December 23, 2016

The Student Coalition for Progress calls on the UW–Madison administration to revoke the charter of the Young Americans for Freedom and force them into "intensive diversity training."

The Badger Herald reports.

Maybe the Student Coalition for Progress should be invited into some intensive freedom of speech training.


mezzrow said...

And in the future, they'll still wonder how and why they failed to win hearts and minds.

After all, they were right, and everyone else was wrong!

Big Mike said...

And the sane people of the United States demand that the YAF be left alone and send the Student Coslition for Progress to "intensive diversity training" so that they can learn to live in a world where not everyone thinks like them.

Phil 314 said...


You keep on using that word. I do not think you know what it means.

Wince said...

The Student Coalition for Progress calls on the UW–Madison administration to revoke the charter of the Young Americans for Freedom and force them into "intensive diversity training.

I'm Going To Revoke Your Charter!

WisRich said...

"The Problem of Whiteness," a course offered in the African Cultural Studies department of my university, the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

But this totes okay.

James said...

The moment you don't have the "juice" behind you anymore is a bitch, especially if you don't realize it. The best that can happen in that case is you just make a fool out of yourself.

Rick said...

Where do students at UWM get this idea that persecuting political opponents is appropriate?

Gahrie said...

Where do students at UWM get this idea that persecuting political opponents is appropriate?

The Obama administration and the Democratic Party.

But the SCP missed a chance...they should have demanded that the YAF students be forced to take that ridiculous, wasteful, racist course on the Problems of Whiteness.

Michael K said...

It's a bit amusing that Peggy Noonan thinks electing Hillary would have been dull.

Everyone in politics and journalism knew that if Hillary Clinton were elected things would get boring again.

People like these leftist students show that electing Hillary would have been "boring" only for her supporters. After all Hitler was boring only for his supporters until September 1, 1939.

Fernandinande said...

Intensive Diversity™ ! Threat or Menace?

Phil 3:14 said...
You keep on using that word. I do not think you know what it means.

"Forward or onward movement toward a destination." Hence the "training" - trains can't move sideways.

Biff said...

Basically, the petition accuses the YAF of using tactics that are applauded when used by leftist activists.

The SCP also seems very confused about what constitutes "violence."

Does forcing someone into "intensive diversity training" count as violence?

On top of all that, this is a troubling pile of words: "Recognizing there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, Bell said she and other members are careful with what they say, and abide to the code of conduct set by the university."

Mike Sylwester said...

This is what happens when Scientific Progressives are allowed to organize a "Student Coalition for Progress".

Crimso said...

Diversity training? Quit beating around the bush and do what you'd like to do: put them in camps.

Ambrose said...

"Well I had Diversity Training 101 last semester; this Spring I signed up for Intensive Diversity Training."

Mark said...

Again -- this and things like this and what we continue to see since the election are the reasons why Trump and not Hillary is going to be president.

We've already had eight years of increasing despotism as the nation, society and culture are fundamentally transformed, and as thought-crime becomes more and more a reality. Four more years, this time with Hillary, would have been the death of America, which is of course largely the goal of progressivism.

campy said...

Quit beating around the bush and do what you'd like to do: put them in camps.

What they'd really like is to give them Zyklon-B showers.

mccullough said...

Sorry, they can't make it to diversity training. Conflicts with their scheduled time at the shooting range.

The Godfather said...

I'm impressed that the Progressive students managed to get their one Black member in the front when the Badger photo was taken. So we know THEY aren't racists.

Whoever wrote about “hostile and violent acts perpetuated by YAF” needs an intensive remedial class in the English language.

Ken B said...

"Where do students at UWM get this idea that persecuting political opponents is appropriate?"


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Does anyone, besides me, wonder if these kids will grow up and look back on their actions and think....."What kind of idiot have I been?"?

Probably not. They are so completely indoctrinated and lack the ability to be self aware or show any capacity for introspection. They will never grow out of this toddler stage.

Think they are damaged goods and should be treated as such.

Etienne said...

I remember the old days, when colleges had adult leadership.

JAORE said...

Reeducation camps have a history.

But the University elites have typically been on the other side of the fence.

rhhardin said...

We'd enjoy reeducation camps. I don't know what experience the counselors would have.

Anonymous said...

You know, if the leftists want to make it easier for all concerned, they should just ask them all to be rounded up and sent to nice camp facilities. With bunkbeds, leather wallet making, re-education classes...

Anonymous said...

When I was at UCSD in the1960s, the campus leftist stance was one of ***opposition*** to the university administration. Now the leftist stance seems to be one of using the university administration as a weapon for repressing other points of view. I guess this is "Meet the new boss—Same as the old boss," huh?

Rick said...

RightIsRight said...
I remember the old days, when colleges had adult leadership.

The adults are still there, only now they're teaching the students this idiocy rather than reining it in.

damikesc said...

Time to counter file under defamation. Stop letting them play the game. Inform the school they will go to court.

Francisco D said...

I believe that the UN Human Rights Commission lists "intensive diversity training" right under waterboarding as torture and an offense against humanity.

Fabi said...

When do we get to start playing Cowboys and Liberals?

Francisco D said...

If conservatives don't accept our progressive world view, we will shove it down their throats and make them gag until they come around the the correct way of thinking.

rhhardin said...

It's a really neutered YAF, all worried about hate speech and other leftist-invented transgressions.

Real hate speech ought to involve hate, for example. And it's protected in any case.

That's how come you can do your petition.

rhhardin said...

Hunger speech ought to be singled out as well. What more powerful emotion is there than hunger.

rhhardin said...

Sloth speech is even a sin and yet has no legal repercussions. Another oversight.

khesanh0802 said...

I am working up to a really good rant about the current behavior of Liberals. I probably will never get to it because every day brings a new example of what idiot children they are and I have to start over. Perhaps it will be best for my health to wait for the inauguration and watch heads explode as Trump actually does what he said he would do: dismantle the PC world that the Dems have created. Talk about unleashing some energy for the good of the country!

rhhardin said...

Hatred in the defence of idiocy is no sin.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Who is the young lady at left in the story pic? Pressed against a wall trying to back out of the frame?

hstad said...

No Prof. Althouse, "intensive training" should start with the administrators of the University so they can start teaching these snowflakes reality!

Farmer said...

"Recognizing there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, Bell said she and other members are careful with what they say,"

There is? They are? I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for them. You play their game, you lose, and it shouldn't surprise you.

madAsHell said...

The majority appear to be womyn, and I'll guess that no one has completed freshman calculus.

MadisonMan said...

Note: UWM = UW Milwaukee.

UW-Madison (or just UW) is UW-Madison.

madAsHell said...

Who is the young lady at left in the story pic?

The one with the "Who farted?" face??

Sebastian said...

Diversity training = make everyone think alike training.

Comanche Voter said...

Who knew that Mao's Red Guard would resurface in Wisconsin 50 plus years on down the road? Send those "wrong thinking" running capitalist dogs out to the rice paddies and work 'em to death!

William said...

Has anyone on the left ever read about the Ayatollah or the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution? Do they exclusively study the KKK and the Nazi Party as the only evil occurrences in human history?........ Spinoza wrote that evil has the most momentum and velocity when wedded with self righteousness. Self righteousness is a risk factor for grand crimes. These students are further down the slippery slope than Breitbart readers.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Who is the young lady at left in the story pic?

The one with the "Who farted?" face??

I fondly call it "cat butt face". That pursed up mouth that looks like....well you know. Scrunched up cat butt face.

Larry J said...

"Blogger Francisco D said...
If conservatives don't accept our progressive world view, we will shove it down their throats and make them gag until they come around the the correct way of thinking."

That may be their fantasy but seeing as the conservatives own more guns, good luck with that.

Michael K said...

"The majority appear to be womyn, and I'll guess that no one has completed freshman calculus."

Ha ha. Excellent observation.

I let my youngest daughter major in French because at least a language major requires some learning and rigor. I would have preferred Accounting but that was not to be.

David said...

"The petition requires 500 signatures before it may be delivered to the UW administration, Dean of Students Lori Berquam and Chancellor Rebecca Blank."

How interesting. The administration making sure they can filter out annoying voices unless they are loud enough.

Che Dolf said...

Ben Shapiro: Israel should expel the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper.

Ben Shapiro: We should target racists, find them, and hurt their careers.

The Student Coalition for Progress and Shapiro deserve each other.

Scientific Socialist said...

I presume that you're quoting Ben Shapiro verbatim.

mikee said...

Is that group of fascist students using state funds (student fees allocated by the University) and can they be sued for deprivation of rights by YAF for doing so?

Rick said...

mikee said...
Is that group of fascist students using state funds (student fees allocated by the University) and can they be sued for deprivation of rights by YAF for doing so?

It says in the article SCP is not a recognized student group which would preclude university funding.

n.n said...

The Student Coalition for Progress is Pro-Choice and is rabidly anti-native, pro-class diversity. They judge people by the "color of their skin" rather than by the content of their character.

Phil 3:14:

Progress is monotonic change. Its exclusive positive characterization is political propaganda.

Gahrie said...

It says in the article SCP is not a recognized student group which would preclude university funding.

Wanna bet they got money anyway?

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
roesch/voltaire said...

The petition does't seem to list so much issue of freedom of speech as physical harassment in some cases which can be litigated .Diversity training seems over the top, but public discussion and forms open to both sides seems in keeping with a university that prides itself and shifting and winnowing.

Greg Hlatky said...

Recognizing there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, Bell said she and other members are careful with what they say

Never - never, never! - concede a thing to the SJW Red Guards.

Greg Hlatky said...

...public discussion and forms open to both sides seems in keeping with a university that prides itself and shifting and winnowing.

Open to both sides? Do you really think the Student Coalition for Progress is going to leave anything open to the other side?

hombre said...

Most students have difficulty understanding that the purpose of college is to remedy their ignorance. Perhaps that is because their professors, who have spent their lives in the halls of academe, have, by and large, not availed themselves of that remedy.

We see proof of this ongoingly.

hombre said...

Blogger Che Dolf said...
"Ben Shapiro: Israel should expel the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper.
Ben Shapiro: We should target racists, find them, and hurt their careers.
The Student Coalition for Progress and Shapiro deserve each other."

Fifty per cent is not bad, or, why one of these things is not like the other.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Althouse goes out on a limb. Not much to risk on your last year of menure.

Bill Peschel said...

I don't agree with Shapiro's 2003 suggestion that Israel "transfer" Arabs out of their country, but I do defend his right to speak publicly about it.

Back in my day, we had Louis Farrahkhan speak at UNC. Apart from an article about the speech in the student newspaper, we attended, listened, and went on with our lives.

Did the same thing when G. Gordon Liddy spoke there, too.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

roesch/voltaire said...Diversity training seems over the top, but public discussion and forms open to both sides seems in keeping with a university that prides itself and shifting and winnowing.

Unpossible, sir--there is only one side! You're not talking about Hate or Denial, are you? There's Love and there's everything else. There aren't two sides to questions of racism, or sexism, or homophobia, or big important topics like that. There's the correct view and there's hate.
I don't see why a University should have to tolerate hate groups spreading hate speech--that kind of thing should be stamped out.

walter said...

Blogger Che Dolf said...The Student Coalition for Progress and Shapiro deserve each other."
I've heard Shapiro and don't agree with all he says.
Hosting a speaker doesn't constitute support for every view they have, either.
But when specific accusations/incidents are lobbed at another org like that happening here, details should be required.

Che Dolf said...

Bill Peschel - I don't agree with Shapiro's 2003 suggestion that Israel "transfer" Arabs out of their country, but I do defend his right to speak publicly about it.

I do agree with Shapiro about Israel.

The interesting question isn't whether he has a right to say it. The interesting question is why "conservatives" accept his double standard. He unapologetically wants his favorite country to be an ethnostate, and he wants his emergency backup country to be a deracinated proposition nation where goodthinkers punish "racists."

John henry said...

And this at a school where the KKK used to be an approved, official, society with its own yearbook page.

John Henry

John henry said...

And the difference between the UW system and trump University is? Can someone tell me again I forgot.

Oh, yeah, now I remember. At one of them:

1) You learn something useful
2) If not happy with the debt you got into you can discharge it in bankruptcy
3) You don't have to spend 4 years with this kind of crap every day.

OTOH, UW does have football thugs, which Trump U does not.

John Henry

Eric said...

The petition has "more than 200 supporters" so the administration should consider adopting its demands.

I got my mind right boss!

MAJMike said...

True Fascism in action.

Perhaps the Black Student Union requires more diversity as well.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

"Recognizing there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, Bell said she and other members are careful with what they say..."

There is not difference. Free speech includes hate speech, love speech, political speech, unicorn speech, and all other speech.

campy said...

Perhaps the Black Student Union requires more diversity as well.

But black people are diverse by definition.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I'm assuming that once the YAF is named a "hate group," it is disbanded, and therefore there's no reason to single out its (now nonexistent) members for "intensive diversity training." People, do at least try to be consistent.

Rick67 said...

I find offensive the casual assumption that YAF must be against diversity and/or that diversity training is the appropriate cure for their particular disease. Unless... "diversity training" is not simply about what most people think when they hear the word diversity. That "diversity training" is somehow more partisan and ideological.

Years ago a teacher criticized my (then Middle School) daughter for not being used to people who are white and wealthy. We politely explained that I am a minister with a rather modest salary (much less than what people with a fraction of my education level usually make) who works primarily with international students and scholars (people who are not white or wealthy or American).

I have more diversity street cred in one year of ministry than most progressives earn in a lifetime. And still I am pretty conservative on many social and political issues.

Gahrie said...

Perhaps the Black Student Union requires more diversity as well.

They can hold it at the conference room of the Blacks only dorm....

James Pawlak said...

At first I was reminded of the “small beginnings” of the Nazi Party in Germany and its take-over of that nation's universities.

Then I was reminded of the instructions given to us by President Thomas Jefferson: "No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms"; "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government".

Michael K said...

"I do agree with Shapiro about Israel."

You know, after 70 years and the Palestinians still living off the UN and NGOs, it's time to fish or cut bait.

No Arab country wants them. Many were expelled from Sunni countries when they supported Saddam in his invasion of Kuwait and threatened invasion of Saudi Arabia.

Maybe the Sudeten German and East Prussian solution has merit. I don't see their descendants throwing bombs or terrorizing peaceful citizens of other countries. The Palestinians seem to be a death cult and nobody should be forced to live next door to a death cult.

campy said...

I'm assuming that once the YAF is named a "hate group," it is disbanded, and therefore there's no reason to single out its (now nonexistent) members for "intensive diversity training." People, do at least try to be consistent.

Even if you disband their group, the former members will still be h8trz in need of intensive reconditioning.

Bob Loblaw said...

When I was at UCSD in the1960s, the campus leftist stance was one of ***opposition*** to the university administration. Now the leftist stance seems to be one of using the university administration as a weapon for repressing other points of view. I guess this is "Meet the new boss—Same as the old boss," huh?

Those campus leftists are now the university administration. That's why SJWs have been allowed to run amok on campus.

mockturtle said...

We were only an election away from re-education camps. In fact, re-education training is required now in all public organizations and most private ones of any size. I am SO THANKFUL Trump won the Presidency. Freedom still has a chance! It was a very, very close call, though.

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