February 20, 2017

Did Trump make a sexist joke?

"What can look so beautiful at 30? An airplane."

New York Magazine says: "Trump Somehow Found a Way to Insult Women at the Unveiling of an Airplane."

Was that a sexist joke?

pollcode.com free polls

ADDED: Poll results:


Laslo Spatula said...

"Women are so vain, they probably think this airplane is about them."

THAT is funny.

Well played, Althouse.

I am Laslo.

rhhardin said...

The bright side is that aging gives women time to develop a cheerful disposition and a nice smile.

David said...

Many women are still improving at age 30, and with less maintenance than necessary to keep an airplane in good shape.

rhhardin said...

Airplanes need new fabric every 5 years or so.

Sean Gleeson said...

I voted for "Sometimes an airplane is just an airplane," because it was the most noncommittal choice, which is how I feel about most of the Trump-said-something controversies.

Even with normal people, I am reluctant to guess what they really mean besides the plain meaning of their words. And Trump is far past normal into random logorrhea stream-of-consciousness performance art.

So, no opinion.

David Begley said...

He is a businessman. Personal property is fully depreciated and usually well beyond its beautiful and useful life at 30. Do you have s 30 year old computer? Golf clubs? Clothes? Trucks?

pkay said...

I bet he will fly his American-made 787 to Nova Scotia see a total eclipse of the sun.

Hari said...

Trump's own plane is only 26: http://www.airfleets.net/ficheapp/plane-b757-25155.htm

rhhardin said...

Airplanes last longer than other things, owing to regular replacement of things that wear out or fatigue.

rhhardin said...

I have a couple UNIX-PC's in the closet, which were 1986 purchases.

Laslo Spatula said...

Hack Comic Mic Nite...

"Trump, man... what fucking mess we got into, right..? Look, the guy has a problem with women, okay? I mean, what do you expect from a dude who orders a Slovenian mail-order bride like most people order Chinese take-out ...?

Maybe it's the small hands, I don't know... a LOT of women have looked at those small hands and did the math, if you know what I mean... Hell, his fingers are so short he can't even execute a proper Shocker! Oh, c'mon: you know the Shocker. If you don't, look it up when you get home, the joke will make sense to you then...

Its' like he can't help but put women down whenever he opens his mouth. And -- speaking of 'down' and 'mouth' -- do you think this guy has EVER gone down on a chick? One, we know he's afraid of germs, and Two, he probably can't stop talking long enough to munch some damned carpet...

Yeah, you don't have to bother with cunnilingus when you're that rich. It's just us poor dudes who have to do it, so we have a chance of keeping the woman around... It's not like we can use YUGE diamonds for foreplay and just cut to the chase...

And, if I were a woman, would I want to see that orange hair between my thighs? Am, I right, ladies? It must be hard to orgasm when all you see is an orange pelt moving around down there -- it'd be like a beaver with a spray-tan trying to build a dam in your vagina...

These are just jokes, people: I mean no offense to our lovely First Lady: I LIKE having a First Lady I can finally jerk off to...

You've been a great audience, thank you for laughing...

I am Laslo.

AllenS said...

Sometimes an airplane is just an airplane, unless Muslim fanatics are flying it, then it becomes a weapon of mass destruction.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

*SIGH*... so what new, manufactured controversy will the slime-stream media dream up today? They really seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one... it would even be a little funny if it wasn't so exasperatingly sad... Jesus these jackals need to get a life... Gonna be another LOOOOONG 8 years.... :(

Wince said...

Trump should have said:

"My private jet, I think I'll keep her."

DanTheMan said...

Nobody tell Ann why they call B-52's "Buffs".

Ken B said...

The joke only works if "airplane" comes as a bit of a surprise. ANd that only happens if there is something else, a reasonably obvious something, that can be beautiful at 30. So, no, Trump is not saying women are past it at 30. Insert eye-rolling emoticon here.

traditionalguy said...

That is creative fake news. Bravo !

This morning the slime machines on EnemyMedia had run out of material. All they had left is Trump is mentally ill and Trump is a Tyrant.

One day they will finally say Trump is President.

MayBee said...

Are airplanes male? If not, it seems he made a joke against humans and perhaps all of humanity. The monster.

Big Mike said...

I was really torn between answer #3 and #5. Both are good, but only one of the two is funny.

Hari said...

How quickly the press forgets Trump's tweet that a new, younger, and more expensive model Air Force 1 should be canceled. (“Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!”)

Big Mike said...

@traditionalguy, only when you hear the sound of ice skates being used coming up from Hell. Or if the Weather Channel's Doppler radar shows pigs flying.

MaxedOutMama said...

I'd go with a poll choice that said "SJW feminists are so vain, they probably think this airplane is about them." Not feminists. Love the Carly Simon reference.

Note - I do not think that real feminists ever had fits about something like this, nor will they ever. SJW feminism has become wars of advantage in which one gains apology rights. Totally useless, and really more disparaging to women than the patriarchy ever was. Now to be a true feminist we have to drag around our fainting couches/mattresses? Piss upon that!!!

I do not buy at all the idea that Trump is classically anti-women. At all. I looked at extended clips of the whole "grab them by the pussy" controversy (Youtube), and Trump was being set up, and knew it, and was trying to figure out what was going on. The reason he is responding to the jerk's comments is to try to figure out where this was leading. He gets off the bus and encounters the woman he is going to be working with, and about the third sentence out of his mouth (after she tries to get close up and personal) is "I'm married." It was hilarious.

Further, the woman Bush was talking about in the bus - if you listen carefully to what Trump says, he is actually defending that woman's reputation and in the process, making himself look like he was in a sexual competition that he lost bigly. Very unlike what a true sexual harasser does. VERY UNLIKE. You've been bamboozled on that one, Ann.

Trump is something of an old-fashioned guy who would tend to be chivalrous towards women, but not at all a sexual predator nor contemptuous of women. That would explain why he had female execs.

Trump will not go after Hillary Clinton, although she deserves a jail term, because Trump thinks she got a bad deal from her husband and, well, she's a woman. Hillary has a lot to be thankful for in Trump's election. She is too effed-up to see it.

Gahrie said...

If Trump invented a cure for cancer the Left would complain about all the doctors he threw out of work.

MadisonMan said...

I bet he will fly his American-made 787 to Nova Scotia see a total eclipse of the sun.

He can fly to Kansas City. Or South Carolina. Or Wyoming. Nova Scotia? He'll miss it.

JAORE said...

I'm sure this will trigger VP Pence to sprint for Ryan's office to discuss the unfit for office clause.

Michael K said...

I'm kind of with MOM.

The level of insanity on the left these days is amazing.

MacMacConnell said...

Airplanes, like sailboats are usually referred to as "she" by pilots and maintenance crews.

Women's looks peak at 35-37 years.That's not to say older women can't be or aren't beautiful, like old airplanes.

I have no doubt Trump was referencing women tongue in cheek, he's got a sense of humor.

Laslo Spatula said...

Hack Comic Mic Nite...

"Trump, man... what a fucking mess we got into, right..? The dude is afraid of germs but not the Russians? Really? Germs and women, germs and women... For some people, they smoke a cigarette after sex; Trump, he reaches for the Hand Sanitizer...

We all know he has a problem with women, but he always seems to find himself some: behold the Power of Money, people... If Stephen Hawking was rich enough HE'D be dating a Super Model -- and you know there'd be some real fucked-up sex there, am I right...? It'd be like some fucked-up version of naked Twister, ending up with him tapping into his keyboard "Baby, I'm gonna shoot my load..."

But the women Trump finds: is there such a thing as Trailer Park Models? Because these chicks, they sure must be in Wal-Marts everywhere, just looking for Rich Men in the deodorants aisle...

I DO have a question for Melania: weren't there any other billionaires with bigger hands that you could've married? I mean, it's probably better than those ninety-year-old guys with the liver spots on their face and the sagging balls and shriveled penis, but there were no other takers? The Slovenian Mail-Order Bride Market must be a bitch...

These are just jokes, people: I mean no offense to our lovely First Lady: I LIKE having a First Lady I can finally jerk off to...

You've been a great audience, thank you for laughing...

I am Laslo.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Do you have s 30 year old computer?

No....Oh...wait. I still have my original NES game system circa 1985 and some games. Does that count?

Golf clubs? Yes
Clothes? Yes
Trucks? Yes!!! X 5 vehicles

I chose the women are so vain answer because it was funny and right on correct.

Fernandinande said...

"Did Trump make a sexist joke?"

I'm having trouble distinguishing between Thoughtcrime and Blasphemy.

Is there a diverse inclusive college class I can pay a lot for that'll confuse the issue?

Francisco D said...

By definition, any joke (intentional or otherwise) that Trump tells is sexist, homophobic, racist, Islamophobic, etc.

Because, he and his followers are deplorable.

Pretty soon, we will be hearing about the rise of homelessness. It happens every time a Republican is elected.

There is nothing new here, except for the intense level of derangement on the left and their compatriots in the MSM.

Pettifogger said...

We need a choice to the effect of: "Good grief. Doesn't anybody have experience a sense of humor anymore?"

Sammy Finkelman said...

Is it being against women to incorporate as part of he background that women care about how they look?

It was probably women because women find that age more significant - but not all that significant. The key point was the age of the airplane. If it had been 50 years old or 60 years old, he would have used that age,

Yancey Ward said...

I think the reference clearly is linked to women and aging- but Hari is also correct- the missing context here is the new Air Force One controversy- how quickly people forget.

rcocean said...

The woman are so vain comment was funny. I guess Cartman was right, Girls really are funny.

But as for it being a sexist joke, who thinks women are not beautiful at 30? No one.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sammy Finkelman said...

Earlier, on Saturday, Trump misspoke:

He said: “You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden”

When he probably should have said”

“You look last night at what’s happening in Sweden.”

Trump said those words in the wrong order, and also attributed too much importance to a TV show, like everybody saw it.

The show itself said an attack had happened “recently” (but not that night) However, the last Islamist attack in Sweden that anyone remembers was in 2010.

n.n said...

Do airplanes have a male or female gender?

So, when a ship is christened by breaking a bottle over its bow, is it misogynistic, domestic abuse, sadistic?

David said...

I'm quite disappointed that so many poll takers did not see it for the sexist joke that it is. PC intimidation is powerful. Of course it's a sexist joke. But it's a funny sexist joke. Transgressive and funny. What's not to like?

Fernandinande said...

Sammy Finkelman said...
However, the last Islamist attack in Sweden that anyone remembers was in 2010.

google [Islamist attack in Sweden] returns a Wiki article followed by 11 references - all the rest of the first page and probably more after that - to Trump even though he (apparently) didn't use the words "Islamist" or "attack".

Hell, just google "Sweden" and there are 7 references to Trump on the first page of results.

Fernandinande said...

That Trump guy is getting pretty famous.

Anonymous said...

Aren't airplanes female? Ships are female, at least traditionally.

Fernandinande said...

whswhs said...
Aren't airplanes female? Ships are female, at least traditionally.

Finally! A place where the term "gender" can be used correctly.

Hari said...

Trump was at Boeing.
He was speaking to employees of Boeing.
He was referring to Air Force 1, which was manufactured by Boeing.
He is doing this at a time when he is pressuring Boeing to lower the cost of the next generation Air Force 1.
Stating that the 30-year old Boeing Air Force 1 is beautiful is clearly a dig at Boeing's CEO to bring down the cost of the new model.
If you write for New York Magazine or read New York Magazine, you probably don't actually build things that have to work.

Zach said...

It's a joke about the age of the women he dates.

Think of Trump as a frustrated Henny Youngman, and much becomes clear.

Big Mike said...

@Hari, if a New Yorker reader was on the Boeing assembly line he'd put the wings on upside down.

n.n said...

Are the asserting that "beautiful" only qualifies the female gender? Is that why they infer a sexist overture from a penumbra?

Biff said...

What? Men can't be beautiful?

Biff said...

PS. The ageism is far clearer than the presumed sexism.

DanTheMan said...

>> If a New Yorker reader was on the Boeing assembly line he'd put the wings on upside down.

Maybe not, but all the planes would have two left wings.

n.n said...

An airplane is a phallic symbol with wings. This may actually be a homage to female fertility.

Let's see, what else can we infer. The NYMAG JournoList is misogynistic, transphobic, and is likely Pro-Choice.

JaimeRoberto said...

It was sexist and it was funny. If someone is offended by it, tough shit.

Ron said...

As with most things Trump says, it simply incoherent. I'm inclined to get annoyed at the press for even reporting his words until he says something that is both in English and sincere.

damikesc said...

No....Oh...wait. I still have my original NES game system circa 1985 and some games. Does that count?

Tell me you didn't blow on them to make them work.

Because they might not work now.

Apparently, that really was an exceedingly poor idea.

M15ery said...

As with most things Trump says, it simply incoherent.

It's pretty common for people who talk a lot and don't use teleprompters. Go listen to someone speaking quickly, covering a lot of topics off the cuff. Hear many complete sentences? Obama was criticized for his stultifying "uh...uh...uh" cadence. Bush was far more grating to the ear than Trump imo.

Yes Trump mixes stuff up, and other stuff he just makes up, but I'm rolling my eyes at this notion that "He can't even talk!" 57 states, bro, 57 states.

FIDO said...

Do I CARE if Trump made a sexist joke?

Do I consider sexist humor to be outside the pale?

The answer to both is the same.

I do not accept the censoring of the human voice. Free speech is FOR obnoxious speech.

And if Feminists get their panties in a bunch about this, well, it couldn't happen to a nicer group of gals. They live in the town of Grievance in Upper Offendia.

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