February 21, 2017

Milo speaks, embracing victimhood, seriousness.


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Scott M said...

That's quite a flamboyant costume he's got on there.

eric said...

I thought it was pretty good. He seems to realise that there is a line that you don't cross. He also isn't running away.

He won't stop his haters from hating on him, but for just about everyone else it should be enough. And he was gracious to cpac and Breitbart.

PB said...

"See that glow flashing in the corner of your eye? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear" Backdraft, 1991

David said...

He'll be back.

Perhaps as a liberal.

Ann Althouse said...

He says he's keeping going, independently.

eric said...

Here is an example of one of Milo's haters that aren't going to stop hating.

To all those tweeting about Roman Polanski in defense of Milo. Liberal hypocrisy isn't an excuse for (or a defense of) bad acts.

That's a tweet by David French @DavidAFrench.

I asked him what "bad acts" he is referring to, but no response.

Snark said...

I think "free speech" is a concept this damaged individual will eventually realize was a cover for his other much deeper psychological needs and general fuckedupedness. Fundamentally, he's weak and not that substantial - something that I think leaked out with Bill Maher.

David in Cal said...

Only liberals are entitled to special consideration for being victims.

Paul said...

Sorry but he is 'into' man/boy love.... pedophilia.

I would not touch him with a 10 foot poll (and being strait, I'd add a ft or two....)

Anonymous said...

Now he uses PC to get himself out of his trouble his proudly un PC mouth got him into. That is rich.

rhhardin said...

So he wimped out.

rhhardin said...

And Trump today was making various PC noises about this or that victim group.

Anonymous said...

Maybe being brashly and publicly anti PC isn't all it's cut out to be.

Martha said...

I watched the entire press conference. I probably fall in the demographic least likely to support a gay provocateur, but I sympathize with Milo.

Milo was targeted and hunted and taken out by political forces not because of anything he has done but because of what he has said. This could be done to anyone and that is wrong.

LYNNDH said...

Just remember, it could happen to you.

Amadeus 48 said...

Milo said he is going to keep going. If there is a market for his persona and his ideas (I think there is), he will prosper. An entertainer has to find an audience. He doesn't need your approval or my approval. Who said CPAC was the ideal venue for him? It was a venue, and it didn't work. You want to see how awful an evening of safe entertainment can be? Watch the Oscars on Sunday.
Lenny Bruce? Dick Gregory? Chris Rock? Brother Dave Gardner? Keep going Milo!

Roughcoat said...

Well, smack that. Next case.

JHapp said...

I look forward to reading his book. And I haven't done that for about 10 years.

Snark said...

This guy is a stupid hill to die on. Treating the culture like a garbage dump is to free speech as NAMBLA is to romance - i.e. terrible fucking examples.

rcocean said...

I'm not the target audience for Milo, but I agree this was a well-coordinated "search and destroy" mission by various #Nevertrumpers inside and outside of CPAC.

Some people inside CPAC were trying to a new direction by inviting Milo. They understood that Trump populism is where the Republicans need to go. Frankly, I've never give a rats ass about CPAC after they booted Coulter for making a joke about Gays. I think the Nevertrumpers are trying to keep CPAC irrelevant.

le Douanier said...

Does the left have any folks who are as popular as Milo and Pew?

If so, are these leftist equivalents also into sex w/ boys and Jew murder?

Carry on.

Achilles said...

Milo will be fine. If he starts a new venture within weeks that would be impressive. He will be around a lot longer than the people who organized to take him down.

Achilles said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"Maybe being brashly and publicly anti PC isn't all it's cut out to be."

Get a good look people. This is the left. They revel in the suffering of people who disagree with them. They are disgusting people.

rcocean said...

i find it humorous that the same liberal types that applauded Polonski are now "shocked" just "Shocked" at Milo's comments. IRC, the age of consent in the Germany and Italy is 14 and in Sweden its 15. Maybe as a Brit Milo has a more "European" attitude.

Achilles said...

Blogger 3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
"Does the left have any folks who are as popular as Milo and Pew?

If so, are these leftist equivalents also into sex w/ boys and Jew murder?"

Why do you always have to bring up Muslims?

Luke Lea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
urpower said...

Opening the closed box that is the abuse of gay children- and their own frequent line-crossing as adults- is much more important than conservative politics. A subculture is going through the trauma of growing up, having begun life, whether overtly abused or not, in a state of attack. I think of Sartre- "Genet is first of all a raped child."

Luke Lea said...

After that speech I can forgive him. He is a great talent whom we cannot afford to lose. Our Oscar Wilde.

The Godfather said...

If Nixon had given a speech like this after the Watergate tapes, he would have survived to finish his second term.

Of course, the anti-Nixonians would not have been mollified, and Milo's remarks won't mollify that interesting coalition of anti-Gays, anti-free speechers, anti-libertarians, and anti-conservatives (and anti-Brits?) who are trying to bring him down. But I think there are enough people who find him funny and provocative for him to prevail. I will certainly read his book when it comes out, and before all this hoopla I probably wouldn't have gotten around to it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Milo is a provocateur who said some stupid things. He isn't dying with them--he is retracting them with an apology. His mistake was being flippant about a serious issue with innocent victims, including him. He thought he could joke about it, and it blew up on him.
Have you ever read Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh? What is Captain Grimes but an absurd caricature of a paedophilic school teacher who can always get out of trouble because he went to an English public (private) school. Milo is coming from that tradition of humor.

eric said...

Blogger Achilles said...
Blogger 3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
"Does the left have any folks who are as popular as Milo and Pew?

If so, are these leftist equivalents also into sex w/ boys and Jew murder?"

Why do you always have to bring up Muslims?

I see what you did there.

Che Dolf said...

eric said... I asked him what "bad acts" he is referring to, but no response.

Milo said, "You know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, those kind of coming-of-age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable — a sort of a rock for when they can’t talk to their parents."

In the same interview, he said the legal age of consent was about right, so while he didn't explicitly advocate these relationships, he walked right up to the line.

mockturtle said...

Good presentation nicely delivered. Good for him to keep on keeping on.

Ken B said...

But what bad *acts*? We understand his opinions do not comport with David French's standards of who should or should not be shunned, but Mr French mentioned *acts*.

buwaya said...

Whatever is wrong with the fellow, this is exactly what the system had to do.
They must retain the power to suppress the right on campuses and in popular culture.

He was threatening that leftist domination, and the coordination of this shows just how much of a threat he was.

Hopefully a much better disciplined and financed effort will follow in his footsteps.

PB&J, California colleges at least are sinkholes of poor standards, dogma, cant, lack of initiative and curiosity.

Especially in the Liberal Arts.

le Douanier said...

Have you ever read Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh?

She's hot:

n.n said...

He didn't abort any prepubescent girls or boys. Nor engage in Planned Parenthood (e.g. clinical cannibalism). Nor advocate for elective abortion rites (i.e. deny life unworthy).

He didn't transform any prepubescent girls and boys into boys and girls, respectively.

He thinks the prevailing social standard for age of consent is about right.

Aside from his transgender behavior, he seems to be quite normal.

GWash said...

this creep should fade into oblivion like many others on the alt right... excusing and enabling this kind of behaviour is about as sick as it gets...

tola'at sfarim said...

Blogger 3rd gradepb. There's a long laundry list - some high profile ones would be rev al, and bill Ayers. And then there are the various cop killers, Michael Brown, and on the list goes....

MaxedOutMama said...

I am glad he manned up and resigned from Breitbart and I hope he doesn't shut up and keeps going.

I'm really not a natural Milo fan - that's about as natural a fit as my support for Trump. Nonetheless, these are two hair shirts I am going to wear, and I probably will be the better for it.

He is a victim. I do not believe his apology in total, but I do believe he doesn't want the ages of consent brought down. I believe what sounds so odd to us is Milo trying to speak honestly about what happened to him, and that he shouldn't be pilloried for saying what he said.

I'll buy his darned book because he seems to be trying to be honest. I wouldn't want him around a young teen.

Anonymous said...

Rcocean said...
"Some people inside CPAC were trying to a new direction by inviting Milo. They understood that Trump populism is where the Republicans need to go. Frankly, I've never give a rats ass about CPAC after they booted Coulter for making a joke about Gays. I think the Nevertrumpers are trying to keep CPAC irrelevant."
But this isn’t just about Yiannopoulos. The invitation to speak at CPAC tells you all you need to know about the state of American conservatism and why it was so easily co-opted by Trumpism. So why was he invited in the first place? Yiannopoulos, like Trump, is a paradox. On one hand, he brings a certain cosmopolitan flair to a group of people accustomed to being thought of as unsophisticated; on the other hand, he reinforces every negative stereotype imaginable. I was among those who criticized CPAC’s decision to baptize Trump by inviting him to speak at its 2013 meeting. Now, that seems quaint. Once arguably too wonky and prudish, today’s conservatism, judging by CPAC’s invited speakers, is increasingly crude, vulgar, and lowbrow.

True conservatism has been replaced by a fetish for fighting political correctness. Along with a penchant for showmanship, this seems to be Yiannopoulos’s entire shtick―and it’s a good one. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, and since Yiannopoulos says horrible things about radical feminists and other annoying leftists, he is, ergo, a conservative hero. This was the initial message from Schlapp.


GWash said...

you are wrong n.n.. you need to rethink your christian background if you have one...

le Douanier said...


So, are cons now regretful re disapproval re those libs?

Carry on.

n.n said...

In short, he is not Pro-Choice, but time will tell.

Achilles said...

Blogger GWash said...
"this creep should fade into oblivion like many others on the alt right... excusing and enabling this kind of behaviour is about as sick as it gets..."

The left turned into gay haters so fast I didn't notice. Must be the influence of their new Muslim allies. Why do leftists hate gay people so much?

n.n said...


you are wrong

Please elaborate. First, what you think I have written. Second, why you think I am wrong.

Aussie Pundit said...

The fact is that this was a sting - his remarks were part of a private conversation, secretly taped. nobody knows who taped it, or when (I guess, except Milo).

The way I read Milo's position, it was the following.

Part A.
a) he believes that age-of-consent laws, although arbitrary, are calibrated about right.
b) (Milo adds, as an afterthought) ... of course there are no doubt some cases where it's set higher than necessary for some individuals.
c) someone responds: isn't that p***philia? Milo: No. If you think that, then you have no idea what that word means.

Part B (of Milo's opinions, as I understand them)
a) in our quest to stop child exploitation, he says, society is banning even relationships between younger adults and older adults.
b) Milo thinks that sometimes such relationships can be good.
c) Milo cites himself as an example of someone who benefited from a relationship with an older person.

That, in a nutshell, is my take on Milo's opinions (as captured in the recording).
It's controversial, but none of it can be construed as condoning what he's accused of condoning.

mockturtle said...

PB, Evelyn Waugh was, of course, a man.

traditionalguy said...

It would excite me to condemn me some scapegoats and abandon them, and exclude them from being part of my group Because Moses says so. And then do another. And then do another. the low hanging fruit will be easy. And then do another.

But the person ending up outside of a friendly support group turns out to be me every time.

Che Dolf said...

Ken B said... But what bad *acts*? We understand his opinions do not comport with David French's standards of who should or should not be shunned, but Mr French mentioned *acts*.

I loathe David French, but I give him the benefit of the doubt and interpret him loosely. Milo effectively said sexual relationships between men and young teenage boys can be a good thing. French believes that normalizing this behavior is evil. Milo's near-advocacy is an act in the ordinary sense, even if not in the legal sense.

mockturtle said...

Yes, the ultra-left and the ultra-right [Muslims] have circled around to meet at common ground: Hatred of Jews, gays and Christians. We conservatives are, in fact, the true moderates.

n.n said...


Why do leftists hate gay people so much

They don't. They are Pro-Choice, selective, unprincipled, and opportunistic. Well, maybe they do.

It was their Choice to normalize rather than tolerate an objectively dysfunctional behavior, and to deprive transgender/homosexuals of choice, while ironically forcing transgender/crossover therapy, which characteristic of their quasi-religion is at the edge of a scalpel.

rcocean said...

BTW, CPAC has always been part of Conservatism inc. and pushed the Romney/McCain/Ryan "conservative" brand of open borders, globalization, and big government.

In 2015 they refused to invite Ann Coulter. In 2016, Rubio/Cruz got 70% of their straw poll vote. Trump got 10%. Over the years other winners of their presidential straw poll? Jack Kemp (3 times), Phil Gramm, Gary Bauer, Rudi, Mitt Romney (4), Ran Paul (3).

If you love the state of "Conservatism" you can blame the kind of people who run and attend CPAC. They've done pretty good for themselves, but conserved nothing.

le Douanier said...

"The fact is that this was a sting - his remarks were part of a private conversation, secretly taped. nobody knows who taped it, or when (I guess, except Milo)."

How about this sting, where he, while knowing cameras are rolling, talks about very young boys and unsafe sex w/ men (i.e men who Milo, to this day, is shielding):



GWash said...

aussie how you explain 'b) Milo thinks that sometimes such relationships can be good.'
sounds like he is condoning and endorsing...

The convoluted logic here is entertaining for lack of a better word.. i just hope your children never are in a position where they can be taken advantage of by an 'older' person with this guys philosophy..

If this is the alt right/libertarian/trumpland/conservative voyage we are on God help us..

Achilles said...

Blogger rcocean said...

"Some people inside CPAC were trying to a new direction by inviting Milo. They understood that Trump populism is where the Republicans need to go. Frankly, I've never give a rats ass about CPAC after they booted Coulter for making a joke about Gays. I think the Nevertrumpers are trying to keep CPAC irrelevant."


The #nevertrump wing of the Republican Party is nothing more than a false flag operation to trick people in this country who want freedom and liberty and borders into thinking they have a choice. How many times did the D.C. republicans have to sell us out?

They are irrelevant now and good riddance. Milo will be around a lot longer than they will.

le Douanier said...

"PB, Evelyn Waugh was, of course, a man."


Anna Faris has Seattle (Edmonds) roots.

n.n said...


Islam is left on the ideological spectrum with a universal religion married to a left-wing ideology (i.e. monopoly oriented, authoritarian, totalitarian, expansionist).

le Douanier said...



Speaking of Sofia Coppola and your appreciation of the Good/Bad/Ugly, are you eagerly waiting for the new Beguiled?

Amadeus 48 said...

Re: fight against PC

My three reasons for voting for Trump can be summed up in HC, SC, PC.

HC-he wasn't Hillary Clinton.
SC-he'd make a Supreme Court appointment that I would like better than any made by Clinton.
PC-he would be a real counter-punch to political correctness.

Mission accomplished!

Che Dolf said...

n.n said... Islam is left on the ideological spectrum with a universal religion married to a left-wing ideology (i.e. monopoly oriented, authoritarian, totalitarian, expansionist).

The principal idea that defines the left is egalitarianism, not the concentration of power. On your political axis (as I understand it), anarchism would be the furthest point right.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

It's rich to see the left, the people who want males who say they are females in girl's bathrooms and locker rooms, to suddenly act like old aunt Nellie and tsk tsk and tut tut over Milo.

There's no leftist umbrage over Harvey Milk:

"Harvey Milk had sex with underage boys, as evidenced by his relationship with 16-year old Jack Galen McKinley, who ran away from home before meeting Milk and ended up killing himself.

“Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure…At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him,” Randy Shilts reported in his Milk biography “The Mayor of Castro Street.”

But Milk had the right PC politics.

So Milk got a Medal of Freedom and Milo gets the condemnation of the vile hypocrites of the Left, who now pretend they care about young boys.

damikesc said...

I am glad he manned up and resigned from Breitbart and I hope he doesn't shut up and keeps going.

With Shapiro and Milo both gone, I see absolutely zero reason to return to Breitbart.

n.n said...

Che Dolf:

Anarchy is on the far right. Totalitarianism is on the far left. Egalitarianism is near the center. A reconciliation of extremes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...



Speaking of Sofia Coppola and your appreciation of the Good/Bad/Ugly, are you eagerly waiting for the new Beguiled?

PB, I don't know much about it but it sounds promising. :-)

Anonymous said...


Some of the tweets that got Milo in trouble.

Anonymous said...

After he repents and does his penance, he will reveal himself as the new David Brock..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't think it's too much to ask that if this is put behind, no one ever again has to hear about how you want to bash Lena Dunham for her own past.

Oh, and for the record: He's not funny. He's laying on the defiance and politics a little thick for a press conference about the topic at hand, but that's his choice. But it distracts from the presumption that he's not trying to get/save what he can from this.

Oso Negro said...

It seems to me that Milo violated the contemporary homosexual narrative by openly discussing a common part of gay culture that is avoided in polite company. Teenage gays find their way with older gays. Shocking. It isn't like they are all marking the days on the calendar for their 18th birthdays and saving their anuses for marriage.

HT said...

I think he's more their Oscar Wilde.

Maybe a kind of de Toqueville.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A "social restriction on free expression" he's worried about? Fuck! How about a "social restriction on promoting the common good?"

They both go together here. It's our own right-left tradeoff. Or maybe just a right-wing sort of thing altogether. Aren't we supposedly a "center right" country?

This kid needs to use his wits to clean out his own side's house. It wasn't a left-wing publication that asked for his resignation. Neither, do I think they would have.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Which means, he's only victimizing himself further. Refusing to see who's abusing him. It's not the left.

He's get a political case of Stockholm syndrome.

Titus said...

He's gross

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What a fucking hypocrite! He wants people to be/do/dress/say however/whatever they want? They fucking do! The government's not on their case about that. But if he's upset with social pressure against that then he needs to look in the fucking mirror. His whole "career" has been to insult people based on how they look or how they express themselves. This kid is a colossal hypocrite. I guess you have to be, on the right.

William said...

He said some stupid and crass things about pedophilia, but you can't really say he was uninformed about the subject. He was himself a victim of that abuse. It's not the kind of experience that leaves you enlightened and wiser. Rather, it leaves you confused and addled. I'd give him a pass on his dumb comments. He's not into child abuse and he's not an advocate for that behavior. He's flippant and confused and unable to absorb the betrayals and evasions in his own history. To his critics here, I would ask what about his behavior is unforgivable?

Oso Negro said...

And all the tsk-tskers may want to show their children "Boys Beware."


Unknown said...

True conservatism has been replaced by a fetish for fighting political correctness.

True conservatism got slapped by Dubya, shot by Obama, and buried by Trump.

Wake up.

The old political alignments of the New Deal and Cold War are done, dunzo, kaput. We're at the beginning of the shift, but it's going to accelerate in coming years. By the time Trump is done, the parties won't look anything like they did 5, 10, 20 years ago.

Like I said, it is indeed 1933 again, but in the US, not Germany.

Gahrie said...

True conservatism has been replaced by a fetish for fighting political correctness.

...because true conservatives have been rolling over and showing their bellies for several decades.....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So the consummate stone thrower is pleading for people to be careful of his own glass house?

Get the fuck out of here! This kid is done. His whole career has been smug self-promotion and his right to be hurtful to others.

He gets no sympathy from me.

HT said...

He's said some pretty provocative things about homosexuality (surprise surprise), like it's an excuse for people to be "naughty" and pervy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

O1B Visa? Extraordinary ability?

Get the fuck out of here! Close the damn border already. This kid has no extraordinary ability and is not doing anything for the country except making the politics even crasser and stupider and more dysfunctional.

He has demonstrated no "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics." Throw him OUT.

What a sham.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Like I said, it is indeed 1933 again, but in the US, not Germany"

That explains the vast dust storms across the prairie states.

Lets hope they get that thar electricity out to the rural folks. Those Walmart lighting displays aren't self-generating in terms of power.

Drago said...

TTR: "He has demonstrated no "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics." Throw him OUT."

A capital idea my good man.

I recommend we adopt this as the standard for ALL immigrant wannabes!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

10 minutes in. That's the question. He goes on and on and on with political grandstanding when they ask what it says that his appearance gets more attention than an announcement on a cancer breakthrough.

Time to get out of the country. O1B Visa my fucking ass!

The right shot you down, dummy. The left just wasn't interested in you. There's a difference.

The right thinks they have a right to dump their speech on people.

Deport Milo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This bitch has some nerve. He talks about how repressive of speech rights America is. His own fucking country, Britain, bans people from entry based on what they say - and wanted to do that to Donald Trump.

GTFOH! Get the fuck out!

n.n said...

Oso Negro:

Trump exposed the same dark underbelly, if unwittingly, of liberal culture, which invited an effort to abort him... at least his campaign. They're more tolerant of abortionists, murderers, rapists, and terrorists. Perhaps just selectively. Pro-Choice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Britain regularly debates which "right wing hate speech monger" they want to ban entry to. Their parliament obsesses on this sort of crap.

But he says America's repressive of speech rights?

He's got a hell of a lot of nerve.

Anonymous said...

Yes, deport him. He serves no further purpose here. We have no need for someone who thinks that a 13 year old and an adult engaged in a sexual relationship can be a good thing.

"Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents."


Fabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

TTR: "The right thinks they have a right to dump their speech on people."

Well, that statement could use a bit of elaboration.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think when he chortles at the end at the last questioner's comment, it's showing the same denial as a form of defiance that got him into this mess in the first place.

So he was molested. So he goes on to say no one else was victimized if he refuses to see himself as a victim.

How original.

Just go home, dude. Britain needs you. Go work on those Pakistani underage sex rings or whatever.

America was doing fine on its own.

Na na na na. Hey hey hey. Goodbye.

Fabi said...

"Deport him". Lulz

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, that statement could use a bit of elaboration.

Free speech means that people can/should say whatever they want.

But there is no right to force others to listen.

D. said...

"Have you ever read Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh?"

It is my bathroom reading material at this time.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Yes, deport him. He serves no further purpose here. We have no need for someone who thinks that a 13 year old and an adult engaged in a sexual relationship can be a good thing"

So it's official: No more awards and standing ovations for Roman Polanski and we extradite him back to the states immediately for incarceration.

After all, he actually did rape/sodomize a 13 year old.

Drago said...

TTR: "But there is no right to force others to listen."

This is an interesting comment as well.

What are some examples where "others" have been "forced" to listen to anothers free speech?

traditionalguy said...

What many legalists call True Conservatism is CIA created method to lose elections to ensure the GOP/Dem Co-owned Swamp gets deeper and deeper. They hate DJT because he hates what they are doing. But they have glammed onto Trump's win to pretend they did it. But without Trump, they were set up losers to Hillary, Inc like the Washington Generals are for the Globetrotters.

The reason they try to eliminate Milo is that he is a mini of Trump whom they despise.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"It seems to me that Milo violated the contemporary homosexual narrative by openly discussing a common part of gay culture that is avoided in polite company." Most aspects of gay culture are avoided in polite company.

"Yes, deport him. He serves no further purpose here." Good to know this is the lefty standard. Let's apply it consistently. In "extreme vetting," let's check for sexual attitudes, shall we? Wonder how many Mo devotees, say from Somalia, would serve a "further purpose" here by that standard.

Not that I expect consistency from the Polanski-Milk left.

Drago said...

I think an interesting tactic Milo might have employed in his defense is the fact that he was abused as a 13 year old and that ought to have conferred upon him "Absolute Moral Authority", or whatever the equivalent is that Pelosi and company are peddling this week.

Drago said...

I should have been more explicit: used that tactic upfront as opposed to after the fact.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What are some examples where "others" have been "forced" to listen to anothers free speech?

I think that's kind of the issue here. Berkley is a venue. Does Berkley have to be forced to host this silly provocateur's speech?

I don't think it should have to. Why not do it at Liberty University? Or Bob Jones? Or one of those places?

Because, he's a political hack. He's witty and intelligent enough to do it well, but still dishonestly.

Obviously conservative forces (CPAC, ACU, the MARKET) aren't interested in what he says or are massively offended by them. Were they ever into him?

But no. Take your beef to the left, dude.

He's politicizing things to a point where he can't even be honest about who didn't want him and who's taking him down. He's like an orphan pleading clemency for killing his parents.

Just totally opportunistic and not credible. Not just selective. Not credible.

buwaya said...

"But there is no right to force others to listen."

Tell that to High School teachers and College instructors.
The kids must listen, or drop out of the cursus honorum.

Which is the entire point of the Milo campus tour.

Lydia said...

Milo's mentioning that one of his abusers was a priest was a sop thrown to the left.

"...my full focus is now going to be on entertaining and educating everyone, left, right and otherwise” -- Milo the Troll aka David Brock.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is this a right-of centre publication?

I think they're catching on.

Milo's like herpes. Great for your enemies. But you need to stay very far away from it yourself. So far away that you might not even want to be associated with deploying it.

Che Dolf said...

n.n said... Anarchy is on the far right. Totalitarianism is on the far left. Egalitarianism is near the center. A reconciliation of extremes.

That's not how the terms originated, and virtually no one uses them that way. The right = organic hierarchy and order, which is why it's traditionally associated with monarchy and aristocracy. The left = egalitarianism, or the artificial erasure of natural distinctions.

This is the trajectory from right to left:

16th century: any man can be a priest.
18th century: any man can be a king.
21st century: any man can be a woman.
- @Senghendrake

Tories are the right, Whigs are the left. (Classical liberals are considered right-of-center today only because virtually everyone is a Whig.)

Amadeus 48 said...

Drago--people in the right/libertarians don't get to do that.

"Milo is a disgusting pervert" is the chorus of the people defend pedophiles on the left (Cf. Roman Polanski and Harvey Milk), thereby attacking a victim and sanctifying perpetrators.

There is something disgusting here, but it isn't Milo.

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious that you Trumpists have blamed Milo's own repugnance on the left. Who twisted your arms to find something redeemable in anything Milo ever had to say? He bashed the left while being gay, so that absolved him of being a pervert? It wasn't being gay that made him a pervert, it was his comment I posted above in which he finds purpose in a 13 year old being in a relationship with an adult. Why do you people keep glossing over that sentence? And no, there was never any embracing of pedophilia among the greater left.

narciso said...

I think someone was played, and want milo


Amadeus 48 said...

Ritmo--you have a lot of passion about hounding this gay guy who was abused. How do your gay friends stand to be around you?

Amadeus 48 said...

St. Harvey Milk, the mayor of Castro Street, couldn't be reached comment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo--you have a lot of passion about hounding this gay guy who was abused. How do your gay friends stand to be around you?

See? Here's another dishonest example of hackery-masquerading-as-commentary.

We have a whole hemisphere of the political spectrum that is massively dishonest, massively into denial, massively distortion-prone. And massively dysfunctional. And destructive. Not disruptive. Destructive.

What was wrong on the left was the DNC. That's easily fixable.

Your own house is a goddamn sandcastle.

Go fix it and stop burning down the rest of the country with your addiction to dishonesty.

Drago said...

TTR: "We have a whole hemisphere of the political spectrum that is massively dishonest, massively into denial, massively distortion-prone. And massively dysfunctional. And destructive. Not disruptive. Destructive."

I got better.


Che Dolf said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said... Refusing to see who's abusing him. It's not the left.

It's the left that riots at Milo's appearances and physically attacks his audience.

The Toothless Revolutionary said... This bitch has some nerve. He talks about how repressive of speech rights America is.

He is echoing Tocqueville:

"I know no country in which, generally speaking, there is less independence of mind and true freedom of discussion than in America."

Unknown said...

I think that's kind of the issue here. Berkley is a venue. Does Berkley have to be forced to host this silly provocateur's speech?

I don't think it should have to. Why not do it at Liberty University? Or Bob Jones? Or one of those places?

wtf, he was invited by the Berkeley College Republicans. I have no issue with you saying you hate him and speech, but your claim that audiences are "forced" to listen is really stretching it.

eric said...

Blogger Fabi said...
"Deport him". Lulz

Homosexuality used to be a crime involving moral turpitude that would get your deported.

There was a time when I thought this was wrong. But now that they've forced homo sex marriage upon us and transexual bathrooms, and that they are suing bakers and florists and photographers, etc, I've changed my mind.

n.n said...

Che Dolf:

The traditional spectrum had circumstantial value and significance. A meaningful spectrum is defined in a frame of reference. So, the American right is not the traditional right, the American left is not the traditional left. A universal criteria can be derived from a reconciliation of moral, natural, and personal imperatives. Thus conservatives are right of center and classical progressive are left of center.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
This bitch has some nerve. He talks about how repressive of speech rights America is. His own fucking country, Britain, bans people from entry based on what they say

This raises an interesting question, which countries have the best free speech rights? The Press Freedom Index is one measure and by this measure the US doesn't do that well.

This index refers specifically to the freedom of the press. One thing that suppressed individual and press free speech in Britain, Australia and New Zealand for a long time were the libel laws. My impression is that these have loosened up considerably. In this respect I think the US was the model for those changes.

Drago said...

TTR: "What was wrong on the left was the DNC. That's easily fixable."

Easily fixable.

Wasn't so easy 6 months ago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At the risk of being seen as taking seriously some freak with a Che Hitler mashup avatar, go watch the House of Commons proceedings that regularly result in banning entry to right-wing provocateurs.

Let him fix his own house first. We don't need him.

He is symptomatic of the right. Picking fights with others based on problems that are much worse closer to home.

Just a total deflection machine.

America's fine. The left is fine.

Let him go fix Britain and whatever he doesn't like about their left.

Time to go home.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Che Dolf said...
It's the left that riots at Milo's appearances

Which made him famous, so famous that people began to listen to what he was saying.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Easily fixable.

Wasn't so easy 6 months ago.

I wouldn't have stood for it.

Bernie unleashed a movement to take it down. With half the Dems and all the right taking on Hillary, we would have succeeded in transforming the political left.

The problem is that under DC baby sitter Trump, things seem to be getting worse. And more than that, he seems to be hypnotizing the right into a place where they don't want to hold him accountable for anything.

That's a problem.

If you'd used this opportunity to purge real rot, and not just play a shell game while making things worse, that would have been one thing.

That's what I would have done if Hillary had won. And I was charged.

The only energy on the right seems to be reserved for deflection purposes.

jaed said...

I don't think it's too much to ask that if this is put behind, no one ever again has to hear about how you want to bash Lena Dunham for her own past.

Lena Dunham sexually abused her younger sister over a period of years. (She is unrepentant.)
Milo Yiannopoulos was sexually abused when he was thirteen.

How are these equivalent?

This is the part that's so vile, so disgusting to me, so—really—nauseating: to take someone who was victimized by an older abuser and yammer continuously that he was "linked to pedophilia". Yeah, if you consider sex with a thirteen-year-old to be pedophilia, he's "linked" to it... as the victim, not the perpetrator. But we have David French talking about "bad acts". What bad act has a victim committed? "Oh, but he said something flippant about it on a podcast a year or two ago."

Dude1394 said...

The republicans helped the democrats collect a scalp. Pussies

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Press Freedom Index is one measure and by this measure the US doesn't do that well.

We do fine. Where we fall short is where we're complacent and unwilling to challenge the duopoly and power generally because we associate that stuff with "stability."

But Trump's now substituting the passes given to the duopoly with passes to give for his own ambitious lies. And that's going to take us down.

The press has never been more active than now. It's a test. A huge test.

Anonymous said...

Why say in one comment what you can't say in ten?

Bob Loblaw said...

Like I said, it is indeed 1933 again, but in the US, not Germany

You're right, but your side is the one with the brownshirts.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

In terms of individual attitudes the US seems better.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you're worried about press freedom, start looking at the muzzling laws that Trump's placing on the EPA, and its younger cousins in state agencies.

Canada also went through something like that.

Trump wanted a list of scientists who worked on anything related to AGW. They refused to release it.

Time for rebellion and dissent.

Michael K said...

McMuffin seems to have fingerprints on this hit job by the NeverTrumpers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

But now that they've forced homo sex marriage upon us and transexual bathrooms, and that they are suing bakers and florists and photographers, etc, I've changed my mind.

2/21/17, 7:34 PM

Except that Milo is against gay marriage and transexual bathrooms and suing bakers and florists and photographers. You don't get it. Why exactly do you think the Left is so happy about this? For the same reason they'd celebrate if Ben Carson or Clarence Thomas died in car accidents tomorrow. For the same reason they hold up "Rape Melania" signs at rallies and laughed about "hate-fucking" Palin. Because they are totalitarians with no mercy for those who are not on their PC reservation.

Lena Dunham actually molested her sister. Harvey Milk actually fucked young boys, including one who committed suicide. Polanski drugged and sodomized a 13 year old. But they were and are on the Left so no moral standards apply.

Milo was the one who was molested. He did not victimize anybody. He's not on the Left though, so he must be silenced. Apparently Ritmo thinks students are tied up like Alex in "A Clockwork Orange" while Milo lectures them. They're FORCED!!! to listen to non-leftist ideas, which might make them think maybe that maybe leftism really sucks, and we can't have that.

"We don't want any of them thar foreigners putting funny ideas in the young 'uns heads. Ship the pansy back to England!" say those those once upon a time prided themselves on their tolerance. But I figured long ago that that was an utter sham.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

aed said...
Lena Dunham sexually abused her younger sister over a period of years.

Her sister, Grace Dunham, does not believe this to be true.

Che Dolf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Time for rebellion and dissent."

What a laugh. That's what Milo is about.

You're on the side of the masters, fighting for your beloved status quo.

The Left is the Establishment. You're the 21st century version of The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit, thinking the same stale, approved thoughts as everyone else in Manhattan.

But hey, McMuffin, the guy who couldn't even carry the state of Utah, agrees with you that Milo is a Nazi. Doesn't it make you stop and think at all when the Establishment GOP lines up on your side when it comes to Milo? They're all for the status quo too. They're making a very nice living writing polite op-eds in the National Review. Milo's a threat to them too.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

AReasonableMan said...
aed said...
Lena Dunham sexually abused her younger sister over a period of years.

Her sister, Grace Dunham, does not believe this to be true.

2/21/17, 8:02 PM

Milo did not believe being molested by the priest was a terrible experience for him. That is what got him into the trouble he is in now.

Why does Grace Dunham get to subjectively define abuse and Milo does not?

Oh, I know. Because the Dunhams are leftists and Milo is not.

tim maguire said...

Milo had to know something like this was coming and he should have been more ready. This called for a "not one step back" full on defense through attack, not a half apology half mealy mouthed defiance.

But then, I think our attitude towards sex and the young is insane. I can't imagine the circumstances in which we could have a discussion about scaling back the hysteria and I don't see how Milo could be the person to drive that discussion if it did happen, but he is largely right on the facts.

Is there a social worker here who could comment on this--that sex with a young person is not the worst thing you could do to them. Neglect is the worst thing you can do to a young person, and we have much more tolerance for neglect. Sex, within an otherwise supportive and loving relationship, is not particularly damaging at all.

But we are insane about sex. Doubly so when it involves young people.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
Polanski drugged and sodomized a 13 year old.

Ponlanski is a disgusting pedophile, but it was the liberal state of California that drove him out of the country.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
Oh, I know. Because the Dunhams are leftists and Milo is not.

If you got off your high horse for a minute you would recall that it was right wing organizations that pulled the rug out from under little Millo's delicately groomed feet, just as it was right wingers who made a fuss about Dunham.

Unknown said...

Like I said, it is indeed 1933 again, but in the US, not Germany

You're right, but your side is the one with the brownshirts.

My side? I'm on nobody's side. Dang, my Unknown status is getting me confused with the lefty who also goes by Unknown.

What I meant by my comment is that Trump is more like FDR, not in terms of substance, but in what he's doing to shift the American political landscape. The Democrats and Republicans are both "big tent" parties of uneasy alliances. Trump is tearing up these alliances. He's appealing to traditional labor votes, calling for Keynesian fiscal spending, economic nationalism, etc. Trumpism borrows from both parties and adds some "third-rail" scariness to boot.

The Dems and Repubs I'm sure are unsettled by Trump's demeanor and style, but they're also scared as fuck because he threatens to upend the political alignments that give them power. If both parties continue on their current course, the Democrats will be the party of coastal minorities and the Republicans a bunch of dying old men in their corporate towers. All the rest will be swallowed by Trump.

tim maguire said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
aed said...
"Lena Dunham sexually abused her younger sister over a period of years."

Her sister, Grace Dunham, does not believe this to be true.

What Grace Dunham claims to believe today to have been true then is utterly irelevant.

narciso said...

Actually no, there are more false flags than over Atlantic, with this scam

Bad Lieutenant said...

He gets no sympathy from me.
2/21/17, 6:43 PM

Ritmo, with all respect, sympathy isn't your big play most days.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Ponlanski is a disgusting pedophile, but it was the liberal state of California that drove him out of the country."

And it is the liberal state of California where Harvey Milk is revered as a gay rights leader, despite the fact that Randy Shilts documented his affairs with young boys. Even if Milo got shot by a guy who tried to use junk food as a defense, he'd never get a Navy ship named after him and the Medal of Honor (and not just because Milo isn't American.)

I repeat, Milo was the kid who was molested. Words and thought-crime is what he is accused of. Milk actually molested kids and he's treated like gay MLK.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"My side? I'm on nobody's side. Dang, my Unknown status is getting me confused with the lefty who also goes by Unknown."

It would be helpful then, if you put a name after your comments. It is bound to confuse people when 2 or more "Unknowns" are posting on the same thread.

Michael K said...

"Her sister, Grace Dunham, does not believe this to be true."

ARM is adding mind reader to his resume.

Is there a degree in that ?

Do you suppose that, now that her sister is rich and famous, she might have an incentive to deny things ?

HT said...

Yes, Milo was the one that (he recognizes now but not then) was molested. But the outrage that some people are feeling, I think comes from in part his saying that as long as a boy has gone through puberty, it's ok to have sex with him. In one piece I heard, he was making it about puberty and maturation of sexual organs vs age.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Remember that passage in The Vagina Monologues where an older woman seduces an underage girl? Remember how that was really, really empowering? Remember how Milo isn't getting the same treatment as Eve Ensler?

Yiannopoulos isn't talking about pedophilia. He's not talking NAMBLA. He's talking about ephebophilia, which used to be pretty common talk until the Catholic priests got into the act. (Catholic priests, with a few very prominent exceptions, weren't pedophiles.)

Gay teenage boys do, in fact, look to older men to "mentor" them, just as gay teenage girls look to older women. But the latter isn't seen as wicked. "Edgy," at most.

I'm not even going to talk about all the female teachers statutorially raping underage boys, because that would be inappropriate. But, hey, let's do it anyway. Glenn Reynolds has now compiled many dozens of such cases. Including a couple in which the rape victim was afterwards forced to pay child support when the rapist came up preggers. And yes, the boy was a rape victim, and the teacher was a rapist. Statutory rape may not be "rape-rape," but it's rape.

So Yiannopoulos was, in fact, advocating rape. But he was also advocating nothing more than we've taken for granted all over the place. Why is he the poster boy? Is it just the hair and the gayness and the Brit accent and the Catholicism and the Jewish mother? I honestly don't get it.

cf said...

Milo, you are My Man!

I could be your great grandmother, and what a thrill that would be if I were.

like my buddhist friends say: victory! victory! excellent victory!

to you, dear one.

[and godspeed, america]

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"If you got off your high horse for a minute you would recall that it was right wing organizations that pulled the rug out from under little Millo's delicately groomed feet, just as it was right wingers who made a fuss about Dunham."

I'm quite aware of that - see my comment at 8:10.

There's an unholy, if unofficial, alliance between the left and GOP Establishment #NeverTrumpers. Both are fighting to maintain the status quo.That's why the claim that the Left somehow represents "the Resistance" is ludicrous. The Establishment Left and Right are the Palace Guard, jealously fighting to retain their status and privilege.

bagoh20 said...

I don't see him embracing victimhood, just accepting that he was one, and that he dealt with it just fine, which is a valuable and under-admitted message about victimhood. It seems an intelligent, open, honest, and standup example of that theater we demand, and that smart ones take advantage of as an opportunity.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Lena Dunham has herself said that she stuffed little stones into her infant sister's vagina. This is from the horse's mouth, as it were.

mandrewa said...

I suspect the majority of adult gay men today had sexual encounters with older men as teenagers. If this is the case, it would be a more or less open secret within the gay community and Milo as a member of that community would be used to speaking to people that took that for granted.

I can anticipate that there will be no honest conversation on the topic from the left.

The whole thing demonstrates once again why gays are pretty much captured by the left. If Milo had been left-wing he never would have gotten the attention he did but then he would never have been hated and portrayed as a pedophile.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
ARM is adding mind reader to his resume.

You are such a moron. She has said this publicly at the time of the controversy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
Lena Dunham has herself said that she stuffed little stones into her infant sister's vagina.

No. Grace Dunham put the stones in there, Lena found them.

mandrewa said...

I should amend my comment by saying that the hatred and the portrayal of Milo as a pedophile is mostly coming from the left (and, of course, only because he's right-wing). But the reality is that every gay man is vulnerable on the right, because the greater part of the right-wing cannot accept the reality of what means to be gay.

This is part of what it means. This is part of the package.

This is exactly why so many parents don't want their children to have homosexual teachers or scout leaders, or whatever.

jaed said...

Lena Dunham has herself said that she stuffed little stones into her infant sister's vagina. This is from the horse's mouth, as it were.

She claimed her sister had done it, as an infant, as a "prank", and she found them while probing her sister. Which is dubious both from a psychological standpoint and for anyone who has observed a six-month-old and noticed their arm length and degree of fine motor coordination.

But what I was talking about was not that incident, but her account of having sexually abused her sister when she, Lena, was in her mid to late teens. Offering bribes in exchange for French kisses and lying on top of her, and various other acts, and by Lena Dunham's account, enforcing all this by manipulating her sister in order to make her emotionally dependent on her and therefore biddable. (This isn't my interpretation, but her own characterization of her actions. She said this in close to so many words.)

jaed said...

So to get back to my question: how is abusing a child equivalent to being abused? Where is the justification for heaping scorn and rage on Milo, accusing him of the "bad act" of being a victim?

Maybe Grace Dunham was wise to deny having been a victim of sexual abuse, come to think of it.

Lydia said...

I don't see him embracing victimhood, just accepting that he was one, and that he dealt with it just fine, which is a valuable and under-admitted message about victimhood

Dealt with it just fine? He said its effects led to "alcohol and nihilistic partying":

"My relationship with my abusers is complicated by the fact that, at the time, I did not perceive what was happening to me as abusive. I can look back now and see that it was. I still don’t view myself as a victim. But I am one.

Looking back, I can see the effects it had on me. In the years after what happened, I fell into alcohol and nihilistic partying that lasted well into my late 20s."

chickelit said...

Great apology! Milo wins! Bannon wins! Breitbart wins! Trump wins! Winners all around! Losers lose!

Known Unknown said...

"The Establishment Left and Right are the Palace Guard, jealously fighting to retain their status and privilege."

Thus the Hunger Games parallels.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Milo/Bruno ain't shit. The only thing he's a threat to is decency and rational thought, which has a way of fizzling out. It's self-defeating.

Other than that, I don't consider pre-pubescent girls to be sexual predators. But hey, you people do what you gotta do to rehabilitate this loudmouth that even his own side considers to be a degenerate. They were the ones who sunk him, not us. Take whatever echo chamber-ready potshots you want.

Talk about sucking up to elites. I really see this right-wing populism going places on its own without them.


Michael K said...

You are such a moron. She has said this publicly at the time of the controversy.

I used to think you were pretty intelligent. What has this to do with what I posted?

Do you know what happened ? Do you think she might have an incentive to conceal ?

bgates said...

The only thing he's a threat to is decency and rational thought

which explains why the decent rationalists on your side assaulted people who wanted to hear him speak a few weeks ago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

which explains why the decent rationalists on your side assaulted people who wanted to hear him speak a few weeks ago.

No, the plebs did that. The ones you shit on.

chickelit said...

ARM insists: No. Grace Dunham put the stones in there, Lena found them.

What kind of motor skills did Grace Dunham possess at that age beyond the normal Moro reflexes?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What kind of motor skills did Grace Dunham possess at that age beyond the normal Moro reflexes?

The kind that keep you up at night. Worrying about 6-year old sexual "assailants."

chickelit said...

The kind that keep you up at night. Worrying about 6-year old sexual "assailants."

What was worrisome was the braggadocio on Lena's part. Very much like you.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"No, the plebs did that."

The Soros-funded Antifas? In plebeian Berkeley? Oh, yeah, they're regular Tom Joads, I'm sure.

Che Dolf said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said... At the risk of being seen as taking seriously some freak with a Che Hitler mashup avatar...

The entire point is that they're both freaks, and yet one somehow remains a political icon.

chickelit said...

The entire point is that they're both freaks, and yet one somehow remains a political icon.

Che was a "hot" young doctor and I suppose a lot of lefty women wanted to have his babies. 'Dolf wasn't as fortunate. We should ask Inga about Che's appeal.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Funny, most blue collar people I've known in my life wouldn't get their undies in a wad about the very, very pressing issue of having to shut up a gay dude speaking to a bunch of college kids. They certainly wouldn't run out there dressed in black to burn shit and break windows and beat up people. They're too busy working and trying to make ends meet. But then I guess I don't know any really authentic plebes, like Ritmo does.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Commies love the Masses and The People and all that, but not the kulaks. The kulaks are the evil, wrong thinking dumb fucks standing in the way of the real, authentic, genuine People.

Sebastian said...

"He said its effects led to "alcohol and nihilistic partying"" Another part of gay culture that cannot be discussed in polite company. (Not just gay culture, of course.)

In another thread I commented that something seemed missing in Milo, beyond just the conventional gay sex-uber-alles pose. My sense is that the nihilism still lurks, though he is supposedly Catholic. If he is, let's hope it's not the Andrew Sullivan kind.

The whole episode of course show that the long knives are always ready to come out -- Milo should have been prepared. But it also tells Trumpists that some #NeverTrumpers are itching for a fight, and will fight dirty.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Soros-funded Antifas?

It's a good thing that Freedom Works is such a blue collar organization.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Kind of like the Trump organization.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

i have never been so saddened and disgusted by the behavior of "my side" like this before... You NeverTrumpers really are no different than the left... Wolves in sheeps clothing... the masks truly have come fully off... you people are repulsive... at least leftists have an excuse... but the arrogance and vileness of the McMuffin brigade makes me sick to my stomach... you people really would rather let this country go up in flames than let someone else take the drivers seat for a change... and you are going to willfully sabotage the last chance we have to self-correct before it does so because of your self-righteouss pride... bunch of deep-state worshipping Judas's.... the lot of you...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Commies love the Masses and The People and all that, but not the kulaks. The kulaks are the evil, wrong thinking dumb fucks standing in the way of the real, authentic, genuine People.

A self-hating gay abuse victim gets canned from the conservative movement and a lucrative book deal for making pro-pederast comments... and this is all you can come up with?

You go girl. I really see this conservative movement going places!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Being "blue collar" is not the same as, you know, owning poverty. Like Republicans love to do!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

It's a good thing that Freedom Works is such a blue collar organization.

2/21/17, 10:31 PM

Don't be disingenuous. The people rioting in Berkeley did not belong to FreedomWorks. That's what bgates was referring to.

As I said in my 8:10 comment the Establishment Left and Right both have their reasons for shutting Milo up.

You want a revolution? The revolution was in November. You're on the other side - along with Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, and this egg McMuffin loser.

If anybody had told me a year ago that I would find myself agreeing more with Glen Greenwald than Jonah Goldberg, I would have thought them insane. Yet here we are.

Unknown's 8:21 comment is an interesting one. I guess we'll see if that scenario plays out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Kind of like the Trump organization."

Who did the blue collars vote for in November, Ritmo?

"Being "blue collar" is not the same as, you know, owning poverty."

WTF does that mean? Only the really, really poor people are The People?

You're tying yourself in knots trying to excuse the indefensible.

BN said...

I understand embracing victimhood, who doesn't? But seriousness?!?!

I think we can all agree that's going too far.

String him up!

wildswan said...

This video changed my opinion on Milo because in it he says that he opposes the exploitation of young boys which goes on in homosexual culture and that he has written stories exposing the practice. Which he suffered from himself. The stories about him suggested that he supported the exploitation of young boys but these stories were a leftist takedown. The truth is the opposite.

I was taken in by lefty disinformation, as intended, and I'm sorry I didn't wait to hear Milo's defence before I made adverse comments. The news is a cake that takes three days to bake - Day One, false story in the mainstream; Day two, bloggers and others gather correct info; Day Three, counter story is disseminated. On big stories where someone's reputation is involved it's important to keep in mind that the intake pipe for mainstream media news is downstream from a pipe pouring out raw sewage and it's best not to gullibly drink it all in.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh yeah, you're such a revolutionary. Fear of a few broken windows. How will those elitists contend with the likes of a snowflake like YOU!

Here comes the lady with the fear of damaged property. Yep, let's all get out of her way!

You totally missed what the Freedom Works reference was about. Just like a jet engine flying miles above your head.

It's like when Trump called Flynn at 3 AM to ask him if a strong dollar was good or if a weak dollar was good.

Your revolution comes in gold gilt. Yep, really authentic.

Say hi to the billionaires for me!

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

But hey, you people do what you gotta do to rehabilitate this loudmouth that even his own side considers to be a degenerate. They were the ones who sunk him, not us. Take whatever echo chamber-ready potshots you want.

This is where you are wrong. The Neocons/CPAC/Chamber of Commerce/Heritage/DC country club republicans are not on our side.

I thought you understood this by now.

I disagree with Bernie on almost everything except the big banks need to be broken up and maybe a couple other things. But. I think what the DNC did to him was wrong. The people who are trying to take Milo down are on the same side as the people who held Bernie up to his supporters and pretended they weren't going to shit on you guys.

This country will not be whole again until the PEOPLE on the left figure out the people leading them are shitheads working for the oligarchs. The people on the right have already figured this out and that is why we have Trump as imperfect as he is. It is also why Republicans are going to win the house/senate/presidency and most statewide races until democrats take their party back from the oligarchs.

Milo says things the Oligarchs don't want said. You cheering the Oligarchs on in an obviously timed and coordinated event is folly. If you didn't think the people who run CPAC and the people who own Simon and Schuster and the media had this year old video waiting for this you are not paying attention. At this point I think everyone who was shocked Milo would be the keynote speaker at CPAC is realizing this was a set up from the start.

bagoh20 said...

""Dealt with it just fine? He said its effects led to "alcohol and nihilistic partying""

Yea he said it lead to that in his twenties, so he came out absolutely normal, or at least no worse off than many of us who were never abused. "I partied a lot in my twenties" is not exactly abnormal or a sign of emotional damage, although avoiding it might be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Counter Revolution on the Right.

"This week, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual right-wing summit hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU), plans to feature a speech titled “The Alt Right Ain’t Right at All” by ACU executive director Dan Schneider.

Schneider’s planned speech on the dangers of the racist Alt-Right comes just as its adherents are finding success in shaping President Trump’s ideas and his White House team."


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My fight isn't with you, Achilles. You're one of the good guys. You mean what you say.

My argument is with phonies who are glomming onto what you want this to achieve when you know they were afraid of Trump all the time. And still are.

My issue isn't against what Trump's about, so much as his excesses. Yes, we know the DNC has to go. But this won't do it. Maybe this will change the RNC, and that's fine.

I'm just aiming at the phonies. You're not one of them, Achilles. You never were.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

A self-hating gay abuse victim gets canned from the conservative movement and a lucrative book deal for making pro-pederast comments... and this is all you can come up with?

You know if he was a lefty nothing would be said. You may not want to admit but you know why he is being attacked.

You go girl. I really see this conservative movement going places!

This is the point where we point at the scoreboard. I put the over/under on republican senate seats in 2018 at 61.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not against everything Milo did/does. I'm against the excesses and making what he's doing more partisan than it needed to be.

The scoreboard... the guy running it is being intimidated by threats against him. We know this. If you want it to occur fair and square, criticize coverage without attacking 1st amendment protected principles, make your case about justice without disrespecting separation of powers and the independent judiciary, and like I've always said - end gerrymandering.

Everything else is the same old same old. As much as I applaud the new face, I want the body to come along with it. Not just a zombie or Frankenstein.

PresbyPoet said...

We seem to need an update of Bonhoeffer

They came for the racists and I said nothing because I wasn't a racist.
They came for the white supremacists and I said nothing because I wasn't a white supremacist.
They came for "Alt-Right" and I said nothing because I wasn't "Alt-Right"
They came for Milo and I said nothing because...

We know where this ends.

Che Dolf said...

Joshua Barker said... You NeverTrumpers really are no different than the left... Wolves in sheeps clothing...

NeverTrumpers, along with many well-meaning conservatives, are the rearguard of the left.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You cheering the Oligarchs on in an obviously timed and coordinated event is folly.

I'm not cheering them on. I just point out that he's kowtowing to them, and THAT'S folly.

He shouldn't make what he's doing exclusively right wing. And neither should Trump. You know this.

If Trump had a net worth less than $1 million, would you have supported and/or voted for him?

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
My fight isn't with you, Achilles. You're one of the good guys. You mean what you say.

It is my fault. I don't go after the people on the "right" enough. While they need to be better I don't think they are necessarily phony. Some are but we would disagree about who most likely.

My argument is with phonies who are glomming onto what you want this to achieve when you know they were afraid of Trump all the time. And still are.

I wish they would keep their eye on the ball. Right now the real enemies are John McCain, Graham, and the other shady republicans who still serve the Oligarchs. The same republicans who are trying to take down Milo right now.

My issue isn't against what Trump's about, so much as his excesses. Yes, we know the DNC has to go. But this won't do it. Maybe this will change the RNC, and that's fine.

I'm just aiming at the phonies. You're not one of them, Achilles. You never were.

Appreciate that. But in my opinion the only way we will be whole is if the people of this country unite against the globalists. That means being better at identifying the good guys. I think Milo is a good guy for an alien.

That means the Bernie supporters and the Trump supporters need to unite. I know it is hard because we will be driving the ship but there are things both of our groups should agree on.

Anonymous said...

Bernie says Trump is a pathological liar. Bernie supporters are diametrically opposed to what Trump stands for, we will never unite with this fraud.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That means the Bernie supporters and the Trump supporters need to unite.

Well, he's the winner. He can extend a hand any time. Literally.

The only Dems speaking out on working with the things they agreed on were you know who. They'd have done it.

Right now, I'm seeing Trump sort of retreat into a single-issue presidency though, and that's not good. Or maybe he has an agenda way beyond, as you alluded to Sunday, and that he can't talk about.

But there's plenty he can do in the open, to create outreach, and get this thing moving. It just depends on which power center he wants to cater to and I think he feels most energized by the far right or someone in his administration who does and he can't risk becoming a single-issue administration if he wants to succeed.

chickelit said...

"Your revolution comes in gold gilt. Yep, really authentic."

—Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion,
Like gold to airy thinness beat.

BN said...

"We seem to need an update of Bonhoeffer"

It's so hard to find all the damn Nazis everywhere when they're hiding under every bed in the dad gum country.

We're gonna need more rope, Robert.

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