November 22, 2016

The Clintons have "been through enough" Trump reportedly says, and Kellyanne Conway confirms that his administration won't pursue a criminal investigation.

This sounds like the right approach to me. I don't like the victor in an election using his new power against the person he defeated. I said the same thing about the idea that Barack Obama should pursue criminal charges against George W. Bush. You might remember me standing up to forcible pushback by Jane Hamsher (of FireDogLake) back in September 2008 (who couldn't believe that I, a law professor, didn't believe in enforcing the law to the last letter):

As for the Clintons, don't forget that House Republicans have had their investigation going for quite some time. If Trump really did want the Clintons prosecuted, it might make the best sense to look as though it wasn't his agenda at all, but a longstanding effort in Congress that is simply taking its proper course. But now that Hillary Clinton has suffered the shocking defeat in the election, will the House keep up that work? I see a report from November 13:
Following Donald Trump’s Election Day win, GOP legislators in the House will no longer focus their energies on investigating Hillary Clinton, according to Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy....

“Look, I’m the majority leader, I set the agenda,” McCarthy told Fox News. “The agenda is going to be about job creation, it’s going to be about reforming and repealing Obamacare. It’s going to be on infrastructure. That’s the focus that this election was about.”...

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, pledged to press on with investigating Clinton just two days before Trump’s surprise win in the general election. “We’re going to keep after this until we get to the truth,” Chaffetz told Fox News. “We don’t have it yet.”


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Rusty said...

Unknown said...
"Rusty, maybe this blog is too cerebral for you. Go work in your garage. That's more your speed."

I don't think so. Although it's definitely over your head.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Don't forget, if I remember correctly, there is no special prosecutor statute anymore. So that was a promise that in its original form could never be kept.

The game is still playing out. I will certainly be disappointed if - any Mercy that falls upon her will disappoint me, but she is a very old woman, and we seem to be delicate about channeling old people, so... I don't know. We shall see. Right now it's all talk. And after all this time, who trusts the reporting anymore? Maybe he's going to screw a confession out of her. Who knows?

Brando said...

"Don't forget, if I remember correctly, there is no special prosecutor statute anymore. So that was a promise that in its original form could never be kept."

There's no independent counsel statute but that does not mean a president cannot appoint a special prosecutor (e.g., in the Watergate days before the IC statute, Nixon appointed Archie Cox as special prosecutor to investigate Watergate). A special prosecutor was both possible and appropriate here (unless the DOJ review indicates good reason not to go there).

ARM--ok I get why you're cynicism had you backing Trump at one point, but why is your cynicism superior to AprilApple's? It doesn't sound like she trusted Trump to keep his "investigate her" promise so much as voted for him so it would at least be a possibility (which of course wouldn't be the case if Hillary won).

Anyway, the swamp remains undrained, as expected. More of the same, but faster!

Bruce Hayden said...

Yes, the swamp remains undrained. But, the healing has to start. I see not prosecuting Crooked Hillary somewhat akin to the pardon of Nixon. Yes, it killed Ford's chance for election in 1976, may have been instrumental in losing the war that we had won in Vietnam, but was probably necessary for the health of the country.

Brando said...

"Yes, the swamp remains undrained. But, the healing has to start."

I don't get the feeling we're going to see much healing these days...already the Left reaction is "he never should have threatened to jail her in the first place!" rather than "what an honorable move by Trump". Though even if he personally gave CPR to an old lady in the street I'll bet they'd find a way to criticize him for creating the culture of hate that caused her to collapse in the first place.

The next big issue of course is his business conflicts of interest. I'm not sure how he can even resolve those.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I note you still have not answered the questioned posed to you, ARM. Instead you offer nothing but hyperbolic attacks. So much for moderation.

As for your claim that you are happy the Clinton corruption machine is over - I call bullshit. Liar.

You seem bitter and cowardly.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ARM- It's hilarious to see how much power I have over you and it's equally hilarious that someone who claims to be so perfectly moderate - how you ignore so much of the corruption on the left. Your anger and frustration are very telling.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AprilApple said...
You seem bitter

As the hopelessly gullible mark of a massive con, not sure you are in the position to pass judgement on anything.

As to bitterness, do you actually read the nonsense you post?

Scott said...

Fiat justitia ruat cælum,

That is all I have to say.

Rusty said...

AReasonableMan said...
AprilApple said...
You seem bitter

As the hopelessly gullible mark of a massive con, not sure you are in the position to pass judgement on anything.

As to bitterness, do you actually read the nonsense you post?

The proper response would have been not to answer.

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