November 9, 2016

"We must reclaim our country’s destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that."

"We’re going to dream of things for our country — and beautiful things and successful things — once again."

Full transcript of speech here (at the NYT).

The quote I remembered and wanted to highlight here is the third-to-the-last sentence before he enters the thank-yous. The next 2 sentences are:
I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.
The thank-yous included a long acknowledgment of the Secret Service:
So I also have to say I’ve gotten to know some incredible people — the Secret Service people. They’re tough and they’re smart and they’re sharp, and I don’t want to mess around with them, I can tell you. And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down on the seat. But they are fantastic people, so I want to thank the Secret Service.
That struck me as unusual. And the recognition of Reince Priebus was particularly strong and a tad weird, including, as it did, the bust of Secretariat:
Reince is a superstar. But I said, “They can’t call you a superstar, Reince, unless we win,” because you can’t be called a superstar — like Secretariat — if Secretariat came in second, Secretariat would not have that big, beautiful bronze bust at the track at Belmont. But I’ll tell you, Reince is really a star. And he is the hardest-working guy. And in a certain way, I did this — Reince, come up here. Where is Reince? Get over here, Reince. oy oh boy oh boy. It’s about time you did this, Reince. My God.
He thanked his wife and each of his children in one long sentence:
To Melania and Don and Ivanka. and Eric and Tiffany and Baron [sic], I love you and I thank you, and especially for putting up with all of those hours.
The NYT will have to learn how to spell Barron. And for those of us watching on TV, it was quite something to watch Barron, who was within the camera frame throughout the speech, the 10 year old, at 2 a.m., struggling to stay awake. Who can imagine what the world looked like to him from that stage? Perhaps it felt more normal to him than it did to the rest of us. What a wild dream!

But we need a dream — a big, bold, daring, beautiful, successful dream. And maybe Trump can make it come true. He's gotten himself elected President under circumstances that looked utterly impossible.

How did that happen? We'll never hear the end of efforts to figure it out, and commentators are getting a horribly late start, having devoted themselves for over a year to explaining how it couldn't possibly happen.


rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

"He's gotten himself elected President under circumstances that looked utterly impossible."

To who? I know as a resident of Madison this may be ehard to believe, but perception is not reality. I think circumstances made his victory not impossible but inevitable, and he had the vision to see it.

rehajm said...

Congratulations to everyone. Now the real work begins. There is an opportunity here to right great wrongs and improve the well being of humanity.

David Begley said...

Thank you Wisconsin.

rehajm said...

Attn: Congress. You have been given (another) an opportunity to improve your lot in life. Don't screw it up.

Lauderdale Vet said...

We've reached the first redoubt. It's time to reload and press forward.

If HRC had been elected FL, NC, TX, VA would have all turned "amnesty blue" like CA.

I prefer America to be always divided enough to where our politicians still have to earn our votes.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Reince has, in fact, set a first-place record in winning seats for GOP governors, and state and federal legislators. He really is a blue-ribbon winner.

rhhardin said...

I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.

The guy understands common interests make wealth. A country is not charity for foreigners.

That removes a moral hazard that usually shows up as really rich dictators.

rehajm said...

Trade reform. Tax reform. Health insurance repeal and replace. Tax amnesty. True infrastructure investment. Regulatory reform. Immigration reform. National security. Rule of law.

A Better Way

Saint Croix said...

one suggestion I have for President Trump

you might consider giving a Congressional Medal of Honor

to Humayun S.M. Khan

AllenS said...

It never looked impossible from where I live. Quite the opposite in fact.

Bob Boyd said...

We blew up the Death Star!

Etienne said...

100's of trillion in unfunded liabilities, and 21 trillion in debt.

Unless there's going to be a liquidation of current government spending targets, in order to fund new ideas, I think any dreams of great things, is essentially a wet dream.

But, one can hope. Congress doesn't move very fast when it comes to doing the right thing.

Achilles said...

He needs to remember what got him there.

Drain The Swamp.

If he goes to DC and pulls a Paul Ryan he will fail.

Jupiter said...

Allow me to be the first one, and perhaps the only one, to say, "I didn't tell you so!".

I didn't dare to.

rcocean said...

Jeb was unavailable for comment. Too tired after voting for Hillary.

Low Energy.

Achilles said...

11/9/16, 7:37 AM
Blogger coupe said...
100's of trillion in unfunded liabilities, and 21 trillion in debt.

I have some scissors.

Anyone for a hair cut?

I would also like to see Ron Paul as fed chairman.

rehajm said...

But, one can hope. Congress doesn't move very fast when it comes to doing the right thing

So true. It will have to change. It's a chance, but it's really the last chance.

They will have to stop worrying what WaPo and NYT think.

MayBee said...

Anybody struggling to understand should read the Althouse archives. Althouse, I know I give you a hard time sometimes and say you are in a bubble, but you caught the zeitgeist on this early, and you found the anti-Trump bullshit and did not back down.

MAJMike said...

The tears of the DemCong are sweeter than honey.

rcocean said...

An amazing victory. Even more incredible than Reagan's 1980 victory. The MSM and the entire Repbulicat establishment against him. Except for Dole every living Republican POTUS candidate refused to support him.

Yet he won. I wonder how Mittens feels about electing a racist/bigot/Sexist/homophobe. Who won, while he lost.

Lyssa said...

Well you guys, I was really, really wrong. I admit it; I thought that this would be a day of reckoning with disappointed Althousians and complaints of rigging and dreams of succession. I thought that I would have to explain that we'd just have to accept that the country was not exactly what we thought it was or should be, and that Trump was just a bridge too far.

I was wrong. I'm sorry. This morning, commenters at my favorite liberal site are the ones discussing rigging and succession, but I have less standing with them to tell them how ridiculous they are.

Once written, twice... said...

He also promised to create a big federal jobs program. I predict conservatives in congress are going to quickly be a odds with him.

"We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it."

MayBee said...

Did Trump finally put a stake in the idea that big fundraising and campaign spending = good politics?

Imagine if our politicians could get off the phones, off the planes, away from the fundraising, and actually just focus on governing.

CWJ said...


Thanking the secret service is unusual, but understandable given Hillary's treatment of her security details of all stripes over the years. I'm sure the "new dawn" message was heard by LEO types everywhere.

rcocean said...

First step is get rid of Paul Ryan.

320Busdriver said...

How about we just attempt to re establish the peoples trust in our Federal Government. Trump can do that like Hillary never could.

He's got a lot of work to do.

campy said...

Well, I'm not happy Trump won, but I'm thrilled Hillary! lost. And I'm willing to admit that the many (many many many many) predictions I made in these threads turned out to be 100% wrong.

But I'll be back with more regardless.

Achilles said...

Another thing that is going to be clear moving forward is that blue states without legitimate voting registration procedures have larded up the voter rolls. Nevada is looking particularly corrupt at the moment. California is a joke. The popular vote is going to reflect millions of "first time" immigrant voters. The Puerto Rico invasion almost turned Florida.

Andy said...

I am wondering how Scott Adams feels about now.

MayBee said...

Most pundits are, sadly, doubling down.

It's like introspection is a 4-letter word.

tastid212 said...

Mike Pence was an afterthought. Why?

khesanh0802 said...

Ann, Who will he nominate for the Supreme Court? The first really important issue.

DimeStoreDave said...

Jupiter at 7:39: +1.

CWJ said...

Obama's record of sinking everyone he's tried to help elect is intact.

dreams said...

A few years I read a book about Conrad Hilton and in that book I realized that Trump was an honorable man and not the man the public perceived. And even earlier, I saw that Trump was a man with some backbone when he stood up to that ugly bully Rosie O'Donnell and put a stop to her Terrorizing.

The crooked Democrats and the crooked media lost this time but I realized it isn't over till the crooked Dems and the crooked media say its over. The fight continues.

Once written, twice... said...

I predict Trump is going to want to spend federal money to build big things. Note that he never says that he is a conservative, fiscal or otherwise.

Sydney said...

I always thought he was the only one in the Republican primary who could beat Hillary, but I didn't think he would because I expected voter fraud to carry the day for the Dems. Their boots on the grounds fraudsters weren't invested in Hillary, though, the way they were for Obama. She still won all the urban areas, but turnout must have been lower there than it was for Obama.
I agree with others- first priority is to clean up the corruption. There are a lot of bureaucrats who need to be fired- IRS, Department of Justices, EPA at the top of the list. Any group that used their government power to persecute political enemies.

320Busdriver said...

Imagine if our politicians could get off the phones, off the planes, away from the fundraising, and actually just focus on governing.

11/9/16, 7:45 AM

If he carries through on his promise to get term limits for Congress he will have done that in large part.

I am watching for that as one of the greatest things he could do as President.

cacimbo said...

It has always been rumored in law enforcement that Hillary treated the Secret Service agents who guarded her like shit. Trump thanked them.They the blue collar workers of the campaign. They are who elected him.

CStanley said...

Reince Preiebus deserved the pat on the back but I wish he wouldn't have forgotten Pence (until the awkward moment at the end when he realized he'd forgotten to thank him.)

I'm sure I'm not the only one who was able to mark the 'X' in large part because of Pence's name appearing there.

Rusty said...

Once written, twice... said...
"I predict Trump is going to want to spend federal money to build big things. Note that he never says that he is a conservative, fiscal or otherwise."

You betcha! That's the ticket. Keep hope alive.
Have you met Shiloh?

shiloh said...

"and a tad weird."

Yes, the next (4) years will be a tad wierd!


"How did that happen?"

Elementary, er low voter turnout.

Many voters, mostly Dems, stayed home:

2008 ~ Obama = 69.5 million /// McCain = 60 milion

2012 ~ Obama = 66 million /// Romney = 61 million

2016 ~ Hillary = 59,137,478 /// Trump = 59,025,041 so far as the totals will increase slightly in the next few days.


So, even McCain and Willard, at this time got more votes than Trump!

And Obama got 9.5 million more votes than Trump in 2008 when the eligible voter base was smaller.

As always, America gets the govt it deserves and America's voters are basically lazy. Congrats!

Also, both Trump and Hillary did a really good job suppressing the vote ie both had yuuuuuge unfavorables.

It will be interesting watching Trump's job approval the next (4) years. Indeed, he's sooooo frickin' unlikable from the get-go as many who voted for him don't like him already.

Sarah from VA said...

I used to work for Federal News Service, that provided the transcript. Seeing the credit there at the top of the article made me SO GLAD that I don't work there anymore -- I remember being at the office into the early hours of the morning for campaign events and to transcribe the speeches from Obama and McCain in 2008. It really was unhealthy to be steeped so deeply in politics all the time.

Many of my friends are deeply, deeply upset about this election. I'm cautiously optimistic, hoping the checks and balances of our government will stave off Trump's worst impulses. Maybe the government will even shrink a little! (One can hope.)

MikeR said...

Trump was not my candidate, but now that he's won, I wonder: Maybe there will be no one better at _cleaning house_. He's supposed to be good at firing people, and that is what this country needs now more than anything else.

sunsong said...

God help us!!!

traditionalguy said...

The felt voters' connection to a President who leads by expressing victory as the goal and does that with intelligence and grace is not to be ridiculed. That work is the key force of good Leadership. If he/she is honest with us, and says we have to do a job to win, then we will follow him/her until we win.

Being honest with us has been the missing ingredient. Anger over that birthed the Tea Party. Ever since the Bush I and Clinton administrations, the New World Order Globalists had prided themselves on being master purveyors of myths to fool us. But the reality was only several big chances for them to grab great wealth for a chosen few cronies, but abandoned the rest of us.

After last night, we're back. And that is because we have honest leadership again.

Quaestor said...

How did it happen? The WaPost's media columnist, Margaret Sullivan, posted a column this morning that purports to explain it which explains every little, though she did manage to see clear one or two points.

On the matter of those wildly inaccurate polls Sullivan writes, After all, you never know who’ll show up to vote, especially when votes are being suppressed as never before.

Suppressed? Suppressed? What the fuck is Sullivan smoking? Those wildly inaccurate polls were designed by the MSM outlets like ABC, NBC, NYC, Bloomberg, etc. to suppress the Republican vote, to convince Joe Blow from Flint and Jane Doe from Kenosha that Trump's candidacy was hopeless and therefore not worth the effort to go to the polls. Luckily for America Joe Blow stopped believing the MSM before Trump announced his campaign.

The only people who were fooled were the hoaxsters themselves. The usual suspects like George Stephanopoulos and Cokie Roberts (when will that elderly woman grow up abandon that juvenile nickname?) were like a couple of Hitler toadies sequestered down in the Führerbunker waiting for illusory SS armies to come to their rescue — they believed their own propaganda.

dreams said...

Trump is a builder, he figures out how to get the job done and he has been successful.

shiloh said...

America was basically screwed regardless so the Trump phenomena is easy to understand.

Etienne said...

It seems to me, that Clinton spent millions on media, and Trump spent millions on Events at Conventions.

People got to hear him rant in real time, not in some recorded message from Hollywood producers and script writers.

Just an observation. Maybe nuttin to do wit nuttin.

Quaestor said...

God help us!!!

Perhaps he already did.

Time to grow up, sunsong.

Scott M said...

I'm not calling this one over and done until after she speaks publicly at 9:30 Eastern. Sure, there are reports she conceded to Trump via phone, but until she comes out and says it in front of all of us, it's not over.

damikesc said...

Trump gave a great speech. Hillary was too whiny to give one at all.

MikeR said...

Shiloh, all true, but how about a simple "Boy was I wrong!" We're all wrong sometimes, sometimes especially when we're sure we're right. It's not a shame. It's only a shame when we don't learn from it the next time.

khesanh0802 said...

I am too overjoyed to write anything very coherent here. I have enjoyed watching the evolution of many of the commenters here during the campaign. I think it reflects that thoughtful people were able to see the importance of this election and could see their way clear to vote for a leader who at once frightened and exhilarated them. As I have said many times this was an election pitting The People against the system. The People won!

Quaestor said...

America was basically screwed regardless so the Trump phenomena is easy to understand.

You're so insightful, shiloh. All of us who visit Althouse wait with bated breath for your guidance.

rehajm said...

Zeke Emmanuel was just on. Clearly, he still doesn't realize what just happened.

Big Mike said...

Preliminary analysis suggests that Trump increased the GOP share of the Hispanic vote. I wonder whether Democrats and their media enablers will rethink what it is that Hispanics want? Mexican President Pena Nieto is looking very prescient.

rcocean said...

Regarding the #nevertrumpers.

My advice to Trump:

Forgive your enemies. But first, get even.

MadisonMan said...

Camille Paglia's words from last week. Very apt today.

yet if Trump wins it will be an amazing moment of change because it would destroy the power structure of the Republican party, the power structure of the Democratic party and destroy the power of the media. It would be an incredible release of energy… at a moment of international tension and crisis.

Fabi said...

It's raining prog tears! But, please -- don't stop on account of me!

Fen said...

Shiloh: "Elementary, er low voter turnout. Many voters, mostly Dems, stayed home"

Poor analysis. You are comparing today's turnout with two Obama elections. Obama was an outlier. People came out to virtue signal they weren't racists by voting for an incompetent community organizer who was "the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean-cut"

No wait. My bad. Yes, it was all about low voter turnout. Go with that. See ya in 8 years.

shiloh said...

MikeR, it's obvious I was wrong and I already congratulated Althouse cons in the election night thread.

I was wrong, the polls were wrong, the predictors were wrong, the betting markets were wrong, the pundits were wrong and even Trump's own team, including Trump thought they were gonna lose as of yesterday morning.

Shit happens!

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Purge the DOJ. I love that Loretta Lynch will be out of a job soon. She better, anyway.

Quaestor said...

Also, both Trump and Hillary did a really good job suppressing the vote ie both had yuuuuuge unfavorables.

Turn your yuuuuuuge brain to defending that indefensible claim. There was a voter suppression effort in play, but it was entirely on behalf of Hillary. That effort came from the MSM which, in coordination with the Clinton campaign, slanted their own polls in order to discourage the Republicans and decrease their turnout.

Fen said...

Regarding the #nevertrumpers. My advice to Trump: Forgive your enemies. But first, get even.

Yup. Forgive them in public, hang them in private. They are unprincipled cowards, and Vanity - the fear of being publicly shamed by Chris Mathews - is the cause of many a GOP retreat. Remind them there are worse things to be fearful of.

shiloh said...

"and destroy the power of the media"

Trump was created by the media ie he was on cable tv 24/7 throughout his campaign. Free advertising ~ supply and demand!

Quaestor said...

and even Trump's own team, including Trump thought they were gonna lose as of yesterday morning.

Wrong again, shiloh.

rehajm said...

Purge the DOJ. I love that Loretta Lynch will be out of a job soon. She better, anyway.

I hope she's also out of a passport before she makes it to Julian Assagnge's old room at the Ecuadorian Embassy...

Valentine Smith said...

Nothing stuck to him. Nothing.

Trump will surprise everyone. As acceptance seeps in over the next 6 months or so, I think a shift will take place unifying the center-left and center-right in giving support to Trump. The antithesis of the aloof Obama, the country is starved for a no nonsense, tell it like it is leader.

Over at the Times Krugman pulled his hair out last night and the rest of the Opinion blog joined him in demonstrating their utter contempt for and smug superiority to us "racist woman hating Neanderthals." Petulant childishness reigns at the Times!

Fen said...

Shiloh: "the polls were wrong, the predictors were wrong, the betting markets were wrong, the pundits were wrong"

If I owned CNN and Wapo, I would fire all the pundits tomorrow. They are too out of touch with America to be given a platform for their ignorant opinions. Worse, they blinded you with false and misleading information, sometimes deliberately so.

But ah, its so nice to see Corruption eat it's own. This is why things like Integrity and Honesty are important, Shiloh. Its not about some Moral High Horse, it's about protecting yourself from falls like the one you just experienced.

chickelit said...

dreams said...Trump is a builder, he figures out how to get the job done and he has been successful.

There is a dichotomy in chemistry as in life: synthesis v. analysis. One involves building things...building things up. The other involves breaking things into pieces, tearing things down.

For far too long now, we've over-emphasized analysis: news analysis, opinion analysis, etc.

Quaestor said...

Shit happens!

You're implying this is some kind of fluke, aren't you, shiloh? Wrong again!! Anyone with more than two neurons in his skull knows why this happened. It's called hubris.

Bruce Hayden said...

One of the things that I always liked about Trump was that he appreciated what the little people did in the world. The working class. I was impressed with his post-convention speech, where he gave call outs and thanks to the police, Secret Service, and other security, the construction people who built the stage, etc. That alone would have gotten my vote, esp. after all the stories about how Crooked Hillary dealt with them, esp. when she was in the White House (she apparently had a rule that none of the "help" made eye contact with her, and moved to the side of the hall, with eyes down, when she would be coming - big contrast to George W. Bush, who knew all their names, about their families, etc.) She is a vicious piece of work (hidden, of course, by her MSM enablers). By all reports, the Secret Service despises her, her security at the State Department despised her (and only those too junior to get other assignments got the duty of protecting her).

shiloh said...

"Integrity and Honesty are important"

Even Trump is laughing at ^^^^^^^^^^.

Fen said...

"Over at the Times Krugman - "

Resist the urge to correct him. I prefer our enemies remain ignorant and intellectually lazy. Don't give them intel they can use to make corrections. We dodged a bullet last night. We may not get another chance.

Fen said...

Shiloh: "Even Trump is laughing at"

Yes, that's it. Mock your salvation. Stay corrupt and dishonest. The real reason you lost is because America hates women and blacks. And the poor.

"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst." - C.S. Lewis

Quaestor said...

Trump was created by the media ie he was on cable tv 24/7 throughout his campaign. Free advertising ~ supply and demand!

Wrong again, shiloh!! (You're wrong on a big fat zero, son...)

Trump was created by Obama, not deliberately mind you, but the gods always punish hubris through Nemesis, who struck again last night.

MikeR said...

"We dodged a bullet last night. We may not get another chance." Word.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I didn't think Trump could do it. I was wrong.
I have been #Never-Hillary for 24 years. Even though I knew Obama was a disaster, I found a secret satisfaction when he defeated her in 2008. I was so hoping we were finally rid of her.

Hillary Clinton is pure evil. She is a pathological liar. The Clintons pocketed $250 million dollars since they left the white house the first time. They are grifters, money grubbers and they will sell anyone down the river for a buck - including the American people.

I never liked Trump, because he was an elbow rubber who fancied Hillary right up until he didn't. That said - I hope Trump keeps his promise to drain the swamp.

It needs draining.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I like that he used the word beautiful.

traditionalguy said...

Trump was accredited last night to be an honest servant who will carry our message with diligence. That kind of politician is scarce. The rest of them only go to DC to grab some wealth from their wealthy owners.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It would be an incredible release of energy…

Why some people I think are smart think that Camille Paglia is smart is a complete mystery to me.

Michael K said...

But they are fantastic people, so I want to thank the Secret Service.
That struck me as unusual.

In an excellent biography of Reagan called, "Riding with Reagan," by his Secret Service guy, he relates a story of Inauguration Day when Nancy called him by his first name. Rosslyn Carter turned to her and said, "You know their names ?" After four years, the Carters did not know the names of the agents who protected them and spent all day with them for years.

The agent who wrote the book was the only member of the Secret Service who could ride when Reagan won the election and was assigned to them. He stayed with them after the presidency until he retired. Do you suppose they will draw straws to see who stays with Hillary ?

Bruce Hayden said...

What is going to be interesting with Crooked Hillary is what happens next. I am expecting a Presidential pardon from Obama as he leaves office. Expect that it has already been bought and paid for by the Clintons helping Obama get connected to the big post-Presidency money. We shall see. And, despite her many federal crimes, I think that it would be a good thing for the country. I don't think that we really need prosecuting the losing candidate for President as the new norm. And, we don't need people running for the Presidency as the only way to stave off prison time, which is what we essentially had here. If she gets a pardon though, it should be interesting to see how far down the pardons go - Bill? Cheryl? Huma? Chelsea? Her maid? Weiner? Etc. Talking about Huma and Weiner, maybe Huma can get back with Weiner now, give him some matrimonial attention, and help him kick his addiction.

The other issue though are her health issues. Also, studiously hidden and covered up by the MSM. My memory is that Bill had to help her a day or two ago, as she staggered. I do think that her health really is declining (and her probably being an alcoholic probably doesn't help). Right now, I am not sure that she could physically stand trial for her illegal activities. I wasn't expecting her to serve out her first term, if she had been elected last night - which would have left us with that nasty piece of work of a VP.

320Busdriver said...

Have Babs and Cher bought their plane tix yet.

I may have to send them some $

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My favorite thing about Trump is his love for our Vets.

I hope he follows thru. The way we treat our vets is disgusting.

320Busdriver said...

Dow is up...for now

Michael K said...

" a liquidation of current government spending targets,"

Selling off millions of acres of BLM land would be a start. Start with the Bundys.

Bob Ellison said...

Quaestor said...

Those wildly inaccurate polls were designed by the MSM outlets like ABC, NBC, NYC, Bloomberg, etc. to suppress the Republican vote...

I saw Prof. Larry Sabato, one of the most widely respected pollsters around, on Fox News this morning. His repeated assessment was that he and all of the pollsters were wildly wrong. He said he didn't have egg on his face; he had a whole omelette. Asked what he'd tell his students next class, he said they'd probably ask for better grades, since they'll give him an F.

He also said all pollsters are gonna have to revise their models. That echoes what KellyAnne Conaway, Trump's campaign manager and pollster, has been saying. She says inside pollsters like her know the major models were wrong and out-of-date.

Seems right to me, and I admire Sabato for rushing out to admit that his industry requires reform.

Michael K said...

"Trump was created by the media ie he was on cable tv 24/7 throughout his campaign."

Well, at least you're alive this morning, shiloh. I was worried about you. Not much, but some.

Jeff said...

What happened yesterday? I think a lot of people had an experience like mine. I expected Clinton would win and I fully intended to vote for Gary Johnson because I agree with him on the issues. But when I got my paper ballot yesterday and started to fill it in, I found myself almost automatically voting for Trump. It was, in the end, the thought of listening to that cackling, hectoring witch for the next four years that pushed me over the edge.

When the outcome became clear last night, my wife told me she was deeply satisfied that Hillary Clinton's 50 years of lies, machinations and scheming had all come to naught. When she's right, she's right.

Michael K said...

"And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it."

Yes, with lots of "burly men" finally getting to do something. The "Stimulus" of Obama was walking around money for leftist supporters.

A legitimate purpose of government is building roads and bridges. Feeding illegal immigrants ? Not so much. Watch priorities flip 180.

wendybar said...

Jeff said...
What happened yesterday? I think a lot of people had an experience like mine. I expected Clinton would win and I fully intended to vote for Gary Johnson because I agree with him on the issues. But when I got my paper ballot yesterday and started to fill it in, I found myself almost automatically voting for Trump. It was, in the end, the thought of listening to that cackling, hectoring witch for the next four years that pushed me over the edge.
Same here!!! I wasn't going to vote for him, but after Comey came out and let her off the hook again, I really didn't know what to do...but I KNOW I did not want HER to I voted Trump....

Quaestor said...

[Sabato] also said all pollsters are gonna have to revise their models.

They're going to have to revise their souls first.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The FBI must continue to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

buwaya said...

Nukes! Nukes! Nukes!
Electricity at 5cents kw/h retail!

OK, probably not. Hope is a liar, at this point.
But maybe someday.

Darrell said...

Note that he never says that he is a conservative, fiscal or otherwise.

I have seen that Trump is still able to learn from his mistakes. He got his news from and trusted the MSM. No more. He is consulting the people that have shown that they know what they are talking about.

hombre said...

Who'd have ever thought we'd be grateful for a President Trump? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Chuck said...

Hey Fabi!

The first exit polling report that I have seen shows African-American voter turnout was low (exactly as I predicted) and that about 13% of black men voted for Trump and about 4% of black women voted for Trump.

Also interesting, but not a subject for our wagering, is that Trump may actually have done better among Latino voters than Mitt Romney did.

Darrell said...

Fuck off, Chuck. Seldom has anyone ever been as wrong as you were. Forget trying to sound like an expert now.

Paul said...

Hey Chuck, you also predicted Trump would lose in a landslide and that any other candidate could beat her, but not Trump.

Hey Chuck. Fuck. You.

ga6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SayAahh said...

The Secret Service should be grateful they won't be cursed at, yelled at and bossed around by the harridan.

Trump's first mistake was not officially and effusively recognizing Pence. No excuses for that.

steve uhr said...

How long before Roe v Wade and a constitutional right to gay marriage are reversed. Seems unlikely dems will get back the senate in 2018.

Sad day for USA.

Darrell said...

Sad day for U.

PoNyman said...

He didn't sound like a politician. He sounded like my CEO when we are planning on moving the company in a slightly different direction or having a shake up.

Chuck said...

I predicted Trump would lose, despite my voting for him. I was wrong about that. I predicted 51 or 52 Republicans in the U.S. Senate. I was right about that.

I said all along that I would feel an odd sense of relief, if Trump won. And I do, now. Thank goodness for Senate Republicans picking a Supreme Court justice to replace Scalia.

What I said about Clinton was that she was a terrible candidate, who would not enjoy the freakish turnout that Obama got among black voters. I thought she was tremendously beatable all along. I feared that Trump would not get that done. But he did.

I think it is clear, that Trump won -- despite earlier polls showing him losing -- because mainstream Republicans largely returned to partisan loyalty despite their personal loathing (including my own personal loathing) of Trump.

Lost My Cookies said...

When the drumbeat of the media is to call supporters of one candidate racists and misogynists and xenophobes, the media shouldn't be surprised when those supporters lie about who they are voting for to the media's pollsters.

Jaq said...

Well, it seems that it has been already conclusively proven that it was RAAACISM!

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Fuck off, Chuck. Seldom has anyone ever been as wrong as you were. Forget trying to sound like an expert now.

And you could have bet me on the result! But you didn't!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

How did that happen?

Providence, and the fact that the Democrat party nominated Hillary.

Also, I kept seeing polling stating that 70+ percent of the nation felt that we were on the wrong track. Hillary was the status quo candidate.

Were are you Capitan Hindsight?

Jaq said...

Oh we of little faith.

Alexander said...

I am not the most active commenter, but I believe I may have been the first to be unquestionably and unshakably on the Trump train.

A good night. Once Florida was called for Trump even with a Hispanic surge, I started feeling really good about PA and MI. I thought Wisconsin and Oregon (and Minnesota, but actually less so) were long shot: so for Wisconsin to be called first and really clinch it (unofficially) was very, very nice!

It's been a great ride. Choo-choo! But this was Stalingrad, Hillary surrounded and crushed but there's still a long journey ahead of us. Time to take the second step to Make America Great Again.

dreams said...

And a big shout out to Senator Mitch McConnell for standing firm on not allowing Merrick Garland to get a vote.

"Q: With Donald Trump as the president-elect and the Republicans still in control of the Senate, what does that mean for Garland?

A: Absent something wildly unexpected, Garland will go back to being Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit, and, after inauguration, Trump will nominate someone new to fill the vacancy. He’s put out two lists of prospective nominees, both primarily populated by conservative sitting judges. The women on the lists are especially interesting, given Trump's electoral deficit among women voters. So you have to imagine that Justice Joan Larsen, of the Michigan Supreme Court and a former law clerk to Justice Scalia, would be high on the list the transition team will look at. A less well-known but very intriguing possibility is Margaret Ryan, a former active-duty Marine, law clerk to Justice Thomas, and judge on the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces."

n.n said...

The dawn of a new day, a fresh perspective.

dreams said...

"Fuck off, Chuck. Seldom has anyone ever been as wrong as you were. Forget trying to sound like an expert now."

Chuck being Chuck as he continues to upchuck.

steve uhr said...

The only reason he won is his opponent was horrendous. And he couldn't even win the popular vote.

So his kids will now run his global businesses. No conflict there.

glam1931 said...

I attended Trump's Sarasota rally Monday morning. After his grueling seven-state tour Sunday, I expected him to be dragging, but he bounded onto the stage with a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye (and on time!) and gave us the full one-hour speech, complete with great ad-libs and improvisations with the locals, then jetted off. I watched him give variations of the same speech throughout the day in numerous locations. I am convinced he knew something we didn't, that his internal polling was looking very good. I will treasure that experience and the camera full of photos I took for the rest of my life. Historic! Yuge!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I shouldn't post this, but:

Dude1394 said...

I was really happy to see him thank Reince Preiebus because he stood up for the republican party, kicked the ridiculous nevertrumpers to the curb and stood up for the Republican Voters who nominated Trump.

Michael K said...

I will treasure that experience and the camera full of photos I took for the rest of my life. Historic! Yuge!

I envy you. He had a rally not far from my home but I was concerned about violence by Soros mobs and the crowds were huge.

I don;t walk long distances well anymore.

Chuck said...

steve uhr said...
How long before Roe v Wade and a constitutional right to gay marriage are reversed. Seems unlikely dems will get back the senate in 2018.

Sad day for USA.

Good points.

People talked about the replacement of perhaps three SCOTUS justices. That was based on a different calculus; that if Hillary had won the election, she'd replace Scalia, and then Ginsburg would voluntarily retire so as to make her replacement another Dem nominee. And when all that dust settled, Breyer would do the same so as to create a more youthful presence as his replacement.

It's always possible that somebody as old as Kennedy could become too ill to serve; but I suspect that the personal loathing of Trump by the current members of the Court might actually limit the number of nominations that President Trump might get. We might see an aged Ginsburg and Kennedy hold out until 2020 if they possibly can.

Michael K said...

Trump will nominate someone new to fill the vacancy.

I would like to see him nominate Janice Rogers Brown.

Bush nominated her in 2003 and the Democrats blocked the first black woman just as they filibustered Miguel Estrada who would have been the first Hispanic. She is older but I would still like to see it now.

Michael K said...

My wife is still walking around saying "I can't believe it!"

We went to bed last night and I was optimistic. She had no idea.

Chuck said...

So you have to imagine that Justice Joan Larsen, of the Michigan Supreme Court and a former law clerk to Justice Scalia, would be high on the list the transition team will look at.

I was at a RNLA reception with Justice Larsen two weeks ago. She's far less ideologically conservative than I'd like. She has an extremely short paper trail, having only been recently appointed to the Michigan Supreme Court. She was not a trial or appellate judge, and she has not published a lot. She'd be better than any Democrat nominee for sure. She's 48, which is a nice age for a nominee that you'd like to occupy a seat for decades.

mikee said...

When in 2012 Obama, much to my surprise, won his second term, I made a $100 bet with my wife that Hillary would be the next president. I did so in the fully cynical assumption that the US was absolutely beyond redemption, in the hands of corrupt government and corrupt business and corrupt culture.

It is with great pleasure that today I have to go to the bank and get a nice crisp $100 bill to pay my wife her winnings.

Maybe, if I am humble enough about it, she will use it to take us both out to eat somewhere nice.

Michael said...

Steve Uhr

Trump is a NY Democrat with very liberal social views. He is not going to go after Roe and he has zero animus towards gays. Take a deep breath. He is a businessman who will focus first on getting the economy rolling. He isn't a guy who is going to say "we won" and then take off in such a way as to win legislation without a single Democrat vote.

Birkel said...

...said Chuck, who supported Hillary Clinton and lied about it.

Jeff said...

Birkel, Chuck has been pretty consistently anti-Hillary all along. Like me, he was also anti-Trump all along, but he was not a never-Trumper. He said all along that if he had to choose between Clinton and Trump, he'd choose Trump. And that's what he did. I don't understand why you want to misrepresent his views the way you do.

Birkel said...

I do not believe Chuck.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I've never been so happy to be wrong. Whatever happens from here on out, I will always be grateful to Trump, and Obama, for keeping Hillary Clinton out of the presidency.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"How long before Roe v Wade and a constitutional right to gay marriage are reversed. Seems unlikely dems will get back the senate in 2018.

Sad day for USA"

Oh, the humanity! One of the things I despise most about liberals is their constant preening melodrama. Trump doesn't give a shit about abortion or gays.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Birkel! Up a rope I pissed last night so feel free to advise I do so again, but come on man, you won! No one is trying to steal credit. You believed and you fought and you won. People doubted you and people mocked you but you won! Chuck is not trying to steal your glory, no one here is.
Chuck voted for Trump! In the end you got his vote on your side, too, and it is with voted that Trump won. There is no need for you to go after him now.
If any of us, the Ines who didn't ve Trump could do it, offer similar assertions in the near future then should you pounce--at that point please attack us and call us names and point out his wring we were (how stupid we were/are, etc). But not now, man, you won!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I honestly don't know what to do about Reince. The RNC seemed like such a clusterfuck and it is outrageous that they agreed to these partisan debate moderators, etc...but damned if he didn't find a way to win. What happens to the RNC now?!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I agree, dreams, 3 cheers for McConnell!

eddie willers said...

you might consider giving a Congressional Medal of Honor... Matt Drudge.

Lyle Smith said...

Great victory speech. It was just real. Nothing weird about it.

Bruce Hayden said...

My wife is still walking around saying "I can't believe it!"

We went to bed last night and I was optimistic. She had no idea.

My partner didn't want to know. I kinda morbidly did, so would sneak downstairs every hour or two last night to check up on things, then stayed up last night until they called it for Trump. This morning I told her I had good news and bad news. The good news was Trump winning. The bad news was George Soros beating Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County for sheriff. My suggestion to you is to drive around PHX, not through it, on your way to/from Tucson, after the new sheriff there takes office. Maybe cut down to I-8, which ties into I-10 at Casa Grande.

SukieTawdry said...

Do you suppose they will draw straws to see who stays with Hillary?

The way I hear it, guarding Hillary has always been considered punishment duty.

Hillary carried DC with 93 percent of the vote. 93 percent. Talk about a swamp that needs to be drained. And they want us to make it a state.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Too bad about Sheriff Joe. What next for him? Arizona senator or governor ? Maybe he would be a good choice for Trump to pick for head of DHS?

Etienne said...

One last observation - Clinton did not do any press conferences.

But this may have been a requirement, in order to reward the Progressive media to front her campaign, and not confuse the message.

cf said...

Thank you, Ms. Althouse, for your contribution to the understanding of what now seems a most magnificent tidal wave change.

and Godspeed, America haha!

Biff said...

The remarks about the Secret Service were slightly unusual. I agree that it sent a strong, intentional signal to law enforcement. I also suspect that there was something more personal to it than that. My guess is that quite a few threats have been made against Trump's life, and there is something about those threats that makes the Secret Service take them very seriously. When I've seen clips of the Secret Service in action on Trump's detail, they seem to be much more intense and focused on the crowd than what I've seen on most other details.

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