January 6, 2017
"It’s true you have better hair than I do. But I get more pussy than you do."
Said Trump to Tucker Carlson, after Carlson said something nasty about Trump's hair. Or so Carlson related a year ago, speaking about an interchange that occurred 15 years earlier, which The Daily Beast is repeating now, as Carlson is in the news moving up to the 8 o'clock slot on Fox News.
Let Tucker be Tucker!
OK, Some men are cat lovers.
Seriously, why did you post that one. It needs to be hidden away. Do you have any idea how many men were just made jealous of Trump again.
One of Trump's weaker comebacks, considering the target.
Trump wasn't married at the time. So almost certainly true, and an understatement at that.
Chuck Norris used to be the bad ass of plant Earth. He might now be in 2nd place.
Trump is a deplorable sexist
That's the 9 PM slot in places other than Madison.
Trump is a deplorable sexist
He should just shove cigars up vaginas, leave women to die in cars in a lake, tell women to "kiss it" when exposing his cock.
That's what male feminists do.
So what?? Remember when Bill Clinton said Obama would be getting him coffee?? People say stupid things all the time!!! Remember Obama said race relations are better not worse??
But race relations are getting better, according to the President. That has to be at least partly due to Trump being the Republican candidate and winning the election.
damikesc said...
Trump is a deplorable sexist
He should just shove cigars up vaginas, leave women to die in cars in a lake, tell women to "kiss it" when exposing his cock.
That's what male feminists do.
It's now official:
Donald Trump, NOT gay!
Or maybe he was just stating facts. A 70 year old man that can make 6 rally appearances in 6 cities in one day could probably have done 6 other athletic performances in one day back when he was 55 years old. Oh, nevermind.
It was probably true at the time.
What is sexist about having consensual sex?
Trump would never admit that someone has better hair.
Just read Tucker Carlson's piece on Trump from a year ago. It's very much worth the read.
Then I clicked over to the Daily Beast link. Their take on Carlson's piece could not be more boneheaded. But reading on, it's just a cheap hit piece. Yawn.
Glad to have been pointed at the original, anyway. Recommended.
Tucker finally figured out that his bow tie screamed Beta Male.
Tucker nailed it in the linked Politico article. Trump is shocking and vulgar but he tweets a reality the non-elites understand. Schumer can appear to be a clown. The media is biased. The Russian hacking hysteria is overblown to cover for HILLARY's and the DNC's disastrous election failure. And Tucker still has better hair.
Trump likes women.
Line up the fainting sofas for the progs.
meanwhile- Hillary is still a corrupt money-grubbing liar.
Amazon has a show on Prime called "I LOVE DICK" and it's not about the actor famous for playing a chimney sweep. Thus, the pearl-clutching claims he's a "deplorable sexist" every time one of his decades-old statements about getting some ass makes news are complete and utter nonstarters.
Trump, it seems, is a man for our time.
The question is does Trump still think that way. His wife remaining in another city makes one wonder. As our ambassadors know, moving kids during school year not that big a deal.
A bit off-topic: I'm sure I'm missing someone, but can you think of anyone else prominent named Tucker? Nothing pejorative against TC intended. It's just an unusual name.
I remember Tucker Fredrickson, famous for being chosen in the '65 NFL draft in front of Dick Butkus and Gayle Sayers, but that's about it.
Carlson may be reaching out to the MeAgain Kelly fans.
readering is as stupid as usual.
"As our ambassadors know, moving kids during school year not that big a deal."
So, Obama not moving out of DC means he has a gay lover he doesn't want to leave behind? The girls had nothing to do with it ?
sunsong said...Trump is a deplorable sexist
readering said...His wife remaining in another city makes one wonder.
(ominous music)
Tucker is a last name. Southern aristocrat types love to name the boys with a family name from a female ancestor line.
"Tucker" is such a cute name for a puppy.
sunsong said...
Trump is a deplorable sexist
I read on the interblogs that he has some bad qualities, too.
Let's not blast Tucker here. Carlson's show is great and I'm quite happy for him. Carlson was not a fan of Trump a year ago and this whole conversation happened along time earlier.
walter said...
readering said...His wife remaining in another city makes one wonder.
(ominous music)
Stairway to Heaven?
I read that Politico piece (Not the Daily Beast crap) and it is excellent. He got it and that was written a year ago.
Virile in the defense of liberty is no vice.
robother said...Tucker finally figured out that his bow tie screamed Beta Male.
It seems to be a favorite of on-air "economists"
Donald Trump, NOT gay!
Not that there's anything wrong with that....
traditionalguy said...
Tucker is a last name. Southern aristocrat types love to name the boys with a family name from a female ancestor line.
Tucker is from the South, all right. South California. La Jolla, to be specific. Then he went to an elite boarding school in southern Rhode Island (St. George's). And later to Trinity College, in the southern part of Hartford, Connecticut.
All of which, to be honest, makes me like Tucker all the more.
Pointing out that someone else is an asshole does not excuse Trump's behavior. That's just stupidity. Trump is responsible for his own choices - his own lies (talk about a 'corrupt money grubbing liar') and his choice of words. He is a deplorable sexist as well a racist, Islamaphobe and a lying bigot.
Chauvinists representing the twisted male are so last century...
He might not get more pussy than Rachel Maddow, but certainly gets better pussy.
Seems like there are a lot of golden retrievers named Tucker.
By the same token there are a lot of goldfish named Bob. Cats too.
Sometimes it's Bob eat Bob.
“…And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
~ Trump
sunsong said...
He is a deplorable sexist as well a racist, Islamaphobe and a lying bigot.
[citation needed]
"Consider the conservative nonprofit establishment, which seems to employ most right-of-center adults in Washington. Over the past 40 years, how much donated money have all those think tanks and foundations consumed? Billions, certainly. (Someone better at math and less prone to melancholy should probably figure out the precise number.) Has America become more conservative over that same period? Come on. Most of that cash went to self-perpetuation: Salaries, bonuses, retirement funds, medical, dental, lunches, car services, leases on high-end office space, retreats in Mexico, more fundraising. Unless you were the direct beneficiary of any of that, you’d have to consider it wasted."
Yep.. And the left is better at using NGOs etc there more actively. But the amount of overlapping .orgs is so large that the self-perpetuation element is yuuuge.
permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
synonyms: agreement, assent, acceptance, approval, approbation; More
give permission for something to happen.
"he consented to a search by a detective"
synonyms: agree to, assent to, yield to, give in to, submit to; allow, give permission for, sanction, accept, approve, go along with
"she consented to surgery"
It's an unfair comparison. It's not a choice between bad hair and good hair. It's a choice between billions of dollars and good hair. Women, quite understandably, are more attracted to money than hair. JFK, who had both good hair and money, got pussy beyond the most lurid wet dreams of Trump. JFK is the one who gets to drop the mic in any debate about sexual conquests. He is said to have been with Angie Dickinson, Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, and, of course, Marilyn Monroe........Our new President has a pungent way with words. I get the sense that the quote he will be most remembered for will have the word "pussy" in it.
Can you be sexist and not be deplorable?
Remember those gauzy, nostalgic days when getting pussy made you a lovable scoundrel? Bill Clinton does. No big deal back then. Even with much more serious allegations. it was all just a big yawner for media and NOW.
Chauvinists representing the twisted male are so last century...
The Seventies called. They want their Feminism back.
Blogger sunsong said...
Trump is a deplorable sexist
Slut shaming.
Hunter said...
sunsong said...
He is a deplorable sexist as well a racist, Islamaphobe and a lying bigot.
[citation needed]
Ruh roh! I'm pretty sure Scooby Doo documented all that, which is why I'm hearing it in his voice.
exhelodrvr1 said...
Can you be sexist and not be deplorable?
Feminists don't think they're deplorable. They're wrong, as usual.
Hillary taunting Bill 15 years ago: I eat more pussy than you do.
No citation or attribution. Just something plausible.
Chuck...Everybody in Southern California came from somewhere else. Tucker's education in elite New England schools shows how California his family traditions must have been. The New England area is one many Sourthern aristocrat type families send their kids to.
As Presbyterian and from a good school in Atlanta, many of us were admitted to Princeton. In my case I stayed here in Atlanta on advice from a great football and wrestling Coach who recommended his Methodist tradition college called Emory. And many of the rich kids at Emory used last names as first names. And they were all good people, like Tucker.
Hillary taunting Bill today being politically correct: I eat more vagina than you do.
No citation or attribution. Just something plausible.
Maybe some app will be developed that will give one the right word that will be politically correct 15 years into the future. Who would have known 15 years ago that women would today prefer to be called "vaginas"?
So..tucker couldn't find what he said to Trump?
Why is this news?
Notice that here Sunsong is dressed as a "vagina", not a "pussy".
Woman Dressed As Vagina Saves Man Dressed As Penis From Attacker
Tucker Carlson, Pussy Magnet…
"It's been nice, having a few drinks with you. You want to come back to my place and fuck?
"Wow, I didn't expect that from you Tucker. It's just that you're a bit…. mild, for my tastes. Sorry."
"Mild? If you had seen me in prison you wouldn't think that."
"YOU were in prison?"
"Oh yeah. I don't talk about it much. It's why I always wear a tie: it hides the prison tattoos on my neck."
"I never expected this side of you…"
"Yeah. You know, in prison, you either fuck or get fucked. That's what you want to ask me about, right?"
"Me, I fucked. I didn't fuck men in the ass because I WANTED to fuck a man's ass, I did it to show I COULD. That's how you get Respect."
"You were Respected in prison?"
"Oh yeah. They thought I was weak fish at first, but me shivving a sharpened spoon into someone's kidneys changed some minds."
"Wow. It's like you are a whole different person."
"Yeah. In the pen I was known as 'Motherfucker Tucker.' I n fact, that is tattooed on my stomach, right below "Thug Life."
"You know, I WOULD like to see those tattoos…"
"And I'd like to bang you in the ass. Both can be arranged."
"Well, perhaps we could go to your place and… talk some more."
"Baby, once you're in my apartment I'm gonna be slapping your ass so hard you'll be calling me 'Daddy'."
"Oh my…"
"Let's go: Daddy wants to get his balls wet…"
I am Laslo.
I am finding that one of the disturbing things about getting old is that my long ago mistakes and indiscretions appear in my mind unbidden and with unusual emotional vividness and frequency. I suspect Trump won't have that problem, given his personality and the fact that his mind will be more occupied with the present than mine is. Plus he will have lots of other people to remember and illuminate his indiscretions for him.
Alan Markus,
WTF is she talking about?
“People were offended by us walking around in costume, but it’s nothing you can’t see in magazines and newspapers that are often displayed in a child’s eye-line,” she said."
Genitalia on display in the checkout?
Sunsong said... [hush][hide comment]
Pointing out that someone else is an asshole does not excuse Trump's behavior.
No one has called you an asshole, yet.
Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
. . .
It's why I always wear a tie: it hides the prison tattoos on my neck."
. . .
Everyone knows that trick.
Fortunately, I have learned not to drink coffee while reading Laslo's posts. So I no longer get two degree burns in my nasal passages. And I save a lot of money on laptops.
The liberal culture was intended to be savored in private. It was never meant for public consumption or even the majority of humanity. Trump's exposure of the liberal culture outside of chambers, dens, bedrooms, and closets breaks a sacred taboo. It's not rape. Not even rape-rape. Just men and women doing and saying the things they do.
Sunsong wanted a rapist in the West Wing and his apologist in the Oval Office. So her opinion is weighted accordingly.
Blogger traditionalguy said...
Tucker is a last name. Southern aristocrat types love to name the boys with a family name from a female ancestor line.
But not Southern poor folks. I have Georgia sharecropper ancestors named "Queen Victoria" (b. 1896) and "Carnage" (b. 1918). I love the diversity of America!
If my ancestors were Southern Aristocrats, my first name might have been "Kickleiter", which sounds cool, but, I understand, is German for "chicken ladder." Hard to get more aristo than that!
sunsong said...Trump is a deplorable sexist
Maybe, but I don't think you can get that from this comment, sunsong. Trump's open about his sexuality, he embraces sexual activity, he celebrates his sexual history: he disregards uptight, bourgeoisie notions of propriety and embraces his free, sexual nature. Aren't you for all of that? I certainly have to hear how great that stuff is when someone like Lena Dunham does it...why is it suddenly horrible when Trump does? How is that not, you know, slutshaming?
Remember how much ridicule those pious fuddyduddy bible-thumping Republicans got when they said in the early 90's "how can I explain to my children what all this sex talk around Bill Clinton means--isn't it awful that I have to explain office BJs, etc, to my kids?!" I remember. I haven't heard many apologies from the Left about any of that. It's a little late now to play the "dignity of the office" card, isn't it sunsong?
It would have been nice had there been a non "money grubber" running, but the DNC took care of that.
Oops! I'm not supposed to know that! Damn you Russia, turning me into a thought criminal!
Progressives seem incapable of learning from their mistakes. The pussy remarks won't be any more effective against Trump going forward than they were on election day. In fact, they will be less effective on every repetition now. It must be some sort of mental tic with them.
I take great joy in the mental anguish Sunsong and Readering are experiencing in realizing that all the pussy remarks didn't stop Trump from winning, and they just can't seem to stop themselves from returning to their own pile of shit and rolling around in it. Just fucking hilarious!
Isn't Bill Clinton a deplorable sexist? By any definition of the term?
Bill, BTW, has never expressed any remorse for the sexual harassment laws that he plead guilty to breaking. No one has asked him to, I suppose, including his stand-by-your-man wife.
Remember the "children watching" in the '90s? Seems that they didn't show up for Hillary. Quelle surprise.
Bill Clinton is indeed deplorable and he was impeached for lying under oath about it. Hillary is awful too - but she would have been better than Trump. In some ways I am relieved she is not POTUS but that won't make the choices and decisions that Trump makes salvageable.
It's fun for me to watch you right-wingers abandon your principles :-) You have lost all sense of morality with the election of Trump. (Not that the republican party was ever moral.) Now it is just corrupt, money-grubbing and drunk on power.
Have to agree with Michael K. Carlson got it--and got it almost 11 months before the rest of the nation did (or at least the half of the rest of the nation that voted for Hillary).
The folks that are put off by Trump's vulgarity are still put off (had lunch with a couple of my friends yesterday). And there are some very very hot "hot buttons" possessed by those friends which are going to get pressed by Trump. I mean one of them--a lapsed New York Jew married to a North African woman wants to ship all the Israelis off to Australia so the Palestinians won't be bothered. There's nothing that Trump (nor the rest of us) can do that will placate him on that position.
But the ruckus is settling down a bit as the reality of a Trump inauguration on January 20 sinks in.
all the pussy remarks didn't stop Trump from winning
Women have pussies and Men have penises. Despite certain inconveniences (e.g. human life from conception) that has been a cause for revival of scientific mysticism, very few people, men or women, are in denial or otherwise bothered by their sexual attributes. Although, I imagine most would prefer that liberal culture was stuffed back in to the bedroom or closet.
That said, priorities. Most people are concerned about the progress of economic misalignment, social justice adventurism (e.g. wars, regime changes, anti-nativism), refugee crises (a.k.a. immigration reform), political corruption, etc.
Bob Boyd said...
Seems like there are a lot of golden retrievers named Tucker.
It'd be funny to name them "Tucker" when they were puppies and then change their names to "Scooby Doo" after their voices change.
HoodlumDoodlum said...
Trump's open about his sexuality, he embraces sexual activity, he celebrates his sexual history: he disregards uptight, bourgeoisie notions of propriety and embraces his free, sexual nature.
That's all fine and dandy for people with psychosexual problems which they want to pretend aren't really problems, but for icky cisgendered stale pale males "comfortable in their own skins" it is:
Inappropriate! BZZZT! (The Wrong Answer Buzzer of Doom).
It's fun for me to watch you right-wingers abandon your principles
As Paul Ryan once said, wisely but was mocked for it, "Sometimes we have to abandon our principles in order to uphold our principles"
How many years do you suppose you could keep playing the game by a different set of rules before we would notice and insist the game be played fairly?
sunsong: "I have never once watched an entire episode of either one. I saw several minutes of one episode where Respected Journalist Geraldo Rivera was trying to help write an advertising jingle."
Old lefty hotness: Those stupid right wingers and their dumb morality!!
New lefty hotness: Those stupid right wingers and the relaxation of their dumb morality!
Sunsong - How is the GOP money-grubbing?
Hillary set up a private server to stuff her private family foundation coffers. Is there an example of such a thing on the right?
"His wife remaining in another city makes one wonder. "
Hell, Bill got away with it with his wife in the same building.
Yes, Sunsong, I can tell from all of your remarks just how much "fun" you are having since election day. Your anger and frustration shine through in every single comment you have written here since that day.
Yet you don't seem to get it- the people who are happy with the election result are laughing at you every time you write a comment here because your comments are clear evidence of a sore, sore, sore loser. There is reason a commentator like Rhythm and Balls gets treated with far more respect than you by most of the commentators here, but you are too fucking stupid to understand it.
For most of my 64 years TV has featured shows that inform us of how powerful people from NYC act. This has been pretty much represented as "normal" to flyover country. Why is anybody surprised that flyover country finds Donald Trump normal, for a powerful resident of NYC?
New lefty hotness: Those stupid right wingers and the relaxation of their dumb morality!
She is mistaken. We still have our dumb morality.
Something her group has never understood. We are exactly like them. Or, as Paul wrote to the Romans, we are guilty of the exact same things as those upon whom we pass judgement. We don't go to church and worship God because we are good. It's precisely the opposite. We go to church and beg His forgiveness because we know how bad we are.
Her ilk rightly criticize the hypocrisy of those who demand higher moral standards and then do not themselves practice those same higher moral standards.
But who among us can uphold such a standard? None.
So, teach the standard. Strive for the standard. Recognize you will never achieve the standard. And then don't be harsh on your fellow man who also cannot achieve the standard.
This too applies to Donald Trump.
Am I a better man than he? If I thought so, I'd not bother going to church.
Trump's most sexual remarks, like grab them by the pussy, weren't tweeted or said during a press conference or debate. So it's odd to see the outrage on these comments. JFK, LBJ, and Clinton were definitely pussyhounds as Trump was (maybe he still is but he's getting old).
Reagan was "ardent" for 40 minutes with the 19 year old actress when he was between wives.
People fuck and like to fuck and like to talk about fucking. That's why we are all here.
GRW3 said...
"For most of my 64 years TV has featured shows that inform us of how powerful people from NYC act. This has been pretty much represented as "normal" to flyover country. Why is anybody surprised that flyover country finds Donald Trump normal, for a powerful resident of NYC?"
There is probably a lot of truth in this observation. Even worse for Trump's opponents is that Trump himself has been on TV doing exactly that. Television and Hollywood's own presentation of the lives of the rich and powerful over decades completely defanged Trump's opponents in both parties when the time came to defeat him politically. The entire episode is so ironic that I am still laughing about it almost two months later.
So Sunsong, when you abandoned your principles to support a candidate who used lies and corruption to sink your beloved Bernie were you just being immoral or were you drunk on power?
Actually, it's vulgar to talk about money. Everything else is topical.
When men talk about pussy, they are really talking about penises, and usually about how their penis seems to have a lot of opportunities. This doesn't say much about the women.
Getting pussy, is not the same as getting quality pussy. Quality pussy, meaning pussy that isn't sold by the minute on the open market.
Trump got a lot of pussy, but he paid a lot for it.
Why is anybody surprised that flyover country finds Donald Trump normal, for a powerful resident of NYC?
Is alpha-male boasting about getting pussy really all that foreign to resident of "flyover country?" It seems to me to be a well defined behavior of primates that predates human civilization, let alone powerful New York City residents. But then again, it is a cliche that New Yorkers think they are the center of the universe.
Great conversation. Laslo wins again, of course. I can't add much except possibly this: there is a "renormalization" underway. I hate that word but let's work with it here: when two parts of a system are "too" different, a gradient is created and restoring forces arise. The Progs have been in the ascendant (or so they thought) for years. They "progressed" too far and now a great many others --an EC majority-- have had their say. But the election is just one pixel in the picture. There is much more going on at every level.
Motherfucker Tucker for the win!
It has been revealed that Donald Trump's Mom caught him masturbating when he was 15 years old. Playboy's Playmate of the Month for November, 1960 has come forward to demand an apology. "After all these years, I can no longer remain silent", she tweeted.
And this is newsworthy because...?
still waiting...
still waiting...
... because some people think it puts Trump in a bad light? But, it doesn't for the 95% of us who live in the real world with real people, it's just a crude, very successful guy saying the kind of thing that crude, successful guys say.
Still waiting...
2 classless men making a classless comment. I would expect no more or less from either of them. Gag
Vicki from Pasadena
Hello eric???
Did you really mean to say what you said? Read the comments here from your fellow right-wingers. They are NOT preaching morality - they are celebrating sexism. They seem proud and elated that Trump is a sexist and a bore...
sunsong: Bill Clinton is indeed deplorable and he was impeached for lying under oath about it. Hillary is awful too...
Sorry, sun, game over. Nobody's buying the prog Tartuffe act anymore, time to get a new gig.
It's fun for me to watch you right-wingers abandon your principles :-) You have lost all sense of morality with the election of Trump.
OK, you might be able to keep running this hypocritical shtick on people like Chuck and the rest of the dwindling conservative cuck-rump. But that's not much fun when the mass of formerly gullible decent folk are no longer taking sociopathic prog sacks like you at all seriously, and laughing in your face, is it?
Nice, though, to see that you've recovered enough from the terrible trauma of election day that you're able to post more than catatonic one-liners now.
...but she would have been better than Trump. In some ways I am relieved she is not POTUS but that won't make the choices and decisions that Trump makes salvageable.
One is certainly hoping that those decisions will result in meaningful changes that will not be easily "salvageable" by your lot, and that you'll have to work a lot harder and longer to fuck everything up again when you figure out how to get back into power. (So cheer up, sun. The wheel will turn, it always does. Never stop stewing in your resentments.)
By placing Hillary and Bill on the ticket, and voting for them, you left-wingers celebrated sexual deviancy, unwanted sexual contact - and rape.
Reminder: Might want to look up the word "Consent".
There is reason a commentator like Rhythm and Balls gets treated with far more respect than you by most of the commentators here, but you are too fucking stupid to understand it.
Really? :-) You would be mistaken if you think that I write here because I want the right-wing commentor's respect. I was taught to consider the source - which I do. I'm not convinced you even respect yourselves :-)
Ah, the pearls clutched. Remember, Vicki from Pasadena, when our President got blow jobs from an intern in the Oval Office? Now there was class for you. Plus the cigar bit. Ah, nothing like getting a little fun from someone who works for you because power. Plus a fresh young one, know what I mean? But, hell, she was a bit of a slut. More than a slut, I guess, so she got what she deserved.
Oh, yes, consensual.
Blogger sunsong said...
Hello eric???
Did you really mean to say what you said? Read the comments here from your fellow right-wingers. They are NOT preaching morality - they are celebrating sexism. They seem proud and elated that Trump is a sexist and a bore...
They only seem that way to you. No one here is celebrating sexism. Instead, they are laughing at you for pulling the same old tricks out of the same old bag and getting zero results for it.
But by all means, keep calling us racist and sexist and see where it gets you.
Drunk for power?!! Exactly. Plus a good way to screw the poor. I have put in to screw you out of your money or at least some of it. You knew we could do that didn't you? Some elect to generically grab from black people or women but you can also choose a particular individual and get their money. Oh well, we shall see. There are apparently a number of people ahead of me.
Please don't silence Sunsong, it's tears are delicious.
I so enjoy being lectured on "sexism" by someone who supported a serial rapist and his slut shaming wife.
Its just about sex, MoveOn. LOL!
Such delicious tears.
Eric [to Sunsong]: "They only seem that way to you. No one here is celebrating sexism. Instead, they are laughing at you for pulling the same old tricks out of the same old bag and getting zero results for it."
It is a situation both amusing and dangerous. Most of us here IMHO find Sunsong ludicrously off the channel. Just clueless. But s/he seems to think the same of us.
How do we establish the necessary dialogue when there is a howling vacuum of incomprehension between us? Humor only works when the gap in viewpoints is still plausibly capable of being closed. Humor's power and its (social) purpose are to help close that gap.
Right now Sunsong is a faint bzzzzt on the spectrum bzzzt maybe near Pluto bzzzt.
Ah, the pearls clutched. Remember, Vicki from Pasadena, when our President got blow jobs from an intern in the Oval Office? Now there was class for you.
And remember that paragon of feminist dignity who loudly proclaimed she'd get down on her knees and blow Billy-Jeff herself if he kept abortion-on-demand legal? Don't remember her name, but, real class. And who doesn't bemoan the absence of that spotless model of deportment, that First Gentleman of the Republic, Ted Kennedy? But those were the days when standards were lived up to, and conducting oneself in public with dignity mattered, before that fat-fingered vulgarian and his yahoo supporters dragged us all into the gutter.
Let's see, priorities:
1. End abortion rites and clinical cannibalism. No one takes the twilight faith seriously. The casual abortion of over one million wholly innocent human lives in America alone is beyond depraved. Then Planned Parenthood or clinical cannibalism takes it to another level.
2. End [class] diversity and other efforts to reconstitute institutional racism, sexism, etc. No one is fooled by the semantic hoops and emotional appeals.
3. End the economic misalignment caused by progressive debt, out/insourcing (e.g. excessive immigration), irrational regulation, and monopolies and practices (e.g. Obamacare, Fannie and Freddie).
4. End the welfare industrial complex that profits from perpetual non-contributory smoothing functions that are known to be spiritually destructive, a first-order cause of "spoiled child" syndrome, and a sponsor of progressive corruption.
5. End the social justice adventurism, opportunistic regimes changes, international antagonism, and immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises).
6. End selective exclusion (e.g. "="). The liberal application of the Pro-Choice quasi-religion is vulgar.
We warned you about debasing human life, denying individual dignity, and reducing women to womb banks, taxable commodities, and sexual objects for political progress. But, female chauvinists did not, do not have the interests of women, men, or babies at heart.
It seems that unlike Posterity, the liberal culture cannot be excised from civilized society, or at least stuffed back into the bedroom, closet, etc. Well, other than to destroy political rivals, including transgendered Republicans, that is.
Anyway, Revitalization. Rehabilitation. Reconciliation.
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COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks.
"must be some sort of mental tic"
They have 4 years worth of "that's sexist!" talking points intended to shut down criticism of President Hillary... sucks to be them.
I have better hair than both of them.
"don't make personal attacks-"
But amusing to me. As EVERYTHING I learned about trolling was from my first few years on this site, being attacked by liberals. Now I'm considered an expert troll on most lib sites. Frankenstein slouches back to his creator's village...
What's up doc :)
This is the season of the Tu Quoque argument, the result of an election between two of the most awful people in America. Trump is awful ? Well, so is Hillary, and the awfulness of neither diminishes one bit the awfulness of the other. We got this revolting development because the Democrats rigged their nomination and the GOP didn't rig theirs.
Yes Sun, the gold digging groupies throw themselves at you, to such an extent that they will let you grab them by the pussy.
Pretty sure that if I "threw myself" at a woman, you would define it as sexual assault... so why are you so sexist?
Owen: How do we establish the necessary dialogue when there is a howling vacuum of incomprehension between us? Humor only works when the gap in viewpoints is still plausibly capable of being closed. Humor's power and its (social) purpose are to help close that gap.
Ah, c'mon Owen, cut us some slack. We've earned this socially-purposeless festival of laughter and mockery, dammit. All things pass and yeah, we've got to get back to work soon, but right now I have every intention of enjoying the hell out of the current spectacle. If you had told me a few years back that in 2017 the libs would be going all Church Lady decorum-scold on us, or, better yet, running around screaming about treason and Russians under the bed, I wouldn't have believed it. Yet here we are. And I'm not going to stop laughing until my sides just can't take it any more.
Not really Tu Quo. Tu Quo goes like this:
1) Trump groped women
2) but Hillary also groped women
3) so Trump is excused
But we aren't excusing Trump. We simply decline to be lectured on morality by people who supported a serial rapist and his slut shaming wife.
See, most of us already understand that "the Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about" (some dead white guy)... so we don't take your outrage here seriously. It's fake.
Michael, seriously? I made no such comparison. These despicable acts should be taken on their own. I said nothing about the horrible things a past president did.
I am just making a commentary on what the future president and a FOX news host are capable of.
Don't put words in my mouth. Typical rightie, focus on others bad behavior, not on the bad behavior of the once and future king of America. He is disgusting, and your comments are inappropriate.
Vicki from pasadena
More fake outrage. I'm with Angelyne. Such delicious tears.
And OF COURSE these deplorable acts should be taken on their own. Expecting consistency from a female is sexist or something.
I don't think I put any words in your mouth. I think I was making the very clear point that there were crickets from your side of the aisle when the president was getting blow jobs from an intern in the Oval Office. Not a word of disapproval, no clutching of pearls, nada.
My comments are more appropriate than your bullshit disapproval of words against the actual deeds of a president that abused his position by having sex with an employee, an act that would get any CEO of any enterprise in America fired.
So mount your high horse all you want but we get that your smug horse shit is laughable.
Vicki: I said nothing about the horrible things a past president did.
We know, Vicki, we know.
Trump groped women
Allegedly. So far, it has been a ball of yarns wound by JournoLists and their unreliable witnesses. Perhaps to deflect public scrutiny from Clinton's WaterCloset, DNC's [class] diversity politics, and Obama's adventures in social justice.
Blogger sunsong said...
about consent, for the second time:
“…And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
~ Trump
I'm always fascinated by the left and how they form arguments.
It goes like this
1) The sky is blue
2) There are clouds in the blue sky
3) See? I told you!
It's like they have no clue how to make an actual argument. Here she wants us to assume a conclusion. I guess all right thinking people will come to the same conclusion?
I read the above quote and I see the words "let you" and that indicates clear consent.
1) When someone "let's you" do something to them it means they allow it.
2) If they allow it, it's consensual.
3) Therefore, letting you do something to them is by definition consensual.
Fen: But we aren't excusing Trump. We simply decline to be lectured on morality by people who supported a serial rapist and his slut shaming wife.
See, most of us already understand that "the Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about" (some dead white guy)... so we don't take your outrage here seriously. It's fake.
Respect my moral authori-tay!
Sane people:
(eye-rolling, snickering all 'round)
Sane people:
Oh piss off, you pathetic, filthy, lying old whore. Who do you think you're fooling?
Left (bringing out the big guns):
Your comment is inappropriate!
Talk is cheap.
The big dogs rape and kill, and leave a trail of death. Ask Bill.
It's a little late now to play the "dignity of the office" card, isn't it sunsong?
The lefties are alternating outrage and feigned amusement at us "right wingers" embracing the guy who will end the PC nonsense that has harmed the country and put us on the road to ruin.
Meade, I appreciate the reminder about manners. Have you explained this to P&B and a couple of others ?
Do you happen to recall why I quit commenting before the election until others (not you) asked me to return ?
tcrosse said...
Playboy's Playmate of the Month for November, 1960 has come forward to demand an apology. "After all these years, I can no longer remain silent", she tweeted.
Fake news! She had a broken wrist in her centerfold and now she's dead.
It goes like this
1) The sky is blue
2) There are clouds in the blue sky
3) See? I told you!
It's like they have no clue how to make an actual argument.
To be fair, they probably don't. Either they weren't taught anything about logical arguments and logical fallacies, or they were, but weren't bright enough to understand the lessons.
To be less charitable, sometimes it's hard to tell where the dishonesty leaves off and the stupidity begins.
Tuck the cuck destroyer.
"Meade, I appreciate the reminder about manners. Have you explained this to P&B and a couple of others ?"
Michael, our assumption is that everyone commenting here is an adult capable of minding his own manners. We try to moderate with a light hand and hope commenters will self-delete comments they know fall below the standards of those 4 rules following "for everyone else." We especially appreciate it when the first 100 or so comments to a post meet or exceed those standards. Thanks.
Trump should just immunize himself from further left wing criticism by obtaining and using an ample supply of Cuban made cigars.
If you know what I mean.
Hey, remember when all that came out about Clinton and the left FIERCELY defended him and then claimed that "all Presidents" have mistresses?
So wonderful to be lectured by them today.
Blogger Anglelyne said...
It goes like this
1) The sky is blue
2) There are clouds in the blue sky
3) See? I told you!
It's like they have no clue how to make an actual argument.
To be fair, they probably don't. Either they weren't taught anything about logical arguments and logical fallacies, or they were, but weren't bright enough to understand the lessons.
To be less charitable, sometimes it's hard to tell where the dishonesty leaves off and the stupidity begins.
I admit, my syllogisms suck. I've always been terrible at creating them.
However, they at least provide a starting point at which to begin the discussion/argument.
The left never even seems to bother. The conclusion is always assumed. Because all right thinking people, etc etc.
They only seem that way to you. No one here is celebrating sexism. Instead, they are laughing at you for pulling the same old tricks out of the same old bag and getting zero results for it.
But by all means, keep calling us racist and sexist and see where it gets you.
That is truly how I experience your Christianity, for sure.
God bless me and my wife
My son and his wife
Us four and no more
Love? can't find it
compassion? forgiveness? peace? nope, can't find 'em
But what are you hoping to accomplish by laughing at me and reveling in whatever tears you believe I am shedding? How does that further your cause, I’m curious? I am not distressed by it, as I say, I consider the source.
As for racism and sexism: There are in inhumane, as harmful as being a thief or a liar, imo. If you are, such a thing, a racist or a sexist or a homophobe, Islamophobe etc etc then I would suggest it is in your interest to know that. It is in your interest to be told that. Know thyself, right? And if you have not examined yourself for such beliefs and thoughts and attitudes etc – then you probably are, I would think.
And good grief, really???
Consent, (now for the third time)
a running list of women who have accused Trump of sexual assault
sunsong said...
"Hello eric???
Did you really mean to say what you said? Read the comments here from your fellow right-wingers. They are NOT preaching morality - they are celebrating sexism. They seem proud and elated that Trump is a sexist and a bore.."
That right there, is your problem with communicating here- you can't fucking read. We aren't celebrating Trump's sexism, we aren't even excusing it, but what we aren't doing is making it a bar to him being president, especially given the choice in the election.
What we most definitely are doing is mocking your tut-tutting about sexual morality in this case- it really is a case of rocks and glass houses. Only a clueless moron wouldn't understand that. I take your critique just a seriously as I would take it from Bill Clinton himself. That you don't get this is beyond laughable. I hope you don't leave this site- it brings a smile to my face every single time you make a fool of yourself because it just reminds me of how miserable you are these days.
Anglelyne: Agree. My interest in establishing a dialogue is both serious and secondary. Right now I am happy to laugh and point. But sooner or later we will have to round up these delusional idiots and try to salvage something.
What's wrong with being sexy? https://youtu.be/W3Qn1uHlRIY
Yup. Noonan nailed it - patronized by our inferiors.
No more of that, especially after the last two months revealed what emotional children they are.
I mean, we already knew they were unstable, but never imagined to such a degree as they now demonstrate.
And it's something I think we can use against them. Hell, half are probably already pondering how to end their existence in this new 5th Reich.
No standards apply after 100 comments. Did I read that correctly? ;-)
Not really Owen. You are welcome to try, but you'll just find me alone at the end of that road, shaking my head in sadness. Waste of your time and energy, as I have already discovered.
But I guess it's one of those things we each have to learn firsthand - these people are no longer our countrymen.
I'll have a bottle of bourbon ready for you.
Two low-T beta male nerds, GIDEON RESNICK and ASAWIN SUEBSAENG, gossiping like girls on a feminist click-bait sight. Yea, that's powerful, that's deep. The editor picked the wrong sex to rag on Carlson, or did they? LOLz
Sunsong provides even more entertainment
1) never occurs to you that we might not be racist sexist homophobic xenophobes
2) never occurs to you that after 20 YEARS of being falsely accused as such that we don't self-check everything we think say and do, just to be sure
3) never occurs to you that it might be YOU who has the huge blind spot re your own ignorant bigotry
Carry on, Social Justice Warrior. Do you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.
sunsong: "That is truly how I experience your Christianity, for sure."
"true Christians" know how to carve up babies for the parts and turn a profit.
Just got home from the Grocery Store and standing in an hour long check out line. The locals are convinced we will all be snowed in like Wisconsin far up north on the border line. We had enough food but needed wine and coffee...the essentials.
I notice Meade is giving the yellow card. I presume that was about personal insults to other commenters. So far my skipped line space violations have not gotten me into trouble, but I do suggest we not arouse the wrath of the Althouses.
Victoria and Sunsong are very good commenters. And their seeing Trump as a vulgar bully has a lot of evidence to support it. So let's all pile on life long contrarian Chuck. He gives as good as he gets.
But but... Sunsong The Righteous has appointed herself as our moral conscience. It's her duty to remind us what racist sexist homophobic xenophobes we surely must be.
Shorter - please don't take away my new chewtoy :)
sunsong: But what are you hoping to accomplish by laughing at me and reveling in whatever tears you believe I am shedding? How does that further your cause, I’m curious?
Not everything is about a "cause", comrade pickle-puss. Everybody enjoys a good laugh (well, maybe you don't), and human folly (our own and other peoples) are the source of all laughs. You are a treasure trove, with your your lushly verdant moral vanity side by side with an intellect of saharan aridity, and a sour vindictiveness apparent to every eye but your own.
As for racism and sexism: There are in inhumane, as harmful as being a thief or a liar, imo. If you are, such a thing, a racist or a sexist or a homophobe, Islamophobe etc etc then I would suggest it is in your interest to know that. It is in your interest to be told that.
You should read more classic literature, sun. Classic satire, farce, that sort of thing. It's in your interest to be told some things that classic literature can tell you.
Blogger sunsong said...
That is truly how I experience your Christianity, for sure.
God bless me and my wife
My son and his wife
Us four and no more
Love? can't find it
compassion? forgiveness? peace? nope, can't find 'em
As I attempted to point out to you before, you won't find them. Murderers? Rapists? Homosexuals? Liars? Thieves? These are the people who sit in the pews at church. Not saints. Thus the need for the blood of Christ.
But what are you hoping to accomplish by laughing at me and reveling in whatever tears you believe I am shedding? How does that further your cause, I’m curious? I am not distressed by it, as I say, I consider the source.
No one is trying to accomplish anything. Just experiencing schadenfreude.
As for racism and sexism: There are in inhumane, as harmful as being a thief or a liar, imo. If you are, such a thing, a racist or a sexist or a homophobe, Islamophobe etc etc then I would suggest it is in your interest to know that. It is in your interest to be told that. Know thyself, right? And if you have not examined yourself for such beliefs and thoughts and attitudes etc – then you probably are, I would think.
Didn't I just finish explaining to you the apostle Pauls lesson to the Romans? We are all of these things. It is in our interest to not only realize they are wrong and point out their sinful nature. But to also recognize that we cannot escape being these things.
I can therefore condemn the actions of Bill Clinton and simultaneously show him love knowing that I am no better than he is. The same applies to Trump. I am no better than trump. Neither are you.
And good grief, really???
Consent, (now for the third time)
a running list of women who have accused Trump of sexual assault
For a second time, huh?
The first time I responded I didn't understand your lack of an actual argument. Just a quote and we are supposed to draw conclusions from the quote?
Now you've abandoned that quote and provided a link, but still failed to provide an argument.
Perhaps you won't have to try more than once if you'd start with an argument and explain to us why you're so outraged at trump.
Newsflash! Prominent Republican used a bad word in private talk. News at 11:00!
There is a funny audio tape of JFK reaming out an Air Force General about "Silly Bastard" and a "Fuck-up".
At least JFK had a point to make about frivolous defense spending:)
Meade said...
"Meade, I appreciate the reminder about manners. Have you explained this to P&B and a couple of others ?"
"Michael, our assumption is that everyone commenting here is an adult capable of minding his own manners."
(pulls the latch, lifts the hood)
I see your problem right there.
As for racism and sexism: There are in inhumane, as harmful as being a thief or a liar, imo.
That is insane. "Racist" and "sexist" supposedly describe people's thoughts and beliefs. You're describing what goes on inside somebody's head and thus are finding them guilty of thought crime. What matters is not what you think about people but how you treat people. Let me give a brief example:
If I walk into a movie theater, and a large number of the audience is black, I get up and walk out and get a refund. I've had too many movie experiences in the past ruined by black audience members talking loudly throughout the film with no regard for anyone else's enjoyment. I'll happily concede that this is a "racist" assumption on my part. And yet, I spent my entire professional career working with black families and youths involved in juvenile justice and child welfare systems trying to improve their condition, which would certainly seem to be an odd career choice for someone with some kind of irrational hatred towards ethnic minorities, as the word "racist" is supposed to imply.
Consider another example. A woman is walking alone in a parking garage at night and hears footsteps behind her. She gets nervous for her safety and turns around. Would you deny that a woman would feel more at ease if the footsteps were those of a woman as opposed to a man? Does that make her a misandrist? Obviously not. It's a rational response to the fact that men, on average, commit more crime and are more prone to violence than women. Similarly, feeling more nervous about it being a black teen is similarly rational. You're playing the odds. That's what everybody does. Of course in this scenario the female footsteps could belong to a homicidal maniac, and the black teen could be a saint. That's the realm of judging an individual, which is quite distinct from judging a group.
"(pulls the latch, lifts the hood)
I see your problem right there."
Haha. Now that there is some of what I'm talking about. It's not a big ask. Sure, be as annoying as you care to be — just also try to make us laugh a little while you're doing it, that's all. Thanks.
Democrats didn't offer us a better choice,sunsong, that's my point.
Sunsong would like to spend oodles of time exploring your "badthoughts" and "thoughtcrimes", "offenses" for which you can never be truly found innocent....and that's the entire point isn't it?
And YOUR "thoughtcrimes" and mere words are full justification for her (and the lefts) totalitarian impulse realization thru policies.
See campus "hate speech" rules. See the "justice" in that?
Well the lefties sure do. It's just their way of "perfecting" us.
And this is why wherever, whenever the left acquires sufficient political power they always, but only always, veers toward authoritarian and Orwellian systems.
I did not vote for Trump.
But as a conservative, it is not against my principles to vote for a person who said, apparently in the course of a private conversation with another man:
"It’s true you have better hair than I do. But I get more pussy than you do."
This nothing -- nothing -- compared to the accusations against Bill Clinton: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/10/09/heres-a-guide-to-the-sex-allegations-that-donald-trump-may-raise-in-the-presidential-debate/
"Democrats didn't offer us a better choice,sunsong, that's my point."
In their (broken) hearts, I feel sure Sanders and his supporters, who were clearly cheated by the Clintons, know that is true. Trump might turn out to be an average to poor POTUS. We will see. But there is no doubt the Clintons version 2 would have been a complete disaster. I don't blame Bernie Sanders and his supporters for being angry and depressed but really they did it to themselves when they made their corrupt bargain with the Clintons.
@Meade, you and I see eye to eye. If Democrats sincerely wanted to win the presidency they needed to nominate a better candidate.
I still find it funny how Berno ran as a Dem, then immediately after endorsing Hil, bolted the party.
"I'm with her. But I'm outta here."
Only because Trump grabs it....
Anyway, 15 or 16 years ago Donald Trump, then a Democrat, said "pussy."
In about the same timeframe, William Clinton, then and still a Democrat, used that same part of an actual intern as a cigar humidor.
About a decade earlier Edward Moore ("Ted") Kennedy, then and to the day he died an extreme Democrat, along with Senator Dodd sexually assaulted a waitress. The two men did this in front of their dates, which says something about the sexual standards of Democrat senators in the era when they were giving grief to Clarence Thomas, and the women willing to date them.
From this timeline I can surmise that slowly, gradually, wealthy and politically powerful Democrat men are getting more respectful towards women.
The sky is blue
Logic is king and the straight line is to be worshiped
Eternity and infinity to the contrary
J. Farmer,
Sorry about the ‘thought-crimes’ thing. I can actually see how you got there :-)
I don’t mean it like that, in legalistic terms (sorry). I mean it in terms of the harm done.
I think it is wonderful that you work with black families and youth. Any right-leaning person who works to help others is a reason for hope, imo. I want to say, though, that as a rule, what people think, feel and believe generally are acted out. So it’s not some way out there leap to be talking about holding the view that men are superior to women, (that women exist to give pleasure to men) or that people of a different color are less than solely due to the color of their skin - and seeing a solid relationship between holding those views and behaving in ways that reflect those views.
sunsong: "...holding the view that men are superior to women..."
At what? At zero things? At some things? On average? At the margins? At the extremes?
On a thread where you have been criticized for poor argumentation, you demonstrate your inability clearly.
The problem with the racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic line of argumentation is that it is really just another iteration of the ad hominem fallacy. Calling someone racist doesn't tell you if their argument is right or wrong, good or bad, valid or invalid. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., a lion of 20th century liberalism, wrote a book in 1991 titled The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, in which he warned of the possible social turmoil unfettered immigration into the US could cause. Now one could easily dismiss that argument out of hand as "racist" or "xenophobic," but that would do absolutely nothing to discredit the arguments Schlesinger makes. In fact, it does something even worse. It evades them. That's the point of using words like "racist," to discredit something without having to expend the intellectual energy to actually argue it.
I do see this tactic much more broadly used on the left side of the spectrum, but it's occasionally indulged on the right as well. Recently on this very blog I voiced mild criticisms of the policies of the State of Israel and was pretty much told that I hated Jews, was antisemitic, and was sad to see Auschwitz closed (yes, someone was actually that hilariously unhinged). This is a complete waste of time because (1) there is nothing I can do to defend it since the accusers claim to be reading my mind; and (2) it makes no difference to whether or not any of the actual arguments I made were valid or not.
One quote from the old Tucker Carlson essay stuck with me:
About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair. I can’t now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day.
“It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.
At the time, I’d never met Trump and I remember feeling amused but also surprised he’d say something like that. Now the pattern seems entirely familiar. The message had all the hallmarks of a Trump attack: shocking, vulgar and indisputably true.
I think Tucker is partly right. Those are the hallmarks of some Trump attacks. Sometimes -- rarely -- Trump is genuinely funny, without being vulgar. But much more importantly, as he is routinely shocking and vulgar is that Trump is so routinely wrong. Trump is not "indisputably true" as a hallmark. And when you are making a business of being shocking and vulgar, if you aren't hewing to a strict standard of at least being indisputably right, you've got a problem.
"I did not vote for Trump.
But as a conservative,"
Bullshit. No real Conservative would've supported Hillary, which is what a non-vote for Trump was.
And if that's what "Conservative" now means than count me out.
155 comments on this?
I guess there's no accounting for taste.
What Trump said to Ball-Tucker Carlson illustrates a very concrete inversely proportional relationship.
Chuck, who supports anything anti-Trump, thinks bold type makes his argument better.
Also, we made it 155 comments without somebody using cheap anatomical jokes. "I guess there's no accounting for taste."
Tucker from the film There's Something About Mary was a memorable performance.
Someone should advise Trump about the category of True But Better Left Unsaid things.
@Birkel, not quite to 156 [guilty blush]
15 years, huh? Conservative bordering on progressive.
sunsong wrote: "So it’s not some way out there leap to be talking about holding the view that men are superior to women"
I'm a woman and I think it's indisputable that men are superior to women in some areas, and women are superior to men in some areas, generally speaking (there are always exceptions to the rule).
Men have much more upper body strength and can (generally)outrun women, which is why they don't compete together at the Olympics - because women would never win. Men tend to be better at spatial and mathematical and abstract thinking than women are. Women are (generally) better at reading people's emotions, are better at nurturing children, have better verbal skills and are better at multi-tasking. There are biological reasons for those differences, rooted in evolution, which feminists chose to ignore (and they call conservatives anti-science!)
As far as intelligence goes, women tend to occupy the middle of the bell curve, while there are more men at the extreme ends. There are more males who are severely mentally deficient, but also more geniuses.
" (that women exist to give pleasure to men)"
Well, we do. It's not the only reason we exist, but it's an important one. And men exist to give pleasure to women. And I don't mean that in just an exclusively sexual way, either. It's fun to hang out with guys. I would hope most guys - the straight ones, at least - have fun hanging out with their women.
That's the trouble with third wave feminism - it's so gray and grim and life-denying.
" (that women exist to give pleasure to men)"
Men exist to kill spiders and centipedes. There is a big honking centipede with 10 zillion legs in the bathtub right now (in January! In Wisconsin! Why? How is this possible? It's some unkillable genetic freak!) and alas, there is no man available right now to take the sucker out. And I don't have bug spray. Let's see if Pledge does the trick.
If you never hear from me again, you know what happened.
R&B: "What Trump said to Ball-Tucker Carlson illustrates a very concrete inversely proportional relationship"
I was told there would be no math.
sunsong: "I want to say, though, that as a rule, what people think, feel and believe generally are acted out."
Completely and utterly delusional.
What people generally think, feel and believe is RARELY acted out.
That's what makes us "civilized" to whatever extent we are.
But sunsong's assertion gets to the very heart of the matter: if she were actually correct that, as a rule, what people think, feel and believe are generally acted out then that would provide a justification for the lefts continuing habit of conflating thoughts with aggression and violence.
The fact that so many leftist snowflakes believe what sunsong believes is why these leftists believe they are fully justified in using violence to shut down opposing opinions.
And if those opinions which are to be violented shuttered are not articulated clearly, well then, it's up to the lefties to identify those "code words" which really mean whatever any lefty wants them to mean so that the lefty can, again, use violence to stifle opposing opinions.
And, as we've seen all too often, if there is no tangible evidence of "wrongthought" on the part of conservatives is available and no "code words" or "code phrases" are handy to be identified, well the lefties are all too happy to simply make up "hate crimes" to close the gaps.
Thanks sunsong. Your input has, as always, been quite instructional.
"that men are superior to women"
They are. Even the feminists admit this is true - their entire narrative of The Patriarchy is based on the theory that men have easily oppressed women for 5000+ years straight...
Pro tip: if I can oppress you for 5000 years, we are NOT equals.
Now, should women be treated as equals? Of course they should.
But your corrupted mind is denying reality and sliming those who don't share your deluded fantasy as bigots...
Buy a mirror
sunsong: "I want to say, though, that as a rule, what people think, feel and believe generally are acted out."
When you are a Democrat who has never learned how to exercise self-control this is true.
The rest of us learn at a young age - like 5 or so - that you do not "act out" when you feel bad or angry or resentful. It's called "growing up."
As I attempted to point out to you before, you won't find them. Murderers? Rapists? Homosexuals? Liars? Thieves? These are the people who sit in the pews at church. Not saints. Thus the need for the blood of Christ.
Didn't I just finish explaining to you the apostle Pauls lesson to the Romans? We are all of these things. It is in our interest to not only realize they are wrong and point out their sinful nature. But to also recognize that we cannot escape being these things.
That makes no sense, eric. It is simply ridiculous, imo. It comes across as an unusually lame excuse for not being a good person. If your chosen philosophy does not help you to become a better person I would suggest re-evaluating. It is ok to recognize that you have been duped and to change...
Tune in next week when Sunsong says: "Marcus Aureli-who? I don't think he had the first clue..."
I was laughing at you, but now I am just sad.
"That makes no sense, eric. It is simply ridiculous, imo."
No it makes perfect sense. It is only ridiculous to you because you are an immature and sanctimonious child with a shallow view of humans and the world.
Perhaps someday you'll be a wiser person.
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