February 19, 2017

Fake news? (And should we care if a rich person throws an expensive party?)

2 camels @ $1500 each / 400 people = $7.50 per person
$200,000 for dinner / 400 people = $500 per person
$60,000 for service / 400 people = $150 per person
$500,000 for singer / 400 people = $1250 per person
$8 million / 400 people = $20,0000 per person
Innumerate NYT readers = Priceless!


sunsong said...

Oligarchs lording it over everyone...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The guy makes over $2M a day, so spending 4 days pay on a party is not that lavish.

HT said...


I’m not saying it did cost in the millions but how nutty of Kaus to insinuate the article listed every single cost, and how curious that you put his silly tweet in your post.

Ann Althouse said...

But why did the NYT write a whole article, give such a high number, based on an unnamed source, enumerate various expenses, and not have the numbers come anywhere near that high number?

One answer could be: Because it's so important to know how lavishly rich people spend!

And yet I don't feel that I know, because the reporting seems dubious.

And I don't know why it matters how people spend their money. It's not a Marie Antoinette situation where the expensive party is useful evidence of just how rich people are while the poor are suffering. We already know how rich they are! And the poor are not starving. There's no rigid system of aristocracy, just different people making different amounts of money. What is there that requires my attention?? If rich people spend money on things, they are releasing that money back into the economy. The spending of the money isn't really the problem even for people who want to worry about income inequality, is it?

Anonymous said...

Where is Achilles yelling about how Trump will be ridding us of the Oligarchs' oppression?

Ambrose said...

My view is that it s not my business how others spend their own money - but I note that everything is relative. I will go out on a limb and assert that the average birthday party budget for the toddler offspring of upper Upper Westside NYC "#not my president" Democrats easily exceeds the annual income of a majority of people in the world. And I bet that most of them treat the party staff with greater disdain than Schwartzman did his.

Meade said...

" how nutty of Kaus to insinuate the article listed every single cost"

But Kaus doesn't insinuate the article listed every single cost. It's nutty to say he did. He simply questions how $7-9 million could even be possible. The article, headline, and tweet by Garance Franke-Ruta combine to make a small window into how fake news is manufactured and disseminated.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

sunsong said...
Oligarchs lording it over everyone...

Like Hillary Clinton, who wore a $12,000 pants suit to deliver a speech about income inequality.

Or Michele Obama:

"Michelle Obama, whose wardrobe journalists mysteriously stopped covering a couple of years ago, frequently wears dresses from designer collections that cost twice as much. There was a period of time where Michelle was wearing cardigans designed by the now-deceased girlfriend of Mick Jagger, L’Wren Scott, that were, at minimum, $2000 each. Nina McLemore’s designs are also not terribly “exclusive,” like many of the brands found in Michelle Obama’s closet."

sunsong doesn't mind oligarchs one bit, if they have "D's" after their name.

sunsong said...

And the poor are not starving.

Actually millions of 'the poor' do go hungry. I ask the question, why not feed and help people with that $7 -$9 million? They have lost touch with their humanity - with their soul, imo

The Godfather said...

Almost all the extremely expensive fetes that I see in the press are thrown by leftists. I'm sure the Times complains all the time about this extravagence. Snark. No it doesn't.

And then they wonder why a rich guy who comes along and says to the proles, I'm on YOUR side, gets their support.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"And I don't know why it matters how people spend their money."

I don't really care either. I care how they spend taxpayer money. Private money not so much.

But this indignant huffing about everyone and everything associated with the Trump puts me in mind of the screeching about Nancy Reagan's "extravagant" wardrobe and spending. "OMG, fancy new china for the WH!"

Michele installed new silk drapes in the WH. I recall no talk of her extravagance.

Money is only bad when Republicans spend it.

Amadeus 48 said...

sunsong--I assume you are talking about the US. I don't think many go hungry (look at the obesity problem among poor people here), but there may well be a malnourishment problem here through ignorance and poor choices. Of course, when I was a kid the public schools taught us all about proper diet. I wonder what they do now instead?

Meade said...

"They have lost touch with their humanity - with their soul, imo"

Quite a judgement. Do you even know how much money the Schwarzmans donate to help and feed people? I don't but I wouldn't be surprised if they give quite a lot.

And how are they "lording it over" anyone? The article says the planning firm's clients have included former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and companies such as Amazon. Were they not also "lording it over everyone" when they gave lavish parties?

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MayBee said...

I remember when Malcom Forbes threw a big party in Morocco- it's when he was besties with Elizabeth Taylor. And Maria Shriver- a Kennedy!!!!- complained about how much money he spent on his party when others were going with out.

It seems to be a thing when there are Republican presidents.

(are we going to talk about how lavish State Dinners became under the Obamas?)

MayBee said...

I ask the question, why not feed and help people with that $7 -$9 million?

That money went to paying a lot of vendors, florists, food preparers, wait staff, valets, security guards, etc.
Which feeds and helps working class and small business people.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

sunsong, the most obese people in this country are the poorest.

"I ask the question, why not feed and help people with that $7 -$9 million?"

Why didn't Obama skip a few Hawaii vacations and give that money to the poor instead? He was just hanging out with billionaire Richard Branson in the Caribbean wind-surfing. Do you think they were sleeping in tents? Ask Branson to pony up a few million.

As I recall, "We Are the World" was supposed to feed the starving of Ethiopia. What it did, mainly, was line the pockets of various warlords - because those people weren't starving, they were being starved. But a lot of rich liberals and dumb people got to feel good about themselves and that's the important thing.

Showing off your own terrific "goodness" seems to be your main reason for posting here, sunsong.

Most modern-day famines are manmade and due to shitty political systems - which happen to be the ones the Left favors.

HT said...

"Add up the expenses.... I get less than $850,000."

I suggest if you are really concerned, don't look to fashion and style sections of the newspaper.

"The article, headline, and tweet by Garance Franke-Ruta combine to make a small window into how lugenpresse is manufactured and disseminated."

So, it's a lie then.

Actually, your point is taken. It would just be nice if you could also see how Trump does the.exact.same.thing.

You may be interested in this:

“People who were there said that the tennis courts had been covered with Asian-themed staging, and that Mr. Schwarzman was presented an oversize cake that looked like an Asian temple. But even a generous tally of all the most lavish components couldn’t get you anywhere within shouting distance of $20 million: Even if, theoretically, Gwen Stefani had charged the $1 million that Rod Stewart was said to have charged at Mr. Schwarzman’s 60th (and she didn’t; the figure was substantially lower), it would take 20 of her to get to that price tag.”


Michael K said...

I was going to join this thread but the trolls seem to come early.

Just having an interesting thread over at Chicagoboyz about Trump's security system at his hotels and casinos. The impression is that his own security in his private enterprises probably exceeds what the government has, at least what we know of.

He probably knows more about hacking than anyone not working for NSA.

The jealousy of the left seems to be limited to people spending their own money. The public's is free.

cacimbo said...

This is a warning. The article notes that the party coordinators have also handled parties for the Obamas and Clintons. If that firm wants to continue receiving business from Democrats they will be "unavailable" the next time a Republican calls. It is also an attempt to further intimidate Ivanka and reduce her social circle. Everyone is being put on notice, dare to be nice to Ivanka and you will be targeted.

sunsong said...

Quite a judgement.

And an even worse reality.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

We should care about nothing unless carefully as a group we precisely define the group we are to potentially care of/to/for, allowing a snippet, at best, of a limited understanding of more than mere self-serving proclaimed arguments voiced by those that continually are shown to be only iterations of Fen's Law enacted without shame yet again.

Hagar said...

Decimal points are a bitch.

Meade said...

" It would just be nice if you could also see how Trump does the.exact.same.thing."

Oh but I do see how he does something similar. Obama and Clinton did too.

It would be nice if you could see the difference.

Gojuplye said...

Didn't Michelle throw a birthday party in Spain that cost just shy of a million bucks? Riiiiight that's different because RAAAAACIST.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I don't leave extra spaces in my comments on purpose, not like I expect any of you to care about my intent or motivations when years of these resultant comments are available*, but nonetheless I feel it could be felt by others as insulting to the host and the readers who don't have this issue so allow me this indulgence by way of apology.

I insult often without the intention to do so, which was a tough pill to swallow, but I understood my interactions that turned confrontational, when looking back, demonstrated to my hindsight's vision the extent my ego might go to protect me from damage when I only sought to clarify, in what I thought was an engaging manner, interesting/intellectual quandaries.


n.n said...

NYT wants to reset the class warfare, class diversity, etc. strategy. Desperate JournoLism.

MayBee said...

This is from a 2008 profile of Schwarzman in The New Yorker:

Another traditional measure of wealth is charitable activities and donations, and Schwarzman’s philanthropic activities have received wide notice. With a hundred and fifty million dollars from the public-offering proceeds, Blackstone established the Blackstone Foundation. Schwarzman has contributed to or raised money for a long list of nonprofit institutions, including the Frick Collection, the Whitney Museum, Phoenix House, the Red Cross, the Inner-City Scholarship Fund, the American Museum of Natural History, New York City Outward Bound, the Asia Society, and the Central Park Conservancy. His competitive instincts are as keen here as in business; he told me that every fund-raiser that he has chaired or at which he has been the honoree has set a new record. He is on the board not only of the New York Public Library but of the Frick and of New York City Ballet. Jimmy Lee jokes that his friend has received more accolades and raised more money for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York than any other Jew; Edward Cardinal Egan is a close friend. (Schwarzman has also raised money for the American Jewish Committee.) As chairman of the board of trustees of the Kennedy Center, in Washington, he shares a box every year with the President and the center’s honorees.

Does that make you feel better?

YoungHegelian said...

Democratic politicians only go to rent parties, donchaknow. None of that hi-brow stuff.

Why, when a group of Democratic guys walk into a party & the host greets them "Gentlemen!", they look over their shoulder to see who he's talking to. Just like on the Three Stooges.

Anonymous said...

What galls is Schwarzman's failure to invite any Black Panthers.

le Douanier said...

Job creator is as job creator does.

Think of all the trickling down that went toward paying normal folks for their labor.

American labor!

Not knowing about it, I'm guessing that there's some bashfulness re genuinely rich folks re normal folks finding out what genuine richness means, OTOH, stating that normal folks depend on rich folks seams to be very psychologically salving.

That's really interesting to me, but I can't imagine that it can continue forever. Even w/ jabber about illegals and Mooooslims, and a full-on war (e.g. Iran) it's hard to imagine this will fly for more than eight or twelve years.

I dunno.

Carry on.

Hari said...

If their next 16 quarters match the NY Times' last quarter, they will earn just enough money during the entire first term of the Trump presidency to throw one party like this:

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Liberals are always so generous with other people's money, and niggardly with their own. Studies consistently show that conservatives think and act on the principle that charity is something we do. Liberals believe that paying taxes and outsourcing compassion to the unfeeling government is a good substitute. Like Jesus said (paraphrasing), "Show me where a man spends his money and I will show his heart's desire."

Once you've lived through more than one changeover from R to D and back the differences are so striking that I'm surprised when I hear others express surprise at things they hadn't noticed for eight years. As noted above, Sunsong has no idea what Schwartzman spends his wealth on other than this one party (poorly reported by the NYT) and yet she feels empowered to pass judgement on his soul. How quaint.

Jaq said...

One of the symptoms of Trump Derangement is the any weapon at hand, we don't care if the Clintons or Obama did the same thing with money they made off of their positions in the government, or from people trying to buy influence, because Trump! style of argument.

Sunsong is riding that hypocrisy train for all it is worth!

Laslo Spatula said...

Prospective Speech for an Imaginary Jack Nicholson Movie...

You want fairness? You want FAIRNESS?! We have been fucked in the ass by Fairness, people! Our caveman ancestors were fucked in the ass by Fairness: you want to know what they called Fairness? Having fucking Fire, that's what...

Fairness is a Tooth Fairy with No Fucking Money: there is NOTHING under your pillow in the morning that you didn't put there the Night Before...

Fairness fucks you in the ass whether you have bad knees, a bad back, or are fucking paralyzed below the waist: Fairness WILL bend you over, and Fairness WILL fuck you...

What you want is UNFAIRNESS: you want all people treated the same, just with you being treated to a little more. Nothing seems more Unfair than a person who was treated fairly and fucking took advantage of it! When you talk about Fairness what you are really saying is "Fuck Everybody." Because the only Fairness you see is for everyone to be Fucked In the Ass Equally...

So stop giving me your Shit about how Unfair things are: Fairness IS Unfairness! You were born human and the cockroach was born a cockroach -- you think the cockroach thinks that was fucking fair? Are you willing to trade places with the cockroach so that you can say Everything is Fair Now...?

There is Something Above Everything, and Something Below Everything: THAT is how the Universe Works, and the Universe works by fucking things in the Ass! If no one got fucked in the ass Shit would never get done: we'd still be the Fucking Caveman bitching that the other Caveman has Fire...

So what I am saying to you -- and I'll say it slowly, so you have time to understand: Bite a Fucking Pillow and Shut the Fuck Up...

I am Laslo.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

OMG "Phoenix House" - so he is pro-life too. Well then certainly he should be strung up!

le Douanier said...

"We already know how rich they are!"

No, you don't.

le Douanier said...

""We already know how rich they are!"

No, you don't."

If you did, you wouldn't fuss about a couple mil v $850 grand.


Jaq said...

Maybe I missed all of her posts criticizing Hillary for paying Blumenthal ten thousand dollars a month out of her "charity" to give her advice like overthrowing Qadaffy and getting involved in the Syrian civil war, unleashing waves of millions of refugees.

You know what would have been a good refugee ban? Ban Obama and Hillary from creating more by getting the US involved in military adventures... Well, horse, barn door, you know the rest Sonsong.

Gahrie said...

If he did spend $7 - $9 million, that gave an awful lot of people a payday.....

le Douanier said...

Further proof, how would the Madison Meadehose explain DJT throwing $28 mil (or whatever it was) at the Trump U lawsuit as soon as he won?

BTW, the Meadehouse answer is wrong.

Case closed. Re Meadehouse not understanding job creators in America.

Don't feel bad, you're a big fish in a puddle. That's somthin'!

Jaq said...

I guess he did it for the same reason that Bill and Hillary paid off Paula Jones.

Gahrie said...

Actually millions of 'the poor' do go hungry.

In the U.S. the biggest problem poor people gave is obesity. Worldwide, hungry is at an all time low, while the population is at an all time high.

Stop trying to make people guilty because they don't spend their money the way you want them to.

Gahrie said...

Of course, when I was a kid the public schools taught us all about proper diet. I wonder what they do now instead?

Give them three free meals a day, based on Michelle's dictates.

le Douanier said...

T in V: "I guess..."

Indeed you do.

Jaq said...

Trump was admitting guilt and Clinton was just making a lawsuit go away. I know how Trump derangement works.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Stop trying to make people guilty because they don't spend their money the way you want them to.

2/19/17, 6:22 PM

No, it only applies to people sunsong doesn't like. I doubt that she's ever been terribly concerned about the 6-7 houses owned by rich liberal movie stars or the costs of the parties they throw.

Robt C said...

It's really hard -- actually impossible -- to follow Laslo, but here's my two bits.

Conspicuous consumption is always viewed from below.

"My Chevy is just fine, why did he splurge on an Benz?"
"My Benz is just fine, who needs a Bentley?"
"My 2000/4000/6000 sq ft house is just fine, who needs anything more?"
"I can do fine with a 50 foot boat. Anything more is stupid."

Spending $5K on my kid's birthday is reasonable; anything more is . . . "

le Douanier said...

T in V,

Irony is my thing. Back off, dude.

FullMoon said...

Let's see Scwarzmans taxes. Unverified, as yet, rumor is he wrote party off as business expense.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm sure at Madonna's or George Cooney's parties they're all eating pepperoni pizza off of paper plates.

YoungHegelian said...


I'm sure at Madonna's or George Cooney's parties they're all eating pepperoni pizza off of paper plates.

I'm sure if it featured a non-gluten crust with imported pepperoni & mozzarella, they'd be good with it.

Well, except for the knuckleheaded vegans.

Jaq said...

My favorite was when Rosanne Barre, worth 80 million dollars, said no one should be allowed to have more than 100 million dollars. That was precious.

le Douanier said...

BTW, it's cool to see that we're supposed to follow the lead of the real Americans and their POV re the elitists that control the gov. So, we must ignore the elitist media in NY and DC that is watching the gov act.

Anywho, what does the situation look like from normal folks in Madison and wherever the rest of y'all, in your not-elite situations, look like?

Being more and more distanced from actual events and knowledge is the best vantage point for making accurate judgements. Your brains (and susceptibility to Scott Adams manipulation stuff) say so.

Got it.

Carry on.

Jaq said...

Scott Adams got it all wrong, didn't he? You guys had it right! I remember it well!

Oh yeah, and that fucking Wikileaks again!

Drago said...

Next time just have everyone flown in to Bransons private island.

That one comes pre approved by the lefties.

The good news of course is that the Clintons eventually cut a check for all the stuff they stole from the White House.

Just think, had the Clintons not stolen that stuff they could have used their Pay-for-Play Saudi cash to help the poor.

Oh well.

Carry On.

P.s. #HillaryIsStillNotMyPresident

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Kaus's math seems a bit off. People far less wealthy than Schwarzman spend that kind of money on weddings and they don't have Gwen Stefani singing.

le Douanier said...

"My favorite was when Rosanne Barre, worth 80 million dollars, said no one should be allowed to have more than 100 million dollars. That was precious."

If the "death tax" was eliminated, she may have been ok w/ the 80 mil max limit, especially since she's not used to real dough. Others, who have real dough, would (assuming no "death tax") put the max number at 10 billion. Beyond that, the really rich folks wouldn't give an F, because it's best to have your estate planning a bit more on the DL (re noticeable stuff like the "death tax"), then the shelter will cover unlimited dough.

sunsong said...

In the U.S. the biggest problem poor people gave is obesity.

Dig a little deeper and you'll find that cheap foods aren't good for you. Poor people can't afford a quality diet.

le Douanier said...

T in V,

Scott Adams said that DJT could use manipulation (persuasion) to get folks to vote in ways that were detached from issues.

FYI, that means that folks who voted for DJT were not doing so based on logic and clear thinking.


FullMoon said...

sunsong said...

In the U.S. the biggest problem poor people gave is obesity.

Dig a little deeper and you'll find that cheap foods aren't good for you. Poor people can't afford a quality diet.

100% absolutely not true. And also stupid.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
Where is Achilles yelling about how Trump will be ridding us of the Oligarchs' oppression?"

I am sure Achilles, like everyone else in America, was completely unaware of the top secret and shocking revelation that the Trumps are very rich and have very rich friends.

I thank the NY Times for bringing this to our attention.

le Douanier said...

"Kaus's math seems a bit off. People far less wealthy than Schwarzman spend that kind of money on weddings and they don't have Gwen Stefani singing."

FTR, that's another way of pointing to what I noted up thread:

"""We already know how rich they are!"

No, you don't."

If you did, you wouldn't fuss about a couple mil v $850 grand.


One thing that is indisputable is that Meadehouse doesn't have a clue re genuinely rich folks.

le Douanier said...

"I am sure Achilles, like everyone else in America, was completely unaware of the top secret and shocking revelation that the Trumps are very rich and have very rich friends."

Did y'all notice that the swamp is being packed by DJT w/ Goldman folks who are going to F y'all up that ass?

Jaq said...

FYI, that means that folks who voted for DJT were not doing so based on logic and clear thinking.

Of course, all of the Hillary voters were voting based on a complete understanding of the facts and the implications of their votes!

I wish I was as smart as you, PB&J. Then I guess I could figure out what the point of your last post was. Was Althouse not supposed to cover Adams, even though he seemed to get a lot of things right, or is it just that anything that reflects positively on Trump is icky?

le Douanier said...

BTW, it's so cool that normal folks are jumping to the defense of DJT and Rs as they're doing everything they can to benefit the job creators.

Imagine being a genuinely rich person who gets to feel self righteous at the same time they get ever richer.

That'd be cool.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Poor people can't afford a quality diet.

2/19/17, 6:46 PM

Nonsense. It's cheaper to buy a whole chicken, a bag of potatoes and frozen veggies at Aldis than it is to take the kids to fast food places. What it is not is convenient. You have to be willing to take the time to prepare and cook meals.

You can make a lot of soup for very little money per serving.

And sometimes you don't have to cook anything. A peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread is healthier than a Quarter Pounder and not hard to make.

When I was young and didn't have a lot of money left over after rent, I managed to eat healthy meals that were also cheap. But I cared enough to do so.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
One thing that is indisputable is that Meadehouse doesn't have a clue re genuinely rich folks.

This is more generally true. The disparities are so vast that they become difficult to comprehend, a bit like Carl Sagan's astrophysics, "billions and billions".

Achilles said...

sunsong said...

Actually millions of 'the poor' do go hungry. I ask the question, why not feed and help people with that $7 -$9 million? They have lost touch with their humanity - with their soul, imo

The democrats only care about poor/hungry when they can be a prop in an attack on a republican. Talk about losing touch with humanity. You flushed your soul down a toilet long ago.

People who actually care about people getting food donate money to local churches and food banks.

Gahrie said...

Did y'all notice that the swamp is being packed by DJT w/ Goldman folks who are going to F y'all up that ass?

Yeah!...because Hillary and Obama had nothing nuthinck to do with those nasty Wall Street types......

Dave in Tucson said...

> But why did the NYT write a whole article, give such a high number, based on an unnamed source

Because when it comes to hating the bourgeoisie, it's important that the right ones are center of attention. The NYT is just providing fodder for our Two Minutes of Hate.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
Where is Achilles yelling about how Trump will be ridding us of the Oligarchs' oppression?

Busy. This is a stupid story and you are a stupid person for thinking this is dispositive of anything.

Gahrie said...

The democrats only care about poor/hungry when they can be a prop in an attack on a republican.

The day after the election, I asked all of my classes...do you think hungry and homelessness are big issues in the US today? Have you been hearing about those issues in the media the last eight years? The answer to both was no. I then told then...get ready for that to change. Now that a republican is going to be president, those are going to be major issues again.

Within a week I had stunned students telling me about articles about the poor appearing on snapchat.

le Douanier said...

BTW, I'd like to record some data (as if I haven't already done it w/ scientific polling, in the real world) to help me make financial decisions:

How many folks here (who are currently pushing the DJT line) were gung-ho W supporters re the Iraq attack, but now, like DJT, have concluded that that was a mistake?

And, how long did it take for you to make the 180 degree?

Not that such a change has anything to do w/ the fact that y'all are currently eagerly to following DJT, as you did w/ W.*

Not that it's useful to understand how long it takes for the Scott-Adams-manipulation(persuasion) effect to wear off.

Ha ha.

Carry on.

*Trad Guy, please don't respond. As a dedicated Palin fan, your outlier POV will mess-up this small sample.

Meade said...

"One thing that is indisputable is that Meadehouse doesn't have a clue re genuinely rich folks."

I'm so impoverished. How many clues do you have, PB? It must be a lot and yet you never seem to offer to share your wealth of clues. Some might say you have lost touch with your humanity, your soul.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I know that in many states, deer hunters (a group sunsong no doubt finds "deplorable") donate venison to food banks. Often it then goes to homeless shelters, which use it to make venison chili.

In Texas alone: Last hunting season, hunters donated nearly 176,000 pounds of meat to the Hunters for the Hungry program through 90 participating meat processors in 64 counties. This year, hunters may donate deer at one of 96 participating meat processors in 69 counties, with new processors joining the program throughout the season."

Venison is healthy, lean meat.

So sunsong, while you strike a virtuous pose here, those hunters (many of whom undoubtedly voted for Trump) are actually doing something concrete to feed poor people.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
BTW, it's so cool that normal folks are jumping to the defense of DJT and Rs as they're doing everything they can to benefit the job creators.

Imagine being a genuinely rich person who gets to feel self righteous at the same time they get ever richer.

That'd be cool.

You mean like Al Gore or T. Boone Pickens? Sorry that was gratuitous.

Oh and the wealth gap grew under Obama. Welp!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
How many folks here (who are currently pushing the DJT line) were gung-ho W supporters re the Iraq attack, but now, like DJT, have concluded that that was a mistake?

And, how long did it take for you to make the 180 degree?

I can answer this.

All of them and forever.

MayBee said...

My favorite was when Beyonce performed for one of the Quadiffis.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

You mean like Al Gore or T. Boone Pickens? Sorry that was gratuitous.

Oh and the wealth gap grew under Obama. Welp!

2/19/17, 7:20 PM

Not to mention Tom Steyer, Mark Cuban or Soros.

Sebastian said...

"But why did the NYT write a whole article, give such a high number, based on an unnamed source, enumerate various expenses, and not have the numbers come anywhere near that high number? One answer could be: Because it's so important to know how lavishly rich people spend! And yet I don't feel that I know, because the reporting seems dubious. And I don't know why it matters how people spend their money." You're putting us on, right? Why oh why would they not back up a high number? Seems "dubious," does it? You don't know why it matters? Reporting is a tool. In this case, it kills two birds: strike at the 1% and at Trump. Of course, they don't want to get at the 1% willy-nilly. Carlos S. wouldn't like that. Richard Branson is ok, having paid his protection money in kind to O. Soros is fine, of course. In prog reporting, things matter situationally.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...

Did y'all notice that the swamp is being packed by DJT w/ Goldman folks who are going to F y'all up that ass?

You probably think that is intelligent and witty.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
BTW, I'd like to record some data (as if I haven't already done it w/ scientific polling, in the real world) to help me make financial decisions:

How many folks here (who are currently pushing the DJT line) were gung-ho W supporters re the Iraq attack, but now, like DJT, have concluded that that was a mistake?


And, how long did it take for you to make the 180 degree?

About 6-8 years.

Just had this discussion with Ritmo on the No Honeymoon thread. You can go read it. Unlike you he is capable of critical thought.

Quite frankly I judge you as really too stupid to make this interesting. You are only good for mockery. Please prove me wrong.

le Douanier said...

"You probably think that is intelligent and witty."

Maybe if I rephrase you'll be more accepting:

'Did y'all notice that the swamp is being packed by DJT w/ Goldman folks who are going to narrow the job creator gap and make normal folks get a fair opportunity re the elites/job-creators.'

How's that Ach?

Carry on.

Achilles said...

AReasonableMan said...

"And, how long did it take for you to make the 180 degree?"

I can answer this.

All of them and forever.

That is because all you have is projection. Like PB all you can argue with is a caricature you erect. That is because you are an idiot.

le Douanier said...

Thanks Ach,

I have you down for taking 6-8 years to overcome foolishness.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
"You probably think that is intelligent and witty."

Maybe if I rephrase you'll be more accepting:

'Did y'all notice that the swamp is being packed by DJT w/ Goldman folks who are going to narrow the job creator gap and make normal folks get a fair opportunity re the elites/job-creators.'

How's that Ach?

Carry on.

I reposted your idiocy in full. Usually I try to truncate it and make it readable to better get the point across. In this case the point is you are an idiot and you haven't contributed anything meaningful to these conversations in quite a while. You are only good for mockery.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
Thanks Ach,

I have you down for taking 6-8 years to overcome foolishness.

Thanks for taking 30 seconds to demonstrate your foolishness and emptiness and in general vapid nature.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Achilles said...
That is because you are an idiot.

Not the kind of idiot who thought going to war in Iraq was a good idea. That takes a special kind of idiocy.

le Douanier said...


It's interesting to note that you, who took 6-8 years to arrive a correct assessment, are more intelligent/wise than folks for whom there was no lag.

Interesting how you, to your core, know that you're so right re the future, even at the same time you know your wrongness and lack of successfulness, re the past.

Doesn't seem to add up? Weird, huh?

HT said...

Poor people can't afford a quality diet.

I am not convinced that is true. What many people lack is time and energy, as well as access to decent food, which circles back round to having the time and energy to trek across town to get it, haul it back, and prepare it.

Sometimes good things come out of the USDA:

Here in Washington, there are too many deer and the NPS has/had a plan to cull the population by hunting and killing them - in Rock Creek Park. I think they were going to donate the meat to shelters or something. I thought it is a great idea, but the people saying it was cruel were very vocal about it, so I'm not sure where we are now with that.

Mary Beth said...

Carl Sagan's astrophysics, "billions and billions"

Was that really Sagan or was it Johnny Carson?

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...

It's interesting to note that you, who took 6-8 years to arrive a correct assessment, are more intelligent/wise than folks for whom there was no lag.

Interesting how you, to your core, know that you're so right re the future, even at the same time you know your wrongness and lack of successfulness, re the past.

Doesn't seem to add up? Weird, huh?

You could go read the other thread. Suffice to say Ritmo agrees with me to some extent that the Russian hacking is a farce and the deep state is the real problem in this country.

But you still think the Russians stole the election from Hillary. It takes a pecial kind of stupid to believe that.

Also suffice it to say I don't hold you in high enough regard to repost that thread. I think you are too stupid to follow it like Ritmo did. Have a nice day.

William said...

Gwen Stefani probably made more from this one gig than any one of her back up dancers made in a whole year. We've got to do something about income inequality. In the future, there should be a law that prohibits a singer from making any more than ten times her back up dancers or singers. I suppose for super headline acts like Beyoncé and Madonna you could stretch it to twenty times. But there definitely should be a limit. Likewise, movie stars should accept no more than ten to twenty times the salary of a gaffer or electrician. When people in the public eye like famous stars and singers accept generous but not lucrative recompense for their labors it will set an example for everyone. I'm sure it won't be long before hedge fund managers refuse to accept anymore than ten or twenty times the pay of a CPA. But the example has to come from somewhere and who better than famous people entertainers.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Mary Beth said...
Was that really Sagan or was it Johnny Carson?

I have heard this before. Like a lot of quotes "I never said half the things I said" they match certain personalities and stick. "Billions and billions" has stuck.

le Douanier said...


Speaking of data, it turns out that you can use the smallest ear insert things w/ in-ear headphones, but still have a giant cock.

Just sayin'.

Jaq said...

A super special kind of Idiocy was when Obama and Hillary doubled down on Bush's foreign policy and invaded Libya and exacerbated a civil war in Syria. This is after the Bush foreign policy had been soundly repudiated by the voters.

le Douanier said...

Yes T in V,

Now, DJT will set straight the idiotic librul elites. We just need to keep jabbering about sneaky HRC and BHO, while DJT drains the swamp to benefit normal folks.

Power to the peeps: MAGA.

Carry on.

Ambrose said...

@Tim in Vermont - the invasion of Libya was about as far from a double down on Bush's foreign policy as you can get. After Bush announced the "with us or against us" policy, Gaddafi had come round, renounced his MWD program, and joined the fight against the crazies (albeit for selfish reasons). That was the GWB policy in action. Hillary and the petulant one p'd that away and handed Libya to ISIS.

Yancey Ward said...

The really funny thing is why this party is being written about at all- because Trump's daughter and son-in-law attended it- and for no other reason. As one commenter wrote above- this story was a warning to anyone considering inviting a Trump family member to anything- be prepared to be dragged over the coals in the press.

And, Laslo, I bow before your brilliance.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Achilles said...

But you still think the Russians stole the election from Hillary. It takes a pecial kind of stupid to believe that.

Nothing would kill the Trump obstruction movement faster than putting Hillary at its head.

Jaq said...

The Democrats certainly offered an alternative to Goldman, didn't they? Remember how Hillary turned down their money? Remember how, when a Citibank executive successfully named Obama's cabinet almost entirely accurately, Obama threw a monkey wrench by going in another direction? How plugged into the Obama machine did Citibank have to be to get that right?

Why don't you complain about something about Trump that Hillary wasn't just as bad on, or worse?

And the Democrats sure did a good job for so many normal folks, didn't they? Did the mortgage traders end up in prison? No. Did they end up selling pencils on the street, which should have been their fate, while plumbers and the like moved into their swank digs? Nope.

I understand that members of the moneyed and cultural elite like yourself are still butt hurt that your champion, Hillary was rejected, but don't be delusional about it.

le Douanier said...

Well done T in V,

But you forgot the CGI.

Carry on.

le Douanier said...

And, HRC killed folks.

le Douanier said...

"After Bush announced the "with us or against us" policy, Gaddafi had come round, renounced his MWD program, and joined the fight against the crazies (albeit for selfish reasons)."

Ha ha.

We're supposed to forget that he got caught importing nuke stuff on a ship after W's W/us v not-W/us blather.

Carry on.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I can't remember anyone mentioning either McCain or Romney after they lost their elections but for some folks here it is still all Hillary all the time. I think this can fairly be called Clinton derangement syndrome.

Jaq said...

PB&J defending the overthrow of Qaddafy. LOL. How many refugees drowned in the Med escaping that now ISIS infested hellhole Hillary created?

Jaq said...

The alternative that people who are objecting so strenuously to Trump had offered us was Hillary. I don't see why we should forget that, even if you people who had crawled up her butt so deeply would rather forget it.

Jaq said...

And that is pretty funny coming from a guy who can't let the Bush presidency go unremarked for any length of time. Especially when the only alternative to Trump the Democrats offered was the closest to W philosophically of any of the candidates out there.

Jaq said...

Also, Hillary was Secretary of State when these blunders were made. Neither Romney, nor McCain had that kind of influence on US policy. Apples and oranges.

le Douanier said...

"I think this can fairly be called Clinton derangement syndrome."

I'd call it "folks who are on the losing end of a DJT deal syndrome."

At some point they'l realize that they're the folks who are on the losing end of a DJT deal. So far China, Iran, North Korea and Russia have publicly called DJT's bluff. But, that's not enough data to move the minds of the folks who DJT has beaten.

It took Ach 6-8 years to figure out W, so I'd guess that DJT can run for double that before these sorta folks figure it out.


Jaq said...

Said the man who still supports the military adventure in Libya.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...
PB&J defending the overthrow of Qaddafy. LOL. How many refugees drowned in the Med escaping that now ISIS infested hellhole Hillary created?

Britain and France insisted on removing Gaddafi, initially against US advice. The US's role in the conflict was limited to air strikes and was mocked at the time as 'leading from behind'. Not a single US life was lost in the initial conflict. Obama was right to complain about the lack of follow-up by the NATO allies following Gaddafi's removal. Unlike Saddam, Gaddafi had unquestionably sponsored terrorists who had killed US citizens.

Hari said...

2 camels @ $1500 each / 400 people = $7.50 per person
$200,000 for dinner / 400 people = $500 per person
$60,000 for service / 400 people = $150 per person
$500,000 for singer / 400 people = $1250 per person
$8 million / 400 people = $20,0000 per person
Innumerate NYT readers = Priceless!

Drago said...

So, to summarize: parties thrown by rich folks had better not include any Trump's for if they do it is doubleplusungood thought and action crime.

Got it lefties.

Carry on!


Kyzer SoSay said...

I just wonder why Kaus used Pontiac G6 as his example car. I own one (well, mainly I swear at one while I fix it), and they could probably buy ten for each guest without approaching that price tag. Pontiac isn't even around anymore.

SukieTawdry said...

I'm quite sure Schwarzman must have reached that certain point he'd made enough money long ago and should have turned subsequent earnings over to the government for redistribution to people who don't have the means to throw multi-million dollar parties. If he had done the right thing, he wouldn't be able to afford parties like this.

I don't think I could spend money like that even if I had it to spend (and will never have the opportunity to find out). Just not the extravagant type, I guess. While it's mildly off-putting, it's also not my business. Rush Limbaugh paid Elton John a cool million to sing at his wedding. He spent another million on the rest of the wedding. I'm sure all these type affairs are loads of fun and I wish I could be invited to one.

If Trump delivers on those promises he made to working class Americans, no one will care what kind of parties his rich friends throw. If he doesn't deliver, all bets are off.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...

I'd call it "folks who are on the losing end of a DJT deal syndrome."

None of us give a shit what you think. Watching DC lifers freak out and having their rice bowls kicked over is very gratifying. Your tears and bitter rage are entertaining.

At some point they'l realize that they're the folks who are on the losing end of a DJT deal. So far China, Iran, North Korea and Russia have publicly called DJT's bluff. But, that's not enough data to move the minds of the folks who DJT has beaten.

You are really, really stupid. But most Obama supporters are. Obama is going to be remembered by history as one of the most pathetic losers ever to be president. Mr. Red Line bowed to every foreign leader he could grovel to. You are all a disgrace.

It took Ach 6-8 years to figure out W, so I'd guess that DJT can run for double that before these sorta folks figure it out.


Boring. You have added nothing of value to this conversation. You are just an idiot who is crying over the loss of the election. We are in the process of removing all the fuckwits and oligarch pets who made the middle east a complete disaster. This includes your hero Hillary who supported every single intervention in the last 30 years. It includes all of the Bushies too.

It is clear that you are not smart enough to figure out you lost and you are never going to be back in power. More than that you have convinced yourself you are smarter than those people you disagree with. You are such a cliche.

Please post more raging bile and empty condemnations. People like you are the most entertaining.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Gwen Stefani sings “Happy Birthday to You” to Stephen Schwarzman at his multimillion-dollar party in Palm Beach.."

Gwen Stefani Special Event Price List:

Sing "Happy Birthday" to Guest: $700.000

Sing "Happy Birthday" to Guest / Kiss on Cheek: $720,000

Sing "Happy Birthday" to Guest / Blowjob: $850,000

Sing "Happy Birthday" to Guest / Anal: $1,000,000

Sing "Happy Birthday" to Guest / Anal + Special Lesbian Show with Hot Back-Up Dancer: $1,250,000

"The Works": Sing "Happy Birthday" to Guest / Kiss on Cheek / Blowjob / Anal / Anilingus / Special Lesbian Show / Signed Birthday Card / Gwen's Used Panties: $1,750,000 (does NOT include Gratuity)

Prices also applicable for Bar Mitzvahs: "Happy Birthday" will be replaced by your choice of "Hava Nagila" or Neil Diamond's "America".

I am Laslo.

madAsHell said...

I just wonder why Kaus used Pontiac G6 as his example car.
And you get a car,
And you get a car,
And you get a car!!
-Oprah Winfrey

Jaq said...

Maybe ARM should have read the emails. The New York Times did...

First, brava! This is a historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” Mr. Blumenthal said in an Aug. 22, 2011, memo to Mrs. Clinton with the subject line “Your statement post-Q.”

“When Qaddafi himself is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation home,” Mr. Blumenthal wrote. “You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.”

He added: “The most important phrase is: ‘successful strategy.’ “

Mrs. Clinton forwarded the advice to one of her closest aides at the State Department, Jake Sullivan.

“Pls read below,” she wrote. “Sid makes a good case for what I should say, but it’s premised on being said after Q goes, which will make it more dramatic. That’s my hesitancy, since I’m not sure how many chances I’ll get.”
-- The New York Times

We know what she said.. "We came! We saw! He died!"

You should read the whole thing before throwing out any half-assed objection too. It documents bald-faced lies from Hillary about the emails. Here is a dead link in case you are worried about getting rick rolled.


Jaq said...

Don't forget her 'charity' was paying Blumenthal $10 K a month.

Rusty said...

sunsong said...
And the poor are not starving.

Actually millions of 'the poor' do go hungry. I ask the question, why not feed and help people with that $7 -$9 million? They have lost touch with their humanity - with their soul, imo

Hey! Nobody's stopping you from opening your wallet.
And your post only goes to show you have no idea how wealth is built and where it comes from.
Read a book fer chrisakes. Preferably one on economics.

dreams said...

Buy some Blackstone(BX) and get a little richer and a little less envious, I say. I own it and I've done well with it over the last few years and it's still a buy especially if it bounces up off its fifty day moving average line.


dreams said...

Buyer beware though.

Kirk Parker said...

Michael K.,

Got a link to the Trump Security thread at Chicagoboyz? I couldn't seem to find it.

Known Unknown said...

That is some serious journalizing.

Unknown said...

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