November 20, 2016

Tim Ryan wants Democrats to stop getting sidetracked.

On today's "State of the Union," Jake Tapper interviewed Tim Ryan, the Democratic Congressman from Ohio's 13th District who is challenging Nancy Pelosi for the position of House Minority Leader. Ryan's central point was that Democrats needs to be focused on economics and not sidetracked by "things like the Zika virus and other issues."

Ryan won his district, but so did Donald Trump, a fact that Ryan uses to promote himself as someone who understands the people who voted for Trump but can be brought "back into the fold." A "fold" is an enclosure for sheep:

Tapper asked him if he thought Democrats in Congress "should try to cooperate with Donald Trump and work with him on" some issues, and Ryan — with lots of caveats — said "we will look for places to work with him."

Tapper asked him about Keith Ellison the Minnesota Congressman who's going for chair of Democratic National Committee. Tapper plays a clip of Ellison being asked "why doesn't your party come out against the Second Amendment?" and answering "I sure wish they would. I sure wish they would." Tapper asks whether that is "the appropriate leadership for the DNC?" and his answer had us laughing at loud:
Well, that's not my decision entirely to make. I really don't have a horse in that fight. 
The standard expression is "I don't have a dog in that fight." But the idea of a horse fight is less funny to me now as I am not sitting in my comfy chair watching television but standing at my desk with the internet at my fingers. I see there really is a spectator sport of horse fighting that has gone on for hundreds of years and involves the kind of gambling that causes people to say "I don't have a dog in that fight."
To start the competition, two stallions are brought in. A mare in heat is then presented to them and (1) removed and kept nearby for her scent or (2) tied in the middle of the ring to keep the stallions fighting. Stallions who do not immediately go into battle for the mare are whipped into a fury or gunshots fired to incite them through fear. As the stallions rise in combat, they bite, kick and strike each other with their hooves, inflicting serious wounds and injuries until one of them either succumbs or is killed. The stallion left standing is declared the winner.
I'm sorry I laughed at that.

Anyway, what about Tim Ryan's lack of a position on the Second Amendment? He wants to lead the Democrats in the House. Tapper asks how he can stand back and say it's for others to decide. Ryan says his position is "not to get rid of the Second Amendment" or, as he puts it a moment later, "not to give away the Second Amendment," which sounds to me as though it means don't give away the issue of the Second Amendment to the GOP. Ryan desperately tries to bring the subject back to his central issue — economics:
But on the issue of gun violence, why do we have violence in our inner cities? It's economics.... Poverty, middle-class wages, gun violence, things that happen in rural America, these are economic issues that the Democratic Party has lost its way. 
If only people had economic well-being, they wouldn't do bad things with guns? But what about the people who want to defend themselves from the "gun violence" of others? If only everyone were well-off economically, there would be nothing you'd have to defend yourself from. Make that happen, and we're set.

Now, back into the fold, Trumpies.


Tank said...

But on the issue of gun violence, why do we have violence in our inner cities? It's economics....

Give that man the Stupidest Moron Award.

He can't say the answer out loud. They would boo him at Hamilton.

Yancey Ward said...

I think political correctness explains the "horse in that fight". This isn't the first time in the last 10 years I have heard that phrase, and the first time I heard it, I thought it was a unintentional mishmash of "dog in that fight" and "horse in that race". However, as I have heard it multiple times now, I think it might actually all go back to the Michael Vick conviction for being a member of a dog-fighting ring- you are almost better off being a member of the KKK than being a dog-fighting enthusiast.

Yancey Ward said...

Tim Ryan has no chance of deposing Pelosi, even though she should be deposed.

Rae said...

I was almost concerned about the dems replacing Pelosi. Now I'm reassured that either choice will be ineffective.

Greg Hlatky said...

Why do we have violence in our inner cities?

Because, as we have seen after Election Day, members of solid Democratic groups have poor impulse control.

mockturtle said...

Poverty has been blamed for everything from teen pregnancy to terrorism. And that's so much horseshit.

David Begley said...

Ryan is obviously clueless on many levels but let me focus on this quote, "things like the Zika virus and other issues."

Zika - if unchecked by the new GMO mosquitos - is going to create a humanitarian and economic crisis of unprecedented proportions and I am not one for hyperbole. The party of science can't see this developing and their looney Lefties in Florida are fighting against the the science solution. Just Google for some pictures of babies infected by the virus. Millions to care for them. It will doubly bankrupt Puerto Rico.

There will be huge blowback against politicians who don't act. I predict Disney will buy the Oxitec solution to protect its investments in Orlando. This disaster is all avoidable and idiots like Ryan should pay the price.

rehajm said...

Mixing metaphors is signaling you're one of the cool kids. This stuff isn't rocket surgery.

Yancey Ward said...

rehajm wins the day.

tcrosse said...

Well, Pelosi is a rich white woman, although I remember when people with Italian names were not considered 'White'. Being rich saves her from the obloquy of being an other-than-rich white woman who went 53% for Drumpf. (That Drumpf thing is sooo brilliant. Like I totally never would have come up with that on my own. Because, he's like super super stupid, you know, and I'm like, it's sooo incredible. )

YoungHegelian said...

The Left Wing of the Democratic Party, after Sanders getting shafted by the DNC followed by HRC's electoral defeat, now has the moral high-ground in the Democratic Party. The absolutely serious proposal to make Rep. Ellison head the DNC shows that the Democrats are probably gearing up for a multi-year wandering in the electoral desert, just as in the post McGovern days of yore.

The Clintonistas were the "moderate" wing of the Democratic Party. The Clinton machine failed, & did so big time, thus disemboweling the moderate wing. But the moderate wing is where the money is. It's also where the votes are in those areas that are still true blue. So, who's the knight in shining armor who saves the moderates?

My guess: the Obamas. I bet that the Obama clan will attempt to build a "moderate" machine just like the Clintons did. They already have the organization in place. All they need is the wad of cash that the Clintons had, which, with Trump in the WH, they probably soon obtain. Once, it was only Barry who stood between the bankers & the mob with pitchforks. Now, it will be Team Obama standing between the poor & oppressed Hollywood limousine liberals & Fascism's inexorable descent onto Rodeo Drive.

rehajm said...

"we will look for places to work with him."

The only place where you should look is in the slipstream of where he's getting great shit done. Everyplace else is a waste of your and everyone's time.

Yrjooe said...

Scott Auckerman did an impressive expose on horsefighting on his show on IFC. It's worth a look.

320Busdriver said...

On MTP ChuckR Todd had Bernie Sanders on who, on multiple occasions, claimed that he would continue fighting for the "important" issues like global warming.

Or maybe it was Larry David on SNL where I saw that.

I say, put ole Bernie in charge. He works. For "us".

Leora said...

It would be great to have the minority and the majority leader both named Ryan.

khesanh0802 said...

@Young Hegelian I don't know where you've been the last 8 years, but Obama is anything but moderate. He falls much more into the Bernie/Pocahontas wing than the old Clinton wing that expired in 2000. He just shows a little more verbal restraint than Bernie and Pocahontas and probably is a bit more sly. I think he is lazy and it will take a lot for him to really get into the fray. I think he will resist on Obamacare, but even there he basically admitted in the Remnick article that if the concept of universal coverage is maintained the R's are free to address the rest of the ACA. The man, though devious, is not stupid. He understands that many of the things he has done are stretches and are disliked by a lot of people. There will be too many fights for him to waste his golf time on. Frankly, I won't blame him. He has served his tour of duty no matter how poorly we think he did.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Comedy Bang Bang - Calvin Brothers Horse Fighting

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If only everyone were well-off economically, there would be nothing you'd have to defend yourself from.

There will always be mares in heat to fight over. Or mares in heat that need to fight off stallions.

Ann Althouse said...

"Mixing metaphors is signaling you're one of the cool kids. This stuff isn't rocket surgery."


But no one looking at Tim Ryan would ever call him a "cool kid."

Bill said...

Zikia -- in the wake of the election, Florida is going ahead with the GM mosquitos. Better late than never.

David Begley said...


Just one jurisdiction and I knew about that result. Just watch. The Left will fight everywhere. The real and first problem is in PR. Nothing effective fighting Zikatgefe at all.

YoungHegelian said...


I don't know where you've been the last 8 years, but Obama is anything but moderate.

By our standards, no.

By the standards of the Democratic Party of 2016, Obama is a raving conservative. I mean, the man even directed his people to co-operate fully with the Trump transition team! I mean, can you believe it? He's not only gone conservative. He's gone eeeeeeeeeeeevil!

Such things are being said on the left wing of the Democratic Party. I mean, do our resident lefties here have any love for Obama? No, not in the least. Cookie thinks he's as much of a war criminal as W.

I also think that as the finance industry & limousine liberal dollars start flowing in to the brand new Barack's Gonna Set You Straight Lightworker Foundation to Stop the Oceans From Rising, we'll see the Obama's discover more & more of their inner "moderate".

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Wild Horses" by the singular Gram Parsons.

Joe said...

What Tim Ryan believes and what he has to say for any chance at the leadership are different things.

Fernandinande said...

That is one ugly horse.

"I don't have a horse in that race"

Guildofcannonballs said...
"Wild Horses" by the singular Gram Parsons.


traditionalguy said...

This guy understands our politics. He says it's the scent of money that is the economic motivator behind the competing Government Stallions and the weapons arming enforcers needed by the the Drug Dealer economy that cannot sue each other.

The Money buys the cars and lifestyle which in turn attracts the women and the politicians.

The Clintons just did this at a high level using Saudi Petro dollars.

David Begley said...

And just so everyone knows, Keith Ellison was a longtime vocal member of the Nation of Islam; a real racist organization. The MSM refuses to cover this. But Scott Johnson at Power Line has the full story. The Dems are idiots. Wait until all those voters Hillary lost figure out who this guy is.

Bruce Hayden said...

He is right - the Dems really, really, don't want to try gun control in Congress right now. Esp. a Congressman from Ohio. Fine for Pelosi and Ellison, but not good for a guy from Ohio whose district apparently went for Trump. Sen. Feinstein tried for an AWB, maybe even worse than the one that Bill Clinton signed into law, and it went nowhere. That was under 40-60 in a Dem controlled Senate. Now? I think that the big action this time around is going to be removing silencers (titled something like the "Hearing Protection Act of 2017") and SBRs from the 1934 NFA, and maybe nation wide concealed carry reciprocity - most of the country is now "shall issue", and the deep blue states resisting this are a distinct minority, but cause inordinate grief for the rest of the country when people travel through them with permits from other states. Obama likely would have vetoed that legislation, but Trump apparently has a concealed carry permit, so would very likely sign into law.

Dog fighting is bad, but horse fighting, in my view, is worse. That coming from a horse lover, of course (not that I don't like dogs, but don't get nearly as emotional about them). He should have stuck with not having a horse in the race, instead of alluding to two stallions fighting over a mare. From my point of view, people who engage in, or follow, dog fighting are bad, but those who engage in horse fighting are really, really, bad. That he would even bring up the subject negatively disposes me to him.

glenn said...

If we had real newspapers they would be zeroing in on Ellison's past statements about Israel. Sadly we don't, and they just proved it.

JCCamp said...

Choosing Rep Ellison was DNC chairman seems like a loser of a choice. Even if the party pragmatists eventually turn left and embrace Sanders' loony version of socialism, I cannot see them gaining much except in the states they already own. I'm surprised at Schumer endorsing Ellison Was this something along the lines of an anti-Dean choice, meant to cut off Howard at the pass?

From a right-wing point of view, Ellison is a good choice, since it seems to confirm that the Whack-jobs will remain in control for another couple of years.

Ryan would probably be a better pick for the Democrats in Congress, rather than Pelosi and her undoubted coming obstruction. Ryan would presumably try to find accommodation in places, and let the Dems take credit for working with President, rather than spend his days talking about white supremacists like we are likely to experience. But I assume he has a better chance of becoming the lead singer in Hamilton than becoming House Minority Leader.

Bob Boyd said...

When asked if he could work with Trump, an acused misogynist, Ryan replied, "I don't have a cat in that fight."

Bob Boyd said...

Horse fighting isn't for everyone. If you're interested, it's better to start small...take in a pony fight...go from there.

traditionalguy said...

Was it Catherine The Great they say fought a stallion and the stallion won?

Jaq said...

Nancy Pelosi, the "Majority Maker" long may she reign. We can say stuff like this because the lefties can read it, but they can't understand it. As somebody said:

"And the words they will use,
for to get the ship confused,
will not be understood as they're spoken!"

They figured that was a good thing!

Sebastian said...

@YH: "I bet that the Obama clan will attempt to build a "moderate" machine just like the Clintons did. They already have the organization in place. All they need is the wad of cash that the Clintons . . . I also think that as the finance industry & limousine liberal dollars start flowing in to the brand new Barack's Gonna Set You Straight Lightworker Foundation to Stop the Oceans From Rising, we'll see the Obama's discover more & more of their inner "moderate." Now wait a minute, it's all well and good to impersonate my alter ego on this blog, but this is going too far -- I predicted this months ago. Though Lightworker Foundation has the right ring. Gotta work Michelle into the name though -- her threat to run for office is gonna be central to the scam.

Big Mike said...

I mean, the man even directed his people to co-operate fully with the Trump transition team! I mean, can you believe it?

@YoungHegelian, I thought by now everyone knew to ignore what Obama says and wait to see what he actually does. I anticipate that the cooperation will be substantially less than promised.

Meade said...

Dr. rehajm: You know, I'm a rather brilliant rocket surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that crook in your, uh, rocket.

Bill Clinton: What crook?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Yes. Do not argue with yourself because of a troll son.

Just, yeah.

You find me some horse fightin' for a Stones song you win, but you won't dear boy, you most certainly will not.

YoungHegelian said...

@Big Mike,

I anticipate that the cooperation will be substantially less than promised.

Oh, I expect so, too. In fact, I believe that one of the defining features of the Obama administration was that he quickly lost control of his minions, & the second, third, & fourth tier lefties started running riot.

But, he did actually say it, which no doubt caused more than a little heartburn in some of the loftier precincts of the Democratic Party.

Bob Boyd said...

Dr. rehajm: You know, I'm a rather brilliant rocket surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that crook in your, uh, rocket.

Bill Clinton: No one can straighten out Hillary.

Joe said...

"I'm surprised at Schumer endorsing Ellison"

Live by PC, die by PC.

Quaestor said...

What crook?

Two references to "Young Frankenstein" in 18 hours. Cool.

Too bad Tim Ryan isn't quite the wit, then he could have done this scene in reference to BLM, Fuck Trump! etc...

Jupiter said...

The "straying sheep" is a common Christian metaphor. Like the Good Shepherd. Of course, the idea that the Son of God knows more about my welfare than I do is one thing. The suggestion that Tim Ryan does is another.

Bob said...

The last time the Dems had control of the House was a result of Rahm Emanuel welcoming "Blue Dog" Democrats into the party who supported gun rights. These Blue Dogs were instrumental in getting Obamacare passed, and lost their seats because of it, and Pelosi at the time expressed satisfaction at getting rid of them, since they stunk up *her party* with their nassssty gun rights advocacy. That marked the end of the period in which the Democrats actively courted the White Working Class that had its revenge earlier this month.

Jon Ericson said...

We are poor
little sheep
who have lost
our way.
baa, baa, baa.

Sigivald said...

Ah, Democrats.

Party of civil rights and the Constitution.

Except for, you know, the Second Amendment, openly.

And Clinton running on "stack the Court to overturn Citizens United", or "screw the First Amendment, too".

Makes one wonder why she lost,eh?

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