And when the show was over and the actors lined up on stage for the ovation, one cast member steps forward to lecture Pence. Pence is already leaving, but the actor, imploring him to stay, pulls a written speech out of his pants and reads about "the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents."
Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence attended #HamiltonBway. After the show, @BrandonVDixon delivered the following statement on behalf of the show.— Hamilton (@HamiltonMusical) November 19, 2016
The audience had just witnessed the reenacted shooting to death of the great American, Alexander Hamilton. The actor delivering the lecture was Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the man who killed Hamilton.
Years ago, in a theater, a President of the United States was shot by a politically overheated actor.
I understand hustling Mike Pence out of that place.
Being a dick to people who paid to see you is #HowYouGotTrump.
Though, this has set up what would be the ideal interview for Pence to end 2016 on.
Publication: "Other than that, how was the play, Mr. Pence?"
Pence: "Can't I just watch my musical?"
the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents.
I'm pretty sure Mike Pence is pro-life.
Also... was it really on behalf of the show? I wonder if there are ANY non-liberals who worked on it in any capacity. And, if there are, I wonder how many of them feel comfortable right about now.
I'm pretty sure the people who can afford tickets to Hamilton are not a diverse group.
Well, after all the first three letters of the play do spell "ham".
A friend came around
Tried to clean up this town
His ideas made some people mad
But he trusted his crowd
So he spoke right out loud
And they lost the best friend they had
: Flying Burrito Brothers - Sin City
How in the Hell can you live in a country where you are this terrified of your fellow citizens?
I suppose that this, along the other childish behavior we've seen for the last week, means that they think the tide has turned against them.
Unless you believe a pic of an unknown guy carrying an Obama-as-a-monkey sign at a tea party rally is the equivalent of a two minutes of of hate he's-not-my-president on air meltdown by liberal cultural leader Keith Olberman.
Terry: The cast are not scared of Pence. If they were, they wouldn't insult him. It takes no bravery for you to mock someone that all your social peers think is terrible. It takes no bravery for you to claim the moral high ground over someone you and the media paint as a backwards reject from the 1950s or earlier.
This was craven; people who think it took courage to speak out against someone the media wants us to hate need to readjust their definitions of courage.
I'm sure all the ironies that Althouse pointed out were lost on the elites . They don't do history.
Dear American Left: You are exhausting
Remember when Obama and Michelle flew off on "date night" to NYC, and the broadway cast stopped and lectured him for being against gay marriage?
Let's look at a much closer parallel. When Obama went to Hamilton, did they call him to task for increasing the number of deportations?
I bet they did not. Which makes it clear, like much of the "Anti-Trump" protests.
It is not Anti-Trump. Or Anti-Pence. Or Anti-Bannon. It is Anti-Republicans Winning Elections. When Trump/Bannon/Pence are just as racist as Justice Thomas/George Bush/Mitt Romney, I can't take them seriously.
Dear Mr. Dick-son
You spent most of your adult despising ordinary American. Ten days ago they returned the sentiment. Tolerance is a two-way street. What about that do you not understand?
Okay if We just call you "Dick"?
The American People
I love, love, love that song Deb.
Spent two nights in room #8 on the 9th and 10th. I was shocked to see Trump euphoria at the JT saloon!
When snowflakes and buttercups grow up to become actors.....
It's funny because the left right now is all "I don't feel safe!", but they are the once blocking the roads, turning theatre nights into verbal attacks, and rushing the speakers on college campuses.
The Pence's should have went out for beers in a blue collared neighborhood.
Fuck the elitists.
The best defense is a good offense, I suppose.
There are no buttercups on the playing fields of Eton.
What would be classy is if Pence takes out an ad in their program, if they have space for those, congratulating them on a wonderful production, and say nothing else.
Back in the day, Hamilton was accused of being a monarchist. Being a monarchist was considered a great sin, something like being called a fascist in our time........Ironies abound, and Hamilton's civic virtues are staged rather than exemplified.
It's going to be a long eight years of these stunts isn't it?
"It's going to be a long eight years of these stunts isn't it?"
-- I doubt it. After this, the entire Trump/Pence staff and Republican Congress should simply boycott theater. If asked why they don't go, they should simply say they don't go where they are not wanted.
I became accustomed to having to step over/around protesters on the way to the office every week during the Bush administration.
No Republican staff, staffer or Congressman should in any way help Hollywood productions. We should seriously curtail any advising done to productions, and any arts funding should be reviewed to ensure it is going towards politically neutral art.
The left has decided that musical theater is part of the political battlespace, so be it. Play by their rules.
This makes me sad, since I like musical theater, but if that's what the left wants, so be it.
Love Trumps Hate.
America is Already Great!
I cannot believe how quickly people who said these things have proven they didn't mean it.
Trump/Pence should make it clear that appearing on "fake news" like The Daily Show or any other Comedy Central show is a fire-able offense.
Leaving your cell phone on during the performance would be the ultimate affront to these ponces.
Clearly, if the performing arts are politicized, no public funds should be spent on support of the performing arts.
There's plenty of non-politicized art that could use the funding.
"It's going to be a long eight years of these stunts isn't it?"
I hope so.
Fuck the case and fuck the actor. That is utter bullshit. You don't lecture a paying customer. Perhaps it's time to tax, HEAVILY, the entertainment industry. A 100% surtax on all movie, music, and play tickets is a good start.
Also a shame Pence didn't reply with "I heard this was a good play, but man, it sucked. Hard."
It's funny because the left right now is all "I don't feel safe!", but they are the once blocking the roads, turning theatre nights into verbal attacks, and rushing the speakers on college campuses.
As the saying goes, these problems are all descending on the Right but always seem to fall on the Left.
Blogger MayBee said...Dear American Left: You are exhausting
If by "exhausting" you mean exhausting my patience, then yes. Absolutely.
"A friend came around
Tried to clean up this town
His ideas made some people mad
But he trusted his crowd
So he spoke right out loud
And they lost the best friend they had
: Flying Burrito Brothers - Sin City"
Great tune.
So I've noticed that lately some of those cute little newsies will pepper their text with random twitter messages about whatever they are writing about. Is this what they teach people in J school?
Hamilton was famous for being the insider who set up the Wall Street Bankers' scam. Then Jackson came along and stopped their precious National Bank that favored a class of moneyed merchants and speculators made immensely wealthywhen the government unexpectedly funded the original National Debt owed for the Revolutionary War's costs, over the working Americans who fought that war but had lost hope and had sold their claims for 2 cents on the dollar to the Friends of Hamilton speculators with the inside information.
So Hamiltonians in NYC attacking those terrible red neck Jacksonians from middle America is nothing new.
Can we please all stop thinking we're better than each other?
Unless you want to be called out and lectured by the cast about fairness and inclusion I'd give it a pass.The irony being this is the same broadway show that placed an add for talent that basically said Whites need not apply. SOOO diverse!!
I think the funny part is that the actor couldn't deliver his lines without a script. Didn't have enough time to practice it? Was afraid he'd muff the delivery? Kind of takes away from the sincerity of the moment and makes it just another performance.
Matthew Sablan said: "The cast are not scared of Pence. If they were, they wouldn't insult him. It takes no bravery for you to mock someone that all your social peers think is terrible. It takes no bravery for you to claim the moral high ground over someone you and the media paint as a backwards reject from the 1950s or earlier.
This was craven; people who think it took courage to speak out against someone the media wants us to hate need to readjust their definitions of courage."
Exactly right. This is bullying in it's highest form.
I wonder if there are ANY non-liberals who worked on it in any capacity. And, if there are, I wonder how many of them feel comfortable right about now
They feel intimidated and bullied into silence. But they aren't going to break down in tears and histrionics. They might have some fear though -- fear of losing their job and of ever working in theater again if they speak out.
And yes, as said above, the Obama/Clinton/progressive thugocracy is another major reason that Trump won.
The republicans and the democrats have been stuck in an abusive relationship for a few decades now. The democrats are the abusers. They constantly tell the republicans that they are evil, worthless, awful things. And the Republicans respond by saying well we disagree on some issues but generally most democrats are ok folks. The democrats respond by saying, "Their refusal to full-heartedly deny our accussations against them is proof of their guilt!" And the Republicans respond by trying to assuage the democrats.
The Republicans need to learn from Trump and stop coddling an emotionally abusive partner. Don't work with them, don't play nice with them. Only let them work with you when they learn how to behave.
The worst case scenario is that the democrats do more like this and alienate more voters.
Stop working with dems republicans. Let them hang themselves with their own nooses.
What Sally327 said at 7:29AM!
What happened to the "civility bullshit" tag? I guess now that Republicans are the victims of incivility, it is suddenly is no longer bullshit.
After eight years of questioning the very legitimacy of the Obama presidency (and yes, I did not like and harshly criticized Bush, but I never questioned his legitimacy as president), you get all bent out of shape about Mike Pence getting booed.
And I will bet that many good faith and decent (if deluded) Democrat types are sick and tired of crap like this. They too are people who simply want to be left alone to have a night out seeing a play or movie or concert or football game and instead get treated to someone's politics.
It is my firm belief that all bonds of civil society ought be shed, when Hitler comes to town.
Like a Lawrence Larentis production in Donald Trump's "Hail Cesear" by Ethan and secondly his older brother Joel Coen with GG Allin blood in' the whole scene up, Pence ought know his place isn't there. Somebody shoulda said "yah canna git a dare fruh uh 'ere" to Pence.
and yes, I did not like and harshly criticized Bush, but I never questioned his legitimacy as president
"Selected not elected"
The democrats are the abusers. They constantly tell the republicans that they are evil, worthless, awful things
And the progressives/Dems are also like the guy beating his wife saying, "Why are you making me do this? This is your fault," as they go out into the streets and campuses to riot and break things and intimidate and beat people up.
Reason #346 - Why I Despise Broadway
I guess now that Republicans are the victims of incivility
Now the victims of incivility? NOW???
Maybe if you didn't have your head up your ass the last 40-50 years you would have noticed that they have been the subjects of abuse and contempt and hatred and incivility all along.
The cast of Hamilton insulted red state America and helped further solidify its support for Mike Pence as the next President.
Was Pence from Muncie? Maybe "The Hudsucker Proxy" was all about Mike Pence? Can someone get me JJ Leigh on the phone?
These Coen's, the both of 'em, they are even better than I thought. The whole Saddam Hussein background in La Lebowski from 1998 is what convinced me.
The abusive relationship is a good analogy. That's why Trump got elected. People recognized him as someone who stands up to the bullshit.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
I can't wait for the all white cast musical Roots.
Asshole artists can't help but be assholes.
The same assholes who pulled of this cheap little lecture would scream "Philistine!" if Pence, or any other Republican, didn't go to some show or concert.
That's because artists are all self-regarding assholes. It's why I will never again set foot in a theatre or concert hall.
If you people grew up poor and unable to afford apostrophes you would use a few extra from time to time, JUST LIKE ME.
When NYC was attacked on 9/11, the rest of the country felt attacked. Hoosier sons and daughters were sent to fight for NY's protection. But the Manhattan elite are so smarmy, they can't reciprocate.
Trump should go see Hamilton tonight. Walk in a half hour late and interrupt the show. When he is booed he can say, "sorry folks, we're on colored people time".
"I haven't seen the Democrats this mad since we freed the slaves!"
Rob Schneider
Don't dramatic artists teach that the pinnacle of their craft is found in complex and nuanced writing and portrayals which bring to life multi-dimensional characters of depth? So to me it is highly ironic, to say the least, to watch them here, with great fanfare and and mutual praise, blatently reduce a real, living, breathing man standing before them, to a crude one-dimensional fiction, merely in order to magnify the righteousness of their unadmitted conceit.
Such brave progressive neo-fascists. Eeeek! Pence!
Were I in the audience I'd demand my money back. I didn't pay to attend a lecture.
Burr makes another mistake. He's clueless. He can't recognize greatness. And the Left has nothing to worry about re diversity.
But why didn't Obama go to Game 7 at Wrigley? He would have been boo'd mercilessly.
Progressive fascists are so unbearably tolerant.
They are filled with righteous fear, and they have ultimate power over us.
Well, drama queens gotta be drama queens...
Ideological diversity and tolerance is non-existent on the left. They are mind-crime.
Honestly, I'm feeling more and more frightened each day since the election. It seems to me that not enough people are really grasping the gravity of this situation. Millions of people seem to have convinced themselves - more or less with the backing of most major media outlets - that Trump and his supporters are literally equivalent to the Nazis. It's hard to tell how many people are somewhat knowingly promulgating this trope for political advantage and how many actually believe it, but it seems that at least a pretty fair number of people are in the latter category.
Does anyone realize how dangerous that is? Imagine if you were transported back in time to Germany in 1933. Would you feel ANY moral restraints, ANY limit to what you'd be willing to do to impede the rise of the Nazis? Probably not, right? I wouldn't. Even the opponents of Hitler who actually were there in 1933 would have been more restrained, because at that date there were only a few who had an inkling of just how monstrously evil and destructive he really was.
I hope I'm just being paranoid but, I don't recall ever seeing riots in the street and open advocacy of political assassinations in response to a US election before. Could this be like the atmosphere that people experienced in 1860?
Those people in the media who have done their homework and who actually do realize that the "racism" and "bigotry" and "homophobia" of the Trump crowd is really a gigantic falsehood - there must be some of them at least - do they not realize that they are playing with fire? Can't they see the danger in this approach?
Poor poor progressive victims.
"Selected not elected"
Exactly, Terry. Freder has a selective memory.
I hope at least a few audience members asked for their money back.
Tucker Carlson does a pretty good job smashing coordinated leftwing lies.
I was drawn to these two consecutive tags: "assassination, etiquette"
Assassination Etiquette.
Being that we are in an era where Character Assassination is rampant perhaps Assassination Etiquette needs to be discussed.
Holding a guest in your 'house' up for ridicule might be a breach.
I am Laslo.
Sometimes I look for the messages Althouse hides in her Tags. I find them: oh yes, I find them.
I am Laslo.
"Other than that, Mrs. Pence, how did you enjoy your visit to the theater?"
Speaking truth to power is back in fashion! I guess we'll get to see Cindy Sheehan paraded about in late January.
open advocacy of political assassinations in response to a US election before.
You need to provide a citation for this serious accusation.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
When NYC was attacked on 9/11, the rest of the country felt attacked. Hoosier sons and daughters were sent to fight for NY's protection. But the Manhattan elite are so smarmy, they can't reciprocate.
11/19/16, 7:52 AM
Won't reciprocate? Nonsense! They'll be happy to fight the Hoosiers any time!
Perhaps some adult on the Left should have told the rest of them that they were off their fucking rockers when their response to 9/11 was to become terrified -- of displays of patriotism.
Jesus Fucking Christ! I would love to see someone standing up and lecture the actors on their bullshit politics. FUCKING ASSHOLES.
Next network appearance, Pence should steer the conversation to food preferences and pull out some hot sauce from his jacket pocket.
Freder must have missed #AssassinateTrump.
The modern progressive - in a nutshell.
"But why didn't Obama go to Game 7 at Wrigley?"
Because it was in Cleveland?
The triumphalism didn't last long. It's almost as if you guys take perverse pleasure from whining about how you are mistreated by the left. Beat me more, lefties. Beat me more.
Nice catch!
This is what happens when Scientific Progressives are allowed to become Broadway actors.
ARM misses it by 180 degrees.
Mr. Pence should show up at the NASCAR Championship finale in Homestead Florida tomorrow & drive the FORD pace car in the FORD Ecoboost 400 race just to hear a real reception & to make heads explode on the left.
If Barack Obama endured 1/1000 of the abuse Trump (and Pence) have endured he would have shattered like a crystal wine goblet enduring a high E note. Remember when the rodeo clown dared to wear an Obama mask? The crowd, starved for a single joke about our prissy president, roared its approval ... till the bit was shut down, the clown investigated and stripped of his clowning license -- and made to attend sensitivity training.
The left is a rotten, self-deluded hellhole.
Ann, can you link to a post by you where you were heavy critical of the President-elect when he was doing his whole Birther shtick?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Those little twits can SOD OFF. Actors have the brains of a nat.
That ambush reminds us of Ben Franklin at the Star Chamber. He is put down by aggressive liars with no chance to speak back to their assaults.
Ben then sailed home and joined the Rebelling Colonies that he had spent 10 years restraining so much that the other Rebels gathering in Philadelphia did not trust him at first.
Pence will become the President in about the same 8 years it took for Ben Franklin to be vindicated at Yorktown.
gnat not nat
Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:
I was in a play in High School: I thought I might find people like me in Drama Class, but even the Drama Kids found me creepy. What was even worse was that Mr. Jenkins, the Drama teacher, hit on all the boys in class except for me. It sucks being a kid when even the gay pedophiles don't want you...
Still, I was excited about being in the play. Sure, it was a small part -- only one line -- but I was a Part of Something Big, and I practiced and practiced. Even my Mom seemed somewhat supportive, for once: she said I'd probably do all right as long as I didn't pee myself...
The teacher wrote the play himself, and he seemed pleased with how I delivered my line: "I'm gonna leave this lousy podunk town and go to the Big City, where I can be as fabulously gay as I want to be!" This came at the end of the scene where the other kids beat me up for being gay: it was supposed to be just acting, but some of those boys still hit and kicked me real hard...
Well, the big moment came, and I stood in the lights and delivered my line perfectly. I was SO nervous, but I didn't pee myself, not even a drop. Instead, I farted...
The crowd laughed, and the other actors laughed, and I just stood there, frozen, realizing that not only did I fart but I also shit my pants a little...
After the play was -- thankfully -- over, my teacher shook his head and said only one thing to me: "REAL gay men don't fart in public..."
I remember the long drive home with my mother, trying not to squirm in my seat with my soiled pants. The only thing she said during the entire ride was "roll down the window, you're making my eyes water..."
I watched the headlights on the other side of the road and imagined us getting into a head-on collision and my mother getting paralyzed from the neck down: let's talk about shitting NOW, Mom...
Like no one else thinks these things.
I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.
I am Laslo
Stay classy Democrats....
Haven't these ignorant progs figured out that their smug superiority and crassness has turned off the American people?
After eight years of questioning the very legitimacy of the Obama presidency (and yes, I did not like and harshly criticized Bush, but I never questioned his legitimacy as president's not like we had to live through the Left spending eight years claiming that Bush stole the election, or that the Supreme Court stole it for him.
The triumphalism didn't last long. It's almost as if you guys take perverse pleasure from whining about how you are mistreated by the left. Beat me more, lefties. Beat me more.
1) Fuck off
2) The Left is quite busy whining about mistreatment that hasn't happened!
Beat me more, lefties. Beat me more.
mmm hmmm. You leftists are bullies. You don't have arguments or debate points or economic smarts - so you bully.
rhhardin aptly states: There are no buttercups on the playing fields of Eton.
Quite so.
Twits. And ungrateful twits at that.
Reminds me of Obama lecturing Paul RYAN about Obamacare from his podium.
And Obama calling out the Supreme Coirt for the Citizens United decision at the State of the Union as several Supremes sat captive in the audience.
Bullies got to bully.
"What happened to the "civility bullshit" tag? I guess now that Republicans are the victims of incivility, it is suddenly is no longer bullshit."
Let it be known Freder does not understand the concept of the 'civility bullshit' tag.
And reminds me of Obama at the 2011 Correspondents Dinner repeatedly insulting Trump who sat captive in the audience by making Trump the target of nasty "jokes".
Bullies got to bully.
I was drawn to these two consecutive tags: "assassination, etiquette"
Assassination Etiquette.
Being that we are in an era where Character Assassination is rampant perhaps Assassination Etiquette needs to be discussed.
Holding a guest in your 'house' up for ridicule might be a breach.
Brilliant, Laslo!
I think it was inappropriate for Pence to attend Hamilton. And even more inappropriate for Trump to try and tell people how to behave in a theatre.
The only thing to say to democrats these days is "screw you". And go on about our business of MAGA.
" Blogger Martha said...
And reminds me of Obama at the 2011 Correspondents Dinner repeatedly insulting Trump who sat captive in the audience by making Trump the target of nasty "jokes".
Bullies got to bully.
11/19/16, 10:00 AM"
And Obama insulting and lecturing the supreme court during the ONLY state of the union speech I could stomach.
Why was it "inappropriate" for Pence to attend Hamilton?
sunsong said...
I think it was inappropriate for Pence to attend Hamilton. And even more inappropriate for Trump to try and tell people how to behave in a theatre.
The clueless left plays like a record that has been left on too long.
"You need to provide a citation for this serious accusation."
Freder, what hole do you live in ? Seriously, only a determined hear, see and speak no evil type could miss what has been going on at least since the attack at Dayton by a radical leftist.
Open your eyes.
For once, I agree with Sunsong. It was inappropriate for Pence & crew to go to Hamilton. What was he thinking? He knows that Broadway in general, & Hamilton in particular, is a snake pit of Lefties. DON'T GIVE YER MONEY TO LEFTIES!
There are entertainment venues, movies, concerts, etc, in DC I don't go to because they are just excuses for the Left to harangue me while I pay them for that privilege. What an artist believes in his off-stage life is his business, but when yet another variation of "All Art must serve the Revolution" gets shoved in my face, I'm out the door, & not in a nice way, either.
Freder, google "trump assassination" and read oh, maybe the first 20,000 hits or so. Calls for assassination, or actual threats of assassination, all over twitter, facebook, various blog comment sections, etc. The CEO of a tech company (Matt Harrigan, the company is PacketSled) was forced to resign after suggesting that he was going to do it himself. He's now claiming that it was a "joke" but if you read his original tweets, he sure wasn't trying very hard to be funny.
It's not so much the threats as the creation of an atmosphere where people would feel morally justified to commit violent acts against Trump and his supporters.
There are probably a few crazies after every election that do things like this but never even close to this scale before. There certainly weren't riots in the street after any other recent presidential election. You might have to go back to the 1860 and 1864 elections to see anything like this.
This has just convinced me that the same thing would have been done if Mitt Romney or Marco Rubio had won.
Nice job elites. You're just pushing me to MAGA.
Martha said... [hush][hide comment]
And reminds me of Obama at the 2011 Correspondents Dinner repeatedly insulting Trump who sat captive in the audience by making Trump the target of nasty "jokes".
Bullies got to bully.
Watching Trump's reaction to the cheap insults, you can almost read his mind.
Two things, at least,are true of Democrats: It's always about politics. They're dependably boorish.
YH states: There are entertainment venues, movies, concerts, etc, in DC I don't go to because they are just excuses for the Left to harangue me while I pay them for that privilege. What an artist believes in his off-stage life is his business, but when yet another variation of "All Art must serve the Revolution" gets shoved in my face, I'm out the door, & not in a nice way, either.
And the 'artistic elite' are so very easily replaced. If only they knew how really vacuous and unimportant they are!
hombre rightly states: Two things, at least,are true of Democrats: It's always about politics. They're dependably boorish.
Always about politics! Always! I know people who, if you say "It's a beautiful day!", will launch into a diatribe about global warming.
It sounded like mostly applause with one guy near the microphone booing. Fake News
The best Twitter on twitter said...
"Besides that Mrs. Pence, how did you like the show?"
I bet Pence preferred it to the fellating they gave Obama.
Howie claims it was just one guy near the mic booing! More proof that the left always lies.
The triumphalism didn't last long. It's almost as if you guys take perverse pleasure from whining about how you are mistreated by the left. Beat me more, lefties. Beat me more.
Lol! Lefties are so mean to us! Everyone knows how gracious we are to them! Winning the presidency on a platform of economic nationalism and xenophobia means that everyone must like us! Like us! Be our friends! I command you!
Meanwhile, all you have to do is peruse the wormlike April Apple's comments to see how bitchily she treats her own adversaries. Grace is no longer a right-wing virtue, if it ever was. Political victimhood is.
Hamilton is an excellent show that extols the achievement of a self-made outsider who stood out among the New England bluebloods and Virginia aristocrats who led the revolution. It appropriates that story by casting black and hispanic actors in the lead rolls, which brings home the message that our country belongs to all of us.
Adding a preachy lecture about diversity at the end gilds the lily by suggesting that a newly elected vice president isn't one of the cool kids and and that the show provided him some needed re-education. Arrogant and unnecessary.
But whining is a losers' game. If Trump wanted to critique the play, he might have pointed out that our current self-styled elites supported the other party and that his voters were the little guys, like Hamilton, who as Hamilton said, "want to get my shot."
Since the election, It seems as if both parties' supporters are competing to be the biggest victims. Very unattractive.
What an artist believes in his off-stage life is his business, but when yet another variation of "All Art must serve the Revolution" gets shoved in my face, I'm out the door, & not in a nice way, either.
Compartmentalizing the way power affects the human condition is a right-wing, and Clintonian, specialty. It's why the Republicans would have lost everything had their new standard-bearer not been a defender of manufacturing, the working poor, social security, infrastructure, the ACA's ban on excluding for pre-existing conditions, etc. You fuckers STILL think you won on the libertarian, Reagan-Buckley platform. You did not. You won on a total peeling back of it.
And as for art and the revolution, what do you make of THIS?
Yep. Real compartmentalization there, Victor Hugo. Keep your politics outta my ART! They have NOTHING to do with each other! So indecent. Like putting your chocolate in my peanut butter. Or your peanut butter in my chocolate. They just don't mix.
Mark, speaking of Freder -
"Maybe if you didn't have your head up your ass the last 40-50 years..."
LOL. I think you're revealing your age, but don't know Freder's. He spouts as if he was the fount of experience, but was a teenager the entirety of Bush 43's first term.
I think Althouse knows this, and engages him more than most commentators. Like a teacher, I think she's trying to get him to up his game.
Black people Rapping the Revolution.
Who says the minstrel show is dead?
"It takes no bravery for you to mock someone that all your social peers think is terrible. It takes no bravery for you to claim the moral high ground over someone you and the media paint as a backwards reject from the 1950s or earlier."
I just think it was a cowardly thing to do - how about a one on one discussion with Pence about the accusations he threw at him. That's a lot harder.
All this is part of the left's long march through the institutions. They have the schools, universities, the media, Hollywood, the federal bureaucracy, and now apparently the casts of hit plays. We still have the workers and most of the counties in most of the states.
Martha said...
"Reminds me of Obama lecturing Paul Ryan about Obamacare from his podium.
And Obama calling out the Supreme Coirt for the Citizens United decision at the State of the Union as several Supremes sat captive in the audience.
Bullies got to bully."
Those two incidents came to mind for me, as well. It takes no courage to attack those who are not in a position to fight back. I didn't vote for Obama, of course, but those incidents and others like them turned me from dislike to despise.
"[Freder] spouts as if he was the fount of experience, but was a teenager the entirety of Bush 43's first term."
Really? Is there evidence for this? He sure is full of himself for a teenager (though I guess that's not incongruous).
You go into some of these big towns in New York, and like a lot of big towns on the Coasts, the civility and respect have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced it. And they whined through the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna have love and unicorns and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to delusions of superiority or New York Times articles or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-republican sentiment or anti-middle class sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
The money guy that actually brought Hamiliton to the stage is a rabid Marxist. He gave a long interview a few years ago that popped up this year when Hamiliton was set to sweep the Tony Awards. He was the guy that brought the creative people together and the guy that banned white actors from the cast auditions which made the news. He sounds like a real piece of shit. And he makes sure the cast is totally indoctrinated in his ideology by bringing in tutors. I could have told Pence to stay away--it isn't worth it. Buy the CDs, if you like the non-rap music.
"Grace is no longer a right-wing virtue, if it ever was. Political victimhood is."
Well, I see R&B has reverted to type. For a moment there, I thought you had grown up.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
open advocacy of political assassinations in response to a US election before.
You need to provide a citation for this serious accusation.
Are you still humming this tune? How many citations are enough ? Jeeez.
"A 100% surtax on all movie, music, and play tickets is a good start."
I like this. Finally, a tax I can get behind.
Broadway in general made a place for CPUSA reps to talk to the cast and crew most nights. They've been doing it since the 1960s on a regular basis after theater owners knuckled under and put it in the contracts. That's one of the ways CPUSA raises money. They give their propaganda talks about the news of the day and give the actors talking points. S. Epatha Merkerson from Law and Order was on of those reps. That's how I found about about this program--some TV critic was gushing that it was great that they gave her a regular job to shore up her benefits and pension after all that work she had done for the cause over the years. Saul Rubinek was another one.
When W. Bush beat Kerry, the British writer of Black Mirror--Charlton "Charlie" Brooker-- penned an article for the Guardian asking where all the great American assassins had gone, and saying that Bush needs to be the target of patriotic snipers across the country. Lefties celebrated that article for months until the author eventually walked it back. Many Lefties made it sound like the Guardian was calling for a Bush assassination. The Guardian eventually scrubbed the article off the web, so I can't give you a link. But you can read about it at Wiki--under Charlie Booker.
Now Pence needs a safe place too?!!
It's also interesting that Aaron Burr was a former Vice-President of the United States.
So I'm supposed to pay $100 ticket to get lectured by some racist cast member? I already went through that in college 24 years ago for about the same price.
Darrell - thanks for that. Now I can avoid any more "Black Mirror" and not worry that I missed anything. What a fucking stooge.
Well, I see R&B has reverted to type. For a moment there, I thought you had grown up.
He occasionally shows flashes of lucidity just to throw us off.
This is why we must always elect Republicans. Can you imagine this happening to Obama or Clinton? Immediately denounced as racist or sexist. There can be no criticism of Democrats that makes sense unless it's racist or sexist.
But Republicans?
It's going to get a lot worse. These people live their lives to receive "courage" awards for this sorta thing. The virtue signaling is going to 11.
"Be our friends! I command you!"
If you think for a second I want a fifth-column leftist like you to be my friend, you're even more clueless than I thought.
I despise people like you.
Original Mike,
He's not a teenager now. He's 31. I said he was a teenager during W's first term.
As for evidence, Freder himslf once posted that he was 15 during the Bush-Gore recounts. For some reason, that stuck with me.
As a Canadian I sometimes find your customs odd.
A is rude to B. C says A was rude and calls on A to apologize. The ACLU says C should apologize instead.
@CWJ - Thanks. I understood re: Bush's term. I first noticed him back then when he lectured us on a wide range of issues, from international law to physics. That someone so sure of himself and so abusive of others with differing viewpoints is/was so young is remarkable.
Well, I see R&B has reverted to type. For a moment there, I thought you had grown up.
Yeah. It's always a grown-up thing to do to claim, "You must agree with me or else I will declare that you are immature. Because I'm the adult. I'm the one who gets to decide these things."
Righties are proving incapable of living in a society once again.
If you think for a second I want a fifth-column leftist like you to be my friend, you're even more clueless than I thought.
I despise people like you.
Must be one of the "adults" Michael K and mockturtle think so highly of. Unbridled hatred and contempt for "other" Americans is always mature and responsible. A model citizen, this guy must be. At least once the pills kick in.
In any event, go fuck yourself, Jim. You're what makes America far from great.
Here's to hoping that the nobody actor, Brandon V. Dixon, becomes infamous for even more churlish outbursts.
And I would get a schadenboner if this hurts the play.
Unbridled hatred and contempt for "other" Americans is always mature and responsible.
That's exactly what lost Hillary an election and lost her media readers/viewers. Good thing Breitbart media is there to pick up the slack.
This is the show whose casting call specified "no whites," right?
Bring back the Duel, it solves a number of problems at a very low cost, especially since neither party can be certain of an outcome, both sides have to think hard and clearly about civilized compromise. Andrew Jackson used it to discipline the yellow press who would embarrass his wife in front of their children by their truthful reporting that she used to make her living on her back. "Kiss my boots covered with cow dung or pistols at dawn." Hekilled a few. Much more effective than Libel laws which preserved the first amendment, and made for a much more civil society.
That's exactly what lost Hillary an election and lost her media readers/viewers. Good thing Breitbart media is there to pick up the slack.
Yes, Bretibart. That veritable media machine of peace, loving-kindness and goodwill toward American citizens.
But for all the non-autistics out there, the real-world analysis has always been available: An economic focus on manufacturing that Hillary lacked is what won Trump PA/OH/MI/WI. But Californians are clueless about that as they everything else, it seems. Especially with their "companies with a $9 billion market cap employing nine people," as Steve Bannon called it.
Especially with their "companies with a $9 billion market cap employing nine people," as Steve Bannon called it.
It is remarkable how you can dismiss Breitbart in one sentence and then rely on Bannon in the next sentence to make a point which pleases you --all in one paragraph! You are getting stingier with words, R&B.
AReasonableMan said...The triumphalism didn't last long. It's almost as if you guys take perverse pleasure from whining about how you are mistreated by the left. Beat me more, lefties. Beat me more.
11/19/16, 8:45 AM
Shut up, Shiloh. You fucking progressive asshole phony. Can't wait to until you get punched back, twice as hard, fucking silly bitch.
An economic focus on manufacturing that Hillary lacked is what won Trump PA/OH/MI/WI.
Michigan is still processing.
It is remarkable how you can dismiss Breitbart in one sentence and then rely on Bannon in the next sentence to make a point which pleases you --all in one paragraph!
You really are a tribal right/wrong by association guy, aren't you? Bannon got the economic-political analysis 100% right. That doesn't mean his love of replacing liberty with white nationalism is anything anyone has to agree to. Do you know people who are 100% right or 100% wrong all the time? It seems like that's what you want to believe. There were other people who agreed on the economics but not the use of race-baiting: Progressives. The Sanders campaign. Trump made concerted efforts for their votes.
You need to open your eyes up a bit. Bannon's smart but completely wrong for that job - or any job in which avoiding a race-war is important: Which I think it would be to the American president. YMMV.
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