November 8, 2016

"Whoa."/"Ooh."/"Well, that's a bitch."

Voices of MSNBC panelists heard reacting to the announcement, just now, that Donald Trump has won North Carolina.


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David said...

They called Hillary a bitch?!

Skeptical Voter said...

Half the country is going to wake up with an awful headache tomorrow morning. We just don't know which half. Yet.

Tears and sackcloth and ashes will be served to those with a headache.

Beer and pretzels for the other half.

traditionalguy said...

This may be the night the Trump tastes alcohol for the first time, doing a well deserved a Champagne toast to KellyAnne Conway.

Or at least light up a Red Auerbach cigar.

Kathryn51 said...

I love the sight of exploding liberal heads.

I'm glad I poked my head into Althouse tonight and looked at comments. I wasn't planning on watching TV tonight (bad memories from 2012 still die hard) but after seeing that for now - for a couple of hours anyway - that Hildebeast might not make it, I tuned into ABC, NBC etc. The look of shock on the face of Stephanopoulos is one I will never forget.

Once written, twice... said...
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Once written, twice... said...

Ann, you and your Althouse Hillbillies must be so proud that your King Hillbilly Trump has been elected to the office of Washington and Lincoln.

Lyle Smith said...

Trump may be the most awesomesauce President of all time. So proud of Murica. I love all the Trump haters too. I give you all hugs.

Lyle Smith said...

This hillbilly loves all the hillbilly haters!

Clyde said...
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Limited blogger said...

I'm surfing through all the MSM channels.

They can't even form complete sentences, they are babbling idiots.

Some are trying to re-write the historical record of all the nasty shit they said about The Donald.

David said...

Trump up by 2,150,000 million popular votes. Al Gore has no comment.

David said...

Clinton nearly even in Michigan now.

Clyde said...
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holdfast said...

Paul Ryan may just be the luckiest SOB in the universe. If Trump wins and the GOP holds/ties the Senate, the Ryan House will be writing the nation's legislation for the next two years. Nuke the filibuster if necessary.

Trump doesn't know how to do legislation - it will have to be outsourced to Ryan, and if he can pass bills that are even vaguely responsive to various of Trump's promises, Trump will sign them.

holdfast said...

Fox just called Wisconsin for Trump.

Wow. If Trump wins, he really owes Walker - I'd love to see Walker as Sec of Labor, but it sort of feels like a demotion

Bay Area Guy said...

Wisconsin for Trump!

Happy Hillbilly here, thanks!

Skipper said...

What a joy watching the network hunyuks crying in their beers.

Limited blogger said...

Way to go, Wisconsin. Congratulations.

traditionalguy said...

The Lord of the Isles will be a superb leader for the United States. The opposite of the disaster called Hillary.

We need to thank God for answering our prayers. He has now given us a leader so that it brings Him glory to give us victory over our enemy.

Etienne said...
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Limited blogger said...

The schmucks on MSNBC are already starting in on Trump, asking "... he's got to start thinking about what kind of president he wants to be..."

Good lord, they are shameless.

Hagar said...

Trump has Kellyann Conway; Hillary! has Robby Mook. Says a lot about both candidates.

Freeman Hunt said...

Video compilation of media sadness clips needed, YouTubers.

Limited blogger said...

The one idiot is saying the world will be in a panic tomorrow.

He's not even the president yet, and is already facing more push back then Obama had in 8 years.

Amadeus 48 said...

Rachel Maddow is sad about Muslim Americans.

Limited blogger said...

MSNBC hasn't called Wisconsin, yet.

Strange dude pointing and clicking on the map trying to eke out a win for Clinton.

Limited blogger said...

CNBC calls Georgia for DJT

John Harewood is having a nervous breakdown.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Is this real life,
or is it some fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
no escape from reality...

walter said...
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walter said...

"Impartial" commen-tater on WPR regarding tightness of prez race in Wisco: "..closer than we lie..err..was expected."

Limited blogger said...

NBC talking about the questions about whether Trump would offer a 'concession' speech.

Guy mentions Clinton was not asked the same question.

David said...

I still do not see that Trump has it locked up. Everyone talking as though he has won it.

Dr Weevil said...

Theme song for anyone who's sick and tired of Once Bitten's stupid insults, or just likes weird-but-nice music:
The Hoosier Hotshots, "Them Hillbillies are Mountain Williams Now" (YouTube, unfortunately truncated at the end). The Hoosier Hotshots were big when my parents were in school, late '30s and early '40s.

Drago said...

David: "I still do not see that Trump has it locked up. Everyone talking as though he has won it."

True, but at this point all Trump has to do is hold the rest of the Romney states and he is at worst at 269 (a tie) which would throw the election into the House which the republicans will hold.

The best news of the night? Hillary is so blitzed by now that she doesn't even know what's happening.

Alex said...

269 tie possible?

Limited blogger said...

Carville basically declared Trump the winner. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but these are the Clinton News Networks.

Alex said...

Since Trump has been built up to be Hitler 2.0, that scares the shit out of me what some crazy leftist might try.

JML said...

My son Thomas said it best: The true loser in all of this is Canada...all those democrats that are going to move there now...

Inga said...

Dobro pozhalovat' v Rossiyu.

Alex said...

What if Michigan ends up in a recount situation? This hell will go on until December.

cf said...

Godspeed, America.

Alex said...

Fuck WA state, liberal land forever.

grackle said...

As suspected, as claimed by many, the polls were shit. I suspect that Trump was ahead immediately after the primaries. The polls are used to kill enthusiasm for candidates disliked by the MSM. That’s all they are – just a tool of deception.

I’m surprised only because the usual Democrat voting fraud was apparently curtailed – they didn’t think they would need it, I’ll bet.

Paul Ryan’s days as Speaker are numbered unless he toes the Trump line. Maybe even then. But a couple of character-building sessions in front of President Trump’s big desk in the Oval office should do the trick. Ryan is no intellectual but he’s certainly capable of recognizing a political tsunami.

Limited blogger said...

Pennsylvania close to being called. Very tight, but looks like Trump.

clint said...

" Alex said...
269 tie possible?

11/8/16, 10:56 PM"


Trump's at 254. He's going to get 11 for Arizona and 3 for Alaska -- that's 268. He'll probably get the 1 vote in rural Maine that goes independently. That's 269.

If Clinton gets Minnesota, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and the rest of Maine.

269-269, and it goes to the House for an easy Trump win there.

Sofa King said...

A little rebellion now and then is s good thing.

Drago said...

Sofa King: "A little rebellion now and then is s good thing"

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Or at least by the votes of citizens...which precludes the necessity for the shedding of blood.

Lyle Smith said...

Love to all the Trumpkin and Hillbilly haters! Better luck next election.

And if the smart people are right and Trump is like Hitler, I am creating a list of people to protect. Y'all are all on it.

LA_Bob said...

"...and it goes to the House for an easy Trump win there."

I wouldn't count on it being easy. Probably a win, but I think there might be some dissension.

In the House, the vote is by state delegation.

Will Cate said...

I want every damn one of these people to start packing.

Hagar said...

Regardless of how this finally ends, the NYT will need Christos to drape its building with black crêpe.

grackle said...

As of now my thoughts are on who will be in a Trump administration. Most of my curiosity is focussed on Chief of Staff. I think someone with legislative experience, who can follow orders and knows how to use both carrot and stick.

Lesson #1

The Dems and the GOP are in effect one party. They share the same general goals, only opposing the other in a variety of pet issues. They are much more alike than different. And they will eagerly unite against anyone, even the nominee of their own party, which threatens their dual strangleholds on opinion and politics.

Gahrie said...

Paul Ryan’s days as Speaker are numbered unless he toes the Trump line.

I'm willing to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt at this point. He may just seize this opportunity to actually do some good work and began the job of cleaning up the government.

Major tax reform...get rid of the IRS, drastically simplify the tax code

Ax the Department of Education..rein in the EPA.....fix NASA...

Gahrie said...

Most of my curiosity is focussed on Chief of Staff.

Dick Cheney? Or maybe Milo Yiannoppoulous (sp?)'ll probably be Kelly Conway.

John Bolton for Secretary of State...

Lyle Smith said...

Some Guardian reporter is claiming thousands of Trump supporters in NYC are chanting, "we hate Muslims" and "we hate blacks".

What a load of nonsense.

Known Unknown said...

Who knew being under FBI investigation as a Presidential candidate wasn't an easy road to the White House.

traditionalguy said...

The ABC panel of Know It All's is commiserating on the disaster. They really cannot think past the old lies they made up and retold for HRC's campaign. They are retelling the lie that Russia helped Trump win because Trump praised Putin's leadership style and plans to end NATO.

They actually still believe their on stuck-on-stupid propaganda memes. The MSM is so dysfunctional that you almost want to feel sorry for them.

Clyde said...

There's colors on the street
Red, white and blue
People shufflin' their feet
People sleepin' in their shoes
But there's a warnin' sign on the road ahead
There's a lot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like Satan, but I am to them
So I try to forget it any way I can.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away, and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life, and what she's done to it
There's one more kid that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people, says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.

Read more: Neil Young - Rockin' In The Free World Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Clyde said...

Clyde said...

Crap. I tried to link that to the previous post. Sorry, all.

Known Unknown said...

This is a Hunger Games election. The Capitol District vs. the know-nothing racist knuckledraggers. Who knew Katniss Everdeen was a tubby billionaire from the biggest city around?

Clyde said...

And there's a Russian phrase, one for the Democrats:

Yob tvayu mat!

Hope ya understand it, but if ya don't, I don't care.

Yob tvayu mat!

Alex said...

Clyde - what a potty mouth.

Clyde said...

And it's midnight... the witching hour, And ya know, I'm feeling pretty damn good. Eff you, Democrats. Eff you, Hillary.

Clyde said...

Yeah, Alex. And...?

Clyde said...

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Bay Area Guy said...

Pennsylvania baby - goin' red. Time to watch the wedding scene in The Deer Hunter again.

Johnathan Birks said...

As a libertarian I am nauseated by this election, but the tears of TV pundits is sweet nectar.

Limited blogger said...

The MSM has stepped up their role as the 4th Estate pretty quickly. They are challenging Trump on all his promises and policies.

From being MIA for 8 years to being a bunch of Citizen Kanes in 1 day is quite impressive.

Lyle Smith said...

Walter Russell Mead: WRM 12:07: According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump is outperforming Romney with minorities. And with women. In other words, Latinos, women, and blacks are putting Trump over the top. That’s a story you probably won’t hear very much. Assuming it holds when better numbers come in, it’s a story you should hear much more.

Clyde said...
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Diogenes of Sinope said...

Feingold tweeted No more f***ing Wisconsin winters for me, I'm out of here. California here I come.....

Anonymous said...

My first act as Director of INS is to round up all the Hollywood celebs who threatened to move to Canada and ship them to Mexico.

Pack your bags bitches.

Jake said...

How long do we give the Mke County dems to manufacture Hillary votes?

Known Unknown said...

My Facebook is full-on gnashing of teeth and rending of garments. I kind of feel bad for people who put so much stock in who sits behind a desk at 1600 P.A. Avenue. I've got a life to live. Oh, I voted for the dipshit Gary Johnson. He was in his own ways a terrible candidate, but at least he wasn't promising the country free college we can't afford nor grabbing too many pussies.

Achilles said...

Pat Toomey owes his senate seat to Trump. Period.

Achilles said...

Paul Ryan needs to resign. Now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If this is true, not only do we rid ourselves of the horrid crime family - the media can go rot with them.

Clyde said...

God Save the Queen

traditionalguy said...


The BBC has already called Pa and WI for Trump and declared him the President. But MSNBC and CNN and the NETS are pretending those States are too close to call and then every panel is doing 90 minute hit pieces on Trump for everything they ever made up about him.

walter said...

Blogger Diogenes of Sinope said...
Feingold tweeted No more f***ing Wisconsin winters for me, I'm out of here. California here I come.....
AKA going home.

Clyde said...

Seriously, listen to that song. I promise, when it switches from "God Save the Queen" to "My Country 'Tis of Thee" you'll get a chill...

Dude1394 said...

And one of the BIGGEST reasons to elect Trump...

Christopher said...

I hate Trump, let that be said, but he managed to keep both the Clintons and Bushes out of the White House so if you need a silver-lining to this clusterfark there it is.

On a side note I would like to point out that this pretty much ends the Clintons as a major political power (unless you expect Chelsea to do anything).

Clyde said...
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Limited blogger said...

Podesta telling everybody to go home.

Sounds like a concession to me.

Clyde said...


traditionalguy said...

OMG, the Mighty Podesta just refused to speak and sent everyone home with a promise of new votes to be found in the morning. He probably wants to hold a seance with sacrifices to Baphomet.

Clyde said...
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Clyde said...

Damn, that felt good.

Clyde said...

And no, I won't regret a damn thing when I sober up in the morning. I meant everything I said, and I regret NOTHING!

traditionalguy said...

This Media display of two bit lies proves again they are totally RIGGED. They are shameless enemies of the will of the American people. They must be very afraid of Hillary and the Globalist cabal's powers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cher and Streisand- see ya.

StephanClintonopolis(D) crime family media whore and his wife - buh bye.

Clyde said...

My country tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrim's pride!
From every mountain side,
Let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song.
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our father's God to, Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King!

Limited blogger said...

Seeing random reports that Trump has won Pennsylvania, but the major media outlets have not called it. What is going on?

I think Trump is going to declare victory.

traditionalguy said...

The Official Line on Pa Mn and Wi is that there are Absentee Ballots that have to be found or more carefully recounted and there are precincts in Heavy Democrat Cities that have to have their votes recalculated, all until Hillary wins.

Bad Lieutenant said...

You know what it's over. News Republic, a feed on my new phone which hates Trump, just said that he was elected the 45th president. So it's over. I haven't looked to see what states for that.

So now it's 2:30 in the morning and you know what, old Hillary is always tired. She hasn't got the heart. She just couldn't face the music. So she sent out her current Consigliere to Defuse The Bomb, to send the crowd home and she would get 8 hours of sleep and take all the proper doses and to think about it tomorrow. Meanwhile, going to sleep was her concession speech.

Or perhaps she won't wake up. She's an old woman. She could die in the night. It would solve a lot of problems. Do not send the Secret Service after me it's a warning not a threat.

virgil xenophon said...

I've been lurking and reading for the last few months (for a variety of reasons) rather than commenting, but just have to say to all the anti trumpers (Donkeys and RINOS) here I've followed and debated with for years (especially m'lovely Inga) who ever doubted "The Donald" : Eat Your Livers! Bwahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!

Limited blogger said...

trad guy, I could see that - a trunk load of absentee ballots found outside Philly.

But the MSM doesn't seem to be playing along with that script.

Clyde said...



Suck on that, media bitches!!!!!!

Clyde said...

President Trump! Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!

Clyde said...
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walter said...

How rich it was siphoning likely Soros money from a media campaign. I ate well.

walter said...

Clyde really likes fucking.

Alex said...

OMG. The sheer amount of liberal tears will fill an ocean.

Clyde said...

Clinon concedes! Clinton supporters are crying! Oh, the schadenfreude!!!! Damn, this is great!

Limited blogger said...

Clinton called Trump and conceded!

Glory Alleluia!

Happy Days are Here Again.

Congrats, President Donald J. Trump.

Known Unknown said...

"trad guy, I could see that - a trunk load of absentee ballots found outside Philly."

Too many votes to find. It ain't happenin'.

Clyde said...

Oh, this is so gooooooooooood!!!!!!!!

walter said...

What was rich was making money on folks who had a base level of presumption.
Oh my..they are tossing and turning in their Madison hotels tonight.

Limited blogger said...

Congrats, Vice President Michael Pence.

Who is thanking God, and meaning it.

Clyde said...

It has been worth it to stay up until almost 3 a.m. "President-elect Donald Trump"! Suck it, bitches!

walter said...

(I just hope that Soros $$ doesn't get blocked. I bit my tongue hard for it)

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Limited blogger said...

Looks like the President-elect has lost some weight!

I look forward to getting tired of WINNING.

Clyde said...

"Apparent winner", according to MSNBC. BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Bad Lieutenant said...

No, track guy, the dam Has Broken. It's going out over the water and then the media is not going to back her anymore. That's enough. The Queen is dead long live the King.

At least he'll feel depress, which may help. At least as well as Obama perhaps better. Although anti-Trump hostility and temper that. But the access will mollify them look at Lots call miss you lots of money news of business again. News great again!

...ahh concession by a phone call. Pence intro president-elect Donald Trump

walter said...


Bad Lieutenant said...

He looks like he just won the biggest beauty pageant of all time. I can't wait to hear him talk. God bless Donald the United States! And all of those who helped him get there.

Limited blogger said...

You just know this guy is going to immediately swing into action.

Unlike the last guy who only liked campaigning.

This President will get things done.

Alex said...

Now is the time for Trump to go after the liberal media big time. No mercy.

Clyde said...

walter said...

I think she's on suicide watch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Keep hope alive !

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drudge LOL headline

"Silicon Sultans Shit Themselves"

Limited blogger said...

He's moved on from the nastiness of the election.

This guy is special.

Now if only the MSM and the haters can check themselves a little.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

F you Hillary. You horrid liar money-grubbing fraud criminal. May you die soon, in a jail cell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm with Clyde - gotta let it all out!

walter said...

Here's to the secret ballot that allows one to do their job while their employers presume...
To borrow from Clyde, "Fuck 'em!"

Achilles said...

Bah. Trump is saying all the right things. How irritating.

Alex said...

Honestly I'm really scared now of some crazy leftist wanting to harm Trump.

Alex said...

The Huffington Post is having a total meltdown!

Anonymous said...

To turn the argument, the Democrats could have nominated a chimpanzee and beaten Trump, but they "selected" Hillary instead...

Thanks guys! Always cool to see Corruption bite corrupt people in the ass.

Now get thee to Canada. Or eat a shotgun. I don't care either way. You are as intellectually dishonest, morally bankrupt and corrupt as Hillary. Good riddance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bruce Springsteen, Jay Z, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Jon Bon Jovi

Embarrassing cluster of leftwing corporate pop stooges..

Clyde said...

I'm not normally so profligate with the F-word, but these are not normal times.

The cup of Hillary has been taken from our lips.

Of course, the cup of Trump may not be much better, but it can't be worse.

May God bless the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

"The Huffington Post is having a total meltdown!"

Cool. I'm off to bathe in their tears.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I almost feel bad for Hillary. Look at what she has done, for years, to be president. She has made herself inhuman, and all for nothing. She can either be bitter or feel the weight lifted from her shoulders. I hope that it is the latter.

Known Unknown said...

This is a blessing in disguise for Democrats. They need to shed the Clinton apparatus and move on to fresh blood with fresh ideas.

Clyde said...

But Hillary is going home to Chappaqua, and that is not a bad thing.

Not. At. All.

Sebastian said...
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Sebastian said...

"But Hillary is going home to Chappaqua." And who is going to donate to the Clinton Foundation now?

walter said...

"They need to shed the Clinton apparatus and move on to fresh blood with fresh ideas. "
Like Bernie!!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Layoffs at the Clinton Global Initiative ahead . . .
"Trump Global Initiative" has a ring to it. Staffed solely by Serbian supermodels. It'll be huge.

walter said...

It is weird to consider Clinton Inc's next phase..:
"Heya..we got Vince of Sham-Wow! fame"

Clyde said...

Obama: Repudiated!

Clinton: Repudiated!

It is a good night.

Quaestor said...

Terry wrote: I almost feel bad for Hillary. Look at what she has done, for years, to be president. She has made herself inhuman, and all for nothing. She can either be bitter or feel the weight lifted from her shoulders. I hope that it is the latter.

What about that contract with Mephistopheles?

walter said...

It was high time. She wanted it.

Clyde said...

"Conan, what is good in life?"

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"

Oh, yeah!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's wonderful watching the pro-democrat hack media melt-down.
James Carville cannot form a coherent sentence.

walter said...

AprilApple said...James Carville cannot form a coherent sentence.

Kyzer SoSay said...

So when is it okay to start going back through all the prior political posts and ruthlessly roasting all the NeverTrumpers and Doubters? I vote now.

Matt Sablan said...

I fully admit: I was wrong to doubt that Trump would win. He did, and I was wrong.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton fleeced us over the last 24 years. How will they continue?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Last night, I was positive the old harridan would win. I'm still stunned.

But in a happy way. Not like Shiloh, Unknown/Inga, and Chuck.

Chuck, tell us how an Establishment Republican could have won PA and WI.

Anonymous said...

Habemus Pepe.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Give me a T. Give me an R. Give me an U-M-P!

Let us most fervently hope the People long remember the calumny and partisanship of the Media; the primacy of self-interest, partisanship, and re-election of ALL elected and appointed to positions of power.

wildswan said...

What Clyde said


I will never forget looking at those vote totals through the evening -
braced to endure

then thinking that Trump was not being destroyed,

that Trump was making it a race,

that Trump was ahead

that Trump was winning

that Trump had won but they couldn't bear to say so.

Will we wake up tomorrow and find that the Clintons have found shoeboxes full of 2,000, 000 votes in 8 battleground states and the FBI investigated and they are valid votes of felons and illegals and the DOJ has counted them themselves and Hillary wins? It wouldn't surprise me and yet she has conceded.

Will Hollywood emigrate as promised?

Sitting here with Old Overholt trying to believe in victory.

Great day in the morning! The man did it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And Hillary leaves the national stage in the most graceless, petty way possible- not showing up to concede and thank her supporters for their dedication, people who had been standing there for hours. No, she sent her foul henchman Podesta to make a lame speech about "counting all the votes" long after it was clear she didn't have a chance.

What a nasty woman.

Anonymous said...

Lyle Smith: Walter Russell Mead: WRM 12:07: According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump is outperforming Romney with minorities. And with women. In other words, Latinos, women, and blacks are putting Trump over the top. That’s a story you probably won’t hear very much. Assuming it holds when better numbers come in, it’s a story you should hear much more.

Gee, groveling and apologizing and wearing a "kick me" sign doesn't win respect and votes? Cuckservatives everywhere are flabbergasted by this wildly counter-intuitive possibility.

grackle said...

Paul Ryan needs to resign. Now.

Tempting thought … but he may be useful. The fucking traitor has already called Trump according to Fox. An abject apology with a vow to cooperate, no doubt. Trump is carrying his state. That gives Trump some leverage.

On a side note I would like to point out that this pretty much ends the Clintons as a major political power (unless you expect Chelsea to do anything).

The Clintons will be lucky to stay out of jail. My guess – after Trump is sworn in: Special Prosecutor, here we come. I think we can understand Comey’s behavior now. A theory I’ve seen around: Can Obama pardon them before they are charged?

Lyle Smith said...


Haha... well said.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Clyde said...
I'm not normally so profligate with the F-word, but these are not normal times.

The cup of Hillary has been taken from our lips.

Precisely! Perfect! And I'm not even a Christian.

But yes, the Republic has been saved, if we can keep it.

FullMoon said...

Scott Adams called it months ago.

grackle said...

The MSM/Democrats/NeverTrumpers/eGOP can be expected to draw some wildly self-serving conclusions about Trump’s historic victory. It’ll be interesting to see how many false narratives they can create, how many far-fetched memes they can invent.

Yes, the Republic is saved – for now. But the assholes control most of the media, so the fight will never be over.

Lesson #2

The polls were and are … shit. I suspect that after the primaries that Trump was in the lead all along. The polls, for whatever reasons you might choose to promote, have proved to be unreliable. That’s just a fact.

jr565 said...

The giants win the pennant! The giants win the pennant!

Wilbur said...

I knew deep down Trump would win, but like the Cubs winning the World Series, was afraid to think it really might happen. There were too many signs that it was going to happen to ignore.

It's a repudiation of the "Progressive" viewpoint, the elites, and their media toadies. AND their GOP enablers.

I counseled those conservatives where I work not to celebrate when Bush won twice, but we had to swallow the wild celebration and ha-ha-has's of the libs in 2008 and 2012. Today, it will be different.

Build the wall. Those here legally have nothing to worry about.

Wilbur said...

They're picking Bobby Thomson up, and carrying him off the field!!!!!!!

Fen said...

Dear Dems,

Your post-election analysis is spot on. Now that its over, we can admit it - we hate women. We're sexist. We're racist. We're homophobic. We are ignorant toothless rednecks sleeping with our sisters in our doublewide, dreaming of nuking Mecca. Science deniers. Inferiors. Bitter clingers. Deplorables. You were right all along, so keep playing Identity Politics over the next 4 years.

So how do you beat us? We are so dumb, we'll even tell you: go to Pennsylvania and Michigan, find our new blue collar voters. Hector them. Call them "racist sexist homophobes!". Yell at them for Triggering you with Micro-aggressions. Check their privilege.

Do this for the next 4 years and your Nightmare will end.

A Friend

MayBee said...

AYFKM? I actually cannot believe this.

khesanh0802 said...

Mick, You were right all along! You are a genius!!!

Humperdink said...

You can now get Hillary to speak at your event for $14.99.

rhhardin said...

I'm still curious what the official account of the gender divide on voting patterns means, if women are officially the same as men. If women differ in voting, why not anything else?

It's almost exactly the percentage of soap opera women in the population of women, 40%, too.

The 60% having learned mostly to navigate around those instincts, I'd guess, under enough pressure.

Rusty said...

MayBee said...
AYFKM? I actually cannot believe this.

It was pretty obvious. The TEA Party got a lot of people elected that simply lied to get elected-Paul Ryan. DC pissed a lot of people off. TEA Party people vote. The TEA Party is the working and middle class. Don't piss them off.

gspencer said...

In early Sept CBS panel predicted Hillary would win with 341 EC votes.

rhhardin said...

I expect a wave of pardons before January. Of couse if Hillary is pardoned, then she's open to new crimes of lying to congress when they compel her testimony; say you want to clean the swamp with an object lesson.

Priority one drain the swamp.

rhhardin said...

Trump's plan to build a new White House is probably a mistake.

Jose_K said...

The CNN anchor cant disguise her disgust

Wilbur said...

If I owned GE stock, I'd sell.

rhhardin said...

NYT email

Donald J. Trump won a historic upset victory in the presidential race early Wednesday, riding a wave of unexpectedly strong support from working-class white voters who embraced his hard-edged populism even as millions of women, minorities and others were horrified by his divisive brand of politics.

That's what I'm talking about. What is it with women, officially in feminist theory?

Fabi said...

Let's go grab some pussy!

khesanh0802 said...

@Wilbur I am not sure why you would sell GE. Maybe because Immelt is a handmaiden of the dems? Remember that even if their windmill business gets whacked they still make jet engines and electrical generation equipment. Now you might want to replace GE with United Technologies makers of all sorts of defense related products. That would make sense.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Fabi said...
Let's go grab some pussy!

11/9/16, 5:56 AM

"President-elect Trump – soon to be the chief law enforcement officer of the land - has bragged about his right to grab women “by the pussy” – and very likely, his subordinates will follow his example."

MayBee said...

Rusty- you are right. I guess people should have paid more attention to the 2014 midterms, and what people were saying they wanted.

AllenS said...

Where I live in Wisconsin, Polk County, voted this way --

Trump 13,864 -- Clinton 7,568
Trump 61.1% -- Clinton 33.4%

MayBee said...

What the Podesta emails taught me about this election:

If you are spinning webs of deceit, don't expect other people to believe things even you know aren't true.

MayBee said... can tell people what they are thinking is wrong and why it is wrong, but that doesn't mean they will stop thinking it.
The shame game has got to end. It sure didn't work this time.

DanTheMan said...

If Hillary still gets $500K for a speech, then we must concede that she has special, valuable insight to share with Wall Street.

If she doesn't, can we finally start calling them bribes?

Fabi said...

I doubt that Trump and his subordinates will ever grab as much pussy as the Kennedys and their ilk, Terry.

rhhardin said...

Armstrong and Getty

Megan Kelly is wearing a leather miniskirt soooo...she recognizes the gravity of the situation

rhhardin said...

Grab some pussy is an idiom. Grab her pussy is not.

Robert Cook said...

Trump's victory is a stark repudiation of not just Clinton, but of Obama, and of the Democrats' game of promising to help "the people" then governing as Republicans-lite, and acting as caretakers for the properties and prerogatives of the financial elites.

If Bernie had not been thrown under the bus--and I was not a Bernie supporter, as he is, rhetoric aside, a mainstream Democrat in "socialist" guise--he would very possibly have won.

Perhaps next time around, the Dems will actually put forth a truly progressive, left-leaning candidate, one who, like Trump, might convince voters he or she will not carry on Beltway business as usual.

Trump, in the interim, will face the possibility of letting down his supporters, when he cannot magically "make America great again" and deliver to them that which he promised and they believed he will deliver.

MayBee said...

I think the Dems could have won with Jim Webb, but they didn't want him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cook - ObamaCare isn't "Republican lite."
Obamacare is A FRAUD - and the R warned against it, and not a single R voted for it.

Stuff your bull.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I could kiss you - Wisconsin.

Ding dong the witch is dead.

damikesc said...

Chuck, tell us how an Establishment Republican could have won PA and WI.

Chuck did say he was voting Trump, just that he really didn't like him.

I was way less negative on Trump than he and I didn't see Trump winning PA. Apparently, and much to my surprise, he was a FAR better political campaigner than I imagined. I plan to keep his feet to the fire, but it's been a great day so far.

The ABC panel of Know It All's is commiserating on the disaster. They really cannot think past the old lies they made up and retold for HRC's campaign. They are retelling the lie that Russia helped Trump win because Trump praised Putin's leadership style and plans to end NATO.

I have friends who's kids are crying because they think we'll be bombed now. I'm thinking "Hillary was the one who wanted to initiate World War III over Syria, not Trump.".

In the end, for me, if a conflict isn't worth a nuclear weapon, then it is unlikely to be worth us entering the fray entirely. "Limited engagements" tend to be anything but.

My hope: Ted Cruz as SCOTUS nominee, where he'd be an inspired choice. Antitrust suit against Google. Deep investigation of the email scandal (even better if Obama offers a full pardon, since it takes the Fifth off the table as an option. She won't be punished, but we can make sure history knows everything).

damikesc said...

I think the Dems could have won with Jim Webb, but they didn't want him.

He's the only one who could've won that ran. O'Malley is a clown and Sanders, as we saw from Wikileaks, was just there to be her Washington Generals.

So we'll probably get Warren in 2020. Or Michelle, though I'd be a bit surprised as I doubted the Obamas liked anything more than the trappings of the office which they keep forever anyway.

damikesc said...

The true loser in all of this is Canada...all those democrats that are going to move there now...

Now, it's probably totally not racist...but none of them seem interested in going to Mexico.

But, yeah, let's keep importing their poverty here.

shiloh said...

"Trump's victory is a stark repudiation of not just Clinton, but of Obama, and of the Democrats' game of promising to help "the people" then governing as Republicans-lite, and acting as caretakers for the properties and prerogatives of the financial elites."

Bullshit! ~ Many voters, mostly Dems, stayed home:

2008 ~ Obama = 69.5 million /// McCain = 60 milion

2012 ~ Obama = 66 million /// Romney = 61 million

2008 ~ Hillary = 59,137,478 /// Trump = 59,025,041 so far as the totals will increase slightly in the next few days.


So, even McCain and Willard, at this time got more votes than Trump!

And Obama got 9.5 million more votes than Trump in 2008 when the eligible voter base was smaller.

As always, America gets the govt it deserves and America's voters are basically lazy. Congrats!

Also, both Trump and Hillary did a really good job suppressing the vote ie both had yuuuuuge unfavorables.

It will be interesting watching Trump's job approval the next (4) years. Indeed, he's sooooo frickin' unlikable from the get-go as many who voted for him don't like him already.

I yield back the balance of my time.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, tell us how an Establishment Republican could have won PA and WI.

I dunno, I think Scott Walker, running apologetically like Trump, rather than the roll over and show your belly like the 'Republican' campaign consultants teach may have had a chance.

Rusty said...

"The true loser in all of this is Canada...all those democrats that are going to move there now..."

Not so fast. I read recently that unless you have a marketable skill or are otherwise self supporting, they really don't want you.
So. Welders, Doctors = OK. Come on in.

Actors and failed politicians = You better have enough cash to sustain yourself.

Drago said...

Kristian: "I dunno, I think Scott Walker, running apologetically like Trump, rather than the roll over and show your belly like the 'Republican' campaign consultants teach may have had a chance."

This opinion would be more credible had Walker not hired inside the beltway types who immediately had him alter his message.

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