২১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Milo speaks, embracing victimhood, seriousness.

২৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   247 এর 201 – থেকে 247
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Here's what Bernie thinks of Trump.


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders got a rock star’s welcome when he spoke in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday in what was theoretically a book tour stop but amounted to more of a political rally, urging progressives to play by new rules as they resist President Trump’s administration.

Sanders, 75, used the stage at the Theatre at the Ace Hotel as part of Los Angeles Times Ideas Exchange to buttress his pitch to reshape and redefine the Democratic Party after the 2016 election.

He got the crowd roaring by tearing into Trump for repeating false claims that thousands of New Jersey Muslims cheered on the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and that millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally voted in November.

"I say this with no pleasure, my wife dislikes me saying this, but the truth is that Trump is a pathological liar," he said, reiterating a statement he made a week prior on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” "Either he knows that he is lying or even more dangerously, he does not know that he is lying."

Sanders applauded the activism that has sprung up since Trump’s inauguration and said Democrats and progressives needed to continue to build a resistance to Trump as well as a vision for the future.

“We can defeat Trump and Trumpism and the Republican right-wing ideology,” he said. “We have to understand, despair and throwing up your hands — that ain’t an option.”

BN বলেছেন...

"You NeverTrumpers really are no different than the left..."

Trotsky-o delenda est.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

I'm not cheering them on. I just point out that he's kowtowing to them, and THAT'S folly.

I agree. I am not sure what his play is here. I know he is going to make more money selling his book himself. He doesn't need a publisher. And leaving Breitbart just makes that place an empty shell. Nobody is left there.

He shouldn't make what he's doing exclusively right wing. And neither should Trump. You know this.

I would propose he isn't. But to be honest I don't know what right/left means anymore. I think it is all just a sham from the start. Right/Left were just constructs to organize us into teams.

If Trump had a net worth less than $1 million, would you have supported and/or voted for him?

Hard to say. I didn't support him because he was rich necessarily, but the independence that granted him was a bonus.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sanders applauded the activism that has sprung up since Trump’s inauguration and said Democrats and progressives needed to continue to build a resistance to Trump as well as a vision for the future.

“We can defeat Trump and Trumpism and the Republican right-wing ideology,” he said. “We have to understand, despair and throwing up your hands — that ain’t an option.”

Time will tell. In the beginning he spoke of being open to working with the things they agreed on, but there's been a lot of far-right single issue stuff, since. I don't disagree with Sanders but while rallying and activism got the Tea Party off the ground, it's not a given that this will work for the left/opposition generally. It's important to stand for an independent judiciary and press, though, and I think Trump went much further than he needed to on that.

It's definitely a strange time.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Here's what Bernie thinks of Trump.

That post was for you Ritmo. This particular Unknown is not smart enough to get this message but you are.

I voted for Perot so you can't really call me a republican but I bought into some of them. But it is clear now that people like both George Bushes, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John McCain et al. were just there to fool republican voters into thinking they had a choice.

Now for the hard part. Bernie was bought and paid for from the start. He was there to fool you into thinking you had a choice or a voice. The Democrat party is as much of a dog and pony show as the republican party was before Trump took it over.

You are going to have to help us take them all out or we might not win. After we take them out we can argue over taxes and entitlements and trade.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I voted for Perot..

Me too.

I disagree about Bernie being bought. That's not his personality, and it's not something you do at 74. He's been in Vermont for decades, representing hippies, not accumulating wealth. Not really the sort of person to be bribed.

As for your other cast of characters, I largely agree. The Bushes are a dynasty, Romney's a bit empty, Ryan's just a mouthpiece for neo-Reaganism without it going anywhere... McCain, now you're going to hate me on this, but I have a slightly different take. I don't think he's a liar and he is independent-minded, and he has the experience militarily and in terms of alliances to give important input. He's a huge hawk and we don't have to put up with any war he wants. But he knows the importance of alliances and diplomacy and treaties (like Geneva conventions) and the importance of those things hasn't ended. I'm fine with winding down our military, I'm fine with winding down our foreign intervention. But I still want a semi-independent hawk voice somewhere to hear out to make sure when I'm not underestimating the opposition. I want an opposing voice to hear out so that I can challenge my blind spots, and if I need a hawk to hear out I'd much rather it be McCain than a lightweight like Graham or a phony liar like Clinton.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Achilles, how much of a dupe do you have to be to still think that the Oligarch Trump will save you from the Oilgarghs? Bernie knows what a fraud Trump is. Speaking of intelligence, if you are bat shit crazy, your IQ doesn't matter.

bgates বলেছেন...

the plebs did that. The ones you shit on

lol. Tell me more about how the University of California and the black bloc represent the little guy.

Alex বলেছেন...

Anyone accusing Milo of 'fuckedupedness' after this presser is fucked up themselves. Seriously, look in a mirror you evil sacks of shit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

McCain can sell a war much better than Lindsey Graham or Hillary Clinton, let alone the behind-the-scenes neocons. If I want to not go to war, if I want to unpack the security state, or the warfare state, or any of that, I want to make sure that I have the best one to sell it, the hardest SOB with the most credibility, to do so. He's seemed more sincere and decent than the rest of them. I want him to be the one to sell it and make his case if I'm going to come up with a better argument for staying put and putting our folks to work back home here or securing the border instead. I don't want a feckless devil's advocate but the one Lucifer hand-picked for the role.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"You are going to have to help us take them all out or we might not win. After we take them out we can argue over taxes and entitlements and trade."

Bat shit crazy. Everything about your Leader Drumpf is hated and reviled by the left. The majority of us know that every populist promise he made was pure bullshit to suck in the weak minded, like you.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown, shush.

The adults are in the middle of a conversation.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

STFU Drago, no one is talking to you.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown is clearly a graduate of multiple Dale Carnegie courses!


Drago বলেছেন...

Not to worry Unknown.

Remember, we aren't laughing at you. We are merely laughing about you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

What he left needs are people with conviction and courage. If you don't have those qualities and are swayed by people like Achilles, you may as well become a Trumpist. It's going to take a lot of stamina and determination to defeat Trumpism, vacillation won't cut it. You've got to know what you stand for and what you stand against.

Drago বলেছেন...

And now we see Unknown laying down the "Law of the Left" which inevitably leads to the "revolution" consuming it's own.


Carry On you little Junior G-Man you!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago, go back and continue to harass Eve, the poor woman on the other thread that said she'd never be back, after being an Althouse reader for 13 years, because of jerks like you.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Drago, go back and continue to harass Eve, the poor woman on the other thread that said she'd never be back, after being an Althouse reader for 13 years, because of jerks like you"

Because that story was believable!


Pull the other one you mini astro-turfer you!

Carry On you adorable little marxist merry-warrior!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The right is already consuming its own Drago. Look at what happened to poor pedophile Milo. At CPAC a speaker will be speaking about the dangers of the Alt Right. I hear the air going out of your balloon.

Drago বলেছেন...

There is no doubt you are hearing many things.

The question is: In how many voices?

The best part is how you armchair Che-wannabes think you are scaring anyone!

Carry On!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I don't think now is the time for partisanship. Partisan power is beyond us, anyway. Steve Bannon's a little crazy but that Fourth Turning book is hitting on something. Inaccurately, but getting there. Myself, I notice a la Allan Lichtman that one party dominates 7 out of 10 presidential administrations over a forty year period, until it changes for the next part. Now is the time for the left, but I don't think it will be exactly the same sort of left as it was. But the issues are there and have broad support: Concern for workers/the workforce over power hungry elites, and concern for domestic security above foreign entanglement. That's broad and Trump just hits them from the right instead of the left.

Now does that mean I'm not concerned about his overreach, or his retreat into narrowing these issues instead of broadening them? Of course! But his personality is too stubborn to get anywhere that way. He can be opposed, and when it comes to courts and press overreaches - should be. Just like when the media messes up it's important to quickly call them out. And get it over with. Yes, it's annoying when he draws these things out. But that's Trump.

So the point is to just stick to the issues. If Trump hears them and doesn't get distracted, fine. If not - and I have some expectations that he won't - then you keep the issue alive and let the torch pass to whomever's going to do something with it.

Trump has tremendous power right now, and his party wants a piece of it. But that's not the point. Yes, it's easy to lose focus. But the issues are the issues and they have broad support. It will be hard as hell for the Democrats to stand alone in sticking with the issues, esp. while the Republicans look after their own power and electoral and fundraising whimsies. But that's got to be where they put their focus. It keeps them legitimate, it keeps them strong and growing, and it helps keep their own opposition accountable.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Keep the cooter flapping downwind and I won't think of a balloon.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Achilles, how much of a dupe do you have to be to still think that the Oligarch Trump will save you from the Oilgarghs? Bernie knows what a fraud Trump is. Speaking of intelligence, if you are bat shit crazy, your IQ doesn't matter.

I am trying to get over the habit of just instantly turning to mockery. Although there is instant gratification in picking on those who can't defend themselves in the long run it is not good. It is not easy to do this though.

This is for you.

I actually like these videos. Take it as you will.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Pffffffftttttt, your balloon is deflating....."

What was that?

I couldn't make out what you saying over the wailing of the downtrodden dems.

And 2018 ain't looking any better for you li'l revolutionaries.

My recommendation for you: eat more fiber and drink plenty of fluids.

Of course, if you are posting from the lefty heaven of Venezuela, try not to resort to cannibalism.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"So the point is to just stick to the issues. If Trump hears them and doesn't get distracted, fine. If not - and I have some expectations that he won't - then you keep the issue alive and let the torch pass to whomever's going to do something with it."

Trump is incompetent. We have a President Bannon, who is an extremist, who advocates nothing that jives with a traditional liberal philosophy, which I see as one that comports to my own world view. I'm a liberal, I know what I am and what I stand for and Bannon, Trump and the Alt Right is not it.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

“We can defeat Trump and Trumpism and the Republican right-wing ideology,” he said. “We have to understand, despair and throwing up your hands — that ain’t an option.”

Time will tell. In the beginning he spoke of being open to working with the things they agreed on, but there's been a lot of far-right single issue stuff, since. I don't disagree with Sanders but while rallying and activism got the Tea Party off the ground, it's not a given that this will work for the left/opposition generally. It's important to stand for an independent judiciary and press, though, and I think Trump went much further than he needed to on that.

First things first. Get to the point where you can get a Bernie nominated. I find the idea of "super delegates" particularly loathsome.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR and quite a few others have this figured out pretty well.

Interesting times.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: " I'm a liberal, I know what I am and what I stand for and Bannon, Trump and the Alt Right is not it"

You are a sad little voice-actuated automaton.

That's clearly all you've ever been.

Don't sweat it. The world needs ditch diggers too.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...

Trump is incompetent. We have a President Bannon, who is an extremist, who advocates nothing that jives with a traditional liberal philosophy, which I see as one that comports to my own world view. I'm a liberal, I know what I am and what I stand for and Bannon, Trump and the Alt Right is not it.

But sharia law and people who believe in it are what you stand for.

You guys should be listed as an in kind contribution to the Trump 2020 campaign.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And Drago, you are nothing more than a bag of hot hair that is deflating. Pfffffft.....

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"But sharia law and people who believe in it are what you stand for."

Se what I mean? Extremism. Bat shit crazy.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "And Drago, you are nothing more than a bag of hot hair that is deflating. Pfffffft....."

Uh oh.

Repetitive, unclever posting.

Not. A. Good. Sign.

Perhaps you shouldn't "Carry On".

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Se what I mean? Extremism. Bat shit crazy."

I congratulate you for explicitly calling out the characteristics of Sharia.

It's a good first step to freeing your mind.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
And Drago, you are nothing more than a bag of hot hair that is deflating. Pfffffft.....

When you are training for a fight one of the things you have to do is videotape yourself. People telling you what you are doing wrong is never as edifying as seeing it right in front of you. Having someone tell you you are dropping your left hand when you kick is usually not effective. Only two things really work when you are training someone and they are dropping their left hand. One is video, and the other is punching them in the face.

I would like to refer you back to the video. Just go back and actually read the comments. Think a little bit before going to bed. You will wake up better than this most likely.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Nightly indeed, unfortunately, #05pest.
Were you formerly #11, the dumbest of the three sockpuppets?
You sound so familiar.
Maybe even #51?
Text analysis is MY friend :)

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

You need to inject some fake warmth.
Tend toward human mannerisms.
It would make you a less painful person.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

An interaction may be possible.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Bernie says Trump is a pathological liar. Bernie supporters are diametrically opposed to what Trump stands for, we will never unite with this fraud."

And Bernie is a wimp and a weasel who let Hillary steal the nomination from him. But he was rewarded with his dachas.

Sanders is as hollow and fake as all your other heroes, Inga. Only dunderheads still listen to anything he says.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Drago, go back and continue to harass Eve, the poor woman on the other thread that said she'd never be back, after being an Althouse reader for 13 years, because of jerks like you."

Awww, poor little Eve. Broken and bowed because of comments on a blog. Poor little flower. What a strong woman!

You guys mock people like Milo and Ben Shapiro, who have the guts to physically face people who hate their guts and want them dead. In the meantime you pat yourself on the back and crow about your great "courage" for posting anonymous comments. You're not brave, and neither am I. I know it when I see it though. One of the reasons I started frequenting this blog is that I admired Althouse's courage in expressing a contrary opinion about the Walker recall in Madison. That took some stones, particularly for a professor.

Ritmo talks about the "resistance" while living in a sea of blue, surrounded by people who think like he does. Being left wing in NYC is like being Republican in Midland, TX. He can't admire the guts it takes to face down an angry mob - because he's on the side of the mob.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Drago said...
There is no doubt you are hearing many things.

The question is: In how many voices?"

Madame Trollyou has many, many nics, but the voice always sounds the same - imbecilic.

I guess she's still recovering from her Saturday night wine bender. The brave little keyboard SJW couldn't be bothered to come up with anything but "Unknown" today.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

" Eve, the poor woman on the other thread that said she'd never be back"

She'll just have to console herself there in her vacation home in tiny, rustic Malmo (doesn't everyone want a vacation home in the Swedish equivalent of Youngstown?), where there are no problems with Muslims at all.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said...
And Drago, you are nothing more than a bag of hot hair that is deflating. Pfffffft.....

Kind of ironic coming from...............unknown.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"Malmo (doesn't everyone want a vacation home in the Swedish equivalent of Youngstown?"

Poor Youngstown. It's the Malmo of Ohio.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Chicklit said..."Your revolution comes in gold gilt. Yep, really authentic."

—Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion,
Like gold to airy thinness beat.

2/21/17, 11:26 PM

Your stanza is priceless, please give the reference.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Your stanza is priceless, please give the reference.

Consider it Donne

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   247 এর 201 – থেকে 247   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»