December 20, 2016

"Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had."

Said Lena Dunham.

Apparently her hunger-for-attention alarm went off.


Michael K said...

If only her mother had had one.

Curious George said...


Brando said...

If I ran Trump's re-election campaign, I'd put Dunham on retainer and record all her incoherent bleatings and air them all over swing states. She'll move more votes for Trump than a thousand positive ads.

Besides, doesn't her career count as an abortion?

Fred Drinkwater said...

May she be the first victim of retroactive birth control.
(stolen from some author I can't remember right now...)

Professional lady said...

Really sad.

alan markus said...

Michael K: If only her mother had had one.

Or if her father had limited their sex life to just shoving pebbles up in her mother's vagina.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Brando's right.
I voted for Trump reluctantly, since the alternative was intolerable.
But since, as many have remarked, the behavior of his opponents has absolutely convinced me that I did the right thing, independent of who Clinton was.
And we crypto-conservatives, living with protective coloration in liberal land, are adept at listening to even the unguarded conversations of our political opponents, never mind the deliberately provocative ones.
Listening and learning.
For decades.

traditionalguy said...

A mother's love at Christmas. How sweet.

mccullough said...

Sounds like she's having problems getting pregnant

Pookie Number 2 said...

In a healthy society, Lena Dunham would be pitied rather than celebrated.

Chuck said...

If she was going to have an abortion, she'd need to first have sex, and it would have to be with a man.

Rob said...

Dunham explained that she wishes she'd had an abortion to fight the stigma around it. The glass is half full though. There's a stigma about cellulite too, and Dunham has plenty of that.

Mikec said...

She has a boyfriend, so why doesn't get pregnent and abort the baby? Does it conflict with her morals? Most people don't think that she has any.

Chuck said...

In the old news department, First Daughter Malia Obama interning for Dunham on "Girls":

eric said...

We have feminism to thank for Lena Dunham.

Otherwise, how does one explain stupid, fat and ugly getting this much attention?

n.n said...

Will that be black or white? Male or female? Life is chaotic and mostly unpredictable. Your hopes and dreams of participating in an abortion rite for a life that you deem unworthy of life may yet be fulfilled.

Michael K said...

One explanation for Hillary's loss of the election I have not heard is The Roe Effect.

I guess the left doesn't want to talk about it.

Those who favor legal abortion are much more likely to get one than those who oppose it.
Children usually follow their parents' political leanings.
Therefore, pro-choice parents will have more abortions and, hence, fewer children.
Therefore, the pro-choice population gradually shrinks in proportion to the pro-life population.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I don't get HBO or any of the "premium" channels. I didn't see them as worth the expense since its they basically play a lot of crappy movies over and over with occasional original programming that I had no interest in watching, no matter what US or People said. Don't read those either.

What I'm saying here is that Lena Dunham is just as much a manufactured celebrity as Paris Hilton was, except Hilton had some talent.

And in a few years, she will be just as relevant.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
If she was going to have an abortion, she'd need to first have sex, and it would have to be with a man."

You forgot "and not in the ass."

pst314 said...

Remember when abortion proponents proclaimed that they wanted abortion to be "safe, legal and rare"?

tcrosse said...

If it makes her feel any better, maybe she should kill a goat instead.\
And no, Laslo, she doesn't have to fuck it first.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PB said...

Absolutely barking mad. Take away all metal coat hangers before she decides to jam one up her cooter and swish it about trying to get down with all those who had back-alley abortions.

Laslo Spatula said...

I bet if someone put a kitten up Lena's vagina she would demand they remove it without hurting or killing it, because -- hey -- cute widdle kitty.

Seriously. If human fetuses looked like little kittens abortions would drop dramatically.

Not every women intends to become a Mother. but all women have within them The Cat Lady.

I am Laslo.

kentuckyliz said...

I've never been pregnant, but I've had an abortion, on Halloween even.

(D&C to remove thickened uterine lining as a side effect of tamoxifen for breast cancer. Tamoxifen multiplies the risk for uterine cancer.)

Bill Peschel said...

Lord God, I really didn't want to click over, but PJMedia cover the story, too.

Here's what impressed on me (which is not the same as being impressed, unless you mean the Royal Navy way):

1. "Even I felt it was important that people know that I was unblemished in this department."

"Even I" assumes that there are things you don't want people to know about you. I find that hard to believe.

"Unblemished" is an odd way to describe your pre-abortion state. It assumes that women who have had abortions are "blemished." Bad Lena!

2. said on last week's installment of her show "Women of the Hour."

Is this one of those shows that everyone's talking about at work?

3. a guest named Alex warned about the dangers of volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center

Someone's getting laid tonight. I predict it will end with one of them crying.

4. [Her mother] wanted to make sure that we knew that everyone is pro-life, some people are anti-choice.

Like Amy Richards, the New York Times essay writer who aborted two of her triplets because she didn't want to be one of those mothers loading up on Pampers. Her surviving child is about 12; I wonder if he knows he could have had a couple siblings to play with that mama found inconvenient?

Bill Peschel said...

BTW, I understand the need for abortion. I've known women who have had one and I knowing their story I would not think of questioning their decision (unlike Richards). But it's a damn serious consideration and it disgusts me at attempts to handwave the moral and emotion questions aside as if they doesn't matter.

mikee said...

In other news, the "sponsored links" ad on the library computer I was using kept having "Unbelievable Olympic Athletes" with a pic of a young blonde woman in a leotard. It was difficult not to click.

This link, easy not to click.

Titus said...

Look at my new Grindr Hubby...Samir, absolutely delish!!!!

MIT Phd candidate 2019 too.

Gahrie said...

Apparently her hunger-for-attention alarm went off.

and sadly, was answered.

Bay Area Guy said...

When "Sex and the City" was popular almost 20 years, Yes, I made fun of it. Dying to find a Prince, but kissing a ton of frogs. Heh, Heh. No, Honey, I don't want to "cuddle" with you on the couch and watch the show tonight, thanks. Come get me when it's over.

But, the gals were all reasonably attractive and intelligent, and fairly quirky and interesting. Normal males would have asked those ladies out on dates (particularly Charlotte and Carrie), for cocktails, for weekend trips to upstate NY, cook-outs, and even ball games. Probably, though, you'd have to stay away from strident Republican politics. I really didn't go for all that female navel gazing, though. Jeez, stop talking about love, and go out and git some.

Fast forward 15 years and we got Lena Dunham and "Girls." Yuck.

I hereby apologize to the women of "Sex and the City. You were smart, attractive, classy, vibrant, audacious, and flawless. Compared to what followed, it was like the Muslim Brotherhood arising from the Arab Spring. My BAD!

I really can't stand Lena Dunham for too many reasons to cite herein. She gives me the willies, the heebie-jeebies and everything in between.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

And although I am against abortion, except for medical necessity; I would have gladly paid for it! The last thing on earth I'd ever want to subject and innocent baby to is being "mothered" by Lena Dunham!

fivewheels said...

"If only her mother had had one."

I'll always remember the first Weekend Update I ever saw. Point-Counterpoint on federal aid for abortion.

Ackroyd: "If I had been around when your mother was having you, Jane, not only would I have paid for the abortion, but I would have performed it myself!"

Jeff Brokaw said...

In a year of dumb statements, that one wins the prize.

What a dipshit. There is no context that makes that sentence better. It's not possible.

JaimeRoberto said...

"Michael K said...
If only her mother had had one."

That's a terrible thing to say. Thank you for saying it so I didn't have to.

Brando said...

"Fast forward 15 years and we got Lena Dunham and "Girls." Yuck."

There are better "women in NYC" shows out there--I liked the first season of Broad City.

sdharms said...

Yeah, Ann, her alarm went off and you gave her attention. During the OJ trial (#1) RUSH had a policy of "no OJ, all the time".
For 2017, I would like to see all media have a "no Lena D, No Lindsay L., No KARDASHIANS, No Michelle Obama, No Harry Reid, No Pelosi of any kind... etc." policy and enforce it.

Merny11 said...

What an obnoxious, pathetic excuse for a human being. She is the type of person Hillary supported, and even applauded -- but, yeah, it was the RUSSIANS that influenced us ....

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Abortion stops a beating heart.

TrespassersW said...

There is, apparently, no hitting bottom when it comes to depravity.

Alex said...

Chuck said...
If she was going to have an abortion, she'd need to first have sex, and it would have to be with a man.

What about a turkey baster?

Kirk Parker said...

And yet here we are, paying attention to her.


Qwerty Smith said...

Whatever you might want to say against the Carthaginians, at least they were burning kids to ensure the harvest. They weren't just looking for street cred.

harrogate said...

It is a great myth that people who favor legal abortion are more likely to have one than those who oppose it. When the rubber meets the road, political positions melt away there. Every one of us likely knows people who favor legal abortion but would never have one, and every one of us very likely knows someone who was opposed to legal abortion but then had one anyway when it came down to it.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

It is a great myth that people who favor legal abortion are more likely to have one than those who oppose it. When the rubber meets the road, political positions melt away there.

Citation needed.

readering said...

Wonder what the half-life of that sentiment will turn out to be.

RMc said...

Those who favor legal abortion are much more likely to get one than those who oppose it.
Children usually follow their parents' political leanings.

So, if your parents didn't have any kids, you probably won't, either!

Darrell said...

I'm sure they can find nine pounds of fat to suck out of her. That should count for something.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg Hlatky said...

"Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a fuckin' little baby with her!"

- "Barry" Montana

Pookie Number 2 said...

So many generally interesting commenters slip right down to fat, ugly and stupid when commenting on Dunham and other progressives.

She's not stupid, and not especially fat. But definitely ugly, and more so on the inside.

Drago said...

harrogate: "It is a great myth that people who favor legal abortion are more likely to have one than those who oppose it. When the rubber meets the road, political positions melt away there. Every one of us likely knows people who favor legal abortion but would never have one, and every one of us very likely knows someone who was opposed to legal abortion but then had one anyway when it came down to it."

It's always the sign of an advanced thinker to take his/her anecdotal evidence and then extrapolate broadly.

This is all part of the updated well known lefty scientific method.

Thorley Winston said...

I'm sure they can find nine pounds of fat to suck out of her. That should count for something.

Besides a smaller hat size?

Clyde said...

I'll bet she'd make a really shitty mom anyway...

William said...

I can't imagine everyone in the Democratic Party is fine with Lena Dunham, Colin Kaepernick, and Michael Brown's mother, but the sad fact is that no one in that party can openly criticize them or, for that matter, even distance themselves from their idiocies.

JCCamp said...

Even for the execrable Lena Dunham, her statement suggests rank stupidity.

She wants to become pregnant, so she can then abort the resultant life so she can be a member of some club, and thus, cool. But the grotesque nature of her desire aside, the idea that she won;t have children is probably a positive.

I'm pretty open minded about abortion, although the convenience abortion I find somewhat indicative of low character. But pragmatically, one has to know that those potential children so aborted for no good reason would probably end up being feral predators on the rest of us, any maternal instincts apparently lacking in the incubator-with-a-body-temp.

As has been posted elsewhere in tis thread, perhaps Dunham can do some catch-up, starting with herself.

Quaestor said...

n.n wrote: Your hopes and dreams of participating in an abortion rite for a life that you deem unworthy of life may yet be fulfilled.

"Life... unworthy of life," an interesting turn of phrase that. I suppose you know its origin.

Francisco D said...

Michael K is the thread winner with his first comment. Nothing can top that.

Quaestor said...

Besides a smaller hat size?

Ah, the rapier wit of the Althouse commentariat.

n.n said...


I do. It is the logical implication of the "Pro-Choice" quasi-religious philosophy. One of many that are lost in the diverse euphemisms that are popular in liberal culture. With good intentions, of course.

That said, I would prefer to avoid this progression since it may be counterproductive as people's credulity becomes saturated; but, the level of public and private political discourse seems to invite its application, again, and again, and again.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Darrell said...
I'm sure they can find nine pounds of fat to suck out of her."

They should remove it from between her ears.

Quaestor said...

n.n wrote: I do. It is the logical implication of the "Pro-Choice" quasi-religious philosophy.

That wasn't what I was getting at. You might be interested to study up on something called Aktion T4

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's great that a faction so devoid of any policy solutions can get their retarded culture war issue du jour on every now and then. They have to have something to pretend to be for/against.

Phil 314 said...

But she has been to a Radiohead concert!

MD Greene said...

There is this thing called "too much information," TMI for short.

Modest people refrain from sharing TMI, which used to be (and, for some, still is) the way careful people behave. Unfortunately, modesty is not a "thing" at the moment.

That's how we end up with someone like Lena Dunham, who believes that everything about Lena Dunham is interesting. And why wouldn't she? Acting on this belief has gained her wealth, fame and a public megaphone to blather any damn utterance that occurs to her at any given moment.

I don't wish Ms. Dunham to have an abortion, but a chronic case of laryngitis would not come amiss.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That time Lena thought abortion was something you could "buy one and get one free" bargain.


tcrosse said...

It's come to this. There was a time when the decision to abort offered an ethical dilemma, balancing the rights of the Mother against those of the Fetus. It's serious stuff, and not comfortable to debate. So now we trivialize one or the other.
Lena is a rich, privileged person, in a milieu where only suffering and oppression offer nobility. So she could just as well wish she had AIDS, or Cancer, or Limbs Amputated, to assuage her Liberal Guilt and show solidarity with whatever.
As we have seen, the jokes write themselves, because it's hard to take her seriously. But it's very serious, indeed.

n.n said...

Hate loves abortion.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Safe, legal, and awesome!
I can't decide if this is a "you go, girl!" or a "you've come a long way, baby!" kind of moment.

Pathetic. I can definitely see why deep thinkers would find her artistic output so interesting and meaningful and important, though. Voice of her generation, and of modern feminism, for sure.

Big Mike said...

Let me understand this -- she wants to get pregnant just so she can have an abortion?

Well, what can you say? She's a feminist social liberal.

Just like you, Althouse. She's your people. All your liberalism, all your feminism, this is what they inevitably created. Hope you're proud.

Jupiter said...

What she appears to be saying, or trying to say, is that she realized that she was proud of the fact that she had not had an abortion, and she is annoyed with herself for that pride, because it amounts to thinking she is better than women who *have* had abortions. Being charitable (No, I don't know what's come over me), she is saying that she wishes she did not feel that having abortions is shameful, because she has been taught that finding abortion shameful is shameful. But I don't think she is actually wishing she had been pregnant and killed her baby.

Still, it seems like if she is worried about the feelings of women who have had abortions, she could just lie about it. She didn't have any problem lying about being raped. She could just add an abortion to the rape story, and there you go. Problem solved! Perhaps the reason she didn't do that, ... is that she does not want people to think that she has had an abortion.

Bill said...

She regrets never having had an abortion, but would she settle for being an abomination?

Titus said...

If I was straight I would definitely make my bottom have an abortion. There would be too many baby Titus running around because I pregnated like the world.

Because like I have lots of sex.

Being wanted for sex sustaines me

What happens when no one desires u?

Quaestor said...

But she has been to a Radiohead concert!

Did she sample the chili?

Michael The Magnificent said...

There is nothing feminine about killing, or wanting to kill your very own innocent offspring, as it grows in your womb.

One wonders, to which deity is this blood sacrifice given? Certainly not the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And most certainly not the father of Jesus Christ. So, who then? To whom is this sacrifice given? Who, in this entire universe, would rejoice in her willfully and joyously murdering her own offspring with malice aforethought? What kind of ghoul is this cunt? What kind of monster is she to regret having never had the opportunity to murder her own flesh and blood?

Thankfully, God has cursed her with an outward ugliness to match the ugliness she curates within, such that no man would think to touch her.

May God have mercy on her soul, because I certainly don't.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Lena Dunham, the poster child for birth control.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Just have the damn abortion. Don't be a girl about it.

MacMacConnell said...

Lena Dunham would have to be artificially inseminated first to be able to have an abortion. What guy would stick his dick in her without protection?

Doug said...

Life imitates art. Years ago, alleged comedienne Sarah Silverman had a line in her act years ago that went:"My boyfriend and I want to have an abortion ... but we're having trouble getting pregnant."

AllenS said...

She'll have the abortion at the 6th month of her pregnancy. That way she'll get more money for the baby parts.

MayBee said...

I don't know who decided Lena is the new symbol of millennial women, but I don't think it was millennial women. Or really any great number of women at all.

Brando said...

"I don't know who decided Lena is the new symbol of millennial women, but I don't think it was millennial women. Or really any great number of women at all."

Seems outside of Prof. Althouse and a small group of urban leftist fauxminist types, most people don't think about Dunham much at all.

Sometimes though I wonder if Dunham is real, or secretly a right winger doing an elaborate satire of an extreme nut leftist just to mock such people. I mean, surely no real person could think the way she pretends to!

harrogate said...

"It's always the sign of an advanced thinker to take his/her anecdotal evidence and then extrapolate broadly."

It's always the sign of the political zealot to confuse his/her politics with all that happens in the world.

In this case, you're confusing an individual making a deeply personal choice with pundits on split screen on a cable show, or perhaps a high schooler's five paragraph essay arguing "for" or "against" legal abortion.


Known Unknown said...

"It's great that a faction so devoid of any policy solutions can get their retarded culture war issue du jour on every now and then. They have to have something to pretend to be for/against."

Tell me about. Those darned progressives. Sad!

Wilbur said...

"Being wanted for sex sustaines me
What happens when no one desires u?"

Those questions are more profound that you may imagine. And it's something that you - and everyone with a positive sexual self-image - will eventually face.

Portlandmermaid said...

Over-praised, over-encouraged, over-exposed.

readering said...

So the half life of that sentiment was about a day. Since walked back.

Sam L. said...

I'm doubting there's a man out there willing to do what is necessary for her to have an abortion.

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