In the national poll, almost all the girls had heard Mr. Trump’s comments about women. Forty-two percent said he had affected the way they thought about their bodies, and the same share said the comments had not.The NYT would have you think that what we are voting on is the mental health of the younger generations. If Hillary wins, girls will grow up feeling happy and achievement oriented, but if Trump wins, their hopes will be dashed. When I voted for Obama in 2008, one factor I took into consideration was that he'd cheer people up. I have a tag for that: Obama the mood elevator. I do think mood inspiration is something, but be careful with that one. The President is not your drug, and it's not good relying on drugs anyway.
“That hits me hard when people like Trump say people who are skinnier than I am are too big,” said Morgan Lesh, 15, in Moro. “It makes me feel extremely insecure about myself.”
I have 73 posts with that Obama the mood elevator tag. The first one was "Vagal superstars." It linked to a Slate article, "Obama in Your Heart/How the president — elect tapped into a powerful — and only recently studied—human emotion called 'elevation.'"
That was in December 2008, when today's 14 year olds were only 6. Why aren't these teenagers today much happier and fabulously secure and hopeful? They've grown up with Obama as President.
I wonder how many times the 14-year-old girl had to rehearse the lines??
Because everything on Hillary's stage is rehearsed.
Why aren't these teenagers today much happier and fabulously secure and hopeful? They've grown up with Obama as President.
Asked and answered.
I go for attacking all women. It's more efficient.
Girls, raise your game.
Ignorance Is Bliss at 8:31 has it. 'Nuff said.
Today a political pawn.
Tomorrow a scorned, bitter, childless woman.
Paging Fox Butterfield.
And yes, mood elevation by politicians is something- something very dangerous, because it's the easiest tool for exploitation of the electorate and something we should be much more wary of.
Oh, puhleez. Teenage girls despise Hillary. She's every witchy, dried-up, authority figure that blights their lives. Now Anthony Wiener, that's a different story....
"That hits me hard when people like Trump say people who are skinnier than I am are too big," said Morgan Lesh...
I notice they didn't include a picture of Morgan Lesh...
"When I voted for Obama in 2008, one factor I took into consideration was that he'd cheer people up. I have a tag for that: Obama the mood elevator. I do think mood inspiration is something, but be careful with that one. The President is not your drug, and it's not good relying on drugs anyway."
Yeah, that didn't happen. Maybe a little wiser or just older?
Hillary's final sales pitch: because vagina.
Boy, one has to get up pretty early in the afternoon to beat players like Ignorance is Bliss. Nailed it there.
rhhardin: made me laugh (as almost always). Thanks.
If I may elaborate on what IIB has said above: "Why aren't these teenagers today much happier and fabulously secure and hopeful? They've grown up with Obama as President." I give kudos to Prof. A for stating the (to me( obvious). And I am trying to understand what, in the Time of the Lightworker, has so harmed our national affect. To the point that all the carefully cherished and protected and play-dated children, hovered over by anxious parents, have become so terribly vulnerable that some chance trash talk by a stranger --talk far less offensive than that offered by Jay Z, who now stumps for that stranger's rival-- is enough to break the spirit of those children, render them helpless under a tsunami of negative body images, force them in their utter despair to cry out as Victims?
Seriously trying to figure this out. It's an important, even crucial, psychopathology. And we're feeding it.
“That hits me hard when people like Trump say people who are skinnier than I am are too big,” said Morgan Lesh, 15, in Moro. “It makes me feel extremely insecure about myself.” In three years, she will be allowed to vote.
"When I voted for Obama in 2008, one factor I took into consideration was that he'd cheer people up." OMG. I guess you didn't take into consideration how much he'd depress other people.
"That was in December 2008, when today's 14 year olds were only 6.fabulously secure and hopeful? They've grown up with Obama as President." Setting aside the possibility of subtle auto trolling: as CStanley hinted, a Butterfieldian classic.
"Hillary's final sales pitch: because vagina."
Crooked Hillary using her pussy to grab votes.
I am stunned that Hillary is running ads that portray Trump as a bad role model for kids. Of course he is, but the pot shouldn't call the kettle black.
"If Hillary wins, girls will grow up feeling happy and achievement oriented...."
But how are they going to feel after learning of criminal activity in two years of impeachment hearings? The first woman president was a crook.
Did Michelle Obama drop her childhood obesity campaign sometime before this election season?
I haven't seen it in a while, and it seems like it wouldn't fit in with our current Dem talking points.
An additional repellant, as if HRC needed more. Another interminable round of run-of-the-mill policy disagreement recast as misogyny. @real American says it well.
“That hits me hard when people like Trump say people who are skinnier than I am are too big,” said Morgan Lesh, 15, in Moro. “It makes me feel extremely insecure about myself.”
I had to read that several times to make sense of it. Still not 100% convinced I did.
Maybe she needs some remedial writing classes.
What Crooked Hilary shows girls, and women, is that they need to marry well. Only by marrying well, to a husband who can get them jobs, can they be successful. Then they can hire other women and pay them 70-80 cents on the dollar.
For those having second thoughts about voting early for Crooked Hilary in Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, Louisiana, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and Michigan there is still time to correct your mistake.
Get down to the voting office and change your vote. Or else avoid mirrors.
John Henry
"When you’re attacking one woman, you’re attacking all women."
These young feminazis get tiresome.
Let's flip this -,when you rape one woman (Juanita Broderick), you are raping all women, and when you defend one rapist, you are defending all rapists (at least two in Crooked Hillary's case).
“That hits me hard when people like Trump say people who are skinnier than I am are too big,” said Morgan Lesh, 15, in Moro. “It makes me feel extremely insecure about myself.”
I had to read that several times to make sense of it. Still not 100% convinced I did.
Maybe she needs some remedial writing classes.
What Crooked Hilary shows girls, and women, is that they need to marry well. Only by marrying well, to a husband who can get them jobs, can they be successful. Then they can hire other women and pay them 70-80 cents on the dollar.
For those having second thoughts about voting early for Crooked Hilary in Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, Louisiana, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and Michigan there is still time to correct your mistake.
Get down to the voting office and change your vote. Or else avoid mirrors.
John Henry
Check out the accompanying photo of fourteen-year-old Jaelyn Justesen.
Bent over at the waist, elbows on a table, buttocks discreetly off-frame, dreamy expression, "JUST DO IT" on her sleeve: the photo practically screams "Jail Bait For Teacher."
Would they pose an adult female politician this way? Seriously: it's a Playboy pose from the sixties.
Female photographer, too (Ruth Fremson): looking out for the young sisters by posing them for the adult men. And the lesbians. I bet lesbians would find the photo hot, too -- in a tasteful way, of course.
Would they position a teenage boy that way?
Don't answer that last one.
I am Laslo.
I remember when republicans tried to blame Bill Clinton for ruining culture by saying they had to explain "blow job" and "sodomy" to their 13 year olds.
I also remember when people made fun of Monica Lewinsky for being fat. Too fat for our President.
That was all stupid then, and it's stupid now.
Politics and the news shouldn't be geared toward children. How does it make children feel to see that 50 people have been shot in a gay nightclub? What do children think about brinksmanship with Russia? Or supporting Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemen and starve other, less fortunate children?
If parents can't talk with their children and help them process the news, the kids shouldn't be watching the news. Let's put their parents to work, and not make it Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton's responsibility to give them self-esteem.
"The Election, Through the Eyes of Teenage Girls."
We already get that from pretty much all of the media, all of the time.
There's a special place in Hell for women who don't support each other, hon.
Your sister says so.
Oh please. I have young women in my house plus I teach girls in my college. They may be liberal, but I have yet to hear any of them say this made-up dreck.
These girls seem to respond with strength and thoughtfulness as a response to DJT's gal valuing metric that identifies them as losers.
Usually folks compare thin skinned DJT's tweet storms to the actions of young girls in cat fights. Based on this NYT piece, it seems like that's been unfair to young girls.
Hillary's final sales pitch: because vagina.
We have evolved to realize that one can be a woman without possessing a vagina. To feel otherwise is cis-gendered bigotry. The corollary is that one can possess a vagina and yet be a man. So possession of a vagina is irrelevant to gender. QED.
Hey, girls, we boys grow up wondering about our bodies, too. We 130-pound teens get picked on, get picked last on the team, and are told to bulk up. I know boys still going through this today.
Stop with all this "I'm a girl, and I can't handle life" shit. You're embarrassing your gender.
Worse, you're making the case for why a woman shouldn't be President. She can, but not that one.
Is there anyone who thinks the way our political media slices and dices the citizens of our country into demographic voting blocs is good for our democracy?
I think it separates us in dangerous ways, and with the election cycles now so long, there is little time to recover.
All day long I hear about "white women", "black people", "gay people", "hispanics"...and it all sounds as if we don't actually want the same things. We are against each other, fighting against each other. We are broken into our little groups and we shouldn't break out of them.
I was just watching CNN, and there were two black women, one a Trump voter, and one a Clinton voter. The gist of the conversation was, why do black people overwhelmingly support Clinton? And do you know black people voting for Trump? It was all so otherizing. Black people are separate from American Voters. And black people need to think alike and vote alike.
It's destructive, I'm sure it is. I know it depresses me.
Vote for a president who will be held accountable.
Sharc 65: nicely put.
I look back and I realize, far too late and with the cold horror that accompanies belated realization, that my big mistake was buying my daughter that American Girl doll. Female empowerment? Multiple narratives of struggle and success? Nooooooo.
Men and boys kind of do the same thing. When Hillary needlessly sacrificed the lives of soldiers and diplomats in Benghazi, it was an attack on all men their service. When she exclusively shills for one gender but not the other, it's seen as an attack on all men. This is the fruit of Democratic identity politics.
Bob Ellison said...
Hey, girls, we boys grow up wondering about our bodies, too. We 130-pound teens get picked on, get picked last on the team, and are told to bulk up. I know boys still going through this today.
Stop with all this "I'm a girl, and I can't handle life" shit. You're embarrassing your gender.
All this pro-women stuff imagines boys don't have insecurity, feel comfortable with their bodies, can take criticism, and know exactly what they are doing when it comes to sexual encounters.
"When you attack one woman you are attacking all women" has certainly been the approach of the Hillary campaign and mainstream media, starting with that first Republican primary debate when Megan Kelly said Trump had called "women" fat pigs, etc..
Who cares what teenage girls or teenage boys feel about politics...or really anything else? They are supposed to be full of rebellious angst, raging with new hormones, dazed and confused by the changes in their bodies and in general annoying pains in the rear.
We are supposed to run our lives, elect political leaders based on what some whiny hormonal teenage twits "feel"? I hardly think so.
They need to be smacked around by life a bit (metaphorically speaking...well, maybe some literally). They need to get a job. Pay some bills. Be responsible for their own lives and not end up in jail or on drugs. THEN.....just then....maybe we can pay attention to their opinions.
“That hits me hard when people like Trump say people who are skinnier than I am are too big,” said Morgan Lesh, 15, in Moro. “It makes me feel extremely insecure about myself.”
Type 2 diabetes in children and teens is a very bad thing. Sorry but true.|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=23566521?referrer=
Maybee: "It's destructive, I'm sure it is. I know it depresses me." Amen to that. But isn't this the oldest play in the book: divide and conquer? "Otherize" people? Look for difference, not what is shared? It is ironic to me that the Progs talk constantly of "inclusion" and "sharing" but they derive their power from turning people into anxious atoms, unable to obtain joy or redress except through --how strangely convenient-- a Prog apparatus, a party boss, a special deal.
VERY depressing. We are in a devolution if not a revolution.
That was all stupid then, and it's stupid now.
It's not bread so it must be part of the circus.
"Take the Money!!" and other super plus good suggestions for 14 year old girls to emulate.
"Throughout the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton’s campaign presented her as a crusading reformer who would take on powerful corporate interests and curb the role of big money in American politics.
But the recent WikiLeaks dump of campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails offers revealing snapshots that tell a somewhat different story. Top aides plot to "scare our people into giving bigger sums." They debate whether to take cash from registered foreign agents: "Take the money!!" one senior campaign official advises. A top corporate lobbyist, pressed to “hit up” his clients for Clinton campaign coffers, asks for high-level help to advance one of those client’s interests. And there are new details about the overseas cash that rolled into the Clinton Foundation — including a $12 million commitment from the king of Morocco that Hillary Clinton personally helped facilitate."
I want to know what world these people live in where girls aren't incredibly encouraged to know they have girl power! to feel great about themselves, to achieve academically, and be whatever they want.
I haven't been a little girl or teen girl in a long time, but there was no system holding me down then, and girls today get empowerment messages wherever they go (little boys do not).
I'm sure the NYT ran a similar piece in 2008 when everyone attacked Sarah Palin. Right?
"When you attack one woman you are attacking all women"
So that 14 year old has never encountered a Mean Girl clique?
"Jaelyn, a Clinton supporter, disagreed. “Women reacted the way they did about it because when you’re attacking one woman,” she said, “you’re attacking all women, because we see each other as sisters.”"
I guess the "logic" here is that no woman should be criticized. What if two women run against each other?
The conservative will not be considered a "real" woman, of course.
"Check out the accompanying photo of fourteen-year-old Jaelyn Justesen.
Bent over at the waist, elbows on a table, buttocks discreetly off-frame, dreamy expression, "JUST DO IT" on her sleeve: the photo practically screams "Jail Bait For Teacher."
I KNOW a lot of you have now gone to check out the photo.
And you know I'm right, but are hesitant to admit it in a public forum because: teen-age girl.
Somewhere in the Althouse Community someone is masturbating right now to that very photo.
It's OK: your secret is safe.
I am Laslo.
How do little girls feel about this:
Lisa Daftari @LisaDaftari 31m31 minutes ago
BREAKING: Two U.S. military trainers killed in exchange of fire at an air base in southern Jordan, Jordanian military says
Wait, did I miss something? Where are the teenaged Trump supporting women/girls? There are millions to pick from, all across the nation.
NYT = Pravda
Also, what exactly is the inherent advantage of being female that would cause any female to be a better anything? Does this mean that these women/girls would vote for Squeaky Fromm for President? Jeez!
They are supposed to be full of rebellious angst
Not anymore. They are supposed to NOW be fully on the side of the state. Progs LOVE rebellious youth, unless they rebel against Progs.
A Hillary win shows girls that you should marry a guy who doesn't want to be married and allow him (hell, DEFEND him) to screw any vagina (cause, I'm sure, Bill values them as women and not as receptacles) with a pulse in the world. ALSO, you should wholesale violate laws and rules and then pretend to be a low-level functional retard in defending your criminal activities.
Yup, you've come a long way, baby!
I'm glad most women I know find that kind of nonsense more than mildly insulting. It's sad, though, that a lot of women don't find it such.
Compare "rightist" publications to "leftist" publications. Which tend to be more respectful of women?
Good to know that Sarah Palin will have the NYT endorsement when she runs next time.
Hollywood convinced the world that Rock Hudson was the man of every girl's dreams. How hard can it be to convince the world that Hillary is an inspirational role model for young women everywhere?
So when you attack Rosie O'Donnell you are also attacking Sara Palin, Margaret Thatcher, etc. Got it.
I like this guy (comment at NYT):
Joe O'Rourke Southeast Pennsylvania 22 minutes ago
Should we reinforce the idea that young people should somehow tie their self-esteem, future prospects, and societal view to electoral results?
Why? Our leaders have historically fallen far short of their rhetoric, let alone the expectations we heap upon them.
It is far better to teach young people that people are inherently flawed and that they can themselves work to make the world a better place. That while leaders may preach one thing, they may practice another. That it is always easiest to be fooled by those who espouse the same beliefs you want to hear espoused. And that skepticism of authority figures, combined with respect, is perhaps one of the best ways to approach political leaders anyone - young or old - can obtain.
There are binders full of women who could be great Presidents. Meg Whitman. The author of this blog, who doesn't want the job, which probably is the most important quality.
Lots of women! Lots of men! Mitch Daniels.
I've worked and studied with great women. This is not a vagina election. It's a character election. We have two bad characters, one worse than the other.
madAsHell said...
Today a political pawn.
Tomorrow a scorned, bitter, childless woman.
11/4/16, 8:33 AM
Don't forget the cats, lots of cats...
But this:
Ella Florida 1 hour ago
I work with teenagers and many teenage girls who have been subjected to sexual abuse by stepfathers, mother’s boyfriends and others. Their comments regarding this election are disheartening. They see a powerful man objectifying women in disparaging sexual terms and say “see that’s the way it is.” They see Trump’s wife as underscoring that the way women achieve wealth is by using sexuality - fair or not - the photos roaming the internet of MT half naked are highlighted as proof. It is so sad.
Ella- if these girls have been abused by their stepfathers and mother's boyfriends, their problem is not Melania Trump.
Do better for these girls, Ella.
Laslo- I do think it's interesting they used all very attractive young teens for the article.
"The President is not your drug, and it's not good relying on drugs anyway."
The government is not your drug, and it's not good relying on government anyway.
This is what our brains look like on government.
. Meg Whitman. The author of this blog, Carly Fiorina
Using the State Department as your own personal cash register = wonderful role model for girls.
A Hillary loss may be just what the D-party needs. She is the last of "it's my turn" politicians and surely she won't try again in 2020. I say she should be cut loose by her own party. Bring in some fresh ideas.
Althouse, your use of the Butterfield Effect is masterful (see Taranto, Best of the Web, in WSJ).
Why, indeed, aren't todays' youth elevated despite their exposure to 8 years of Obama?
Perhaps it is because of, rather than despite, Obama that today's youth are in crisis.
Cause generally occurs before effect. While someone who voted for Obama could make that sort of mistake, reversing effects and causes, it is not a good move to advertise a continuing use of that mistaken methodology. Plus it can get you run over crossing a street, when you fail to look both ways first for oncoming traffic.
Did Morgan Lesh by any chance see the CNN column that attacked Machado precisely as Trump did, and at the same time? No? Then possibly the NYT -- inveterate fact-checkers that the are -- might have mentioned it.
MayBee: "All very attractive young teens," yes. But they didn't include an image of Morgan Lesh. Why not?
MayBee quoted Ella Florida:
I work with teenagers and many teenage girls who have been subjected to sexual abuse by stepfathers, mother’s boyfriends and others.
If only there was a political party that advocated for traditional, stable, two parents who are married to each other families.
Liberals have a lot to answer for.
When you attack one woman you are attacking all women
What if one woman attacks one woman? Does that mean all women are attacking all women?
Ironically, it is women (men, and babies, too) who are often excluded, selectively savaged, and even sacrificed by Clinton's "sisterhood". The other chauvinist and [class] diversity factions are similarly unprincipled and opportunistic. The Pro-Choice Church is a first-order cause of catastrophic anthropogenic progressive corruption.
WE took my 9-year-old granddaughter and 14-year-old grandson to see Sarah Palin rally in LA in 2008. The tennis stadium venue was overflowing and organizers opened the soccer stadium and fired up the big screen in there to accommodate the thousands who were too late for the main venue. And we were early! Luckily my wife caught the eye of Tim Leweike who managed the venue, and he invited us into his luxury box at the tennis stadium so we could watch Sarah. It was electric and inspiring. A great day.
And then my little granddaughter learned just what popular culture and what the evil democrat-controlled media "thinks of women" who are conservative like us. Nothing Trump has been quoted saying compares to the all-encompassing onslaught of sexist, hate-filled rhetoric that buried the McCain campaign and viciously attached Palin, often in pornographic terms, in the way that all the arrogant ignorant leftists love to do to "otherize" conservative women.
Don't lecture me about seeing politics through the "eyes of a young girl" bullshit. You progressives didn't give a shit about what THAT experience taught little girls about trying to succeed when you're a little too pretty and a little too conservative for the hoi polloi to stomach. The lesson she's learning this cycle is that the same media will go to ANY LENGTHS to try a project an image for Clinton that doesn't square with reality and with all of our experience out here in the real world.
In short, NYT, fuck you.
all women are attacking all women
This creates a singularity that would reach critical mass without the containment of a pro-choice philosophy.
I'm convinced the NYT simply concocts it's feature stories--so much easier when you are working from the outcome you want.
As for making teen-aged girls feel insecure, it is a fact that ALL teen-aged girls feel insecure. That's part and parcel of adolescence.
When you attack one woman you are attacking all women
So Bill Clinton, who is a rapist by Hillary's own standard, has raped all women.
Gee, the Democrats should probably not let him be a spokesman for the party, that's not a good look.
When you’re attacking one woman, you’re attacking all women."
I hope that's true because it would mean that I've had sex with many more women than I ever realized.
mockturtle, the stories are written by PR folks, not by NYT folks.
I don't intend hyperbole. They really are written by PR folks, usually pretty fresh out of college, and fed straight to the newspeople, who couldn't write their ways out of paper bags, and who barely even edit them, and feed them to the editors, because c'mon, everyone's gotta eat, right?
This is how it has been done forever. "Mitt tied his dog to his car roof!" That's how it's done.
More photo analysis:
Sarah Hamilton, 17, Grant High School:
Winsome, Vogue-model indifferent facial expression, waif-like in pose if not in body.Young Adult stylish clothing.
Jessica Griepenburg, 15, Grant High School:
Adorably self-conscious in face and pose, like a woman in a Romantic Comedy. Young Adult stylish clothing.
Georgia Wolfe, 14, Grant High School:
Awkwardly self-conscious, like an actual teen-age girl. Unflattering eyeglasses. Real teenager unstylish clothing.
You can tell who the Photographer thinks is going to succeed in Life, and who the Also-Rans are: she has posed them as such.
Oh: and the Jail Bait Girl. Just because.
I am Laslo.
"When you’re attacking one woman, you’re attacking all women, because we see each other as sisters."
-- I'm sure she sees Sarah Palin as a sister.
"Donald J. Trump’s message to girls has been more, well, complicated."
-- Has it been? I was under the impression he was running a fairly straight forward campaign in that women should be empowered, and he used examples of his wife and daughter as examples of women who have gone out and achieved a lot.
Is the author confusing Trump's message to girls with what the media's message about Trump is to girls?
I wonder if when showing pictures of Ms. Universe to these girls, if the NYT included the articles at the time from the media calling her an "expanding" universe and the like, or if they made it appear only Trump had anything to say about her weight?
"In the national poll, almost all the girls had heard Mr. Trump’s comments about women."
-- What percentage had heard about Clinton's comments/slut shaming of her husband's accusers?
This is... pretty shoddy journalism so far. It isn't even TRYING to be balanced.
"Forty-two percent said he had affected the way they thought about their bodies, and the same share said the comments had not." ... "Nearly half the girls say Mr. Trump’s comments about women have affected the way they think about their bodies."
42 rounds down to 40. Saying "nearly half" when you mean "forty" is just bad math and costs your editorial space. Why even do that?
Laslo Spatula said...
buttocks discreetly off-frame
When you're putting one buttock discreetly off-frame, you're putting all buttocks off frame because we see each other as buttocks.
Irrelevant minutiae aka red meat for Reps, especially Althouse cons.
Laslo inspired me to revisit the photos and I am taken by some of the lighting choices: Sarah Hamilton is in a classroom with the lights all off. Oh, maybe the photographer is a frustrated artist who would like to shoot fashion models but is in the news business to pay the bills. Or maybe the lighting is to create a scene where one imagines meeting the student after-hours in a darkened classroom...
It is probably the former: Daryn Hickok is also in a classroom with the lights out, it isn't as dark due to more light coming in through the windows. Jordan Barrett is lit only with light streaming in from a window and the rest of the shot is very dark.
Expect the NYT and WaPo to give front page coverage, probably Sunday, to the spurious Jane Doe " child rape" claim against Trump. The Hill-trolls have been fanning the flames on it all week. Grown up versions of the 14 year-old twit featured in this article will buy it hook line and sinker. Confirmation bias to justify support for their obviously corrupt "sister."
If not that story, something equally bogus.
Julian Assange says "Trump will not be allowed to win." I believe he is correct and that this election will demonstrate that the United States is bought and paid for. There is little to be done about it now - partly because rhhardin seems to be right about women voters.
My millennial son's pastor says "the culture war is over and we lost." He's right too.
"When you’re attacking one woman, you’re attacking all women."
Uh ... unless that woman is Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey ...
Yeah, let's lower the voting age to 14 for females. They do mature much earlier, ya' kknow.
"Forty-two percent said he had affected the way they thought about their bodies, and the same share said the comments had not." ... "Nearly half the girls say Mr. Trump’s comments about women have affected the way they think about their bodies."
Nobody thinks about the bodies of high school girls half as often as high schools girls do.
I must have missed all those teenage girls who were crushed that Sarah Palin didn't get elected in 2008. I mean talk about a role model. A woman who on her own comes out of nowhere to be VP and hunts Moose and has a big family.
All the comments about Melania Trump mean nothing of course. Just catty remarks by less good looking women, so irrelevant, amiright?
But Trump's talk: who knew that the self esteem of a 14 year old girl rests solely on the mind of Donald Trump? That they look to him for their inner self worth?
Who gave Donald Trump that kind of power?
Rcocean, even better...Palin fought against the corruption in her party. She didn't revel in it.
"When you’re attacking one woman, you’re attacking all women, because we see each other as sisters."
LOL! No group of people is more vicious toward each other than teen-aged girls. But, then, maybe that's being 'sisterly'.
One wonders how these teenage girls we be affected when they learn that their heroine is a corrupt and inept liar who relies on bullying and media deception to maintain any semblance of leadership. I would think that being taught to invest so heavily in Hillary's success now will just make their disillusionment that much more profound when reality sets in.
Also, what about the mood of the career federal law enforcement agents? These are people who regularly and literally put their lives at risk to preserve the rule of law in our country and protect its citizens from criminals. As I understand it, their mood is pretty bleak now as the Hillary campaign, DOJ, and media have worked to destroy them as a result of their commitment to truth and justice. These are guys who live and die by 18 U.S.C. 1001, which makes it a crime to lie to federal investigators about a material fact. And now they see that statute violated with utter impunity in the course of an investigation of significant other potential violations. It's hard to picture any FBI agent feeling good about his or her work going forward. And it's hard to picture any random group of 12 Americans being able to unanimously convict someone of lying to the government; at least one of those jurors is going to remember this and say "hell no."
The country can survive some unhappy 14-year-old girls. I'm not sure we can survive a terminally demoralized law enforcement community.
When you’re attacking one woman,you’re attacking all women, because we see each other as sisters.
Well, maybe sometimes, but generally speaking, no, we don't. That's feminist bullshit.
"If Hillary wins, girls will grow up feeling happy and achievement oriented...."
Just like once Barack was elected, black kids grew up feeling happy and achievement oriented.
So I guess if you attacked Eva Peron, Leni Riefenstahl, or Mother Bloor, you'd be attacking all women, too?
Blogger hombre said...
Expect the NYT and WaPo to give front page coverage, probably Sunday, to the spurious Jane Doe " child rape" claim against Trump.
Yeah, I've been worried about that too. The problem is that this case, filed 3 times under 2 names (Katie Johnson, supposedly the real name and, later, Jane Doe) is so bogative that nobody has paid any attention to it. There has been some coverage in places like Daily Beast and others of that sort but they have mostly focused on the bullshit elements of the suit.
Here's some of the problems:
1) Filed as a civil case rather than criminal
2) Statute of limitations has long since passed
3) Katie Johnson/Jane Doe has a patent attorney representing her. Nothing against patent attorneys but I would not go to a podiatrist for a heart attack, either.
4) It has been dismissed twice already (California in May and NY in August or September)
5) May not have told the NY Court that she had already filed and been dismissed in CA
6) Witness affidavits are filed under pseudonyms (Tiffany Doe, for example)
7) Best of all, it seems to have been instigated initially by a former Jerry Springer producer.
That is not even a complete list of the problems.
I suspect that unless something new happened any media outlet that published this now, after having ignored it when it was news, would be guilty of slander, electoral interference or some other crime or tort. This would be especially true if they did not focus on what a bullshit, made-up, case it was.
If WaPo published something Sunday, I suspect that Trump could wind up owning the paper.
If they had something, we would have seen something.
John Henry
If an attack on one woman is an attack on all women (3.5 billion or so?) then suppose I attacked 2 women?
How many women would that be an attack on?
Just trying to get the math clear in case I run amok in the next month or two.
John Henry
"When you’re attacking one woman, you’re attacking all women, because we see each other as sisters."
Heh heh. This poor girl is in for a shock when she starts dating.
Why aren't these teenagers today much happier and fabulously secure and hopeful? They've grown up with Obama as President.
Don't doom them to another 4, or God forbid 8 more years of more of the same! Tax, spend, regulate, transfer wealth from the productive to the unproductive, and selling policy to the highest bidder will not help the powerless teenagers of today or tomorrow.
It is way past time to hold politicians to account for their acts, to keep them honest, to punish the corrupt, and to root out the corruptible.
I'm so old, I remember when politicians were jailed for $90,000 in cash in his freezer. And now? Doug Band brags to Chelsea that he's funneled MILLIONS into her father's pocket.
But Lucy, you go ahead and yank that football while you tell us how Trump "lost" you.
"When I voted for Obama in 2008, one factor I took into consideration was that he'd cheer people up."
Imagine an appropriately pregnant pause here.
On election night '08, when Obama was declared victor, I wept out of worry. In most ways Obama has done even worse than I feared.
Ann, I remember that, at least a few years ago, you'd stated that you felt that you weren't mistaken in your vote as you believed McCain still would have been worse. I'm not challenging that--I don't know if you still feel that way--and though I disagree, it is still a defensible belief.
Could you admit though that the belief (specifically, incorporating that belief into your vote) that Obama would cheer people up was a mistake? I think even his supporters are more miserable now.
The labor participation rate, from the Bureau Of Labor Statistics. Let's double down on failure by electing Hillary! How low can you go? Not much cheer in that.
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