November 21, 2016

"You know, listen, I'm old fashioned about my entertainment. I just like to go to be entertained. If I want politics I'll go to a town hall meeting."

"I'll turn on cable news. There's lots of outlets you can go to get politics even the issues and ideas that you disagree with. A play for the vice president-elect of the United States who was there with his family to get booed tells you how far gone civility is in America.... This is the vice president-elect of the United States. They should want him to be successful. They should want his family to feel welcome in anywhere they go in the United States like everybody should want to feel welcomed anywhere in the United States. And it starts with a small thing like not booing the vice president-elect of the United States and not having a cast come out and lecture somebody who probably paid 800 bucks to be there.... I hope they give him his money back."

Said former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers on "State of the Union" yesterday.

I didn't think Pence should have been singled out and lectured to from the stage when the audience — which had booed him earlier — seemed so hostile. His physical safety was in issue, and that introduced an element of intimidation and bullying that the people behind the show probably didn't intend but should have been more sensitive about. The people in the audience who booed were creepy and cowardly — in their safe space and (probably) believing themselves to be the good people.

But Mike Rogers sounds like a fool talking about the theater as a place that owes you politics-free entertainment — where you pay your money and they owe you a pleasant, happy, relaxing time. Whose theory of theater is that? Rogers calls himself "old fashioned" as if he's relying on a traditional view of the role of theater in human culture, but where the hell did he get that?

Even shows aimed at children raise unsettling matters that question and challenge the audience about things that can be political. I'm not going to go down the rathole of the politics of "The Lion King." And you can, on your own time, read this New Yorker article, "The Politics of 'Annie.'" ("[Annie] wanders into a Hooverville—a shantytown whose jobless denizens (proto-Occupiers?) sing a sarcastic ode to the outgoing President....")

But "Hamilton" is a musical that is on its face about politics. How in hell could it be a night of lightweight, relaxing amusement? That wouldn't be good. You have to be lying or a fool to assert that you paid for tickets to "Hamilton" and felt entitled to a politics-free experience.

And Rogers slotted in an appeal to "civility." You know what I always say: Appeals to civility are always bullshit. Rogers himself is doing politics, and if the politics cut the other way he'd be praising free speech and parsing the language of the from-the-stage lecture for respectful intelligence. 

(For what it's worth: Mike Rogers was kicked off the Trump transition team last week.)


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SukieTawdry said...

When some boorish Congressman yelled "You lie!" at President Obama during the SOTU, I guess he forgot his manners too.

Yes, perhaps he did. But, unlike a Broadway theater, the Capitol is a political venue and the State of the Union is a political speech. And after all, Obama was lying. Just like he was when he inappropriately called out SCOTUS and deliberately misrepresented a decision he didn't like.

Michael K said...

But, stealing valor is never a good idea. Next y'all will be agreeing w/ him when he said that F-ing around w/o getting an STD was his Vietnam.

Y'all must understand that DJT's buttercup twitter rants and getting out of military service because of richness are lame.

And your service was when ? Idiot.

The fact is that he was attacked, not booed, and returned immediately to finish his speech. The inga-fool made a big deal about his reaction when he would be booed. That was the point.

Look, nobody expects you to like or support him. I didn't like Obama and think he is a phony. I was not a fan of Trump until he got the nomination and made all the right enemies.

Your lame attempts at ridicule are making you look a fool.

Anonymous said...

One would think that how one comports themthelves when the President of the USA is speaking at a SOTU would reflect on the decency of that person. When good manners and respect of the the office of the Presidency would be of utmost importance, a Republican Congressman made his Party and himself look like the Kings of the Boors. Demanding good manners at the theater of private citizens, yet making excuses for a Congressman at a SOTU address displays the hypocrisy and double standard on the right. You deserve all the disrespect the left can muster.

buwaya said...

I suggest you really read that pdf PB&J.
And compare to what's actually happened since 2006.
That's the relevant line wrt expectations of labor force participation for the prime working age population.
Not the rest. And FYI, their forecast for the LFP for over 65's is off too.
Look that up.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"There's nothing really "nonpartisan" any more" isn't the Taylor Swift I know.

Shake it off Brando, you got to.

Sprezzatura said...


Is this the attack where you were impressed by DJT's survival and valor?

SukieTawdry said...

How amusing, the amnesia sets in regarding the disrespect and blatant hatred shown to President Obama and the First Lady.

Can you recall a public social event when the President and First Lady were called out and disrespected? Because if you can, I would like to know about it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"What are you not telling me?"

Everything Blackford Oaks told you once already.

SukieTawdry said...

Demanding good manners at the theater of private citizens, yet making excuses for a Congressman at a SOTU address displays the hypocrisy and double standard on the right. You deserve all the disrespect the left can muster.

Oh, cut the crap, drama queen. I made no excuses, merely pointed out that the president was, indeed, lying. And really, who's more ill-mannered here, the president who's deliberately lying to the nation or the congressman who calls him on it?

Sprezzatura said...


I did read it.

And, the reported data and historical trending that they noted was as just as interesting as the projections (which were made pre-Great Recession) based on how old Americans are and are getting, and how long they're continuing to work, and there's no longer a lot of historically not working gals jumping in the workforce.

When you are in charge of the BLS, CBO, and the Fed, you can ignore all of the contributing factors of workers that are not in the demo you selectively isolate.

Until then, we're stuck looking at the entire population.

mockturtle said...

I hope no one confuses Richard Spencer with Robert Spencer, blogger extraordinaire of Jihad Watch.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, cut the crap, drama queen."

Who you callin' drama queen? Is that how you refer to Herr Drumpf? How disrespectful!!!!

SukieTawdry said...

The disrespect shown to President Obama at the SOTU will be repeated in many ways and at many venues. It's only just begun. It's going to be very fun seeing the outrage and butthurt on the right and then rubbing your noses in it every single time.

This really is all you've got, isn't it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"All you pro-booers, take a look at this:

Gold Star family of slain Calif. soldier booed on flight

Apparently, people were angry..."

Some ad folks are getting it, congrats AA and your airline.


Gas prices are so low you ought not need to do this.

SukieTawdry said...

'T. Rump.' I like it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger My name goes here. said...
Actually the birther crap was first pulled on Eisenhower as he did not have a birth certificate. He as an adult, I believe when he ran for President, had to have one made, his older brother had to be a witness because he was there when Dwight was born (although I hope not in the same room).

11/21/16, 12:50 PM"

This commentator has made perceptive comments previously and is on my "watch" list.


You (others, well, and I) think "oh shit he is starting with 'actually'" but then notice the rest.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh no, I've got a lot more, much much more, Sukie.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger n.n said...
Invasion of private spaces, especially homes, and targeting captive audiences, is how the Occupy movement lost credibility with the general public. Well, that, and providing sanctuary to the establishment of government-driven monopolies and monopolistic practices (e.g. Obamacare) that purportedly motivated their movement.

11/21/16, 1:53 PM"

Why do I keep hearing Shake and Bake.

Shake and Bake.

Shake and Bake.

Is it because I wanna hear it again, and in fact I as Talladega Nights actor Will F.'s character "Ricky Bobby" and his second J. Reilly ain't never gonna tire of hearing the truth told proper?

Like the Coen's Rabbi* in "Hail Cesar" "I have no opinion."

*I know I can spell Jew but can I spell Rabbi? Oh vey.

Michael K said...

Is this the attack where you were impressed by DJT's survival and valor?

That was one of them but it wasn't "valor." He went on with his speech. That asshole, since you bring it up, is the son of a big time Democrat politician in Atlanta and he was interviewed by CNN.

Interviewed ! As if he had anything to say that anyone should listen to.

There were others including the kid from England who tried to take a policemen's gun.

In case your short term memory problems persisted, I was responding to a rant about how he would react when booed by leftists.

SukieTawdry said...

But since when do the entertainers themselves single out VP's to lecture?
I was once at a play where al sharpton was seen in the the crowd.
I dont recall any cast members saying "you sir need to answer for your handling of tawana Bradley affair. And the death of tanjel rosenbaum is on your head!" No, he wasn't acknowledged negatively in any way.

I do recall sometime in the 90's when Yasir Arafat was in NYC for the UN and attended a play or other cultural event that Mayor Giuliani was also attending. Rudy sent one of his henchmen over to kick Arafat out. Giuliani had investigated Arafat when he was the US Attorney for the Southern District of NY and hated his guts. I'm a Rudy fan, but didn't think that was appropriate.

SukieTawdry said...

Who you callin' drama queen?

You. I'm calling you "drama queen." Sorry if that wasn't clear.

SukieTawdry said...

"I saw quite a bit of [Obama compared to Hitler/chimps] at the Tea Party rallies in DC in '09 and '10. It's fringe stuff, of course, but let's not pretend it's not there."

Sounds like the sort of thing the MSM would eat up like candy and broadcast widely. Did they miss it? Anyone else remember this sort of thing?

I was at the '09 march. There was some pretty raw stuff from the Lyndon LaRouche crowd but they had nothing to do with the Tea Party (although some in the MSM tried to pretend they did). I did see some signs here and there that may have pushed the envelope of good taste, but nothing egregious. Since the event had a big national spotlight on it, the speakers kept it civil.

n.n said...


ain't never gonna tire of hearing the truth told proper

Thanks, I think. It's less "shake and bake", and more round and round. Someone is right, if not every time, then sometime. I'll look forward to our meeting on the next pass.

Sprezzatura said...


Maybe you and I are interpreting that video differently. I saw a dude run behind a stage (parallel to, but clearly not toward, DJT) and get tackled, after the tackle the commotion of agents in the foreground around DJT make DJT aware of what happened behind him. And then, you think DJT is impressive because he didn't leave the stage? Did you think any other person would have left the stage in that exact situation?

"There were others including the kid from England who tried to take a policemen's gun."

This sounds a bit different than the time DJT survived what was said to be a protester w/ a gun, but was actually a dude w/ an anti-DJT shirt who was beat down and had no gun.

It also doesn't seem like DJT encouraging the crowd to rough up dissenting voices is a good thing.

Sprezzatura said...


You picked a seemingly unworthy dude to characterize as heroic.

SukieTawdry said...

It's a little le known fact, but our VP elect has a fine baritone. At the next Broadway show he goes to, he should get on stage during intermission and sing a selection of showstoppers and Negro spirituals. Perhaps, if the show lags, he can stand up in the audience and sing a few of the catchier numbers from Rigoletto......If Broadway players can treat us to their political insights, why can't a politician like Pence entertain us with his vocal stylings.

Now, that's an idea. Bravo.

Big Mike said...

Demanding good manners at the theater of private citizens, yet making excuses for a Congressman at a SOTU address displays the hypocrisy and double standard on the right. You deserve all the disrespect the left can muster.

Oh, by all means go for it! Keep it up, no -- escalate all the disrespectful drama. And not by just one notch; make yourselves thoroughly obnoxious every chance you get. (Looking at your commenting style, that should not be very hard for you.)

And, ah, by 2020 expect Donald Trump to win reelection with 80% of the popular vote.

While you're at it please, Puh-LEEZ pick Pelosi for House Minority Leader. When Louisiana finishes its run-off elections it appears that the GOP will have lost 5 seats this election year, so they will go from second-highest number of seats they've ever held to third-highest. Oh, and pick Ellison for DNC chair -- that should go over great with my Jewish friends. Yup.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

SukieTawdry said...
Who you callin' drama queen?

You. I'm calling you "drama queen." Sorry if that wasn't clear.

11/21/16, 8:28 PM

It was perfectly clear. Unknown however, is deeply stupid, and has trouble reading.

I'm enjoying Unknown's tears and rages so much. He she or it is clearly losing xer mind. This month has been the best ever.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the butthurt on the right over the recent disrespect of Pence and look forward to much much more directed at Herr Drumpf. The fun is only beginning.

Michael K said...

"You picked a seemingly unworthy dude to characterize as heroic."

I didn't. I said he was calm and did not react to booing in the way suggested by Inga-troll.

"The fun is only beginning."

You finally said something true, Inga. The fun will get rolling when Sessions goes after sanctuary cities and 3 million criminals are deported. The Climate thing is done. The crony capitalism of global warming is done. Regulations will be rolled back and prosperity has a good chance to return.

If only we can avoid the war Obama has set us up for.

Goju said...

Richardsson; There was an examination of the pistols used in the duel by firearm experts several years ago. Hamilton had borrowed them from a friend and was, apparently, unaware that they were "cheaters". Under the code of honor, dueling pistols were supposed to bve smooth bored with heavy triggers. These were only smooth bores for only the first inch or so, then they were rifled. They also had light triggers. The experts believe that if Hamilton had been unaware of the light triggers, he probably fired his weapon by accident.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown, honestly I don't give that much of shit over the "disrespect." Powerful people, far more powerful than some B-way actor, are turning up at Trump Tower daily. Some will be in his administration. In the scheme of things, do you think this childish pissant "triumph" counts for anything? Do you actually think Pence lost any sleep over that asshole? Well, you do, because you're deeply stupid.

But let's take a look at what your brave, noble actor tweeted out:

Brandon Victor Dixon ✔ @BrandonVDixon
St. Patty's day weekend is like Christmas for black dudes who like white chicks. Happy holidays boys.

So your brave Rosa Parks figure takes advantage of drunk white girls on St. Patrick's Day. What a hero.

Isn't that sexual assault, unknown? It is on college campuses. Do you support this sexual predator?

Hmmm, once again the Left mistakes shit for ice cream.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I realize how fond you are of rapists, Unknown and how much you admire them. You wanted to put one back in the WH, after all.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, and Dixon's tweet is authentic:

Gee, I wonder if he lectures passed out white girls on Our Democratic Diversity before he dives in...

Mike Sylwester said...

the Hamilton production was disrupted last night by a Trump supporter, reportedly bringing the cast of the play to tears

This news brought a smile to my face.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

This news brought a smile to my face.

11/21/16, 9:56 PM

Many things are bringing a smile to my face these days.

I Callahan said...

But Mike Rogers sounds like a fool talking about the theater as a place that owes you politics-free entertainment — where you pay your money and they owe you a pleasant, happy, relaxing time. Whose theory of theater is that? Rogers calls himself "old fashioned" as if he's relying on a traditional view of the role of theater in human culture, but where the hell did he get that?

Uh, when was the last time a theater company did that to a vice president, president, or elect, in American history? In order for you to make the statement you made above, you have to prove that it's normal for this stuff to happen. It isn't, and you didn't.

But "Hamilton" is a musical that is on its face about politics. How in hell could it be a night of lightweight, relaxing amusement? That wouldn't be good. You have to be lying or a fool to assert that you paid for tickets to "Hamilton" and felt entitled to a politics-free experience.

About politics from 240 years ago, yes. It has no bearing on what's happening now, other than being used as a bludgeon against imagined boogeymen. If this is what stands for theater nowadays, I'll save my $896, thank you.

And Rogers slotted in an appeal to "civility." You know what I always say: Appeals to civility are always bullshit. Rogers himself is doing politics, and if the politics cut the other way he'd be praising free speech and parsing the language of the from-the-stage lecture for respectful intelligence.

Except that the "other way" didn't happen. Ever. Because most actors, movie and theater, are leftists to begin with. There's a video out there of how they acted when Hillary was in the audience. So torch that strawman. When you go to a theatre, you DON'T expect to be lectured by a bunch of actors. They should shut the fuck up and act - leave the blatant politicking at home.

Sorry, but Rogers is right, and with all due respect, professor, you're full of it up to your earlobes on this one.

Goju said...

The cast of a show that specifically excluded whites lectures Pence on diversity.

I Callahan said...

Unknown said:

Don't worry Drumpf and Melanoma will be seeing the same sort of disrespect and hatred.

Drumpf and Melanoma? And you have the stones to talk about disrespect and hatred and not see the irony?

You people are completely unhinged. Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

Kelly said...

Can't I just eat my waffle?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ann, I don't believe that the abuse of Vice President Elect Pence was productive. On intellectual and artistic grounds.

Simply put, Mike Pence came to the show in presumably good faith with his family to enjoy what apparently so many other people have enjoyed. (Incidentally if anybody knew that Mike Pence likes rap, which apparently Hamilton has, they didn't choose to share that.)

In any case, Pence may have had his head full of the thoughts of the playwright, as channeled through the cast, and might indeed have left the theater with a lot to think about. But then they had to have their little demonstration of ideological fealty. All the stagecraft and writing and acting talent gone to waste. You know the old joke, "so Mrs. Lincoln, other than that, how was the play?" Who would remember or care how Hamilton was, after that?

Remember, Shakespeare said "the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." He didn't say anything about catching the king's conscience with hectoring afterwards. That is not art. If you're going to see art the art is supposed to speak for itself. If you have to speak for the art, it's not very good art. Isn't that right, the art is supposed to do the talking?

So in my opinion they pissed in their own hats. To the extent that their art achieved anything I think they ruined it with the personal remarks afterwards.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Drumpf and Melanoma? And you have the stones to talk about disrespect and hatred and not see the irony?"

It's one thing to hate Trump, but what did Melania do to deserve "hatred" besides marry the guy? Is there any indication at all that she is hateful or vicious or mean? The only crime she's guilty of is being prettier and wearing clothes better than Michele and Hill. So what? She's prettier than most women. Most fashion models are.

I guess the thing now is to mock her accent. 'Cause that's how the sophisticated, worldly leftists roll. "Har, har, Melania talks like one of them thar Yuropeans! She sounds like a furriner!"

If you're a hick and a rube like Unknown such things are quite amusing.

Fen said...

Bullshit Althouse. This is not about political messaging. That's a strawman.

This is about our entertainment being hijacked by the Left to lecture us about how "evil" we surely must be.

Case in point: the next night, during the middle of the Hamilton play, a Trump supporter stood up from the balcony and shouted "We won!". The cast was mortified. Why? What did they expect? This is why society has rules about decorum and civility.

Imagine the next time you are trying to enjoy an opera, and my side sends in a dozen people to each stand up every 10 minutes and shout "Blue Lives Matter!"... your cool with that? Of course not. So why gaslight us with such bullshit here?6

Bad Lieutenant said...

Unknown said...
I'm enjoying the butthurt on the right over the recent disrespect of Pence and look forward to much much more directed at Herr Drumpf. The fun is only beginning.
11/21/16, 9:28 PM

So you admire and advocate the hurting of your political enemies. Can we suppose that turnabout is fair play, or will you squeal like a pig when your own soft spots are trod upon?

Your tactics may make a certain amount of sense as trying to create a political price to pay for wall building, deportations, registries, whatever it is you fear. But since you're collecting up front, why shouldn't they go ahead and do it? Why shouldn't they do it twice as hard? The more so as, if they relent, whether motivated or not by your tactics, you will be encouraged and double down.

Please stop making people prepared to be happy to see you all murdered.

Fen said...

I can drive the point home this week. It would be an easy thing to send 12 Marines to your next lecture and shout you down as a enabler of child molestation. You up for that?

Fen said...

Inga Tard: "The fun is only beginning."

Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my splashing around in a tub full of liberal tears. You still freaking out about America handing your ass to you last tuesday?

Keep it up. This is how you got Trump in the first place. All you are doing is reassuring people that holding their nose to vote for him was the right call. And it's how you will get another 4 of Trump.

And my oh my, allofasudden the media and the Truth to Power cunts aren't going to be on their hands and knees sucking off their Dear Leader for 8 years. Got a huge credibility gap their. Huge, like a used whore.

Fen said...

It irritates me when a performer injects his or her personal political opinion into a performance.

Althouse: "The performance was over. It was during the curtain call."

The curtain call is part of the performance. That's why the audience remains because it would be rude to walk out at the end of the show.

"A curtain call (often known as a walkdown or a final bow) occurs at the end of a performance when individuals return to the stage to be recognized by the audience for their performance"

We know your aren't this stupid. Trolling for clicks again? Can we expect another meltdown at the pushback, closing the comments again?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Fen said...
I can drive the point home this week. It would be an easy thing to send 12 Marines to your next lecture and shout you down as a enabler of child molestation. You up for that?

11/21/16, 10:56 PM

She doesn't believe you. She thinks she has the power and that campus security would protect her.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Also, Fen, she carries a concealed weapon and would probably use it, so you guys should be prepared.

Fen said...

Matt: "Explain to me how this is offensive?"

We, sir — we — are the diverse America

We, Matt - we - are the parents of many children

we are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights

And in light of recent reports about NAMBLA endorsing you, and your tacit approval of trips out to Epstein's Pedophile island...we are alarmed and concerned that you will not protect our children, or defend them from child molestation

“We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us."

We truly hope this little chat has reformed you and inspired you to not enable the rape of children.


... nah, not offensive at all. Very civil and polite and in no way implies that you support child molestation. Sure...

It's just a twist on how long have you been beating your wife: "Please stop beating your wife".

SukieTawdry said...

Here's How the 'Hamilton' Cast Reacted When Hillary Clinton Attended their Show

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

The actor made a professional error, and he still doesn't realize it.

Martin said...

You get it wrong Ann. Rogers was talking about politics from the audience or personal attacks from the stage on a member of the audience, and that IS outside any fair norm. The content of the performance, sure, that can be political, but that isn't what Rogers was objecting to.

Achilles said...

PBandJ_Ombudsman said...

I did read it.

You may have read it, but you either didn't understand it or you are purposely misrepresenting it.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
I'm enjoying the butthurt on the right over the recent disrespect of Pence and look forward to much much more directed at Herr Drumpf. The fun is only beginning.
11/21/16, 9:28 PM

You ain't just whistlin' Dixie! Oh we are going to have some fun. Keep it up. Please.

Keep running around with Mexican flags and burning stuff. Keep shooting cops. Keep politicizing every event we go to to escape. Politicize football. Politicize basketball. Attack the guys like Mike Pence who are too nice to fight back. Badger us at plays. Invade normal society and make everything a pain in the ass. Keep acting like little pissant fascists.

But this is the definition of Fen's Law. You don't really want us to fight back. You are bullies who will run at the first punch in the mouth.

But. Please. Keep it up. Eventually you are going to piss off the nice people and they are going to turn us loose on you. We are going to start treating you like you treat us. Except we aren't pussies. It will be a lot like running off that helicopter in zero illum with nothing but assholes in front of us.

This kinda talk gives me a Chris Mathews moment. Tingles everywhere.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

And Rogers slotted in an appeal to "civility." You know what I always say: Appeals to civility are always bullshit. Rogers himself is doing politics, and if the politics cut the other way he'd be praising free speech and parsing the language of the from-the-stage lecture for respectful intelligence. 

This is bullshit. You live in a fucking bubble protected by people you don't resect or know. Civility is an aspect of Civilization. If you take civility out of civilization you get Mexico, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia etc.

My wife is from Hong Kong. She is strongly Christian also. We have discussions about what you should expect from fellow citizens. In China if you let a bag or your child out of arms reach and someone takes them you are an idiot and it is your fault. This is not the society I find appealing and I also showed her that it is distinctly and specifically in-Christian.

If I find a wallet it can have any amount of money in it and I will return it to the owner. Why? Because that is how I would want to be treated. It wouldn't matter if you were a republican, democrat, socialist, muslim, whatever. You would get it back intact because I believe my honor is worth more than any amount of money.

A society made up of civil people like me is going to be plainly better than a society made up of a bunch of douchebag leftists like PBJ and Inga. My wife understands my point and she understands why if I catch you taking my shit I am probably going to maim you. I shouldn't have to worry about some douchebag who invariably votes for democrats taking/wrecking my shit.

You have a choice in society. Civil or Uncivil. If I request civility it is because I have seen the alternative. You obviously have not. Go to any number of countries where there is no civility. They treat each other like shit and they justify it by dehumanizing other people. They are barbarians. You only pretend to act like a barbarian because you have no idea what the alternative is.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I actually think our current situation gives both sides what they want. The right gets to reduce taxes and regulations for the country's benefit, and the Left gets to have an eight-year-long temper tantrum to reassure itself.

damikesc said...

What they did to Obama is what should be done to Trump.

I agree. If that was the case, nobody would've cared. It's the whole riots, actors lecturing people at plays, etc that are irritating.

I recall placards picturing Obama as a native with a bone through his nose at many of those Tea Party rallies.

Define "many". And verify it was a Tea Partier and not one of the Progressives who openly discussed going to rallies and doing that.

And please do not attempt to say it was "plants" who were holding these signs. Many of the people attending those rallies were interviewed at one rally after another and the hatred and disrespect shown to Obama was in your face and real.

Were they rioting? No. Then fuck off.

The hypocrisy of expecting us to get behind Trump after what was done to Obama is insane. Trump and Pence will get the respect from the rest of us that was shown to Obama and Biden by the rabid right.

It'd be lovely if you were that polite.

In a similar way if conservatives stand up and tell Obama to go to h*ll [or just lecture him nicely] I am pretty sure [secretly perhaps] you would be okay with it.

Don't assume. We KNOW you would approve because you are.

Republicans should peacefully "occupy" Hamilton and start screaming at the actors. This is what democracy looks like.

I'd have no problem with that now. If you want to politicize stuff, that is what happens.

It's only noteworthy if you screw NYers w/ security hassles and massive traffic delays and you don't get booed. And, it probably doesn't help if you're an anti-gay-equality warrior on Broadway NY NY.

People avoided doing that with the massive security delays caused by Obama over the last 8 years.

Again, if incivility is wanted at all times, so be it. Hell, actors in Chicago cried when something was done to them.

When some boorish Congressman yelled "You lie!" at President Obama during the SOTU, I guess he forgot his manners too.

You're aware that Obama was a guest in their chamber at that point and he lied to their face.

The House can always, easily, refuse entry to the President and he'd have no right to speak there.

If you're a guest, lying about your host is poor form.

Remember, kids --- all of your rage is because HILLARY CLINTON IS NOT PRESIDENT. You claim you don't like her --- but you're going bat-shit crazy in defense of her.

That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday

200? Wow. Huge.

damikesc said...

This really is all you've got, isn't it.

Yeah. Calling out a guest in your house lying about you is comparable to riots and a play lecturing an audience member.

A national boo protest drowning out all drama might be worth the time.

Ohhhhh no, I've got a lot more, much much more, Sukie.

Feel free to present them. Your constant "Wah, Joe Wilson called a liar a liar and that's MEAN!" is tiresome.

You finally said something true, Inga. The fun will get rolling when Sessions goes after sanctuary cities and 3 million criminals are deported.

I say make them bleed.

Want to be a sanctuary city? Fine. You lose ALL federal funding.

Not just money involving security. ALL federal monies completely.

Let's see CA balancing their books when the Feds pay zilch towards their Medicare/Medicaid.

Isn't that sexual assault, unknown? It is on college campuses. Do you support this sexual predator?

Fen's law, yo.

damikesc said...
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damikesc said...

OT, but Clinton Foundations dropped 37% in 2015. It will drop further in 2016 and become near-zero in 2017.

..because it was totally a charity and not an influence-peddling shop.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Progressives insist on shoving their fascism down your throat whenever they want.

Doug said...

Unknown said: "Someone should yell "Trailtor!(sic)" In reference to his possible collusion with Putin to interfere in our Country's politics and government."
Yeah, Obama used the opportunity at his recent meeting with Putin to give him hell over Russian interference in our election ... oh, wait a minute ....

Doug said...

Althouse's concept of theatre is Reason #398 Why I Despise Broadway, and why I will dance a merry jig when it implodes into seedy little outposts of burlesque and pantomime shows in bad neighborhoods.

Bilwick said...

I'm usually one of the few consistently pro-freedom people in my generally artsy social circles. Artists, writers, actors, singers, etc. generally howl like demons dipped in holy water when someone even appears to call for censorship; but otherwise, in my experience, they are invariably the biggest lockstep Eloi for the State this side of Havana. And when it comes to economics, history and whatever other discipline helps to understand politics, they are also usually the biggest ignoramuses in the room. There may be a cause and effect situation there.

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