३० जानेवारी, २०१७

Trump has cued up the new distraction.

ADDED: Last week he told us he'd make the announcement on Thursday. He moved it up 2 days.

AND: Can we talk about the Supreme Court nominee and immigration at the same time? I'm picturing anti-Trumpists thinking they can make the 2 things into one combo-topic. And I predict that will not work well at all.

As Scott Adams says: Outrage Dilution.

If you try to do multiple outrages, it will dilute. If you stick to one at a time, he can always dump a new one on top of the old one. Will you drop the old topic and play catch up? Or will you stick to the old topic and let him get away with doing this new thing? Or will you waste energy in confusion about what to do?

ADDED: John Henry asks "Was that a poll, Ann?," and I say "It's funny how this post is like the previous post: Can we do more than one thing at a time?" The previous post has a poll, so here's the poll for this one:

How should Trump opponents fight when they see one outrage after another?
pollcode.com free polls

९८ टिप्पण्या:

MaxedOutMama म्हणाले...

He tweeted that last week, before this shitstorm. I am quite curious as to who the candidate will be.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"He tweeted that last week..."

I thought he'd said Thursday.

CJinPA म्हणाले...

Just like the Left is going to run out Rage Fuel at this rate, I fear our president may run out of distractions.

By March he's going to have to announce a manned mission to Jupiter and "We're raising the Titanic and she's going to be beautifully restored, first class all the way" to get the same effect.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

The guy is doing his job. What a concept. Doesn't matter who he picks, the Left will hate him or her.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Post updated.

He did indeed make the announcement "before this shitstorm" that Thursday was the day.

Funny you were able to misremember that to accommodate him.

Make a note to step up your suspicion level.

David Begley म्हणाले...

And in prime time. Audience!

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

You say distraction, I say focal point.

So much potential, so much hope. Don't blow this one, Trump.

rehajm म्हणाले...

CJinPA said...
Just like the Left is going to run out Rage Fuel at this rate, I fear our president may run out of distractions.

Yes, me too. There's been a few rumor columns gossiping about Congressional Republicans slowing the timetable for tax relief and Obamacare reform. Could be leftie wishful thinking or the first signs of a Trump stall.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

It's been moved up. The professor is correct.

We've arrived at the point where the announcement of a candidate for the Supreme Court of the United States is a distraction.

Do you think Chuck Schumer will shed more tears or will they pick another Senator? I want to see Dick Durbin cry.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

The depth of the protest is going to be He nominated a white guy! That's not who we are!

John henry म्हणाले...

Was that a poll, Ann?

I pick the last choice.

The progressives will not be able to handle 2 distractions at once and will run around dithering. Consequently neither will be addressed effectively.

Though they will spend considerable energy running around in circles and shouting.

John Henry

Michael K म्हणाले...

The ginned up outrage is just making him look more powerful and more organized.

I wonder if the left will ever figure this out ?

The mobs at airports certainly appeared quickly. I wonder if they will stay ?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

In case anyone is wondering if I should have written "queue up" instead of "cue up," I do have it right. Homophones are easy to do by mistake. I typo them all the time, such as "write" for "right" as I was pounding out this comment. But "queue up" and "cue up" are homophones where both of the 2 meanings might seem to fit.

Here's a discussion of the topic:

"A cue is (1) a signal prompting an event or action, especially in a performance; and (2) the long stick used to strike the cue ball in billiards and pool. The word also works as a verb meaning give a cue. A queue is (1) a line of people waiting for something, and (2) a hair braid worn down the back of the neck. As a verb, queue means get in line or place in line. Both these homophones are often used with up—cue up meaning prepare [something] to start on cue, and queue up meaning get in line."

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Was that a poll, Ann?"

Yeah, I should do another poll.

It's funny how this post is like the previous post: Can we do more than one thing at a time?

sinz52 म्हणाले...

During the Senate hearings on the SC nominee, they should ask the nominee what his views are on executive power and how much deference should be given to the executive where national security is concerned.

As usual, the nominee won't say anything. But that issue should be on the record.

We need a pro-liberty Constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court, NOT a pro-Executive-Branch Trump stooge who will rubber-stamp all of his policies under the guise of "national security" or "making America great again" or any other rationalization.

Trump and his bully-boy supporters are going to eat some humble pie. Sooner or later.

John henry म्हणाले...

So a pool on who gets nominated?

I'd love to see Ted Cruz. He would shake things up pretty well. I suspect it will not be him.

John Henry

Fabi म्हणाले...

"CJinPA said...
Just like the Left is going to run out Rage Fuel at this rate, I fear our president may run out of distractions."

Stealing that term!

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Scott Adams is probably right. Is anybody even talking about the Keystone or Dakota Pipelines?

But I'm not sure he will run out of outrages to release to the left. It's their thing. And just wait until he one of their beloved core positions (like TPP, Union Support), and they are forced to counter him....just because. If the media and the left can't be pissed at what he's doing, they'll switch to how he's doing it.

David Begley म्हणाले...

Will Schumer cry at the announcement?

mezzrow म्हणाले...

Densepack strategy to maximize outrage. Not surprised.

We'll be blathering on about OODA loops any minute now. Somebody's getting depantsed in public - the left thinks it's Trump, but I think we know what the real answer is.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Did Schumer cry after San Bernardino? No?

Crying. The tears are tasty. I expect more crying on Tuesday too. Probably from a woman trotted out so she can tell us how evil it would be to overturn Roe.

John henry म्हणाले...


Do I sense a new product coming?

Rage Fuel, the patented new 48 hour energizer. Drink one bottle before each Trump announcement.

Let me know if you need help on the manufacturing side.

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...


I take your point about cue and agree that you used it correctly.

I think queue is correct also. Trump has a long queue of things guranteed to fuel the outrage machine. At least until Soros runs out of money. So if he adds the SC nominee to the queue, hasn't he queued up another outrage?

John Henry

Fabi म्हणाले...

That's inspired, John Henry -- just make sure CJinPA gets his royalty!

John henry म्हणाले...

Thanks for the poll, Ann. Needs a none of the above. I can't vote for any of the alternatives.

I think they just get confused and start babbling, not knowing which outrage of the hour to address.

John Henry

Roughcoat म्हणाले...

Memo to Chuck: Boys don't cry. Neither do men.

Except when Old Yeller dies. Or when you have to shoot the Yearling.

John henry म्हणाले...

Speaking of rage, I think Google is broken.

I went looking and could not find anything about progs getting spun up when ex-President Obama did the same thing, except permanent, to Cuban escapees.

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...

For some of the progs here who may have missed it, I think it would be hard to disagree with Trump on this:

"We are a nation of immigrants.. but we are a nation of laws"

"Our nation is rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country...

Illegal immigrants take jobs from citizens or legal immigrants, they impose burdens on our taxpayers...

That is why we are doubling the number of border guards, deporting more illegal immigrants than ever before, cracking down on illegal hiring, barring benefits to illegal aliens, and we will do more to speed the deportation of illegal immigrants arrest for crimes...

It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws that has occurred in the last few years.. and we must do more to stop it."

No doubt some will. Disagree, that is.

John Henry

Todd म्हणाले...

I think Trump should go for the hat-trick and nominate three. I am tired of all of this 5/4|4/5 crap. We have earned a few 7/4|6/5s...

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

Trump is grabbing them by their OODA loop. When you're a celebrity, they let you.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"I think queue is correct also. Trump has a long queue of things guranteed to fuel the outrage machine. At least until Soros runs out of money. So if he adds the SC nominee to the queue, hasn't he queued up another outrage?"

When X queues up, X is getting in line. Trump is not getting in line. He's maybe putting things in line. I think "queue up" is intransitive.

Even if "queuing up" could be intransitive and could be used to refer not just to lining up but to putting things in line, "cuing up" would better express the activity of getting things ready to go one after the other.

"Queuing up" emphasizes orderly waiting, where someone else is controlling the advancement of the line. The bus will arrive and the people in the queue will be able to get on.

"Cuing up" emphasizes the control of the person doing the cuing, that he's got the power to release the things according to his plan, like someone setting up the recordings to play during a radio show: we've got the sound bites cued up.

jacksonjay म्हणाले...

Will the announcement be made on 21st Century Fireside Chat Equivalent? Tremendous!

rcocean म्हणाले...

Trump does this all the time. For example, tells the press he'll have a press conference on day X and then pushes the day up or delays it. He's also told them he'd address issue Y, and then made them stay and listen to a bunch of people endorsing him.

Its smart to adjust the dates for maximum impact.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Trump does this all the time. For example, tells the press he'll have a press conference on day X and then pushes the day up or delays it. He's also told them he'd address issue Y, and then made them stay and listen to a bunch of people endorsing him.

Its smart to adjust the dates for maximum impact.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

mezzrow said...

We'll be blathering on about OODA loops any minute now.

You're welcome.

Unknown म्हणाले...

It is comic --and not in a good way-- that this presidency is on a track to a disaster that is absolutely in our collective face. Nixon in '74 didn't seem as isolated from the world as this president looks already. This is not new. This is not a refreshing counterpoint to the last decade. This is weird and frightening.

Michael K म्हणाले...

"Needs a none of the above. I can't vote for any of the alternatives."

I agree.

"Trump and his bully-boy supporters are going to eat some humble pie. Sooner or later."

Keep waiting. I'm sure you'll be right (sorry, correct) some day. If you wait long enough. Eight years ?

Todd म्हणाले...

Gusty Winds said...

But I'm not sure he will run out of outrages to release to the left.

1/30/17, 9:32 AM

He won't. It is a bottomless well. Trump could tweet "boxers are for p*ssies, real men wear briefs" and off they will all go like lemmings. He could tweet "cheerieos is better than grapenuts" and the left would GO nuts. Really, he could say ANYTHING and their outrage would peg. They are making it too easy but I think it it will be a long time before I get my fill of watching them beclown themselves. :)

jacksonjay म्हणाले...

Never misunderestimate the resolve of the Obama New Normal Unemployed Millennials or the depth of the Billionaires pockets.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I think the people picking the third option on the poll are pro-Trump.

Michael K म्हणाले...

"this presidency is on a track to a disaster that is absolutely in our collective face. "

Inga ! We missed you !

How was the crowd at the airport ? Did Soros check clear ?

Ken B म्हणाले...

"I think the people picking the third option on the poll are pro-Trump."

Well, anti-anti-Trump anyway. It's Machiavellian advice.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Option 5

Go into a closet and sacrifice a chicken.

If your outrage is fake, use a rubber chicken.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Remember the outrage etymology story. The word is a confusion of two things.

It's from French outre, beyond what is proper. It can be using the wrong fork at a formal dinner.

It's made into a noun by adding -age.

English notices the -rage, and imports it as outrage. What is beyond what is proper deserves rage. The word itself says so.

So outrage means both the thing that is outre, but the reaction to it, namely rage.

This confusion is so useful that the word was reimported back into French.

So with Trump, he does something outre, and rage is required. No thought is involved. The word takes you from one to the other by itself.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Re Cuing vs Queueing:
In the corportate world theres a lot of talk of Teeing things up. Most biz-speak would be nowhere without Sports Metaphors. I thought it would be fun if once and a while they used Sexual Metaphors instead.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Even if "queuing up" could be intransitive..."

Should be: Even if "queuing up" could be transitive...

sorry to be confusing

David Begley म्हणाले...

More genius by Trump and Bannon. SCOTUS nominee will be questioned on recent EO's and he or she can say "no comment" because it might show up on the docket.

And when Schumer tries to block the nominee, he can get taunted about his crying jag.

Trumpit म्हणाले...

Scalia, a legal thug, was thoroughly discredited in a NYT op-ed by Richard Posner & Segall two years ago. This article exposing Scalia's true nature as an arrogant, incoherent bully must have badly affected Justice Scalia because he thankfully died not long after that.

Google: Justice Scalia’s Majoritarian Theocracy (NYT)

Trump, a populist thug, said he will appoint a Scalia type to the Supreme Court. So, there you have it: a dangerous, destructive fool is in charge of the executive branch of the U.S. government.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

I went looking and could not find anything about progs getting spun up when ex-President Obama did the same thing, except permanent, to Cuban escapees.

Then they'd have to admit that Cuba is a prison for its own people, not a socialist paradise.

TRISTRAM म्हणाले...

Trump TODO list:

SCOTUS Nominee today.

End DACA, tomorrow.

Pardon Hillary, Wednesday.

Announce Embassy Move to Jerusalem thursday.

Submit terrible regulations that Obama 'forgot' to Congress, so that CRA can be used to revert them, Friday.

Award contracts for clean biohazard when heads explode from apoplexy, sometime next week.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"In the corportate world theres a lot of talk of Teeing things up. Most biz-speak would be nowhere without Sports Metaphors. I thought it would be fun if once and a while they used Sexual Metaphors instead."

You can only tee one thing up (if you want to use the metaphor right).

Widmerpool म्हणाले...

I'm rooting for Hardiman. Met him at a party on Cape Cod a few years ago (Boston native) - great guy.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"If you try to do multiple outrages, it will dilute." Or snowball. But let's hope that more Americans are turned off by the outrage theater than by the clownish security theater.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Every day is another win.

DJT says the Evangelical Christians will really like his nominee. And the Muslim Invasion Army that has just revealed themselves squeals louder and louder.

But William Bradford and his descendants all say, good work.

Marty Keller म्हणाले...

Unknown (Inka) said, "It is comic --and not in a good way-- that this presidency is on a track to a disaster that is absolutely in our collective face. Nixon in '74 didn't seem as isolated from the world as this president looks already. This is not new. This is not a refreshing counterpoint to the last decade. This is weird and frightening."

This is a classic line of the Narrative of the Collectivist State, retailed by its clerisy MSM and dupes like Inka. "Disaster," yes, if you believe in the Obama-Merkel-Clinton-Hollande world where Our Betters tell us all how to live. "Weird and frightening," yes, if you were raised in Ingsoc and taught that Big Brother really loves you.

To the rest of us, not so much.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

I named my fish Scalia.

What did he do?

He ate the other fish.


Seeing Red म्हणाले...

Isolated from the world.

You mean Trump is an American?

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

NBC is outraged Trump voters don't care about the 4 month delay in coming in to the States.

A sensible 72 year old was quoted.

From Missouri.

wildswan म्हणाले...

What should the left do? if you support Trump you think the left should

I think the left should do what was successful in the period leading up to Hillary's election when Trump made so many mistakes and was repeatedly exposed as a loser - that is, run after each shiny issue as it comes up with the sequence: be shrill, be outraged, offer no solutions, virtue signal, believe the polls that show Trump losing ground. Rinse and repeat

What should the left do? if you oppose Trump (which is the actual poll) what you should do is support him since he has reached the workers.
Don't chase the news cycle in any way. Support the workers even if that means working with Trump. Be patriotic. Realize that abortion is wiping out the blacks. Listen. Make cities business friendly in order that jobs come there. If poverty causes problems, lack of jobs causes poverty. Speak the truth to NYC/LA/celebrity snake entanglement. It's all easy - if you really care about the workers. Chuckle

n.n म्हणाले...

It's not immigration, but rather emigration. The refugee crises are the collateral damage of waging social justice with delegated, projected, or ignored responsibility. For example, following the Western-backed coup in Ukraine, the refugees are sheltering in place on the Crimean peninsula with Russian aid. Other nations affected by Western "good intentions" have been more and less fortunate.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

I imagine the Indignant as Lucy and Ethel working the assembly line at the candy factory. Things come at them faster than they can deal with them. Hilarity ensues.

Birkel म्हणाले...

'Cue up' seems corrected.
But 'queued up' seems wrong to me.

The word 'up' after the word 'queued' is wrong.

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Trumpit said...
Scalia, a legal thug, was thoroughly discredited in a NYT op-ed by Richard Posner & Segall two years ago. This article exposing Scalia's true nature as an arrogant, incoherent bully must have badly affected Justice Scalia because he thankfully died not long after that.

Google: Justice Scalia’s Majoritarian Theocracy (NYT)

Trump, a populist thug, said he will appoint a Scalia type to the Supreme Court. So, there you have it: a dangerous, destructive fool is in charge of the executive branch of the U.S. government."

Wow. Powerful.

BJM म्हणाले...

We know what the protesters should do, but what will they actually do? Can the MSM/Dems control the outrage machine they released? I think not. To parse an old saying, The protesters have taken the bit.

ga6 म्हणाले...

" thoroughly discredited in a NYT op-ed"

was this the one co-authored by Bill Ayers?

I Callahan म्हणाले...

Just like the Left is going to run out Rage Fuel at this rate, I fear our president may run out of distractions.

I listened to Breitbart radio this morning, and one of the things mentioned was how people are going to get protest fatigue - the protesters as well as non-protesters. Because if everything is a crisis, nothing's a crisis. Nixon won pretty handily in 1972, and that was a part of it.

I hope this comes to fruition.

I Callahan म्हणाले...

As for the poll, I voted for option 4, because that would be smart. So Trump opponents will choose option 3.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

" thoroughly discredited in a NYT op-ed"

That phrase made me laugh out loud.I was trying to envision it.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

What should the left do? Where's the poll answer "climb into a bathtub full of nice warm water and slash your wrists"?

Todd म्हणाले...

Trumpit said...

Scalia, was in a thoroughly discredited NYT, op-ed by Richard Posner & Segall two years ago.

Fixed it for you. You are welcome...

I Callahan म्हणाले...

It is comic --and not in a good way-- that this presidency is on a track to a disaster that is absolutely in our collective face. Nixon in '74 didn't seem as isolated from the world as this president looks already. This is not new. This is not a refreshing counterpoint to the last decade. This is weird and frightening.

Lefty Unknown comes into the thread, and without a hint of irony, sets him/herself up to be an example of choice 3 of the poll...

Unknown म्हणाले...

Poll specifies what "should" they do?

As a wargamer when developing my plan for a run through a scenario my questions are, "What 'should' my opponent do?", "What 'will' he do?", "What 'do I want him to do'?. (The last with the subtext, "And how can I trick him into doing that?")

With this in mind the answer to what they should do is "Mix up those 3 approaches. Don't let Trump predict how you will react." What they will do is, either 1 or 2.

What Trump wants them to do is either 1 or 3.

Michael K म्हणाले...

So, there you have it: a dangerous, destructive fool is in charge of the executive branch of the U.S. government.

Well, we survived Obama.

The insanity of the left, which you illustrate nicely, is encouraging.

Apologies if you are doing a parody of a clueless lefty.

Todd म्हणाले...

I notice an absence of the option: Understand that what you are perceiving as an outrage really isn't and don't take the bait.

That was likely done on purpose as those getting outraged have fairly well demonstrated that they don't have the maturity and/or mental capacity to understand that as an option.

Unknown म्हणाले...

In a national tournament playing against a top ten ranked player (way out of my class) he was the defender and I the attacker. Scenario and sides were picked the night before and I spent most of the night preparing a battle plan.

Scenario required the defender to secretly designate one of three buildings as a headquarters. Whoever controls that building at the end of the game wins.

As the game opened I spent the first three turns in growing confusion as I could not figure out his plan or setup. It turned out that he had completely mis-read the scenario rules and his set up made no sense.

Lesson for Trump's opponents - Make sure you are playing the same game.

Unknown म्हणाले...

When cueing up with "ball in hand" do you; 1 take the sure shot, 2 Take the slightly harder shot with a great leave, or 3 Set up for that awesome combination that sinks two balls(that you will almost certainly miss)?

Todd म्हणाले...

William Koekkoek said...
When cueing up with "ball in hand" do you; 1 take the sure shot, 2 Take the slightly harder shot with a great leave, or 3 Set up for that awesome combination that sinks two balls(that you will almost certainly miss)?

1/30/17, 11:29 AM

I would normally lean toward #2 but (big but) it very much depends on: the quality of my opponent (better or worse then me), am I ahead or behind (and by how much), and how many of their balls are left on the table. You have to be fluid...

grackle म्हणाले...

Will you drop the old topic and play catch up? Or will you stick to the old topic and let him get away with doing this new thing? Or will you waste energy in confusion about what to do?

Confusion? Somewhat, yes. But one thing they are NEVER confused about is how to lie – which is that the ban is a MUSLIM ban. The ban is on people coming from nations that are supporters or exporters of terror, as defined by OBAMA. It is not a Muslim ban, it is a nation ban.

So they are lying again – which is good because it is obvious that they are lying and it further retards their diminishing credibility.

Trump and his bully-boy supporters are going to eat some humble pie. Sooner or later.

Things are going so well at this point – what with Trump feeding the fucking prog talking whores a shit sandwich every day – and the MSM, Democrats and eGOP cucks like McCain and Ryan eating it like it was honey on French toast. I think that pie may come VERY late.

This is weird and frightening.

After 8 years of the colorless, unimaginative, constipated and predictable(by ISIS, Al-Shabaab, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Iran, Syria, etc.) Obama, a real leader acting like a leader is probably VERY “weird and frightening.”

mockturtle म्हणाले...

William Koekkoek said...
When cueing up with "ball in hand" do you; 1 take the sure shot, 2 Take the slightly harder shot with a great leave, or 3 Set up for that awesome combination that sinks two balls(that you will almost certainly miss)?

#2. A great leave is, IMO, always the better choice.

JackWayne म्हणाले...

As a programmer I urge you not to forget asynchronous queuing: "Message queues provide an asynchronous communications protocol, meaning that the sender and receiver of the message do not need to interact with the message queue at the same time. Messages placed onto the queue are stored until the recipient retrieves them. ... Such queues exist for the purposes of that system only."

jg म्हणाले...

Definitely this is per Adams' 'shock and awe' overload theory.

I've never noticed "cue up" used until now - curious. Sometimes accidental corruptions/misinductions become normalized+retconned - think "tow the line". "Queue", though obnoxious to spell, is more flexible than you think, though. You can cut in line. The song to play next is queued. You can insert into the list anywhere - even the front.

John henry म्हणाले...

Did he say where it would be announced live?

In the past that has meant a prime time announcement carried by the various channels.

I hope he does it on a YouTube live stream and invites the MSM to share the stream with their audience.

Show them just how important they are.

John Henry

james conrad म्हणाले...

Trump has the left exactly where he wants them, up shits creek with no fucking paddle. I love it!

mockturtle म्हणाले...

The great disadvantage the anti-Trumps have is that they are collectively stupid. And I would prefer to keep them that way.

Rance Fasoldt म्हणाले...

The four of us queued up on the first tee, and the first in line waited for my cue to tee up. Howzat?

John henry म्हणाले...

Another advantage of a YouTube livestream is that he can leave the full thing up. We can't trust the MSM to do this on their own. They will claim bandwidth limits and post an edited version for those who did not see it live.

Trump can let us see the unedited version, warts and all.

John Henry

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

rcocean said...Trump does this all the time. For example, tells the press he'll have a press conference on day X and then pushes the day up or delays it. He's also told them he'd address issue Y, and then made them stay and listen to a bunch of people endorsing him.

Oh man, I just had a flash of Trump opening the speech then pivoting to a discussion about infrastructure projects, then turning the whole thing to a talk about breaking ground for fabulous Trump Tower - Chicago or something. Talk about heads exploding!

Come on, Trump, just get the Court right. It will make a lot of this stuff worth it if he can just get the Court right.

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

William Koekkoek said...In a national tournament playing against a top ten ranked player (way out of my class) he was the defender and I the attacker. Scenario and sides were picked the night before and I spent most of the night preparing a battle plan.

That sounds really interesting--what is the game?

n.n म्हणाले...


It would be a mistake to underestimate them. They are mostly morons (i.e. bad judgment), but they are not stupid. They have grown complacent with years of unqualified "progress". Trump simply edges them out because he is a strong-willed individual, and with the experience he gained while living with them. He knows himself. He knows his enemy. Advantage, Trump. Their disarray may be temporary.

David म्हणाले...

I think Trump loosened his grip on the narrative with the immigration order. Too sloppy and not well prepared or supported. Can he regain firm control with Supreme Court and other stuff?

He's postponing the hardest work: health care and taxes. Infrastructure will be easier, but all of them require Congress. Certainly postponing by design and we will have to see how that works out. I have no idea.

David म्हणाले...

A queue is a hair braid worn down the back of the neck?

Always good to learn something new.

David म्हणाले...

"You can only tee one thing up (if you want to use the metaphor right)."

Not if you are a trick shot artist. You can only put one item on a tee, but these wizards tee up multiple balls at once and make them do amazing things in a brief moment.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

n.n. refutes my assertion: They are mostly morons (i.e. bad judgment), but they are not stupid.

I said they are 'collectively stupid'. Not individually stupid [although plenty of them are].

JAORE म्हणाले...

" 'thoroughly discredited in a NYT op-ed'

That phrase made me laugh out loud."

Beat me to it, LOL.

As of now we don't know who the nominee will be, but we know damn well he or she will be filibustered.

El Predicto sez:

The left will claim the nuclear option for SC Justices will be the end of life as we know it. Harry Reid will be a forgotten man in discussions to follow.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

David said...
I think Trump loosened his grip on the narrative with the immigration order. Too sloppy and not well prepared or supported. Can he regain firm control with Supreme Court and other stuff?

Thanks for your concern, troll. President Trump is doing just fine. He could hardly do better if he were to pull out a machine gun and start riddling the Press Corps at each conference. Better, but only slightly.

HooDoo, love the idea of a head fake!

I daresay he can do only do much without his Cabinet, you know? This is the first ten days not the first hundred days. Y'all are getting greedy now. But he's with you all the way. More to come!

Perhaps he WILL be done in four years. There may be nothing left to accomplish by then.

viejo loco म्हणाले...

Trumpit, you are missing a letter on you name; i.e.,S, as in Strumpit. That is, "A Begamilla for the Leftists."

wendybar म्हणाले...

I'm having so much fun watching the left meltdown, that I am not rooting for Donald Trump!! He really got the progressives to take off their masks, and show what they are really made of...anger and hate!!

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Wendy, do you mean now rooting? I hope? ;-)