Elsewhere, I'm seeing the poster as "Hear Our Voice," so let me move past the inane caption and look at the poster.
There's just way too much going on. Too many elements. That's a problem in itself. But look at these elements.
The central image is the raised fist. It's black, so one might think: Black Power salute. But the black upraised fist has been used — some say appropriated — in many logos, including this feminist logo:

That central image of one clenched hand is complicated by 3 more clenching hands, which I assume are intended to show solidarity with the fist, but they are grabbing around the wrist, and that grabbing looks more as though the action is impeding and constraining the fist raiser (or doing that choosing method boys used to do with a baseball bat).
The 3 additional hands are fussily individualized, presumably to express diversity. They come in 3 different shades, and the 2 darker of the 3 shades wear nail polish, and the nail polish is of 2 different colors — traditional red and quirky blue — perhaps to indicate different orientations to conventional notions of femininity.
There's also jewelry to speak of diversity: 2 bangles on the darkest hand and a ring on the white-woman hand. The ring is a bit of an arrow, and I get distracted into the question whether that's supposed to symbolize something. The Hillary logo?
Next, there's a fire (or something) behind the hand. Am I supposed to think of the fist as like the Statue of Liberty with the torch?
And then there's a bird getting scorched on top of the flame. Or is that a seal? Or a ghost? I'm guessing a white dove, wings folded, although if I were a bird on top of a flame, I'd spread my wings and get the hell out of there. But this bird — a complacent white person? — just opens its beak and emits a white ray of light.
I guess the "ray of light" represents speech. So then it's white speech, inspired by black power fisting and flame. Too complicated! Are the grasping lady hands in the lower third of the image trying to stop the black fister from scorching the bird or stop the inspiration for the bird to sing?
The busy background only makes the message more alarmingly weird. I see stars and angled stripes in beige-gray tones and that makes me think of a rejection of the American flag. Thinking of flags, and seeing that the lines burst from the circle, I'm reminded of the Japanese war flag from WWII:

The association with wartime Japan is horrible, but that Japanese flag at least stands as an example of great design, which is not what we get from the "Hear our Voice" poster.
Keep it simple. Pick one idea and present it clearly. I can't hear your visual voice if it's all muddled and chaotic.
Ironically, Trump got elected because he framed a very clear — blunt — message and threw it at us time and again. If you want to get the better of Trump, be clear. You're hitting the street today. You risk looking like the forces of chaos just when he's promising order. Your chaotic speech amplifies his.
1 – 200 of 285 Newer› Newest»It looks like it was designed by a fractious committee with many competing factions.
So the symbolism is probably apt.
I'm picking up a Soviet whiff from the poster.
Why is the Right called violent fascists, when it is the Left committing and cheering political violence?
They left out the bloody coathanger....
I can't even tell which of the hands is transgendered, sheesh.
"Prominent" only in your head, Unknown/Inga.
Between the lefty agitators and the TV cameras the loonies of the "white nationalists" never had it so good.
"Thinking of flags, and seeing that the lines burst from the circle, I'm reminded of the Japanese war flag from WWII"
I see an Iron Cross. Feminazi?
Looks like a white person, an Asian person, and a Hispanic person are burning a black person's hand. Lynching. And the Holy Spirit is with the black person.
Where's the coat hanger?
They set the Black person's hand on fire? An they're not letting her dunk it in a bucket of water?
There's just way too much going on.
This is what inclusivity looks like!!
Bird with a death ray?
I like it. It keeps your attention for more than just a moment. Enough to look at but not too busy, IMO.
Doesn't Trump now own the raised fist?
The Holy Spirit is sending something like the bat signal to heaven to alert everyone there to the situation.
Agree about the Iron Cross...I saw it too but I also notice a similarity to Klan symbol.
@Gahrie, political violence plus don't forget them painting swastikas on synagogues, schools, and other buildings to protest Trump.
The poster is as muddled as the angry and ignorant minds that produced it.
The fist is standard leftist imagery from the Spanish Civil war, that being the Republican salute, and the image became universal. Thats the reason the fist is the symbol of the Socialist International, of a lot of Socialist parties such as the Spanish PSOE. And of course of radicals everywhere like the Black Panthers.
Its been used as a salute by numerous leftist parties and movements, such as Hugo Chavez.
Interestingly Trump seems to have made it into his own political salute, of sorts, but his followers havent picked it up.
The fist may be the worst part of this symbol actually, it has no real US resonance, though it probably does with the left-politics cultist organizers. The US does not have a Socialist Party tradition. It seems rather aggro for a US mass movement.
What do the women want that they do not have? Attention?
"It looks like it was designed by a fractious committee with many competing factions."
Reminds me of the way the state quarters were designed.
The best ones pick one thing, like Connecticut's tree or Mississippi's magnolia, but the worst one's like Wisconsin seem to have just thrown in everything that was raised in the original brainstorming, without even spending the time to decide if it was a good image. So the block of cheese would have been bad even if — as they say — the cheese stands alone. But putting in cheese AND a cow head AND an ear of corn and what-all... atrocious!
Hmmm, on second thought, the bird looks like it's tweeting.
I think Windsor Mann has it about right:
More specifically: “The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their [sic] first day in office, and to the world, that women’s rights are human rights.”
The march isn’t just about women, though. It’s also about “immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault.” I can’t help but wonder if Bill Cosby, a survivor of (his own) (alleged) sexual assaults, would qualify.
Inclusivity is key. Gloria Steinem, honorary co-chairwoman of the march, said, “It’s about knowing each other.” Getting to know 200,000 people in a single day sounds grueling, however noble.
The anti-inauguration is both too late and too early: too late to prevent Trump’s inauguration, and too early in Trump’s presidency to be “about” anything. So it’s about the participants instead.
It's all about everything, and so, nothing.
And, of course, millions of slender fingers in a frenzy of herd masturbation.
They went full Tojo....you never want to go full Tojo
Big Mike: "They set the Black person's hand on fire? An they're not letting her dunk it in a bucket of water?"
I see the bucket now. That's exactly what it looks like.
E pluribus plurissimus. Let a thousand freak flags fly. We speak with one voices.
A confirmation of [class] diversity. The dove of peace engulfed in flames. Its spirit departing in a cannibalistic ritual.
The new administration will have to overcome a clear and progressive inertia.
It's a screaming dove with laser breath, the totem of the left breasted peace amazons.
Obviously it's an updated version of "The Fantastic Four", where Johnny Flame is now a black woman being supported by her colleagues as they torch the people who voted for Trump.
A slow-motion train wreck of a poster. A tower of visual fail.
Yes, true, Left Bank, Trump has adopted the raised fist. The fist of the avenging angel.
It looks like a communist poster. And a clear message about who is running it. BLLM. Black ladies lives matter.
A hate poster.
The background resembles The Iron Cross.
The stars remind me of the Wonder Women, which is a happy thought for me, but probably not what they were going for.
You're right, calling it a hot mess would be overly generous.
Not women, rather female chauvinists, who are at odds with women, men, and babies, too.
A woman without a fist is like a fish without a bicycle.
A Fistful of Dolors
It's like shooting doves in a barrel.
Trump has has really big fists.
Angela Merkel visits art gallery instead of watching Orange Don inaugural.
Ratings, ratings, ratings
Definitely a Soviet style poster.
No married women who are mothers will be at the Women's March? Who knew?!
It's a dove of peace with a frickin' laser on its head.
Also, that is obviously a baby seal, thus the ice breath.
This fist most certainly wasnt appropriated from the Black Panthers or feminists. Rather, they picked it up from their leftist radical teachers.
Born in 1936, at the siege of Madrid.
And then spread around the world by international communism and the terrific media sensation that was the SCW.
I even know where and how Chavez got it. He didnt get it from Cuba interestingly.
Sorry, but the Marxist clenched fist looks like its ramming up inside the female icon.
Like something you might see at a lesbian seminar on vaginal fisting.
Fitting. Looks like Soviet propaganda.
The poor white dove is doing an extended spit take.
buwaya said...
The fist is standard leftist imagery from the Spanish Civil war,
The IWW used it 20 years earlier.
It's like what you get when women organize something.
It's feminine silliness in its purest form.
Meanwhile, is anybody watching the goings on at the National Cathedral, apparently for the spiritual benefit of President Trump? But what I'm seeing is an Islamic assault, a sneak attack from the preaching-pulpit, and The Donald doesn't look all too happy about it. Yet he sits there like a helpless, 1st grade schoolboy.
Uh oh Trump will be petulant today. There may be more people at the Women's March in DC than were at the Inauguration. Yikes.
A fucking clusterfist.
I was listening to the women's March, aka the Hillary's Voters March. America Ferrera was asking whatever happened to "Give us your poor...."
It was the second time I'd heard that this week.
Do people think that is from our founding documents or something? It's a poem, people!!
It's a guerilla hand job. It's going to hurt, you pussy grabber Donald Trump.
I see Meade beat me to the Iron Cross mention. Which, with me, makes three people on the thread. Therefore, it is pretty obvious. But the people doing the design probably have the historical awareness of five year olds.
The IWW used it 20 years earlier.
I'm sure some caveman used it 190,000 years ago...it's probably the oldest political gesture around.
Crabs in a barrel syndrome is why female chauvinist wannabes politically raped Sarah Palin and other women.
Halp us, Daddy. oh wait. We hate you daddy.
Guessing everyone at the design meeting got to add something. Meeting had to be fair with no hurt feelings.
What happened was, Trump's toupee' blew off while he was throwing out the first pitch at a ball game and the fans are fighting for it. Somehow, in all the excitement, a pigeon swallowed a flashlight.
I hope it's televised. It should be very entertaining.
What are they protesting again?
Incredible turnout for the Women's March today in DC. Not sure the sign is of much importance but, if it is, it apparently worked very well.
Maybe the white bird is being burned at the stake by the other hands and is screaming in unbearable pain before being consumed?
What is the carbon cost of this March of leftist women?
If you charge with a closed fist at someone, they might reasonably take it as a true threat of violence.
2 millions angry leftist women. Let's be impressed.
Surprisingly uncommon as a political symbol, the fist.
In the age of mass ideological politics - the 19th-20th centuries - not much used as a party or movement emblem.
Until 1936.
The Delacroix painting of Marianne at the barricades is the way to go. Bared breasts are far more attention grabbing than clenched fists. Instead of her holding a tricolor, however, I would have her holding aloft the severed head of Donald Trump. You could have her stepping over the corpses of the Trump family, and throw in a few Republican leaders for good measure. The crowd behind Marianne can be racially diverse, but it's important that Marianne be young and pretty and have nice breasts--otherwise no one will look at the poster.
What are they protesting again?
"Viagra," according to Ashley Judd.
Freeman Hunt wins the thread at 10:23 AM.
"The Holy Spirit is sending something like the bat signal to heaven to alert everyone there to the situation."
Thanks for the laugh.
Good to know all woman believe the same things.
I guess it's gauche to recommend holding off on protests and the like until SOMETHING HAPPENS.
These people were quite pissy when Rush said he hoped Obama would fail before he came into office. Then these people are having multi-million protests for...REASONS...and that is OK.
"2 millions angry leftist women. "
They're not feminist heroes. They're feminist heroes because they had abortions? I like feminist's who don't abort their children, okay?
HeideC said...
Uh oh Trump will be petulant today. There may be more people at the Women's March in DC than were at the Inauguration. Yikes.
1/21/17, 10:39 AM
Oh, dear, what a shame. Except all those harpies will go home tomorrow and Trump will still be president.
I doubt every woman at the March had an abortion.
Centuries from now, some ancient linguists and anthropologists will be interpreting this hieroglyphic:
"Hum. Everyone of various ethnicities wants to make sure that the flame that can’t be extinguished burns the butt of the peace dove, who cries out in anguish, as the stars fall from the heavens."
(Actually, Ann, I think their art is exactly expressive of the movement.)
A great number of government employees, ngos, and various hangers-on in Washington and suburbs, and Trump declared war against the lot of them yesterday. It sounds nicer to be for "women" than some more specific interest. Like government jobs and related careers.
Very much like the Madison situation really.
Meade said...
They're not feminist heroes. They're feminist heroes because they had abortions? I like feminist's who don't abort their children, okay?
How may children have you borne?
Modern feminism in a nutshell.
Feminist woman,"Honey? I'm in the parking lot at Costco. The car has a flat tire."
Manthing, "There's an inflator in back in one of the side cubbies. Turn on the car and plug it in and then inflate the tire."
Feminist woman," OK. Got it. It's working.(Time goes by) I got it to 70 pounds. Is that OK?"
Manthing, "Uh, a little too much. I think it's supposed to be 42 pounds.There's a sticker, oh nevermind just drive it home."
Feminist woman, " Made it home!"
Manthing picks up some fix a flat stuff on his way home. He notices the tire on his wifes car is halfway down and, reading the directions, releases the rest of the air. He applys the fix a flat and reinflates the tire and drives the car about a mile as per directions.
Manthing, entering domicile, "Good to go hon."
Feminist woman, "You fixed it? Oh good. I want to go to the womans march in Chicago tomorrow."
And people wonder why I find life so amusing.
"I doubt every woman at the March had an abortion."
No, but the ones who are considered by the others to be heroes did.
Easy to envision the oh-so-careful reasoning that went into the placement of which color of hand where. The Left is ever more tightly locked into self-parody, with no avenue of escape.
Bad design and tired visual clichés assure this will not age well.
HeideC said...
I doubt every woman at the March had an abortion.
Not in StupidWorld apparently.
Are they sacrificing the dove on the altar of feminism?
@darrell Clusterfist is good. It should be the official name of the emblem.
The clock radio turned on at noon and the news was of the national prayer breakfast.
Can anything shut these people up?
"How may children have you borne?"
One. That I know of.
March for Women.
UNLESS you don't support abortion.
Then, you should probably just hand over your vagina. Or uterus, at the very least.
I'm for the first president who sacrifices a goat, has a bonfire and shoots arrows into the air instead of attending the national prayer breakfast.
Show some aboriginality.
Can NBC go 24 hours without comparing Trump to Hitler? They failed yesterday.
Or maybe better rendered as (interpreting hierogliphics is imprecise, you realize, as they are mere pictures and we're looking at them centuries later):
"Women of various ethnicities strive to thrust the flame of their indignation toward the tail of the peace dove, who cries out in anguish, as the sun hides its face and the stars fall from the heavens."
That's the U of Chicago Department of Ancient History "quality scholarship" interpretation.
Why focus on the trivial design issues of a symbol of no importance rather than the massive turnout?
"Why focus on the trivial design issues of a symbol of no importance rather than the massive turnout.
Because the massive turnout is of no importance?
My first reaction was to wonder why the brown-skinned woman had an olive-skinned thumb growing out of her forearm.
This is not the fist, err, first time we've snarked about posters like this one.
Millions of angry leftwing women are throwing a tantrum today.
lets be impressed.
The Cracker Emcee said...
Because the massive turnout is of no importance?
Didn't we hear a lot about the size of Trump's rallies? How do they shape up to this one? Does size only matter when we are talking about men's rallies?
Why focus on the unimportance of turn out rather than the massive interest in the poorly rendered design symbol of trivial inchoate issues?
What would happen if Paul Ryan, Betsy DeVos, and Mitch McConnell walked through the crowd with a big novelty gavel?
What if they claimed they had been spit at?
What if they claimed they heard someone yell "C*nt" thirteen times at Betsy?
"Why focus on the trivial design issues of a symbol of no importance rather than the massive turnout?"
I sometimes think that Althouse has a sneaky way of introducing subjects in a roundabout way to escape the wrath of her mostly conservative readers/ commenters. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe she was just critiquing the poster, who knows?
I confess to not having read all of the foregoing comments (generally a bad idea), but this whole march thing is of minimal interest to me. Still, I always get a kick out of Althouse graphic-design criticism. She's so often right on the money.
This poster is muddled because the March is so muddled. Women, gays, BLM, NACP, ACLU. It's just big group hug for all of the loser Democrat identity-politics interest groups.
That's a better, simpler more direct idea for a poster; "LOSERS." Perhaps, a perky, young, progressive, independent, liberated woman, holding her right hand to her forehead in the shape of an "L" for "Loser":
Good memory, Mr. Zrimsek!
Didn't we hear a lot about the size of Trump's rallies?
Yeah, because people thought the size of his rallies was indicative of the voters he was attracting, contrary to what pollsters were saying about him. He didn't win anything because of the size of the rallies, but because the people at them voted.
The massive turnout is hardly unimportant. Trivializing the fact that so many people were inspired to attend the event speaks volumes, but then again, one must not be tone deaf.
The Original
Fisting for ... whatever.
"Does size only matter when we are talking about men's rallies?"
It did on election day. Men and women.
Amusing that people who faint over anything even hinting at Nazi imagery are so comfortable using the marxist fist.
Which ideology has resulted in more murders war and inhumanity?
@Meade et al.: The Iron Cross was used by the Nazis but predated the Nazis and outlived the Nazis: link
Chuck, count yourself amongst the "losers". No one was more against a Trump presidency than you. Just put your thumb and forefinger to your own forehead in the shape of an L, then write an H on your ass for Hypocrite.
Didn't we hear a lot about the size of Trump's rallies? How do they shape up to this one? Does size only matter when we are talking about men's rallies?
1/21/17, 11:16 AM
Those rallies translated into votes in key states, that's why. And BTW, there were lots of women at Trump rallies. I know you dislike inconvenient truths, but Trump won 53% of the white woman vote.
But liberal losers must scream and whine. Because that's what they do.
Fun fact I just discovered: if you scroll your screen up or down real fast, that Japanese flag whirls around like a pinwheel!
"Didn't we hear a lot about the size of Trump's rallies? How do they shape up to this one? Does size only matter when we are talking about men's rallies?"
OK, that made me laugh.
Back to politics-remember the massive Tea Party rallies that were of no significance because they were just assemblies of greedy, racist White people? How is this in any way different?
"The massive turnout is hardly unimportant. Trivializing the fact that so many people were inspired to attend the event speaks volumes, but then again, one must not be tone deaf."
Those people should've been inspired to turn out to vote for Sanders in the Dem primaries. Instead of being uninspired and letting Hillary have the nomination. Perhaps those people were tone deaf. Tone deaf and dumb. Also blind.
Trivializing the fact that so many people were inspired to attend the event speaks volumes, but then again, one must not be tone deaf.
Heidi- I think it's mostly that nobody is really surprised anymore when lefties protest. Anti-globalization, Bush's inauguration, the Iraq war, Occupy Wall Street, Ferguson and Baltimore, and the anti-Trump riots in Chicago and California. It's something you guys just do.
"Those people should've been inspired to turn out to vote for Sanders in the Dem primaries. Instead of being uninspired and letting Hillary have the nomination. Perhaps those people were tone deaf. Tone deaf and dumb. Also blind."
I gotta agree with you there Meade.
HeideC said...
Chuck, count yourself amongst the "losers". No one was more against a Trump presidency than you. Just put your thumb and forefinger to your own forehead in the shape of an L, then write an H on your ass for Hypocrite.
Let it go HeideC. Chuck has has deep issues and grief to work through at the moment. His Republican Party just died.
I'm fine if they want to protest, but I'm irritated that they are just calling it a "Women's March". They need to tie themselves to an issue or a party, because they don't speak for all women. They are Democrats and leftists.
The "massive turnout" is a sham.
1) the MSM has a history of inflating lefty march numbers while undercounting attendance at marches they disagree with.
2) comparisons to last night are invalid because of all the lefties blocking roads and checkpoints into DC. No one was prevention these women from attending.
True that, ARM.
Daddy is mean. Mommy [Nature] is worse.
Looks to me like the beginning of a movement, an important one...
Black women, white women, Asian women and Latinas grappling over who will be in charge of the torch, as a result frying the Chickadee of Liberty which is wailing in agony.
Don't see the problem.
"His Republican Party just died"
Making sure it stays dead will be the challenge.
Shouldn't each arm be clothed in flannel? Major fail.
Whatever. The sad fact that our government run schools spit out these dummies is just that, a sad fact.
***Free abortions! Free and expansive late term abortions! Pink hats for all! We hate you daddy! hands off my pussy!***
The massive turnout is hardly unimportant.
Yeah, but let's not read too much into it, either. It's as much a matter of geography as of anything else.
DC is on the East coast, on the I-95 corridor. A huge fraction of the support of the Democratic Party (especially the feminist wing) lives within a five hour drive of DC, mostly north of DC. Flights in from the West coast metropolises (also bastions of Democratic support) are numerous & relatively inexpensive.
The center of population for the Trumpies is much farther away. Plane travel is not as direct for most of them. Unless you are going to a private event, & like that kind of "ball" stuff, inaugurations are not that much fun, especially for kids. I'm surprised, given the nasty weather, that as many of them came as they did.
To turn the geographical situation around, what would the ratio of Trumpies/feminists be if the inauguration/march was held in Abilene, TX?
I saw several hands fighting to grasp a cloth to keep from drowning. The bird is trapped, and a burst of light (its life essence?) is being squeezed from it. After I deciphered it, it seemed pro-life.
177 sponsors
"Looks to me like the beginning of a movement, an important one... "
You're there at the march, sunsong?
I'm all for revoking the 19th Amendment and this is why.
Women have become hysterical and 2nd wave feminism has sent my generation back to fainting couches and 3rd wave is stuck in the nursery.
Just downright embarrassing.
Daddy is mean. Mommy [Nature] is worse.
True. Unless you can tame her with global warming hysteria, tax rape and the death of the middle class.
"Looks to me like the beginning of a movement, an important one..."
Or a rather large wake...
Fried chicken for lunch?
sunsong- why do you say "The beginning"? It seems to me this is a movement that already exists.
I have a lot of Facebook friends who are marching/supporting the marches, and not one of them wasn't a Hillary voter.
We'll see Sunsong, I'm not convinced, but I hope you're right. It takes a lot of persistence to keep up the energy, but I'm thinking with a Trump presidency, he and the Republican Party will provide the incentive and continued interest.
...but that Japanese flag at least stands as an example of great design,..
It belongs to the D2h symmetry point group, just like the Union Jack and the Confederate battle flag.
I think the pro-life protest in Washington is usually larger, no? The March for Life?
Statistics say 87.3% of the marchers are there hoping to hook up with a stranger and get laid later.
What do we want? To be able to kill our babies!! When do we want it? When the mood strikes!!!
Screeching harpy March.
Bossy March.
Clueless moonbat March.
Looks like a movement?
Looking in your bowl again?
"... that so many people were inspired.."
I wouldn't push that too hard. What I see is a bunch of idiots that were "inspired" by emotionalism, hysteria and fake news. Better if you pretend most of them aren't women.
BTW, when is the Trump Train scheduled to take you to Dachau?
The Washington Post today reported today on a study about schools in the Obama era. They spent billions, and didn't get results.
Obamacare deductibles and premiums are way too high.
I mean come on, Democrats, it wouldn't kill you to stop protesting and listen for once.
sunsong said...Looks to me like the beginning of a movement, an important one...
It's turtling all the way down.
BTW, when is the Trump Train scheduled to take you to Dachau?
The Wyoming Chapter is erecting new fenceposts as we speak.
Pissy bitches when they lose.
You let the Establishment choose your candidate. A flawed candidate with a long history, nasty history.
Doesn't the Right to Life March have more people?
AReasonableMan said...
Let it go HeideC. Chuck has has deep issues and grief to work through at the moment. His Republican Party just died.
Huh. "My" Republican Party owns the U.S. Senate; the U.S. House of Representatives; the governorships of Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin (the most notable Trump-doubters) among many others, and an unprecedented number of state Republican "trifectas" (state house, state senate, governorship).
"My" Republicans -- Paul Ryan, John McCain, Marco Rubio -- scorched their pro-Trump primary challengers.
And now it appears that the majority of the Trump cabinet are "my" kind of Republicans.
The one and only metric you seem to have for me as a "loser" is the election of Trump himself.
And I voted for Trump.
It looks a bit more Sovietesque than like the WWII Nazi propaganda posters.
Chuck said...
And now it appears that the majority of the Trump cabinet are "my" kind of Republicans.
Denial, the first stage of grief.
The outcome of the sexual revolution - millions of women on the march who want sex so bad they are willing to kill for it.
And we wonder why the Left has fallen to Corruption and Dishonesty.
@Seeing Red,
Doesn't the Right to Life March have more people?
Probably not. The RtL march is remarkable for its endurance over the years, & that each year it draws a rather large crowd who march in the middle of a DC January (this year is fairly mild -- last year it ended just before a massive snow storm).
Every year, just like clockwork, you can expect the WaPo to behave as if one of the country's oldest marches, with huge crowds, just simply never happened. Five angry lefties get together for an ideological circle jerk? Front page news. RtL drawing tens of thousands every year since Roe V Wade? Boooooooooorrrrrr-ing!
Those people should've been inspired to turn out to vote for Sanders in the Dem primaries. Instead of being uninspired and letting Hillary have the nomination. Perhaps those people were tone deaf. Tone deaf and dumb. Also blind.
"Women who want sex so bad they are willing to kill for it"
Even rapists think that's a bridge too far. Violence to get sex, yes. But not usually Willi g to murder for an orgasm.
AReasonableMan said...
The Cracker Emcee said...
Because the massive turnout is of no importance?
Didn't we hear a lot about the size of Trump's rallies? How do they shape up to this one? Does size only matter when we are talking about men's rallies?
Or TEAparty rallies.
THAT one got things moving.
Thanks YH
Their grasping and fighting over who gets to carry the torch.
Its that Diversity scale again: "Who has the most points?"
Statistics say 87.3% of the marchers are there hoping to hook up with a stranger and get laid later.
1/21/17, 11:35 AM
If they are lesbians, their chances are excellent. If they are not - well, now, there's an opportunity for a young heterosexual man. Show up with a sign and look suitably ashamed of your own gender and you might get lucky. I personally don't get the appeal of gamma males, but then I'm not a liberal woman.
Statistics say 87.3% of the marchers are there hoping to hook up with a stranger and get laid later.
I'll be there selling beer goggles!!!
I'm noticing an "iron Cross" - that's odd. 'Cause you know who got an Iron Cross?
Insty has a great shot and post.
For some bizarre reason, Australuan women are voting to protest Trump.
So someone or ones paid a sky writer to write Trump.
I never concerned myself with other countries' elections.
Why do I care? I'm not living under their rules and laws.
Marching, not voting.
China kills female babies and Australia is cozying up to China, thanks Barry!
So what is Donald going to do to Australian women?
I'm confused.
It's the Buttercup Flag. Not exactly like the Chrysanthimum Empire's Battle Flag, but treats their victims the same.
I'm noticing an "iron Cross" - that's odd. 'Cause you know who got an Iron Cross?
Man, if you are happy with the Trump cabinet nominees, I'm good with that! I don't see the Secretary of State backing down on his support for TPP; he's not going to blow up the Iran nuke agreement; there won't be any "waterboarding" under Jeff Sessions or Mike Pompeo; they mostly all regard Russia as a major threat; they mostly all regard NATO as one of the great successes in the history of American foreign policy; there will not be any Muslim immigration ban, and no Muslim registry; etc., etc., etc.
Their grasping and fighting over who gets to carry the torch.
They would be if they had a torch. Since the Patriarchy won't give them one, they had to settle for lighting the black woman's fist on fire. The other hands are there to force her to keep holding it aloft to light the way, at least until the bird's done cooking, instead of sticking it in a bucket of water like she naturally wants to.
We'll see Sunsong, I'm not convinced, but I hope you're right. It takes a lot of persistence to keep up the energy, but I'm thinking with a Trump presidency, he and the Republican Party will provide the incentive and continued interest.
Absolutely, Trump and the GOP will provide continued motivation and interest for women and the men who love us. This is just the start. Lots and lots of these women will be running for office and many others will be supporting them...
They're angry in Australia because Hillary carried New South Wales in the popular vote. At least when they say Not My President, they're right.
Ann you are squeezing the image too tightly, but simple is a point and the five women I dropped off at Library Mall to join the thousands of other from around the state seemed to have a very clear and simple message against Trump.
"roesch/voltaire said...
Ann you are squeezing the image too tightly, but simple is a point and the five women I dropped off at Library Mall to join the thousands of other from around the state seemed to have a very clear and simple message against Trump."
What's that?
The message is Hate trumps Trump.
"Absolutely, Trump and the GOP will provide continued motivation and interest for women and the men who love us."
Once again, sunsong, you ignore the 53% of white women who voted for Trump and the men who love us.
You don't speak for "women." I am an individual, not some cookie cutter feminist who doesn't recognize other women as women unless they sign on to your totalitarian agenda.
You're a member of the mean girl's club. "Oooooh, those icky prolife conservative women can't sit at our lunch room table! We won't talk to them."
Worked out real good for you in November, didn't it?
The left always sees "the beginning of a movement" and then it dies among the fighting for graft.
"Why focus on the trivial design issues of a symbol of no importance rather than the massive turnout?"
Where were they November 8?
"roesch/voltaire said...
Ann you are squeezing the image too tightly, but simple is a point and the five women I dropped off at Library Mall to join the thousands of other from around the state seemed to have a very clear and simple message against Trump."
Yep. Clear and simple.
I love Sydney.
Was it noticed by anyone that one woman has her thumb crossed over another woman's hand, in what I imagine is a lover's gesture, presumably to appeal to the lesbian vote?
Stupid and bad, obviously statist if not totalitarian. I would say that it's probably OK to shoot people under such a banner, as under a swastika or a hammer and sickle; sadly my dear aunt is at the March in DC today though, so I wouldn't, today, but I will concede that's merely personal pleading.
ARM: as for how many children has Meade borne...well, do you count?
"You're a member of the mean girl's club. "Oooooh, those icky prolife conservative women can't sit at our lunch room table! We won't talk to them."
Whoa, somebody must've been abused by some bitchy cheerleader in high school.
HeideC said...
Whoa, somebody must've been abused by some bitchy cheerleader in high school.
If blonde probably a Republican.
So there's no excuse for violence against women, unless you are imagining the victim is exiledonmainstreet?
Seems wrong to this deplorable.
Meanwhile, the women organizers of the Women's March failed to properly organize the event. They put the rally attendees in the march route, such that the organizers are now announcing to the WashPost that because the route is blocked, they can't have a formal march to the White House as planned.
LOL to the photo up on Drudge right now.
Birkel trying to build straw men, lol.
The Clenched/Raised Fist is a common communist and socialist symbol. The organizers of this march are making it obvious to anyone paying attention that their agenda is expressly anti-American.
Blogger HeideC said...
"We'll see Sunsong, I'm not convinced, but I hope you're right. It takes a lot of persistence to keep up the energy, but I'm thinking with a Trump presidency, he and the Republican Party will provide the incentive and continued interest."
More importantly it will take a lot of daddy Soros's money.
So you denounce your imagined violence against exiledonmainstreet?
Or not?
Yep, HeideC is a mean girl who is still at a 7th grade level emotionally.
I'm not the one who is whining and crying and marching around in a silly pussy hat today.
AReasonableMan said...
If blonde probably a Republican."
I realize that's a sad attempt at wit, but it's remarkably nonsensical, even for you. Wouldn't a girl abused by a Republican cheerleader dislike Republicans?
Most blonde cheerleaders I knew in hs were not terribly interested on politics.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Most blonde cheerleaders I knew in hs were not terribly interested on politics.
More evidence that they were Republicans?
OK, the organizers changed their minds. They will march after all. They are simply going to march on a route that they did not get a permit for. In other words, the rules that apply to everyone else, do not apply to the progressive left.
Sometimes ya just gotta chuckle.
ARM, I'm terribly sorry you struck out with the blonde cheerleaders.
It clearly left a mark.
You know, turning on the sound on the video feed of the rally every so often, I can understand why so many radical feminists are so perpetually angry and bitchy. Constantly listening to all that would drive anyone insane.
Just imagine if the country had had to hear that for four years from Hillary.
(Actually, people did. That's another reason Trump was elected.)
"You know, turning on the sound on the video feed of the rally every so often, I can understand why so many radical feminists are so perpetually angry and bitchy."
The largest display of mass election induced PMS in history.
"Why focus on the trivial design issues of a symbol of no importance rather than the massive turnout?"
MSNBC reports that the organizers estimate 500,000, which we can safely assume is inflated by at least a factor of 2.
Looks like the new international symbol for political yeast infection.
"More evidence that they were Republicans?"
Not interested in politics? Those chicks were Libertarians. Probably hot, too.
They were supposed to start marching at 1 p.m. (eastern time). A lot of people came from far away to do that. But the rally speakers keep going on and on and on. I can imagine the attendees starting to get impatient and saying to themselves, "shut the hell up so we can go march like we came here to do."
People are comparing the two crowd sizes, but neglect to mention where the protest is taking place -- Washington DC, which voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. A lot of deplorables probably couldn't make the trip to the inauguration -- gotta work on Fridays, you know?
"This is just the start"
No, it's really not. Quite the opposite in fact. As Milo said, this is your "final form". At the height of your power, after 8 years of SJW bullshit, and with the MSM in your corner promoting and protecting you... You still lost.
You can continue to squirm under a new set of false narratives, that's fine by me. Waste your time and energy and resources on some new front.
Berlin is a ruin. Nagasaki is a valley of glass. Maybe 8 years from now we'll find you on some remote island all bunkered down talking to yourself about Teh Patriarchy and pussy grabbing.
But this was your Final Form. And it just wasn't good enough.
You know why? Because most women see feminism for what it really is and have rejected it. The Marxist imagery is just one clue to who you really serve.
Want another? Kelly Ann Conway was the first woman to run a presidential campaign and she pulled off the most stunning upset in american political history. Her name should be on every little girl's lips as an inspiration of what women can accomplish. But your little Marxist tribe won't even give her a shout out, because since she's on the Right, you deny that she has a vagina.
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