I said, specifically, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Then we had Milo on, despite the fact that many people said, “Oh, how dare you give a platform to this man.” What I think people saw was an emotionally needy Ann Coulter wannabe, trying to make a buck off of the left’s propensity for outrage. And by the end of the weekend, by dinnertime Monday, he’s dropped as a speaker at CPAC. Then he’s dropped by Breitbart, and his book deal falls through. As I say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You’re welcome.I think Maher is wrong. I watched the show and thought he made Yiannopoulos look good. My observation at the time was that Maher saw something of himself in Yiannopoulos. Maher's boosting of Yiannopoulos may have contributed to the timing of the release of the edited audio recording that crushed Milo, but that's all. Speaking of "emotionally needy," Maher is taking credit he doesn't deserve.
The Times interviewer does challenge him: "Could there have been more accountability in your segments with him? For instance, it seemed like he was allowed to grossly understate his role in harassing Leslie Jones on Twitter." Maher went easy on himself:
It’s not my job to hold him accountable to everything he’s ever said or done. I had eight minutes with him, on the show itself. Sorry I don’t have time to go over everything everybody else would want to do.And he kind of goes easy on Milo:
I don’t think he frankly knows what he’s going to say half the time, or knows what his philosophy is. But to see him as this monster is a little crazy. You know what he is? He’s the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream.ADDED: And now Maher has smoked out this disastrous old video in which he actively supports a woman "who is in jail, because she is in love." "That's how I view it," he says about a 35-year-old woman having sex with a 14-year-old boy. Maher announces that that the women — who is having a second baby with this boy — is being punished because "she won't conform to what society feels should be the perfect American family."
if bill maher thinks sunlight is the best disinfectant then here's him saying the same shit as milo, that it's ok for adults to fuck kids pic.twitter.com/tqPAzbGY3J
— warrior cop (@wyatt_privilege) February 22, 2017
Nice to see Henry Rollins talking sense... as Maher mocks him for siding with a conservative woman on the panel. The woman calls it "rape," and Maher scoffs at her: "How can a woman rape a man?" (Yes, "man," to refer to a 14-year-old boy.)
Fake Bragging Rights. He is covering up for being pro Free Speech in public.
Isn't Maher stealing "credit" from Joe Rogan, if you want to call it that?
Althouse is right: the Maher interview made Milo look good, so good Milo's opponents had to shoot their wad immediately lest he become more popular.
Imus used tet young Maher up with young NBC pages, when both worked there.
He’s the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream.
Pretty good analogy.
Maher: As I say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You’re welcome.
Maher is boring and obnoxious, but I did put up with him to watch part of the Milo episode, and if anything Maher was the opposite of sunlight: interrupting M.Y. when he attempted to address any subject other than himself.
Althouse said, revealingly ...
"I watched the show and thought he made Yiannopoulos look good. My observation at the time was that Maher saw something of himself in Yiannopoulos."
The Maher interview, which I watched, seemed like a fair introduction to Milo, and the sunlight the Maher refers to is just the general airing and dialog that should occur among competing personalities and ideas until we can get a fuller picture.
Maher as sunlight. Right. And his description of Yiannopoulos more aptly fits himself.
Maher comes across as more puerile than does Milo.
"Althouse said, revealingly ..."
Hmm. I get it.
When you play games with Progressive SWJs, you have to defend yourself from becoming their next victim.
Maher's statement translated: "I am on your side. Honest I am. Now call off the dogs before you kill me too. I am on your side.I beg you don't kill me."
I'd like to know what Maher said after the show. I'll bet he told Milo he did a great job and he'd love to have him back. I'll bet he was gushing about how good the Milo segments were and why won't more guests perform in high style like that and take the risks that are needed to be funny. That's the main thing the 2 of them talked about. Free speech and comedy.
Maher's statement translated: "I am on your side. Honest I am. Now call off the dogs before you kill me too. I am on your side.I beg you don't kill me."
They should know that. Maher masquerades as a libertarian but it's only an effort to claim libertarianism for the left.
I would not bet on your projection, perhaps as he said on air, I don't agree with some of what you say but your welcome to come back and we can continue this dialog. And while Maher was nice, Larry Wilmore tired to match his game.
This move by Maher comes across to me as ridiculously craven, cowardly and suckuptic.
What's wrong with just saying, "Here's Milo, draw your own conclusions."
Politically Incorrect my ass. Milo has more balls than Bill Maher has ever even dreamt of having.
Let me do my impression of a Bill Maher joke:
Bill Maher bragged his interviews are like sunlight, the best disinfectant.
Not exactly... more like a Rodeo Drive tanning bed wiped with Purell between guests.
Maher is scrambling to get back in in line with the de rigeur hatred.
Althouse nailed it. Of course Maher said what he said, he's a well-known blathering blowhard. (I can relate.)
Milo isn't a bratty kid. He's a queen. Queens put it all out there for everyone to see. They expose their vulnerabilities. To infantilize Milo this way bothers me as much as Maher turning on his former guest.
Ann Althouse said...
That's the main thing the 2 of them talked about. Free speech and comedy.
IOW, Maher kept the conversation very safe and PC and essentially about their, but mostly Maher's, wonderfulness.
Did his book deal fall through? I understand that he received a $250m advance. Does he have to give it back if S&S doesn't publish the book?
My guess is no.
Not too shabby, get paid for the book and don't even have to write it.
Now he can write another, publish via CreateSpace and make another $250m.
John Henry
Memories Pizza
Anyone want to bet that Milo comes back from this and makes a pile of money on top?
Seems to be the pattern of SJW outrage
John Henry
It's a shame that some of the courage of Bill Maher's good friend Ann Coulter hasn't rubbed off on him.
Take a look at Milo's interview on "The Rubin Report" from a while back on You Tube. It is long but worth the time.
When Maher dared to moralize about the Access Hollywood tape, ex-porn star Jenna Jameson tweeted out that she had seen Maher engage in quite a bit of pussy-grabbing action himself at the Playboy Mansion. She seemed to think Bill was a bit of a hypocrite.
Maher is delusional.
And now, Maher is outed as well as Takei:
Milo Y. deviating from the "narrative" is minor. His big sin is being a gay man propagandizing against progressivism. Everyone with some sort of sexual anomaly are assumed a member of a safe Democrat voting block, and anyone publicly suggesting this is not necessarily so must be destroyed.
@John Henry - I believe it was a $250K advance. No one's worth a $250M advance.
It remains the case that it was CPAC and Breitbart that turned on Milo, not the left. They already hated him. I was surprised that Breitbart dumped him and that is the real story here. I have yet to hear a clear explanation why this happened. It is hard to imagine that they were responding to the left, given that they had ignored them for years. You have to think that there was some internal politics involved.
Perhaps Maher can apply his sunshiney disinfectant greatness to Clinton now.
And a hypocrite. Here is Maher talking about why an older women having sex...and children...witha 14 year old boy is just A-OK.
Ann Althouse said..."I think Maher is wrong. I watched the show and thought he made Yiannopoulos look good"
I agree 100%. And frankly, Maher has become one of the few lefties that even listens to the voices from the other side. It is too funny that Maher is trying to rewrite history now that Milo went totally weird.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"I'd like to know what Maher said after the show. I'll bet he told Milo he did a great job and he'd love to have him back. I'll bet he was gushing about how good the Milo segments were and why won't more guests perform in high style like that and take the risks that are needed to be funny. That's the main thing the 2 of them talked about. Free speech and comedy."
I agree. I think that Maher wants to be Milo. Not the politics but standing up to "the man" and fighting against injustice. I think Maher knows who is the good queen in this fight is and I think/hope he will eventually join with Milo.
Remember that Maher lost a show after saying something across the line against Bush. It is the same people who did that to him taking Milo down now. I hope he puts 2 and 2 together sooner rather than later.
I can relate to Milo. My sister is an insufferable liberal vegetarian feminist type. I can't help poking at her in a way that gets her panties in a bunch, although she's mellowed with age. Example: her daughter/my niece, age 6, would get a hold of my high heel pumps (back when I wore them) and parade around in them. I could see my sister struggling with the impulse to tell her that a good feminist doesn't wear high heels BUT also not wanting to squelch her daughter's creative impulses. Forcing such contradictions on my sister, and watching her circuits blow, her face get all scrunched up...the mental/emotional discomfort. Ahhhh....like a nice cold drink on a hot day.
There is something about the holier-than-thou, purist types that makes irresistible targets, regardless of which end of the political spectrum they are on.
"The Times interviewer does challenge him: "Could there have been more accountability in your segments with him?"" When was the last time any NYT interviewer asked that questions about the treatment of any prog figure?
@Hagar: "His big sin is being a gay man propagandizing against progressivism." Indeed. He had to be destroyed -- except that #NeverTrumpers also wanted his scalp. They can't kill the king, so a joker will have to do.
"video-surfaces-of-bill-maher-condoning-sex-between-an-adult-and-a-14-year-old" Oh, but that's different. Not long ago the abuse of statutory rape charges against black boys was a civil rights issue. The left just needs a temporary taboo. All its taboos are temporary tools in any case.
"No one's worth a $250M advance." O might get close, with an advance from Soros or some other billionaire that endows his library and foundation. Soros should just pony up and be done with it.
Maher is beclowning himself: Anyone who watched the segment knows that Milo came off very well, perhaps this affected the timing of the deceptively edited video. It was the video, not the Maher show that got Yiannopoulous booted from CPAC, Breitbart and the book deal.
Also clear from the Maher show: Milo has a clearly superior mind, or at least a quicker wit than Maher.
ARM said...
"It remains the case that it was CPAC and Breitbart that turned on Milo, not the left. They already hated him. I was surprised that Breitbart dumped him and that is the real story here. I have yet to hear a clear explanation why this happened."
What reason did Milo have to stay? He is bigger than Breitbart. It did Breitbart more good having him there than Milo. If they weren't begging him to stay he shouldn't.
CPAC is easy. They are on the other side. CPAC knew about the video and coordinated with the left to take Milo down. The GOPe nevertumpers joined the democrats long ago. The DC cocktail club Vichy republicans are trying to claw their way back to relevance.
Everything is nonsense now. The SJWs talk nonsense, so Milo baits them with nonsense, and he's attacked with nonsense, and Maher does a nonsense characterization of his interview with him. Who knew all those turtles were nonsense?
I wonder how Maher was abused in childhood.
More like a dual-use lye. Standard press today. Probably yesterday, too.
Bill Maher giving himself unwarranted praise and showing unearned self-regard? Shocking.
I'll take this Milo banning seriously when there is a coordinated attack on Lena Dunham.
Isn't Maher good pals with Coulter? I used to watch Politically Incorrect back when it was on Comedy Central (mid-90s I think). The last time I watched Maher on HBO it was pretty close to insufferable--he mugs to the camera and holds for dutiful audience applause more than Jon Stewart, and that's saying something.
If I remember correctly Hitchens kicked Maher around a few times but kept getting invited back (possibly it was the other guests Hitchens really lit up) and Maher has been more willing than most big-name entertainers to admit some obvious truths about Muslim terror.
All in all, though, a relatively slimy guy from what I can see--definitely someone who mainlines smug and congratulates himself for the courage to hold opinions popular with his peers in the Media.
Maher gets credit, Yes, for actually interviewing Milo. And, Yes, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Maher gets discredit for claiming he helped take Milo down. That's kind of weasly. A sop to the hard-core left who are probably itching to take Maher down for being too friendly to Milo.
I was impressed with the way Milo comported himself at his press conference. And he wasn't "out at Breitbart", he chose to resign. This is something people of character do. Compare and contrast actual sexual abuse of an employee by Bill Clinton, who didn't resign, and still won't go away.
You go, Milo!
Bob Boyd said...
Milo has more balls than Bill Maher has ever even dreamt of having.
2/22/17, 9:22 AM
LOL. True on many levels...
"Remember that Maher lost a show after saying something across the line against Bush. "
If I remember correctly, he called the 9/11 terrorists "brave." That was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and did not go over well.
Bill Maher Playboy Interview April 17, 2007
"Debra Lafave screwing her 14-year-old boy student, the crime is that we didn't get it on videotape"
There should be some way to quantize Althouse's poor instincts.
The scale can be 1 to 10, each integer will be a single unit called a Paliner.
For Althouse, Milo was a 9 Paliner.
So, his crash and burn was inevitable.
Carry on.
Milo's a ghastly douche, who loses an occasional good point or idea in presentation that is human clickbait.
Maher is a self-congratulatory sack of excrement, who learns nothing and forgets nothing.
(Maybe I'm just sick of endless clickbait "scandal" on Facebook, and the same people who were posting a clickbait-fake-news chart a month ago breathlessly sharing OccupyDemocrats content this month because it Shows How Othery That Other Is!)
Slate said ...
"In the end, however, the right shut him down the second he made conservatives uncomfortable. Going forward, even if any right-wingers are willing to be associated with him, it will be hard for him to continue the fiction that conservatives are uniquely open-minded. That means he’s no use to them, or to anyone, really. Poor snowflake."
ARM, you keep pounding a point the conservatives here aren't even denying. The GOPe was behind this and the Leftists are gleefully - and hypocritically - joining in the attack.
How many times does that need to be repeated to you?
Actually, ARM, you can try saying it 7 or 8 more times. Because apparently you can't belabor a point enough.
I think they are right
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PB&J, you interest me.
Unlike many others of your instincts, you aren't an idiot.
You CAN argue substance, if you feel like it.
But you don't. Also, I can't understand, well, why you post what you post. It seems like a loss is happening, somewhere.
As an old engineer, I can't help feeling that the system I'm looking at isn't running quite right. There is an imbalance somewhere, a harmonic vibration that shouldn't be, a bad bearing.
So, why? What makes this sort of thing satisfying, What itch does it scratch? What lack does it fill? Having taught so many people over four decades (granted, nearly all quite straightforward technical types in my mold), I can't help attempting to get a handle on people I meet, to get the best handle on the educational process.
So, about you. Goals, worldview, purpose (deep, if present), family?
exiledonmainstreet said...
The GOPe was behind this and the Leftists are gleefully - and hypocritically - joining in the attack.
A. How the fuck is Breitbart GOPe? If Breitbart is GOPe then there are no true conservatives, you guys may as well pack up your toys and go home. Wouldn't this have been the perfect time for Breitbart to take as stand against both the GOPe and PC BS?
B. How is it hypocritical for the left to rejoice in the fall of Milo? They are being perfectly consistent with their prior position regarding Milo.
buwaya said...
As an old engineer, I can't help feeling that the system I'm looking at isn't running quite right. There is an imbalance somewhere, a harmonic vibration that shouldn't be, a bad bearing.
Physician, heal thyself.
Yeah, I think Maher's just trying to cover his butt, although in my opinion Maher's basic point is valid.
" You know what he is? He’s the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream."
It's a good analogy. The spider won't hurt you, but you might fall out the window trying to get away. Chill, girls.
Milo resigned from Brietbart. It wasn't Brietbart who set him it up, it was the GOPe establishment and that mcmuffin loser.
It is hypocritical for the Left to attack Milo on sexual grounds for reasons that have already been beaten to death in these threads and which you choose to ignore.
The "sunlight" part makes very little sense. I would think that anyone who cared to know about Milo would have been aware of him after the Berkeley riots at the latest. It seems highly unlikely that someone going to CPAC would have watched Bill Maher's show, got a sudden revelation, and then hastily got together a hit piece. It's possible that whoever released the video used the show as an ideal time to release it, but it was going to be released regardless. If Milo was "disinfected," it was by someone who was out to get Milo well before this for whatever reason.
This just sounds like ego.
"They are being perfectly consistent with their prior position regarding Milo."
And gays and pedophila ?
exiledonmainstreet said...
If I remember correctly, he called the 9/11 terrorists "brave." That was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and did not go over well.
Maher replied to D’Souza’s assertion: ''We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.''
There is nothing there worth losing a show over. If he said the Hussein Dictatorship was the good guys and we were the bad guys sure anyone who takes that line is a piece of shit. I would also not disagree with what he said from his point of view. From my point of view war is about winning and I don't care how you describe it, but I understand the disagreements with my point of view and some are not wholly off base and some are.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Milo resigned from Brietbart.
Come on, you can't really believe that.
Even if you could believe that wouldn't it have been imperative on Breitbart to refuse his resignation? You know, refusing to bend a knee to the evils of PC.
It is hypocritical for the Left to attack Milo on sexual grounds for reasons
But this isn't the main line of attack on Milo from the left. No one on the left seems to care much about his statements on his sexuality, which seems to consist primarily of nonsense designed to get a rise out of the usual suspects.
It was the comic Larry Wilmore that gave Milo a deserved "F-you" whooping on Maher's show when Milo, who is gay, said that transsexuals were mentally ill and molested children. That's ironic because homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the DSM-II until 1973.
I played bridge against Maria who was formerly Marty. And when I, by force of habit, referred to her as "he," she could have killed me. If she wanted acceptance for her sexual transformation, she might have considered a place other than a bridge club where everyone knows each other. Someone who's been a guy forever doesn't "logically" become a girl overnight. One looks past the new you and sees the old you.
My failing memory doesn't recall the use of the word "transexual" or "transgender" being used for most of my life. We only had the word "transvestite," which I understood as someone who would dress as woman, wear a wig and makeup. Their 5 o'clock shadow or hairy arms and deep voice would often give them away.
The late famous doctor, Stanley Biber, of Trinidad, Colorado pioneered SRS, Sexual Reassignment Surgery and performed thousands of said operations starting in 1969. If you truly feel trapped in the wrong body, you now have the option to do something about it.
"Milo, who is gay, said that transsexuals were mentally ill and molested children. That's ironic because homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the DSM-II until 1973."
Both are mental problems. There is no question about that, because both fail to fit normal designed-in human functions. In the wild, or at least in the conditions under which humans evolved, both would be an unfitness.
buwaya said...
PB&J, you interest me.
Unlike many others of your instincts, you aren't an idiot.
You CAN argue substance, if you feel like it.
But you don't. Also, I can't understand, well, why you post what you post. It seems like a loss is happening, somewhere.
Noticed this a while ago. It is a defense mechanism. I have turned to sarcasm and trolling on occasion. It usually happens when the people who were on my "team" have left me and I didn't realize it yet or my inherent loyalty to "teammates" leads me somewhere don't really agree with.
PBJ sees what is wrong. I think he was honest about not voting for Hillary. 4 years ago I voted for Mitt so I was behind him at that point.
Milo seems to be a whistleblower exposing the weirdness and depravity associated with sexual excess and dysfunction. Think of the male and female commodities. Think of the unPlanned children!
Bill Maher is one reason I refuse to subscribe HBO on my cable system.
AReasonableMan said...
exiledonmainstreet said...
Milo resigned from Brietbart.
Come on, you can't really believe that.
Even if you could believe that wouldn't it have been imperative on Breitbart to refuse his resignation? You know, refusing to bend a knee to the evils of PC.
Milo > Breitbart.
He has outgrown that organization. Milo has far more "reach"(the technical term) than they do. Breitbart didn't ask him to leave I guarantee it. Breitbart loses a ton of hits and clicks and influence here. Without Bannon and Milo and of course Breitbart himself I am not sure what is there anymore.
CPAC on the other hand is the enemy and is treacherous.
Trumpit said...
It was the comic Larry Wilmore that gave Milo a deserved "F-you" whooping on Maher's show"
Yeah. Saying "Fuck You" really showed Milo. Quite a devastating comeback.
Witty! And original too!
Wilmore was exasperated at Milo's idiotic comments / beliefs. It wasn't the time to be original or witty. I enjoy Larry Wilmore and find him witty, funny, and original. Milo's an unfunny, foul flash in the pan. This pederasty BS was overblown, but it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
It's getting so hard to keep up.
This whiplash is getting old.
I think Milo ultimately revealed a side of himself which is even more important for young people than what he has already done, saying things people are told they are not allowed to say. We have a culture of well meaning people who believe we have to make the world perfect or people just can't survive. Milo's world was not perfect, he was sexually abused, but he does not want to see himself or live his life like a victim. Somehow he's turned that pain around into comedy and outrageousness and fearlessness. How he did that is worth learning. He's not going away, he's got something worth saying.
I come to this blog to read Ann Althouse, who is highly literate, interesting, and prolific. I leave a comment if I feel I have something worthwhile to say. The comment section is usually filled with retrograde, asinine rubbish, and abusive attacks on fellow commenters. I find many of the usual commenters as uneducated, uncultured, and even hateful trolls.
It's like past child sexual abuse is OK if you hate someone's f*cking guts and use it against them?
Is this the moral standard?
Do we just go with the flow, and let the troll get socially assassinate in an unfair manner, or do you say 'hey, wait a moment' this isn't right even if you hate the guy.' Maybe someone should have said in a private manner, 'Milo, those statements really concern me. that's not a healthy view, take a break and get help.' No no no... instead people wait and sit on it for a very very public moment and use to attack him. And when it is used against him, you gloat and take pride in it.
Do these people responsible for this and take joy in this, really think they are better than Milo?
*** I thought Mile did OK on Maher's show, interesting how they talked about Joan Rivers at the end ***
Trumpit, I find many of the usual commenters as uneducated, uncultured, and even hateful trolls."
You think Wilmore's "Fuck you!" was some sort of great comeback and you're calling us uneducated and uncultured?
That's just so - delicious.
This pederasty BS was overblown, but it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
2/22/17, 12:54 PM
So it's a false charge, but you don't care because it was made against someone whose politics you disagree with.
Ah, yes, now there's a educated and cultured POV. And not hateful at all.
You said that I said it was a "great comeback." That's false; I never said that. You should be exiled, in my opinion, to a stinking outhouse, if you don't live in one already. You picked a fight with the wrong person, clown. Fuck you! I'm sure you can appreciate my wit and originality.
Maher's reaching--not only did Milo not look bad on the show, Maher didn't even appear to be trying to make him look bad. He agreed with him on several points, let other points go unchallenged, and basically left it at that.
And besides, aren't we forgetting the real reason Milo has been tossed from CPAC/Breitbart/Simon&Shuster? The "pedophile" footage (which is basically BS as we argued yesterday). Who on earth would think it was anything that happened on Maher's show that caused all that, and not the tape?
"I find many of the usual commenters as uneducated, uncultured, and even hateful trolls'
In the modern world, shouldn't it be "differently educated" and "differently cultured"?
We no longer name barbarians barbarians anymore, after all, no longer being the done thing.
Milo made the same error as Oscar Wilde, no?
2/22/17, 1:04 PM
Blogger Trumpit said...
"I come to this blog to read Ann Althouse, who is highly literate, interesting, and prolific. I leave a comment if I feel I have something worthwhile to say. The comment section is usually filled with retrograde, asinine rubbish, and abusive attacks on fellow commenters. I find many of the usual commenters as uneducated, uncultured, and even hateful trolls."
Blogger Trumpit said...
"You said that I said it was a "great comeback." That's false; I never said that. You should be exiled, in my opinion, to a stinking outhouse, if you don't live in one already. You picked a fight with the wrong person, clown. Fuck you! I'm sure you can appreciate my wit and originality."
Do I detect humor or a lack of self awareness?
Make your posts shorter and less screedy/wall of text.
Milo made the same error as Oscar Wilde, no?
What an astoundingly dishonest comment by Maher. He's claiming that Milo was brought down by something he (Maher) exposed. What part of the takedown did Maher have a hand in?
"You said that I said it was a "great comeback."
You called it a "a deserved "F-you" whooping." In my book, a "whooping" equals some sort of great, witty comeback. For you, saying "Fuck you!" qualifies as a "whooping" but not a "great comeback. Glad you cleared that up and explained the nuances of "a deserved 'F-you' whooping" vs. "great comeback" to the unrefined here.
And you offer more evidence of your great culture and education:
"You should be exiled, in my opinion, to a stinking outhouse, if you don't live in one already"
Goodness, me, you must have at least a master's degree to appreciate the subtlety expressed by the oh-so-cultured Mr. Trumpit.
Achille's Heel,
Why are you even addressing me? Go away, troll. How dare you tell me in a long comment of your own to make my comments shorter. Get lost! In the good old days we didn't use the word "troll" to describe someone like you; we used the word "creep," or a-hole.
The conversation, preaching, really, about lowering the age of consent has taken place on and off in liberal venues since the sexual revolution and in bedrooms and closets before then. The preaching about the good from sexual excess, dysfunction, and general libertinism longer yet. The normalization of abortion rites through government, schools, entertainment, etc. did not take place in a vacuum and it was done not only for political progress but also to normalize sexual license. It's a tell that sexual education is needed to supplement teaching of biology and religion/morality.
Anyway, all that is known of Milo is that his transgenderism may or may not be linked to child abuse or exploitation, and that he is at minimum a whistleblower of a weird and depraved liberal culture. Not the first, but certainly with a loud voice.
"Get lost! In the good old days we didn't use the word "troll" to describe someone like you; we used the word "creep," or a-hole."
I remember the good old days.
Of verbal jousting and debates in print.
Maybe those were "good old days" form further back than yours.
Usually, there was an expectation of greater substance, artfulness, or at least erudition.
"Die on the vine," I say to my senseless, insulting detractors. My pet goat, Angry Rambo, will butt you then eat you.
Trumpit at 12:23--
I haven't gone back to look at the interchange with Larry Wilmore, but my recollection is that the discussion was concerning assertions regarding the nature and consequences of gender dysphasia, a condition in which a person believes that their true gender is at odds with their sex (XX vs. XY chromosomes). It is undoubtedly a mental condition. There is a great deal of controversy about treatment. Milo was making the point that the current pressure to attempt to resolve the condition by gender transformation surgery is uncharted territory that we should not rush into--particularly with young people. He was making the point (I haven't checked his research) that people with gender dysphasia have an abnormally high suicide rate after gender transformation surgery and also are disproportionately involved in sexual abuse incidents, so there at least is something worth discussing before we launch into wholesale mutilating surgery and hormone treatments. Larry Wilmore's intelligent, witty and well-researched response was "Fuck you!"
I don't think Wilmore got the best of that, but with your high standards, you may disagree.
More evidence of high culture and witty bon mots from Trumpit, who appears to be in middle school.
Amadeus 48 thank you for posting that. I had written much the same about transexualism in two earlier posts this past week and didn't feel like writing it out once again. Your comment was more succinct than my earlier ones and I think it represents Milo's points quite accurately.
You're an old homophobic bigot, who is so fossilized that you're hopelessly backward, and belong in Hillary's "basket of deplorables" compost heap. She told it like it is. We will fight your orange-clown, fake President Trump tooth and nail until he is kicked out of office, or resigns in humiliation.
"We will fight your orange-clown, fake President Trump tooth and nail until he is kicked out of office, or resigns in humiliation."
I just come back and find a leftist troll doing what you do best. You have no idea.
"The preaching about the good from sexual excess, dysfunction, and general libertinism longer yet."
Indeed. This argument goes way, way back. What is the point of Petronius' "Satyricon", after all?
That's as "modern" as anything actually modern, and more "transgressive" than nearly anything in modern literature.
The principal character, the anti-hero, but the object of sympathy withal, is a homosexual and ephebophile.
And the Decameron is, on the whole, also very subversive.
"Why are you even addressing me? Go away, troll."
Everybody but the troll is a troll.
Trumpit: "We will fight your orange-clown, fake President Trump tooth and nail until he is kicked out of office, or resigns in humiliation."
Or he completes his 8 years in the White House. Or there is a marathon showing of "Game of Thrones". Or I have to make a nice potato salad. Or mom kicks me out of the basement. Or I actually finally get a job.
"You're an old homophobic bigot, who is so fossilized that you're hopelessly backward"
That is quite a compliment actually. I see myself as timeless and ageless, floating, as my reptile kind do, in the murky swamp of eternity with an air of contemplation and perfect perspective. Then is now, and now is then, and all is the same always. As man goes, nothing changes, he is always the same beast, prone to the same errors, vulnerable through the same weaknesses, and commits the same sins.
"What an astoundingly dishonest comment by Maher. He's claiming that Milo was brought down by something he (Maher) exposed. What part of the takedown did Maher have a hand in?"
Maybe he secretly released the "pedo" footage subliminally on his show, like every tenth frame or something. Except they shot on digital...
Not uneducated.
Uncredentialed to your satisfaction.
Trumpit: "buwaya,
You're an old homophobic bigot, who is so fossilized that you're hopelessly backward, and belong in Hillary's "basket of deplorables" compost heap."
Hillary who?
As to culture, well, that's SSDD.
Re: The video outing Maher making a ridiculous defense of a grown woman having sex with a young boy - how could he have possibly forgotten that? I guess when you make a living saying outrageous things to get attention it's easy to lose track of them. It's not like the person saying them actually believes what he says, right? It's acting. Performance art.
Ah yes, now I remember. Hillary!
I believe we are about 3 years away (right after it becomes inescapable that Hillary won't be the Soviet.. er Dem nominee) from Hillary's "Norma Desmond" close up moment with Podesta face-down in the pool.
exiledonmainstreet said...
More evidence of high culture and witty bon mots from Trumpit, who appears to be in middle school.
2/22/17, 2:09 PM
Bon mots are good, especially the dark chocolate ones with that whipped raspberry filling!
"That is quite a compliment actually. I see myself as timeless and ageless, floating, as my reptile kind do, in the murky swamp of eternity with an air of contemplation and perfect perspective. Then is now, and now is then, and all is the same always. As man goes, nothing changes, he is always the same beast, prone to the same errors, vulnerable through the same weaknesses, and commits the same sins."
That was funny. I give you credit for recognizing OUR reptilian brain. Recognition is the first step toward change. I may have underestimated you. Perhaps, you will wake up before you die to see the error of your ways. Or, on the other hand, like a crocodile, you will bite my head off.
On the question of perspective as a literary device -
Or perhaps, the timelessness of the problems of the human condition.
You could do much worse than "A Canticle for Leibowitz", Walter Miller
Available on the Althouse Amazon portal !
Unfortunately not on Kindle.
A modern American classic, generally overlooked for its literary qualities because of its "science fiction" roots and overlooked, often enough, as science fiction because of its erudition and Catholicism. Most certainly not suiting the modern zeitgeist - see, no Kindle.
How can a woman rape a man?
See Genesis 19:31-36
לא וַתֹּאמֶר הַבְּכִירָה אֶל-הַצְּעִירָה, אָבִינוּ זָקֵן; וְאִישׁ אֵין בָּאָרֶץ לָבוֹא עָלֵינוּ, כְּדֶרֶךְ כָּל-הָאָרֶץ. 31 And the first-born said unto the younger: 'Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth.
לב לְכָה נַשְׁקֶה אֶת-אָבִינוּ יַיִן, וְנִשְׁכְּבָה עִמּוֹ; וּנְחַיֶּה מֵאָבִינוּ, זָרַע. 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.'
לג וַתַּשְׁקֶיןָ אֶת-אֲבִיהֶן יַיִן, בַּלַּיְלָה הוּא; וַתָּבֹא הַבְּכִירָה וַתִּשְׁכַּב אֶת-אָבִיהָ, וְלֹא-יָדַע בְּשִׁכְבָהּ וּבְקוּמָהּ. 33 And they made their father drink wine that night. And the first-born went in, and lay with her father; and he knew not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
לד וַיְהִי, מִמָּחֳרָת, וַתֹּאמֶר הַבְּכִירָה אֶל-הַצְּעִירָה, הֵן-שָׁכַבְתִּי אֶמֶשׁ אֶת-אָבִי; נַשְׁקֶנּוּ יַיִן גַּם-הַלַּיְלָה, וּבֹאִי שִׁכְבִי עִמּוֹ, וּנְחַיֶּה מֵאָבִינוּ, זָרַע. 34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the first-born said unto the younger: 'Behold, I lay yesternight with my father. Let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.'
לה וַתַּשְׁקֶיןָ גַּם בַּלַּיְלָה הַהוּא, אֶת-אֲבִיהֶן--יָיִן; וַתָּקָם הַצְּעִירָה וַתִּשְׁכַּב עִמּוֹ, וְלֹא-יָדַע בְּשִׁכְבָהּ וּבְקֻמָהּ. 35 And they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose, and lay with him; and he knew not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
לו וַתַּהֲרֶיןָ שְׁתֵּי בְנוֹת-לוֹט, מֵאֲבִיהֶן. 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.
Seeing Red said...
As to culture, well, that's SSDD.
System Segment Design Document (DoD-STD-2167a) ?
"How can a woman rape a man?" (Yes, "man," to refer to a 14-year-old boy.)
"In the 19-year-old clip, Maher was referring to the story of a woman named Mary Kay Letourneau who was impregnated twice by student Vili Fualaau, starting when he was 12."
> Bill Maher proclaims himself the "sunlight"...
So he is some kind of dwarf star?
"I give you credit for recognizing OUR reptilian brain"
Indeed, thank you. I was born a reptilian, and therefore a conservative. Six decades a reptile, pretty much.
The reptilian brain is a massively complex thing, and it would be the work of an age to understand that, alone. It is an easy enough thing though to understand the important things though, such as, on a basic level, why we are here. To eat, to grow, to live, to mate, to lay eggs and protect them, that there will be new crocodiles in the swamp, come the day. Anything else is vanity. Any other purpose leads to, well, a lack of crocodiles.
The question of what purpose there is in having a swamp full of crocodiles I will leave to smarter creatures.
buwaya said...
You could do much worse than "A Canticle for Leibowitz", Walter Miller
I read that after you previously mentioned it here; pretty good, I liked the described process of attempting to restore civilization over several hundred years, but I ended up skipping over some of the religious parts.
"Why are you even addressing me? Go away, troll."
"Everybody but the troll is a troll."
No one can troll like Michael K. He is the King of Trolls.
buwaya: "The reptilian brain is a massively complex thing, and it would be the work of an age to understand that, alone. It is an easy enough thing though to understand the important things though, such as, on a basic level, why we are here. To eat, to grow, to live, to mate, to lay eggs and protect them, that there will be new crocodiles in the swamp, come the day. Anything else is vanity. Any other purpose leads to, well, a lack of crocodiles."
Why are you attempting to reason with Trumpit when all you have do to activate whatever exists between Trumpits ears is hand him/her a "Little Red Book" and direct him/her to go and shoutdown counter-revolutionaries?
I realize that many men had schoolboy fantasies about their high school teachers, but Penthouse Forum can turn into a nightmare, especially since those high school boys end up having to pay child support if teacher gets pregnant.
Here's an especially awful case which occurred recently in NYC - the boy (now 19) murdered his child and the mother of his child, his former teacher.
"Infante also mentioned an issue with child support payments. He paid $80 and $100 in child support weekly, according to sources.
"Barahona, an Afghanistan war vet, was in the news in 2013, when city school officials disclosed that she had been fired from her $73,000 teaching job for having a romantic fling with Duran, who was one of her 17-year-old students at Dewitt Clinton High School at the time.
She first struck up a relationship with the boy when he was 15, but waited two years until his 17th birthday to have intercourse. She told the teen “not to worry” about using protection during their five-times-a-week trysts, according to a report by the Special Commissioner of Investigation."
Unknown: "No one can troll like Michael K. He is the King of Trolls"
It's an honorific only.
I am less inclined to be unkind to Trumpie. I thought that he was just some kind of a conservative troll Moby type, but he's let show some glimpses at suggest that he is a very disturbed man, or possibly woman. Older person. Eaten with bitterness. Sad, non-ironically!
"but I ended up skipping over some of the religious parts."
Ah, but those are the best parts!
Not because they are religious, as such, but because of, among other things, the matter of perspective.
>>We no longer name barbarians barbarians anymore
Please. We call them "Undocumented Huns" now.
Trumpit: I come to this blog to read Ann Althouse, who is highly literate, interesting, and prolific. I leave a comment if I feel I have something worthwhile to say. The comment section is usually filled with retrograde, asinine rubbish, and abusive attacks on fellow commenters. I find many of the usual commenters as uneducated, uncultured, and even hateful trolls.
I'm not sure why you even posted this. "F*** you!" is a lot shorter and to the same effect. There was nothing productive that could have possibly come from this.
"Why are you attempting to reason with Trumpit "
"...he's let show some glimpses at suggest that he is a very disturbed man, or possibly woman. Older person. Eaten with bitterness. Sad, non-ironically!"
Re Trumpit -
“Sincere--that was the hell of it. From a distance, one's adversaries seemed fiends, but with a closer view, one saw the sincerity and it was as great as one's own. Perhaps Satan was the sincerest of the lot.” - A Canticle for Leibowitz
Henry Rollins does tend to make a lot of sense. He is well spoken and, more importantly, well thought. I do not agree with a lot of what he has to say, but at least you can follow the assumptions-to-conclusion logic which leaves open room for legitimate debate. It's not what you would expect from someone who fronted Black Flag.
Then again Bill Nye in more recent times has shown himself to be quite shallow when it comes to science despite originally having a very scientific persona on television, if directed mainly at children. I'm not sure what to say about punk rockers being more open-minded than scientists, but that's the world we live in at the moment.
You're an old homophobic bigot, who is so fossilized that you're hopelessly backward
Wow! That's absurd! buwaya is probably the most erudite commenter here. I've been a nearly-daily Althouse reader for five years and I don't recall him ever saying anything remotely homophobic, or bigoted, and I've never seen him angry. He's a calm and sagacious fellow.
Are you reading Alternate Universe Althouse or something?
I do believe Maher's age qualifies him to be called a dirty old man and a letch.
Pants: "I don't recall him ever saying anything remotely homophobic, or bigoted, and I've never seen him angry. He's a calm and sagacious fellow."
Since when has a charge of bigotry leveled by a leftist against anyone on the right required actual evidence?
As in Dr Zhivago, in the end all will be judged politically.
Here's some good Henry talk:
I am deeply saddened by the fact that there was no serious effort to address the following issues:
Clearly Milo was pushed out of Breitbart. Instead of doing this, wouldn't this have been the perfect time for Breitbart to take a stand against both the GOPe and PC BS? Doesn't their failure to make a stand mean that Breitbart is just another wishy-washy backstabbing fellow traveller with the GOPe? Finally, if even Breitbart can't live up to the standards of hard-core anti-PC conservatives does this not tell us something about the world that we live in. Don't blame liberals, they can't be blamed for anything Breitbart does.
Are you reading Alternate Universe Althouse or something?
I think we see a generational chasm here with the trolls. Some, like Freder, post links and seem capable of reason although he is still hostile to the conservative/libertarian commenters.
I don't mind lefties and used to have interesting debates with some back before the great left shift, which included closing of minds sort of like Alan Bloom's concept.
Several here are probably young and angry and have trouble explaining why. Ritmo seems to fit that model. Lots of unsupported left wing stuff with never an attempt to back it up with links. He actually sounds intelligent at times but the anger seems to cancel all communication. Accusing the rest of us of being old seems to be an epithet but most daytime commenters are probably retirement age unless they are posting from work.
Anyway, I try to avoid the angry ones but sometimes the amusement is too much.
"Don't blame liberals, they can't be blamed for anything Breitbart does."
There are no liberals left. There is only leftist, libertarian and conservative,
The last liberal publication I remember was TNR when Marty Peretz was the publisher/editor.
Same guy wrote:
1. "How the fuck is Breitbart GOPe?" (11:59am)
2. "Doesn't their failure to make a stand mean that Breitbart is just another wishy-washy backstabbing fellow traveller with the GOPe?" (5:05pm)
Yes, duh! And maybe it's time to take a break.
"Clearly Milo was pushed out of Breitbart. Instead of doing this, wouldn't this have been the perfect time for Breitbart to take a stand against both the GOPe and PC BS?'
Well, yes.
" does this not tell us something about the world that we live in. "
Well, yes.
Interesting footnote: Celeste Greig, the woman who states it is wrong ultimately lost her job due to comments about rape that were not tough enough.https://mic.com/articles/28470/celeste-greig-republican-leader-claims-pregnancy-from-rape-rare#.VeuEqtQbi
So tea baggers will even support a pedophile as long as he hates the same things they hate: blacks, women, etc.
Same guy wrote:
1. "How the fuck is Breitbart GOPe?" (11:59am)
2. "Doesn't their failure to make a stand mean that Breitbart is just another wishy-washy backstabbing fellow traveller with the GOPe?" (5:05pm)
Desperately trying to make sense of this terrible event.
buwaya said...
" does this not tell us something about the world that we live in. "
Well, yes.
But what does it tell us buwaya? What does it tell us?
"But what does it tell us buwaya? What does it tell us?"
Gramsci could explain it to you.
To counter the notion that bourgeois values represented "natural" or "normal" values for society, the working class needed to develop a culture of its own. Lenin held that culture was "ancillary" to political objectives, but for Gramsci it was fundamental to the attainment of power that cultural hegemony be achieved first.
Gramscians would counter that thoughts of "liberal inquiry" and "apolitical reading" are utterly naive; for the Gramscians, these are intellectual devices used to maintain the hegemony of the capitalist class.
Destroy the culture and Marxism wins. Except ISIS has now beaten the Marxists to the empty minds of the youth.
I agree with the other posters. Milo left Breitbart because he knew he had his chance to get a lot of publicity for his new site. Have you seen it? I'm guessing he's been planning to leave for awhile.
"But what does it tell us buwaya? What does it tell us?"
That's a good question isn't it? Listen to the wind and make of it what you will.
Is the corruption complete in every sense and in every direction? Is Satan behind every political position, or just the ones we like, or the ones we like now and not the ones we liked five minutes ago?
Perhaps everyone should sit down and have a good think.
"these are intellectual devices used to maintain the hegemony of the capitalist class. "
But in modern times, arguably, some at least of the capitalist class has co-opted the would-be Gramscians. Or is it the other way around? If so the concept of the ownership of the means of production has left the building. It isn't even about production at all anymore. It is the ownership of rents largely independent of anything connected to production.
Regardless, the class warfare of the modern US is not along the lines of the 20th-century ideological model.
Ewww. I certainly hope Bill Maher can get himself disinfected. Maybe he can find the equivalent of a magnifying glass and fry himself with concentrated sunlight like a nasty ol' bug until every trace of this corruption has been burned away. And don't forget eggs. Eggs might have been laid that will hatch later.
Here's some presidential wisdom that you can think about while you're sitting:
Back to what Milo was actually about.
His immediate, or overt, political purpose (whatever his personal goals were, I don't know) was to weaken the hegemony of the system on US higher education, in which a certain cultural tribe effectively suppresses potential dissidents, overtly through imposition of a system of social sanctions, covertly through threats to livelihood, current and future. Its done to prevent challenges to the power of the greater social-economic system, that of rents. Some ideas cannot be challenged, others cannot be permitted to develop.
This part I know about, and the effect of the suppression is, I believe, pernicious. It lowers intellectual standards in nearly all fields, reduces efficiency of human resources development, discourages creativity, destroys cultural transmission (nobody really reads the classics anymore - read Hanson on that), reduces the rate of assimilation of foreigners and minorities, and etc., far too much going wrong to list comprehensively.
Milos real opposition (not the poor twerps blocking the doors) was that clique that had made Gramsci's "long march", though at this point I don't think there is much of the ideological purpose left, merely its tribal identity and its will to power. Power that comes from serving as the gatekeepers of the cursus honorum to the actual power elite, those guys that get rich through exploiting the government functions they control and collect government-guaranteed rents.
Of this conflict, what is "left" and what is "right"? And could this have been explained to a Russian worker in 1917? And what side would that fellow of 1917 be on?
buwaya said...
His immediate, or overt, political purpose (whatever his personal goals were, I don't know) was to weaken the hegemony of the system on US higher education, in which a certain cultural tribe effectively suppresses potential dissidents, overtly through imposition of a system of social sanctions, covertly through threats to livelihood, current and future.
Doesn't the fact that Breitbart (Breitbart for chrissakes) didn't want to be associated with him completely undermine this argument? Or are you arguing that Breitbart is just as much a threat to free speech as any university? I am lost, the boundaries are breaking down. Right, left, PC anti-PC its all becoming a blur.
Per The Gateway Pundit, there is also a Playboy interview in 2007 where he defends Pedophilia (according to the left's own standard...)
What we need is a centralized list of all the leftist's hypocritical stances on this subject (Lena Dunham, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, etc...) I bet the it would be staggering...
AReasonableMan said...
Doesn't the fact that Breitbart (Breitbart for chrissakes) didn't want to be associated with him completely undermine this argument? Or are you arguing that Breitbart is just as much a threat to free speech as any university? I am lost, the boundaries are breaking down. Right, left, PC anti-PC its all becoming a blur.
2/22/17, 6:41 PM
If Breitbart was still alive, he would have told the #FascistLeft and the #NeverTrumper's to go pound sand... This was the hill to die on... the website that bears his name caved and should be ashamed... by this one act, they've shat over everything he stood for...
"Or are you arguing that Breitbart is just as much a threat to free speech as any university?"
Not at all. Merely that Breitbart itself was not part of that effort. Should it be? Probably. Someone should be, thats an important fight.
FIRE for instance, is. But that group was not associated with Milo.
"Right, left, PC anti-PC its all becoming a blur."
Yes it is. The nature of the modern world has made the old political alignments obsolete and irrelevant.
Maher won't be held to account because he has the right political leanings.
"The woman calls it "rape," and Maher scoffs at her: "How can a woman rape a man?" (Yes, "man," to refer to a 14-year-old boy.)"
Well, she could use a stick or something. But if she got pregnant, that seems pretty unlikely. I'm afraid that this is our old friend "statutory rape". Another piece of nonsense we can thank the feminists for. Since we must pretend that their are no differences between the sexes, we must also pretend that 14-year-old boys are harmed by having consensual sex with adult women. What a crock.
It does seem a bit absurd for Maher to pretend to his liberal buddies that it somehow harmed Milo to appear on his show. That's pretty clearly not the case. But at least he has sense enough to be worried about Muslims, unlike a lot of the so-called conservatives who comment here.
Bill Maher gets a lot of tolerance from me just for making Ben Affleck lose his shit.
But, but, but, what's a little hypocrisy among friends? Being a progressive means never having to accept responsibility for the things you say.
Well, she could use a stick or something. But if she got pregnant, that seems pretty unlikely.
I've known women who were raped and orgasmed during it. You're telling me that an adult woman has no clue how to make a young boy ejaculate if she has any desire to do so? Your body does not always behave as you wish it to behave. At that age, I could get erections from literally nothing.
What did Milo say about Leslie Jones that was so awful. He panned Ghostbusters II. He said she looked like a man and was "barely literate." He also wondered why a movie star sits in her house getting the vapours over critical tweets. I understand that some other posters were much harsher, but so what? Blame those on the people who wrote them, not Yiannopoulos.
I am late to this thread.
Maher is scum.
Not pond scum but sewer scum.
That is all.
“As I look back, I realize that somehow I was attracted to women who were neurotic,” he said.
It began with his English teacher, a Mrs. Livingston, who seduced him when he was 14, he said.
A few years later as he struggled to become an actor, he enrolled at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and his eyes fell on a sultry blond woman named Betty Bacall.
Douglas said Bacall, who would later change her first name to Lauren, teased the impoverished student about the shabby, oversize overcoat he wore — so she got him a new one.
Kirk Douglas.
Loretta Webb married Doolittle Lynn when she was 15. Myra Brown married Jerry Lee Lewis when she was 13. Kate Winslet won an Oscar for her portrayal of a woman who seduces a 15-year old boy and has a sexual relationship with him. The Summer of '42 is a celebrated, sensitive coming-of-age story about a young teenage boy who has his first sexual experience with a war widow. In Robert Anderson's Tea and Sympathy, a woman has sex with one of her husband's prep school students who's been tormented about his sexuality. Called "boldly unconventional and refreshingly honest," Diary of a Teenage Girl tells the story of a 15-year old girl who becomes sexually active with her mother's boyfriend. In Birth, Nicole Kidman kisses and takes a bath with an 10-year old boy who she thinks is her re-incarnated husband. Acclaimed for its artistry, Louis Malle's Pretty Baby tells the story of a 12-year old prostitute's daughter whose virginity is auctioned off as she's displayed on a silver platter (played by a 12-year old nude Brooke Shields). And everyone knows the story of Lolita.
One of my good friends, a gay man, was molested by older males starting when he was a pubescent teen. He said he loved being caressed and fondled, never considered it abuse and was not scarred in any way by it (he, himself, was always only attracted to older men). He was a dear, sweet man and one of the kindest people you could ever meet.
Either sex between an adult and minor is always wrong or it isn't?? Someone for whom it is always wrong, Mr. Maher, is the teacher who dallies with a student (at least K-12) or the priest/preacher who dallies with a congregant, in particular one who's underage. Oh, and the president who dallies with a White House intern even if she is past the age of consent--just because.
If a pregnant minor girl has an indisputable right to an abortion, how can she not have the right to consent to the sex?
One of society's gravest duties is to protect our children.
"What did Milo say about Leslie Jones that was so awful."
It was what and who he RTed that was gross. Look it up, if you want to see
I watched the show and thought he made Yiannopoulos look good.
Your precious conservative darlings who released the pedophile comments tapes apparently disagreed.
Several here are probably young and angry and have trouble explaining why. Ritmo seems to fit that model. Lots of unsupported left wing stuff with never an attempt to back it up with links.
Man are you a dummy.
If you're ever at a loss for the factual basis of my thoughts, ask for a damn link. But it won't be a link to an opinion piece, like you do to support everything that comes out of your own keyboard. I seem to understand the difference between fact and opinion and if you ever want a link to my FACTS, say so. Don't think I just make stuff up, like the people you link to.
damikesc said...
Well, she could use a stick or something. But if she got pregnant, that seems pretty unlikely.
"I've known women who were raped and orgasmed during it. You're telling me that an adult woman has no clue how to make a young boy ejaculate if she has any desire to do so? Your body does not always behave as you wish it to behave. At that age, I could get erections from literally nothing."
Well, yeah, and she could have cut his balls off and used his sperm to impregnate herself with a turkey baster. But she didn't.
I suppose you can make a case that 14-year-old boys should not be exposed to the possibility of becoming fathers, either for their own good or for the potential children's good. But that doesn't quite add up to rape, now does it? The fairly general view is that it's OK if two 14-year-olds have sex (or anyway it's not rape), but when one of them is older, that makes it rape. But in reality it's only when the older one is male. And that's because the desire of an older male is difficult to resist. Men are not women.
Mutaman said:
"So tea baggers will even support a pedophile as long as he hates the same things they hate: blacks, women, etc."
Notice how this commenter begins with an ad hominem (tea bagger), transitions immediately to a defamatory falsehood (calling Milo a pedophile), and concludes with bald-faced lie (that Tea Partiers and Milo hate blacks and women).
That's Grade A trolling right there.
I haven't really plugged into the Milo "scandal," but I'm cheered that the right lefties are butthurt. This hasn't dinged Trump, Breitbart, and Bannon one bit.
Having seen the show, I am shocked that Maher would take credit. The only credit I would give him is that he introduced Milo to a lot of people on the left who suddenly saw the nature of his appeal, and some of them decided they had to take him down. But Maher could not have foreseen this and did not act as if he intended it.
That's Grade A trolling right there.
It's trolling all right, but not "Grade A," more like schoolyard, I don't care if it's accurate, I just want my words to hurt, level. They are kind of deluded in that they think we care about what they think, except as sort of a straight man line in our ongoing little game of ridiculing lefties.
chickelit said...
This hasn't dinged Trump, Breitbart, and Bannon one bit.
Yes Breitbart comes out of this looking great, the implacable defenders against PC.
Majestyk said... [hush][hide comment]
Mutaman said:
"So tea baggers will even support a pedophile as long as he hates the same things they hate: blacks, women, etc."
Notice how this commenter begins with an ad hominem (tea bagger), transitions immediately to a defamatory falsehood (calling Milo a pedophile), and concludes with bald-faced lie (that Tea Partiers and Milo hate blacks and women).
That's Grade A trolling right there.
2/22/17, 9:36 PM
Grade A trolling? Really? I see a lack of originality, no wit, and no timing. At least it was short and no misspellings. I would give it a generous C-. Future note to trolls, here at Althouse there is no grading on a curve. If you just phone it in, your grade will reflect that.
I am surprised no one has mentioned exactly who Maher and Rollins were referencing in their conversation:
FWIW, she and the boy she raped married once he turned 18 and are still married, by all accounts happily, and have raised two daughters. They seem... pretty well adjusted.
I'm not a big Milo fan, but when he says that human beings are messy, he isn't wrong.
Mahar, hogging the spotlight again.
Credit to Maher for having Milo on, and I did watch the interview online, and agree with those who say Milo came off pretty well. Overall Maher seemed pleased, especially that they strongly agreed with each other re: free speech and the value of comedians to be the only truth-tellers left in a culture.
But ... sunlight? No. He's a shill for the Hollywood Left and Progressivism with a libertarian free-speech angle. Which is useful sometimes, yes. He's not sunlight though. Sorry.
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