Here's how Melania showed up to appear with her predecessor:

Note the similarity in the sleeve length and the flapped over section at the top as well as the color. The colors are interestingly different, and — funnily enough — for all of Melania's matchy-matchiness* — Laura's color would have much more closely matched the Tiffany box...

... the box that led to so much awkwardness yesterday — laughed at by me here.
I ran across that picture of Laura because, in the comments at that last link, MadisonMan said:
The picture of the Obamas' arrival at the White House 8 years ago includes Michelle handing a package to Laura. Why should she have been surprised to receive something today?I still haven't found a picture of Michelle arriving with a package for Laura. I have no idea whether bringing a gift is traditional and required or bizarre and rude or somewhere in between, but I do think there is a principle of etiquette that overrides all others which is that when someone else is trying to be nice but gets something technically wrong, you do what you can to smoothly erase the appearance that anything is awry. The classic trope is Drinking the Fingerbowl. Thus, if Melania committed a faux pas, Michelle committed a worse faux pas.
* "Matchy-matchy" has been a standard fashion insult for many years, but as Maureen Dowd said in her live-chatting of the inauguration:
Matchy-matchy used to be bad but Melania may make it a trend. Coats and dresses that match, like old Doris Day movies. Monochromatic outfits that make you look tall and slim, like Marlene Dietrich and Audrey Hepburn in the “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” scene where she’s all in fuschia.ADDED: Here's the video showing that Michelle did in fact bring a gift and hand it to Laura. Watch how deftly Laura hangs onto it while keeping it out of the photo op:
Laura carries it as if she appreciates it and hands it off discreetly to an unseen person after she enters the house.
The WSJ, early in the Obama Administration, did a photo essay comparing the clothes of Jackie and Michelle. Very, very similar.
I watched the pizza box clip and didn't find it nearly as bad as the descriptions made it sound-I think Michelle was just momentarily caught off guard. Barack seemed to be rushing to get the photo op set up, which actually increased the awkwardness of the box even though he then put himself forward as the one who would come to the rescue (typical BO, IMO, including his running commentary about how he was going to explain the protocol to the newcomers.)
If anything, I question why there weren't any staff people around for Michelle to pass the gift to, but perhaps the busy schedule for the White House staff explains that.
"I question why there weren't any staff people around for Michelle to pass the gift to"
Yes, especially if it was not unprecedented.
How come there's no mention of Michelle's, umm, drab outfit and unflattering hair style? Was she busy packing and cleaning up until the last moment and couldn't be bothered? Yeah, right. I think it was on purpose to align with her general demeanor showing her unhappiness at Trump's win and a sign of disrespect that she didn't bother to "pull herself together" for the special guests.
Does Michelle do the bun thing with her hair when she is displeased about something, but agrees to wear a wig for "happy" occasions?
Ha, found it:
Yes, Michelle brought a gift. Laura avoided the awkwardness by tucking it behind her back for the photo (gotta love Laura.) Admittedly, the box was less awkwardly shaped than the Tiffany box.
So Michele brought Laura Bush a rectangle-shaped gift 8 years ago.
But that was then and the Obamas could do no wrong.
Now EVERYthing the Trumps do will be deemed unprecedented and outrageous and a threat to democracy.
Melania wasn't 'inspired' by anyone. She is a fashion model and knows clothing very well. She obviously picked the right designer and selected the most appropriate yet flattering style. Jackie never looked that good.
Monochromatic outfits that make you look tall and slim, like Marlene Dietrich and Audrey Hepburn in the “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” scene where she’s all in fuschia.
I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's on TCM yesterday and was struck by the resemblance of Melania to Audrey Hepburn.
Melania is very clearly a fashion model. It's somehow rude and sexist to put her up against Mrs. Obama or Mrs. Bush, two dull and rather plain looking women.
I'd been assuming it was her old uniform from Beauxbatons Academy.
Jeez Paul is that a porn site?
We are new to protocol in the States...the Royals would have had this done properly.
The Tiffany Box faux pas. Quelle horreur.
It is about appearances not policies.
It will be interesting. Melonia seems to have more fashion sense and flair than any First Lady than, say, Jackie, and, of course, the figure to wear high fashion. She would be at home on the streets, and runways, of Paris. Never could understand why anyone thought Michelle was in any way a fashion diva. Rather, she is a very big woman (in the photos,almost as big as Trump), often carrying a little extra, who has those inherent problems to cover up. Which is what a lot of her clothes have to do. You have one First Lady having to hide a lot with her fashions, and her successor being able to wear most anything stylishly. As I said, high fashion, versus fashion to hide past sins.
How healthy it is that the focus is off of the autocrat and on the swim suit model.
...when someone else is trying to be nice but gets something technically wrong, you do what you can to smoothly erase the appearance that anything is awry. The classic trope is Drinking the Fingerbowl.
Or eating from it...
Why not leave your friend here? While you're gone, he can tell me how to run my business."
Slavic culture. Honoring your host is an act of altruism. Americans have a similar tradition.
Compare the crowds: 2009 inauguration at left, 2017 inauguration at right.
Ratings, ratings, ratings
More women are marching against Orange Don - in the US and around the World - than people attended the Inaugural.
Ratings, ratings, ratings
I'm a frumpy, middle-aged Midwesterner and I want to take Mrs. Pence in hand. She can do better.
Geez, this is like Fergie v. Diana!
I just bought a fun choker last night from Needless-Marcups outlet store that would have looked great with her evening gown. Just because I'm dowdy doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun!
I looked at Ivanka's fine Jewelry line. Mrs. Pence should have worn a pair of her earrings!
If that were me, I'd be making heads explode. Because it's fun!
China will step into America's shoes wrt globalization.
Orange Don and Trumpland have handed America's role to China.
Trumpland and Russia are celebrating but China won.
No guns or bullets just economic.
It is now the start of the Chinese Century.
I am so thankful I'm an adult and don't pay any attn to people who are stuck in the high school prom queen popularity mode no matter how chronologically old they are.
I want deed, not word.
Post by a kvetching feminist princess.
Melania is ho,hot,hot. Now I know why i voted for Trump :-).
Horrible thought -We might have been seeing the witch for the next for years instead of Melania. Thank God for our electoral system.
"I'm seeing the tie to Laura Bush." Yeah, sure, uh-huh.
@mt: "Jackie never looked that good." Now you are really questioning Dem gospel.
So you think a country who's older than we are, average about 65 years of age can do better than we can?
They can't even clean their air, no wonder why they have to colonize.
Humlaut LeBlanc, Fashion Icon of Fabulous…
I am Humlaut LeBlanc, Fashion Icon of Fabulous, and I have travelled all over the globe in search of Inspiration — except for Africa, of course: so much of the clothing there seems unnecessarily garish and itchy. And I like Africans better when they are in Milan or Paris, and possess the finer details of European Etiquette and the proper serving of Room Service…
Yet I was simply in my luxury hotel room in Manhattan when I came across an old Doris Day film on the television. Gott im Himmel — I found Doris Day to be tres bien Fabulous….!
Some Fashion Loves the Woman, some Fashion Hates the Woman: it is the Mercurial Nature of the Iconic Gay Designer. As such, Doris Day’s Look reminds me of when I was a small boy with my crayons, coloring ice-cream-colored dresses onto the nude women in the pages of my father’s pornography…
Ah, memories: I remember my mother singing “Que Sera, Sera” to me as she lovingly washed my hairless genitals during my bath. Yes: you can truly understand how Doris Day made Americans forget about the Jewish Problem…
I am Humlaut LeBlanc, and I Believe in Fabulous…
I am Laslo.
We are new to protocol in the States...the Royals would have had this done properly.
The Tiffany Box faux pas. Quelle horreur.
It is about appearances not policies.
Appearances per the British UC dictates, i.e., ugly florals and hideous hats. I was awfully proud of Nancy Reagan in her elegant pink ensemble at the Royal Wedding standing out like a solitary rose among the geraniums.
OTOH, I think Nostradamus already covered this.
Can you imagine anorak missiles going off course and landing in China?
Or with all the riots China has, breaking apart?
It's hard to manage a billion people.
Psssst, The former rapist sold us down in 1993-4, IIRC.
"Compare the crowds: 2009 inauguration at left, 2017 inauguration at right."
The shallow left is impressed with celebrity.
First, the angry violent left was blocking access for those who might have attended from farther away.
Second, there are other photos around suggesting that comparison is fake.
Third, comfort yourself with such minutiae while the adults get to work to save the country.
I actually thought Melania's coat collar was brilliant because when one is standing in 50 degree weather for a period of time, one wants to keep as much warmth in as possible. She looked elegant, classic and most importantly warm.
I'd get sick if I didn't have something around my neck, especially since my ears wouldn't have been covered in that weather.
Asia = China + Japan + South Korea + Singapore + Others = the Factory of the World. They have already hollowed out manufacturing in Trumpland. You seriously think they are going to give it back. Asia does not sell to the US only but to whole world.
The only manufacturing jobs, jobs, jobs coming to Trumpland are for robots, robots, robots.
Trumpland does not have the manufacturing education, skills or experience to compete with Asia. Let alone the manufacturing tools.
Empty stands as Orange Don arrives at the Presidential Reviewing Stand (and the White House)
Ratings, ratings, ratings
Obama is more popular! waaaaaa! He's our hollywood god!
Obama is gone and now it's time to unravel his mess.
If we must pay so much attention to the First Lady, I am really looking forward to having one with class, taste and refinement. Despite all the fawning and slobbering over Michelle, with a few exceptions she dressed horribly and looked like she dumpster dived in a Salvation Army reject bin. What a slob! You are supposed to be representing the United States and getting off of Air Force One looking like you just rolled out of you homeless camp sleeping bag.
Melania's beautiful periwinkle blue Ralph Lauren outfit was classy and elegant. Clean lines. Impeccable tailoring.
Now. The rest of us who can't buy in such elevated strata can also follow those fashion rules. Less is more. Melania can probably buy something off the rack from Sears and look just as elegant. It isn't the money....it is the taste and sense of fashion.
The media kept trying to tell us that Michelle Obama was a goddess and a fashion icon. Come on.....we have eyes!!!! You aren't fooling anyone.
I think Melania Trump probably transcends any fashion rules that are supposed to apply to the rest of us, things like matchy matchy (which used to be required and then we were told it was bad, probably because people in a room somewhere decided to make it so -- like cerulean blue in The Devil Wears Prada).
I always thought it was kind of interesting, that Michelle Obama who is an Ivy League educated lawyer and was a professional woman before the White House was turned into this glamazon when she became First Lady and now we have a First Lady who actually comes from the fashion world, I wonder if she will become known for her intellectual heft now that she's in the White House.
More Empty Stands as Orange Don walks ...
Ratings, ratings, ratings
I think even the lefties are conceding that Melania looked spectacular. Has anyone commented on how sloppy The Don looked, with his coat unbuttoned?
Gentlemen, the First Rule of dressing is to keep your coat buttoned, when you are standing. The Second Rule is to keep your coat unbuttoned, when you are seated.
My comment to my pro-Trump friends as we watched the inauguration was that Trump looked like a Mafia boss on his way to dinner in Brooklyn. Not like a president at an inauguration.
While it would seem superficial to be so obsessed with a First Lady's appearance, it can be a valuable asset. Without Jackie, JFK's presidency would have been ho-hum. She probably got as much press as he did. On his foreign tours, many turned out just to see her and to comment on her clothing. It helped that she spoke flawless French and passable Spanish. Melania speaks five languages, including French and German. Undoubtedly an asset.
I love "The Thin Man" series.
There is a line in there I might actually get to use to a vile prog to cut their defanged ranting off at the knees.
He's illegitimate!
What do you mean he's illegitimate? His parents were married!
Deer in the headlights stare.
That way, one can smoothly move on to more interesting topics.
Or the old adage "Never talk politics or religion."
Who knows maybe manners might make a comeback.
Who am I kidding?
I wonder if she will become known for her intellectual heft now that she's in the White House.
Nobody is going to become known for their intellectual heft in this White House.
I think even the lefties are conceding that Melania looked spectacular. Has anyone commented on how sloppy The Don looked, with his coat unbuttoned?
When men are too tailored they are considered foppish.
How fitting, Chuck, since I've felt for the past 5 years I'd rather own money to the Mob than the USG.
It's the Chicago Way, get your head around it.
Melania was paid handsomely to wear expensive clothes. That was her job. She's a great beauty and knows how to dress well. Tom Brady is a natural athlete and knows how to play football. I appreciate the wish to criticize Melania and that coven of Nazis Trump calls his family, but this is not the best angle of attack. The Trump family is photogenic, and they dress well. Perhaps they should highlight the cost of her dress and explain how that money could have kept a village of starving Sudanese alive for a year. That's the ticket. Talk about how Melania only thinks about expensive clothes and looking pretty. A superficial woman for a superficial man.
Laura was very classy, and prettier than the media gave her credit for.
And the expression is "fauxer pas"
Trump looked like a Mafia boss on his way to dinner in Brooklyn. Not like a president at an inauguration.
Still looked like THE BOSS :-) because he IS the boss.
Trump does wear boxy suit jackets and his tie is too long. But, I do believe that during many of his campaign and public appearances he was also wearing bullet proof vests. If so, the tailoring of his jackets would be a bit difficult and perhaps the boxy frumpy look. He also tends to slump a bit.
Immature women with piercings, body odor, daddy issues and tattoos unite!
Bruce Hayden
High Fashion vs. Hide Fashion = Melania vs. Michelle
Yes, all women know there are some who would look good in a potato sack and some who look like a sack of potatoes and neither gets to choose which they are. This tragedy is what separates the women from the boys. It's what Chelsea and Caitlin will never understand. They just think they look good in a dress as if it were a expensive suit.
Michelle looked good with Laura.
Yesterday she looked like she rolled out of bed and spent 1minute putting her hair up.
Loved the color, not the style.
"More Empty Stands as Orange Don walks ..."
Celebrity whore wants more photos.
Here's one.
"Unknown said...
More women are marching against Orange Don - in the US and around the World - than people attended the Inaugural.
Ratings, ratings, ratings"
More women aren't marching against Trump, than voted for Hillary.
"Empty stands"
If only the relative attendance at the previous inauguration was how we selected the next president!
Melania proved she does not need hollywood fashion-fascists to dress her in tacky hunger games.
She's a beautiful tall slim former fashion model. And she looked amazing for all the reasons already stated. But lets not forget - she's one of the most beautiful women in the world. It will take work to make her look bad. All the other women, first ladies etc.. around her are gonna feel like chopped liver next to her.
With Protectionism in place, China and the rest of Asia will power globalization and supply the electronics, gadgets, TV's, fridges, dishwashers, cars and much more to the old economy in Europe, the growing economies in the Middle East, South America and Africa.
There is almost nothing that Trumpland can make the rest of the world wants. Litterally, absolutely nothing.
I love the matchy matchy, particularly the matching long gloves because they elongate the arms instead of visually truncating as is the case with 3/4 sleeves without the gloves. The details like that make all the difference, as can be seen in the comparison photos of Laura Bush and Melanie. Of course Melanie also has a better figure and has model training, but Laura does have natural grace but still looks a bit frumpy since her outfit lacks the accessories.
Which is harder: to walk around all day in four inch heels like Melania, smiling as needed or to stand next to Melania in a picture? I think Michelle decided not to even seem to compete and she didn't.
When I was in high school, a few of my friends went to modeling school in the summer. Not to become models but to attain certain qualities that would be assets in society, like how to sit and stand in the most flattering way and how to select and wear clothing. Even today I can usually spot a woman who has been to modeling or finishing school. For a career woman or the wife of a prominent man, it is probably money well spent.
"Or eating from it... 'Why not leave your friend here? While you're gone, he can tell me how to run my business.'"
Ha ha. Thanks a lot for that. You know, I've never seen "Scarface," but I'm going to assume that the character who uses the finger bowl as a finger bowl after Scarface eats from it must die.
They look like women who have just been shopping for dresses.
There is almost nothing that Trumpland can make the rest of the world wants. Litterally, absolutely nothing.
Food: corn, wheat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, chicken, pork, beef, fish, cheese
Natural Gas
Yeah. Nothing.
Oh I forgot
Cotton, wool, leather. Poor unknown would be naked if not for Trumpland. Horrific mental image. I'm sorry.
"Note the similarity in the sleeve length..."
Surely the Trumps have enough money that they could have afforded the rest of the sleeves.
Does anyone know what was in either of those boxes? It's so hard to find just the right gift for a departing First Lady. Shouldn't the Secret Service be around to care for parcels with unknown contents?
Media very interested today in pointing out that Obama’s inauguration crowds were bigger
But please, don't assume our media is pro-democrat/ pro-corrupocrat hack.
Dust Bunny Queen: I told Unknown that if every Trumpland voter vanished tomorrow the people in NeverTrump land would be dead within 2 weeks and their cats would be eating them. Obviously Unknown is too consumed with conceit and malice to see it. The lights just magically turn on when you flip the switch. Food just appears on the shelf at Whole Foods.
I think we could all somehow manage to get by without FB and cell phones - after all, we did so most of our lives. Try living in a northern state when it's January and your furnace is dead.
It is wonderful to see Democrats talking abut blue collars exactly the same way blue collars always thought the Republicans talked about them. And doubling down after the election.
Re: Food: corn, wheat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, chicken, pork, beef, fish, cheese
Re: Others: Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Lumber, Electricity, Water
Shows how little you know. The Rest of the World does not rely on Trumpland for these commodities and natural resources. Jeez, go to night school and learn how the real world works.
PB said...
How come there's no mention of Michelle's, umm, drab outfit and unflattering hair style?
For someone with fashion designers at her feet, Mrs. Obama looks like she is wearing everyday wear, not something for a formal occasion.
There is almost nothing that Trumpland can make the rest of the world wants. Litterally, absolutely nothing.
Unknown seems obsessed with "litter" and I agree that "Trumpland" does not produce much. The Tea Party rallies usually left the public places cleaner than they found them/
The left's attempts to make themselves feel good after this stunning defeat are humorous.
It would take a heart of stone to not laugh at the panic and grief of the left.
Eight years, and Michelle Obama couldn't learn any class. Ptooey. Glad you're outta there.
Michelle is yesterday. But it was hard not to notice her..'for the first time I am proud of'..stinky face scowl. She also had such a powerful itch to 'get the hell outta here' she didn't waste any effort donning her White House hip hop celebrity soiree wig. She dressed ironically like a domestic.
It matters who you feel you are getting gussied up for.
Her appearance spoke volumes.
From Twitter I learned Michelle quietly tells Mrs. biden she has lipstick on her teeth. So, she gets points for that, no?
Though not a fashionista, I was struck by how good Melania's blue looked against the blue color on the stand where Trump was sworn in, and wondered if that was deliberate. Later I happened to see Trump and Melania dancing, and the thought that came to mind was, "Nice ass." (About her.)
The awkward handshake to hug. (Laura and Michelle)
I'm not naturally and by upbringing a hugger so I've done this numerous times.
Michelle did not think Melania committed a faux-pas. She thought Melania was low-life scum who presumed to act like an equal. Like a gardener who presumes to shake hands with the lord of the manor.
Progressives are happy to go to DC, either to ask the government for something or else to riot. Trump supporters regard such a trip more as a visit to the doomed cities of the plain. Yes, the inauguration was a good reason to visit the place but still it was a visit to an alligator swamp.
The DC police did a great job protecting Trump and his supporters but still an overwhelming police presence and continual security precautions were necessary. This is part of Obama's legacy - that in the US capital, the Democrats and Prog allies feel free to threaten the opposition leader and party with bodily harm. The Trump supporters hope to re-establish free speech as a right and for this reason the Progs will march today without the threats Trump supporters face. And probably the Progs will make threats, as is their way. Then they will call us the fascists.
All the other women, first ladies etc.. around her are gonna feel like chopped liver next to her.
1/21/17, 8:53 AM
Yes, I felt sorry for Mrs. Pence last night. Mrs. Pence has a nice face and looks like a Midwestern farm mom. It would not be fun to share the stage with the Trump women.
Many deplorables however, might like the idea that there was at least one couple up there who looks like the people you see at the State Fair.
Log & Lumber Exports to China Show Strong Demand for US Wood Products
Lumber exports to China and other countries from the US.
Yeah. Nothin'
Yesterday when I watched Trump and Melania exit the car and walk up the steps to be greeted by the Obama's I thought that it looked a little weird to have left Melania "stranded" behind. Trump exited closest to the stairs and immediately walked up the stairs and started the "Meet and Greet", while Melania had to exit the other side of the car, walk around the back and then walked up the stairs by herself. I can exit a car as good as the next person and walk up stairs by myself, as can Melania . . . But I thought it looked a little weird. I wondered what the proper etiquette was . . . Seeing the video of the Obama's, it looked much better when Obama waited for Michelle and then walked up the stairs together.
The liberals worried? No, because we design and build the automation software and robots. We know how to eliminate jobs in Trumpland and you don't. The Asian manufacturers also know how to do it.
Apart from the BBCs and CNN propaganda creators, The rest of the world is showing great hope in Trump for one simple reason: He is the man whose word can be trusted. They watched him for 18 months and he did not waffle and say different things to different groups.
We do not comprehend how Revoltionary that is since the governments went into using fake narratives to control the citizens . But Kellyann does.
"The liberals worried? No, because we design and build the automation software and robots."
We? I'm skeptical.
"We know how to eliminate jobs in Trumpland and you don't. The Asian manufacturers also know how to do it."
Now all you have to do is learn how to connect dots.
"The Rest of the World does not rely on Trumpland for these commodities"
Really? So it would have no impact world-wide if we decreased production levels of wheat, corn, etc. to what is needed for our internal consumption?
Made in Trumpland - pretty much everything really, including most of the actual software dev being done in the US and software services. Especially by hosts of contract operations.
The revenues are booked in company headquarters, which are in big cities. Whence comes a lot of the "county" stupidity.
There is literally nothing "made" in San Francisco, a county as well as a city, one of the richest of those rich counties, as an example. Most of what people do here is collect money coming from elsewhere and do all the back office, legal, government and HQ functions.
And of course the marketers, advertisers, legal services and intermediaries with government, bureaucrats and hangers-on, and every sort of high toned parasite.
And there are a horde of the owners of equity and debt and real estate collecting the rents and dividends and interest paid by those "red" counties. This place is rich because a huge number of rich people live here and report their income here.
And SF is one of those very few "blue" counties that isn't "blue" because of its underclass, as it hasnt really got much of one, anymore. Others though have the same headquarters effects but are "blue" only because of the economically irrelevant poor. Dallas for instance, which is typical of the blue county effect.
The Democrats are a high (very high)-low coalition against the middle. The Republicans dominate the middle, right up to the sub-sub 1%. Wall Street is Democrat, for very understandable reasons. The Democratic party is a billionaires club.
Understanding how much importance is placed on protocol, I would assume that everything is tightly-scripted, including gift-giving being in the script to be given upon arrival. Whether she expected it or not, Laura Bush looks natural in receiving one and the other difference is that she is also natural in prioritizing the greeting, actually saying hello and thank you for the gift, rather than, as it appears with Michelle Obama, being in a rush to go directly to the photograph and get it all over with.
"The Rest of the World does not rely on Trumpland for these commodities"
Percentage of Production
Unknown's Trumpland rantings remind me of garage mahal's proclamation that Madison didn't need the rest of the state.
Poor unknown. Zhe has no idea what zhe is talking about re manufacturing and international markets and/or commodities trading but the fear is definitely palpable.
Leftists are not running the Whitehouse now so anything could happen, even actual fee trade agreements where competent negotiators put American interests first.
We'll see if it happens but that seems to be the plan. How horrible for the heartland should these fiends succeed, right?
" The Democrats are a high (very high)-low coalition against the middle. The Republicans dominate the middle, right up to the sub-sub 1%. Wall Street is Democrat, for very understandable reasons. The Democratic party is a billionaires club. "
worth repeating.
If Trumpland was so attractive for manufacturing then it would still be thriving. It isn't and it never will again. Trumpland is fighting a lost war.
As for agricultural output. Checkout the new and growing breadbaskets of the World in South America, Africa and Eastern Europe. China has been buying and operating farms in Africa for more than a decade.
Dozens of freight planes leave Africa everyday for Europe and Asia to deliver fresh produce - that's right fresh produce.
Really Trumpland, there is sweet nothing that world needs from you. It can survive without you.
Asian countries are opening manufacturing operations in Africa because of the cheaper labor.
Is Trumpland going to compete against African wages? Yeah, right - dream on.
Michelle looks like a frumpy house worker told that guests are coming. Quick shower then she throws on a flour sack. No Class....
Have been.
You are behind the times, aren't you?
I look more like Mrs. Pence. I think my arms and shoulders look a bit better, but I would absolutely have worn sheer fabric in the same color as the dress to cover them.
At a certain age, bare arms on women need to be covered. Screw fashion trends, and use great fabrics to make yourself easy on the eye.
Funny! Trying to Bing for an image of Mrs. Pence's inauguration gown, I get pages and pages of everyone B.T. (Before Trump). I think someone at Bing is having a hissy fit. Might have to break my boycott, and go to Google. Ahhh. That's better.
LOL - 8 years, vanished. We live in Trumpland now.
After one day, Obama's fuck-ups, failures, waste, lies, fraud and incompetence are all Trumplanida!
Really Trumpland, there is sweet nothing that world needs from you. It can survive without you.
Apparently you still need our votes to win an election.
So we have that going for us.
Exiled wrote: Yes, I felt sorry for Mrs. Pence last night. Mrs. Pence has a nice face and looks like a Midwestern farm mom. It would not be fun to share the stage with the Trump women.
Many deplorables however, might like the idea that there was at least one couple up there who looks like the people you see at the State Fair.
If you have, as she does, a round face, you probably shouldn't go for the Moe Howard hairdo. Catty, I know, but just sayin'.
One reason they have been off-shoring is because China is getting too expensive.
But Orrin Judd pointed out a few years ago that China makes our trinkets.
What they don't do, and we do or did, was we employed locals. They don't employ as many locals, they bring their own people.
I believe that could be considered a form of colonization.
And you're against that, aren't you?
Buwaya wisely observes: There is literally nothing "made" in San Francisco, a county as well as a city, one of the richest of those rich counties, as an example. Most of what people do here is collect money coming from elsewhere and do all the back office, legal, government and HQ functions.
And of course the marketers, advertisers, legal services and intermediaries with government, bureaucrats and hangers-on, and every sort of high toned parasite.
And there are a horde of the owners of equity and debt and real estate collecting the rents and dividends and interest paid by those "red" counties. This place is rich because a huge number of rich people live here and report their income here.
You could say the same for Seattle. After all, we don't want our scenic cities to be sullied by industry, do we? Let's keep the riffraff out.
So, who dressed Michelle for this event? Marc Jacobs, Derek Lam, Timo Weiland, Tom Ford, Phillip Lim, or Humberto Leon?
Michelle is matchy-matchy in her yellow damask in the video clip from 8 years ago, and Hillary was matchy-matchy in her cream pantsuit and coat at the inauguration. How come all the fuss about Melania?
Well, at least we are back to winning the First Lady contest. That's something.
You paint a grim picture of modern America, Unknown.
If only there was someone I could vote for who cares, someone who, rather than being smug, superior and condescending, wants to find ways make things better for all those poor people who are being left out.
"We know how to eliminate jobs in Trumpland and you don't. The Asian manufacturers also know how to do it."
We being the mouse in Inga's pocket. The stupidity of the general left means that they don't know what they don't know.
David Goldman's book, "How Civilizations Die" would be a good primer for these people but they only read DNC talking points and TPM blog posts.
How many math classes did you take, Inga ? What level Calculus ?
Unknown said...
"More Empty Stands as Orange Don walks ..."
I think the talk about crowds is a bit ridiculous, but I'd note that Washington, DC and its suburbs being very liberal had quite a bit to do with that. Also, the threat of out-of-town visitors being confronted by large demonstrations and potential riots might have kept others away. Weather was a factor, as well, I'm sure.
I didn't vote for Trump (or Clinton), but I found the demonstrations rather "ungracious".
They may be the factory of the world, but China and Japan are older than we are and do they really trust each other? They do have a longer history with each other.
People who bitch about American nationalism, do they really have a clue about SorK, Chinese, Japanese, etc., nationalism?
Hugs and handshakes: My father never gave me a hug when I was growing up, no longer a child, but I treasured shaking his hand. My brothers and I always shake hands when we meet or leave one another. My stepson gives me a big hug. I feel a little awkward hugging a friend or classmate to this day. I have often thought of the transition George Washington's generation went through with the next generation. Washington was brought up to bow, rather than shake hands. It must've seemed far too intimate, or crude, when compared to the graceful act of bowing to one another.
Neo-neocon wrote that the powder blue suit reminded her of Sophia Loren and now I can't see Melania's outfit otherwise. Very chic but also sexy. Jackie was the former but not really the latter.
Laura Bush is a lovely lady who I am sure would never make a guest feel awkward or uncomfortable. Michelle didn't manage to acquire any class in her 8 years in the WH , as evidenced by her sullen bitchy faces all day yesterday.
Laura Bush is a lovely lady who I am sure would never make a guest feel awkward or uncomfortable. Michelle didn't manage to acquire any class in her 8 years in the WH , as evidenced by her sullen bitchy faces all day yesterday.
Trumpland does not have the manufacturing education, skills or experience to compete with Asia. Let alone the manufacturing tools.
Remember when the Left pretended to care about the poor?
Don't worry minorities --- I bet they REALLY do care about you. You're the ones they are, for realz, concerned about.
Who could fundamentally transform us...
And one wonders how we got The Donald.
Michelle is yesterday. But it was hard not to notice her..'for the first time I am proud of'..stinky face scowl. She also had such a powerful itch to 'get the hell outta here'
While I had criticized her for it in the past, Hillary at least could put on that "smile" at a moment's notice. While genuine and natural grace are preferred, if you cannot manage that, put on a manufactured smile -- at least that's what most people are taught as a rule of basic manners, and what professional pols are taught as a rule of diplomacy, tact and propriety.
I think the outgoing first lady has primed herself to be put out. Consider she was saying 'We’re feeling what not having hope feels like' in reference to President Obama's term of office drawing to a close. It looks like President Obama did handle it well by taking the package. President Obama the husband - kudos, the President - meh.
The problem is that the petulant is strong in the Obamas.
Difference between "trumpland" and "Unknown's America".
Trumpland has USEFUL knowledge.
Uber apps are lovely, but if you cannot make that car run, then it isn't useful.
Having water brought from the desert to you, lovely except you need people to actually do the unpleasant work to build and design it.
Your home when the plumbing goes bad is, well, a sewage tank.
Your home when the heat or AC is dead is little more than a box to die in.
But I bet Hollywood movies will bring the food and water to your house, have your house work, and allow you to drive to work.
I find all of the harsh judgement of Michelle very off-putting even though I'm not a fan and I think the fawning she has gotten from the left is ridiculous. But it's ironic to praise the grace and manners of Laura Bush while trading Michelle's appearance and actions. I can't really fault her if yesterday was a hard day- much if what is happening is a direct rebuke to her husband and the last 8 years of her life. I can't begrudge her the need to get the day over with.
"Trading" should be "trashing"
But three cheers for Ralph Lauren who didn't take the "anti-Trump" tack.
They rely on Trumpland when there's a bad harvest.
If you're in Europe, who would you rather control the oil and gas?
US or Pooty-Poot?
BTW, you're welcome, the Workd, for your lower gas prices.
Mexico, it's you're own fault you're rioting over your 20% rise in your prices. You wrote your Constitution. FREE PEMEX!
Do you actually think about what you say?
At this point, we can probably supply most of the world with our excess cheese from storage.
It's not like they can rely on Zimbabwe Bob controlling that former breadbasket.
I despise Evita and she and The Donald were graceful and magnanimous yesterday.
Sometime one needs to rise to the occasion.
Did Michelke take her husband to task for his speeches? Should we reprint his here?
In a few years, a dozen firemen will have to knock out Unknown Inga's front window to get her out of the house.
It was a difficult day for her, but as First Lady, she should have risen to the occasion.
Sometime you gotta stand there and take it.
We've all been there.
The UN would be hard hit if we reduced our foid goods.
They couldn't take our goods/donations, put them in UN bags and take credit how wonderful they are when they're just the distributor.
I wish Donald would do that.
This food is a gift from the American people. We are happy to help in your time of trouble.
"Remember when the Left pretended to care about the poor?"
Yeah, that was my thought while reading Unknown.
I'm trying to think of what value millions of illegal aliens, who are mainly uneducated, unskilled non-English speakers, bring to the economy described by Unknown. If blue collar jobs aren't important, why let all those people in? There's a limit on the number of gardeners and nannies even Silicon Valley and Wall Street billionaires need.
Unknown wants serfs who obediently vote Democrat. Unknown has nothing but contempt and hatred for American citizens who don't display respect for their "betters."
Well, Unknown, those Americans gave you the middle finger in November. And you deserve it.
"I wish Donald would do that.
This food is a gift from the American people."
That is an excellent idea.
Love the connection you make to the Laura look from eight years ago. When we all had to read all about how the Melania plagiarism mini-scandal regarding her remarks at the RNC nominating convention in Cleveland, we learned what her research process for that was. Her research process involved calling up the remarks of what other wives had said at nominating conventions. It only makes sense that Melania would have done the same thing here...asked to look at photos of how other first ladies had dressed themselves on inauguration day, whether coming or going.
Ivanka's gown for the inaugural balls was smashing.
That said, I am emotionally on the side of Mrs. Pence.
There is no there, there, for the blue county model.
There are only so many people who can be in the owner-class and live off rents. There are only so many bureaucrats, administrators, college teachers and well-paid parasites that fit in the class structure, there simply is no room for this overhead.
And the voting strength comes entirely from the unemployed and underemployed poor. Without them the Democrats would be about as significant as the Libertarians. The Democrats voters have vastly worse statistics for underemployment than the Republicans. They are simply unnecessary. I believe the Democratic party program is to keep them as pets.
As for Americans being replacable, software is eminently offshoreable, vastly easier to do so than with physical things. I am dealing with a lot of Indian gentlemen right now in several such arrangements.
Also, professions of the mind are proving to be even easier to automate than those of the body, notably lawyers and legal staff, and for that matter teachers. And the automators may as well be in India.
Yeah, when did all the man hugging become the right thing to do. The whole idea of my Dad hugging another man is inconceivable. Did Reagan or Bush I hug anyone at their inaugural?
I was surprised at a Family picnic last year when a male cousin (my age) hugged me goodbye. 30 years of handshakes and now I get a hug.
If you look at sports its the same thing. Someone hits a HR or scores a TD in the 60s, and they get a pat on the back or a handshake. Now, its hugging and rolling around on the ground.
Dare I suggest illegal immigrants might also be more unhealthy?
Hard to believe, I know.
rcocean said...
If you look at sports its the same thing. Someone hits a HR or scores a TD in the 60s, and they get a pat on the back or a handshake. Now, its hugging and rolling around on the ground.
1/21/17, 11:46 AM
That's what I thought, but if you look at old sports clips of WS wins, they hugged and jumped around too. Look up the video of the Dodgers winning the Series in 1955.
Run of the mill HRs (not walkoffs), normally earn high fives in the dugout.
What's different is the TD strutting. I don't remember that back in the '70's.
I come from a large and huggy family and I have friends who think it's weird that we all hug and kiss each other when we arrive and when we leave family gatherings. It's so normal to me that I'll be bothered when I drive home and remember that I neglected to give Uncle Ray a hug and kiss before I left. That said, I am uncomfortable hugging strangers. When I lived in the south, I was uneasy with women I had just met who hugged me when we parted. "I just met you 15 minutes ago, I don't want to hug you!"
Mrs. Obama looks like she is wearing a carpet with one of her husband's skinny ties around her waist. And yes, it makes her look fat...
If one is getting a little chunky, one should avoid heavy fabrics.
I looked at the video of Michelle handing Laura Bush a present. Gee the box looked awfully big to hold just a CD-Rom Obama's greatest speeches. Must have been a lot of foam peanuts in the box to stop the rattling.
I started at the bottom, rather than the top of the comments, so I missed that jibe about Mrs. Pence as looking like a Midwestern farm mom. You're danged straight--she looked like a Midwestern mom. Compared to the elegant and expensively dressed Ivanka and Melania Trump the "mom" showd. But considering what she had to work with figure and face wise, she looked like a Midwestern mom working and dressing hard to be at the top of her game.
In case you coastal snots haven't figured it out, that look goes over well in the heartland.
I agree that the Trump women--to the last one of them--looked very elegant, wealthy and privileged. They all danced with the troops at the Armed Services Ball last night, and the video of that will play very well in Peoria, and boffo in Birmingham and Boise.
I'm seeing this inspiration
- Krumhorn
With Melania headed to the White House, my partner and I talked a bit about modeling a bit. She modeled from the age of 15 until she married in her early 20s. It was easy money for her, allowing her to buy her first house by the time that she graduated from college. Was offered a NYC contract by her (well known) agency, but turned it down, due to her life plans (which prominently. Included kids), but did some mother-daughter modeling later on (I am at the local Walmart/McDonalds, and said daughter just waived as she walked out). Daughter-in-law complains that my partner just doesn't take bad pictures. That is because she automatically strikes a pose, which, in her case, includes a charismatic smile. And, the DiL is right, it is automatic, after all the modeling training.
In her family, the youngest 4 all had modeling training, in her case, from maybe 8 on up. Three of them ended up modeling at least some professionally, though one sister who did, didn't have the height to go very far. Another sister never had the temperament for it, and could never learn to walk with a book on her head. My partner, in toe shoes since she was 2, could do it (and did, to prove a point) for hours on end. And, for her, dance is what made the moving right easy (apparently, a lot of models have dance backgrounds). I was surprised at how much training it took to be good at it - for her, it was once a week classes for maybe 7 years (plus daily dance) before she ever walked a runway professionally. (Note - the reason that her mother got her into modeling training was to help cure her shyness, and it somewhat worked).To be good, it takes a lot of work. For one thing, time is money, and photographers want to work with models who can give them the shots they want the fastest. Temperamental doesn't work well with them, until the models are at the top. They would rather work with models who can produce the fastest, with the minimal fuss. She wasn't in it for the glamor, but for the money, so was one of their favorites, getting in and out in record time. But it was her smile that always had her going first on the runway. She made it look easy. It wasn't.
Even to this day, she knows instinctively what makes her look good, and what will fit. In almost 20 years together, I have never known her to try anything on at the store. She looks at things, holds them up to her body, and they fit when she gets home. Every time. And coordinate and look great. Thank goodness that she doesn't still need every color of sneaker to match whatever she is wearing. Or need fashionable workout or lounging clothes. I would go broke supporting her in her younger years.
Unknown, you are dog shit. I hope you get to se this before the Prof deletes it. She is very selective about whose personal criticisms she leaves. Perhaps if you have ever had a real job instead of sitting in a dark room wanking your self. And, spent a good number of years doing manual labor as well as plenty of time in IT and network support. So, FOAD.
Michelle didn't manage to acquire any class in her 8 years in the WH
I remember observing early in the Obama administration that the Obamas didn't seem to think they had anything to learn. Self-righteousness tends to do that to a person.
Another thing about Melonia and modeling is that models, in order to be successful, need to know what makes them look good. Again, time is money, and wearing stuff that doesn't look good on them means wasted shots, and wasted shoots. Which means that photographers won't want to work with them as much, and their careers aren't going to progress, at least, as quickly or as far. Plenty of other models trying for the same jobs. In the end, the person most interested in a model's career is the model herself, and she is the one most interested in being marketable. Models who model stuff they don't look good in aren't as marketable as those who do. Obvious, but maybe too obvious.
Dust Bunny--
I mirror your take. Regardless of how she was costumed, I'm thinking House Boat, all Sophia Loren had to do was smile and she was beautiful, and sexy.
I still ache thinking about Jackie in Dallas. The Bouvier family was an interesting one. If you've never watched Gray Gardens, do.
For a quick reminder of the last fifty years, here's a link;
Wow, I don't remember Laura Bush wearing a red ball gown. Nice! She seems so likeable. So does he, for that matter.
"More women are marching against Orange Don - in the US and around the World - than people attended the Inaugural."
The only numbers that matter, sweetie.
Comanche Voter said...
I started at the bottom, rather than the top of the comments, so I missed that jibe about Mrs. Pence as looking like a Midwestern farm mom. You're danged straight--she looked like a Midwestern mom."
It wasn't meant as an insult. I am fond of Midwestern farm moms. I had one myself.
It was Michael Kors, on Project Runway, who coined (or at least popularized) "matchi-matchiness."
In my view, there's nothing wrong with matching. In fact, as a rule, matching is more attractive than not matching. Oh, and by the way, Michael Kors' designs are uninspired, at best, and ugly at worst.
Just another example of the power of sloganeering.
glenn said...
"Well, at least we are back to winning the First Lady contest. That's something."
Several years ago, I saw a picture of Barack Obama's wife walking up some steps in Paris, next to the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy. The photo was taken from the rear, and I cried for my country.
In defense of Michelle Obama (a position I occupy seldom), I think when Mrs. Trump handed her that box, she automatically turned around to put it down somewhere, and then realized that there wasn't anywhere. She is not a bright woman, and very little has ever been asked of her. This difficulty completely defeated her.
I *was* proud of her getting off that plane in Saudi Shitholia, making all those Muslim camel-jocks stand next to an uncovered woman -- and a black one at that -- and pretend not to mind. God, they were pissed! For the first (and only) time in my life, I was proud of Michelle Obama.
"Does anyone know what was in either of those boxes? It's so hard to find just the right gift for a departing First Lady."
Melania to Michelle: A solid gold iPod with Barack's speeches on it.
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