"I feel like the feminist movement has been hijacked by the pro-abortion movement or the anti-male sentiments that you read in some of their propaganda and writings. I’m not anti-male. One does not need to be pro-female and call yourself a feminist, when with it comes that whole anti-male culture where we want young boys to sit down and shut up in the classroom. And we have all of these commercials that show what a feckless boob the man in the house is. That’s not the way I see the men in my life, most especially my 12-year-old son. I consider myself a postfeminist. I consider myself one of those women who is a product of her choices, not a victim of her circumstances."
Said Kellyanne Conway to The Washington Post.
Should I be ashamed at myself that I actually like the Trump administration.
... a product of her choices, not a victim of her circumstances.
Most excellent!
What Sydney said.
The feminist movement has devolved into the Ladies' Auxiliary (so to speak) of what Joseph Sobran called the collectivist "Hive."
Burn her at the stake!
Kellyanne is an attractive person, inside and out. Smart, too. She reminds me of my wife who received a BS in Civil Engineering in 1981, was an officer in the AF, a Director of a small department in a fortune 500 Company and totally unimpressed when some liberal feminist tells her how great she is without know how good she is in her job. She likes Kellyanne too.
Well said - hopefully this (when combined with the significant role she played in the campaign and plays in the administration) will start to chip away at the feminist movement.
She is insufficiently grateful to all those women who made her success possible. She didn't build that. How dare she ignore the struggle? And why no mention of intersectionality? She is a victim of false consciousness.
"I consider myself one of those women who is a product of her choices, not a victim of her circumstances".
Well said and it applies to me, as well. It's high time for women and minorities to step up to the plate. They've had choices for decades but having them isn't enough. You have to actually make choices and own them.
'One of my daughters said, “Mom, I don’t want to go to Washington and be known as Kellyanne Conway’s daughter.” And I said, “Well, then cure cancer, and I’ll be known as Claudia Conway’s mother.”'
Product of choices over victim of circumstances. That is the key concept that victims who are pro choice fail at.
Awesome. Equal and complementary.
Discover your [individual] dignity and responsibility.
I love KAC. Totally represents the vast majority of adult females, I've met in my life. Very hard to be a good Mother and productive worker simultaneously. These days being a Good Mother is sufficient. These intelligent, tough attractive women have been doing it for decades.
In contrast, loud vulgar feminists, who learn all this bullshit in college, should be mocked and/or ignored.
"And we have all of these commercials that show what a feckless boob the man in the house is."
Here's a TV commercial that drives me crazy, but inadvertantly suggests women cannot understand the difference between a statistical average versus a single observation, irrespective of how well one can drive.
"Silence" indeed.
The Left and some "lifelong republicans" will have to accelerate their efforts to destroy Kellyanne.
So one can be allowed to slip free of the leftist/"Lifelong republican" mind hive.
Eeeeee, ovaries and heads explode!
Let the men cheer, what else would one expect?
Theresa May is another of the type. She managed to climb to the top of the greased pole of British Politics without being the wife of a former PM and without having to play the Woman Card. BTW she just flew to Turkey to close a big arms deal with Erdogan before busting his chops on human rights.
Lord she's amazing, like the spawn of a Jedi-level troll and crack cocaine.
My favorite label is mommy.
Oh my. Between Conway & Mia Love's speech at the Right to Life march, the Repubs came back with a full court press against the Women's March, didn't they?
I think she thinks too much...
Truth be told, I don't even bother with all those social issues. It's all I can do to be regular, and keep my urine flowing through my prostate with vigor.
A man makes himself out of obligations and a woman makes herself out of needs.
It's not surprising that they fit.
A woman making herself out of needs is why a woman in a man's job, which she may be good at, even so does it grimly. The job fills a need for her.
True about a man and obligations.
What is a man without obligations?
A shell, an adjunct, redundant, or a threat.
Get Smart (2008, Anne Hathaway) displays the well but grimly effect. Compare Carell's opposite fit.
So they ask Kellyanne how she feels.
Kellyanne and Coulter are essentially wordsmiths. Find the right zinger.
The words you have quoted are precisely what I raised my daughters to say and believe about themselves.
"a product of her choices, not a victim of her circumstances."
Well, yeah. But it helps if you're good-looking, especially if you're female. And the fact is, we are all the products of our choices. A lot of us just made some really bad choices.
roesch/voltaire said...
Let the men cheer, what else would one expect?
1/28/17, 1:34 PM
Once again, you deliberately ignore the women who feel as Conway does and cheer her on.
Women are not women to you, I guess, unless they are blathering on about how "oppressed" they are.
I'm not a man, RV.
What a sexist statement.
What is a man without obligations?
A shell, an adjunct, redundant, or a threat.
They find obligations. Hence black gang crime.
They've learned to admire the wrong things, is all.
They're as brave and upstanding as anybody, just to the wrong obligations.
Seeing Red: "I'm not a man, RV. What a sexist statement"
Fens Law.
The left doesn't really believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.
For the most fun a human should be allowed to have: follow the link, scroll down to the 2900 comments, and sort by "Most Liked."
Marchers were worried about women's health, and women's rights. Other than abortion, what is the concern? Serious question.
Other than abortion, what is the concern? Serious question.
75 cents for the exact same work a man gets a dollar for; 9 out of every 5 womyn on campus raped every week; etc.
IOW, cowshit.
But it helps if you're good-looking, especially if you're female.
Yeah, like Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher.
Other than abortion, what is the concern? Serious question.
75 cents for the exact same work a man gets a dollar for
As for the pay thing, I have heard it, but all the women I know make as much or more than men in same job.Anecdotal, I know.
Drago said...
"Seeing Red: "I'm not a man, RV. What a sexist statement"
Fens Law.
The left doesn't really believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about."
No. but they must bask in the glow of their good intensions as if those intentions were the sme as actions.
KAC is a product of her choices, but also a result of a Choice her mother made, long ago.
Fullmoon: "As for the pay thing, I have heard it, but all the women I know make as much or more than men in same job.Anecdotal, I know."
It's much more than anecdotal.
If you control for education level, experience, continuity of work and a few other factors there is absolutely no difference in pay.
What the left is always aiming for is "Comparable Pay" where some government bureaucracy will control wage and benefits rates based on what they determine to be comparable type occupations.
For instance, these government know-nothings might decide that being a secretary (higher % of women) is close enough to say Long Haul Truckers (higher % of men) and force businesses to pay equivalent salaries.
Many leftists will say this is not their intent.
They are lying.
campy said...
Other than abortion, what is the concern? Serious question.
Earlier this week, I was tapped on the shoulder while I was standing in line at the grocery store and, to my dismay, the very liberal retired teacher who lives down the street from me was standing there. She told me she went to the March in Chicago (of course she did) because "we need to make our voices heard! Women are not listened to!" I was stuck in the damn line with her for 5 minutes and said nothing but "Hi" and "uh huh" and, finally, "see ya, take care" because she ran her mouth nonstop all that time about how nobody listens.
She's like that all the time. I can't imagine what it was like to be trapped in a high school classroom with her. If I had been able to get a word in edgewise, I would have been tempted to say that perhaps people would listen to her more if she talked a little less.
"Should I be ashamed at myself that I actually like the Trump administration."
Yes, you should hang your head low from guilt and shame.
You should also see a shrink to find out why you make such poor choices, and why you hear Kelly Ann's "alternate facts" voice in your head.
It is rare that a shrink would suggest you become a boozer, but in this case you are drunk (or the equivalent) with Trump's inanity, and insanity already.
This is such an urgent matter, or else you will become a full-fledged Trump surrogate mother, like Kelly Ann, and ultimately be forced by the overturning of Roe to carry the devil Trump's baby to full term. The baby's horns and pitchfork will be the least of your worries. You will have to pay for Trump Junior's upbringing, and hooliganism, no matter that you didn't even realize that you were raped by his Unholy Father in a sexual assault known as pussy-grabbing.
So you ARE a conservative moby!
Fine work!
So the deal is that if a woman says she is not a feminist, then the orthodox left will say "How can you say that, when feminism is just the radical idea that women are human beings!"; and if she says she is a feminist, the orthodox left will say "You can't be a real feminist unless you follow all of the precepts of the left, and especially the principle that thou shalt not oppose abortion!"
It's really pretty simple.
No wonder they hate her.
I find myself more and more making common cause with people I never thought much of, or even thought much about, because we're hated now by this lefty trash clogging up the media and schools. I don't consider myself a trumpeter. But I've had to begin telling a certain sort of asshole to put a cork in it already. In reaction to hatred raw and hot I've had to consider whether I really am on the right. I never thought so before. But, considering the shit show on the left, I have to say that I'm much closer to the right than ever. I'd be mortified to be mistaken for a lefty. Not so much the other way.
Damn, she's good.
And I mean good as a grounded person, not just good at scoring political points.
"...you were raped by his Unholy Father in a sexual assault known as pussy-grabbing."
I was never much in favor of sex education classes until Trumpit wrote this. I was wrong. Apparently, the need is yuge.
Every faulty tenet of the left is being exposed. When they shamefully attacked Palin for being a conservative woman McCain hung her out to dry and the GOPe pussed out. Now republicans have a real leader. The people that vote for republicans have someone who listens to their voters and fights for what they want.
The left has nothing left. You can't point to Cuba, Venezuela or Mexico and say "give me more of that!" The women's march has been outed as bitter Soros losers and tools. Most people are not interested in being associated with nut jobs who prance about cursing and throwing bricks through windows with stuffed pussies on their heads.
And then you are left with mouthpieces like Chuck Todd. Former democrat executive staffer now pretending to be an honest arbiter of news. It isn't like we forgot who they really are. What a joke.
Achilles says: The left has nothing left.
They have their newest--and strangest--bedfellows: Muslims. When grasping for any and all anti-Trump allies, they are now turning to the hijabbed bunch. As Alice observed, things are getting 'curiouser and curiouser'.
"One does not need to be pro-female and call yourself a feminist, when with it comes that whole anti-male culture where we want young boys to sit down and shut up in the classroom. And we have all of these commercials that show what a feckless boob the man in the house is."
As a teacher, sometimes I want boys in the classroom to sit down and shut up, but only at times when I want the girls to do the same thing. Often times they're up out of their seats; most of the time they are working together to learn something, which requires talking.
Are conservative anti-feminists really pining for an era where boys in the classroom were allowed to talk more than they are now, and weren't told to sit down and shut up? When was this era, and what does it have to do with feminism?
As for the commercial thing--those aren't feminist commercials. Feminists don't depict men as boobs who can't do anything around the house--that's a patriarchal stereotype used to justify woman as the domestic caretaker.
Xe's in a class of zitzelf.
You will have to pay for Trump Junior's upbringing, and hooliganism, no matter that you didn't even realize that you were raped by his Unholy Father in a sexual assault known as pussy-grabbing.
I agree with Bad Lieutenant, you are a parody !
You did have me going there for a while. but nobody is as stupid as you sound.
"As a teacher, sometimes I want boys in the classroom to sit down and shut up, but only at times when I want the girls to do the same thing. Often times they're up out of their seats; most of the time they are working together to learn something, which requires talking."
That's why an order of magnitude more boys are dropping out of school. That's why nearly twice as many women graduate from college. Do we need to look up medication rates?
Didn't think so.
The left has nothing left.
Oh I know. The left can only hope, dream and wish for the 36% approval rating that Trump drops to in his first week in office!
3 million more votes. Say it with me. And that's with a conservative Democrat who grew up supporting Barry Goldwater. Against a lifelong Democrat who took over the Greedy Old Ponzis' party simply by speaking FDR's lines to the working poor.
Your party is a bunch of phonies and everyone knows it. The fact that you think your power and your structural skewing of the game of acquiring it to benefit you reflects popular will is the sickest sorriest joke I've ever heard.
The women's march has been outed as bitter Soros losers and tools. Most people are not interested in being associated with nut jobs who prance about cursing and throwing bricks through windows with stuffed pussies on their heads.
Keep telling yourself that. They won't support an admitted assaulter who seems to naturally ally himself with unpopular movements to control people's bodies. Funny, that. You have to be criminally delusional to forget that. Or just a bit too smug to have not had to worry about being raped any time soon.
Trump as the anti-Soros. That's hilarious. Let's make a bet that he agrees to no policy or legislation that won't enrich precisely himself. His paid-off lackey Ben Carson practically admitted that at his hearings. Housing and Urban Development -- for the benefit of the POTUS. What a guy of integrity. Does he have ANY allies or friends or will all his nominations simply be vanquished political foes and other obscure weirdos (like Jefferson Beauregard Sessions) who simply pose no political danger or lack any natural power base?
"I consider myself one of those women who is a product of her choices, not a victim of her circumstances."
There is no Den she will not enter. I just hope she keeps coming out alive.
Let's make a bet that he agrees to no policy or legislation that won't enrich precisely himself.
I would take that but if only to find out how you twist things to your notification. Hope come out with a bill about daylight savings time and you'll say he's doing that for cooked purposes. In reality I think you will do nothing of the sort. Someone who's invested in the economy a chance to be affected by me. You're just really talking out of anger and not making sense.
Excuse the voice to text failures. Do your best. Happy Chinese New Year everybody! Gung hay fat choy
oh and the last popularity number I heard for him was 57 not 37
I LOVE this exchange with the Post interviewer who keeps trying to make the pussy grab comment the sum total of Trump and ohmygodhowcananyonevoteforpussygrabber:
WP: You have four kids. Did you have to explain to them why it was okay that someone who said this would be president?
KAC: It’s a little bit of a cheap shot to raise my kids into a question like that. I just want to say that because people do it all the time.
WP: Let me explain why I don’t think it’s a cheap shot. A lot of people with kids had to explain that to them.
KAC: Right, but I already had to explain to my children many times why Hillary Clinton lied so many times and, frankly, why she made a different choice when faced with a cheating husband than my mother did. That was to my older children. I had to explain many times why the media were so unfair to Donald Trump. “Why would they say this about Donald Trump, Mom, if you’re working for him?” Because kids and others unfortunately think if it’s on TV it’s true. That probably is no longer the case because people realize that no one on TV is under oath and anything can be said in a screaming chyron or, in the case of The Washington Post, unfair and untrue headlines that are just there for clickbait.
They keep trying to game her with their tired tactics and she keeps (while always smiling) shows them where reality must have its say. SHE'S AWESOME.
They won't support an admitted assaulter
Really...and just when did they reject Bill Clinton?
For the Nth time, who admitted any assault? You cannot fairly parse Trump's words on the Access Hollywood tape to say so.
"Keep telling yourself that. They won't support an admitted assaulter who seems to naturally ally himself with unpopular movements to control people's bodies. Funny, that. You have to be criminally delusional to forget that. Or just a bit too smug to have not had to worry about being raped any time soon."
Bill Clinton is a Democrat.
Trump as the anti-Soros.
And the anti-Koch brothers. And the Anti-Carlos Slim. And the Anti-Jeff Bezos. The big 5 banks also tried to stop him. Every corrupt foreign country gave his opponent piles of money. GE, Honeywell, all of the Neo-Cons, the corrupt media that sold Bernie out, Berkshire-Hathaway, Silicon Valley. The UN hates him. The EU elite hates him. Every globalist fatcat out there is working overtime to keep the power and wealth they all accrued during BushClintonBushObama's tenures concentrated and you guys wanted another Clinton to keep the wealth flowing to the top.
Do you need help looking for a pattern?
You are done. Like dinner. Go get your pussy hat and embarrass yourself or you can get on our team and help influence things that matter. The unions are already jumping ship. Their leadership will have no choice soon because the rank and file has had it with the democrat party screwing them over. Once all the unions are on our side your electoral chances are zero. And that is before voter ID laws are passed and the sanctuary cities are broken.
The democrat party will need to actually listen to voters rather than throw stupid tantrums and sniff their own farts. Democrats will be an afterthought on the national level until they change drastically.
I read the first 50 or so comments on the Washington Post website where this ran, and it was kind of amazing. Almost all of them called her various names and were just spewing hatred and blind, impotent rage. Not a single one defended her. One commenter, just one, mentioned to another who was particularly vile that comments like his were part of why Trump won.
I live in Prince William County, and until I retired a couple of days ago worked for the government. These people are my neighbors, but I don't know them. Trump did not get many votes here, even in what used to be a reliably Republican county.
Most federal employees really don't like him. They just can't see how the rest of the country perceives them. Upton Sinclair was right: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Once all the unions are on our side your electoral chances are zero.
Union members also went gangbusters for REAGAN and he was the outsourcing asshole who started this whole mess. Got the corporatists all horny to see how far they can go. And good luck on your REVOLUTION, wanky. Trump is one person. The corporatist Republicans still need donations to win if not just one time on the heels of his run against an inferior candidate. But the Democrats will not. What did you think all those Republicans he needs to implement his agenda will win re-election on, if not corporate donations of the sort that are running Trump's cabinet? Their zombie-like personalities?! Hahahahahahhaha. Don't make me laugh.
Clinton admitted nothing forcible. Trump's on tape. His approval rating is dropping into the 30s faster than anyone in recorded history. Enjoy your brief romance affair with the working class. It will dissipate long before your swamp running the House and Drumpf's cabinet need massive corporate campaign funds once again - i.e. 2018. Hopefully his consumer tax on Americans buying goods from our largest trading partner will help. But we already knew you were just pretending with that bit anyway.
And that is before voter ID laws are passed and the sanctuary cities are broken.
Your disgusting, despicable efforts to disenfranchise and suppress will not stand judicial challenge. Nor will your effort to do whatever you can to break the economies of the very cities that provide the engine for most of the country's economic activity. Your efforts to break them will fail as miserably as your pathetic attempts to force women to carry pregnancies to term and take over the nation's culture and entertainment industries. Enjoy your rapist-in-chief while he lasts. Enjoy deluding yourself into believing that Republicans (like lifelong Democrat Trump) can relate to the human condition while it lasts, also.
And I hope you enjoy Trump's order to deny entry to personnel who put their lives on the line for the U.S. military. That must've felt really good. Companies are going online to protest the move, but I guess you'd believe that bone-spur-claiming deferment dodger Trump (who says he gave for his country by suffering from STDs) really has the moral high ground on that poorly thought-out one.
The WaPo fact-checker is getting hammered for going after Trump for the refugee order because they completely ignored a ban on Iraqis (and Syrian christians) under Obama.
His classic response? "two big differences: 1) pause was not announced at the time, done quietly. reporters only found out years later. 2) not based on religion."
So now the MSM's excuses for the double standard are Obama doing it in secret and they weren't really doing their jobs during a democratic administration........so pure.
"That's why an order of magnitude more boys are dropping out of school. That's why nearly twice as many women graduate from college. Do we need to look up medication rates?"
Wait. You think that more boys are dropping out of school because teachers are telling them to "sit down and shut up?"
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