Said Judd Apatow. He was talking Maureen Dowd, whom he treated to a meal of "spinach omelets with hash browns and hot sauce that he has picked up after dropping off his daughter at school."
I extract these details from the column because:
1. It's a somewhat charming, self-effacing confession that anyone might make: What's happening in politics seems horrible to me, so I comfort myself with the sweet, creamy foods of childhood.
2. Apatow is a big old powerful movie maker, so why is he being such a big baby? My guess is that his success lies in channeling the mundane reactions of young and powerless people, so it serves him well to relax into immature thinking patterns. It's creative, lucrative work for him. Easy work! What a lucky guy!
3. He's eating Oreos? That's his food reference? Trump owns Oreos foolery:
4. What kind of rich man entertains his NYT interviewer by serving her a take-out spinach omelet with hash browns and hot sauce? Take-out is bad enough, but a take-out omelet? I think an omelet is something you get out of the pan and onto the table in seconds or you just don't serve it at all. And then to make it spinach? What the hell are you trying to say? It would make more sense to serve Oreos and ice cream.
5. Has Maureen Dowd ever indicated her amenability to omelets? Back in February 2010, she forefronted an omelet served to her in a restaurant — so presumably she ordered it — in the presence of Harold Ford Jr. — or maybe it's only what he's eating — and she connected said eggs to the grossness of Harold Ford's feet:
Between bites of an egg-white garden omelet at a bistro in his Union Square neighborhood, Harold Ford Jr. defended himself on pedicures and flip-flops.I'm not reading that as an OK on omelets. I'm reading that as wafting methanethiol. And that was a high-tone, fresh-cooked, designed-for-a-lady egg-white garden omelet, not something that would be dumped into a styrofoam container to be called back to life with hot sauce.
“I either run or try to play basketball every day,” he said. “I have severe athlete’s foot — feet. I get a foot scrub out of respect for my wife because getting into bed with what I have when I take my socks off isn’t respectful to anybody.”
Apatow is what happens when you live in an area where you've scared everyone who disagrees with you politically into just shutting up. You lose context. You let your imagination run wild, and nobody dares to tell you that you are being a drama queen. You only hear how right you are to be frightened, and perhaps you aren't even frightened *enough*. Because who do you know that isn't scared to death?
They are spinning themselves into a full-on panic.
What this seems to show is that Judd Apatow is part of the Hollywood body image mafia. Does this administration make look fat?
Or he's trying to be clever. And failing. But trying to look clever is probably what you do when conversing with Maureen Dowd.
"Trump proposed a 35% tax on every foreign car sold in America."
Germany’s deputy chancellor said, “I believe BMW’s biggest factory is already in the US, in Spartanburg . The US car industry would have a bad awakening if all the supply parts that aren’t being built in the US were to suddenly come with a 35% tariff. I believe it would make the US car industry weaker, worse and above all more expensive. I would wait and see what the Congress has to say about that, which is mostly full of people who want the opposite of Trump.”
Illigimate President-Elect Trump knows peedly squat about how the real-world works. Otoh, the sooner Trump enacts these tarrifs the better because Trumpland will be decimated faster.
Someone tell Apatow to try sunflower seeds and carrot juice instead of Oreos and ice cream.
Poor baby. I live in LA. Can I send Judd a pan of brownies?
Anxiety makes me want to eat more, depression eat less.
Apatow is probably used to eating "craft services" custom catering when on set.
Interesting how he frames his social forecast in terms of a profitable investment opportunity, which Althouse cannily relates to his movie-making and target audience sensibility.
As with the NYT commenters, however, that could be a huge miscalculation if done in an "everybody knows" kind of arrogance (see SNL) rather than focusing on the neurosis of the characters themselves.
#2. Because like a lot of his contemporaries Mr Aptow is a big baby?
What was the beginning of "the Trump era", for weight-loss-difficulty purposes? The election? The electoral college vote? July 2015? For the first time ever, Judd Apatow gained weight in the six week period that started with Thanksgiving - thanks, Trump!
Most of us are just scared and eating ice cream.
It was the same way after Kristallnacht.
These assholes are insufferable.
Was it horribly sexist of me to read the first paragraph and assume it was a woman?
Am I the only one who made that assumption?
Hey Judd, you might want to ease up on the pot. That should help with both the munchies and the paranoia.
The Hollywood types must suddenly feel like Americans raised overseas who are seeing America for the first time and are not adjusting well to the real USA ruled by Deplorables.
But I still like Aptow and Streep. Sadly, they don't like me.
How the hell did I not gain 50 pounds over the last eight years?
Given Trumps cabinet picks,Sessions, DeVos,Price, Mnuchin,Flynn, and Pruittt, for example, I am swimming more often in a pool that can not be deregulated to allow chicken shit, or withdrawn from NATO to encourage the Russian invasion of the Baltic states, but is a safe water oasis in the rich bubble called Madison.
Beta Male, Pajama Boy, Director.
The fat she should worry about is that between her ears.
Most of them were already scared and eating ice cream. Now they get to blame it on Trump, that's all.
As for me, I'm drinking Bulletproof Coffee for breakfast every morning for 30 days as an experiment and generally cleaning up my diet toward Paleo. I'm rebuilding fitness after some down time due to cancer treatment and looking forward to my next ultra. I was doing the same kind of things after the election of Obama and during his entire administration even though I was very disappointed when he was elected and despised how he governed. That's the difference between how me and Apatow handle things, I guess.
I'm fat and I blame Trump.
I've died early from sclerosis of the arteries. I blame Trump.
Trump the all-powerful.
No need for anxiety, China mentions it's a nuclear power in response to Tillerson's mention of those islands in the South China Sea and European countries will think twice about leaving the EU ( "No Brexit for you Mr Trump!") in response to Trump continuing to bash NATO. Little Kim is just waiting for Trump to tweet about him. Trump says he trusts Putin and Merkel "equally". Very reassuring.
On a positive note, Trump promises health insurance for all! Who woulda thunk we'd end up with universal Healthcare?!
Mid-Life Lawyer: You've been in my prayers and I hope you are doing better.
Oh and let's not forget about The One China Policy being "negotiable". China, a nuclear power getting agitated. Nothing to worry about though.
What kind of rich man entertains his NYT interviewer by serving her a take-out spinach omelet with hash browns and hot sauce?
Why should money change your tastes?
I learned much watching him get coffee with Jerry.
MadisonMan said...
"I'm fat and I blame Trump."
I'm seeing t-shirts and bumper stickers.
And hats - "Make America Fat Again"
OMG Look what Trump did to Michael Moore!
The age of Trump doesn't start until he's inaugurated. If he's having trouble losing weight, blame himself or Obama.
Apatow has the munchies because of his high marijuana consumption not Trump.
Matthew Sablan:
How dare you fat shame Mr. Apatow?!? Eleventy!
Also, let's repeal all the Hollywood profit-enhancing laws.
Tricky accounting practices? Gone!
Casting couches? Criminal rape charges and successful sexual harassment lawsuits!
Intellectual property theft? Prosecuted!
Copyright laws returned to their original five year length!
Five and seven for copyright.
What is Rush Limbaugh's excuse?
Chris Christie was worried too apparently.
Remember, this is the same Left that claimed Romney gave a woman cancer and killed her.
So, if all Trump did was make you fat then consider yourself lucky.
Look at Teresa1960. Apparently Trump made her/him a moron and there is no recovery from that.
Oh that scamp Trump!
Birkel: I like the idea of returning copyright protection to the earlier span. No reason on Earth that Mickey Mouse should be Disney Corp's permanent property. What's the current span: life plus 75? Ridiculous.
Alternatively, if we want to protect cartoon figures until the Sun grows cold, why not give innovators of lifesaving drugs another few years to recover the billions sunk in too many dry holes? Surely Hollywood would sympathize with that?
Poo babies. Trump is just so scary.
Shorter Teresa: Please don't upset the communist totalitarian regime!
Think of it as a new and improved "Reset" Button (though without all that messy failed translation stuff like Hillary and "smart ones" gave Russia).
mockturtle said...
"Mid-Life Lawyer: You've been in my prayers and I hope you are doing better."
Thank you! I went through chemo and radiation pretty well (Aug and Sept, M.D. Anderson),treating it like a daily stage race - Managing fatigue, nutrition, pain, nausea, digestive issues, etc. It was intense but I almost liked it. I crashed about a month out from treatment and had a rough couple of months (Nov and Dec) but I'm definitely on the upswing now.
At least it's better than breaking storefront windows and claiming some Trump supporter ripped your hijab off.
The left is a tribe. People like Apatow know they can't run afoul of tribal custom. Therefore they must signal their tribal virtue 24/7. Hence the woe-is-us big-baby pose and the cold omelette (the spinach adds a nice tribal touch).
"I'm seeing t-shirts and bumper stickers."
Available in XL- XXXXL
Let them eat cake, and lots of it. Put us out of your misery.
I could have lost weight! You know I didn't want to gain weight! I would never gain weight to hurt you baby.
It's just Johnson and this damn war......
Some people are just too dumb to be scared, Drago.
Teresa1960 said...
"Oh and let's not forget about The One China Policy being "negotiable". China, a nuclear power getting agitated. Nothing to worry about though."
I have this device that reminds you to breath. If you stop breathing you die! This beautiful polished rock is only 17 payments of 99.95. It is something that will keep you alive! If you order in the next 15 minutes it is only 16 payments!
Teresa1960 said...
"Some people are just too dumb to be scared, Drago."
Some people have no self awareness either.
Hot sauce on Hash browns and spinach omlet? Yuck.
Shouldn't require anything more than salt and pepper.
Actually, I thought Apatow's comment that Hillary never should've run after taking all those speech fees (that's a post-career move) was unusually astute for a Hollywood Lefty.
As someone who still eats occasional cold pizza breakfasts 50 years after leaving college, I cannot cast the first stone on anyone's hash brown/spinach omelet hot sauce addiction.
So after eight years of Trump we won't be able to distinguish Apatow from Michael Moore on the street.
Scared yet? Not me. This makes me happy.
"– Excerpt from Washington Post interview with Donald Trump, published yesterday, Sunday the 15th of January, 2017.
Scott Pelley: Universal health care?
Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.
Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of how?
Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–
Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?
Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it."
Ann, I agree that an omelet is not something to 'take out'. In fact, other than maybe croissants, I can't think of a single breakfast item that would be suitable.
Good hashbrowns are a breakfast high-point, but they're hard to make. Now, they're all frozen, or the restaurants either undercook them or overcook them. They need to be golden brown on the outside and slightly white on the inside.
if these libs don't progress through the grieving stages soon, they need the help of mental health professionals.
What a weakling.
Teresa1960 said...
Scared yet? Not me. This makes me happy.
Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody.
Scott Pelley: Universal health care?
Funny how the leftie mind can jump to only that conclusion upon hearing Trump's words. If Pelley had taken five minutes of his precious time learning about what Republicans are doing he would have understood what it means.
Our plan makes sure that you never have to worry about being turned away or having your coverage taken away—regardless of age, income, medical conditions, or circumstances.
More choices and lower costs. Our plan gives you more control and more choices so that you can pick the plan that
meets your needs—not Washington’s mandates.
More choices and flexibility to choose insurance plans that make sense for everyone rather than obligating every citizen to a system where the least expensive plan is an all you could ever eat monstrosity that is prohibitively expensive. Free insurersto offer many affordable plan choices and suddenly there's more participation. That 20 million number lefties love to quote? It is only people eligible. Participation is less than half that number. Hence the death spiral.
There will still be a safety net of subsidies at lower income levels only now the money will be in the system so 'everybody' participates.
It sounds like Apatow needs to discover poutine, the breakfast of champions. It really sticks to your ribs. Also to the dish, the spoon, and the table.
Maybe these people would be healthier both physically and mentally if they didn't expect government to deliver so much.
Now some nice hot creamy cheese (parmesan) grits (or polenta) smothered in butter with eggs over easy and some sliced tomatoes dusted with cracked pepper and sea salt. YUM! There's a breakfast.
Earlier Teresa1960: "Some people are just too dumb to be scared, Drago."
1/16/17, 9:58 AM
Later Teresa1960: "Scared yet? Not me. This makes me happy."
1/16/17, 10:31 AM
De Gustibus ain't what it used to be.
Your obsession with what people eat at an interview reinforces my view of your periodic detachment from the real world, like when you voted Obama.
Hey, Apatow, at least Trump hasn't given you cancer yet.
Well, it was an egg-white omelet hand crafted from the eggs of the Montana Wild Chicken.
John Brennan concerned and anxious about Trump's tweeting fingers. It's been reported he's been snacking on Oreos.
Teresa 1960
I think Trump just told Brennan to go fuck himself. As well he, Brennan, should.
Teresa 1960
BTW better be in D.C. on Saturday or you are wrongwrongwrongthink
The Montana wild chicken ranch is probably owned and operated by Trump voters.
mockturtle said...
"Ann, I agree that an omelet is not something to 'take out'. In fact, other than maybe croissants, I can't think of a single breakfast item that would be suitable."
When I lived in Alphabet City, we used to order takeout from the Polish Deli on Avenue A. At 7th street, if memory serves. Fried eggs, hash browns, fried sausage and English muffins with jam, coffee and a large orange juice. Delivered to your door by an old Polish guy, who grinned like a maniac at the way these crazy American kids tipped. That meal could really put the boots to a hangover.
If Trump is causing Apatow to overeat he should be impeached.
Between bites of an egg-white garden omelet at a bistro in his Union Square neighborhood, Harold Ford Jr. defended himself on pedicures and flip-flops.
It sounds to me like it was Harold Ford Jr. doing the omelet eating.
This is turning into Megan McArdle's Friday Food Post.
Let be be finale of seem
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.
Apatow was behind The Larry Sanders Show, the best show ever on TV along side The Rockford Files.
buwaya said...
"The Montana wild chicken ranch is probably owned and operated by Trump voters."
Which raises the question, why *do* we feed, clothe, house and provide water and electric power to these self-regarding sacks of indolent shit? Because Unknown had a point the other day, one a hat wouldn't cover for a change. Xe was pointing out that Democrats make and spend a lot more than Humans do. Somehow, they get their hands on loads of dough, and pay squat for the daily necessities with which their betters provide them. Whose idea was that?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they print the money in the first place ...
Mid-life Lawyer: I don't know your situation beyond these posts but here's my prayer for your continued recovery. You're part of House Althouse, and we need to stick together.
Really? I've lost nearly 20 pounds since Trump's campaign started.
@Chris, we get it.
Its interesting just how many ways people are able to put the blame for their life on someone else. Even the extremely-wealthy with a wife way out of their league.
Thinking of Ellen Degeneres, of course.
In the dossier, it was reported that Trump and his family bought 50% of Weight Watchers.
Teresa1960: "John Brennan concerned and anxious about Trump's tweeting fingers."
Maybe that's why Brennan has no time left to be concerned about CIA leaks of classified materials as well as with why ISIS turned out not to be the JV team.
Not to worry. Brennan will be gone soon
If you haven't seen Brennan pathetic interview with Chris Wallace you should take a look. Again, not to worry. He's out very soon.
Join a protest, then follow your emotions. You're guaranteed to lose something, perhaps your excess weight.
Birkel you forgot imputed income. If you want to make the Left shit then tax the benefits they get that the rest of us don't: the transportation to work, the meals given to the staff and other services provided. Hollywood, academia and a lot of Big Law live rather fat off the land on these. Then unbundle cable and watch Hollywood really howl. Then let's go after the tax parasite class: the NGO's and the foundations and the tax exempt. They should be paying taxes on their investment incomes and donations to them should no longer be tax deductible. True religious charities and churches will survive. True charities and medical research organizations will survive. The SJW types of hustles not so much.
Leftists planning violent attacks later this week in DC. So these fuckers aren't just amusing.
Apparently it's difficult for the narcissists, sociopaths and autistics who seem to predominate in the GOP to understand that normal people don't find their shenanigans enjoyable.
Owen said...
Birkel: I like the idea of returning copyright protection to the earlier span. No reason on Earth that Mickey Mouse should be Disney Corp's permanent property. What's the current span: life plus 75? Ridiculous.
Alternatively, if we want to protect cartoon figures until the Sun grows cold, why not give innovators of lifesaving drugs another few years to recover the billions sunk in too many dry holes? Surely Hollywood would sympathize with that?
1/16/17, 9:18 AM
Why should Disney or any other creator of any unique and individual property be compelled to relinquish rights to their creation/invention? Whether 75 years or 75,000 years from now, it exists through the efforts, talents and imagination of its creator. That creator should have those rights in perpetuity, as well as the option to bequeath those rights to descendants. What gives anyone else the right to profit from work they never did, from product that is not theirs to sell or benefit by?
Styrofoam is literally worse than Hitler in Apatow's world, isn't it? I'm sure that takeout container was made from recycled cat litter blended with organic wheat straw, after bleaching the straw to remove any trace of gluten.
"Illigimate President-Elect Trump knows peedly squat about how the real-world works."
Got any idea how much a car costs in Singapore? Or the cost of the permission to acquire a car, that's good for at most 10 years? Or the import tax? Hint: Lots. Real-world, dude.
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