February 28, 2017

“I think I’ve done great things, but I don’t think I have — I and my people — I don’t think we’ve explained it well enough to the American public."

“I think I get an A in terms of what I’ve actually done, but in terms of messaging, I’d give myself a C or a C-plus.”

Said Donald Trump.

That's not modesty at all, you should see. The C/C+ business is another way to say that the substantive greatness is truly great. If only he could express it well enough, you'd know how great it's been.

I offer this analogy. A person you've only seen in photographs says "I'm beautiful but I'm not very photogenic."


Jon Ericson said...

Thanks very much, to those who wield the banhammer during the Emerita's vacation.
I see commenters sticking their toes back in again.
Tough decisions.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Seems like the last 4 presidents have claimed the same thing at one time or another.

Michael K said...

I tend to agree with him and hope he gets a better handle on explaining things.

Needless to say, Democrats will fight that tooth and nail.

Big Mike said...

Donald Trump has to be one of the most unique individuals, and absolutely the most unique politician! -- I've encountered in my lifetime.

Althouse may have had lots of affection for the village idiot from Hyde Park, but in Rasmussen's last poll before the election 63% of the American public thought the US was headed in the wrong direction and 30% thought we were heading in the right direction. Trump's popularity may be historically low, but I note that the latest Rasmussen poll shows that 51% think we're headed in the wrong direction and 45% think we're headed in the right direction. No laurels to rest on, but an encouraging trend.

JRoberts said...

I've been reading stories today about the Dem's plans to "snub" the President this evening.

I suggest they stomp their feet and hold their breathe until they turn blue.

Bunch of children.

PB said...

let's count the number of times Trump says "I" and compare it to Obama's speeches.

Russ Wood said...

Mr. Obama frequently said the same thing (in substance). He even claimed to believe that he should give more speeches.

Drago said...

PB: "let's count the number of times Trump says "I" and compare it to Obama's speeches."

Allowances for Lightworkers like Obama must be given by mere mortals such as we.

Fabi said...

How many times will Trump be interrupted by protestors during his address this evening?

Jon Ericson said...

Gatemouth won't be there.

Brad said...

It's akin to democrats saying their electoral defeats are due to a failure in messaging.

Paul said...

Obama said he was smarter than his advisors..... I dunno of Trump has said the same thing.

Drago said...

Brad: "It's akin to democrats saying their electoral defeats are due to a failure in messaging."

I disagree. I would argue the dems defeats over the last 3 election cycles have been due to a set of policies openly adopted and espoused by the democrats which led to large scale alienation and disaffection of formerly key constituent groups. Which is why the dems are scrambling now to reestablish communications channels to those groups.

I think this will fail as those groups, particularly in the midwest, have had to listen to too much abuse from the dems.

Trump seems to land on the correct policies but then steps on his own policy communications with other generally inconsequential and some consequential but tangential "stuff".

Those are 2 very different sets of "messaging" issues and at this point if you had to choose which messaging problem you'd like to have it would the Republican one.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Difficult to explain yourself over the howls of hyenas and Lifelong Republicans.

Sebastian said...

His grading is not unreasonable, though a little generous on the achievement side. The key question, Donald, is: how are you gonna improve? Meaning: how are you gonna break down your mistakes, really diagnose your faults, and who are you gonna do it with? Meaning also: what exactly are you gonna do better? Step one: to explain better you have to know better. Travel ban, pipeline, infrastructure, immigration, you name it: get your facts and arguments in order. Step two: play to your strengths (and circumvent the MSM to some extent) with unannounced press conferences.

Birches said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it sounded pretty Obama.

sykes.1 said...

He's grading the audience. You have to be stupid not to understand him.

Achilles said...

Just more troll bait and he reels them in again.

rehajm said...

It's akin to democrats saying their electoral defeats are due to a failure in messaging

I was writing this then saw it has been said. Appropriate. 'We got crushed not because of our crappy policies but because we sucked at telling people about them.'

Bob Loblaw said...

It's akin to democrats saying their electoral defeats are due to a failure in messaging.

I'm sick of hearing that. These people (Democrats and Repulbicans) really think the problem is we're just too ignorant to realize what a great job they've been doing.

No. That's not the problem. Not at all.

Achilles said...

Blogger Fabi said...
"How many times will Trump be interrupted by protestors during his address this evening?"

Hopefully half a dozen or so. I would like to see Pelosi or any of the other shrews escorted out so the adults can continue on with business.

Ken B said...

Not quite. Photogenic is not something you do, and hence don't do well enough. I can sing great but I didn't rehearse is a better analogy.

HT said...

"Hopefully half a dozen or so. I would like to see Pelosi or any of the other shrews escorted out so the adults can continue on with business. "

You lie

Martin said...

Obama said almost exactly the same thing, several times. My actions are great but people don't understand how great they are, so we have to do a better job messaging.

Fabi said...

That would be fine by me, Achilles!

FullMoon said...

HT said... [hush]​[hide comment]

"Hopefully half a dozen or so. I would like to see Pelosi or any of the other shrews escorted out so the adults can continue on with business. "

You lie

Yeah, the "you lie" thing was spontaneous, emotional, and true.
Any interruptions tonight will be planned,fake, and obvious.

EMyrt said...

Ken B

I respectfully disagree about photogenicity. I've worked on shoots and with photographers (not as the model!) and have seen how much work goes into rendering a 3D person into a 2D picture. In fact, I was surprised by how funny-looking most photogenic people are in real life. There are as many skills and techniques involved in prepping and posing for photos as there are in singing. It is true, as in singing, that natural talent or attractiveness give one a big leg up, but even the beautiful work at it for photos (and the vast majority of photos are rejected for not being attractive enough). Most unphotogenic people (I include myself), haven't bothered to find, learn and practice the 3D to 2D tricks. I did work on singing, and find that technique trumps natural talent most times.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Bob Loblaw,

Amen to that. George Lakoff has basically spent the past twenty years sitting on one idea, and a thin one at that.

Michael K said...

The Democrats did themselves proud with an empty gesture akin to Otter and Bluto's in Animal House. They voted to require Trump's tax returns to be made public.

There are leftists who post on facebook like that was important. Of course, they were voted down.

Maybe they should try to get a majority again, but I would not hold my breath.

Michael K said...

"I was surprised by how funny-looking most photogenic people are in real life."

I used to work summers across the street from the original Playboy offices in Chicago.

I sometimes saw the models getting on the bus to go home. They looked pudgy.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, the "you lie" thing was spontaneous, emotional, and true."

If everyone who felt strongly about every stupid thing Trump will say, jumped up and yelled out, he wouldn't get a word in edgewise.

Achilles said...

Blogger HT said...

"You lie"

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Achilles said...

Blogger Unknown said...

"If everyone who felt strongly about every stupid thing Trump will say, jumped up and yelled out, he wouldn't get a word in edgewise."

Very few of the democrats or the republicans in that room have souls much less feel strongly about anything. Except for their power over us I suppose.

I hope they interrupt and act like assholes. It is awesome that they are bringing a bunch of people who believe in sharia law. You leftists need to keep pushing sharia law. It's a total winner for you.

Drago said...

Achilles: "I hope they interrupt and act like assholes. It is awesome that they are bringing a bunch of people who believe in sharia law. You leftists need to keep pushing sharia law. It's a total winner for you."

Oh, again its worse than that!


Actual terrorists have become the lefts "resist" movement.

As you knew it must all along.

Drago said...

Joe Wilson knew obama was lying again about obamacare going to illegal aliens.

Duh, since every single claim made by the dems about obamacare was a lie. But only every single one.

And how did that whole illegals-getting-obamacare turn out? Well, you already know the answer, don't you?




So yeah, Joe Wilson was out of line in terms of decorum. No argument.

On the other hand....

wildswan said...

I think it's a troll because the Dems are saying that the last eight years were great and the only problem is the messaging. Now Trump says the same thing (about the last thirty days.) The Dems can't condemn that overall argument because they are using it. And they can't say that sycophantic-positive coverage of Obama and Hillary and raving-looney negative coverage of Trump had the same net effect - obscuring the message - because that makes the media the intrinsic problem, i.e., no matter who it covers, the message is lost. And they can't say that Obama got negative coverage and so the message didn't get through while Trump is getting negative coverage and his message is getting through (his message being that he is a Nazi or a Fascist or a Putin Manchurian candidate or a Hillary puppet or Democrat Manchurian candidate or a puppy kicker - depending on the month).

In short:
No, we did not convey Obama's message; yes, we are conveying Donald Trump's message.

Drago said...

Unknown: "If everyone who felt strongly about every stupid thing Trump will say, jumped up and yelled out, he wouldn't get a word in edgewise."

If Trump called out the left for every stupid lie they have told with the support of the media and their "lifelong republican" supporters, Trump would never get to the heart of his speech.

n.n said...

He should have expected his words to pass through a twilight filter. However, the JournoLists are only one stage in this process.

Bruce Hayden said...

There are as many skills and techniques involved in prepping and posing for photos as there are in singing. It is true, as in singing, that natural talent or attractiveness give one a big leg up, but even the beautiful work at it for photos (and the vast majority of photos are rejected for not being attractive enough).

Daughter-in-law tells my partner that she (my partner) doesn't take bad pictures. But, that isn't true - I catch her unawares on occasion, and then ransom the photos back to her. She automatically poses whenever she knows that she is being photographed, which she learned in half a decade of modeling classes. And, then refined when she actually modeled, because time is money, the faster she could get photos that the photographer liked, the better he liked her, which translated into more jobs, and the faster she could get back to what she really loved to do (dance). Even now, better than three decades later, she still makes it look effortless and natural. It isn't.

gadfly said...

Obviously Trump's mind is encased in the egocentric condition known as solipsism, wherein his actions reflect only his own self-love perception that constitutes his reality. No other independent force exists and he is all there is.

His psychopathy, as displayed everyday in has words, actions and emotions makes him the scariest American leader e-v-e-r. Mentally sick people especially those in control of nuclear arsenals can quickly get us all dead.

Did you notice that in the Trump vs Generals brouhaha about the SEAL just killed became a win for Trump and now he gives himself A's for his own presidential performance! It matters not that some of us haven't drunk the Kool-Aid.

David said...

Trump is not humble. This is not big news. He is a President, like the following:

Obama--Roughly the same humility level as Trump. Like Trump, rarely tried to fake humility, and unconvincing when he did.

Bush 43--Not humble but decent, polite and surprisingly deferential at times. He was really really not humble in his younger days, but alcohol abuse either ruins you or humbles you. It did not ruin Bush.

Clinton--So arrogant he thought he could get away with anything. And pretty much did.

Bush 41--Appeared more humble than he actually was. Very good manners helped in this. Barfed on the Japanese prime minister and did not brag about it. Quite mannerly considering they shot down his plane and nearly killed him.

Reagan--Had Nancy to correct him if he ever felt humble.

Carter--largest gap between actual humility and things he might have been humble about.

LA_Bob said...


Alan Greenspan met a bunch of presidents and thought Gerald Ford was easily the most normal. Greenspan thought it was because Ford had never actually sought the presidency. You have to think pretty highly of yourself to cross this country back and forth campaigning for money and votes.

Known Unknown said...

I actually think I'm fairly handsome in the mirror, but I am certainly not photogenic!

it's as if from the time I turned around from the mirror to the time someone has taken my picture, I've eaten 6,000 cheeseburgers and had a stroke.

Known Unknown said...

" Most unphotogenic people (I include myself), haven't bothered to find, learn and practice the 3D to 2D tricks."

The camera is designed to flatten everything out and compress the image, so you have to cheat it by doing awkward things like leaning forward from your torso a bit, sticking your chin out a bit to create a jawline (the thing most likely lost in translation) and squinch your eyes (that's a squint combined with a pinch) so you lose the stunned open-eyed look. Too much and you look like Zoolander, though. It's certainly an art/science.

hombre said...

Seriously? The NYt is still humping the Trump anti-Semitic drivel. The Brookings report and earlier Gallup and Pew surveys have pretty well nailed down the resurgence of anti-Semitism as an offshoot of secular progressive anti-Zionism, particularly at universities. Alan Dershowitz has written about this several times.The

Obviously, secular Jewish Democrats are in denial about this and continue to shill for the party that has responded to their misplaced loyalty by betraying Israel.

Unknown said...

Trump gives his administration a C grade for messaging. Not bad for someone who is all talk and no action.

Trump has achieved almost zero in his first 6 weeks.

EO's are press releases. Majority are not laws until Congress passes them.

Obama passed the bailout of nearly one trillion dollars in his first six weeks.

Rusty said...

"Obama passed the bailout of nearly one trillion dollars in his first six weeks."

And nearly all of it went to pay his friends and supporters and none of it went to infrastructure.

Jaq said...

Sounds like a Democrat.

Jaq said...

Not being a naturally attractive person, and sporting a few extra pounds from a career sitting in front of a computer, (it's the new black lung) I began to notice that I would subconsciously compose myself whenever I knew a mirror was coming, carefully hiding all of those telltale signs of extra weight before glancing up. It was those unexpected mirrors or other reflections that showed me the person who always seemed to show up in photographs. Since I have retired, I have dropped 25 lbs and don't seem to mind seeing myself in the mirror accidentally sideways anymore. Though part of my weigh-loss routine was forcing myself to stand sideways to the mirror at least once a day to overcome the sabotage my inner mind, which only wants to protect me from psychic pain, of course, inflicts on me.

Jaq said...

Remember when Obama fired the inspector general who was investigating one of his political friends in San Diego's misuse of stimulus funds early on? Of course it is illegal to fire an IG, but nobody cared! Good times, good times! Wasn't it great when we had a real king? English Bob was right, and Little Bill was wrong to beat him up over his comment!

Rusty said...

"Trump has achieved almost zero in his first 6 weeks."

Bob Beckel said almost exactly the same thing on "The Five" last night. The left narrative machine is working overtime'

He's accomplished a lot. He prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president.

Jaq said...

He will get his guy on the Supreme Court, thus satisfying the only thing other than preventing the Hillary machine from occupying the White House that I wanted from him, so what Rusty said.

Jaq said...

He rescinded the ACA individual mandate with his "pen and phone" as well.

Jaq said...

Taxes will likely not be going up for four years. The IRS will have new leadership which will try to de-politicize that agency. The CIA is getting the top levels cleared of partisan Democrats. The Justice Department will be cleaned out at the top too.

Oh yeah, bids are being solicited and contracts will be awarded to build the wall. TPP is dead.

I know rich Democrats are upset about the wall, after all, do you guys have any idea how expensive it would be to keep a stable of race-horses, or even a string of polo ponies without labor from illegal aliens? Imagine having to pay stable hands overtime over forty hours, provide health insurance, pay payroll taxes on all of that labor? It's unthinkable!

As far as I am concerned, the Trump presidency has been all about winning. I don't care who pays for the wall. It will probably cost a lot less than a comparable stretch of interstate highway.

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