January 26, 2017

All the sororities at Northwestern reject this transgender man, Adam Davies.

You might expect a transgender woman to seek membership in a sorority. This was a transgender man — a person born with a female body who is living in a male gender identity.
Eighteen-year-old Adam Davies said he was drawn to the tenets of Greek life — philanthropy, bonding and leadership — but that with his changing body he might not feel comfortable living in a fraternity.

So he sought out the sisterhood of a sorority instead.

"I guess I see it on a level that transcends the gender binary," said Davies, of Appleton, Wis....

Just as sororities were established to give women a safe space in a patriarchal system, Davies believes they should now strive to provide that same kind haven to anyone marginalized for not fitting typical gender norms.

"I believe, over time, the gender of these organizations will fade," he said. "I hope."


Seeing Red said...

Then he should start one.

Etienne said...

In that same vein, I "hope" gravity relents. I want to fly, but I don't want to use fossil fuels to gain altitude. Solar, of course, is too dangerous.

Pianoman said...

@Seeing Red: You miss the entire *point*. Xe has the RIGHT to join either a fraternity OR a sorority. Xe should not have to start a new one -- that's CisGenderist, you h4t3r.

Tari said...

Maybe they just didn't like her. Shocking, I know, but sororities are known for not taking everyone who asks to be let in.

Then again, maybe it was deliberate. Maybe, if you think you get to "pick your team", and then you don't pick the girls' team, the girls don't want to hang out with you anymore.

Seeing Red said...

A. He cannot be the only transgender on campus.

B. He can't be the only one to ID CIS.

It should be very easy to find SJWs who are willing to walk their talk.

Bay Area Guy said...

This weirdo does not want to enjoy "Greek Life" in general, or join a particular sorority to make friends and have a good college experience.

He wants to change the "system." The SJW's -- even if they are friendly or benign -- are like zombies. They just keep coming.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Just as sororities were established to give women a safe space in a patriarchal system

No they weren't.

John henry said...

Someone mentioned Orwell's 1984 in another thread. An important theme in 1984 was controlling the language.

In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, Newspeak is the language of Oceania, a totalitarian state ruled by the Party, who created the language to meet the ideological requirements of English Socialism (Ingsoc).[1] As a controlled language, Newspeak has a restricted grammar and limited vocabulary, a linguistic design meant to limit the freedom of thought — personal identity, self-expression, free will — that ideologically threatens the régime of Big Brother and the Party, who thus criminalised such concepts as thoughtcrime, contradictions of Ingsoc orthodoxy.

When people talk about transgenders they speak of "he" and "she" as if the person really is a he (born with a penis) or a she (born with a vagina) even when they are not. It is confusing as hell.

When they talk about a "she" trying to get into a sorority or whatever I have to read the article several times to figure out if the she is really a he or if she is a legitimate she. And vice-versa. Many times, even after reading several times, I still can't tell.

I've gotten to where I just use the pronoun "insane person" in thinking about any transgender. Much easier than trying to figure out if they are male or female.

Drives me nuts.

John Henry

Pianoman said...

By the way, it was inevitable that the Greek fraternity/sorority system would be targeted by the TransFolk. Colleges are the perfect environment for "inclusiveness".

How long before Gloria Allred descends on NorthWestern and starts deploying press conferences?

Seeing Red said...

He joining sorority defeats the reason for sororities.

She joining a frat defeats the reason for frats.

John henry said...

OT but in the Wikipedia quote above they mention "Ingsoc". That is newspeak for English socialism.

Yes, 1984 is about a socialist dystopia. Who knew? President Trump may be many things, good or bad depending on taste. He does not seem to be any species of socialist.

Yet sales of 1984 are allegedly spiking this week.

John Henry

n.n said...


Freeman Hunt said...


Seeing Red said...

He chose. Can't go back now.

n.n said...

Transgender Spectrum Disorder from homosexual to confused.

First they came for the boys, and the girls said abort them, abort them all. Then they came for the girls...

You're a competing interest, a taxable commodity, a colorful clump of cells. It's evolutionary, not personal.

MayBee said...

Lawsuit ahead

MayBee said...

Too bad he didn't file a lawsuit under Loretta Lynch's Justice Department. Missed it by >>>>this<<<<<< much.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Not bad idea - if a male college student could self-identify as a lesbian female ...

Stephen Taylor said...

"Yet sales of 1984 are allegedly spiking this week. "

My wife commented on that story. We discussed the book briefly, but neither of us could draw any connection to Trump. It's odd.

Unknown said...

It's easy to predict whose gender identity is going to "fade" over time. And not too long a time, either. Admit this woman today and come back in 25 years. What you are guaranteed not to find is her daughter as a legacy admission.

rhhardin said...

No pussy in fraternities is a good rule.

n said...

More Wildcat News from The Daily Northwestern:
Free menstrual products will be available in bathrooms in several Northwestern buildings by Feb. 1.
The products will be distributed in temporary dispensers through a pilot program, which will run until mid-April, said SESP junior Sophia Etling, a member of College Feminists and Rainbow Alliance. Permanent dispensers will not be implemented until next academic year, provided that the pilot program is successful, Etling said.
The menstrual products will be available in buildings on both Evanston and Chicago campuses. Free dispensers will be available in Kresge Hall, Pancoe Life Sciences Pavilion, University Library and the Facilities Management offices at 2020 Ridge Ave. On Northwestern’s Chicago campus, free menstrual products will be available in Wieboldt Hall.
If the pilot program is successful, organizers hope to make menstrual products available in every Northwestern building, said Communication senior Amanda Odasz, outreach chair of Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators.
The program is the result of a collaboration between Northwestern Facilities Management and several campus organizations, including College Feminists, Rainbow Alliance, SHAPE and Associated Student Government, Odasz said.
“We all have this common interest and we feel that the populations that we serve would benefit from this,” Odasz said.
The program is also designed to be inclusive of transmasculine individuals who menstruate as well, Etling said. Free menstrual products will be available in both men’s and women’s bathrooms during the pilot program. In men’s restrooms, the products will be available in one stall to offer more privacy, Odasz said.
“I’ve been approached by a lot of transmasculine people who are concerned about having this be successful to them,” Etling said. “It is important that we listen to those voices.”
Organizers will assess the cost effectiveness of the pilot on March 1 by examining the number of products taken and the number of instances of vandalism, Odasz said. Products are currently available through coin-operated dispensers, but they are often the target of theft and vandalism, she said. The program hopes making the products free will alleviate the issue.
Christina Vernon Sanborn, associate vice president of Facilities Management, said organizers hope the program will be close to cost neutral due to a projected decrease in costs related to vandalism related to theft from coin banks in dispensers.
Odasz said she hopes the initiative will not only help with students’ health on campus, but also destigmatize menstruation and remind campus that not all people who menstruate identify as female.
“This will provide something that students need and eliminate something that could be a barrier to them getting their education,” Odasz said. “(The program) is an important step in recognizing and destigmatizing menstruation in people who do not identify as female.”
Email: darialenderman2019@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @lend_er_man

Quaestor said...

He wants to change the "system." The SJW's -- even if they are friendly or benign -- are like zombies. They just keep coming.

The way to deal with zombies is to shoot them in the brain with a 5.56x45. Drops 'em every time.

I don't believe the SJW living dead have that vulnerability.

Fernandinande said...

John said...
I've gotten to where I just use the pronoun "insane person" in thinking about any transgender. Much easier than trying to figure out if they are male or female.
Drives me nuts.

Try this one weird trick: when you see the word "transgender" (or even "gender"), think "They're lying to me about trivia and I don't care."

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

OK, this is just silly. Can't we agree on that? That a self-described man ought not to be living in buildings entirely filled by women?

He likes the idea of "Greek life," but not living with actual men. The women won't have him. There are dorms, right? You don't actually need to be the one man in a hall full of women, right?

The more I hear of it, the more this transgender nonsense really does seem to be nonsense.

Seeing Red said...

It's not "free," it's "included."

So what fees are raised to pay for free stuff or what was cut?

Unknown said...

The transgender program is not nonsense. It's just not obvious on the face of it what the goal is. The goal is simple and can be described as damage to traditional institutions. The moment it ceases to cause damage is the moment the left drops it in favor of a new hammer.

MayBee said...

n- I predict a lot of people using the free bathroom dispensers to stock up. I'm going to guess it will get expensive fast.

n.n said...

The sororities were established as protection from the Matriarchy. Protection from Gaia's natural order. Protection from female chauvinists' war on women. Protection from predatory abortionists. Protection from humanitarian pornographers. Protection from friends with "benefits" and other realizations of polygamy. From a social complex that debases women, men, and babies, too.

rhhardin said...

Free maxipads in the men's bathroom would be a good source of bicycle helmet forehead pads.

David Begley said...

Imagine those bid meetings.

n.n said...

With the growing popularity of sperm depositors and womb banks, Gaia's gender norms will fade but with unknown consequences. Still, the experiment must go on. Forward!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Does he/it still have a dick and balls. Then no.

Did he/she/it castrate him/her/itself...lose the three piece set. Maybe yes.

MaxedOutMama said...

DBQ - I believe it's the other way around. This is a biological female identifying as a man who has started at least hormone therapy to acquire male secondary sex characteristics, who wants to join a sorority. Because he/she is not sure that he/she will fit in well at a fraternity.

eddie willers said...

I was going to say "It's Pat!" and get a link to one of the many (and hilarious) "It's Pat!" skits from SNL. I couldn't find anything but clips from the woeful full feature movie.

Has SNL scrubbed Pat?

MaxedOutMama said...

Well, the theory here is basically the same as the bathrooms - women should not have their own spaces.

I repeat - I think most transgender men hate biological women. But perhaps I am wrong, and this individual gives us a clue to that.

But what the heck, if I belonged to a sorority and a man asked to join, I'd say "No". That would make it not a sorority. And if one takes transgenders at their word, this is a man asking to join a female-based organization, whose explanation is that female organizations should be adapted to fit gender-fluid organizations. Not that MALE organizations should - female organizations should.

This is just about the definition of chauvinism, isn't it? Not only do I believe that sororities should not be forced to play his game, I think he should be shamed for asking, and especially asking in this way.

Michael K said...

"The moment it ceases to cause damage is the moment the left drops it in favor of a new hammer."

Yes, it is part of Granmsci's plan.

Hegemony was a term previously used by Marxists such as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to denote the political leadership of the working-class in a democratic revolution.[24]:15–17 Gramsci greatly expanded this concept, developing an acute analysis of how the ruling capitalist class – the bourgeoisie – establishes and maintains its control.[24]:20

Orthodox Marxism had predicted that socialist revolution was inevitable in capitalist societies. By the early 20th century, no such revolution had occurred in the most advanced nations. Capitalism, it seemed, was more entrenched than ever. Capitalism, Gramsci suggested, maintained control not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology. The bourgeoisie developed a hegemonic culture, which propagated its own values and norms so that they became the "common sense" values of all. People in the working-class (and other classes) identified their own good with the good of the bourgeoisie, and helped to maintain the status quo rather than revolting.

To counter the notion that bourgeois values represented "natural" or "normal" values for society, the working class needed to develop a culture of its own.

Destroy the culture and the revolution comes.

madAsHell said...

We need to find a way to federally subsidize sororities, and then sue them for discrimination.

eddie willers said...

I think most transgender men hate biological women.

I think the are the most homophobic people on the face of the Earth. Rather than admit they are homosexual, they argue that the reason they like the same sex is because they really are the opposite sex underneath..."and not some dirty pervert!"

I'm Full of Soup said...

When you actually read these stories which have become more and frequent dues to society's promotion and embracing all things screwy, I do feel sorry for the individuals. But they don't deserve publicity nor special treatment nor special laws or allowances because the world has always had oddballs and that is all these folks are. So from now on, I will just make a one word comments to these types of posts by Althouse: AWKWARD.

ALP said...

I am confused whenever SJW's go on about the "stigma" of menstruation. It implies a world where other bodily functions get some kind of celebration on a daily basis. Routine bodily functions are just that - routine bodily functions. If I had to pick one bodily function to get all emotional about, it would be the fact that ALL our cells are eventually replaced to the point we are "new" people at a certain point in time when compared with a past point.

And are we not all "beyond sex/gender" when we are so old we look like prunes and our genitals, of whatever stripe, have shriveled up? Those hating on the whole CIS gender thing will get what they want eventually - a post gender/post genital life.

buwaya said...

"Because he/she is not sure that he/she will fit in well at a fraternity. "

I can't answer for fraternities in general, but I don't doubt many would give "him" a shot.
They would not be scared of "him".
Whether "he" could fit in, re personal anxiety and stress, is the question.

I suspect that the person in question is simply a rather extremist lesbian and "his" attitude towards men is unsympathetic at best.

Larvell said...

I'm a biological male who identifies as a lesbian woman. It gets really confusing sometimes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

DBQ - I believe it's the other way around

Thank you Maxed out. I read the article incorrectly.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larvell said...

"Free menstrual products will be available in both men’s and women’s bathrooms during the pilot program.... Products are currently available through coin-operated dispensers, but they are often the target of theft and vandalism, she said. The program hopes making the products free will alleviate the issue."

We live in a world where someone thinks the way to stop theft of maxi-pads is to place them unattended in college mens' bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

Those evil wicked trans-phobic cis-gendered girls!!!

I suspect that the sororities would likely reject either form of switch-hitter.

Bob Ellison said...

We didn't have fraternities at Harvard College. Most people probably don't know that. Harvard is a fraternity/sorority-free zone.

It has "final clubs", though, which try, badly, to serve the same porpoise.

I think I'm going to take my female dog and my male cat out today and make a club. I'll be President, since I'll be the only member with opposable thumbs. We'll discriminate against anything dumb enough to pretend to be something that it's not.

Larvell said...

"We didn't have fraternities at Harvard College."

Yeah, we didn't have them at Oxford, Ecole Polytechnique, or the Starfleet Academy either.

Mark said...

Now if you want to talk about transphobia, if you want to talk about animus against someone precisely because they self-identify as transgender -- this is it with this sorority which wants nothing to do with this person who is objectively and in reality a woman.

JaimeRoberto said...

Sororities probably have a hard enough time identifying and filtering out the crazy bitches during rush. They don't want to let someone in who has already outed herself as such.

wholelottasplainin said...

Well, here's one frat boy who hopes she/he doesn't try to join *my* favorite sorority, I Felta Delta.

Just imagine the shock and confusion when....

Unknown said...

The testosterone has addled Davies' brain so much that she forgot she's really just a lesbian.

Steven Wilson said...

And the search continues for the single most dysfunctional human being to establish as the sole arbiter of mores social and civil. I predict there will actually be such an office in the next, far too soon, Democrat administration. Davies is enhancing the resume.

damikesc said...

When the rubber hits the road...nobody believes in transgenderism seriously. And they sure as hell don't want to humor it if it will cause them discomfort.

YoungHegelian said...

Just as sororities were established to give women a safe space in a patriarchal system>

Huh? I thought sororities were established to give nubile young women a safe space for pillow fights while wearing delightful sleepwear.

Dammit! I can already tell that by the time I'm dead I won't have any male fantasies left.

MaxedOutMama said...

Eddie - oh, I accept the fact that there are biological men who want to be women/believe they are women and biological women who want to be men/believe they are men. If someone tells me something like that, I'm just fine, I'll deal. You're a guy/girl. I haven't balked at self-defined lesbians who are married to a man and proclaim that man to be the love of their life. Why would I cavil at a guy with boobs and a vagina? Fine, you're a man.

What I was reacting to was the inherent contradiction in the definition of sororities as providing a defense against patriarchy, and then a self-declared male demanding that the sex barrier be removed FOR HIS CONVENIENCE. That is surely patriarchal! That is the definition of patriarchy! All rules are made for male benefit! Because that's the way it should be, little woman! Don't worry, the men will make the rules and it will be best for society.

What we really have here is a socially-defended narcissism. I think it is harmful. In this case, I think it deserves public reproof. If the individual making this demand were to say "I'm a woman who wants to present as a male," I would not personally have a problem, and if I belonged to the sorority, if I liked the person I would be fine with membership. There are plenty of women who don't look or act very "feminine". The woman's movement always was about accepting the type of person you were, and not feeling the need (or enforcing the stereotype on other women) of having to accommodate to a man's definition of a worthy female, or a man's definition of what female boundaries should be.

I think in this story we have come full circle to the demand of enforcing the patriarchy. I don't like it. I don't think it deserves any respect. Certainly I will give it none.

YoungHegelian said...

This young [wo]man needs to think big.

Don't hang with those boring, stuck up het bitches. Go your own way. Start anew, but yet draw on the Greek roots of western civ.

Ladies & gentlemen & all in between, I give you -- The Loyal Order of Tiresias!

Static Ping said...

I suspect there is a niche market for transgender sorority pornography. Break out the paddle, do some "is it a he or is it a she" whacking, cue the music. This could even get into some Chinatown weirdness: "I'm a he (whack), I'm a she (whack), I'm a he (whack), I'm a pony (whack), I'm a pony (whack), I'M A PONY! (bowwachabowwow)"

To be honest the main reason I even look at these stories is to see if the subject could conceivably fool me. This one, not so much. It looks like a guy trying to pretend to be a lesbian despite the fact he's never seen one.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"The right to swing my arms in any direction ends where your nose begins. " - Justice Holmes

Hmmm, let's see. Your right to free association ends where my, ah, hmmm.
I'll get there, I'll get there.

Sigivald said...

The sororities are being completely progressive-feminist.

Hilarious that this is now now ... progressive-feminist enough.

"Please stop making it look like trans people are just trying to pick whatever is most convenient at the moment for them."

Mary Beth said...

Eighteen-year-old Adam Davies said he was drawn to the tenets of Greek life — philanthropy, bonding and leadership

I bet there are other clubs that offer the same thing without being specific to either gender.

Sydney said...

And if one takes transgenders at their word, this is a man asking to join a female-based organization..

What's hard to do is to take them at their word. When you read stories about a woman who wants to be a man, but wants to still produce babies, or keep their ovaries even if they are a risk for their newly diagnosed breast cancer, or men who want to be women but want to keep their testicles, it becomes abundantly clear that they don't really identify as the opposite sex. At least not completely. It has the feel of a social movement, not a biological reality.

tcrosse said...

This is a fine opportunity for Laslo to give us a disquisition on Girl-Cock and Man-Pussy.

n.n said...


It's possible. Each of us can be characterized as a constellation of biases. For example, gender (i.e. behavior) is a normal distribution centered on our sex (i.e. genetic). The question is if something like the Transgender Spectrum Disorder (e.g. homosexual, crossover) should be normalized, tolerated, or rejected, in part or whole. The answer can be derived from a reconciliation of moral, natural, and personal imperatives.

Known Unknown said...

"Just as sororities were established to give women a safe space in a patriarchal system"

Ha ha ha ha ha. Nope. They were established to give snobby girls a chance to pick their friends and look down on other girls who weren't part of the in group.

Jack Tors said...

I'm just a caveman...your world frightens and confuses me!

MayBee said...

Maxed Out Mama- good stuff.

veni vidi vici said...

This guy is an idiot.

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