell decided that Puzder was too big a load to carry for the relative unimportance of his position. Sure there are some Obama labor policies that need to be cleaned up, but how do they compare in importance to what happens to Obamacare? So he tells Trump that he's not prepared to go to the mat in this instance. Trump says okay and gets Puzder to withdraw. So the next guy up is a little less hated by the unions, but how long can they fight? Simple inside baseball.
I know very little about Flynn, but am convinced he made a mistake then tried to cover it up. If that's the case we are better off having someone with better judgement.
kehesan0802: Just for fun let's think about the role McConnell has played in getting Trump's cabinet of relatively controversial nominees confirmed. I think he has done a tremendous job in timing, keeping negative publicity down and keeping his people in line. (Mnuchin was confirmed yesterday, I believe) I would guess that McConnell decided that Puzder was too big a load to carry for the relative unimportance of his position.
Exactly. Srsly, people, get some perspective. Mad Dog Mattis. DeVos. Jefferson by God Beauregard Sessions III.
Puzder? Meh.
The trolls seem sort of manic these days.
Inga and her buddies must have quit the Seroquel or Depakote.
99% of this crap will be forgotten by the 2018 election, much less 2020.
The Dems bark, but the caravan moves on.
Just get rid of the Department of Labor.
Glad he's out. Don't need an open borders guy in that position.
I'm sure there are candidates out there who will equally kick unions in the balls AND support tighter borders.
"The left doesn't want the swamp drained, because it lives there. The left has no problem whatsoever with unelected bureaucrats running an unaccountable super-state. That how the left rules."
Lots of people not considered of the left too.
The Toothless Revolutionary & ARM: The labor movement's protections were codified into law long ago. Unions now are at best redundant and at worst actually harmful (see, for example, the UAW which demanded that unskilled work be compensated at craftsman levels). Public employees unions are a travesty and should be outlawed. It's not the job of the labor secretary to be a union labor protectionist. At least it shouldn't be.
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