December 14, 2016

Trump in Wisconsin with Christmas trees.

Last night in West Allis.

You've got to scroll way in to get to the speakers. Politico has some text, describing election night (at 1:16:17 in the video):
“So it began with phony exit polls. And I got a call from my daughter at about 5 o’clock, and she was called by people in their business,” Trump began, referring to his daughter, Ivanka. “And her husband, Jared, great guy, he was called. Then they called me and they said: ‘I’m sorry, Dad. It looks really bad. Looks really, really bad.’” Trump recalled asking what the problem was and conceded that he “really assumed I lost” because, despite his constant rant against “phony” polls, he thought they had some credibility. “So I sort of thought I lost, and I was OK with that,” Trump admitted. “I wouldn’t say great. In fact, I called my vice president and I said, ‘It’s not looking good.'"

“So I go and see my wife. I say, ‘Baby, I’ll tell you what, we’re not gonna win tonight because the polls have come out and’ — you know, I always used to believe in those exit polls. I don’t believe in them anymore. ’It’s just looking bad. But, you know what, I’m OK with it because of the fact that I couldn’t have worked any harder... You can’t do any worse than that. I mean, I just couldn’t have done it. And if I lose, I lose. And you know what? If I lose, I lose and I’m gonna have a nice, easy life. We can all relax, together, right?’” ...

“So now the polls just closed, and they start announcing numbers,” Trump said. “And I say, ‘Oh, this is gonna be embarrassing.’ I’m trying to figure out what am I gonna do. And I have this ballroom that’s not that big because I didn’t know if I was gonna win or lose.” But what he did know is that if he was going to lose, “I didn’t want a big ballroom.” Trump reenacted the brisk concession he would have delivered, in which he would have thanked his supporters and said good night....


David said...


Martha said...

Merry Christmas! MERRY Christmas!!!!
Trump putting the MERRY into the Christmas season.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Trump Uber Allis!

traditionalguy said...

Remembrances of Christmas past. A quaint custom the old timers used to celebrate the incarnation of God as a man. An earlier advent of an unexpected and mostly unwelcome new king to rule over the old establishment.

mezzrow said...

Ho Ho Ho... Epic trolling here from Trump.

Not proud of enjoying it as much as I do.

AllenS said...

It's a subliminal message about how you can't believe anything that you hear from the MSM.

Martha said...

“I’ll never forget when they were on the map and they put up Wisconsin, and he said, ‘There is no path for Hillary Clinton to become president,’” Trump said, sparking another roar from the crowd. “’Donald Trump is your next president of the United States.’ Because of you. So I wanna thank — I wanna thank the people of Wisconsin. You’re incredible people.”

Everyone on the Sunday talk shows before the election declared that there was no path for Trump to 270. How satisfying to witness the revelation that SURPRISE! actually there is no path for Hillary! to 270.

I listened to the entire Thank You Rally speech. Trump sincerely repeatedly thanked the people in Wisconsin who made his victory possible.

rhhardin said...

If I heard the clip right, privately offering to buy Hillary's fireworks on $.05 on the dollar a few days before the election was the best troll. No reply from the Hillary campaign.

Women don't understand guy rules.

traditionalguy said...

It's not over until the Herald Angels sing.

Big Mike said...

Franken's wrong -- Trump does have a sense of humor. Just Franken doesn't get it. (Come to think of it, there's a lot Al Franken doesn't get.)

Laslo Spatula said...

Sounds suspiciously like Humility.

I am Laslo.

Unknown said...

I watched Keith Olberman melt down before watching the Trump rally in Wisconsin. A contrast of men believing they are embarking upon a mission with sheer insanity--painful and distressing to witness. One watches Olberman wondering if the man is truly experiencing an emotional breakdown. The Trump administration must remain focused, allowing the mission of restoring the country forefront, allowing the hysteria of the left to burn-out amidst the success of a simple mature federal government.

Big Mike said...

Oh, and where are the teleprompters? Aren't teleprompters required by law or something in the "era of Obama"?

Henry said...

And I have this ballroom that’s not that big because I didn’t know if I was gonna win or lose.

There's much more sanity in this approach than Trump is given credit for.

I think that's one unappreciated part of his successful candidacy. He never forgot he was putting on a show. For those of us who see politics as spectacle, there was always something refreshing about his lack of seriousness.

Unknown said...

Trump seems to be showing a surprising amount of humility in recent days. I wonder if it was always there (I've always assumed his public persona was at least in part a character he played) or if the campaign changed him.

Mike Sylwester said...

I thought Trump would lose, but all during Election Day I was reading a thread on The Conservative Treehouse, where people were writing their observations of the turnout at their local polling places. People were writing that they never had seen such a turnout, that the lines began to form more than an hour before the polling places opened.

During the day, I began to have some hope that a miracle would happen.

I was surprised when Trump won Florida, and then I was amazed when he won North Carolina. I was dumbfounded when he won Pennsylvania.

Oso Negro said...

For some reason, I like Donald Trump a lot more after reading this. He did put his heart into running for President, and whether you like what you saw out of him or not, he didn't hold anything back. It must have been quite a sensation for him the moment he realized that he wasn't losing at all. I like the thank you tour also.

Sebastian said...

So the thank-you tour is really the rubbing-it-in tour.

You know, I'm sure the guy is gonna piss me off, but I'll enjoy the show while I can. As noted in previous thread, cabinet appointments looking good, much more conservative than expected -- a positive sign.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The whole Trump phenomenon is so much simpler than Progressives make it out to be. He's an old fashioned guy who loves America and thinks we'd all be better off with a more vibrant economy and fewer government restrictions. Moreover, he's so old fashioned that he believes winning is good and success breeds success. It's so hokey it might work!

Big Mike said...

I read where Department of Energy staffers have been defying the Trump transition team.

Note to folks in the Department of Energy -- do not mess with Rick Perry. That there sumbitch is from Texas.

Unknown said...

I am positive being president is going to make Trump a better man, more in tuned with reality, growing in all aspects as a man, open and receptive to others. It will be fun to watch.

Big Mike said...

@Mike Sylwester, I know what you mean. I was ignoring the national preference poll and looking at RealClearPolitics state by state polling. In the last week of the election the undecided were breaking hard for Trump but it seemed to me to be too little too late.

Original Mike said...

""And I have this ballroom that’s not that big because I didn’t know if I was gonna win or lose."

There's much more sanity in this approach than Trump is given credit for."

And Hillary was all ready with her glass ceiling. What does that say about her? (rhetorical question)

Henry said...

@Original Mike: Exactly.

Original Mike said...

"So it began with phony exit polls."

The one time I was approached by a pollster after leaving the polling place I told him to sod off.

CJ said...

Think he's playing 11-D chess here or just being authentic? Or is that all part of it?

traditionalguy said...

This is terrible . Trump has caused a massive inflation in the prices of common stock.

And he has restored morale in the oppressive policemen and soldiers.

And he has started to return manufacturing's pollution to the USA.

Next thing we know he will restore peace with the horrible Russian people.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly, if I had known that Newsweek had already shipped Madam President magazines and that Clinton popped champagne election day afternoon, I'd've been 100% convinced that she was losing, instead of being shocked when Ohio went Trump and it became possible she might lose.

Captain Drano said...

Left out is Melania's answer (I think he said this 2x last night) "you're not going to lose."

I've also heard that when they were contemplating whether he should run or not, Melania admonished him "just remember, if you choose to run, you will win."

YoungHegelian said...

And if I lose, I lose. And you know what? If I lose, I lose and I’m gonna have a nice, easy life. We can all relax, together, right?’”

Assuming Trump isn't pulling our leg here, & I don't think he is, can you imagine these words coming out of Hillary Clinton's mouth?

Chuck said...

So the Trumpkins (many of them, at least) booed Paul Ryan.

It makes me wonder about the demographics of the people at these Trump rallies. They don't represent the national, or the Wisconsin, electorate. Because Paul Ryan won a primary, easily, and the general, handily.

So did Marco Rubio; challenged by a Breibart/Drudge-supported primary challenger.

So too did John McCain.

There was, and is, a definite groundswell of enthusiasm among the Hannity/Rush/Breitbart/InfoWars crowd(s). They are helping, to beat Democrats. But they aren't winning primaries, with the lone exception of Trump.

Peter said...

The first sign I saw that there might be an upset was the, umm, yuuuge turnout at my polling place. Given the lack of enthusiasm Clinton supporters had shown for their candidate during the election, it was hard to imagine that Clinton supporters had finally found their enthusiasm.

Chuck said...

Big Mike:

Sorry, dude. Your joke about the teleprompters falls flat; there were two of them, just as if Obama was doing the speech:

Look close and you will see the two screen-stands on either side of the lectern.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

“Then it happened, folks, out of nowhere,” he said. “Boy, that map was getting red as hell. That map — that map was bleeding red.”

...out of its wherever.

M Jordan said...

This is going to sound like bragging but here goes. On the Sunday before the election I plunked down one hundred bucks on a betting market for Trump. He was at $.25. My son, who did the transaction for me, was encouraged by my move and he too put down a hundred bucks. When Tuesday came at around 7:30 he called me and said, "Trump's tanking. He's down to $.13. Should we cut our losses?"

I had been observing Florida's numbers all day (early vote, exits, etc.) and was convinced the northern part of the state would tip it to Trump. So I told him, "Nope. He's going to win Florida and if he does, he wins." Actually, I knew he'd need another state or at least Maine district 2 to force a tie but I knew if he got Florida, someone, somewhere would come through (I was certain he'd take North Carolina and Ohio).

So we hung in there and each made $300 which only added sugar on top of the greatest election night ever.

Henry said...

...with the lone exception of Trump...

Who is not a witch.

Dude1394 said...

Great rapport with the voters.

Wince said...

Big Mike said...
Franken's wrong -- Trump does have a sense of humor. Just Franken doesn't get it. (Come to think of it, there's a lot Al Franken doesn't get.)

Are you saying Al lacks a "Frankensense" of humor?

Amy said...

I listened to his Sunday talk show interview with Chris Wallace. Was impressed by his demeanor. So different than during the campaign. As was this speech. I am starting to think that the campaign was theatre, and now he is (I hope) buckling down to the serious business of running the country.

Is my wishful thinking too obvious?

Todd said...

YoungHegelian said...
And if I lose, I lose. And you know what? If I lose, I lose and I’m gonna have a nice, easy life. We can all relax, together, right?’”

Assuming Trump isn't pulling our leg here, & I don't think he is, can you imagine these words coming out of Hillary Clinton's mouth?

12/14/16, 9:13 AM

In the primaries, I tend to vote for the person that doesn't seem to want it too much and who's life won't end if they don't get it.

There is something unseemly about someone that wants that much power so badly that they can't imagine living without it.

Drago said...

Chuck: "So the Trumpkins (many of them, at least) booed Paul Ryan."

We'll call it "even" for your continuous, ad nauseum, never-ending "booing" of Trump.

Chuck: "There was, and is, a definite groundswell of enthusiasm among the Hannity/Rush/Breitbart/InfoWars crowd(s). They are helping, to beat Democrats. But they aren't winning primaries, with the lone exception of Trump."

You certainly did nothing to help beat Hillary. In fact, your actions and the actions of those like you almost put her in the white house.

But, once again, you deign to crash the victory party and lecture others.

Thanks, but no thanks.

holdfast said...


I think I'll demur.

tcrosse said...

Al Franken for President. Jill Stein as running mate.
Franken-Stein 2020 !

Hagar said...

And this 70 years old man still have vim and vinegar left for a "thank you tour" in addition to the stress of putting together his administrative team after the grueling campaign he just went through. Amazing!

Dan Hossley said...

Clinton was boring, for that matter, most politicians are boring public speakers. Political rhetoric has devolved to a mind numbing litany of grievances and corresponding promises to make things better.

Trump is entertaining. I can't wait for his first State of the Union.

Matt Sablan said...

"I can't wait for his first State of the Union."

-- Calling it: "The State of America is Great Again."

mikee said...

I look forward to Althouse's post quoting the former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State, the most qualified candidate for president in the history of our country, on the things she thought and said on election night.

I look forward to a lot of asterisks, exclamation points, ampersands and pound signs in that post, instead of the full words.

Birkel said...

Chuck, the Hillary Clinton supporter, wishes it to be known that he supported the status quo.

He supported all the GOPe that lost in the primaries. He supported the losers from 2008 and 2012.

Chuck is a liar and a fool but if you measure one you cannot simultaneously know the second.

It is the Chuckenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Drago: We'll call it "even" for your continuous, ad nauseum, never-ending "booing" of Trump... Once again, you deign to crash the victory party and lecture others.

Thanks, but no thanks.


Martin said...

A year ago I would have been shocked if told I was about to write this:
Trump shows class, more than almost anyone else I can think of in national politics.

And I would NOT have been shocked if told I was about to write this:
The nation and the world really dodged a bullet when Clinton lost.
(I just wouldn't have thought she lost to The Donald).

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Enough with the hectoring lecturing!

Chuck said...

I am gratified, that my "booing" of Trump is known as continuous and unending. I'd be disappointed, if I had slipped in that regard.

I am not here to help. I am not part of any Trump team. I am not building anything. I don't wish to make friends with the Trumpkins. I am not looking for approval. I just want to be right.

[I have been wrong, on occasion. Never have I been so relieved and surprised to have been wrong, than in the early morning hours of November 9, 2016.]

Oh, and sincere thanks to all who helped elect 52 Republican Senators and 241 House Republicans.

Qwinn said...

Chuck figures out that there's an advantage to being an incumbent. Naturally, he attributes this to a lack of support for the policies of the challengers.

When the incumbents leave, and a primary without incumbents results in the GOPe continuing to win, then you may have a point. Till then, nah.

Qwinn said...

Tcrosse wins the thread. Franken-Stein 2020 indeed.

clint said...

"Matthew Sablan said...
"I can't wait for his first State of the Union."

-- Calling it: "The State of America is Great Again.""

I would love to see him deliver the State of the Union in writing, like Washington did. But it would surprise me.

JAORE said...

Two targets of the speech:

Voters, THANK YOU. Your support was astounding.

MSM, you guys are so in the tank you can't get anything right. But I appreciate the sweet, sweet taste of your tears.

Chuck said...

Qwinn said...
Chuck figures out that there's an advantage to being an incumbent. Naturally, he attributes this to a lack of support for the policies of the challengers.

When the incumbents leave, and a primary without incumbents results in the GOPe continuing to win, then you may have a point. Till then, nah.

I just wonder, how much better we would have done, without Trump at the top. We held 52 Senate seats. But that's a loss of two seats. We lost seats in the House. In a year when it should have been a Republican landslide based on eight years of Obama.

Kelly Ayotte should have won. A good Republican presidential candidate could have taken New Hampshire and helped her. It's a big loss for Republicans, to not have Kelly Ayotte on the national stage. Trying to explain/placate/avoid Donald Trump no doubt hurt her.

Birkel said...

Chuck: "I have been wrong, on occasion."
NOTE: The definition of 'occasion' has been expanded to mean the period between March 2016 and present.

"I just wonder...
See, e.g., above.

Chuck, who supported the status quo and thus the election of Hillary Clinton, is left wondering.

Todd said...

Chuck said...

I just wonder, how much better we would have done, without Trump at the top. We held 52 Senate seats. But that's a loss of two seats. We lost seats in the House. In a year when it should have been a Republican landslide based on eight years of Obama.

Kelly Ayotte should have won. A good Republican presidential candidate could have taken New Hampshire and helped her. It's a big loss for Republicans, to not have Kelly Ayotte on the national stage. Trying to explain/placate/avoid Donald Trump no doubt hurt her.
12/14/16, 12:25 PM

I would see that as winning the battle but losing the war. As much as I did not want to vote for Trump, I really, honestly think that he was the only one of the pack that could possibly have beaten Clinton. In that case, having a better percentage in Congress but not having POTUS would be small comfort as the existing Congress has shown themselves to be paper tigers and unwilling to truly take hard stands on the things that matter.

Look at all of the wear the fainting couches are getting just from Donald's cabinet picks! He has already shaken things up more in the last month than the Republican Congress has done since they "took over".

When he actually starts being President, the billable therapy hours will be HUGE! Big economy boost right there!

JML said...

I think I posted this on another thread sometime back...I didn't really think Trump had a shot until I heard two things -- the big money bets were on Clinton, but there were many more small money bets on Trump -- the betting seemed odd to me -- the numbers of betters favored trump by like three to one but they were all small dollars, and my buddy, an evangelical atheist who hates rich people and despises Trump wrote me and told me he just cast his early ballot (he had to travel) for Trump. He said something like, "God help me Johnny, I may hate myself for doing this, but for my son's sake I voted for the bastard. I just can't allow that criminal to get in". He voted for Obama twice. He lives in Florida. That is what put me over the top and gave me some small, real hope that he could win.

Chuck said...

Fuck you, Birkel. You miserable, lazy sack of shit. The worst thing you can concoct and write about me is the falsehood that I somehow supported Hillary Clinton.

I voted for Trump. I have always supported Republicans in my writing here. You can't find a single sentence from me in which I supported any Democrat. I repeatedly dare you to do that and of course you never do because you can't.

I just happen to think that Trump is an ignorant, obnoxious lout.

Again, I predicted either 51 or 52 Republican senate seats in the 115th Congress. That was back when MSM commentators were talking about a Dem takeover (along with a Clinton win). The good guys won 51 on election night, and 52 in the Louisiana runoff.

Birkel said...

We covered that part of your excuse-making under the heading 'liar'.

See above at 10:50am.

Balfegor said...

Re: Todd:

As much as I did not want to vote for Trump, I really, honestly think that he was the only one of the pack that could possibly have beaten Clinton.

Well, I think some of those who were knocked out early could conceivably have beaten him. But Rubio or Cruz? I think they might have started strong, but I can't imagine either of them holding up against a full barreled propaganda assault from the media and the Clinton campaign. Polls that show either of them beating her easily aren't really apples-apples with the actual election, because between their effectively winning the nomination in late spring and the election in November, they'd have spent 6 solid months getting hit with nonstop slime.

The press was partisan in 2000 and 2004 -- we all remember Dan Rather's famous effort to use faked-up documents to sink Bush II -- but my impression is that Democratic (though not necessarily progressive) partisanship among the media today is much more extreme than it was back then. My guess would be that this is because the grunts and junior officers in the media army are men and women who were moulded by colleges and universities that, since the early 2000's, have grown ever more extreme, and have viewed Republicans with ever more revulsion. I cannot imagine a Rubio or a Cruz withstanding such an onslaught, however clever Cruz might be and however . . . what was Rubio's appeal? His youthful charm? However whatever Rubio was supposed to be. Even Romney couldn't manage it, and he was -- in my opinion -- the best of them, by far.

Comes the hour, comes the man, and the man is Trump. We behold, and tremble.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Chuck: I voted for Trump.

This MAY be true...I will allow it.

I have always supported Republicans in my writing here.

LIE!!! Supporting /= voting. You slagged him at every turn - admirable consistency - at a gutter level which you consistently refused to apply to "Mrs." Clinton, who has killed Americans and sold uranium to the Russians. You constantly refused to endorse Trump, work on the election, recommend him to friends and strangers. You actively worked for his defeat. Who knows how many votes you may have cost him?

You can't find a single sentence from me in which I supported any Democrat. I repeatedly dare you to do that and of course you never do because you can't.

SO??? You UTTERLY refused to say one negative word about "Mrs." Clinton. Who the $%^&* needs you? You are neither hot nor cold, you are lukewarm and I spit you out of my mouth.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Balfegor said...

Balfegor, the race goes to the strongest. Trump was the strongest. None other than he could have defeated her. You know why?

Ни шагу назад!
Ni shagu nazad!
Not one step back!

Trump was the only one who did not, would not flinch, not retreat from the fight, no matter what was thrown at him. Trump was the only one capable of thinking in new ways.

Cruz? I shiver at what Cruz, who finally quit soon after Trump asked what his father was doing in pictures with Lee Harvey Oswald, would have done had that not come out until late October, at some deniable remove from Hillary.

Rubio? Rubio's a puppy.

I liked Carson. As a man. As a candidate, the Dem machine would have eaten him.

Jeb? She would have toyed with him.

Who had the juice, Balfegor? Pataki? Perry? Lindsey bloody Graham? Kasich the Koprolite?

Of the lot, maybe Walker; I liked him early. But no, I think not. (Admittedly, he would have won Wisconsin.)

Kyzer SoSay said...

Chuck used to piss me off something fierce. But not anymore. Trump won. And I've always seen where Chuck was coming from - a few more unseemly Trumpisms, or had the GOP Primary come down to Trump v Walker v Cruz (instead of Kasich) I would have been vocally adamant for Walker and yuuuugely dsiappointed if Trump won.

And I believe Chuck when he said he held his nose and voted for Trump. Mainly because I did too. But I just held my nose - pretty sure Chuck visited an ENT and got his surgically plugged on 11/7/16.

So Chuck, a modest proposal (even though I'm late to this party and nobody might see it): We all know you dislike Trump. Some of us believe you when you say you want him to succeed despite the previous fact. Try taking some of the snarkiness out of your criticism of Trump and I think you'll find more constructive responses and less venom thrown your way. After all, you lost the privilege to be snarky on 11/9 - the same day you got your nose opened back up.

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