Said Kellyanne Conway, responding to all the snark about her Inauguration Day getup.
Her response doesn't at all deal with what weirded people out about the costume. And she took an unnecessary swipe at all the ordinary women who resort to black stretch pants to ease and simplify their lives.
ADDED: For completely the opposite of black stretch pants and Kellyanne's regalia, look at the Guo Pei Spring 2017 Couture Collection. Scroll all the way through before fixing on an opinion. I began completely dubious but ended as a true believer.
AND: When she picked out her clothes, Kellyanne had to know that she was giving everyone — haters and lovers and all in between — a big opportunity for some great snarky fun. She's in on the fun, even with quoted insult above (which doesn't work too well because it's not aimed squarely at the pop culture elite, since black stretch pants are a go-to choice for all sorts of women).
Goodness. Kellyanne Conway facilitated an amazing political feat. It is 2017. Must we focus on her fashion choices?
"Her response doesn't at all deal with what weirded people out about the costume."
You sound like a checkstand magazine. Are we all supposed to be weirded out, and to grok what weirds out other people?
And she took an unnecessary swipe at all the ordinary women who resort to black stretch pants to ease and simplify their lives.
The women she meant knew exactly what she meant.
I loved her outfit. You would not miss her in a crowd. It was red white and blue, and in your face, and made by a real, true fashion designer.
Should she have muted it a bit with a fabric vulva around her neck?
Do the attendees at the "Women's March" grok what weirded out most of America about their costumes?
As far as I'm concerned, Kellyanne Conway had the perfect outfit for the day. Good for her.
I've read stories like this, but I never thought it would happen to me...
I was walking down the store when I cam upon a woman ahead of me in black yoga pants. My God, what an ass! It left little to the imagination, and I have a GOOD imagination!
I noticed she was struggling with several bags of groceries, so I offered to help. She seemed genuinely thankful, and I carried most of her bags with her to her apartment, all the while following that mesmerizing ass.
When we got to her apartment she went inside and I waited at the door — I didn’t want to seem presumptuous by just walking in.
“Come in!” She said, and she motioned me to put the groceries on her kitchen table.
On her wall was a ‘Hillary’ campaign poster. One of those, I thought: it seems like all the women in black stretch-pants are liberals. Go figure.
“Tough loss,” I said, and she smiled at me.
“Yes, it was. I believe in the empowerment of women.”
“Me, too,” I agreed.”
“As part of my empowerment I command you to take off your clothes,” she said, a twinkle in her eye.
You don’t have to tell ME twice!
As she undressed I noticed her as was just like I imagined — it looked like her ass in the yoga pants, just without the yoga pants.
Needless to say, we went to her bedroom and fucked doggy-style.
Afterward, she offered me twenty dollars for helping her with her groceries. At first I wasn’t going to take the money — I was thanked enough, I thought — but I could really use the twenty dollars, so I accepted it. I figure who am I to argue with her empowerment?
Needless to say, I can’t see a woman in black stretch-pants without thinking fondly about my afternoon with the Hillary supporter! I never thought I would say this, but: Thanks, Hillary!
I am Laslo.
"Goodness. Kellyanne Conway facilitated an amazing political feat. It is 2017. Must we focus on her fashion choices?"
When the inauguration is carried out with a simple ceremony and no big production, I might refrain from discussing the optics. But actually no: A modest production would also be an important sight.
We live in a visual world, and you cannot begin to plumb the depths of how what you see affects your mind.
Hillary Clinton, who lost, wore some insane clothing. Donald Trump, who won, wore the same boring suit and tie everywhere. What is the relationship between that visual comparison and the persuasion that occurred in millions of human minds?
What we see is not a trivial matter. Your question undervalues vision, emotion, and the mystery of the human mind.
And she took an unnecessary swipe at all the ordinary women who resort to black stretch pants to ease and simplify their lives.
The women she meant knew exactly what she meant.
Re Gui Pei: if anyone still wondered, we truly are in the Hunger Games.
(google effie trinket if you haven't seen the movie)
What it would look like if the Vatican had a harem.
Conway chose her Inauguration Day ensemble knowing full well all those nasty liberals would blast her for her choice. But,since it was a Gucci designed outfit she also knew most major designers would keep their mouths shut because it was from one of their own.
She's one smart cookie.
She is too cute to please the other women no matter what she dresses her body with. So she wore that to show them she fears nothing they say. It's her way to mirror President PT Barnum Trump.
"Your question undervalues vision, emotion, and the mystery of the human mind."
OK! Next time I see a powerful woman in politics at an occasion of state I will try to focus on her appearance. Kind of like Bill Clinton did with the Trump women. :)
I'm glad she had fun wearing what she wanted to wear, and I'm also glad we no longer have to pretend all the women surrounding the president are fashion icons of the highest order.
"Your question undervalues vision, emotion, and the mystery of the human mind."
Virginia Postrel, call your office.
Your question undervalues vision, emotion, and the mystery of the human mind.
1/27/17, 7:09 AM
I certainly hope so. The left has dissolved into hysterical hissy fits because they overvalue vision, emotion and mystery and pay little attention to inconvenient facts.
The end result is Ashley Judd's loony rant. I'm ready for a little stoicism.
Gui Pei #15--nun or penis? Or both?!
Nah - she took a swipe at women for not taking risks with what they chose to wear.
Everyone plays follow the leader.
Black stretch pants, boots, floppy shirt. scarf. BORING.
I thought they were called "leggings" now.
Stretch pants are so Laura Petrie.
You could link to what T-Lo had to say about a major political figure wearing a bold Gucci coat to the Inauguration, but T-Lo won't discuss any fashion choices for this administration.
Yes, my widdle feelings are hurt. The entire day is a gaping blank on their website. And if they could've put their politics aside, their comments would've been very interesting.
What you wear makes a statement about yourself. I do not like tattoos myself. I remember sitting in a courtroom watching a hearing in which our side was trying to show that a witness was an intimidating violent person. He was to the left of the judge, a woman about my age. On the right side of his neck was a huge tattoo of a skull which the judge (who was the trier of fact) was looking directly and continuously at as he testified. I had to laugh to myself as he was trying to present himself as this peaceful guy who would never try to intimidate anyone. Funny. That being said, Kellyanne is who she is doesn't care who knows it.
Do people actually pay money for that stuff in the fashion show ?
Kellyanne is terrific.
Not least because my grand daughter looks a lot like her.
If Laslo wasn't such a romantic he could've held out for more than $20.
In the UK a lot of ink is spilled about Theresa May's wardrobe choices. She sometimes shows more panache than some people want to see in a PM.
Beyond the fashion, this response of Conway's kind of annoys me because it seems like her go-to straw man defense play. No one was criticizing her outfit based on color and she knows it.
That said, I think this defense often works for her and she's much better at her job than I would be.
Regarding the fashion, I am struggling to understand what scrolling through all of the pictures did to improve your opinion.
Can't something be done about all these Trolls?
but T-Lo won't discuss any fashion choices for this administration.
The community planned to boycott the administration and shame anyone who dared to dress them, except Gucci and Lauren, apparently.
They'll come around. I recall when the media and bloggers weren't going to acknowledge Trump at all.
She might have gotten her point across better if she had referred to women wearing yoga pants. Gives a little different image than black stretch pants.
"You could link to what T-Lo had to say about a major political figure wearing a bold Gucci coat to the Inauguration, but T-Lo won't discuss any fashion choices for this administration."
It's SUCH a shame that they chose not to speak. I guess they must have decided that they'd have to say some good things and they didn't want to give Trump any air.
It was a reversal of the old saying: If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
If you might have to say something nice, don't say anything at all.
And they don't like attacking women, especially personally. It's all about the clothes. How can you solve a problem like Melania?
Re Gui Pei: if anyone still wondered, we truly are in the Hunger Games.
Those were my thoughts as well about the fashions.
I do rather like the third outfit in the article though. I would have worn that when I was younger.
Remember when commenting negatively on what women wore was sexist? It was during the brief period of time when Palin was no longer a leading political figure and after Clinton lost.
I love women in black leggings. All the ladies in the gym wear them and they look hot...with their ponytail swish swishing on the treadmill/stair master. I look at each one of them individually when I am pumping weights. I like the ones on the stair master who do two steps and then extend their leg back until it goes parallel to the ground...and repeat..very cool.
I love hot women.
A 20ish women stopped me on the street this week and asked if I had the rare clumber (who will be 16 in March) and she told me used to live in my "square". She told me my dog was cute and she always thought I was cute...made my day.
The ensemble Miss Thing wore was a travesty.
She looks like a drag queen. She wears way too much makeup and the hair needs major work. The one redeeming quality about her is she is thin.
I thought her outfit was fun (though agree with someone here (maybe Ann) who noted at the time that outfit didn't work until she added the hat). Also, doubt throwing shade against her for wearing it is going to flip many DT voters; as KC knows, all such snark backfires.
A double misstep by Kellyanne. The first was the outfit she wore to the inauguration -- Melania and Ivanka need to show her how to dress. The second is her swipe at women who wear black leggings. I live in an area of Virginia that went for Trump at least 4:1, maybe more, and lots of local women wear black leggings. Many, many more than should wear tight anything IMO. But she should avoid swiping at women who voted for her guy, especially if she meant to take a swipe at the women who didn't.
The Guo Pei Collection looks a lot like Trump's penthouse.
"Scroll all the way through before fixing on an opinion."
OK, that's two minutes I'll never get back. The last one was kind of cool, with the big red squid-like thing on the back, but I am a bit puzzled about where a person would wear clothes like that. And I couldn't help but notice that one or two of those women would be pretty good looking if they weren't wearing those ridiculous get-ups. Nice legs, and nothing seriously wrong with the rest of them.
Am I missing something here? Is this another one of those things everyone gets but me? The Empress' new clothes?
So, I'm not a fashionista, but my first thought was "She's too old to wear that." It looks like something cute for a teen/young 20.
Or perhaps she's not old enough, because for a woman in her 80s, it would also be cute.
Not that she needs to dress like Hillary, but.... it was a weird way to add color at her age.
That fashion show definitely gave off a Hunger Games vibe. I wonder if the fashion designer was inspired by the movie or the costume designer was inspired by couture fashions. Chicken or the egg...... Goya did a painting of the Spanish royal family. The royals were very well dressed, but they looked ugly and distanced in an alienating way. I think the designer is going for the Goya effect. The designer doesn't like the people who wears his clothes........In NYC, at least in my neighborhood, the women who wear yoga pants are the type of women who can wear yoga pants. It's an unforgiving style. It's to clothes as base jumping is to sport. You don't just do it.
What would Kellyanne wear during Han Solo Season?
"I thought they were called "leggings" now.
Stretch pants are so Laura Petrie"
They call them "Yoga Pants" now.
Which is subtler than "Check Out My Ass Pants".
The black yoga pants are Kellyanne's Men in Shorts.
"Stretch pants are so Laura Petrie."
I thought Laura Petrie wore cigarette pants.
Yoga pants ≠ leggings
Althouse: "We live in a visual world, and you cannot begin to plumb the depths of how what you see affects your mind."
So what you're saying is that every time Michelle Obama wore something hideous and we were told she was a fashion icon, we could not plumb the depths of how our lying eyes were telling us Donald-Trump-Style-Lies and we should have believed what we were told by our betters? Because there were quite a few times I was told to like what Michelle Obama was wearing and I plumbed like a son of a bitch but never quite grokked what I was being told to believe.
Am I supposed to plumb based on whether I agree with the underlying politics of the person wearing the outfit? My grok-meter appears to be broken.
I have a simpler way of judging these things:
1) Decide for myself if I like the way a person or thing looks.
2) Do not give a shit what other people think.
3) Profit!
What Kellyanne wore, the size of the crowd, what Steve Bannon said- all distractions.
Like the adoring press contingent for BHO, while the real action was taking place behind the scenes.
The Dem party hollowed out by loss of nearly every political office below President, the Obama administration now being step-by-step, EO by EO, dismantled.
USA has a chance now.
Tight leggings are mandatory wear for the big box stores.
Guo Pei is making costumes for the opera, or perhaps what should have been in Flash Gordon.
Methinks Ann was blogging in her stretch pants when she read that...
Leggings shamed..
"How does it feel?"
I liked her outfit, it was fun and a hoot. And what is a T-lo??
Maybe she should have said, "That was the only outfit available. They were sold out of Vagina costumes."
By the way, what's "convenient" about tight black stretch pants?
They're very flattering on some, unforgiving/unforgivable on others.
"They're very flattering on some, unforgiving/unforgivable on others."
Yoga pants don't lie.
Ms. Conway's coat looks like a coat, and it is colorful. It also looks warm. Isn't that the point of a coat? Everything else is theater. I understand it; it is still theater.
And she took an unnecessary swipe at all the ordinary women who resort to black stretch pants to ease and simplify their lives.
If not for stretch pants of some color most women couldn't get into their pants. Even jeans have some percentage of necessary spandex. An observation, not a criticism. If not for relaxed fit jeans, until recently I would not have worn pants.
The Guo Pei collection: if you can't say something good, which makes me wonder why any comment would be made about it.
The Guo Pei collection: if you can't say something good, which makes me wonder why any comment would be made about it.
I liked outfit #3 in the photo line up :-) Would have worn it in my younger days. So there.
What she wore was cute and irreverent, which seemed just right for Trump's Inauguration. What she said was professional malpractice, made even more noticeable because it contrasts so markedly with her amazing work during the campaign and following the election.
Guy Pei inspired by Panem.
"Stretch pants are so Laura Petrie"
Which is actually a compliment to MTM when you consider how she rocked them. Others, not so much.
" since black stretch pants are a go-to choice for all sorts of women "
And is a great many cases shouldn't be. OK, OK. I'm traveling. But Ladies.
T-Lo is covering cosplay now? Who knew? I did love the final dress and model. Thanks for flagging it.
I also enjoyed Kellyanne's inauguration outfit. Althouse, you seem to be a bit over-antagonistic toward her ensemble. Why is that, you think?
Earnest Prole:
You have been commanded not to speak of PURPLE ELEPHANTS. You are violating the PURPLE ELEPHANT edict.
President Trump thanks you in advance.
glenn said...
" since black stretch pants are a go-to choice for all sorts of women "
And is a great many cases shouldn't be. OK, OK. I'm traveling. But Ladies."
You need to cite , Rusty's "Rule of Spandex, Piercings and Tatoos"
The rules states that roughly 2% of any population can successfully wear spandex. Have piercings, or wear tattoos. If you are contemplating any of those things the chances are very good that you aren't a member of that 2%. Decide accordingly.
I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable. h/t Costanza
Do we need a tag for black-stretch-pants women?
How about a permanent link to in the blogroll?
I saw most of that Pei couture 16 years ago in the Tasmin Singh movie The Cell.
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