January 20, 2017

About Donald Trump's incredibly short speech at the Congressional Luncheon.

It may seem that the most distinctive thing about it was how much of it was devoted to applauding Hillary Clinton. That took up about half of the speech, because the applause was long and the speech was so short.

The most distinctive thing was that he made his remarks to the members of Congress so small in relation to the length of the Inaugural Address, which was a speech very much directed to Us the People.

To the members of Congress, he said there was work to be done, and they need to get together to do it. "We all want the same thing. We're all good people. Whether you're a Republican or Democrat doesn't make any difference. We're all going to get along." That's it.

It's not true — other than as an aspiration. But it's his big ask. It's the premise upon which future dealings will be made.

But it's not important. The people in that room were minimized. Humble servants. Our eyes are directed back to the main speech outdoors, to The People. The We-the-People Speech:
We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort.... Together, we will determine the course of America and the world.... We will face challenges. We will confront hardships. But we will get the job done....
That's a lot of "We."
[W]e are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People. For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost....
The smallness of the remarks to the "small group" at that luncheon implicitly said: It's not about you anymore. It was a call to humility, coming in soft-spoken words from the man who's been portrayed as the biggest narcissist in the world.

And maybe he is. Maybe the cleverest way for him to be the narcissist is to diminish the others who hold governmental power. If he says to them: We of the government must be humble together for the sake of The People, the humility of Congress is more real than any humility that he can possibly take on. He is the President of the United States.

He has perhaps only humiliated all of his serious competitors for power, all the more aggrandizing himself.

So watch out. Don't be taken in. Stand back. Maintain your objectivity. You can't. But try a little. Let's be careful. And hope for the best.


Michael said...

Perhaps some word counter will tease out the number of times Trump said "I" today in those two speeches. Compare and contrast with how many times Obama said "I" in his final final final going away speech out there at Andrews. Also, going through the archives of all Trump speeches since he became a candidate when he said anything remotely unkind about the supporters of HRC. Compare and contrast.

Martha said...

Trump the alleged narcissist used the words "I" or "me" three times in his Inaugural speech.
Trump the alleged sexist pig behaved impeccably and gallantly today while Hillary's husband and potential first dude was caught ogling Ivanka Trump.
Trump will exceed expectations.

Susan said...

How long should it take to say We have work to do let's go do it?

Michael said...

Once written....

Speaking of "rise to power" the brownshirts today were all wearing masks and black and were breaking windows and blocking traffic. I think the left's confusion in matters relating to fascism results in a conflation of techniques wrongly employed. Or perhaps not. But most of the "criticism" of Trump has been hysterical, an emotion our hostess is not given to.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep our eyes open to possible human rights violations, to the violations of the Emoluments Clause, to the special relationship with Putin to the detriment of the US and the rest of the world, to the breaking of promises not to touch Medicare and Social Security, to violations of the First Amendment, and lastly to the virulent nationalism that infected Germany in the past. There are more, but these are some of the most important, IMO.

Fen said...

Screw them. They have forgotten they are servants of the people, sent to DC to represent our interests.

Humiliated? Marginalized? They should look worn out and haggard, like they have spent the work week (5 days gents, not 2-3) busting their ass, sleeping on the office couch and eating rammen.

Instead, they are all coifed and shiney. Fat and happy. As if they just spent the day on the links drinking with their K Street pals.

Laura said...

Subtle critiques pass by unnoticed though written twice, in two paragraphs.

The professor must apparently resort to ad hominem to be once recognized, twice acknowledged.

Bay Area Guy said...

The speech was much less important than the event; the event much less important than the policies Trump, Ryan and McConnell eventually enact.

But, I thoroughly enjoyed the event. American pomp and circumstance never gets old for me. The bands, the parades, the fireworks, the Lincoln Memorial, the Balls, the gowns, the parties - I love them all.

The protestors? Well, they have a role, true. But they are starting to irritate me.

The Democratic Congressmen who "boycotted" the inauguration? No class whatsoever. Yes, that includes John Lewis. Even heroes do stupid things.

Let's see what Trump does via those Executive Orders and Obamacare. I'd enjoy seeing swift action.

eric said...

I've got my hopes up and I don't know why. I'm always let down.

Like Lucy and the football, it's always snatched away before it can be kicked. No matter how many times we are told government will shrink, or the power will go back to the states, the government continues to grow.

If he manages to halt the growth, I'll consider that a success.

But I'd really like to see government shrink. Regulations done away with. Departments cast onto the dustbin of history.

We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Narcissism is a virtue if you can harness it for the good of humankind.

Fen said...

"Ann you will be embarrassed"

But she wrote several posts critical of Trump. Your Shamimg card is declined. And no more predictions from the crowd that got everything wrong about the election.

Hillary will break 300 EC votes? LOL

Hillary is putting Texas in play? LOL

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake about it. Make zero mistakes about it. The brownshirts in today's society are the progressives who like to hide behind superior sounding words and opinions. There can be no doubt in that.

Bill Peschel said...

I have reached a point in my life where I've confirmed that nobody knows nothing about anything.

Anyone can say any words they want. Only deeds matter. That's why most contemporary journalism -- which is all about the words -- is disposable.

Althouse's concluding words would be far more appropriate eight years ago when Obama promised that his nomination was the moment "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

To those people who did not cock a Spock-brow at that royal hubris, I can say your judgment is not to be trusted. And eight years later, that opinion was confirmed by the facts.

Anonymous said...

"The Democratic Congressmen who "boycotted" the inauguration? No class whatsoever. Yes, that includes John Lewis. Even heroes do stupid things."

On the other hand it's very classy to hawk Melania's QVC trinkets on the new White House.gov website.

Jon Ericson said...

Oh, so we have a "gay rights" advocate. Let it all hang out brother. Predict us the future.

Curious George said...

"It was a call to humility, coming in soft-spoken words from the man who's been portrayed as the biggest narcissist in the world."

By the left. What a steaming pile.

Fen said...

Down *along* the arm

Stupid autocorrect. Want to be sure you dont screw that up.

Comanche Voter said...

The man does know how to negotiate. As for Congress--on both sides of the aisle, it needs a negotiation and boy I hope they get it good and hard. As for the administrative agencies, their turn will come--and should.

Washington has been getting fat and flyover country has been getting hosed. A little rebalancing of priorities and privileges is in order.

Anonymous said...

This is how much he in reality, cares for the disaffected white working families he bamboozled.

"Just minutes after taking the oath of office, President Trump‎ made it harder for working families to get a mortgage. The President suspended a planned cut in FHA mortgage insurance premiums, which the National Association of Realtors estimates will cost as many as 40,000 families a shot at a new home. That’s 40,000 who just lost their chance to buy a home thanks to brand new President Trump. Now that he's in office, we must measure the President by his actions, not only his words – and what he did today was make it that much harder for families trying to achieve the American Dream."

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Scott said...

Trump reminds me of Howard Jarvis or Sonny Bono -- men in business who were pissed off by the intrusion of government in their lives, and who decided to dive into politics to change things. Trump obviously doesn't care about how he will be remembered, he just wants to get stuff done.

He doesn't seem at all awed by his office. So his speech was short. So what. It suits his purposes, and that's all that matters to him.

(Trump is like a hit of blotter acid. Good or bad, you're in for wherever the ride takes you. And it's not over until it's over.)

Gary Kirk said...

I wasn't taken in and I maintained my objectivity with my vote. But it is what it is. At this point I will hope for the best.

William said...

Trump has now passed from the sunny world of counterfactuals and hypotheticals into the nasty bogs and sudden cliffs of actuality. It's my belief that he'll screw up less things than Hillary, but that's not to say that there won't be mistakes, We'll get to read all about them in the press.

Michael K said...

The idiots are running true to form.

"There are more, but these are some of the most important, IMO."

No, they are the moanings of a lost soul.

"President Trump‎ made it harder for working families to get a mortgage."

You are so stupid that you seem to have no idea of why the economy crashed in 2008.

Have you ever heard of "liar loans?" Probably because you have one.

The FHA was trying to go back to the days of liar loans and Trump, who has forgotten more about real estate than you will ever know, stopped the cut in insurance premiums.

I'd give you a reading list if I thought you'd read anything. Anything but DNC talking points, anyway.

Jon Ericson said...

@MK My first thought!

hstad said...

Will states, ".....This is how much he in reality, cares for the disaffected white working families he bamboozled.....?" Sorry, my friend, I thought former President Obama(damn I like how that sounds) hated subsidies of any kind - at least for the oil companies? But, "Will" doesn't understand this quote from Thomas Sowell: ".....The big divide in this country is not between Democrats and Republicans, or women and men, but between talkers and doers....." Just like former President Obama, "....Senator Elizabeth Warren..." is a talker, both of whom have an absolute talent for saying things that make no sense.

David Begley said...

Great speech and great analysis by Althouse. Way better than the NYT.

Anonymous said...

Senator Warren is more intelligent and well versed in economic issues than you could ever hope to be MK. That quote is Senator Warren's. Your reading skills do not help you prove you know your ass from a hole in the ground.

JackWayne said...

Will is a sycophant of Fauxcahontas.

Anonymous said...

Great speech? Sounds like a high school freshman wrote it.

Anonymous said...

Will, sorry to hear about your vagina

Anonymous said...

If one must be a sychophant, one should chose someone who is worth the adoration, unlike you dupes who voted for this fraud.

William said...

If a Russian hooker ever stays at the Trump Hotel, we will read about it. If a bed wetter occupies such environs, CNN will interrupt the news to keep us abreast of the situation.....It's claimed that Trump has record low approval ratings for an incoming president. Given the relentlessly negative coverage, it's a wonder that anyone in the country approves of him Reagan was the only president I can remember who was able to prosper and thrive--rather than just survive--in such an environment. I'm not sanguine about Trump's chances. .

exhelodrvr1 said...

That was totally appropriate - the problem has long been that most lawmakers, on both sides of the aisle, make it "about them", and not about their job/the people.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What Trump just did is saved 40,000 families from having to file for bankruptcy in an few years.

Mark said...

It has been suggested that the inaugural address was short too -- "one of the shortest in history," said one pundit. Thankfully, he did not drone on and on and on and on and on, as some did (and who promises to come back and keep on talking).

Actually, the inaugural was close to average. George W's and Clinton's firsts were not much longer. And Trump's was longer than Kennedy's.

Krumhorn said...

We are also ignoring lectures about narcissism from the people who supported President Selfie for 8 years.

You have zero credibility. Your attempts to troll us only elicit laughter.

Have you considered slitting your wrists? Be sure to cut down also the arm, not across it.

Pretty ugly stuff. You must have consulted with the guy who said that Trump's speech was Hitlerian.

- Krumhorn

Fen said...

Meh. The Left is now hyperventilatimg about respect, decorum and civility. But when Romney ran they called him Hitler too.

They don't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about. So why even listen to their BS?

David Baker said...

A tad overwrought analysis, Althouse. Seeing traits and motives that aren't there, IMO. President Trump extended olive branches in every direction. Even and especially to Hillary Clinton, who might have otherwise been arrested on the spot.

In addition, the self-serving congress is puny without this president's help. Over the next four years at least, hiding under their own desks is going to be a lot harder. Especially for preening parasites like John Lewis.

Drago said...

Will: "If one must be a sychophant, one should chose someone who is worth the adoration, unlike you dupes who voted for this fraud."


Yes, a fan of Elizabeth Warren, the fake "person of color" who is a fake native American, actually wrote that. Just now. With no sense of irony.

And worse, wants to lecture everyone else on support of "frauds".

You cannot make this stuff up.

Drago said...

Will should regale us with tales of Hillary's daring do corkscrewing thru the sky to land in Bosnia and running to avoid sniperfire.

Then we can talk about "frauds".


buwaya said...

"Senator Warren is more intelligent and well versed in economic issues than you could ever hope to be MK.'

Intelligent, I don't know. Well versed? Possibly. But she has a reputation for poor-quality research and cooking her books in her academic work.

Will said...

When I was a newbie manager, my boss BEAT into me that you NEVER say "I", you always say "We". By using inclusive language, building a group/team/tribe, you made everyone feel like they had a stake in what was going on.

Business people need to learn this, because most things in business are voluntary.

Government people, not so much...

Anonymous said...

eric: I've got my hopes up and I don't know why. I'm always let down.

Like Lucy and the football, it's always snatched away before it can be kicked. No matter how many times we are told government will shrink, or the power will go back to the states, the government continues to grow.

It is perhaps in the nature of complex human systems that they grow beyond the capacity of humans to control them. They either collapse, or require extreme extra-system measures to bring them under control. That is, the sort of times and events you don't wish on your worst enemies, let along yourself, family, and friends.

As my old aunts used to say, "We shall see what we shall see."

In the meantime, I'm enjoying the moment.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

"It was a call to humility, coming in soft-spoken words from the man who's been portrayed as the biggest narcissist in the world."

Well, the biggest narcissist in the world just left the Oval Office after 8 long years...

Michael K said...

"Senator Warren is more intelligent and well versed in economic issues than you could ever hope to be MK."

You are so fucking stupid you think a fake Indian law "professor" who teaches one class for $400,000 per year knowns about the economics of the mortgage industry ?

I have no idea who you are and why you are so goddamned stupid but it is typical of the far left to use appeals to authority instead of knowledge..

Here is a very short reading list.

Here is my review of her book, which is the highest rated by readers.

Start there, if you can handle the big words.

Fen said...

"Pretty ugly stuff"

Not really. I've seen the plans to round up the Left for the labor camps. Worse than you can imagine. So suicide would be a mercy.

Or maybe all the tantrums and attempts to overturn a legit election has generated such contempt and disgust for them that I want to encourage the mental Lefties to off themselves.

They are marxist scum. Not my fellow countrymen. And its a mercy, as they can't even survive first contact with an opposing point of view without melting down into hysterics and hyperbole. Think of all the suffering the will endure over the next 8 years. Suicide is good option for them, and will save the taxpayers millions of dollars.

rcocean said...

"while Hillary's husband and potential first dude was caught ogling Ivanka Trump."

Ivanka is a stunner. I'll forgive Billy Boy for that one.

FullMoon said...

Will said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Let's keep our eyes open to possible human rights violations, to the violations of the Emoluments Clause, to the special relationship with Putin to the detriment of the US and the rest of the world, to the breaking of promises not to touch Medicare and Social Security, to violations of the First Amendment, and lastly to the virulent nationalism that infected Germany in the past. There are more, but these are some of the most important, IMO.

Naw, you keep an eye on those things. We all gonna be busy Making America Great Again.

Todd Roberson said...

What the BEEP has happened to Commander Crankshaft / Rhythm & Balls?

Out of insults and conventional wisdom?

Looking forward to hearing from you again sister/brother/intersex/whatever.

Anonymous said...

Will quoting Sen. Warren: "Just minutes after taking the oath of office, President Trump‎ made it harder for working families to get a mortgage. The President suspended a planned cut in FHA mortgage insurance premiums, which the National Association of Realtors estimates will cost as many as 40,000 families a shot at a new home."

Because, of course, there's absolutely no reason for ever "making it harder to get a mortgage". Will, do you even know what mortgage insurance is, and why it's required for some housing loans? Hey, I have a good idea, why don't we just make requiring mortgage insurance of any kind against the law? That would make housing accessible to even more families! I'm sure Senator Warren would agree.

Btw, "Will", why do you feel the need to post as "Louisa", "LW", and "Will" (and probably a few others) instead of just using one name? (Same with "MackM" aka "Anonymous" aka "Nikki" aka "MNichols" aka ?.) I don't see the point. It just makes you look mentally ill, instead of just stupid.

Anonymous said...

Warren's scholarship and achievements in economics far suprpass yours. I don't care how many books you've written, does not impress me in the least. If you had her skills you'd be where she is now. Try not to be jealous, it makes you look small and mean, well maybe you are small and mean.

Fen said...

It doesn't matter how intelligent Warren is. She stole quotas from native Americans to get where she is byby deceptively presenting herself as a minority.

Fruit from a poisoned tree. She should have been forced to resign in disgrace. Instead, the Left embraced her as a hero. That tells me everything I need to know about Democrats.

If you support Sent Warren, you are as dishonest and corrupt as Hillary Clinton. And anything you say can be easily disregarded as yet more dishonesty and corruption.

rcocean said...

Trump just issued the declaration of war. Now we have to fight the battles.

Even if he get 25% of what he promised, it'll be a fantastic improvement over what Hillary would've done.

The real enemy isn't the Democrats, its grandstanding assholes like McCain and Ryan. Sneaky shits who'll support him only when they have to, and will stab Trump in the back every chance they get.

Fen said...

To be where she is now he would have to lie about his ancestry and steal affirmative action quotas from minorities.

Your tacit approval of that marks you as a pos.

MaxedOutMama said...

Will - only someone utterly ignorant about finance or even the basics of commercial banking could believe that Warren is well-informed about finance. She is laughably ignorant about finance.

This is the woman that wrote an article of over 100 pages, published in a law journal, about the horror of credit card disclosures. Her critique might have sounded good, but in fact most of the content she criticized was dictated by government regulations written under the Truth in Lending Act and other federal law. The wording and formats she did not like were those recommended and given legal safe harbor under federal case law.

She also claimed that student loans (10-20 year terms) should get the overnight discount rate. Seriously, she did. If she really believed that, why the hell shouldn't mortgages, which are at least partially secured, also get the discount rate? Think of how many people could buy houses if they were paying the discount rate!!! But she never suggested that, and I wonder why?

I suspect she's a somewhat stupid person who spent too long in academia to understand ANYTHING, but with a decent heart. Alternatively, she's a nasty demagogue who feeds off the ignorance of reporters, but she is intelligent enough to know that raising such a suggestion about mortgages would cause a public debate during which the flaming stupidity of her suggestion would be exposed.

WhatEVER she is, she is most certainly no expert on finance!

Krumhorn said...

They are marxist scum. Not my fellow countrymen. And its a mercy, as they can't even survive first contact with an opposing point of view without melting down into hysterics and hyperbole. Think of all the suffering the will endure over the next 8 years.

You mean like this? this?

- Krumhorn

Anonymous said...


Are you drunk? What are you blabbering about? Never mind, I don't care. If you have a counter argument to my comments, go ahead, otherwise STFU and don't address me further, you weird stalker.

Fen said...

Bet you skim from the orphan's fund too.

Todd Roberson said...

Let's see if I can get some action from Commander Crankshaft / Rhythm & Balls as I miss his/her/it?/cis-it?/ ...

Global Warming is a complete hoax!


OK ...

A Republican was quoted as saying that water is wet!


Gahrie said...

But most of the "criticism" of Trump has been hysterical, an emotion our hostess is not given to.

I can think of at least two occasions....

Unknown said...

Do I think that Trump will be able to return America to the manufacturing colossus it once was? No,I don't.

But what the hell do I know. I didn't think Trump would win the nomination. I didn't think Trump would win the election.

Surprise me Mr Trump.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that General Mattis has been confirmed, maybe he can keep Trump in line regarding his high regard for Putin. Mattis made it ecceedingly clear as to how he views Putin and NATO.

Anonymous said...

Will: Are you drunk?

Not yet. Though we did just pop the bubbly chez Anglelyne.

What are you blabbering about? Never mind, I don't care. If you have a counter argument to my comments, go ahead, otherwise STFU and don't address me further, you weird stalker.

Translation: Will's technical acumen in concealing sock-puppetry is as sophisticated as his understanding of the whys and wherefores of commercial banking.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"But she has a reputation for poor-quality research and cooking her books in her academic work."

And a reputation for actual cookery! Witness her ancestral recipes for "Pow Wow Chow" and crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing, dishes beloved by generations of Oklahoma Cherokees and passed on to her by her great-great-great grand squaw.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I thought I told you to not address me unless you have something normal to say. If I would want to use sockpuppets it would be none of your business. Do you know how odd you look obsessing over other commenters identities? As a matter of fact I believe Althouse and Meade don't appreciate such behavior in the comments section and have deleted such comments in the past. If you have an argument regarding the subject matter of mycomments, go ahead, otherwise I suggest you get a fucking life and quit stalking Althouse commenters.

Drago said...

MaxedOutMama: "Will - only someone utterly ignorant about finance or even the basics of commercial banking could believe that Warren is well-informed about finance."


And these idiots think they are smarter than Mnuchin.

Again, you can't make this stuff up.

Can't wait until Franken pulls his idiot-questioning routine again. Talk about being disarmed in a gunfight.

traditionalguy said...

Evaluating the Trump intentions from blunt, laconic speeches is easy if you first study Otto Von Bismarck's ways of governing a State. You will learn from that:

1) He means exactly what he says.

2)He will not seek conflicts except ones he thinks we cannot avoid.

3)He will wait until he hears the steps of God walking through events, and then he will leap up and grasp the hem of His garment.

Fen said...

Too funny. Angelyne easily dispenses the fake narrative re Warren, and with evidence and reasoned analysis.

Will responds by devolving into a temper tantrum.

Will, can I interest you in a suicide kit? Act now and i'll throw in a topical anesthetic. But wait! There"s more! Call in the next 30 minutes and you'll get our Buddy Kit so you can leave this cruel world with one of your fellow libtards.

Because it's not fair that you have to go through life so stupid. And think of all the horrors you'll escape once we open up the labor camps.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

But then Warren, like other leftists, believes that simply asserting things makes them true. Warren concocted a Native American background to gain Affirmative Action and victimhood brownie points, just like BLM spokesman Shaun King (memorably dubbed "Talcum X") pretends to be black - and, incredibly, actual black people let him get away with it.

Warren is Indian if she says so, King is black if he says so, a man can put on a dress and claim to be a woman, Obama says race relations got better during the past 8 years and there have been no foreign terrorist attacks on US soil and the media nods and smiles instead of challenging him.

Trump voters got tired of being told every single day that 2+2=5.

traditionalguy said...

New brand name for DJT: Donald Von Trump, the Iron President.

rcocean said...

"Actually, the inaugural was close to average. George W's and Clinton's firsts were not much longer. And Trump's was longer than Kennedy's."

The problem is that Clinton and Bush larded their speeches will a lot of pap and pompous baloney. Example from Clinton's 1993:

"When George Washington first took the oath I have just sworn to uphold, news traveled slowly across the land by horseback and across the ocean by boat. Now, the sights and sounds of this ceremony are broadcast instantaneously to billions around the world. Communications and commerce are global. Investment is mobile. Technology is almost magical. And ambition for a better life is now universal."

Michael K said...

" I don't care how many books you've written, does not impress me in the least. "

I am sure that you are not impressed by any logical explanation.

Do you know how much that bothers me?

Do I worry about what fools think of me ?

You are a child and children, of any age, do not concern me,. I have five children and I am sure that all are more accomplished than your pitiful little resume.

Get a job,

Anonymous said...

Mnuchin, who neglected to report $100 M in assets and neglected to mention he's on the board of directors of an investment fund in the Caymen Islands?

Fen said...

Libtard: "I thought I told you not to address me"

LOL. Better listen Angelyne, or Will is gonna tell his mommy

What a joke. There are no trigger warnings or safe spaces at Althouse, little man. Better crawl back to your echo chamber.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I dunno, about Mnuchin. Do we know where Mnuchin stands on the issue of bathroom access for trannies?

America needs to know where the Treasury Secretary stands on one of the most important issues of our time.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Only five comments to a Godwinism. Even for a Golden Shower Leftist that's some serious hip shooting. I wish Althouse the best of health, both because it's the Christian thing to do, and because her comments section is going to be a rich source of hilarity over the next four years

Anonymous said...

"I dunno, about Mnuchin. Do we know where Mnuchin stands on the issue of bathroom access for trannies?"

I dunno, but you seem quite concerned about it.

Anonymous said...

" I wish Althouse the best of health, both because it's the Christian thing to do, and because her comments section is going to be a rich source of hilarity over the next four years."

His presidency won't last that long. He'll be out or in prison before 4 years are up. Treason is serious stuff.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Treason is serious stuff"

Bowe Bergdahl
Bradley Manning
Hillary Clinton

Not so serious, apparently.

heyboom said...

President Trump issues first Executive Order:


YoungHegelian said...


Treason is serious stuff.

Like you have any fucking evidence for that other than what you've pulled out of your ass.

Tell us, Will -- what good do you think you're doing here? Is annoying us the good you're doing? Does it seem to you that we think your powers of argumentation are convincing, & that someone will see the light? Or, are you being paid by some lefty group to behave like an asshole to people who just happen to disagree with your Party Line?

Anonymous said...

Good move considering all the investigations regarding the Putin Trump connection.

An objection from three Democratic senators will delay the U.S. Senate’s vote to confirm Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo as the new director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

"“The importance of the position of CIA Director, especially in these dangerous times, demands that the nomination be thoroughly vetted, questioned and debated,” the senators said in a statement.

The vote had been expected to happen on Friday, after the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th president.

The move means Trump likely will start his presidency without his own nominee at the head of the CIA."

heyboom said...

Ann, it is well past time to invoke your comment moderation clause against Will. He's getting out of hand.

Sebastian said...

If singing the praises of Fauxahontas "scholarship" is what leftists think will help their cause, I have to invoke Sebastian's Dilemma once again: encourage or ridicule? I think encourage, in this case. Even leftist academics wouldn't want to vouch for it, so pushing Fauxy as savior in 2020 is going to cause a certain, um, trouble.

Anonymous said...

"Tell us, Will -- what good do you think you're doing here?"

I'm exercising my First Amendment rights. What are you doing here?

FullMoon said...

Anglelyne said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Btw, "Will", why do you feel the need to post as "Louisa", "LW", and "Will" (and probably a few others) instead of just using one name? (Same with "MackM" aka "Anonymous" aka "Nikki" aka "MNichols" aka ?.) I don't see the point. It just makes you look mentally ill, instead of just stupid.

Louisa? That explains it the progressive hysteria.PMSimg?.
Thanks Angelyne!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Ah, a protestor.

Big Mike said...

Sent today by Secretary of Defense Mattis:

"It’s good to be back and I’m grateful to serve alongside you as Secretary of Defense.

Together with the Intelligence Community we are the sentinels and guardians of our nation. We need only look to you, the uniformed and civilian members of the Department and your families, to see the fundamental unity of our country. You represent an America committed to the common good; an America that is never complacent about defending its freedoms; and an America that remains a steady beacon of hope for all mankind.

Every action we take will be designed to ensure our military is ready to fight today and in the future. Recognizing that no nation is secure without friends, we will work with the State Department to strengthen our alliances. Further, we are devoted to gaining full value from every taxpayer dollar spent on defense, thereby earning the trust of Congress and the American people.

I am confident you will do your part. I pledge to you I’ll do my best as your Secretary.


A president who employs people like this will have success during his tenure.

FullMoon said...

heyboom said...

Ann, it is well past time to invoke your comment moderation clause against Will. He's getting out of hand.

No! Will is ok. She just out of sorts for a few days.
Just skip her comments.

Anonymous said...

"Ann, it is well past time to invoke your comment moderation clause against Will. He's getting out of hand."

Comment moderation because I'm expressing opinions that differ from the majority? Is this how free speech will be honored under a Trump presidency? Calling for those who express differing opinions to be "moderated"? It didn't take long, did it?

FullMoon said...

Will said...

"Ann, it is well past time to invoke your comment moderation clause against Will. He's getting out of hand."

Comment moderation because I'm expressing opinions that differ from the majority? Is this how free speech will be honored under a Trump presidency? Calling for those who express differing opinions to be "moderated"? It didn't take long, did it?

Hey Will,
I stuck up for you. You make me feel smart.

Anonymous said...

Will: If I would want to use sockpuppets it would be none of your business. Do you know how odd you look obsessing over other commenters identities?

Don't worry, "Will", I'm not a liberal or a progressive, so I have no interest in invading the privacy or doxxing people who disagree with me so I can get them in trouble or sacked or whatever. I respect people's privacy, so I notice when they're being a bit naïve about concealing their identities. (It doesn't require mad skillz or "obsession" to confirm sock-puppeting on a blogger blog, lol.)

I'm also honestly curious about why people indulge in such obvious sock-puppetry, but you're right, it you don't want to divulge your motives, it's really none of my business. But it does make you look a bit whacked. Jus' sayin'.

I told you to not address me unless you have something normal to say.

Forgive me for my impertinence, your highness.

Btw, your royal butthurt, if I may be so bold as to enquire once more time: do you even know what mortgage insurance is, and why it's required for some housing loans?

Mr. Fabulous said...

(World Famous Lurker says....)

"Will says - "Tell us, Will -- what good do you think you're doing here?"

I'm exercising my First Amendment rights. What are you doing here?"

You should be embarrassed at your own ignorance Will. You do not have any First Amendment rights here. The Professor can ban you for any or no reason at any time she wishes. This is her personal blog, and the First Amendment does not apply here. You are a guest here, and should act like you are a visitor to her home, not a petulant, classless jerk.

Anonymous said...

Althouse has expressed her respect for the First Amendment. I know she and Meade use deletion when and where they see fit. I don't however believe they delete comments because they are liberal in nature or context, so your assertion is lame.

John henry said...

OpenID jdniner said...

The brownshirts in today's society are the progressives...

today's society, JD?

Progressives have always been brownshirts going back 100+ years. Even before brownshirts were brownshirts.

Progressives idolized Mussolini and Hitler as they came to power. Europe was a mess, here were finally the guys to get things straightened out. Right up to 1939 or so.

Mussolini was a good guy because "He made the trains run on time". remember?

Look at this picture of Fearless Phil LaFollette speaking at the founding of his "Nationalist Progressive Party" in 1938. People got accused of heiling Trump for more subtle gestures.

Look at the emblem he chose for his party. A black X on a white background on a red field? Is it any wonder that the Wisconsin Historical Society calls it a "circumcised swastika" in their article about Phil LaFollette. His gesture in that picture, one finger instead of the whole palm, is just a circumcised Heil, come to think of it.


Birds of a feather. We've lived with progressives for far too long. They have had their day and this is just one last gasp. They won't go away quietly and the work is not done. But as a political force, if we can keep the pressure on, they are finished.

Think of that burning limo in today's news as the funeral pyre of progressivism. Sorry the limo had to die but at least it was for a good cause.

Wisconsin, as the home of progressivism and the LaFollettes has a lot to answer for. Helping put Trump over the top did a lot to redeem the state.

John Henry

YoungHegelian said...


I'm exercising my First Amendment rights. What are you doing here?

Me? I'm doing my bit adding to the conversation here, as I have done for lo' these many years now (something you might know, if you hadn't parachuted in from Mars yesterday). I do my part, & rarely do I get told to go fuck myself by my compatriots.

But, as Fabulous says above, "First amendment"?!

You're just a kid, aren't you? You're in your twenties, still in, or just out of college. Be honest. I'm right, aren't I?

FullMoon said...

Blogger Will said...

Althouse has expressed her respect for the First Amendment. I know she and Meade use deletion when and where they see fit. I don't however believe they delete comments because they are liberal in nature or context, so your assertion is lame.

Stop talking Will, you are digging a deeper hole

Mr. Fabulous is correct.
" You do not have any First Amendment rights here. The Professor can ban you for any or no reason at any time she wishes. This is her personal blog, and the First Amendment does not apply here"

John henry said...

Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...

What Trump just did is saved 40,000 families from having to file for bankruptcy in an few years.

Let me see: If the average home price was $150m and average commissions are 6%, then Trump cost the members of the National Association of realtors as well as not member realtors, $360mm in commissions.

They get their commission at closing, they don't give a shit about the future bankruptcy.

Trump has a lot of experience with realtors and Realtors. I wonder how he feels about them? Was cutting them out of this pile of commission money one of his motives?

John Henry

Ambrose said...

"About Lincoln's incredibly short speech at that cemetery."

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

re. Elizabeth Warren (Will @ 5:53 PM)

1. Much, if not most, of the economic agony of the past 8+ years was kicked off by Congress *requiring* banks to lend money to people who could not afford to repay it.

2. The American Dream is *not* home ownership. The American Dream, what drove and drives people to leave their homes and come to America, is to be not molested by Government.

John henry said...


But Trump did bring global whatever to a complete halt. At 12:00 noon all references to warming/wet/cold/dry/change disappeared from the White House website.

Did Trumps folks get their hands on the mouse of control that quick? Someone should do a time stamp check of when it was removed and when Trump said I do.

I would not put it past one last poo fling by the sore losers.

Whoever did it, it is another bright step in a very bright sunshiney day.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Unknown said...

Do I think that Trump will be able to return America to the manufacturing colossus it once was? No,I don't.

What has happened to American Manufacturing output per capita in any 5 year period you care to name post WWII? Has it increased or decreased? If you say decreased, go sit in a corner with a dunce cap. It has increased pretty dramatically.

To return to the manufacturing colossus it once was would mean we would have to take a pretty sharp hit in manufacturing output. We need more output, not less. That is the only a way a society can build wealth.

Or maybe you mean manufacturing jobs? They've been going down. In a fairly straight trend line since 1945. Not because output has declined, but because of automation and more efficient use of capital. Each worker in manufacturing today produces many times more value than a similar worker in the 80's

John Henry

John henry said...

Hey Will, do we now have to ask permission to address you?

Well, let me address you directly, and without permission:

Go fuck yourself!

We can address anyone here, no matter how addled they may seem and don't need anyone's permission.

Other than our hostess and her faithful sidekick Meade.

John Henry

John henry said...

Hey Ann/Meade,

that was not me above. Russians hacked my account!!!!!

John Henry

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I dunno, but you seem quite concerned about it.

1/20/17, 7:36 PM

You're confusing me with the junior senator from NY. She worries about such things.

wholelottasplainin said...

Will said...
This is how much he in reality, cares for the disaffected white working families he bamboozled.

(tendentious bullshit from Fauxcahontas follows, re a mortgage program Trump wants to kill)

Have the lessons of government-interference in the mortgage market---you know, the Crash of 2008 and all that---never passed through your synapses, sir?

Do you progs ever LEARN from experience?

wholelottasplainin said...

Will said...
Senator Warren is more intelligent and well versed in economic issues than you could ever hope to be MK. That quote is Senator Warren's

You mean the person who admonishes successful entrepreneurs that they "didn't build that"?


(free clue: many of us remember when Hillary was supposed to be the smartest woman in the world. We're used to partisan puffery trying to pass itself off as "fact".)

Bob Loblaw said...

His presidency won't last that long. He'll be out or in prison before 4 years are up. Treason is serious stuff.

This sort of lunacy is what brought Trump to the oval office. If you really believe this kind of thing it's going to be a long, long eight years.

Bob Loblaw said...

You mean the person who admonishes successful entrepreneurs that they "didn't build that"?

This probably plays well in academia, where advancement can seem kind of arbitrary. But it's pretty insulting to the people who start companies and, you know, build things.

wholelottasplainin said...

Will, I'm dead certain that's YOU in this photo from the demonstrations in DC:


Yep. That's you, on the right.

Or maybe on the left.

Or..the center, even.

FUBAR, the lot of youse.

Michael K said...

The lefty lunatics are out in force.

Jon Ericson said...

and in 'force'
po po poppin some gas

Achilles said...

Will doesn't even know what mortgage insurance is or why the industry needs it. He is really only good for mockery and making everyone around him look informed.

wholelottasplainin said...

It's very clear that Will has fled the jurisdiction.

But he will reappear tomorrow, pretending none of this happened.

Seeing Red said...

1/4 of a point on the FHA mort.

About $45/m.

Seeing Red said...

Will said Fauxahontas us intelligent?


Seeing Red said...

She's a grifter like Evita.

harrogate said...

Dark day for America

wildswan said...

The way I read it Obama raised the fee several times to keep things solvent. And Warren didn't say anything when Obama raised the fees. But then, just before he left office, Obama lowered a little bit the fee he'd raised. Then today Ben Carson put it back up. Warren noticed what Ben Carson did (after ignoring Obama's fee increases) and wrote about how mean Republicans are. It's mean of Republicans to do do what Obama had been doing with her complete support. So, hypocrite lefty Warren, fake tears, fake news, what's new.

If they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.

Yancey Ward said...

The message to Congress was pretty clear, in my opinion. I personally think Republicans in Congress have hid behind Obama's veto pen for 6 years. That time is done, and Trump is letting them know it.

Chuck said...

Trump's speeches and Tweets are routinely "incredible."

Xmas said...

Wildswan, what I find interesting is this sudden concern for a government program which helps banks recover their losses when they foreclose on underwater mortgages. If $500 a year is going to greatly affect your quality of life, maybe buying a home with no down payment isn't the right financial decision in the first place.

Rusty said...

Very few "I's" and "me 's.

" Will said...
Let's keep our eyes open to possible human rights violations, to the violations of the Emoluments Clause, to the special relationship with Putin to the detriment of the US and the rest of the world, to the breaking of promises not to touch Medicare and Social Security, to violations of the First Amendment, and lastly to the virulent nationalism that infected Germany in the past. There are more, but these are some of the most important, IMO."

Of course this earnest concern would be much easier to believe had you been present for the rights violation of our citizens for the last eight years.
From this point we'll be relying on you for your pointed insights into the state of Trumps presidency.
And, Putin!


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