৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

A conversation about the politics of the commenters on the Althouse blog.

There was an open thread on this blog last night, and while many of the comments were about the Super Bowl...
Patriots getting schlonged.


Coin toss wins. What a rip.

Like Hillary beating Bernie in Iowa caucuses.

Cubs... Trump... Pats... I'm liking the way things are going.
... there was some interesting talk about the politics of the Althouse commenters.

Jack Wayne said:
I think everyone that reads this blog has noticed the increased number of lefty commenters. It started about 6 months ago. At first I thought it was a paid Soros performance trying to sway the election. Find a moderate blog and swamp it with lefty sentiments. It kept up after the election and now we see a determined effort to bring down Trump. What I'm having trouble understanding is the end game and why pick on Althouse? The end game is Pence followed by Ryan. Is that a reasonable goal? I think not but lefties are acting nutty right now. The other question of Althouse is more opaque. The best I can come up with is that the lefties feel the need to herd Althouse back into the fold. But I think that effort is doomed. Any lefties in the know are welcome to tell us what you are trying to accomplish.
Henry responded with:
What I've wondered for a long time is why the comments section has so many social conservatives in it, ranging from instapundit-style libertarians to outright misogynists. The question in my mind isn't why so many lefties, but why the balance has always been against them.
Jack Wayne said:
Henry, my POV is that lefties are not rational, hence they are the target in a blog that does not delete comments like so many lefty sites do.
Yancey Ward said:
Henry asked why Althouse draws so many from the right side of the political divide?

The explanation is fairly easy — she pulls no punches for the most part. I know from her writing that she leans left, but she almost never tolerates bullshit from either side — so there is something here for people from both sides to both agree with and disagree with. However, the main reason the commentators here lean right more than left is simply this — she doesn't delete their comments for simply disagreeing with her — a very rare thing for bloggers who are to the left.

Since I won't generally even read a blogger who practices such censorship, I noticed about a year ago that I was suddenly down to just Althouse who could be identified as a liberal, and who had a comments section. I have lost some bloggers on the right, too, who do this, but nowhere near the percentage. My theory is simply that liberals and progressives are just less tolerant of differing opinions, and the commenters from the left are less likely to frequent a comments section where they might encounter an actual opponent.

And you know what — I think her commenters have probably had an effect on Ms. Althouse — she definitely has drifted to the center in the last 4 years.

Of course, we could all just be commenters paid by Putin.

২৩২টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   232 এর 201 – থেকে 232
Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Plus, I grabbed the 200 spot.


Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
If you like the more creative style of comments and want more stuff like the old cockroach, why don't you adopt a persona and a pseudonym and write it yourself.

I think it was Benjamin Disraeli who said "if I want to read a good book, I'll write one."

2/6/17, 12:26 PM

Ann, this is remarkably foolish:

1) We may not have that particular talent. One necessarily doesn't have all the talents oneself, and may like to write in one's own style and to enjoy the differing styles of others.

1a) If I could write like (e.g.) Sir Archy, I wouldn't need Sir Archy to write. When two are of the same mind in all matters, one is expendable.

2) I can't speak for Disraeli, but even Homer nods. Unlike cooks, for whom it is a reasonable option to cook for oneself, one writes for others. Why would one create a character like Sir Archy *for oneself*? Like your bumptious notion of paper-proofing a moon shot, you would just host the dialogue in your own head and be done with it. Even masturbation is more fun when done for one by someone else (though one may be more efficient by oneself, not necessarily more effective).

3) There is a concern that such original and spirited characters disappear from the blog for other than natural causes. Chip Ahoy, Trooper York, many and many are the fine commenters whom you, or perhaps other commenters you may have encouraged, have driven away.

The very absurdity of such a reply begs the question, if I am using that phrase correctly, of whether you are sincere (and hence, apparently, stupid or otherwise 'out there') or whether this is a barb or a trolling of your audience. Which I daresay you do to lefties pretty rarely.

There may be the chance, which I'm sure you favor, that we are supposed to look for the deeper meaning in your words, as if you were some sort of guru. And per Stephen Maturin, "Yet then again, what is gratifying to self-love is not necessarily untrue." Maybe, but it makes fair odds for betting. You definitely lack sincerity-unless you are triggered to drop your filters and show your face, which tempts us to do it. A very untrustworthy blogger. I wonder if you relate to Robert Reich lying to his own diary.

Mary বলেছেন...

Michael K, I’m not seeking a safe place where bunnies and puppies will protect me (although it does sound fun!)
I’d just like to point out that this post is about “lefties” commenting lately, which implies this space has been engaged mostly by right wing conservatives. That in itself is a safe space for the “righties”. The lefties are coming! must be paid by Soros! This is where we are these days, we’re so far away from each other it is very hard to have a simple dialogue. We all have our comfort bubbles. I know that. I know I do. I would prefer to engage without being personally attacked, that's just who I am. And I know it's crazy out there especially on FB, those bunnies are tempting

Drago, thank you!

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Mary said...
Drago: "You can now go back to pretending it's all just too much to figure out."
What'd I tell ya. Hostility.
Because you don't want me here.

2/6/17, 1:09 PM

Mary, we will welcome you with open arms. We just ask that you make a quality contribution. However, even those who do not make quality contributions, like Lyin'Whoeverheistoday, continue to exist and flourish here in their roles as arrant harrassors, inasmuch as they can tolerate the often sharp pushback they, IMHO deservedly, get.

But TANSTAAFL. Nobody is going to give you untoward respect for free. It must be earned. Don't you think that's best? (If not, that would be a useful tell-tale for the kinds of people who will and will not do well here.)

Why don't you just try hard to make the most original, insightful and honest remarks you can, and see how it all falls out? Perhaps in that process, your true nature will peep out, and be admired, if not for the traits you yourself prize.

BTW Ann militantly refuses criticism so you certainly have that right here. (IMHO the better sort of person does not, but differences of opinion, ah, that's what makes horse races.)

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Rest assured, Mary, that Ann covets lefty posters, has openly and long done so, and yearns for you to succeed.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
I've always assumed that a lot of the conservatives came over on Instapundit links (and at a time when he had no comment section), found it convivial and stayed.

That's how I got here.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mary: "The lefties are coming! must be paid by Soros! This is where we are these days, we’re so far away from each other it is very hard to have a simple dialogue."

Well, simple dialogue is quite difficult when most conservative thought has been declared unacceptable in the public square.

Still, we shall endeavor to persevere.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Well, simple dialogue is quite difficult when most conservative thought has been declared unacceptable in the public square.

Hmmmm. Republican President. Republican Senate. Republican House. Yet. Yet, "most conservative thought has been declared unacceptable in the public square".


Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "Hmmmm. Republican President. Republican Senate. Republican House. Yet. Yet, "most conservative thought has been declared unacceptable in the public square".


Speaks to the enduring value of coherence and common sense does it not?


Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

I try to empathize w/ the the folks like Bad L who comment for not themselves. But, hard as I try to be in their loafers, I can't even muster sympathy.

In fact, I love to see it when they implode and threaten to leave, to which Althouse has sometimes responded, if she bothered w/ a response, w/, more or less, 'FU & don't let the door hit ya.'

People comment here for reasons other than cracking themselves up. I can type that, but I truly can't grasp that it's possible.

Of course, I also think it's funny when Althouse speculates that future generations will be studying her post archives. I guess if I had fewer legit accomplishments I'd be better at this sorta thinking.

Carry on.

Drago বলেছেন...

Lyin: "People comment here for reasons other than cracking themselves up."




mockturtle বলেছেন...

I would prefer to engage without being personally attacked, that's just who I am.

So go ahead and engage, Mary, and quit whining!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Do you have clips from the movie that came out a week before that?

That was the golden age of cinema. Cobra, and then TG

Rusty বলেছেন...

Because you don't want me here.
Not if you're going to dumb Archie Bunker comparisons. Bring your A game or don't show up.

Ixnay on the utinPay.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Townes van Zant says Lefty.


n.n বলেছেন...

Obama paid better. His legacy is secure.

Unknown বলেছেন...

For ARM, I'd like to ask: Where, exactly, is conservative thought tolerated? Do we get glowing hymns of praise in the media? Do we have songs preaching chastity and personal responsibility versus gang banging girls who are desperate for attention? Where's the massive conservative presence in our universities? I think you can count on your hands the number of even right-leaning schools, and most of them are under attack by leftists trying to shut them down.

I'd hardly call Trump, Ryan, and McConnell a vanguard of an invading conservative army. They are all social liberals.

I would prefer it was Cruz, Lee, and Pat Buchanan without the crazy anti-semitism.


Steve বলেছেন...

Prof. Althouse said:

If you like the more creative style of comments and want more stuff like the old cockroach, why don't you adopt a persona and a pseudonym and write it yourself.

I had an alternate identity and spent a lot of time writing ironic posts and then debating them. It is time for someone else to pick up where I left off. It is actually a lot of work to be in one of those characters all the time.

ElPresidenteCastro বলেছেন...

In the Socialist Paradise, she who pays the piper does not call the tune.

Steve বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
I'd like to ask: Where, exactly, is conservative thought tolerated?

We have just had a thread devoted in significant portion to bashing Mary for feeling a bit put upon when she posts here and then you ask this question. Can you see how ridiculous this is?

You don't get odes to the wonderfulness of conservative thought? Guess what, that's the marketplace. Young people trend liberal and they set the cultural trends.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
I try to empathize w/ the the folks like Bad L who comment for not themselves. But, hard as I try to be in their loafers, I can't even muster sympathy.

Wait, what? I get that you are talking to me but...in English next time?

Then again...please don't bother.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: 'We have just had a thread devoted in significant portion to bashing Mary...."

"..bashing Mary.."

Oh dear. That ARM can get quite hysterical.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...


mockturtle বলেছেন...

Would they prefer we call them 'southpaws'?

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Yet. Yet, "most conservative thought has been declared unacceptable in the public square".

That's how you got 1000 GOP legislators and Trump.

ARM has deteriorated, as I think most can see.

Too bad.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

9:02: Bowel movement. Did part of a crossword puzzle during the event. 22-Across was particularly anti-Semitic. Also: 4-Down.

Now that's some funny shit (pun intended)

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

I've been through three presidential elections with Althouse. Each time I think "this is it!" but I come back.

I also visit Insta but don't read the comments. Also the Corner (again, no comments).

Periodically to Hit and Run. The snark and wit is rich there.

And as a periodic snack with few comments GetReligion.

I have a limited blogosphere.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

funny that Chuck didn't show up for this one.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

ARM has deteriorated, as I think most can see.

Maybe someone stole his identity.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Bad Lieutenant said...
"Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
I try to empathize w/ the the folks like Bad L who comment for not themselves. But, hard as I try to be in their loafers, I can't even muster sympathy.

Wait, what? I get that you are talking to me but...in English next time?

Then again...please don't bother."

I think he's trying to say he wants to bone ya.
Or you to bone him.
I'm not really familiar with the protocols of shit like that.

"Blogger AReasonableMan said...

So much for reasoned discourse, eh?

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Wow the thread is still going! I've been mulling over the "I seek clarity of thought" statement and the revelation that she is shunned by Madisonians. Interesting mission statement, in harmony with my appreciation of E B White (Elements of Style) and Dennis Prager's axiom ("I prefer clarity over agreement").

Used to read Andrew Sullivan, The Bleat and Captains Quarters back in the day, which expanded to BOTW and Instapundit after 9/11. Can't recall which one pointed Althouse's way but I never left. We've had some crazy funny characters here. It's sad that her neighbors try to label and shun Althouse but I can explain their thinking. The fact that she allows open debate without culling conservatives or shaming them for being conservative is all it takes to be labeled a right winger. Her philosophy and voting record and tolerance don't matter. Because Althouse has not censored us righties makes her an enemy of the Left.

It's that simple.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   232 এর 201 – থেকে 232   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»