December 12, 2016

The NYT headline says "C.I.A. Judgment on Russia Built on Swell of Evidence" and I'm instantly skeptical about whether what's in the article supports that headline.

Because there's so much fake news these days.

Ever notice how cries of "fake news!" slip out of the news when the news outlets have some fake news to slip over? Oh, first let me show you Trump's new tweet:

Now, let's get down to the work of checking to see whether the NYT really presents evidence to justify that headline. I'm reading every word of the rather long article but will only give you the actual evidence offered for the proposition that the Russian government intervened in the U.S. election for the purpose of helping Donald Trump win. There's a lot of material in the article that is not about that at all. I'm excluding that, which is padding if the headline is the correct headline. Go to the link if you want to see what it is.

The first relevant material comes in the 16th paragraph: The DNC's servers and John Podesta's email account were hacked and a lot of damaging and embarrassing material was released onto the internet.

American intelligence officials believe that Russia also penetrated databases housing Republican National Committee data, but chose to release documents only on the Democrats. The committee has denied that it was hacked.
So here's the crucial disputed question of fact: Were the GOP servers also hacked? We're not told what evidence supports the belief that the GOP servers were also hacked, but the GOP says they were not. Yet some "intelligence officials believe" it was. Why? Where's the "swell of evidence" you were going to tell me about?

Even if that fact were nailed down, there would still be more leaps needed to get to the conclusion. First: Was there any embarrassing material? What? If I knew what, I could begin to think about the next question: Why would embarrassing material be withheld? All I can see from the supposed "swell of evidence" here is an assumption that if the DNC was hacked, the GOP committee was also hacked, and that if bad material was found in the DNC server, bad material would also be found in the GOP server, and since we only saw the DNC material, there must have been a conscious decision — by whom?! — to leak only the DNC things and that decision must have been made to help Trump win. That's not evidence itself, only inference based on evidence.

Finally, there are a few paragraphs about why "Putin and the Russian government" might be thought to prefer a Trump presidency to a Clinton presidency. Trump and Putin have given each other some compliments.

That's no swell of evidence! That's a lot of leaping guesswork. And this is nothing more than I already read in the article the NYT put out on December 9th, which I put effort into combing through and rejected for the same reasons I'm putting in this new post.

This might be the biggest fake news story I've ever seen!

Squirreled away at the end of the article is the admission that people at the FBI are skeptical about the conclusion. An unnamed "senior American law enforcement official" told the NYT that "the Russians probably had a combination of goals, including damaging Mrs. Clinton and undermining American democratic institutions" and that "any disagreement between the F.B.I. and the C.I.A., and suggested that the C.I.A.’s conclusions were probably more nuanced than they were being framed in the news media." The NYT observes that the FBI holds itself to "higher standards of proof," since its work is geared toward prosecuting criminal cases in court, but: "The C.I.A. has a broader mandate to develop intelligence assessments."

I'm staring at that headline again. You said there was a "swell of evidence." Shouldn't that satisfy the FBI's higher standard rather than the good-enough-for-the-CIA standard? I think I see the reason for the different standards. The CIA is concerned about what might happen in the future. But why are we trusting them in an FBI/CIA disagreement about what happened in the past?

The very end of the NYT article is about the FBI investigating "numerous possible connections between Russians and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle, including former Trump aides like Paul Manafort and Carter Page, as well as a mysterious and unexplained trail of computer activity between the Trump Organization and an email account at a large Russian bank, Alfa Bank." This investigation began in the summer and seems to have played out by September and October — for reasons that are "are not entirely clear" and that the FBI won't talk about.

Speaking of embarrassing material... that headline, with that content... in the NYT. So awful.

I'm distracted into reading about the word "swell" in my dictionary (the OED). One usually reads of a swell of the sea or of music or emotion.  "Fenc'd no where from the least Surge or Swell of the Water," wrote Daniel Dafoe. "And up the valley came a swell of music on the wind," wrote Tennyson.  "Of all the actors who flourished in my time... Bensley had most of the swell of soul, was greatest in the delivery of heroic conceptions, the emotions consequent upon the presentment of a great idea to the fancy," wrote Charles Lamb.

But swell of evidence...

Swell is the talk of upwelling emotion and romanticism.

Swell is a tell.


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tim in vermont said...

It seems pretty clear that the DNC thing was a leak by an angry Bernie supporter.

Anonymous said...

"John Bolton, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who has been floated for a possible role in President-elect Donald Trump’s State Department, questioned reports of Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election.

“It is not at all clear to me, just viewing this from the outside, that this hacking into the [Democratic National Committee] and the [Republican National Committee] was not a false flag operation,” he told Fox News’s Eric Shawn on Sunday.

When pressed about his use of the phrase “false flag” and whether he was accusing an entity in the U.S. of involvement, Bolton said, “We just don’t know.”

“But I believe that intelligence has been politicized in the Obama administration to a very significant degree.”"

tim in vermont said...

I think your reading comprehension is not so great and your description of his words is unsupported.

Robert Cook said...

"If Bolton really said that, he's an idiot."

Bolton long ago demonstrated that he is an idiot. That is no longer in question.

Original Mike said...

"Our historical "peaceful transfer of power" is beginning to look a bit more tenuous."

Looks like going forward we're bound to get this crap when the Dems lose. That is a big deal, and very unfortunate.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's really amazing to watch how the Dems/NYTimes/Shumer/Pelosi/herchildren/disgruntled CIA leakers operate when they see their power about to be whisked away. 2 or 3 days before the election, they thought they had it in the bag, despite the WikiLeaks. Heck, the Dems were chastizing Trump for undermining the election results:

October 19, 2016: "Trump's refusal to accept results of upcoming election is horrifying. He must immediately reverse course and say he will accept the results." - Harry Reid

October 20, 2016: “When last night at the debate Trump becomes the first major party nominee in American history to suggest that he will not concede despite losing the vote and then says today that he will accept the results if he wins, that is not a joking matter,” Obama said at a boisterous rally for Hillary Clinton in Miami.

October 20, 2016: "You’ve got to accept the results of this election, win or lose. That’s the pledge we made. Hillary stood on the stage in the first debate and said, ‘Of course I’m going to accept the results of the election.’- Tim Kaine

Anonymous said...

"I think your reading comprehension is not so great and your description of his words is unsupported."

Hahahahahaha! You reek of desperation.

EsoxLucius said...

Show the evidence to the electoral college and let them decide. That's why they're there.

jr565 said...

Unknown wrote:
Good for the electors. They have a duty not to vote for a President who was elected by fraudulent means. The electoral college ensures we don't put despots and demagogues in the Oval Office.

Except the election was won fair and square. So, the electors better not change their vote. They will be assassinated if they do. Not by me, of course. But if the election gets turned by some electors who simply override the election results people will take to the streets and those responsible WILL be treated roughly. I'd imagine if any elector who changed his vote was known, he'd have to go into the witness protection program.

Lewis Wetzel said...

" . . . as well as a mysterious and unexplained trail of computer activity between the Trump Organization and an email account at a large Russian bank, Alfa Bank."
This actually had me laughing out loud (LOL, as the kids say). Why is "Trump Organization" capitalized? Doesn't the NYT understand capitalization rules? This is "blob that might be a shadow of a person holding a long item that might have been a rifle on the Zapruder film" level of madness. Not only doesn't it tell you anything, IT CAN NEVER TELL YOU ANYTHING.
Since the Russians supposedly hacked the DNC, I imagine there was one hell of a lot of internet traffic between Russian hackers and the DNC.

MeMySelf said...

I think the bigger story is the attempt by Homeland Security to hack into Georgia's voter data base. That was a direct attempt, by our own government to affect an election. Who ordered that? Was that the only attempt and only state? I think that's whats being pushed off the front page so to speak with this fake news.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested to see a major shake-up and change of invitations for the White House Press Briefing Room

Michael K said...

"You reek of desperation."

I smell desperation but not where you seem to.

This is dangerous stuff the Democrats seem to be trying.

There are a total of 10 electors asking for this briefing. As long as it is not done by Obama appointees, I'm OK with it,

Fabi said...

The Trump Organization is the formal name of his company.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Back in 2000 there was a common belief that McCain lost the SC primary to Bush because of Bush (or Karl Rove) sponsored push polling. The telephone "push poll" asked voters if they would be more or less likely to vote for McCain if they knew that he had an illegitimate Black child.
A dirty trick, no doubt, but when you try to find out what the evidence is that the "Bush Organization" (capitalization rule from the NY Times style book) you go down a rabbit hole. Wikipedia gets it right for once:

Allegations were made that Karl Rove was responsible for a South Carolina push poll that used racist innuendo intended to undermine support for McCain: "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"[2] McCain campaign manager Richard Davis said he "had no idea who had made those calls, who paid for them, or how many were made," but in the 2004 film Bush's Brain, John Weaver, political director for McCain's 2000 campaign bid, stated, "I believe I know where that decision was made; it was at the top of the Bush campaign." Rove has continually denied any such involvement. The existence of such a poll is disputed since no recording of the poll has ever been documented (about 20% of robocalls are usually recorded by answering machines).

So there is no evidence that the famous "push poll" question actually existed, or that if it existed, it was the work of the "Bush Organization." Yet to this day, you will find educated people on the left and right, who consider themselves well informed, rational thinkers, and who believe unequivocally that the push polling in SC happened, that Bush was personally behind it, and that this led to McCain's loss in SC and so to Bush becoming the nominee, the president, which caused 9/11, which caused the Iraq War, etc., etc.

Fabi said...

Do those ten Electors have an active security clearance?

tim in vermont said...

Glenn Greenwald made a convincing case that the Alpha Bank stuff was email marketing of luxury Trump properties. The tell was Trump using his own name in the top secret URL. Whoever found it was searching the DNS logs for the name Trump.

tim in vermont said...

Anonymous said...

Why are you all so afraid of finding out the truth? Shouldn't we all be concerned that our electoral process may have been tampered with by a foreign government? You accuse others of partisanship, but ignore the possibility of an unfriendly government may have interefered with our election because of your own partisanship.Thank goodness there are some Republicans in Congress that have scruples and the courage to call for an investigation.

YoungHegelian said...


Shouldn't we all be concerned that our electoral process may have been tampered with by a foreign government?

Sure, unknown, that's why Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, & Pennsylvania -- the Russians.

I would ask if you realize how stupid that sounds, but I'm sure you don't.

Susan said...

Bolton said SPECIFICALLY that he didn't think the Dems were behind it if it was a false-flag operation.

Read the whole thing and don't make up stuff Unknown.

Anonymous said...

"So if we’re serious about being a self-governing republic, we have to demand that President Obama declassify as much intelligence as possible that Russia may have intervened in the 2016 presidential election.

Taking Donald Trump’s position — that we should just ignore the question of Russian hacking and “move on” — would be a disaster.

Relying on a hazy war of leaks from the CIA, FBI, various politicians, and their staff is an equally terrible idea.

A congressional investigation would be somewhat better, but that would take years — like the investigations of the intelligence on Iraq and weapons of mass destruction — and would be fatally compromised by the Democrats’ political timidity and GOP opposition.

The only path forward that makes sense is for Obama to order the release of as much evidence as possible underlying the reported “high confidence” of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia both intervened in the election and did so with the intention of aiding Trump’s candidacy."

Anonymous said...

BREITBART! Hahahahahahah! Oh gawd.

MacMacConnell said...

Jonathan Alder just said on MSNBC, Obama should give all the Electoral College security clearances and have the CIA brief them before they vote, because this election needs a "footnote" to prove Russia tainted the election. What a fucking asshat, if Obama and the democrats deprive Trump of his duly elected office does Obama have enough tanks to stop what happens next?

Anonymous said...

Hide the evidence! Let the fraud be President!

MacMacConnell said...

"Hide the evidence! Let the fraud be President!"

That's the problem, there is only conjecture, there is no hard EVIDENCE.

Susan said...

Can't watch a video with a transcript on an unapproved site, Unknown? Sad.

Anonymous said...

We're not afraid of your threats Mac.

Drago said...

The "Intercept"! Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh gawd!

Yes, by all means lets give Nancy Pelosi's daughter of all our super sekrit stuff to satisfy the dems need to feel better about themselves for nominating a criminal as their candidate!

It's only right.

Anonymous said...

You don't KNOW that is is no evidence Mac.

Drago said...

Unknown: "We're not afraid of your threats Mac."

Careful. He might riot and burn up a city controlled by his own side in accordance with the lefts "Riot Instruction Manual".

Drago said...

Unknown: "You don't KNOW that is is no evidence Mac"


Unknown doesn't even know why that is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Drago, don't laugh at Tim in Vermont for linking to The Intercept @5:21PM. That's unkind of you.

Drago said...

I was truly hoping the lefties would not learn their lesson and then double-down, triple-down and quadruple-down on their stupidity.

I have not been disappointed.

YoungHegelian said...


So the Dems ask to declassify information that cannot be unclassified without revealing how we obtained that information, thus compromising national security.

Now who's trying to weaken the country's foreign policy?

But, of course, the Dems know that the CIA cannot release this information, so it'll allow clueless Dems like yourself to bear this grudge in perpetuity. Which is actually what the Dems want -- a rallying point against a now monolithic Republican machine. The Dems really have to keep the troops in the ranks or else they will disappear as a national party.

It ain't just Trump, unknown. The Dems got annihilated all up & down the ballot. There are four states with a Democratic governor & a Democratic controlled legislature. Four, out of fifty. In 2005, Louisiana had two Democratic senators. Now, they have none.

MacMacConnell said...

Clinton camp supports intel briefing ahead of Electoral College vote. Hillary is making her legacy a clown act, just as Obama took Carter's "worst President ever" trophy away, Hillary will now be less that Al Gore as the primo bad loser.

Drago said...

Rumor has it that CBS news has "authentic" memos that show that the Trump campaign was in cahoots with the Russians.

Further, according to Robert Cook-like lefties, those memos were ferried back and forth between Mar-a-Lago and Moscow in a purloined SR-71!

Original Mike said...

"You don't KNOW that is is no evidence Mac."

That's a compelling argument, Inga. You've convinced me.

Anonymous said...

Claims that there is no evidence is premature. Why are you so afraid of finding out if there is fire behind the smoke? You folks are sounding awfully jittery. Obama needs to declassify the CIA report, so we all can see for ourselves.

MacMacConnell said...

That is not a threat, it's a prediction of history. Just like I and everyone else knew Waco wasn't going to be the end of it.

Susan said...

"It ain't just Trump, unknown. The Dems got annihilated all up & down the ballot. There are four states with a Democratic governor & a Democratic controlled legislature. Four, out of fifty. In 2005, Louisiana had two Democratic senators. Now, they have none."

Putin, you magnificent bastard.

Has to be the Russians, doesn't it? The Republicans can't possibly done it on their own when all the brainiacs are Democrats, right?

Drago said...

The real kicker here is obambi's insistence that this "investigation" be complete BEFORE Trump takes office. That way, after it becomes clear it was all just another in a long list of lefty electoral lies the left will simply claim Trump changed the intel.

As expected.

BTW, did you know that the lefties are STILL claiming the IRS did not target conservative groups?

Yep, no reason at all to suspect the left has taken politicization of the federal agencies to heights never before seen. None at all.

The left really does believe that everyone is that stupid.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Claims that there is no evidence is premature"


It never ends!

Anonymous said...

Good thing Trump doesn't go to his intelligence briefings.

Drago said...

Remember, it's not over until the dems are done counting the votes!

MacMacConnell said...

SR-71, great reference of another attempt of the Democrat mind to delegitimize a Republican President.

Anonymous said...

Drago is laughing, er, whistling past the graveyard. I'm enjoying the panic I'm reading here amongst you good folks.

Hyphenated American said...

For all liberals who believe the people need to know the truth...

1. Top IRS people involved in illegal targeting of conservative groups refused to testify under oath. For all we know, the Obama won 2012 elections due to the help from the IRS. I propose to compel all IRS officials including Lerner to testify under oath. Any IRS official who refuses should get automatic 10 year sentence.

2. In 2008, Obama removed credit card verification and thus permitted foreigner to donate to his campaign. It's necessary to force all people in his campaign to testify under oath.

3. Multiple people who worked for Clinton received full protection from FBI, and yet, refused to testify under oath to Congress. It's necessary to force all people who worked with Clinton's illegal server to testify under oath.

4. In the emails from the Clinton campaign, it became clear that Hillary's daughter used the money donated to the Clinton non-profit for the starving children in Africa, to pay for her wedding. FBI refused to investigate this. Again, all people involved must be forced to testify.

Big Mike said...

In my comments on other Althouse posts I posed the question as to why the Russians would prefer Trump to Hillary Clinton. Via RealClearPolitics I received the answer I expected -- they wouldn't. Here's the article and it's worth a read.

MacMacConnell said...

"Good thing Trump doesn't go to his intelligence briefings."

By Obama's own admission he didn't either, he prefered watching ESPN in the mournings.

Big Mike said...

@Drago, they're done counting in Wisconsin. Trump's lead increased by 162 votes.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hyphenated American said...

Speaking of the truth - it has been revealed that Clinton may have won the primary elections because CNN illegally provided her with the questions ahead of the debates.

In these circumstances, Hillary Clinton cannot be considered to be the DNC candidate. Agreed?

Drago said...

Unknown: "Good thing Trump doesn't go to his intelligence briefings."

If it's intelligence designed for obambi's ears then, yes, it's a very good thing indeed that he doesn't.

BTW, how is that Red Line is Syria working out? Hey, did that ISIS group ever amount to anything?

The CIA's failures over the last 50 years have been massive and any President who followed the political appointees "interpretation" of what the actual agents and operatives came up with were very poorly served indeed.

Good article in Powerline:

When folks like Bernie Sanders, Patrick Moynihan and others (from different political viewpoints and over time) have called for abolition or massive reorganization (republicans in 2004) of this historically failed agency you need to take a moment and understand why that might be.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"Claims that there is no evidence is premature."

This really is a priceless line of reasoning.

More like this please.

Fabi said...

There's no panic, UnknownInga -- we're just thrilled that you and your fellow leftard travelers chose to spontaneously combust for our viewing pleasure!

Hyphenated American said...

Seems like liberals are in complete denial. They cannot believe they lost the elections....

Drago said...

Big Mike: "@Drago, they're done counting in Wisconsin. Trump's lead increased by 162 votes"

WOW. Those cheeseheads sure were susceptible to that borscht-driven intel!!

We need Beet Control!!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...


MacMacConnell said...

Obama spent eight years weaponizing US government believing Hillary would be President, I'm still laughing. Dems should remember, if you draw daggers on the king you better kill him, otherwise buy a shit load of KY jelly and make sure your house is spotless.

Big Mike said...

@Mac, right you are! As far as Trump is concerned the cool thing is that Obama set the bar so low that he can't help but appear successful no matter what he does.

The only question left is whether Barack Obama is worse than Buchanan (and thus the worst president in the history of the country) or whether "Old Buck" is still the worst. Personally I make it Buchanan (worst), Obama (second-worst), Jimmy Carter (third-worst).

Drago said...

Unknown: "Drago is laughing, er, whistling past the graveyard. I'm enjoying the panic I'm reading here amongst you good folks"

The graveyard of democrat dreams......

Hey, how do you think the Russkies pulled off the last six years of Republican victories at all levels across the entire country in terms of Governors, Senators, Congresspeople, State Senators/Legislators, etc?

What are we at? 1200+ and counting?

Man, those Russkies have been busy little beavers!

Next up: The Russkies hacked "Dancing with the Stars"!!!!

Drago said...

I simply can't wait to see what the "Desperate Dems" do after the electoral college does what they clearly will do.

It just keeps getting better and better!

I have never before seen reality flip the dems for loops so fast that not a single assertion/claim the left makes survives even 30 days before being reversed on them!

It's almost as if someone were orchestrating it all from behind a curtain somewhere......OOPS! Sorry guys, I almost gave the game away!

Discretion! Must remember discretion!!

Big Mike said...

You know, one thing I noticed back in the early days of the primary campaign was how well Trump did in states with open primaries, which meant that Democrats could (and did!) vote in the GOP primary. Was that a genuine sign that the Democrat base was eroding? Or was it a coordinated effort on the part of the DNC to line Hillary up against the person perceived as her weakest potential opponent? If the former, then why didn't the Clinton campaign try harder to target an economic pitch to the white working class voters? If the latter, well, sometimes karma works.

Either way, the Dumbocrats need to suck it up.

Drago said...

We will never be certain of the security of our Republic unless nancy pelosi's moron daughter confirms it!

Drago said...

Remember, the dems wanted Reagan to run against so badly too........

It's almost as if they don't really game these things out properly.

So much for the "reality based" community on the left.

And remember, if Russia's pal Castro had visited the US again before his recent demise, the left would have given him a ticker tape parade! (They could also use fireworks on the cheap as Hillary's campaign had quite a bit to unload at cut rate prices).

Anonymous said...

I doubt the Russkies would like Republicans without Trump being their leader. I bet they hate McCain.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Drago, I doubt the Russkies would like Republicans without Trump being their leader. I bet they hate McCain"

We have all already witnessed the full value of your opinions.

'nuff said.


Fabi said...

One of the biggest winners in this election is Al Gore -- he'll no longer be known as the sorest Democrat loser!

Drago said...

Remember, after it became known that Castro had ordered homosexuals tortured, killed and some lobotomized, some of the lefties got to him in later years and Castro then "apologized".

So, you know, it's all good.

Big Mike said...

The Russkies hacked "Dancing with the Stars"!!!!

@Drago, didn't they? How do you think Bristol Palin lasted to the finals in season 11?

Anonymous said...

Your "opinions" are nothing more than the whistling of a scared little man walking past the graveyard. Your bravado isn't convincing, LOL!

Drago said...

Fabi: "One of the biggest winners in this election is Al Gore -- he'll no longer be known as the sorest Democrat loser!"

Little did algore know that when he sold his "Sore Loser Credits" to Clinton that she would cash them in so quickly.

Thus proving that the "Sore Loser Credits" were waaaaaaaay more relevant and valuable than his make believe "carbon credits".

So, he's got that going for himself. Which is nice.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Drago, Your "opinions" are nothing more than the whistling of a scared little man walking past the graveyard. Your bravado isn't convincing,"

So you continue to say.........


Anonymous said...

"Mr. McCain said on Monday that there was “no doubt about the hacking” by Russian intelligence services into Democratic campaign accounts, which he called “another form of warfare.”

Appearing on “CBS This Morning” with Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the next minority leader, Mr. McCain said the wide-ranging investigation of Russian meddling in the election would include his committee as well as the Foreign Relations and Intelligence committees.

He said a Senate investigation would be necessary despite President Obama having already ordered up an inquiry, as that one would not be completed before the end of the Obama administration. The implication was that the new Trump administration would not follow through.

“We don’t want to point a finger, and I don’t want this to turn into the Benghazi investigation,” Mr. Schumer added, referring to the House investigation into the attacks on an American compound in Libya, which he said had been partisan. “This is serious stuff.”"

Drago said...

BTW, I like to think of my opinions not as whistles, but as soaring aria's which hover over the graveyards of democrat dreams, of which, of late, there are many.

Drago said...

If Unknown can cut and paste fast enough, perhaps hope can be kept alive....

Drago said...

New York Times!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh gawd!!

Drago said...

Up next: secret democrat investigation reveals that "Moose and Squirrel" are dangerously close to foiling Boris and Natasha's plan!!

Drago said...

Keep 'em coming Unknown!!

We always knew the lefties would cross the rubicon at some point. It looks as though this might be it!


Trumpit said...

Trump is obviously concerned that it will be proven that Russians determined the winner of the presidential election in his favor by illegal tampering of the election. By labeling the CIA as untrustworthy, he sowing the seeds of his own destruction.

I'm hoping that Trump had a conspiratorial hand (working with Putin) in the corruption of our election process, so that he can be impeached immediately after inauguration. I'd rather have Pence as president than crazy, conspiracy theorist Trump.

Maybe enough will be known before inauguration day to prevent Trump from taking office. For example, the FBI might arrest and indict him in the coming weeks. Nothing would please me more if FBI Director, James Comey, made the announcement of his arrest.

Trump should be arrested for Trump University fraud, in any case, before he is sworn in as 45th president of the United States.

MacMacConnell said...

The Marxists Obama, Democrats and the media are furthering Russia's intent, delegitimizing US elections and undermining democratic institutions. Good job fuck wads.

Riots, recounts, and an attempted coup.

Fabi said...

Trumpit thinks someone can be arrested via a civil suit! Lulz

Please stop leftards -- if I keep laughing this loud the neighbors are going to call the police!

Anonymous said...

Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up! Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

Would it rise to the level of treason, I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Surrrrre, I hear your wailing and gnashing of teeth Fabi, lol!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Tim in vermont said...
Glenn Greenwald made a convincing case that the Alpha Bank stuff was email marketing of luxury Trump properties. The tell was Trump using his own name in the top secret URL. Whoever found it was searching the DNS logs for the name Trump.

IIRC, the Times published an article saying the same thing, a few days before the election, when they assumed Hillary would win by an electoral college landslide.
But to be honest, I didn't pay much attention to the details after I determined that the primary sources for the story were super-secret computer scientists who, for their own safety, had to use special 3lite h4xor names like Mastermorpher and Kondorkilz57.

Michael said...


Tell us more about the illegal "tampering" with the election. You do understand do you not that someone, maybe the Russians, took hacked emails of Podesta (LOL) via a phish and delivered them to wikileaks which, in turn, fed them out to a yawning US press and public. The emails were of little import.

Whence the "tampering"?

Sort of like the tampering of a dozen groped females? Like that?

Fabi said...

I've never been happier or more entertained, UnknownInga. Keep hope alive!

Pookie Number 2 said...

So if i understand Inga correctly (and I'm sober right now, so it's hard to be sure), electors "need to know" whether the Russians tampered with the election by allowing voters to see Hillary's - and her team's - unvarnished corruption.

Anonymous said...

My apologies, it's not from Brwitbart or Infowars, but maybe you can understand some of the words and get some meaning out of this excerpt.

"Fmr. CIA Acting Dir. Michael Morell: "This Is the Political Equivalent of 9/11"

Tell me about the significance of these allegations if they are true, what’s the overall significance to national security if Russia was successful in doing something like this?

I think the first point is it’s really interesting, and you said this earlier, this is not a new story. We knew back in October that Russia was meddling in the election. In October, the Obama Administration said publicly that Russia was interfering with the election and that the knowledge and direction of that went to the highest levels of the Russian government. This was, in my mind, the first time in American history that our government has accused another government of meddling in our election. This is huge. What was new in The Washington Post story, if its right—we still don’t know whether its right, and whether the rest of the IC agrees or not—but that the CIA believes the intent of the meddling was to help Mr. Trump and hurt Mrs. Clinton’s chances. That meddling went way beyond just stealing the DNC and Podesta information and giving it to WikiLeaks, that’s what’s new.

But what’s important to me is, it’s less important that they had picked the winner and loser, which I thought all along they had done. What’s most important is that they did indeed meddle. I think the implications of that are just absolutely huge, and I think there are three of them:

The first is, we need to see this for what it is. It is an attack on our very democracy. It’s an attack on who we are as a people. A foreign government messing around in our elections is, I think, an existential threat to our way of life. To me, and this is to me not an overstatement, this is the political equivalent of 9/11. It is huge and the fact that it hasn’t gotten more attention from the Obama Administration, Congress, and the mainstream media, is just shocking to me.

The second is that I agree with a whole bunch of people on the Hill, Democrats and Republicans, Sen. John McCain, that we need a bi-partisan commission to look into exactly what the Russians did and what we can do here at home to make sure that no foreign government can ever do this again to us. That’s why that commission is so important. The commission shouldn’t look into what is an unknowable thing - which is: did they affect the outcome or not - we’ll never know that. We’ll never know what the Russians did, whether it affected a single vote or not. But what we can do is figure out exactly what they did and make changes here at home as to how information is handled, how we protect information, and make sure they never do this again.

The third implication is we need to respond to the Russian attack. We need to deter the Russians and anyone else who is watching this—and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians are all watching. We need to deter all of those folks from even thinking about doing something like this in the future."

Lewis Wetzel said...

In: believing that Russian secret secret agents infiltrated poling places in key precincts, changing the vote just enough to give Trump an electoral college win.
Out: believing that John Podesta runs a child sex slave ring out of a DC pizza parlor.

Anonymous said...

"The first is, we need to see this for what it is. It is an attack on our very democracy. It’s an attack on who we are as a people. A foreign government messing around in our elections is, I think, an existential threat to our way of life. To me, and this is to me not an overstatement, this is the political equivalent of 9/11. It is huge and the fact that it hasn’t gotten more attention from the Obama Administration, Congress, and the mainstream media, is just shocking to me."

Meant to bold this for you lazy readers.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Meant to bold this for you lazy readers.

Are you suggesting that the Russians did anything besides demonstrating, in their own words, how vile Team Hillary is?

Dr Weevil said...

So electors need to see whatever information Obama chooses to share with them about the alleged Russian fixing of the election? And if he chooses not to share any information tending to rebut or refute the hypothesis that they fixed the election for Trump, that's OK because he's the President of all Americans for another 5 1/2 weeks and couldn't possibly be prejudiced for or against either candidate in the late election? And there is no need for the general public to be told what the electors are told, and what the government knows or supposes that they are not told, so they can judge the likelihood of the hypothesis for themselves? Is that what Unknown and Trumpit want? I really think it is. Which makes Unknown and Trumpit liars, fools, mad(wo)men, or some combination of those three not-mutually-exclusive things.

Fabi said...

You forgot to bold "...if true...", UnknownInga! Lulz

JAORE said...

"Shouldn't we all be concerned that our electoral process may have been tampered with by a foreign government?"

Shouldn't we all be concerned that our elections may have been skewed by non-citizens voting? By people voting in multiple States? By the dead not purged from voting roles?

Lots more evidence of that than the Russians conspiring with Trump.

Lots more ability to change election results.

Oh yeah, voter fraud never happens, right?

John D said...


This is probably one of the best critical analysis pieces you have ever written.

If this is an example of your everyday analytic skills, then the students of UW Law suffer a loss by your retirement.

Best wishes from another recent retiree.


Dr Weevil said...

I have yet to see any serious argument that the Russians actually changed the results of the election, even granting (what is very far from proven) that they tried to do so. So, if Trump would have been elected anyway, should we dump him because the Russians (hypothetically) wanted him to win? That would be really stupid. In the future, all they would have to do to elect the candidate of their choice is make clumsy and obvious attempts to 'fix' it for the other guy.

Of course, the fact that Obama, Morell, Unknown, Trumpit, and the rest are much more interested in convincing the Electoral College to diddle Trump out of his clearcut victory than punishing the Russians for interfering shows that they do not believe their own assertions. They're just desperately trying to undo the election, like the contemptible fascists they are.

Michael K said...

" By labeling the CIA as untrustworthy, he sowing the seeds of his own destruction. "

Actually, OBama and Hillary marked it as untrustworthy when hey used it for political cover, as in the Benghazi scandal.

It was already looking like a DNC stronghold when the rogue CIA group purported to find that Iran had ceased its nuclear program in 2003.

A new assessment by American intelligence agencies made public Monday concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains on hold, contradicting an assessment two years ago that Tehran was working inexorably toward building a bomb.

The report seems likely to weaken international support for tougher sanctions against Iran and raise new questions about the credibility of the beleaguered American intelligence agencies, while reshaping the final year of the Bush administration, which has made halting Iran's nuclear program a cornerstone of its foreign policy.

Of course that was the NY Times and the CIA trying to cripple "The last year of the Bush administration."

Unfortunately, the Dims and the rogue CIA analysts and the NYT were sorely disappointed that Bush won in 2004 in spite of Dan Rather and CBS best efforts.

The CIA is full of lefty foreign language newspaper readers. The real work is done by the D of O.

Michael K said...

"Shouldn't we all be concerned that our elections may have been skewed by non-citizens voting?"

I will be very disappointed if the Congress does not use this DNC operation as the springboard for voter ID legislation.

Anonymous said...

Really? Seriously? "Millions of people" voting illegally. They'd prefer to believe fake news like this drek from Trump, Breitbart and Infowars. This and Pizzagate, pathetic dupes.

Hyphenated American said...

It's quite amusing that liberals were laughing when it was revealed that Obama's IRS illegally targeted hundreds of conservative groups and helped Obama's reelection in 2012 - but cry "blood murder" and "911" because American people found out through hacked emails that CNN illegally provided questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates with Bernie Sanders.... Weird and amusing.

Hyphenated American said...

""Millions of people" voting illegally. They'd prefer to believe fake news like this drek from Trump, "

Why not investigate that? Why not ask all states to provide full lists of all people who voted, with their addresses, DOB and Social Security numbers?

Anonymous said...

Yes, do it.

Hyphenated American said...

Unknown, do you agree that we should also compel the IRS officials, including Lerner to testify under oath about targeting the conservative groups? And treat a refusal to testify as a crime?

and one more thing - if a state refuses or unable to provide the full list of all people who voted, with their full names, DOB, and SS numbers - then eliminate the electors from such state?

Drago said...

"Fmr. CIA Acting Dir. Michael Morell: "This Is the Political Equivalent of 9/11"


Well, that explains all the destruction by lefty rent-a-mobs in dem controlled cities, just like 9-11!

It is simply not possible to caricature the left any longer. No matter what you might proffer about them, their beliefs and what lengths they are willing to go to in order to gain and retain power, the left will always, by their actions, exceed any and every possible observation.

And in record time!

It's all just too идеальный! Oops, I meant, "perfect"......

Hyphenated American said...

And one more thing - Obama used taxpayer money to help the left be elected in Israel's elections.

Did Obama commit 911 against the Jewish people?

Anonymous said...

Whatever it takes to prove to you people that rampant voter fraud is nothing more than fake news, just like Pizzagate. Didn't they already testify under oath regarding the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS?

Anonymous said...

"Proof, proof, proof!" See how that works?

Michael K said...

"Didn't they already testify under oath regarding the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS?"

Took the fifth. Reading would be good for you.

I'm glad you agree to investigate illegals voting. All illegals in California get registered to vote with their drivers' license.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"All illegals in California get registered to vote with their drivers' license."
If I am reading the Cali law correctly, they declare that they are citizens on the vote registration form by checking a box, and that declaration is not considered legal proof of citizenship for any other purpose than registering to vote.

Hyphenated American said...

"Didn't they already testify under oath regarding the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS?"

Lerner refused to testify.... so, do you agree that we need to compel her to testify under penalty of a 10 year jail sentence?

BTW, do you agree we should to compel Clinton people who worked on her server to testify under oath? 5 of them got a get out of jail card from the FBI, but refused to testify.

I want proof that you care whether our system is rigged or not.

damikesc said...

The only path forward that makes sense is for Obama to order the release of as much evidence as possible underlying the reported “high confidence” of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia both intervened in the election and did so with the intention of aiding Trump’s candidacy."

The "interference" is releasing completely accurate information...

Pookie Number 2 said...

Inga #1: Claims that there is no evidence is premature.

Inga #2: "Proof, proof, proof!" See how that works?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Shorter leftist collective Paul Krugman & MSM Wagon circling/excuse making:

" 'If only we’d been able to hide our bias and misbehavior from our own voters, we’d have won!' "

Anonymous said...

I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy.

Lewis Wetzel said...

No one was more surprised than the CIA when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Keeping an eye on Russia was the most important job the CIA had back then. Caught them completely by surprise.
I knew a guy who was not surprised. He was friend of a friend, and did some kind of photosurveillance gig when he had been in the service. Back in the '80s he told me that once you got out of the cities, almost all Russian roads were unpaved, and that their claimed population of 300 million was really about half that. He said that they had been hit by WW2 much harder than they let on.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy.

That's why the adults couldn't vote for Hillary.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"The only path forward that makes sense is for Obama to order the release of as much evidence as possible underlying the reported “high confidence” of U.S. intelligence agencies"
Which intelligence agencies? Who authored the opinion? Or is this hearsay?
Unknown believes that thirty anonymous souls should pick the president. Unknown the Undemocrat.

Dr Weevil said...

Lewis Wetzel:
Notice they demand that Obama "order the release of as much evidence as possible underlying the reported 'high confidence' of [some] U.S. intelligence agencies" but show no interest at all in having him release other evidence that underlies the reportd low confidence of other intelligence agencies. They want the Electoral College to see the prosecution case against Trump, but don't want anyone to see the evidence for the defense. That looks a little like treason to me, somehow: encouraging a coup against the elected President by deceiving the EC with false or at best incomplete information.

JamesB.BKK said...

"Look to see the sanctions lifted and oil prices go up." Or, new/additional supply leads to higher prices. New economics?

Michael said...

Where was the concern or curiosity about the downed White House servers? For a lengthy period. Crickets.

Hyphenated American said...

"I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy."

Weirdly, when Obama's IRS illegally targeted hundreds of conservative groups, that was not an issue. But now you woke up and demand proof? Come on, get in line, comrade.

Let's finish the IRS issue first.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I want proof that Donny doesn't beat his wife and kick puppies. I demand an investigation.

Charlie Eklund said...

Wake me up when we get to the part of the movie where Our Hero™ strolls into the room, his backup singer Candy following ten paces behind, looks around and says "The Russians? Really, the Russians...well, I've got news for you; the 80s called and they want their foreign policy back".

Eric said...

The editor in charge of headlines is dyslexic. He wanted a shorter way to say "faintest whiff of" and decided on "smell" but that's where his disability intervened.

MacMacConnell said...

I wonder if this CIA is the same Cia that told Obama ISIS was JV?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Hyphenated American said...
And one more thing - Obama used taxpayer money to help the left be elected in Israel's elections.

Did Obama commit 911 against the Jewish people?
12/12/16, 7:20 PM

Even more to the point would be the various color revolutions that took place in the area known as the Russian "Near Abroad," aka the former Warsaw Pact, which are deemed to be of existential concern to Russia, and which there seems a likelihood that we connived at, us and/or possibly George Soros. Or have we forgotten? Russia has not forgotten. They don't forget much.

Russia would be delighted to air that case in the court of world opinion. We should nuke them for, what, airing true information which maybe helped peel off Michigan or nail down Florida? And then what should they do to us for Ukraine?

Now I've said it before and I'll say it again, Russia is shit, Russians are shots, and we're probably doing the right thing by opposing them at every juncture, but the price of that includes them striking back. They are not donkeys. They are not the Moscow Generals, waiting for the Washington Globetrotters to make fools of them.

If you're going to come at Russia, you should have a reason and you should be prepared. I'm not positive that we have a great reason and I'm pretty sure we're not prepared. Maybe Trump is extremely wise, he knows that the correlation of forces is not in our favor, and he desperately wants to buy time. But that can't be, because Trump is a fool. Right?

MacMacConnell said...

IRS, ATF gun running, we know Obama only found out about these because he read it in the media, but not to worry he's going to get to the bottom of them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
Drago is laughing, er, whistling past the graveyard. I'm enjoying the panic I'm reading here amongst you good folks.

12/12/16, 5:42 PM

Oh,yeah, sweetie, we're panicking. It's nice of you to join us. I suspect it's hard to make time if you, like many of your fellow leftists, are frantically dashing off threatening and incoherent emails to Trump electors. One Kansas elector stated she got over 500 emails in the space of a minute from deranged Democrats.

Well, I guess you gotta KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

BTW, how did that Wisconsin recount go for you, dearie? Trump picked up a net gain of 131 votes. Jill Stein thanks you for your money, sucker.

Quick, unknown, tell us again how you're really winning!! Just like Charlie Sheen!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Drudge has a Reuters update.

MacMacConnell said...

Russian hackers getting to the truth the media isn't willing to expose. Well in reality they couldn't, they were participants in the Clinton daisy chain.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So, first you get a demand for endless recounts. When that doesn't pan out, you try to corrupt the electoral college.
And it was the democrat candidate, who said during the debates that the idea that Trump might question the election results was "appalling."

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even finished...


WALLACE: Hold on. Hold on, folks. Hold on, folks.

CLINTON: ... it just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

Big Mike said...

Tell me something, "Unknown." Let's suppose that the Russians did actually interfere in our election. Now why would they prefer a loose cannon like Trump over a person they know very well, and who famously pressed for a "reset" in US-Russia relations? Interesting thought experiment is it not? Keep in mind that they almost certainly were reading all her personal and official business related Email traffic on her essentially unsecured server from the time she took office as Secretary of State until the end of her term, and probably both before and since.

So you see the conundrum, don't you?

I can think of one thing and only one. Suppose they read messages and did a psychological profile that made them think she would be very likely to get a war going between the US and Russia? Suppose their concerns were so strong that they are willing to risk the likes of Trump as the safer alternative? Now how do you like Hillary Clinton as president? Or do you live well outside all the metropolitan areas?

MacMacConnell said...

Keep it up Dems, keep beclowning yourselves, keep being desperate and deranged, I can't wait for the midterms, my boner may have subsided by then.

Can't wait till Dems elect a muslim to head the DNC, hopefully the Repub congress votes to add the Muslim Brotherhood to the terrorist list the next day. I will once again collect the tears of outrage to cleanse my dog's ass.

MacMacConnell said...

TRUMP WINS WISCONSIN AGAIN!.......Hillary Clinton will never be President!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Aw, man, this will put a damper on Unknown's evening. Shucks....

I hate to see her so disappointed once again. Let's see if I can come up with another outlandish theory she can pin her hopes on.

How's this: Russian secret agent Natasha Fatale and her partner Boris Badenov helped turn the election in Trump's favor after Fatale was hired to be Hillary Clinton's personal buyer and was responsible for Clinton's campaign wardrobe. Under the direction of Badenov, who followed direct orders from the Kremlin, Fatale deliberately dressed Clinton in the ugliest pants suits she could find, including one that looked like an oversized oven mitt. Such violations of good taste might have cost Clinton the election, as voters came to doubt that any woman who wore such eyesores was capable of good judgement."

Todd Roberson said...

Where's R&B?

walter said...

Equating this with 911 is some damn impressive shark jumping...

Michael K said...

"I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy."

OK, Hillary saw to it that the Russians got 20% of US Uranium stocks fora donation to the Clinton Foundation.

Oh. She lost ? Forget it.

Inga time for you to go to bed. Get your blankie and turn in. IT;s been a long day for you.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Can't wait till Dems elect a muslim to head the DNC, hopefully the Repub congress votes to add the Muslim Brotherhood to the terrorist list the next day."

Oh, please Jesus, please, please, please let it be Ellison. One prayer was already answered when the House Dems picked Pelosi over Ryan, and I am grateful, but it's Christmas time, surely another wish can be granted? 'Cause nobody can win over Middle America like Keith Ellison!

richard mcenroe said...

All three recounts have failed. DAMN those Russian Judges!

Fabi said...

Reuters -- Office of Director National Intelligence (ODNI) says that there is no way to ascertain the intent of any possible hacking. ODNI overseas all US intelligence operations. Another prog narrative bites the dust. So sad!

Matt Sablan said...

"You don't KNOW that is is no evidence Mac."

-- Do you want to justify Pizza Gate? Because that's how you justify Pizza Gate.

Matt Sablan said...

“We don’t want to point a finger, and I don’t want this to turn into the Benghazi investigation,” Mr. Schumer added, referring to the House investigation into the attacks on an American compound in Libya, which he said had been partisan. “This is serious stuff.”"

-- Clinton losing is "serious stuff." People dying? Not serious to him, apparently.

Matt Sablan said...

"I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy."

-- That was crazy gobble-de-gook when people said it about Obama. It makes even less sense to say it about Trump, who is pretty clear about wanting to be more protectionist and is willing to go to bat against China and other big players.

Drago said...

Unknown: "I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy."


Just. Perfect.


Lewis Wetzel said...

Wikileaks says that Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd.
Yep, it takes a team of Russia's finest hackers to break into a gmail account protected by p@ssw0rd.
And when Obama won in 2008, the dems said that now the adults would be in charge.

walter said...

Hearing Schumer's choked up farewell to Husk of a human Harold Reid was a painful listen.

Drago said...

"Bernie Sanders just told MSNBC that Trump won because people are tired of political correctness."

Bernie gets it.

And that's why Hillary's little sheeple (like Unknown) and media collaborators and DNC party hacks conspired to destroy him in the primary.

Again, who could have guessed just 24 months ago that an aging academic socialist moron would be light-years ahead of the biggest political machine leviathan seen since the Kennedy's/Roosevelts (Hillary!) when it comes to understanding where the people are in terms of policies, concerns, fears, desires, etc.

Seriously, not even ONE democrat consultant, talking head, campaign staffer had the balls to tell Hillary she was wrong about anything?

Way to go dems! The ONLY dem who could have lost to Trump was Hillary and YOU selected her, on purpose!


Drago said...

"You don't KNOW that is is no evidence Mac."


Qwinn said...

I think Trump himself gave the best answer to Unknown's rantings. Seriously, imagine if Hillary had won and Trump's fans were saying the exact same things that Unknown is saying. Does anyone here doubt that she'd be treating it exactly the same as she's treating Pizzagate now?

I wonder if Unknown herself would deny that, given how obvious it is. But I suspect she will never, ever answer that.

Susan said...

"Fatale deliberately dressed Clinton in the ugliest pants suits she could find, including one that looked like an oversized oven mitt. Such violations of good taste might have cost Clinton the election, as voters came to doubt that any woman who wore such eyesores was capable of good judgement."

All the designers who said they would refuse to dress Melania after the election only did so to throw us off the trail.

You just know Melania is devastated that the Kitchen Collection is callously denied her.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"NotquiteunBuckley said...
When I was in Pueblo and headed North, a junkie transient was singing "Highway to Hell" by ACDC.

Just the chorus.

I don't know if that all he knew, or all he wanted to share.

I don't done guess I ever will.

4/13/15, 6:07 PM"

walter said...

I note little effort spent denying/disproving the actual content from "the hacking".

Drago said...

Is there anything more hilarious than the Romney-mockers/Russia-"Reset-ers" on the left now coming full circle in their appreciation for the wisdom of the last candidate they called a nazi?

You simply can't make this stuff up.

Drago said...

walter: "I note little effort spent denying/disproving the actual content from "the hacking"."

Its all sturm und drang to keep the public attention away from that and onto something make-believe where the dems, once again, are the poor little victims.

walter said...

Dems like Donna Brazille... VICTIM

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The Left can see Russia from their insecure water closet.

Something similar happened when their multi-trillion dollar catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scheme was exposed.

Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae

I wonder if any survivors from the trail of blood from Benghazi to Cairo to Damascus to Kiev and back to Belgrade and Paris would have an incentive to end the Left's babyhunts and other social "justice" adventurism.

walter said...

Todd Roberson said...Where's R&B?
Building an AGW ark

Guildofcannonballs said...

I am specialler than you, so HBO given' me done a free month.

That there Larry Sanders show is funny.

Show as Hell is.

Sho' 'nough in it must be.

In= Flynn, as in ERROL!!!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Good God she ruined it.

Crying is funny? Idiocy as the job entails stupid "I am not funny but feminist so accept my power now" or some such other bulky mode of propaganda.



walter said...

(see above for result of CO legalized weed)

Guildofcannonballs said...

In a sane world, my contemplation "I love Scott Thompson in TLSS yet find Garafalo unwatchable" yields.

What, I don't know, yieldwise, but I do know this:

Worthwise left the gate without any promise of yeild.

walter said...


Guildofcannonballs said...

I guess I could look back and say "it was the drinking and late nights, the gambling."

I don't know, but at some points along the line I sure as Hell did...

See Heaven on her shores,
No make-up healing sores,
Only Your love shining on,
Makes a cuddle song.

Dylan poster fades, last was his friendly gaze.
We all knew His grace has saved.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Shandling died young and I am now, I PUT ALL OF US NO JOKE IN CANCER RISK.

Bigger than usual risk.

Gosh darn me what Have InDone?

Guildofcannonballs said...

The regulations that took effect here twenty/two to the two mathwisen exponent.



This machine was built after that.

And passed inspection for years too after that.

So, I am FLOYD Mic.


And The Man With No Name too.

wildswan said...

I've heard that no one is in charge at the DNC and so no talking points are going out. In the place of talking points, conspiracy theories are surfacing. For example, (as several have pointed out) Trump was a Nazi not many news cycles ago, now he is a Commie. Along the way he rigged the voting machines in WI, MI, PA. My own belief is that his mysterious powers indicate he comes from outer space and I just hope he comes in peace. But as UnknownInga says we should be looking onto this - wouldn't it be important to know if the UFO's were running the US election?

It will be one thing after another like this from #CrazedDemocrats up to and beyond the inauguration of President Trump. The Democrats are losing big time. They are thrashing about like drowning men. After all at all the agencies the top people will be leaving after Jan. 20 plus all Obama's people, Biden's people, Clinton's people plus DNC people. Houses going on the market. Lobbyists scrambling. Tight lips. Rumors of a saving Big Story. The CIA is going to show ... Russia is known ... Oil ... the Chinese ... Electoral college ... They cheer Trump everywhere he goes - They are scum. The Army Navy game. Damn the man... Italy .. The EU might ... Scotland is on our side.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Not merely a symbol but "the result" is an interestingly Godly bestowedness by a shitheaad atheist my supposition impails, resultingly.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My working assumptions are all TLSS jokes are stolen and that is a joke, like patent law.

We can all build skyscrapers, if our daddy woulda just left us some speeding around the walkin' money.

Nobody but experts can talk Law though, dear girl.

They will kill you, and not like Margaret Choa.

n.n said...

There was another victim of Democratic class politics: Bernie Sanders. The DNC cover-up was likely exposed by a cynical leftist as retributive change for their conspiracy to disenfranchise their members. It's ironic that the cover-up evolved with traditional Leftist assets including The Washington Post. And a few Republicans came tumbling after. The acutely phobic response from Left, Right, and Center to Trump and the People has been remarkable. Clinton was their last hope to preserve and progress Obama's legacy.

walter said...

Track IP, dispatch Narcan

Guildofcannonballs said...

In a most non-blasphemousness manner assumed confess: looking at National Review, the publication founded by William Frank Buckley, Jr., in 1955, today is impossible.

Why would one try?

Guildofcannonballs said...

I mov e into the chemical equivalent of the Oakland warehouse.

But it was built after th years where standards invoked were paid for.

Subsequent too.

Where did the money go if not to certify THE viability, knowing all of us as we do it is the public good here😠

Guildofcannonballs said...

I should like to think, having only read a fraction of that man's work's.


William Frank Buckley Junior.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I should like to think.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Buckley slayed demons KNOWN and people today say "but if he could do that why not pick up my trash too? If he could do that, he ought pick up my shit, ya hear me?"


Guildofcannonballs said...

Identity focused locust centered convoy.



Guildofcannonballs said...

Why wouldn't I?

Why not?


grackle said...

Shouldn't we all be concerned that our electoral process may have been tampered with by a foreign government?

Speaking of tampering – this happened 2 years ago:

The White House’s computers were down for weeks because of the intrusion by a “foreign power,” which the administration finally identified as Russia. It wasn’t just the White House, either; it was the entire Executive Office of the President, which comprises a good chunk of the executive branch. Nor was that all: the State Department’s computer system was hacked, too.

This was ignored by the MSM whores and their johns the Democrats because it reflected poorly upon the Obama administration and it was just before the mid-terms. Russian hacking? No big deal, apparently.

… if Obama and the democrats deprive Trump of his duly elected office does Obama have enough tanks to stop what happens next?

Tanks won’t be necessary. They know they cannot overturn the election. The long-term goal is to delegitimize the upcoming Trump administration. This is the first salvo in that effort. As usual the eGOP chumps and cheats in that Dunces’ Dick-Dance we call the US Congress eagerly and mindlessly corroborate with the Democrats against Trump. It would be disturbing if it weren’t so laughable. Some folks are going to get a good lesson from Papa Trump if they don’t shape up and get with the program.

No one was more surprised than the CIA when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

The CIA has been “surprised” by the nuking up of every nation that ever nuked up. The CIA’s record is perfect – they got it wrong EVERY time. From the Russians in 1949 through every nation possessing nuclear capability in today’s fucked up world.

It wasn’t the low-level CIA info-gatherers; they surely saw and noted the evidence. What it means is that CIA bigshots altered data and assessments to reflect something other than reality.

MacMacConnell said...

"Fmr. CIA Acting Dir. Michael Morell: "This Is the Political Equivalent of 9/11"

This is the same guy that testified at the Benghazi hearings in place of the resigning General Petraeus. He was like CIA chief for 30 days. He's a political operative who help Hillary concoct her lies about the film maker.

MacMacConnell said...

Joel B. Pollak's reason #9 why this is all about "fake news".

9. What would the consequences of allowing undue Russian influence in our elections be, exactly? Would we yield primacy in Eastern Europe to Vladimir Putin? Would we give up our plans for missile defense? Would we make deep unilateral cuts in our nuclear arsenal in exchange for flimsy concessions ? Would we tolerate a Russian land invasion of a friendly, pro-Western country? Would we cede the Middle East to Russian hegemony? Because Hillary Clinton and Obama already did that.

Team America Fuck Ya!

Fen said...

Libtard: Shouldn't we all be concerned that our electoral process may have been tampered with by a foreign government?

How is hacking the DNC servers tampering with the electoral process?

Do you not hear how stupid you sound? You might as well claim that NBC corrupted the electoral process by releasing tape of 2 men talking privately about chasing pussy.

Fen said...

Libtard: I want proof that you care if your President Elect may be an agent of a foreign government and a danger to the security of the country and well being of our democracy.

You need to be more precise. See, we are all Russian nationals here, so...

Also, America is a Republic not a Democracy, you ignorant slut.

Fen said...

"The first is, we need to see this for what it is. It is an attack on our very democracy."

No, it's really not. It's an attack on the DNC servers, it's an attack on those people who hate democracy. People like you who refuse to accept the results of the election.

Fen said...

What would the consequences of allowing undue Russian influence in our elections be, exactly?

Hacker: "We are ready to begin Operation Trumpet, Comrade."

Putin: "Oh thank God, if I had to look at that hag in pantsuits for 8 years, I would have blown my brains out."

james conrad said...

Jesus, this entire Russian thing has gone nutty. The NYT is just a partisan rag these days and has been for quite awhile, no one with any knowledge of politics believes anything they say, it's become a spin operation of the democrat party.
Do the Russians, Chinese, bla bla bla, spy & hack on the USA? Gee Wiz, does a brown bear crap in the woods? I would note that all this cyber intrusion over the past several years took place under Obama's watch, what has this amin. done about it? I suspect, not much.

HT said...

On a previous post, you had said: "I'm reading these new conclusions as political junk." Why don't you just stop reading the NYT?

MeMySelf said...

I think the bigger story and why this is being pushed and pushed hard by the left is the attempted hack of Georgia's voter data base by DHS.Who ordered that? Who knew about it? And what other States voter data bases were hacked? All of this would point back to the guy in charge, would it not?

Fen said...

Why don't you just stop reading the NYT?

Which reminds me, if liberals are supposed to be so much smarter and educated and sophisticated than the rest of us rubes, how come they haven't yet figured out that their information brokers are pushing the equivalent of Enron stock?

Not very savy, not that intelligent.

Bad Lieutenant said...

walter said...
(see above for result of CO legalized weed)

12/12/16, 11:28 PM

I always thought it was him playing a drunk. But I actually think it's an act. You say the wrong thing he will wake up and make withering criticisms. It is extremely tiresome though.

Tina Trent said...

The Times has become an anthropology department.

FleetUSA said...

Analysis like this is why AA is a star blogger.

tim in vermont said...

Morel is so butt hurt, maybe it's not just Hillary losing. Maybe he should get checked for ass cancer.

Paco Wové said...

"Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd."

Dang, if he'd exchanged those s's for 5's he would have been *uncrackable*.

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