January 9, 2017

Robert B. Reich explains his 12-point plan for 100 Days of Resistance to Donald Trump.

Hey, Reich is a pretty good cartoonist. He's especially good at making all his characters look pissed off. Did he really draw what it looks like he's drawing? I'm not trying to generate skepticism about possibly feigned, marginal drawing talent. I'm really just commenting on how dispiritingly ugly those people he wants us to be are. Maybe he does do his own drawings. This makes it look as though he does. Good for him.

Here's Michael Moore promoting the 100 days of obstruction:

Here's the 12-point list in simple text if you prefer reading. 


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exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"This is why you will lose. You have no ability to relate to people"

Oh, I dunno. I seem to get along with people pretty well on a day to day basis. I come from a large and close-knit family and I see them all the time. It's true that I have little patience with snarling, hysterical, bitchy beta males, but not many people do. I'm doing just fine.

You on the other hand, seem constantly on the verge of bursting a blood vessel in your rage and hatred, and I predict it will only get worse over the next 4 years. Better keep an eye on your blood pressure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It must be wonderful, to read this blog and feel such a rush of indignation, certain that you are the only honorable poster here, among all the greedy deplorables who care nothing for the poor or disadvantaged. You're just so sure of that.

What's wonderful is to realize that I can point out the logs in your eyes that you jam down other people's throats.

Of course, feel free to suggest what I've got wrong, myself. But I don't trust you to do that. You're not honest. There are honest conservatives here and I take their personal advice seriously.

But you are just a chest-thumper. Tying your fortunes to faceless teams instead of figuring your own damn self out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You on the other hand, seem constantly on the verge of bursting a blood vessel in your rage and hatred, and I predict it will only get worse over the next 4 years. Better keep an eye on your blood pressure.

Right. It's called passion, you cold-blooded reptile.

Keep boosting your stupid family. I'm sure they're very proud of their soon-to-be spinster daughter. She masks her misandry in talk of "beta" this and that. But it's the same old misandry.

What you've got is the testosterone-saturated woman's substitute for feminism.

And the circle is squared, again. You never learn.

Do you find it difficult to mask your prominent adam's apple and the stubble around it when you go out? You can always try turtlenecks.

Anonymous said...

Ms.Main Steet probably never got the juicy part of the chicken growing up and has been angry ever since. She's on the rage all month long, maybe her hormones are messed up.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"What's wonderful is to realize that I can point out the logs in your eyes that you jam down other people's throats."

I do believe someone somewhere once said something about taking the log out off your own eye before pointing out the speck in your neighbor eye. You mangled the message there somehow. But then leftists are not very good at self-reflection.

You're not pointing out anything because you are far too vitriolic to convince anybody of anything. Well, that's not true. You - and Stupid Unknown (as compared to Vance, the Sensible Unknown) and Trumpit and the whole motley crew of screeching leftists here have convinced me more than ever that I was right to vote for Trump.

And I have to say, I am continuing to enjoy your meltdowns.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks for the feedback, Mike JB Wolf. I especially like the "crazy eyes" picture of you on that Twitter feed. It's about as psychopathic a pic as I'd expect from a guy with rants as incoherent as yours.

Maybe you can get together with childlessonmainstreet. She says she came from a big family and likes beefy meatheads. They give her a substitute for that sense of motherhood and femininity she failed at. She's a bit like a vampire who feeds off of their testosterone. Sometimes they even inject a vial of it in her own ass. She gets a rush from it.

Anonymous said...

You voted for Trump because you identify with him. You are a Trumpist at heart, it's very evident.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're not pointing out anything because you are far too vitriolic to convince anybody of anything. Well, that's not true. You - and Stupid Unknown (as compared to Vance, the Sensible Unknown) and Trumpit and the whole motley crew of screeching leftists here have convinced me more than ever that I was right to vote for Trump.

Because looking at Trump's actual actions, appointments, etc. is too difficult for you, you use the active engagement of others as a poor excuse for actually being an intelligent, observant citizen. You might as well have sold your vote, given how distracted you are at what's actually going on or at stake. You view national elections like class elections on Heathers. But then, so does your so-called "alpha male". The one whose hurt feelings must be denied on a Twitter feed every other hour.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Remember the twelve-point plan of Comrade Reich, R&B! Onward! The Whites have gone to ground to ground in Krasnaya Gorka fort! Keep advancing!

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You voted for Trump because you identify with him. You are a Trumpist at heart, it's very evident.

She's a narcissistic buffoon. Who will die childless.

Notice how she doubled down on the "judge of males" routine when I said that.

So there. Because she's not marriageable, and definitely not motherhood material, she's somehow the best judge of which meathead is the meathead-i-est.

Well, a spinster's gotta judge!

Childlessonmainstreet should teach a course at her local community college one day: Living it up for spinsters! Sex, Money and Judgement by a Woman Who Will Die Alone. Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About My Nulliparity and Love the Sugar Daddy's Dick.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why does every blog entry devolve into such hatred?

I must protest, harryo. My insults of childlessonmainstreet were funny!

Hers were just chest-beating.

As I said, a woman should never have to beat her chest. No matter how flat or steroidally muscular it is.

It's just not healthy.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Main Street posts hate filled comments here daily, but does that draw attention from the Trumpists? No. What t a bunch of cry babies, when they get back some of their own bile.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is funny, isn't it? Trump defenders protesting at others' incivility.

I think that ship has sailed.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she beats her chest out of rage that her breasts will never suckle a babe.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jesus, this is hilarious! I'm a golddigger with razor stubble!! I hate men! No, wait, wait, I am a man! A cold blooded man! With a stupid family!

Do you realize how foolish you both sound? (No, of course not!) It's terribly amusing to be able to draw out that kind of stupidity online. I'm rather delighted that I anger you so much. I look forward to more crazed, impotent rants, the screaming of a tiny little man who howls online and kids himself that he's doing something meaningful. Yeah, bud, you're really changing the world!

G'night, my dears! I have to work tomorrow but before I go, one reminder: Donald Trump will become president on January 20, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it. Ta ta!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is hilarious, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Main Street, just giving you a taste of your own medicine, how's it taste sweetie?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Because looking at Trump's actual actions, appointments, etc. is too difficult for you, you use the active engagement of others as a poor excuse for actually being an intelligent, observant citizen."

No, bonehead, I like Trump's appointments. I am glad he picked Sessions and Matthis. Good solid conservative choices. I am hoping for the same when it comes to SCOTUS.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm rather delighted that I anger you so much.

Translation: "No one gives me any positive regard so negative attention will do!"

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course he/she is happy with Sessions. That says it all.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
Mr. Main Street, just giving you a taste of your own medicine, how's it taste sweetie?"

Wonderful! Look, nothing you say bothers me - because, to quote the mediocrity who will thankfully be leaving the WH soon - WE WON.

YOU LOST. And you will continue to lose.

Why on earth would I be bothered by your sad little brain farts?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
Yes, of course he/she is happy with Sessions. That says it all."

Yep, Love him, my dear little dipshit. Haha!

Anonymous said...

Nothing I say bothers you because you are a drone.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, bonehead, I like Trump's appointments. I am glad he picked Sessions and Matthis. Good solid conservative choices. I am hoping for the same when it comes to SCOTUS.


Pro-KKK. Anti-Voting rights act. etc. etc. etc. Someone told you that reviving the Confederacy is not "conservative."

Oh, and it's doubtful how you can be so pro-"alpha male" when black men seem to scare you so much. They must, if Jefferson's agenda is one you identify with so strongly.

As for the guy in fatigues, good luck with that war to badmouth a religion. Yes, I really see that as a prime military purpose for our armed forces.

You misuse everything. You need to spend some time in a garage.

If the tool's not right, the spinster's not bright.

Anonymous said...

She buzzes around trying to sting, but ends up getting swatted instead.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

childlessonmainstreet believes Confederacy Revivalism = "Conservative".

She believes that strident theological/social dissertations on the failings of Islam is a good way to lead a military.

Just totally fucking clueless.

Her testosterone dose is officially too strong. Someone tell her to decrease the amount she's pilfering from boyfriend's stash.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The true horror of the anti-Trumper's position is that, as far as his voters are concerned, Trump is operating well within operational parameters.
I figure Hillary's miserable loss is costing the Clinton Global Initiative about $100k/day in donations. That's just a bonus. "But, your excellency, Hillary won the popular vote! How much can I put you down for?"

Anonymous said...

Mzzzz Main Street buzzing around singing "Dixie". These fools don't have a clue as to what is down the pike.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But then again, she's probably not even a fan of Jefferson Davis Sessions and this "Mad Dog" guy.

She's incapable of making her own point. So everything she does say is just for the purpose of obfuscation and subterfuge.

Getting some honesty out of her would be like getting clarify out of Tammy Faye Bakker's make-up.

Just not going to happen. She's inspired by how effortlessly Drumpf lies to himself and she's determined to see if she can do the same.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lewis Wetzel seems to think that Hillary could have a conflict of interest when Hillary's not running the country.

Nope. Best worry about Orange Hitler's numerous emoluments clause violations. It's not like the guy won't be prosecuted, sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Besides the violation of the Emoluments Clause, he'll be lucky to escape a charge of treason.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drumpf's defenders certainly are entitled to have as much faith in the leader as Marie Antionette's supporters had in her.

Republicans. Hate. Democracy.

Drumpf ran as a false progressive. He has nowhere to go and his incompetence becomes clearer by the day.

Lewis Wetzel said...

No, I'm just enjoying the downfall, R&B. I'm a Clinton hater from way, way back. I have family from Southern Missouri. Billy-boy is a particular Southern type. I had his schtick picked up back in '92.
Jeebus Slick Willie had the intellectuals fooled. Marquez thought Clinton was a genius because he had memorized a paragraph or two of Faulkner. And Clinton had to break off his dinner with Marquez! In order to take a call from the State Department!
Intellectuals are dumber than a box of rocks. Bill Clinton seemed to think so.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Republicans. Hate. Democracy.
Yet for some reason it is the progressives who want to govern at the federal level, the least Democratic level of American government, and who want to enshrine their policy preferences as constitutional rights, immune from the judgment of the ballot box.
You are a wannabe commissar, R&B. You are a homosexual and a Jew. You have no desire to see the majority in charge of your destiny.

chickelit said...

Inga and R&B tag teaming to aggravate an Althouse commenter? Again?

@Exiled: I trust you've been around long enough to see through this charade.

Joe said...

Ugh, the idiot puppet is back.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm a Clinton hater from way, way back. I have family from Southern Missouri. Billy-boy is a particular Southern type. I had his schtick picked up back in '92.

You go take back your family trash, then. Stop making this anyone else's problem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are...

I am?

Check out the presumptuous, divisive hatefulness on Trumpista Lewis Wetzel, everybody.

He's handing out pink triangles and yellow stars now. For everyone whom he thinks deserves one. Just to make himself feel better.

Your administration is going down, big-time.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I didn't vote for Trump, R&B.
Try again!

Lewis Wetzel said...

But nice way to evade the problem of being a member of a distinct minority and crowing about how you are a true democrat. "Power to the people" my ass. You're a joke.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just look at that. Talk about running out of enemies to make. He's going on about gays and Jews, now. Talk about identity politics. There's Trump defender, Lewis Wetzel, slicing and dicing and guessing at religious and sexual identities for everybody. "The majority?" No one gives a fuck if you're black, white, whatever religion, whatever. Trump's kids are all married to Jews, or became one like Ivanka. You fuckfaces can't even run an anti-semitic campaign, right. Talk about identity politics obsessives. The mask slips on Lewis Wetzel. Overturning legislation based on the three reconstruction amendments. Bickering about all whatever was resolved during the Civil War. Sounds like someone's not fit to have a say in governing the issues affecting America in 2016. Just go back and run a Civil War reenactment. Get the fuck out of the way of what's going on now. Go to Russia, go to Richmond. Stay the hell out of domestic or foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

Herr Wetzel warms up the ovens.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But nice way to evade the problem of being a member of a distinct minority and crowing about how you are a true democrat. "Power to the people" my ass. You're a joke.

"The majority" obviously doesn't give a rats ass if gays have rights or if Trump's kids are Jews or if they were all having gaysex or whatever. You obviously have a problem deeper than anything I can get at. Nope, I don't care to "guess at" who you voted for. Was it David Duke? Even the European right doesn't have your hatred. Whatever your strange opinion is, it sounds pretty irrelevant. Go put on some white sheets and a hood, burn a cross. Whatever floats your boat. I'm sure you'll get people to "try hard" enough to figure out who you vote for. Mr. Schickelgruber? It hardly matters.

Sounds like our conversation here is done. I'm sure there are some good old boys in the woods somewhere who can keep your drunk ass entertained.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unknown! Another "democrat" who is terrified that the majority might have a voice in running the country!

Lewis Wetzel said...

""The majority" obviously doesn't give a rats ass if gays have rights."
That's why the Left was so eager to put SSM to a vote.
Strive for coherency, R&B! You can do it!
Democracy does not mean Anthony Kennedy gets the only vote.

Anonymous said...

The majority were Clinton voters by 3 Million.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Unknown! Another "democrat" who is terrified that the majority might have a voice in running the country!

Majority gender: Female

Majority "race": "White"

So you want a white female in charge?

Most of the senators are white. Most presidents have been white. What's your problem? No black men were running this year. Are you confused what year it is?

What are you going to do when this is a minority-majority country? I guess it will be really hard to racialize things, then.

Skin color. Genitalia. What a basis for leadership. You sound like Gloria Steinem.

Go suck on your pacifier. You are officially a loon, and that's saying a lot in 2017.

chickelit said...

Commander Crankshaft wrote:

She's a narcissistic buffoon. Who will die childless.

Funny, you went after bagoh20 on the same merits -- childlessness -- until Trooper and I told you to knock it the fuck off. So what is it with you and that issue anyway? Is sperm washing not working for you? Can't find a willing egg donor? Do tell.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's why the Left was so eager to put SSM to a vote.

Who cares. You seriously think gaysex marriage is material for a national referendum?

What a waste. Whoever you vote for, I'm sure it's someone who can't govern.

It went to through the courts. Lots of stuff go through courts. They are a branch of government, after all. Perfectly competent to decide what the law is.

The constitution guarantees equal protection of laws. Get over it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The majority chose a GOP house and senate, 30+ state governments and legislatures.
Your "majority-elected" President Hillary would have had to bypass all the democratic checks and balances to rule, just like her predecessor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Funny, you went after bagoh20 on the same merits -- childlessness -- until Trooper and I told you to knock it the fuck off. So what is it with you and that issue anyway? Is sperm washing not working for you? Can't find a willing egg donor? Do tell.

Tell me first about your efforts to populate the world with the ranks of the socially disabled.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The majority chose a GOP house and senate, 30+ state governments and legislatures.
Your "majority-elected" President Hillary would have had to bypass all the democratic checks and balances to rule, just like her predecessor.

Low turnout. Hillary was a bad candidate.

If it wasn't her and it wasn't that low turnout then the Democrats would have sweeped.

Are you done bringing up what most informed people already knew all along anyway?

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Who cares. You seriously think gaysex marriage is material for a national referendum?"
Local, R&B. Local. You are a big believer in democracy, remember?
Down with DOMA, approved by the House and Senate, signed by a Democratically elected president! Down with democratically passed state laws that do not recognize SSM!
One man, one vote, and that vote belongs to Tony Kennedy.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Tell me first about your efforts to populate the world with the ranks of the socially disabled."
Now it's R&B who is warming up the ovens for the "Lebensunwertes Leben."

chickelit said...

R&B wote: Tell me first about your efforts to populate the world with the ranks of the socially disabled.

That one's your problem, not mine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Local, R&B. Local. You are a big believer in democracy, remember?

Constitutional rights are not local things. Segregation said otherwise. But that was overturned. Tough cookies. Take a constitutional law class.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That one's your problem, not mine.

Do you have an actual purpose here? Other than to come in and defend indefensible people, like "exiledonmainstreet?"

You seem to have a talent for whining and crying about insults I lob that just happen to be better aimed than the scattershots your allies wind up first at against me.

Your problem is you think you're an umpire, when you're really just a drunk fan.

Get back in your seat and stop believing you have a cause to fight for. You are seriously the most selectively blind referee I've ever seen in my life. It's almost like you have a talent for bias and can't see how blindly biased you are.

chickelit said...

If it wasn't her and it wasn't that low turnout then the Democrats would have sweeped[sic].

I voted for Bernie in the CA primaries, thinking he had a chance against her. I was mistaken. It wasn't even close. California really, really wanted Clinton and everything she stood for. Meryl Streep and Robert Reich really, really wanted Clinton, ueber Alles. That is a fact, my friend.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I voted for Bernie in the CA primaries, thinking he had a chance against her. I was mistaken. It wasn't even close. California really, really wanted Clinton and everything she stood for. Meryl Streep and Robert Reich really, really wanted Clinton, ueber Alles. That is a fact, my friend.

Good for them. They're wrong and they found that out the hard way. (Except Reich didn't prefer Clinton, I believe). Either way, you get so far into partisan mode that you seem to not notice when there's no disagreement. Hillary shouldn't have gotten the nomination. Bernie Sanders probably wasn't ideal, either. But neither is Trump. It's a change year and either way these working class issues should have come up. The problem is that Trump's just using them to push an agenda that's everything but.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"You seem to have a talent for whining and crying about insults I lob that just happen to be better aimed than the scattershots your allies wind up first at against me."
I don't think that I was scattershot at all. You've mentioned both your homosexuality and your Jewishness in Althouse comments -- though this is the internet, for all I know you are an Catholic Pakistani doing a six month shift at McMurdo.
And my recalling your minority status, R&B, was not meant as an insult. I am sick and tired of Leftists screaming "democracy" when they have as much respect for the actual will of the people, expressed in referendums or by their chosen representatives, as the Castro brothers. The last thing any minority population wants is to have its political rights defined by the majority. The Leftist idea of democracy isn't that you get to vote on whether or not you have mandatory recycling -- that's been decided by the nomenklatura -- it is that you get to vote on whether the recycling bins are green or blue.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't think that I was scattershot at all. You've mentioned both your homosexuality and your Jewishness in Althouse comments -

Oh for God's sake you're insane. That wasn't me. You're inventing stuff or confusing me with someone else.

But nice job pretending that the "majority" has to do with anything other than a voting result. No one cares about identity - whatever it is. Go ask Gallup if Republican policies poll well. They poll awfully. Ask Gallup if Americans want to deny gays rights. They don't. This has nothing to do with the non-gay, non-jewish makeup of most of the voters. You are very confused. Stop the drugs; they aren't working for you any more. I don't have time to waste debating with the senile. Straw men are bad enough. Argumentum ad Alzheimers is worse. Perhaps your doctor can help you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Goodnight, Lewis. Sundowning time is over.

Lights out. Your roommate's all in his PJs.

The orderlies will help you get into bed now.

Night night.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So you are Catholic Pakistani gentleman doing a six month stint at McMurdo?
Housekeeping or facilities?

Birkel said...

Is this the mania phase?
It doesn't read as drunk.
Depression is always lurking.
"Rhythm and Balls" is a legitimately sad human.
I want his overwhelming issues to resolve.

UnknownInga is incapable of a cogent thought.
I feel no sympathy for it.
I delight in its impotent fury.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if Moore swallowed Reich, then Paul Krugman swallowed Moore-Reich, this process would only end with one large Left-liberal beast remaining, out of which a purely equal society would emerge.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

@Exiled: I trust you've been around long enough to see through this charade."

Oh, of course, I have, chicklet. Ritmo is off his meds (Lithium and Midol) and Unknown is just a hopelessly dumb cluck. I really should refrain from poking the things with a stick, but then I read things like this.

Unknown said...
Mzzzz Main Street buzzing around singing "Dixie".

Oh, yeah, sure, as I buzz around my Whole Foods hundreds of miles north of the Mason-Dixon line.

" These fools don't have a clue as to what is down the pike"

Yes, I do. Lots more misery for Unknown. That makes me very happy.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I mean, I try, I try, but it's difficult to resist when you've got prime stupidity like that tossed out there.

And stupidity like this:

Majority gender: Female

Majority "race": "White"

So you want a white female in charge? "

A majority of white females clearly did not, since they voted for Trump.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hollwyood hates Trump, balls.

America hates Hollywood.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
Republicans. Hate. Democracy.
Yet for some reason it is the progressives who want to govern at the federal level, the least Democratic level of American government, and who want to enshrine their policy preferences as constitutional rights, immune from the judgment of the ballot box.
You are a wannabe commissar, R&B. You are a homosexual and a Jew. You have no desire to see the majority in charge of your destiny.
1/9/17, 11:18 PM

WTF? Lewis, you are new here; I had had a good initial read on you, but WHAT?

1. I don't think R&B is gay. Has not IMHO presented as gay.

2. Although he has appeared well-informed on Judaism, and sympathetic, I had not thought he was Jewish but rather a well-wisher with exposure, Jewish friends.

3. So the f*** what? I'm a Jew who is anti-gay and conservative. Farmer is a gay who is anti-Jew and conservative. I'm really trying to think of people who I would like to be in charge of my destiny, and failing. (To be clear, I support the President-Elect. I'm just a minarchist.)

R&B/CC has issues, sure, but you haven't grasped them. I chiefly ascribe it to youth. He reminds me of an old friend.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lewis Wetzel said...

As I wrote, Bad Looey, the "real" R&B might be anything, but I am as sure as I can be that he identified as both Jewish and Gay in comments at Althouse.
Anyway, if I had to do it again, I would have written that he identified as a minority and left it at that. That was all I really needed to make my point -- democracy is not a friend to minorities. Minorities who claim they want more democracy are lying. At least Ta Nahesi Coates has been honest enough to say that he believes one-man-one-vote democracy is just another tool the white man uses to oppress the black man.

hstad said...

Mike said, ".....But I applaud your strategy and urge the next Dem candidate to focus exclusively on increasing the D totals in the popular vote. That's the ticket!>>>>> I agree, that has really helped elect all those state governors and representatives over the past 20 years. Democrats are in dire need of a new set of messages and messengers. Rich is a political hack!

hstad said...

Oops! S/B Reich not Rich! Subconscious at work!

Fen said...

While Ritmo is pretending to be all smart and sophisticated, could someone walk him through how Hillary didn't win the popular vote because it wasn't in play?

I would but I'm done dealing with stupid people for the day. Maybe use a football analogy about points scored vs yards gained. Or explain how he can be put in checkmate even though he has more pieces on the board.

Fen said...

Also, maybe explain to the Democrats here why the founders chose to pass on Democracy and go with a Republic instead...

The stupid. It burns. I blame public schools.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

While Ritmo is pretending to be all smart and sophisticated...

Only a stupid man resorts to ad hominems or pretends image is the issue when he can't address the actual facts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The stupid. It burns. I blame public schools.

Must've been one heck of a fancy private school you went to, Mr. NOT "pretending to be all smart and sophisticated."

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