He was going for ...a greater threat to democracy than Donald Trump but his long-suppressed sense of decency kicked in. Unfortunately VJ wasn't at the teleprompter keyboard ready to feed him an alternative comparison.
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
And when you take out the long pauses, what are you left with?
"There are some who think Michelle's healthy lunch program is a greater threat to democracy than going after the press when they say something you don't like."
How do you make sense of that? Who is he talking about?
Earlier in the presser, a female reporter got so ill that they had to assist her out of the room. Obama said "call my doctor" and then continued to answer the pending question. He stopped only when he realized that no one was paying any att4ntion to him.
"Obama said "call my doctor" and then continued to answer the pending question. He stopped only when he realized that no one was paying any att4ntion to him."
You mean this doesn't mean anything "law prof"? The putative President is involved in creating a fraudulent Birth Certificate, which was easy to see from the beginning, but the media demonized anyone who talked about it or ignored them. It is NOW A FACT. Will you blog about it? or will you continue to protect the Usurper from your perch in the Ivory Tower of Academia?
Obama stopped because he wanted to make sure the woman was seen by the doctor and it appeared that the doctor was slow in coming, he directed people several times to make sure the doctor was coming. Seriously what do you think Trump would've done? "Get her outta here!"
Unknown said... "Pizzagate is REALZ! Obama is a Kenyan! Really really realz for sure".
So why does Podesta have Child Torture Art in his home? Why has he not denied being an abject pedophile? Why do 2 Pizza Shops within steps of each other have the international symbol of Pedophilia in their menu and logo? How does a pizza Shop owner get to be one of the "50 most influential people in DC"? Why does a pizza shop owner meet in the White House with the Usurper? Why does the owner of a "family pizza shop" have perverted sexual references (including "chicken lover") on his public Instaram? Why are bands like "Sex Stains" performing at a "family pizza shop"?
Obama is tired? Tired from what? He's a lame duck and its the Holidays. Its not like he's just got back from meeting Churchill and Stalin at Tehran.
Usually, when Pols like Obama "lose their train of thought" in these formal press conferences its because they forget the canned, pre-scripted answer and then have to search their memory banks for an acceptable one.
At one point Obama thanked the American people and then said "More importantly," and then stopped for 15 seconds and then corrected himself and thanked his press secretary. Being Tired or a freudian slip? You make the call.
I've never been impressed with Obama as either an "off the cuff" speaker or as a formal speech maker. He always seems to speak so slowly as if he's searching for the right word or more precisely make sure he's not letting his true feelings and beliefs come out. Of course, I don't think "off the cuff" speaking is that important to being a good President.
But you can just imagine what the MSM would've said if Reagan or Bush II had lost their train of thought like Obama did.
Obama is tired? Tired from what? He's a lame duck and its the Holidays. Its not like he's just got back from meeting Churchill and Stalin at Tehran.
Usually, when Pols like Obama "lose their train of thought" in these formal press conferences its because they forget the canned, pre-scripted answer and then have to search their memory banks for an acceptable one.
At one point Obama thanked the American people and then said "More importantly," and then stopped for 15 seconds and then corrected himself and thanked his press secretary. Being Tired or a freudian slip? You make the call.
Obama stopped because he wanted to make sure the woman was seen by the doctor and it appeared that the doctor was slow in coming, he directed people several times to make sure the doctor was coming. Seriously what do you think Trump would've done? "Get her outta here!"
FAKE. Woman was sick at Trump rally a couple of days ago. Trump called for "Doctor in the House " several times. Not to be outdone, Obama staged a similar event.
He has never been a good extemporaneous speaker, he always stumbles, a lot of "uhhhs," long pauses that some say are for rhetorical effect but look more like he's trying to get his brain back on track.
Even so, he's not running for anything so there's no reason other than either habit or ego that kept him from just saying, "Sorry, but could you repeat the question?"
To be fair, he was lost inside his head in the transition from "I am a hero" to "I am a victim".
Like everyone else, he never goes to "I am a villain".
I sort of supported Obama in 08 though I really liked the idea of Sarah Palin wielding the gavel in the Senate.
I strongly supported him in 12 against the odious, more-of-the-same, Romney.
If we had not had Obama, we would not be set for what looks like a liberal (as in classical liberal) revolution that I see coming. we would have just kept rolling downhill like a minecart headed for Hell. Romney might have made the seats a bit more comfy or improved the drink service. He might even have slowed it down marginally. Maybe we would have run off the cliff in 6 years instead of 3.
We still would have run off the cliff.
Obama gave us Trump and what looks like it will be a liberal, smaller government. I am very impressed with his appointees so far. Imagine David Friedman, who used to call himself an "anarcho-libertarian" (does he still?) in the govt! The former head of Exxon who has actually been there and done that and knows how to accomplish stuff as SoS! Ben Carson at Hud. Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court (Dare I dream?)
None of this would have happened without President Obama. Did he overreach on purpose or from incompetence? It doesn't matter at all. The end result is the same. Had Ron Paul been elected and been able to accomoplish all he wanted, we would not have gotten as far along the liberal road as I see us getting with Trump in very short order.
I think in future years we will look back at President and realize that he was exactly the man we needed for these past 8 years.
Lenin was not right about much but he was right about one thing: "Worse is better" Meaning things have to get really bad to get people fed up enough to move off their comfort cushion. Obama did it.
Thank you President Obama. We are forever in your debt.
The turd said we should unite as one then in the next sentence he says Republicans are to blame for the ills of the country and Trump is part of those ills.
Watching this video I am convinced President Obama is sincerely a good man. He tried his best. He gave the country everything he had. He was in over his head the whole time. God bless him and his family.
People expect to much from any president. Obama has ended up about as good and as W. They were both president during tough times, unlike Clinton. Clinton's terms were much like IKE's, but IKE's presidency was more successful.
I heard the Obama's vacation is just a cover story, he is actually on a SR-71 to China to get our drone submarine back. OH and Hillary will never be President!
I think Obama is a fascinating guy who, despite being president for 8 years, has remained something of a mystery as to motivations and thinking. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative sense. My guess is that he is a smart highly ambitious guy, with a mind molded by a weird and radical mother, no father, highly liberal education and then the liberal mindset of the south side of Chicago. But it could be something playing at a higher level.
Even his speech is very interesting. I have no proof, but I always thought his usual voice, accent and speaking style has some unusual positive affect on listeners that helped his political career - it made his teleprompter speeches much better.
In his extemporaneous speaking, I have generally been impressed by his smarts in saying stuff that always almost always left him an escape hatch and otherwise avoided trouble. He is a very calculated extemporaneous speaker, which you don't see all that often. And, he is smart enough to pull it off. Today, he looked bad. I think it started out as his normal very calculated speaking, then he did lose track of where to go as he realized he could not say something real critical of Trump, and recovered with something that did not make much sense but was a scaled down version of what he was thinking about in terms of criticism of Trump.
And someone else, someone good, we hope, not Hillary, someone like Freeman Hunt hopefully, will become our nation's first female POTUS. Plus, the Clintons are forevermore nevermore. Best Christmas ever since. Ever since Nov. 8, I haven't smiled this much ever since finding a pair of puppies and a Red Ryder BB Gun under the Christmas tree.
mccullough makes a good point though. Unsuccessful as he was, Obama could have been far worse. And W. should've been a lot better than he himself was. Trump had better be good. It feels like we're due for a good one. Still, just the getting rid of the Clintons alone instantly made America so much greater and more optimistic again it makes me want to hop in my jet plane and conduct my own thank-you tour to demonstrate my sincere appreciation for everyone who helped stop the Clintons last month. ...and you and you and you and, yes, even you...
I'm not certain the Clintons are gone. I realize she is an old 69 and will be an old 73 in 2020, but I think one of the first subjects of discussion in Clinton world the day after was what is the best available path to the presidency in 2020.
Strange things happen in American politics. The democrats have few good candidates. Trump might be brought down or a disaster on how own by then. And, if Trump, Biden and Hillary run, she would be the youngest.
Todd Roberson: "Rhythm & Balls? Hello? Where are you?"
Probably still seething, and rightfully so, that the entire DNC/Media apparatus conspired to obliterate Sanders chance of winning the nomination and making this a truly all-outsider/populist election.
Kansas City Could Hillary actually run under house arrest or from prison? I think the "won't prosecute Hillary" is off the table after her and Podesta's attempted coup.
This entire de-legitimization and excuse-mongering effort is designed to set Hillary up for 2020 as the aggrieved party who will claim it was stolen from her.
She has to as the perpetual campaign and promise of continued corrupt leveraging of American policy is the only money making business model the Clintons know.
What was he talking about the government stopping stories they didn't like? What like the "fairness doctrine" or Obama running around complaining because there is an alternative to democrat run media?
Being president is an incredibly difficult and stressful job since 9/11 and with a riding China and aggressive Russia. I'm inclined to give Obama a break here since he's almost done and the White House press corp is mostly made up of ignorant sociopaths.
Kansas City, are you serious? He was a stuttering mess without a teleprompter is how I will always remember him. https://youtu.be/NKXSgB7MEUU And for such a "elegant speaker" he never managed to move the meter with 45% of the country that was not already a raving liberal. Whatever he pitched would go down in popularity the more he spoke about it.
I think Unknown is either Podesta or Palmeri, lots of free time on his or her hands now that they tanked Hillary. On second thought, he's Podesta, cause he is pathologically defensive over Pizzagate. Tell me unknown, where does one get a handkerchief with a pizza-related map?
It's just too bad that Obama can never be as eloquent as Trump. Trumps words flow like milk and honey....bigly, because he's like...smart. So sayeth the Trumpeth.
I was in disbelief after hearing that Obama cited a poll in which 37% of Republicans expressed approval of Vladimir Putin.
I looked it up. The Economist and an outfit called "YouGov" teamed up for the survey. And yes, the number was correct. (5% "Very Favorable and 32% "Somewhat favorable." Meanwhile, Dems were at 12% approval -- 2% Very and 9% Somewhat -- in the same polling date.)
I know that we could probably find some very embarrassing polling for Dems over the years; approval numbers for Castro, or Chavez, or Daniel Ortega, or Che Guevara, etc.
But I can't figure out any easy or facile defense of the 37% number for Repubilcans. Wtf?
I just don't understand the view that President Obama is not smart. When I listen to him answer questions, he seems very smart to me. Also, I once saw some pretty good research about his LSAT score, and it was pretty persuasive that he scored somewhere in the 90 to 95 percentile.
It's just too bad that Obama can never be as eloquent as Trump. Trumps words flow like milk and honey....bigly, because he's like...smart. So sayeth the Trumpeth.
It is clear that Obama without a teleprompter is a pretty face. Only idiots like you think he is actually outside of 1 standard deviation in intelligence. Obama when unfettered also comes off as a total D-bag. Anyone who voted for him should be embarrassed. But most of the people who voted for him voted for Hillary as well and proved they have no soul.
It will be fun watching not only lefties heads explode over the next 8 years of the Trump presidency but watching the traitorous fucks like George Will and Krauthammer and Kristol pretend they were behind Trump all along.
90% of the writers at NRO should commit ritual seppoku on lie TV to absolve their shame.
Michelle said the country was now "hopeless" and she was too. And Obama looks totally drained. Hillary is hiding. Bill is hiding. James Comey is hiding. The climate changers at the DOE are hiding, The offices of the NYT are for rent. The CIA refuses to explain its statements to Congress. The "faithless elector" is a phony.
After causing Hillary to lose in important states, Jill Stein proved that cheating is epidemic in the Detroit vote. Unfortunately for her, she is not a Republican so her exploits have garnered no applause.
Around the shining tree, good little Republicans gather each night and raise their voices in merry song:
You better watch out You better not pout You better not cry, I'm telling you why Donald Trump is coming Donald Trump is coming Donald Trump is coming to town.
I am not sure if the Dems and FBI, etc. are scared the jig is up and they will be prosecuted for everything they have done. That's why they have set up the Fake News mantra. They will claim everything is fake news that Trump uncovers. There is going to be an avalanche of real "fake news".
I am so sick of his phony intellectualism and have never found him a compelling speaker. He's grown much lazier (who thought it was possible!) over the last eight years though and, well, what's a diminutive of phoning it in? Texting it in? No. He's simply emoji-ing it in.
The voter rolls are going to get cleaned up. There is going to be voter ID in enough states to ensure electoral college victory if it isn't passed nationally before 2020. 2018 is going to see 10 democrats in the senate defend in states Trump carried. There is a solid chance Trump will have filibuster proof majority in the senate in 2018. If you look at the electoral map we are heading towards a permanent 60-40 republican senate majority. There are 30 red states. Period.
In 4 years the climate change movement will be politically dead. They will be forced to defend their science in open forums. They will fail miserably and pop like festering zits. Mitt Romney the traitor hardest hit.
The IRS is going to be cored out like a rotten pumpkin. The EPA is going to melt like they imagined the glaciers would... but didn't. When the oligarchs realize their media tools have been defenestrated they will pull the plug on the failed media enterprises and they will whither because nobody watches them or trusts them anymore.
Unknown said... Trump is like really really smart, that's why he doesn't need to go to security briefings.
Unknown is so dumb he doesn't know the briefers come to the president. Since Obama skipped 61% of his briefings, he'll leave a very low bar for the next guy to clear. Maybe you should concerntroll about something you know.
Blogger Unknown said... Can Trump stay President if he's engaged in espionage?"
But what are you whining about now? Hell, just the other day, you were telling us that really, liberals won when Trump won, so I don't understand why you want to get rid of him.
It looks like Shiloh at least had the good sense to disappear after the crushing defeat. Unknown just stays on and continues to beclown herself, to my great amusement.
HILLARY TELLS FUMING DONORS: Putin and Comey to Blame for Loss, Not My Palsied, Veiny Cat Smell
My favorite was:
Hillary may have lost the election, but she hooked up with this guy in Nigeria who has a bunch of money and he is going to put most of it in her bank account!
wildswan said...After causing Hillary to lose in important states, Jill Stein proved that cheating is epidemic in the Detroit vote. Unfortunately for her, she is not a Republican so her exploits have garnered no applause. 12/16/16, 10:51 PM
Stein garners no applause because her intention was to overturn the election in 3 swing states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and create the opening for Clinton to be declared president. Stein certainly had no noble intention of exposing voter fraud- That was just an embarrassing reveal of the con.
exiledonmainstreet said... It looks like Shiloh at least had the good sense to disappear after the crushing defeat. Unknown just stays on and continues to beclown herself, to my great amusement. 12/17/16, 12:04 AM
If Obama is as smart as some people say, then those institutions of high education that he attended would have put all of his college grades and records on public display. But, they didn't, and the reason they didn't is because they were embarrassed for him. There is no other reason for their hiding all of his records, but to simply hide his affirmative action promotions.
"I think in future years we will look back at President and realize that he was exactly the man we needed for these past 8 years."
Obama sucking all the juice from the Democratic Party, with help from the ever-graceful Althouse, is exactly what was needed to prevent mass executions of kids, females, and duders by those same now impotent, juiceless proggies.
Rience Preibus will be recorded by posterity as a masterful political triplo-genius.
"The turd said we should unite as one then in the next sentence he says Republicans are to blame for the ills of the country and Trump is part of those ills.
Typical Obama, loser extraordinaire!"
Just like Alan Keyes thinks Obama wants to sexualize 5 year olds, heck turn them queer and junk too so nobody is repressed, especially adults who want 5 year olds sexualized. Ha ha ha OBAMA didn't know what to tell Keyes, the idea is so so preposterous and deviant.
"But it's the right thing to do."
Because more teachers and more money and more power for the Democratic Party.
--Then he said: “I remember Alan Keyes—I ran against Alan Keyes—but I remember him using this in his campaign against me, saying, ‘Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergartners.
“And you know,” said Obama, “I didn’t know what to tell him. But it is the right thing to do, to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in the schools.”-- http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-sex-ed-kindergartners-right-thing-do
No, I don't think so. Shiloh and ARM don't sound at all alike. Unknown displays the same writing style, reliance on long quotes from leftwing sources, illogic, and lame, unimaginative insults as Inga did, and Inga was also fond of frequently changing her nic, so thinking Unknown and Inga are the same person is not a reach. But I don't believe Shiloh and ARM are one and the same.
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Wake and bake!
As David said in comment on a previous post, [Obama t]he mood elevator does not go to the top floor.
Unicycle of thought, for Obama.
He was going for ...a greater threat to democracy than Donald Trump but his long-suppressed sense of decency kicked in. Unfortunately VJ wasn't at the teleprompter keyboard ready to feed him an alternative comparison.
Yes, he's tired. He also realizes that his legacy is about to come undone. That'll trip you up.
He has the face and voice of a man who knows it was all for naught.
To be fair, he was lost inside his head in the transition from "I am a hero" to "I am a victim".
Like everyone else, he never goes to "I am a villain".
"Real" people can. Frauds cannot. Obama must maintain the facade, no matter how absurd it becomes.
Because he is translating in his head from Kenyan to English?
Arpaio and Cold Case Posse definitively prove that the Usurper has put a fraudulent government document (Birth Certificate) up at whitehouse.gov
18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
Things that went through Obama's mind while his voice trailed off into a prolonged duuuuhhh:
...a greater threat to democracy than a politicized IRS
...a greater threat to democracy than a tax increase disguised as healthcare
...a greater threat to democracy than shipping illegal arms to Mexican drug lords
...a greater threat to democracy than droning American citizens
...a greater threat to democracy than my Attorney General cutting deals with political figures under investigation
Reporter gets sick as the Usurper talks (he makes me sick every time)
And when you take out the long pauses, what are you left with?
"There are some who think Michelle's healthy lunch program is a greater threat to democracy than going after the press when they say something you don't like."
How do you make sense of that? Who is he talking about?
Mele kalikimaka!
Earlier in the presser, a female reporter got so ill that they had to assist her out of the room. Obama said "call my doctor" and then continued to answer the pending question. He stopped only when he realized that no one was paying any att4ntion to him.
Were there any questions about Aleppo? Now those people are tired.
Pizzagate is REALZ! Obama is a Kenyan! Really really realz for sure.
Someone, please tell me again how smart this guy is.
"Obama said "call my doctor" and then continued to answer the pending question. He stopped only when he realized that no one was paying any att4ntion to him."
Another perfect metaphor for Obamacare.
You mean this doesn't mean anything "law prof"? The putative President is involved in creating a fraudulent Birth Certificate, which was easy to see from the beginning, but the media demonized anyone who talked about it or ignored them. It is NOW A FACT. Will you blog about it? or will you continue to protect the Usurper from your perch in the Ivory Tower of Academia?
Misprison of Felony
Obama stopped because he wanted to make sure the woman was seen by the doctor and it appeared that the doctor was slow in coming, he directed people several times to make sure the doctor was coming. Seriously what do you think Trump would've done? "Get her outta here!"
Trump is like really really smart, that's why he doesn't need to go to security briefings.
Unknown said...
"Pizzagate is REALZ! Obama is a Kenyan! Really really realz for sure".
So why does Podesta have Child Torture Art in his home? Why has he not denied being an abject pedophile? Why do 2 Pizza Shops within steps of each other have the international symbol of Pedophilia in their menu and logo? How does a pizza Shop owner get to be one of the "50 most influential people in DC"? Why does a pizza shop owner meet in the White House with the Usurper? Why does the owner of a "family pizza shop" have perverted sexual references (including "chicken lover") on his public Instaram? Why are bands like "Sex Stains" performing at a "family pizza shop"?
Too bad we can't listen in on the Obama/Obama's brain dialogue.
Obama has morphed into a pipsqueak.
Maybe if he didn't run his mouth constantly - without saying anything of substance - he wouldn't be so 'tired.'
But that's OK, Obama. I got tired of listening to you a long, long time ago.
Your photo is crooked, btw.
Because Pizzagate is REALZ! That's why.
Sandyhook is FAKE!
"A greater threat to democracy than the government going after the press when there is a story they don't like"
Followed later by about 15 minutes of press bashing.
So weird.
Obama is tired? Tired from what? He's a lame duck and its the Holidays. Its not like he's just got back from meeting Churchill and Stalin at Tehran.
Usually, when Pols like Obama "lose their train of thought" in these formal press conferences its because they forget the canned, pre-scripted answer and then have to search their memory banks for an acceptable one.
At one point Obama thanked the American people and then said "More importantly," and then stopped for 15 seconds and then corrected himself and thanked his press secretary. Being Tired or a freudian slip? You make the call.
I've never been impressed with Obama as either an "off the cuff" speaker or as a formal speech maker. He always seems to speak so slowly as if he's searching for the right word or more precisely make sure he's not letting his true feelings and beliefs come out. Of course, I don't think "off the cuff" speaking is that important to being a good President.
But you can just imagine what the MSM would've said if Reagan or Bush II had lost their train of thought like Obama did.
Thank God I won't have to listen to this obnoxious SOB anymore!
Obama is tired? Tired from what? He's a lame duck and its the Holidays. Its not like he's just got back from meeting Churchill and Stalin at Tehran.
Usually, when Pols like Obama "lose their train of thought" in these formal press conferences its because they forget the canned, pre-scripted answer and then have to search their memory banks for an acceptable one.
At one point Obama thanked the American people and then said "More importantly," and then stopped for 15 seconds and then corrected himself and thanked his press secretary. Being Tired or a freudian slip? You make the call.
Obama: "I killed about three republicans... I don't know how many bullets from my gun went inside their bodies."
#Pressconference 😉
Its amazing how little about him has changed in 8 years. He hasn't learned anything. He never had to learn.
Says the president who wiretapped James Rosen and sent the DOJ after him for the practice of doing ordinary journalism. What an ass.
Reagan/Bush collaborated with the Iranians to hold Americans hostage!
The US used Nerve Gas in Vietnam!
The CIA brought drugs into the inner cities!
GWBush blew the levees in New Orleans!
9-11 was an inside job!
The twin towers collapse was a controlled explosion!
nknown said... [hush][hide comment]
Obama stopped because he wanted to make sure the woman was seen by the doctor and it appeared that the doctor was slow in coming, he directed people several times to make sure the doctor was coming. Seriously what do you think Trump would've done? "Get her outta here!"
Woman was sick at Trump rally a couple of days ago. Trump called for "Doctor in the House " several times. Not to be outdone, Obama staged a similar event.
SteveR: "Its amazing how little about him has changed in 8 years."
Leftists are leftists precisely because they are unable to adapt.
He has never been a good extemporaneous speaker, he always stumbles, a lot of "uhhhs," long pauses that some say are for rhetorical effect but look more like he's trying to get his brain back on track.
Even so, he's not running for anything so there's no reason other than either habit or ego that kept him from just saying, "Sorry, but could you repeat the question?"
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
To be fair, he was lost inside his head in the transition from "I am a hero" to "I am a victim".
Like everyone else, he never goes to "I am a villain".
I sort of supported Obama in 08 though I really liked the idea of Sarah Palin wielding the gavel in the Senate.
I strongly supported him in 12 against the odious, more-of-the-same, Romney.
If we had not had Obama, we would not be set for what looks like a liberal (as in classical liberal) revolution that I see coming. we would have just kept rolling downhill like a minecart headed for Hell. Romney might have made the seats a bit more comfy or improved the drink service. He might even have slowed it down marginally. Maybe we would have run off the cliff in 6 years instead of 3.
We still would have run off the cliff.
Obama gave us Trump and what looks like it will be a liberal, smaller government. I am very impressed with his appointees so far. Imagine David Friedman, who used to call himself an "anarcho-libertarian" (does he still?) in the govt! The former head of Exxon who has actually been there and done that and knows how to accomplish stuff as SoS! Ben Carson at Hud. Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court (Dare I dream?)
None of this would have happened without President Obama. Did he overreach on purpose or from incompetence? It doesn't matter at all. The end result is the same. Had Ron Paul been elected and been able to accomoplish all he wanted, we would not have gotten as far along the liberal road as I see us getting with Trump in very short order.
I think in future years we will look back at President and realize that he was exactly the man we needed for these past 8 years.
Lenin was not right about much but he was right about one thing: "Worse is better" Meaning things have to get really bad to get people fed up enough to move off their comfort cushion. Obama did it.
Thank you President Obama. We are forever in your debt.
John Henry
Blogger David said...
Earlier in the presser, a female reporter got so ill that they had to assist her out of the room. Obama said "call my doctor"
Why not call her doctor, who she likes? Oh, yeh. If you like your doctor you can't keep your doctor. You need a govt sponsored doctor.
John Henry
He must of got tired of winning.
"None of this would have happened without President Obama."
That's an interesting point. Also, it helps that we survived him.
Hillary, I'm not sure we would have survived her.
The inserted ad on Althouse just now read "Trump is a stooge. Stop him." From the Hamilton Electors. Lulz
in street parlance, we would say he has "checked out," and I would say the fire the belly is pretty much doused out, too, thank goodness.
Obama has not surrendered the White House as yet. What better prelude to staying put than to declare the election illegitimate?
The turd said we should unite as one then in the next sentence he says Republicans are to blame for the ills of the country and Trump is part of those ills.
Typical Obama, loser extraordinaire!
It was the video!
Rhythm & Balls? Hello? Where are you?
Watching this video I am convinced President Obama is sincerely a good man. He tried his best. He gave the country everything he had. He was in over his head the whole time. God bless him and his family.
Bill Wittle helps Obama along.
I'm just glad he's determined there's nothing particularly concerning in the emails. Such a relief.
People expect to much from any president. Obama has ended up about as good and as W. They were both president during tough times, unlike Clinton. Clinton's terms were much like IKE's, but IKE's presidency was more successful.
I heard the Obama's vacation is just a cover story, he is actually on a SR-71 to China to get our drone submarine back. OH and Hillary will never be President!
Someone on Morning Joe this week said Trump's cabinet looks like Ike's.
ego. he's just phoning it in. The guy goes on vacation for 2 weeks, but in five weeks, he'll be on permanent vacation.
My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. - Gerald Ford
I think Obama is a fascinating guy who, despite being president for 8 years, has remained something of a mystery as to motivations and thinking. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative sense. My guess is that he is a smart highly ambitious guy, with a mind molded by a weird and radical mother, no father, highly liberal education and then the liberal mindset of the south side of Chicago. But it could be something playing at a higher level.
Even his speech is very interesting. I have no proof, but I always thought his usual voice, accent and speaking style has some unusual positive affect on listeners that helped his political career - it made his teleprompter speeches much better.
In his extemporaneous speaking, I have generally been impressed by his smarts in saying stuff that always almost always left him an escape hatch and otherwise avoided trouble. He is a very calculated extemporaneous speaker, which you don't see all that often. And, he is smart enough to pull it off. Today, he looked bad. I think it started out as his normal very calculated speaking, then he did lose track of where to go as he realized he could not say something real critical of Trump, and recovered with something that did not make much sense but was a scaled down version of what he was thinking about in terms of criticism of Trump.
I thought the worm was already gone.
"OH and Hillary will never be President! "
And someone else, someone good, we hope, not Hillary, someone like Freeman Hunt hopefully, will become our nation's first female POTUS. Plus, the Clintons are forevermore nevermore. Best Christmas ever since. Ever since Nov. 8, I haven't smiled this much ever since finding a pair of puppies and a Red Ryder BB Gun under the Christmas tree.
mccullough makes a good point though. Unsuccessful as he was, Obama could have been far worse. And W. should've been a lot better than he himself was. Trump had better be good. It feels like we're due for a good one. Still, just the getting rid of the Clintons alone instantly made America so much greater and more optimistic again it makes me want to hop in my jet plane and conduct my own thank-you tour to demonstrate my sincere appreciation for everyone who helped stop the Clintons last month. ...and you and you and you and, yes, even you...
I'm not certain the Clintons are gone. I realize she is an old 69 and will be an old 73 in 2020, but I think one of the first subjects of discussion in Clinton world the day after was what is the best available path to the presidency in 2020.
Strange things happen in American politics. The democrats have few good candidates. Trump might be brought down or a disaster on how own by then. And, if Trump, Biden and Hillary run, she would be the youngest.
Barack isn't very bright.
"A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!"
Todd Roberson: "Rhythm & Balls? Hello? Where are you?"
Probably still seething, and rightfully so, that the entire DNC/Media apparatus conspired to obliterate Sanders chance of winning the nomination and making this a truly all-outsider/populist election.
And Sanders still won 22 states!
Kansas City
Could Hillary actually run under house arrest or from prison? I think the "won't prosecute Hillary" is off the table after her and Podesta's attempted coup.
I am with Kansas City on this.
This entire de-legitimization and excuse-mongering effort is designed to set Hillary up for 2020 as the aggrieved party who will claim it was stolen from her.
She has to as the perpetual campaign and promise of continued corrupt leveraging of American policy is the only money making business model the Clintons know.
He looked, tired, sick or on something.
What was he talking about the government stopping stories they didn't like? What like the "fairness doctrine" or Obama running around complaining because there is an alternative to democrat run media?
Can Trump stay President if he's engaged in espionage? Russia got their useful idiot.
Being president is an incredibly difficult and stressful job since 9/11 and with a riding China and aggressive Russia. I'm inclined to give Obama a break here since he's almost done and the White House press corp is mostly made up of ignorant sociopaths.
Kansas City, are you serious? He was a stuttering mess without a teleprompter is how I will always remember him. https://youtu.be/NKXSgB7MEUU And for such a "elegant speaker" he never managed to move the meter with 45% of the country that was not already a raving liberal. Whatever he pitched would go down in popularity the more he spoke about it.
I think Unknown is either Podesta or Palmeri, lots of free time on his or her hands now that they tanked Hillary. On second thought, he's Podesta, cause he is pathologically defensive over Pizzagate.
Tell me unknown, where does one get a handkerchief with a pizza-related map?
madAsHell said... "Barack isn't very bright."
Yea but he has this delusion he is the smartest man in the room. And all that shows is he is ignorant.
Obama missed the perfect joke with the sick reporter: If you like my doctor, you can't keep him.
I had no idea that building straw men was so tiring.
It's just too bad that Obama can never be as eloquent as Trump. Trumps words flow like milk and honey....bigly, because he's like...smart. So sayeth the Trumpeth.
I was in disbelief after hearing that Obama cited a poll in which 37% of Republicans expressed approval of Vladimir Putin.
I looked it up. The Economist and an outfit called "YouGov" teamed up for the survey. And yes, the number was correct. (5% "Very Favorable and 32% "Somewhat favorable." Meanwhile, Dems were at 12% approval -- 2% Very and 9% Somewhat -- in the same polling date.)
What is that all about?
I know that we could probably find some very embarrassing polling for Dems over the years; approval numbers for Castro, or Chavez, or Daniel Ortega, or Che Guevara, etc.
But I can't figure out any easy or facile defense of the 37% number for Repubilcans. Wtf?
"It's just too bad that Obama can never be as eloquent as Trump."
Nice of you to notice and here I thought you were a complete idiot !
I just don't understand the view that President Obama is not smart. When I listen to him answer questions, he seems very smart to me. Also, I once saw some pretty good research about his LSAT score, and it was pretty persuasive that he scored somewhere in the 90 to 95 percentile.
Let's pretend all the "journalists'" questions weren't screened before the press conference.
Obama began his presidency with an apology tour, he finished it with a blame tour.
Kansas City
I guess no one told Vlad Putin about Obama's LSAT scores.
Unknown said...
It's just too bad that Obama can never be as eloquent as Trump. Trumps words flow like milk and honey....bigly, because he's like...smart. So sayeth the Trumpeth.
It is clear that Obama without a teleprompter is a pretty face. Only idiots like you think he is actually outside of 1 standard deviation in intelligence. Obama when unfettered also comes off as a total D-bag. Anyone who voted for him should be embarrassed. But most of the people who voted for him voted for Hillary as well and proved they have no soul.
It will be fun watching not only lefties heads explode over the next 8 years of the Trump presidency but watching the traitorous fucks like George Will and Krauthammer and Kristol pretend they were behind Trump all along.
90% of the writers at NRO should commit ritual seppoku on lie TV to absolve their shame.
Michelle said the country was now "hopeless" and she was too. And Obama looks totally drained. Hillary is hiding. Bill is hiding. James Comey is hiding. The climate changers at the DOE are hiding, The offices of the NYT are for rent. The CIA refuses to explain its statements to Congress. The "faithless elector" is a phony.
After causing Hillary to lose in important states, Jill Stein proved that cheating is epidemic in the Detroit vote. Unfortunately for her, she is not a Republican so her exploits have garnered no applause.
Around the shining tree, good little Republicans gather each night and raise their voices in merry song:
You better watch out
You better not pout
You better not cry, I'm telling you why
Donald Trump is coming
Donald Trump is coming
Donald Trump is coming to town.
I am not sure if the Dems and FBI, etc. are scared the jig is up and they will be prosecuted for everything they have done.
That's why they have set up the Fake News mantra. They will claim everything is fake news that Trump uncovers. There is going to be an avalanche of real "fake news".
I am so sick of his phony intellectualism and have never found him a compelling speaker. He's grown much lazier (who thought it was possible!) over the last eight years though and, well, what's a diminutive of phoning it in? Texting it in? No. He's simply emoji-ing it in.
The voter rolls are going to get cleaned up. There is going to be voter ID in enough states to ensure electoral college victory if it isn't passed nationally before 2020. 2018 is going to see 10 democrats in the senate defend in states Trump carried. There is a solid chance Trump will have filibuster proof majority in the senate in 2018. If you look at the electoral map we are heading towards a permanent 60-40 republican senate majority. There are 30 red states. Period.
In 4 years the climate change movement will be politically dead. They will be forced to defend their science in open forums. They will fail miserably and pop like festering zits. Mitt Romney the traitor hardest hit.
The IRS is going to be cored out like a rotten pumpkin. The EPA is going to melt like they imagined the glaciers would... but didn't. When the oligarchs realize their media tools have been defenestrated they will pull the plug on the failed media enterprises and they will whither because nobody watches them or trusts them anymore.
Unknown said...
Trump is like really really smart, that's why he doesn't need to go to security briefings.
Unknown is so dumb he doesn't know the briefers come to the president. Since Obama skipped 61% of his briefings, he'll leave a very low bar for the next guy to clear. Maybe you should concerntroll about something you know.
JaimeRoberto: I had no idea that building straw men was so tiring.
Now THAT is funny. Better than SNL this year...
Best headline today,
HILLARY TELLS FUMING DONORS: Putin and Comey to Blame for Loss, Not My Palsied, Veiny Cat Smell
Blogger Unknown said...
Can Trump stay President if he's engaged in espionage?"
But what are you whining about now? Hell, just the other day, you were telling us that really, liberals won when Trump won, so I don't understand why you want to get rid of him.
Achilles said:
"The IRS is going to be cored out like a rotten pumpkin. The EPA is going to melt like they imagined the glaciers would... but didn't."
I'm adding the DOE to the list... My best political read of the week, maybe a month...
It looks like Shiloh at least had the good sense to disappear after the crushing defeat. Unknown just stays on and continues to beclown herself, to my great amusement.
Achilles said:
"The IRS is going to be cored out like a rotten pumpkin. The EPA is going to melt like they imagined the glaciers would... but didn't."
Oh please. I want this so badly.
Because he's OH SO SMART.
Obama issues Executive Order banning Russian Salad Dressing. More to follow. Shit's getting real, folks.
Mac McConnell said...
Best headline today,
HILLARY TELLS FUMING DONORS: Putin and Comey to Blame for Loss, Not My Palsied, Veiny Cat Smell
My favorite was:
Hillary may have lost the election, but she hooked up with this guy in Nigeria who has a bunch of money and he is going to put most of it in her bank account!
CNN's Tapper to Dem Sen Coons: Winning the Popular Vote 'Doesn't Really Matter,' 'That and $7.99 Will Get You a Latte'
wildswan said...After causing Hillary to lose in important states, Jill Stein proved that cheating is epidemic in the Detroit vote. Unfortunately for her, she is not a Republican so her exploits have garnered no applause.
12/16/16, 10:51 PM
Stein garners no applause because her intention was to overturn the election in 3 swing states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and create the opening for Clinton to be declared president. Stein certainly had no noble intention of exposing voter fraud- That was just an embarrassing reveal of the con.
exiledonmainstreet said... It looks like Shiloh at least had the good sense to disappear after the crushing defeat. Unknown just stays on and continues to beclown herself, to my great amusement.
12/17/16, 12:04 AM
A Reasonable Man is/was Shiloh. Sockpuppetry...
He had a Patti Smith moment but didn't recover as well as she did.
If Obama is as smart as some people say, then those institutions of high education that he attended would have put all of his college grades and records on public display. But, they didn't, and the reason they didn't is because they were embarrassed for him. There is no other reason for their hiding all of his records, but to simply hide his affirmative action promotions.
--Like everyone else, he never goes to "I am a villain".--
I go there. I am progies worst nitemare of a Fecal Villain, and a damn site proud of it.
Y'all should be hearing Mettalica's "Wherever I May Roam" 'bout this a here time.
"Says the president who wiretapped James Rosen and sent the DOJ after him for the practice of doing ordinary journalism. What an ass."
'Twere it so Rosen was ordinary at journalism, the Republic would be in much better stead.
Obama knew, and knows, the major threats proggies needed to neutralize or exterminate, from Breitbart to Scalia to Rosen.
"I think in future years we will look back at President and realize that he was exactly the man we needed for these past 8 years."
Obama sucking all the juice from the Democratic Party, with help from the ever-graceful Althouse, is exactly what was needed to prevent mass executions of kids, females, and duders by those same now impotent, juiceless proggies.
Rience Preibus will be recorded by posterity as a masterful political triplo-genius.
"The turd said we should unite as one then in the next sentence he says Republicans are to blame for the ills of the country and Trump is part of those ills.
Typical Obama, loser extraordinaire!"
Just like Alan Keyes thinks Obama wants to sexualize 5 year olds, heck turn them queer and junk too so nobody is repressed, especially adults who want 5 year olds sexualized. Ha ha ha OBAMA didn't know what to tell Keyes, the idea is so so preposterous and deviant.
"But it's the right thing to do."
Because more teachers and more money and more power for the Democratic Party.
--Then he said: “I remember Alan Keyes—I ran against Alan Keyes—but I remember him using this in his campaign against me, saying, ‘Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergartners.
“And you know,” said Obama, “I didn’t know what to tell him. But it is the right thing to do, to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in the schools.”-- http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-sex-ed-kindergartners-right-thing-do
Cut him some slack, Althouse. He just needs a vacation.
Or maybe he's been hittin' the bong again.
Uuggghhhhh!! I am so looking forward to not hearing the lectures anymore!! I wish him well, but just go away!!
It is too bad the Russians haven't hacked his teleprompter.
A Reasonable Man is/was Shiloh. Sockpuppetry...
12/17/16, 4:08 AM
No, I don't think so. Shiloh and ARM don't sound at all alike. Unknown displays the same writing style, reliance on long quotes from leftwing sources, illogic, and lame, unimaginative insults as Inga did, and Inga was also fond of frequently changing her nic, so thinking Unknown and Inga are the same person is not a reach. But I don't believe Shiloh and ARM are one and the same.
Whatever happened to Garage Mahal?
Something my daughter said about him 9 years ago, when he was the new darling of the American Left: "He talks a lot, but he never says anything."
Easy to lose your train of thought when there's no thought.
Obama? Admit error? LOL.
Mr. Fortune Cookie should admit that he lost his train of "thought"? The greatest orator of our age? You must be kidding.
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