Apparently the Mexican President has said he will assist, legally and otherwise, any illegal Mexican immigrants in the US. Not surprisingly, since there is a huge incentive to keep them here. $21.6 billion to Mexico from illegals in US in 2013
Often leaks are made by "opponents" of a policy. Say, the leaker was a White House aide who lost the internal debate on these Executive Orders, so now leaks to the Press. That's a classic leak.
However, sometime leaks are made to send gullible pseudo-journalists off on red herrings, or to chase cars, like dogs.
This leak smacks of Steve Bannon simply sowing confusion among lefty goofballs.
Americans are starting to get used to Trump outsmarting the media. What the media seems to think should be an embarrassment for him insread continually plays right into his hands. You would think all these journalism school-degreed self-important media gods would get a clue. We may actually get tired of him winning so much against the media.
When do we start imposing a tax on cash transfers to Mexico and Central America? Maybe 20% as a start. And if they try to carry it out it can be confiscated. That tax will pay for a Great big beautiful wall. That many illegals will self deport as a result is an added bonus.
Americans are starting to get used to Trump outsmarting the media. What the media seems to think should be an embarrassment for him insread continually plays right into his hands. You would think all these journalism school-degreed self-important media gods would get a clue. We may actually get tired of him winning so much against the media.
I love they way they lead off by saying that the order "falls short" of Trump's promise, because it doesn't ban anyone from Indonesia, which is the most populous Muslim country.
Is Vox HAPPY it falls short? or are they annoyed? or are they just trying to peel off support for trump by taking him 'literally'
Our President Trump should issue an executive order declaring that the correct, legal expression illegal alien is not meant to be disrespectful to such a person's entire identify, personality, character and life. Rather, the expression is merely a necessary legal term used for discussing a certain legal status.
At the rate Trump is going he will have met most of his campaign promises by the middle of next week. Part of the Left's (and the GOPe's) problem is that they're simply not used to dealing with a politician with this much energy. It's a bit like watching a spirited high-school football team run a hurry-up offense. They may or may not be winning the game, but they're setting the pace and the agenda. Everyone else is just reacting.
Need to add Pakistan and Afghanistan to the list of banned countries, due to the presence of Taliban and AQ in tribal areas of each. Other than that, its a great start.
"The Cracker Emcee said... At the rate Trump is going he will have met most of his campaign promises by the middle of next week. Part of the Left's (and the GOPe's) problem is that they're simply not used to dealing with a politician with this much energy. It's a bit like watching a spirited high-school football team run a hurry-up offense."
It's easy now...he can just do Executive will get tougher as time goes on and it required legislation.
Yes, Vox could have written, "a harsh crackdown on illegality and mayhem," but instead makes all "immigrants" (including those legally here and law-abiding) the object of "harsh" treatment. But then it wouldn't be Vox.
We received 6 leaked documents claiming to be draft executive order, but didn't publish because we couldn't verify any of them. But now that 2 executive orders have been issued and they match what we were leaked, we're just gone throw what's left of our journalistic standards out the window. "F it, two were accurate (trust us), so these others are suuuure to be good as gold. Yeah. This will turn out just fine
He should also sign an Executive Order requiring hospitals who treat indigent illegals to report the costs to the State Department so we can send the bill to their countries of origin.
However, sometime leaks are made to send gullible pseudo-journalists off on red herrings, or to chase cars, like dogs.
True. I'm almost dizzy trying to keep up with Trump's apparent 3D chess playing. If these were NOT deliberate leaks, the Trump has to do some serious purging. All presidents battle leaks, but this would be unprecedented. (I guess we'll be using that phrase every week for the next 4-8 years. How about we use UP for Unprecedented to save time?)
They wouldn't ban all Muslim immigration to the US, breaking a Trump promise from early in his campaign,
such disappointment on the part of the press. They were hoping for a total ban, because it would be immediately and more easily challenged in court.
I also liked the part about erasing Obama Legacy. Executive Order Legacy is sort of like writing your life story in the sand below the high tide level...
I love this bit: "They wouldn't ban all Muslim immigration to the US, breaking a Trump promise from early in his campaign..."
For months, I've been disagreeing with my leftward friends about what Trump promised to do on muslim immigration. I said Trump was promising exactly this -- a ban on immigration from a select few countries that have a problem with radical Islam. They said he was promising a total ban on all Muslims -- and he'd totally do it too!
Now it turns out President Trump is doing exactly what I (and, I think, most of his supporters) thought he was promising to do.
Will the left admit that they misunderstood him?
Nope. It's just proof that he's an untrustworthy lying liar!
CJinPA said... "I'm almost dizzy trying to keep up with Trump's apparent 3D chess playing..."
It's really more like tossing chum to the sharks -- and making a point of tossing the chum way over there so the sharks won't be over here bothering the divers getting the work done.
Here's a question for tech-savvy readers. I get these Vox alerts on my iPhone. I never signed up for them, giving my phone# and yet I get them. They pop up on an idle phone like a text message. How can I make them go away?
For months, I've been disagreeing with my leftward friends about what Trump promised to do on muslim immigration. I said Trump was promising exactly this -- a ban on immigration from a select few countries that have a problem with radical Islam. They said he was promising a total ban on all Muslims -- and he'd totally do it too!
He did propose that, and even proposed it in a way that sounded like he would stop U.S. citizens who are Moslems from returning - but he took that back shortly.
But some people don't want to give up their favorite lines of attack even if they've turned into straw men.
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'
Muslim friends please help out the Christians: Pretending virtuousness in order to gain favor is a sin, is it not? Something about the lowest level of hell?
She can hang out with all those women who don't support each other.
chickelit said... Here's a question for tech-savvy readers. I get these Vox alerts on my iPhone. I never signed up for them, giving my phone# and yet I get them. They pop up on an idle phone like a text message. How can I make them go away?
Please provide your OS version, update history, list of installed apps including versions, and enclose the info in [code] tags.
There is a desperate need to end social justice adventurism that is a first-order caused of immigration reform including refugee crises and mass emigration. We need to address the progress of population shifts due to Pro-Choice policies, resurgence of anti-nativism, extrajudicial trials, opportunistic coups, international resets, debt redistribution, scientific mysticism, etc.
What Bay Area Guy said. Bannon is enjoying this. And when the media wastes all their time on fake news, they don't have time or energy for the stuff that might really matter.
He did propose that, and even proposed it in a way that sounded like he would stop U.S. citizens who are Moslems from returning - but he took that back shortly."
Yep. But he seems to do that a lot -- stake out an outrageous, but attention-getting, position, and then walk it back to something reasonable. And actually do the latter. I don't know whether he intends to move the Overton window or make his eventual policy look more centrist than it is or just get everyone's attention focused on the issue, but it's clearly a pattern, it seems to be intentional, and as far as I can tell it seems to be working for him.
The disagreement was really about what President Trump's policies would look like -- the original outrageous statements, or the walked-back detailed proposals that followed. So far, I've been pleased to see it's the latter.
"mockturtle said... And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'."
Wow. I hope someone will point out to her that if she does that and then later claims not to be a Muslim that would make her a Muslim apostate. There are quite a few active groups, and several countries, that consider that a capital crime. She could be making herself a target. Even in moderate countries like Jordan, apostasy carries prison time.
Not sure I would want to be the guy leaking this stuff. Unless, of course, this is another Trump false flag operation aimed at keeping the nerves of the press jangled.
Trump's EO's are causing mass confusion and havoc apparently. Steve Bannon is writing policy. From Breitbart to the Oval Office without one vote being cast for him.
Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo were “blindsided” by a draft order that would require agencies to reconsider using interrogation techniques that are currently banned as torture, according to sources with knowledge of their thinking.
Just a small circle of officials at the Department of Health and Human Services knew about the executive action starting to unwind Obamacare, and only less than two hours before it was released. Key members of Congress weren’t consulted either, according to several members. And at a conference in Philadelphia, GOP legislators say they had no idea whether some of the executive orders would contrast with existing laws — because they hadn't reviewed them.
Inside the West Wing, it is almost impossible for some aides to know what is in the executive orders, staffers say. They have been written by Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior White House adviser for policy, and Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, according to people familiar with the matter. Ideas for some of the Trump executive orders came from transition officials and so-called “landing teams,” sources say, who weren’t working in the White House."
Clint rightly observes: Yep. But he seems to do that a lot -- stake out an outrageous, but attention-getting, position, and then walk it back to something reasonable.
Great policy negotiation tool. I'm sure he has used this ploy in business on many occasions.
For many years I'd vote for a candidate who sounded tough on issues and as soon as he was elected, I would be betrayed. They'd never keep their promise. If they did, it would always be in some milk toast way.
I was told to get over it. I was told the alternative was far, far worse. I was told I had no choice. Suck it up. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Etc.
Along comes Trump.
Suddenly, all these same people were laughing at me. He isn't going to keep his promises, they said. He is a Democrat in disguise, I was told. He is playing me. All the things they've excused for all these years, they told me, that was trump. He is the guy they've foisted on me. I need to listen to them and choose their guy. Because their guy is the real deal, not Trump. Trump is a con man.
And now we see it's all been a lie. Trump is, finally, the real deal. Not a weasel worded, mealy mouthed, politician. Instead, he is a guy like me who may not know how to word things in a way so as not to get purposefully taken out of context. But in general, believes the same things I believe.
And now they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off because, well, he isn't the guy they told me he was.
Eric, Trump is probably insane and is being manipulated by people like Steve Bannon and unknown others. Don't be so sure he is the answer to your prayers. If the actions and orders go against existing law, they will be mired down in one lawsuit after another. Your joy might be short lived, but enjoy it while it lasts.
Trump is certainly the real deal, as Eric says. He wouldn't haev left the life of a real estate billionaire to subject himself to a grueling 18-month campaign and, if he won, 4 years of hell fighting against the international elites, if he didn't believe it.
Anyone who voted for him thinking he didn't really mean it is in for a surprise. As is anyone who didn't vote for him for the same reason.
Wasn't it Mencken who said that, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." Read more at:
Just for myself, I voted for him and while I am not completely happy with some of what I view as the more "extreme" positions, he was far better than the alternative. I hope that there will be some moderating influences... but compared to what we would have had with Clinton, I do not regret my vote.
Don't get too excited. Executive Orders are subject to repeal or modification by Congress in some instances and review by the Supreme Court. Apparently the Legislative branch has no idea what is happening over at the White House.
Oh, CJ, I think we can count on Trump to pursue leaks. I daresay he wouldn't like that at all. Take it personal. And he has his CIA director now, though I guess the NSA is who does that...
Unless, as you say, 3D chess, plans within plans...which itself may require some obfuscation...maybe he is using somebody like say Kushner as a Trojan Horse to feed the media scraps of more or less true trivia, then one day to really put the whammy over with some maskirovska.
Michael K - I'd be OK with a ban on all, at least until we can sort out the vetting process.
I'm OK with a vetting process if it's limited to the question, "is applicant a Muslim (y/n)?"
mockturtle - Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'.
clint - I hope someone will point out to her that if she does that and then later claims not to be a Muslim that would make her a Muslim apostate. There are quite a few active groups, and several countries, that consider that a capital crime.
Perfect. Let them virtue signal their solidarity, then exile them to Pakistan.
Yes, insane. Crazy, unhinged. He is obsessive about anything that reflects badly on him. He tweets obsessively. He has cellophane skin. He advocates torture. He changes his stances sometimes in the same sentence. He believes in obvious mistuths and conspiracy theories. He is easily manipulated by those who know how to do so. He has rages according to leaks by his staff. He is ignorant and uncouth, but that doesn't make him crazy. Yes I do believe the man is incompetant and probably either has early dementia or some other form of cognitive impairment. I think he is a danger to the security and well being of our country and should be removed from office as soon as possible.
That you people are unable to see this makes you a bit crazy too, or maybe just unintelligent, or worse.
I think he is a danger to the security and well being of our country and should be removed from office as soon as possible.
That you people are unable to see this makes you a bit crazy too, or maybe just unintelligent, or worse.
1/26/17, 1:43 PM
Funny that... I think/thought the very same think about Obama and Hillary (and their supporters).
I also think that up to this point in time (and that COULD change), there is more historical proof that I am more correct in my assumption than you are in yours.
MackNamera is a typical progressive. Can't hold a real job. He'll be gone from commenting here in a week replaced by MackeyN or MisterNack or Unknown 31.
mockturtle said... And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'. Albright.
I'm pretty certain France registers the religion of it's inhabitants. Along with some of the other European countries. Since there is no religious registry here, when is she going to move (it can't be soon enough!) and where to so she can register?
eric, nicely put. I didn’t vote for him, fear his plans and his success, which if anyone bothers to listen to him in Philly seems a likely possibility, unfortunately. I said no way was he going to build a wall, and at first after the Inauguration I was thinking he’s doomed, and I may go back to that, but in Philly he sounded very serious, straight and strong, but he was in his own crowd surrounded by people who look and feel exactly like him. He may not be the disguised Democrat many feared, but he’s not replibcan either. But at this point, who cares about that debate. Listening to him in Philly, I swing back to Dems are doomed. And on CSPAN this morning you could hear the “gaggle” with Spicer and the press and everyone’s very nice to and easygoing with each other.
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Buzzfeed has the full dossier.
For realz.
This is a nothing burger. I'm totally in shock, a politician doing what he promised for the last year.
I'm convinced the Left will continue to blow bubbles in their glass of milk until they make a REAL mess.
Apparently the Mexican President has said he will assist, legally and otherwise, any illegal Mexican immigrants in the US. Not surprisingly, since there is a huge incentive to keep them here. $21.6 billion to Mexico from illegals in US in 2013
Sweet. Now we need to eliminate the illegal (I hope Althouse doesn't get the vapors) aliens that are already here.
Often leaks are made by "opponents" of a policy. Say, the leaker was a White House aide who lost the internal debate on these Executive Orders, so now leaks to the Press. That's a classic leak.
However, sometime leaks are made to send gullible pseudo-journalists off on red herrings, or to chase cars, like dogs.
This leak smacks of Steve Bannon simply sowing confusion among lefty goofballs.
Wait, so government leaks are good again? I guess that "position evolution" occurred about 6 days ago?
"mockturtle said...
Apparently the Mexican President has said he will assist, legally and otherwise, any illegal Mexican immigrants in the US."
What's schlonged in espanol?
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'. Albright.
Freud would have called these women 'hysterical'. I used to think he was wrong.
Americans are starting to get used to Trump outsmarting the media.
What the media seems to think should be an embarrassment for him insread continually plays right into his hands. You would think all these journalism school-degreed self-important media gods would get a clue.
We may actually get tired of him winning so much against the media.
When do we start imposing a tax on cash transfers to Mexico and Central America? Maybe 20% as a start. And if they try to carry it out it can be confiscated. That tax will pay for a Great big beautiful wall. That many illegals will self deport as a result is an added bonus.
OTOH, when a woman's hair is thinning, a hijab might be just the ticket.
Americans are starting to get used to Trump outsmarting the media.
What the media seems to think should be an embarrassment for him insread continually plays right into his hands. You would think all these journalism school-degreed self-important media gods would get a clue.
We may actually get tired of him winning so much against the media.
I love they way they lead off by saying that the order "falls short" of Trump's promise, because it doesn't ban anyone from Indonesia, which is the most populous Muslim country.
Is Vox HAPPY it falls short? or are they annoyed? or are they just trying to peel off support for trump by taking him 'literally'
Our President Trump should issue an executive order declaring that the correct, legal expression illegal alien is not meant to be disrespectful to such a person's entire identify, personality, character and life. Rather, the expression is merely a necessary legal term used for discussing a certain legal status.
Fake, but accurate.
pdug, it's just 'news-speak'. Stories about Trump must always be spun in a negative direction.
Harsh when compared to what?
At the rate Trump is going he will have met most of his campaign promises by the middle of next week. Part of the Left's (and the GOPe's) problem is that they're simply not used to dealing with a politician with this much energy. It's a bit like watching a spirited high-school football team run a hurry-up offense. They may or may not be winning the game, but they're setting the pace and the agenda. Everyone else is just reacting.
Spicer was asked about 2 of these at yesterday's press gaggle and said flatly they were not white house documents.
I'm putting $50 on Admiral Akhbar for this one.
Need to add Pakistan and Afghanistan to the list of banned countries, due to the presence of Taliban and AQ in tribal areas of each. Other than that, its a great start.
"The Cracker Emcee said...
At the rate Trump is going he will have met most of his campaign promises by the middle of next week. Part of the Left's (and the GOPe's) problem is that they're simply not used to dealing with a politician with this much energy. It's a bit like watching a spirited high-school football team run a hurry-up offense."
It's easy now...he can just do Executive will get tougher as time goes on and it required legislation.
They wouldn't ban all Muslim immigration to the US, breaking a Trump promise from early in his campaign,
More lefty spin. I'd be OK with a ban on all, at least until we can sort out the vetting process.
Yes, Vox could have written, "a harsh crackdown on illegality and mayhem," but instead makes all "immigrants" (including those legally here and law-abiding) the object of "harsh" treatment. But then it wouldn't be Vox.
"it will get tougher as time goes on and it required legislation."
The first 100 days is the time to do this before they figure out what hit them.
One of them furriners shutting down a righteous protest and violating the protesters right to be obnoxious:
Hhey! Hey! Hey! This is library!
If you don't like the sound of 'illegal alien', you won't like 'enemy alien', which is what my Grandma was during WWII.
Let's hear it for harsh crackdowns. Go dream in Mexico.
We received 6 leaked documents claiming to be draft executive order, but didn't publish because we couldn't verify any of them. But now that 2 executive orders have been issued and they match what we were leaked, we're just gone throw what's left of our journalistic standards out the window. "F it, two were accurate (trust us), so these others are suuuure to be good as gold. Yeah. This will turn out just fine
He should also sign an Executive Order requiring hospitals who treat indigent illegals to report the costs to the State Department so we can send the bill to their countries of origin.
However, sometime leaks are made to send gullible pseudo-journalists off on red herrings, or to chase cars, like dogs.
True. I'm almost dizzy trying to keep up with Trump's apparent 3D chess playing. If these were NOT deliberate leaks, the Trump has to do some serious purging. All presidents battle leaks, but this would be unprecedented. (I guess we'll be using that phrase every week for the next 4-8 years. How about we use UP for Unprecedented to save time?)
They wouldn't ban all Muslim immigration to the US, breaking a Trump promise from early in his campaign,
such disappointment on the part of the press. They were hoping for a total ban, because it would be immediately and more easily challenged in court.
I also liked the part about erasing Obama Legacy. Executive Order Legacy is sort of like writing your life story in the sand below the high tide level...
Didja hear the one about the Affirmative Action girl who mistook a microscope for a KKK meeting?
I love this bit: "They wouldn't ban all Muslim immigration to the US, breaking a Trump promise from early in his campaign..."
For months, I've been disagreeing with my leftward friends about what Trump promised to do on muslim immigration. I said Trump was promising exactly this -- a ban on immigration from a select few countries that have a problem with radical Islam. They said he was promising a total ban on all Muslims -- and he'd totally do it too!
Now it turns out President Trump is doing exactly what I (and, I think, most of his supporters) thought he was promising to do.
Will the left admit that they misunderstood him?
Nope. It's just proof that he's an untrustworthy lying liar!
CJinPA said...
"I'm almost dizzy trying to keep up with Trump's apparent 3D chess playing..."
It's really more like tossing chum to the sharks -- and making a point of tossing the chum way over there so the sharks won't be over here bothering the divers getting the work done.
mockturtle said...
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'. Albright.
They should register as illegal aliens from Uranus.
Here's a question for tech-savvy readers. I get these Vox alerts on my iPhone. I never signed up for them, giving my phone# and yet I get them. They pop up on an idle phone like a text message. How can I make them go away?
We can only solve the "public charge" issue by changing actual immigration law. Executive orders are Band-Aids.
clint said...1/26/17, 9:15 AM
For months, I've been disagreeing with my leftward friends about what Trump promised to do on muslim immigration. I said Trump was promising exactly this -- a ban on immigration from a select few countries that have a problem with radical Islam. They said he was promising a total ban on all Muslims -- and he'd totally do it too!
He did propose that, and even proposed it in a way that sounded like he would stop U.S. citizens who are Moslems from returning - but he took that back shortly.
But some people don't want to give up their favorite lines of attack even if they've turned into straw men.
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'
Muslim friends please help out the Christians: Pretending virtuousness in order to gain favor is a sin, is it not? Something about the lowest level of hell?
She can hang out with all those women who don't support each other.
They pop up on an idle phone like a text message. How can I make them go away?
Chickie- Settings>Notifications>News>Allow Notifications. You can change the style or turn them off completely.
I think within the News app you can customize favorites, but I haven't set it up. You might be able to just nuke Vox that way, though..
chickelit said...
Here's a question for tech-savvy readers. I get these Vox alerts on my iPhone. I never signed up for them, giving my phone# and yet I get them. They pop up on an idle phone like a text message. How can I make them go away?
Please provide your OS version, update history, list of installed apps including versions, and enclose the info in [code] tags.
Or just google [Vox alerts on iPhone].
Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen...
Sheesh. Seems like a reasonable place to start. Throw Pakistan in the mix, and I hope it's true.
There is a desperate need to end social justice adventurism that is a first-order caused of immigration reform including refugee crises and mass emigration. We need to address the progress of population shifts due to Pro-Choice policies, resurgence of anti-nativism, extrajudicial trials, opportunistic coups, international resets, debt redistribution, scientific mysticism, etc.
I mean Pah-kee-stahn. Add Afghanistan too, as Robother said
What Bay Area Guy said. Bannon is enjoying this. And when the media wastes all their time on fake news, they don't have time or energy for the stuff that might really matter.
"Sammy Finkelman said...
He did propose that, and even proposed it in a way that sounded like he would stop U.S. citizens who are Moslems from returning - but he took that back shortly."
Yep. But he seems to do that a lot -- stake out an outrageous, but attention-getting, position, and then walk it back to something reasonable. And actually do the latter. I don't know whether he intends to move the Overton window or make his eventual policy look more centrist than it is or just get everyone's attention focused on the issue, but it's clearly a pattern, it seems to be intentional, and as far as I can tell it seems to be working for him.
The disagreement was really about what President Trump's policies would look like -- the original outrageous statements, or the walked-back detailed proposals that followed. So far, I've been pleased to see it's the latter.
"mockturtle said...
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'."
Wow. I hope someone will point out to her that if she does that and then later claims not to be a Muslim that would make her a Muslim apostate. There are quite a few active groups, and several countries, that consider that a capital crime. She could be making herself a target. Even in moderate countries like Jordan, apostasy carries prison time.
Don't forget Ukraine, the coup that motivated JournoLists to resurrect the Soviet threat.
Leaked actual drafts at Vox? Or simply a vivid imagination and creative writers on the Vox staff. The odds on the correct explanation are 50-50.
Not sure I would want to be the guy leaking this stuff. Unless, of course, this is another Trump false flag operation aimed at keeping the nerves of the press jangled.
They should register as illegal aliens from Uranus.
Not MY anus! ;-)
Hell, I would throw in Saudi Arabia, too!
Trump's EO's are causing mass confusion and havoc apparently. Steve Bannon is writing policy. From Breitbart to the Oval Office without one vote being cast for him.
Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo were “blindsided” by a draft order that would require agencies to reconsider using interrogation techniques that are currently banned as torture, according to sources with knowledge of their thinking.
Just a small circle of officials at the Department of Health and Human Services knew about the executive action starting to unwind Obamacare, and only less than two hours before it was released. Key members of Congress weren’t consulted either, according to several members. And at a conference in Philadelphia, GOP legislators say they had no idea whether some of the executive orders would contrast with existing laws — because they hadn't reviewed them.
Inside the West Wing, it is almost impossible for some aides to know what is in the executive orders, staffers say. They have been written by Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior White House adviser for policy, and Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, according to people familiar with the matter. Ideas for some of the Trump executive orders came from transition officials and so-called “landing teams,” sources say, who weren’t working in the White House."
Clint rightly observes: Yep. But he seems to do that a lot -- stake out an outrageous, but attention-getting, position, and then walk it back to something reasonable.
Great policy negotiation tool. I'm sure he has used this ploy in business on many occasions.
For many years I'd vote for a candidate who sounded tough on issues and as soon as he was elected, I would be betrayed. They'd never keep their promise. If they did, it would always be in some milk toast way.
I was told to get over it. I was told the alternative was far, far worse. I was told I had no choice. Suck it up. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Etc.
Along comes Trump.
Suddenly, all these same people were laughing at me. He isn't going to keep his promises, they said. He is a Democrat in disguise, I was told. He is playing me. All the things they've excused for all these years, they told me, that was trump. He is the guy they've foisted on me. I need to listen to them and choose their guy. Because their guy is the real deal, not Trump. Trump is a con man.
And now we see it's all been a lie. Trump is, finally, the real deal. Not a weasel worded, mealy mouthed, politician. Instead, he is a guy like me who may not know how to word things in a way so as not to get purposefully taken out of context. But in general, believes the same things I believe.
And now they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off because, well, he isn't the guy they told me he was.
Instead, he is the guy I believed he was.
But remember, I'm the sucker.
Well said, eric! My sentiments exactly.
Trump is probably insane and is being manipulated by people like Steve Bannon and unknown others. Don't be so sure he is the answer to your prayers. If the actions and orders go against existing law, they will be mired down in one lawsuit after another. Your joy might be short lived, but enjoy it while it lasts.
Trump is certainly the real deal, as Eric says. He wouldn't haev left the life of a real estate billionaire to subject himself to a grueling 18-month campaign and, if he won, 4 years of hell fighting against the international elites, if he didn't believe it.
Anyone who voted for him thinking he didn't really mean it is in for a surprise. As is anyone who didn't vote for him for the same reason.
Wasn't it Mencken who said that, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
Read more at:
Just for myself, I voted for him and while I am not completely happy with some of what I view as the more "extreme" positions, he was far better than the alternative. I hope that there will be some moderating influences... but compared to what we would have had with Clinton, I do not regret my vote.
Don't get too excited. Executive Orders are subject to repeal or modification by Congress in some instances and review by the Supreme Court. Apparently the Legislative branch has no idea what is happening over at the White House.
"Anyone who voted for him thinking he didn't really mean it is in for a surprise. As is anyone who didn't vote for him for the same reason."
You are right. Althouse seemed to be among those you describe. I always argued that we needed to believe him when he said things that sounded insane.
Oh, CJ, I think we can count on Trump to pursue leaks. I daresay he wouldn't like that at all. Take it personal. And he has his CIA director now, though I guess the NSA is who does that...
Unless, as you say, 3D chess, plans within plans...which itself may require some obfuscation...maybe he is using somebody like say Kushner as a Trojan Horse to feed the media scraps of more or less true trivia, then one day to really put the whammy over with some maskirovska.
Michael K - I'd be OK with a ban on all, at least until we can sort out the vetting process.
I'm OK with a vetting process if it's limited to the question, "is applicant a Muslim (y/n)?"
mockturtle - Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'.
clint - I hope someone will point out to her that if she does that and then later claims not to be a Muslim that would make her a Muslim apostate. There are quite a few active groups, and several countries, that consider that a capital crime.
Perfect. Let them virtue signal their solidarity, then exile them to Pakistan.
"Inside the West Wing, it is almost impossible for some aides to know what is in the executive orders, "
DNC troll most affected. Where do these fools come from ?
Are we seeing trolls switching identities or are new trolls marching out of seminars on how to sound stupid ?
Tough to tell sometimes.
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'. Albright.
Register? Where, with whom? Brits have an expression that perfectly describes Albright; twat.
-Lest anyone gets their feminist knickers in a knot, twat has been in common usage for centuries.
You may also find this bit of absurdist humor from "Pirate Radio" explanatory, or not (FFW to 0:55).
I always argued that we needed to believe him when he said things that sounded insane.
Insane? That's the second time you used that adjective regarding Trump today. Take a good, hard look at the mass hysteria of the left right now.
Yes, insane. Crazy, unhinged. He is obsessive about anything that reflects badly on him. He tweets obsessively. He has cellophane skin. He advocates torture. He changes his stances sometimes in the same sentence. He believes in obvious mistuths and conspiracy theories. He is easily manipulated by those who know how to do so. He has rages according to leaks by his staff. He is ignorant and uncouth, but that doesn't make him crazy. Yes I do believe the man is incompetant and probably either has early dementia or some other form of cognitive impairment. I think he is a danger to the security and well being of our country and should be removed from office as soon as possible.
That you people are unable to see this makes you a bit crazy too, or maybe just unintelligent, or worse.
MackNamera said...
I think he is a danger to the security and well being of our country and should be removed from office as soon as possible.
That you people are unable to see this makes you a bit crazy too, or maybe just unintelligent, or worse.
1/26/17, 1:43 PM
Funny that... I think/thought the very same think about Obama and Hillary (and their supporters).
I also think that up to this point in time (and that COULD change), there is more historical proof that I am more correct in my assumption than you are in yours.
That you people are unable to see this makes you a bit crazy too, or maybe just unintelligent, or worse.
The word you're looking for is Deplorable.
MackNamera is a typical progressive. Can't hold a real job. He'll be gone from commenting here in a week replaced by MackeyN or MisterNack or Unknown 31.
mockturtle said...
And Madeline Albright [as well as Steinem and others] has vowed to 'register as a Muslim in solidarity'. Albright.
I'm pretty certain France registers the religion of it's inhabitants. Along with some of the other European countries. Since there is no religious registry here, when is she going to move (it can't be soon enough!) and where to so she can register?
eric, nicely put. I didn’t vote for him, fear his plans and his success, which if anyone bothers to listen to him in Philly seems a likely possibility, unfortunately. I said no way was he going to build a wall, and at first after the Inauguration I was thinking he’s doomed, and I may go back to that, but in Philly he sounded very serious, straight and strong, but he was in his own crowd surrounded by people who look and feel exactly like him. He may not be the disguised Democrat many feared, but he’s not replibcan either. But at this point, who cares about that debate. Listening to him in Philly, I swing back to Dems are doomed. And on CSPAN this morning you could hear the “gaggle” with Spicer and the press and everyone’s very nice to and easygoing with each other.
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