February 6, 2017

"I didn't follow the Super Bowl thread — because I went to bed early last night. What bliss!! Meteor last night, by the way."

Says MadisonMan, pointing here:

That's video from he east camera on the roof of the Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences Building here at UW.


chickelit said...

You missed a good game, Madman. Meteors happen all the time -- games like that? Not so much.

Ann Althouse said...

People who didn't watch the game at all... it's not such a loss.

I feel sorry for the people who cared enough to watch, then left early and missed what made it great. It was fun to believe the Patriots could climb out of that hole and win and then to see it unfold.

Balfegor said...

Reminds me of Kimi no Na wa (Your Name), an anime movie that has been astonishingly popular in Japan since last year (it came out in August, and is still in theatres six months later). Central event in the movie is a meteor shower. I would say more, only I suppose since it's still in theatres, spoilers still apply. Anyhow, some very pretty drawings of the meteor there.

traditionalguy said...

The MVP was James White, the Running Back out of Wisconsin. He was the one the Falcons never seemed to be able to stop.

As for blame, that goes to the play caller who did not run 2 plays into the line and kick a Field Goal with 3 minutes left in the game, and that was Shanahan.

Original Mike said...

I was at a star party a couple of years ago and there seemed to be an inordinate numbers of meteors. All these experienced observers were commenting "Is there a shower, or something?". Nobody knew. The party was in Australia, so it was full of hardcores (we were all northerners so it took a commitment to be there) yet no one knew. Looked it up later and there had indeed been a shower (the Lyrids). Amusing that all these people who should have known were in the dark.

wildswan said...

It was an amazing game and I'm glad I watched even though the Packers were not playing. I wonder how many watched the half time show. I did not and there are no comments on it. Probably the sponsors wasted their money.

wildswan said...

It was an amazing game and I'm glad I watched even though the Packers were not playing. I wonder how many watched the half time show. I did not and there are no comments on it. Probably the sponsors wasted their money.

Seeing Red said...


Later this week it's gonna be a busy nite in the heavens.

Which means it's usually going to be overcast in Chicago.

Michael K said...

It's cloudy in Tucson.

The KIA commercial was cute and the only one I watched. It's the the last one in this thread.

JAORE said...

"As for blame, that goes to the play caller who did not run 2 plays into the line and kick a Field Goal with 3 minutes left in the game, and that was Shanahan."


I skipped the half-time show, but heard Lady GaGa was good.

The Kia commercial was, by far, the best. Couple of the Hey Google spots were cute.

Some, like 84 Lumber, were not.

Wince said...

It was 2:30 in the morning.

Sure it wasn't a Trump Twitter bomb?

Rick said...

The Kia commercial was, by far, the best.

I thought the best commercial was the Humane Society Watch, which was a spoof on the Humane Society commercials only bragging about their lawyers and Cayman investments rather than saving animals. It was really quite astonishing to see something so satirical in that setting.

DanTheMan said...

Does Judge Robart agree that the Patriots won? Apparently he gets to decide, since it affects fans in the 9th circuit.

Bob Boyd said...

I hadn't heard this story before yesterday.

From Business Insider:

"In 2005, [Patriots owner Robert] Kraft was on a business trip to Russia and visited Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kraft, carrying his 2004 Super Bowl ring, showed it to Putin, who apparently tried it on and then took it without giving it back.

"I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, 'I can kill someone with this ring.' I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out."

The New York Post reported that when the incident originally happened, the Bush administration had asked Kraft, for the sake of US-Russia relations, to say publicly that he gave the ring to Putin as a gift.

After Kraft told his updated version of events in 2013, Putin denied stealing the ring or having any memory of meeting Kraft, but he said he would have a replacement ring made for Kraft.

A decade later, it appears Kraft never got his ring back."

In an interview yesterday Kraft said his friend Donald Trump told him he'd ask Putin for the ring back.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Seeing Red said..."Wow!

Later this week it's gonna"

Really? What? I'm not seeing anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cool. The steam, in combination with the fire in the sky, it looks like a war.

.. in peaceful sleepy Madison.

rcocean said...

"I feel sorry for the people who cared enough to watch, then left early and missed what made it great."

Yep, that's me. Quit after the 3rd quarter. Just another superbore thinks I. Went and helped the wife fix dinner.

Shocked when I turned the TV back on.

khesanh0802 said...


Falcons played a great 45 minutes, unfortunately for them the game was 60 minutes plus long and Tom Brady plays for the Pats! Both teams have a bright future. Commentators aside the Pats are a pretty young team too. I will admit that I left in disgust after the interception and run back. Turned the TV back on at the behest of my wife as the Pats started their drive for the tie.

Brady has been pulling his teams' chestnuts out of the fire since he was at Michigan. I am glad Lloyd Carr didn't play him more or we never would have gotten him.

Loved Roger Goodall getting booed off the stage. It was richly deserved.

Original Mike said...

"I feel sorry for the people who cared enough to watch, then left early and missed what made it great."

I was at a Badger hockey games years ago (pre-Internet) and North Dakota scored a goal in sudden death overtime. A hockey buddy of mine was listening on the radio and he snapped the radio off in disgust. Thing is, the goal was waved off and the Badgers went on to win the game. We had a small back and forth about who had won the game when we met up a few days later. It ain't over 'till it's over.

Fernandinande said...

In Putin's Russia meteors watch you.

The rule of Lemnity said...

" It was fun to believe the Patriots could climb out of that hole and win and then to see it unfold."

My little sister in GA was one of the lucky Consumate Patriots fans who didn't turn the game off and was handsomely rewarded.

SoLastMillennium said...

The only important event at the Super Bowl was Goodell being "cheered", and that's on You Tube.


MAJMike said...

Russians hacked the Super Bowl.

Richard said...

In 2005, [Patriots owner Robert] Kraft was on a business trip to Russia and visited Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kraft, carrying his 2004 Super Bowl ring, showed it to Putin, who apparently tried it on and then took it without giving it back.

Putin knows the power of the ring!


Yancey Ward said...

I recorded the game, and will probably watch it later today, though I did watch the halftime show this morning on Youtube. I did the check the score periodically while watching something on Netflix, and I thought the game was over after Atlanta scored at the start of the 2nd half, but I never counted the Patriots completely out- I kept checking the score and was not terribly shocked to find they had gotten themselves back into the game.

As for the half-time show, I thought Lady Gaga knocked it out of the park, but I am a fan hers and have been almost from her first hit and have actually gone to two of her concerts. I was glad to see she limited the political stuff to a minimum- a credit to her and her business sense.

Michael said...

The Dow is over 20K. Where is that moron once written....?

Michael said...

So as a Falcon's fan I was able to feel a bit of the horror that Hillary voters must have felt. Hers/ours to lose and lose it we did. Falcon's fans, so far, are not call for recounts nor have we started burning limos and breaking windows. Yet....

Comanche Voter said...

Yup, I'm going with the KIA commercial. The zebras helped the Patriots out a time or two on one drive. Three consecutive first downs on holding penalties were a big help to the Patriots. I figured ol Tom Terrific might just pull this one out of the el foldo frying pan, so I stayed around and watched it all.

Dallas claims to be America's Team. And with young Dak Prescott at the helm, it may make that claim come true again.

The Pats on the other hand are America's most universally disliked NFL team. I'd be happy to see the Packers, or the Cowboys or the Falcons stick it to the Patriots the next time around.

Original Mike said...

"The Dow is over 20K. Where is that moron once written....?"

Not sure what he did, but I believe he got booted.

320Busdriver said...

Text from my Brother this am. He lives on the shore of Lake Michigan in Sheboygan AKA Shevegas.

"Meteor last night shook our house waking me from a dead sleep, scared the sh*& out of me b4 knowing what it was..."

Yancey Ward said...

When I was, I think, ten or eleven years old, we were shaken awake by a large sonic boom in the middle of a January night. I nearly pissed myself coming awake, and the house was still shaking a bit. We never knew what had caused it, but reading 320Busdriver, I think I now know what it was.

tim in vermont said...

What I still can't quite believe is that they got the two points twice. Whenever a team is down 16 and somebody says "it's a two score game," I think "theoretically!"

Bob Boyd said...

Somebody stole Brady's game jersey right out of the locker room.

Putin strikes again?


khesanh0802 said...

GOODELL for Christ's sake. GD spell check. @solastmillenium Thanks for the link. Absolutely warmed my heart to hear that jerk roundly booed. Will probably play that link several times this week.

khesanh0802 said...

I really did not think much about the Falcon's play calling in the last few minutes. I guess they could have been more conservative, but with the momentum swing to the Pats - and fearing Tom Brady - they probably thought that they needed another six points. The Pats have blocked a couple of field goals this year. What would have happened if they blocked your imaginary one and recovered the ball at about the 50? As it was they drove 90 yards for a TD. 50 yards would have felt like a gimme to the Falcons' coaches - and might have left the Pats with enough time to drive for another TD with a quick stop of the Falcons.. How often had the Pats gotten to Ryan on that little square out pattern - not much I'll bet. It's so damn easy to second guess the coaches when you don't have any of the pressures they have. Quinn knew he had a tired team - particularly on defense. He really did not want to give the Pats the ball with any time on the clock. His center had been playing on a broken leg. I don't see a long snapper on their roster so how good would you feel about the snapper with the broken leg after 3 and half quarters? I think Quinn's strategy was okay. It just did not work out. Now Pete Carroll, on the other hand.

George M. Spencer said...

Good thing Tunguska happened in Tunguska.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences Building here at UW

Are you kidding? Is it funded by Exxon Mobil? If not then you can't trust any of the research that comes out of them.