November 22, 2016

Leaks from the off-the-record Trump summit with press honchos: "It was a fucking firing squad."

Some source tells the New York Post:
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing-down,” the source added.
A second source said:
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room, calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars”...
At least 2 of them lied about keeping the discussion off the record.

ADDED: I wonder if Trump has a recording of this. I'm assuming that he expected there to be leaks, and that he would have taken steps to preserve the entire discussion so that he could defend himself by giving the larger context when leaks highlight material that would tend to be whatever damages him the most.

I haven't researched the journalistic ethics of off-the-record conversations or the extent to which the non-journalist in a conversation should also feel bound by the off-the-record agreement, but my instinct would be that if a journalist leaks part of an off-the-record conversation, the interlocutor is entitled to present the rest of it. Complicating the question here is that there were 30 or 40 journalists in the room, all committed to preserving secrecy, and it looks as if only 2 of them violated the agreement.


Mike Sylwester said...

Donald Trump should start acting Presidential.

John henry said...

"At leat two of them lied about keeping it off the record"

Well, of course, it's what they do. They don't know any better.

As I said in another thread, I like the idea of Trump going direct to Youtube. What does he need the networks or press for?

Let the press get their info unfiltered and direct via Youtube at the same time the rest of us get it.

John Henry

exhelodrvr1 said...

This is a start. The biased media is arguably the greatest long-term threat to our nation.

Freder Frederson said...

They didn't lie, they broke their promise. There is a significant difference.

That the press accepted an interview with Trump that was off the record is appalling. If Trump acted like a petulant ten year old, then the importance of reporting on that behavior should void the promise of it being off the record.

YoungHegelian said...

He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars

Oh, like Donald Trump is the first person to publicly suggest Jeff Zucker is a dickhead.

I was under the assumption that that's a widely shared feeling in the media world, even by folks who agree with his politics.

Original Mike said...

"The meeting was a total disaster."

For whom? Not for Trump.

AllenS said...

This is what I expect from POTUS Trump for at least 4 years, and hopefully 4 more. Kick 'em in the nuts.

Original Mike said...

"They didn't lie, they broke their promise. There is a significant difference."

The liberal view of integrity

"That the press accepted an interview with Trump that was off the record is appalling."

Why? These people do "off the record" all the time.

rhhardin said...

The corrective, since soapp opera media can't change without going out of business, is to undermine the real-news pretence they're marketing themselves with.

So that soap opera women can only think of themselves as watching soap opera again, and they can't edit the national debates any longer.

Soap opera won't reach debates.

rhhardin said...

Amazon may be lying, though. It says preordered DVD delivery today but also that it hasn't been shipped yet.

Sydney said...

Well, made me laugh!

David Begley said...

"Journalistic ethics?" After Wikileaks, that's the oxymoron of the century.

mockturtle said...

Trump not only calls a spade a spade, he calls it a fucking shovel.

Original Mike said...

I'm enjoying the first days ot the Trump Administration way more than is healthy.

rhhardin said...

The rules are that if it's off the record, you can't talk about it.

Can you keep a secret?


So can I.

MikeR said...

Huh. He doesn't need them, right? They are slow to realize that. New world.
I can imagine Trump doing Fireside Chats on youtube and facebook. He has better access to the average American than the networks do right now. He should keep it.

Ann Althouse said...

"They didn't lie, they broke their promise. There is a significant difference."

You're right that I'm assuming that they knew when they promised that they were going to break that promise.

Reminds me of the reason why Comey recommended that Hillary not be prosecuted.

320Busdriver said...

ADDED: I wonder if Trump has a recording of this.

I thought of the same thing. Trump is going to play all of these goons for fools.

Smug pricks like Stephanopolous are getting their comeuppance.

Ann Althouse said...

"The corrective, since soapp opera media can't change without going out of business, is to undermine the real-news pretence they're marketing themselves with."

Someone should make an app called soapp.

But what would it do?

Lyssa said...

OT to Althouse - I'm guessing it's because you put the f-word in the heading there, but I'm suddenly getting some very NSFW advertisements between posts here.

rhhardin said...

It's like off the books, with the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

"Donald Trump should start acting Presidential."


rhhardin said...

Cleanse and reduce key bounce.

320Busdriver said...

I think we will see a LOT more of the types of direct videos like Trump put out yesterday.

This will show he does not need the press in the way the press needs him. He is breaking the paradigm that the press created and so foolishly squandered.

Quaestor said...

Abby Someone can't spell Hahahahahahaha!

Ann Althouse said...

"OT to Althouse - I'm guessing it's because you put the f-word in the heading there, but I'm suddenly getting some very NSFW advertisements between posts here."

Hmm. I'm not seeing that. May I recommend clicking on the ads you like? All my ads are for a clothes company I like and a shoe company I like.

But I did make a deliberate decision at some point in the history of this blog to write out the word "fuck." It's always in quotes or references to the word (such as in the preceding sentence). I don't use the word myself, not in blog writing, but I do spell it out when it comes up.

Brando said...

Should have recorded it. If he did in fact blow up at them it'd only please his base.

Sebastian said...

"The meeting was a total disaster." In other words, the first success of the new administration. And of course the leaks themselves reinforce the point Trump apparently meant to make. Much as I'll dislike half of his policies, I'll enjoy the way he takes the fight to the enemy. No more Bush pushover gentility -- doesn't work with progs.

Sal said...

I'd like to see some significant MSM players (NBC, CNN, NPR, NYT) lose access to the Executive Branch for the next four years. This include White House Press Corps, Sunday talk shows, etc.

Since they don't really report news, we won't be missing anything and it'd be an interesting media experiment.

Anonymous said...

The Press will have plenty to report on regarding Trump without Trump's cooperation, better still.

Quaestor said...

But what would it do?

Cure DTDS?

Ann Althouse said...

I could write a history of the word "fuck" on this blog. I think the first time I wrote it out was in a quote by George W. Bush — something like "what the fuck are you talking about, 'vitiated.'" (Bush making fun of someone using the word "vitiated" in conversation)

Quaestor said...

The Press will have plenty to report on regarding Trump without Trump's cooperation...

They've been reporting without information for nearly ten years now so why change? But there is that shrinking revenue problem...

Ann Althouse said...

Here's the old post, from April 22, 2004, which doesn't spell the word out:

"What the President thinks of the use of weird words. Having just expounded on the use of strange words, I especially enjoyed this extract--in Slate's always appreciated we-read-this-so-you-don't-have-to series--from Bob Woodward's book "Plan of Attack":

"Page 186: Bush aide Nick Calio declares his intention to vitiate a congressional filibuster. Bush says, "Nicky, what the f**k are you talking about, vitiate?""

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Complicating the question here is that there were 30 or 40 journalists in the room, all committed to preserving secrecy, and it looks as only 2 of them violated the agreement.

Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anything in the article that states that the sources were from the media. I'd suspect they're from the Trump camp and it was leaked on purpose. As Kathy Shaidle always snarkily says; "Remember, the media are your moral and intellectual superiors!". They'll just look petty if they start smearing Trump now.

Quaestor said...

Bush aide Nick Calio declares his intention to vitiate a congressional filibuster. Bush says, "Nicky, what the f**k are you talking about, vitiate?

How the f**k could a White House aid vitiate a filibuster? Wasn't Calio briefed on that "separation of powers" thing?

Freeman Hunt said...

He calls the press into a meeting where he chews them out like students in a principal's office, and they, what, sit there and take it? Ha ha ha. What a world.

Greg Hlatky said...

Under Obama it would have been a firing fucking squad.

MikeR said...

"so that he could defend himself by giving the larger context when leaks highlight material that would tend to be whatever damages him the most." Hmm - what in the world makes you think that any of this can damage Trump? No one voted for him who has a shred of respect for the media. Sounds like the part that was leaked is just what he would want people to hear.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I don't use the word myself, not in blog writing

Oh, fuck. I hate "Star Trek."

( I was quite proud of myself for eliciting that response, because it was so out-of-character for you. )

Quaestor said...

...fucking squad.

Disturbing imagery that.

sane_voter said...

Since the MSM has fellated Obama from day 1, the only fights they had with his administration were over who was first in line.

Appears the media doesn't like it as much when Trump says to go suck it.

Roughcoat said...

I like this Trump fellow. He has grit.

Lyssa said...

Just for the record, I'm not bothered by the language, just that I'd never seen those sorts of ads before here, and I wondered if that was why. Oh, well, they seem to have gone away now. Now it's just generic plus sized women's clothing.

mockturtle said...

320Busdriver aptly stated: This will show he does not need the press in the way the press needs him. He is breaking the paradigm that the press created and so foolishly squandered.

Well put. The media have taken themselves far too seriously for far too long.

MB said...

I don't know what larger context to "they're all liars" is needed. People know it already, it's just a matter of whether they think it's wrong or whether they make excuses for the lies. (It's okay when it's for a good cause.)

Roughcoat said...

This is what I expect from POTUS Trump for at least 4 years, and hopefully 4 more. Kick 'em in the nuts.


Roughcoat said...

Middle America to the media (and progressives, and Democrats, and etc.): Can you hear us now?

Quaestor said...

[Trump] called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars...

CNN does like to be called out.

damikesc said...

They didn't lie, they broke their promise. There is a significant difference.

Can you explain the difference? A promise broken is a lie. If you're leaking so quickly, you never intended to do anything but leak.

That the press accepted an interview with Trump that was off the record is appalling.

They helped Hillary shape her campaign rhetoric with similar off-the-record get-togethers. Whining now is just poor form, chap.

If Trump acted like a petulant ten year old, then the importance of reporting on that behavior should void the promise of it being off the record.

"We don't like him, so this agreement is null and void".

You know, they need access way more than he needs to give it.

Should have recorded it. If he did in fact blow up at them it'd only please his base.

Couldn't it be argued that he had every right to blow up at them, with reporters openly saying it's OK to be unfair to him because he's "uniquely" bad or some such nonsense?

The press poisoned the well.

The Press will have plenty to report on regarding Trump without Trump's cooperation, better still.

As Obama showed, the MSM is hardly needed to get a message out.

Quaestor said...

Typo alert: CNN does NOT like to be called out.

Larry J said...

David Begley said...
"Journalistic ethics?" After Wikileaks, that's the oxymoron of the century.

Hearing a journalist talk about ethics rings as true as hearing a prostitute talk about the merits of virginity.

Wilbur said...

When I read this story yesterday, I elevated my low mood (from a crummy day) about six levels.

Finally! Somebody understands the alphabet networks, NYT and Wapo are not your friends nor your boss. Treat them with disdain, or better, simply deny them access, because no matter what you do or say, they'll twist, distort and lie to suit their partisan purposes.

The important thing is to be very public about what you are doing and why.

MPH said...

Prof. Althouse - The majority of your commenters think this is all a game, a cathartic release of anger channeled through their siren, Trump.

This is disgusting, petulance. What a terrible thing we've done, electing a troll-in-chief.

Wilbur said...

This is no game, MPH.

The trolls are the media. Get that through your head. I realize it turns your world upside down. Get used to it.

Yancey Ward said...

He should treat the media with no respect at all. They are his political enemies and nothing he can do will change that. With that said, I would guess the leaks actually came from Trump's staff, and it was intentional. He is using the media for the whores they are.

Kathryn51 said...

I'm enjoying the last two weeks as much as any of us on the Althouse blog, but a bit of skepticism may be required in this case. Isn't it interesting that it is the New York Post (a semi-conservative, nominally pro-Trump newspaper) that is "leaking" this particular part of the story?

Mr. Trump himself has been known to "leak" things to friendly media in the past using a pseudonym. It's the red meat for his voters. It's also possible that some of the Fox News attendees (a sister company to the NYP) were the leakers - they would have enjoyed repeating the attack on Zucker.

Good times, good times.

buwaya said...


Its not a game, it is politics, that usually works on, and off, symbols. A great deal is working on semi-conscious perceptions of status and moral authority.

In this case Trump is beating down the perceptions of moral authority and cultural superiority held by the MSM. That is a real thing, not just a monster from Trumps Id.

There is a great deal going on here, and its fascinating.

Bob Boyd said...

"Someone should make an app called soapp.

But what would it do?"

Get the user into a lather.

Bill Peschel said...

I don't mind humans acting human, and I don't blame Trump one bit.

There is a trope that if you want to prove yourself as someone who shouldn't be messed with, you walk into the bar, find the biggest guy there, and knock him down.

Everyone else gets the message.

This is Trump's way of doing it, and it's better now to get this message delivered quickly.

I would only be careful about blaming the media there for the leak. The story does not specifically say, and I assume Trump had staff in the room, and why wouldn't they leak the news?

It's not like we need more evidence of the mendacity of the press corp.

Speaking as a former member of that august profession, I would also point out that reading Thompson's Fear and Loathing book on the '72 campaign and "The Boys on the Bus" will show you how easy it is for the press to be co-opted, to do indifferent, lazy work, and to even be biased.

After all, the Times still employs a writer who ran Hillary's quotes by the campaign for their approval. This does not indicate a change of heart.

Kevin said...

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong.’

And then members of the press walked out of the room and immediately proved him right.

Balfegor said...

I wonder if Trump has a recording of this.

Well, looks like New York is a one party consent state, so we must assume he has.

Quaestor said...

Get the user into a lather.


Herb said...

calling out Radditz, too funny.

Bruce Hayden said...

I would ask the question of why? Why did he do that? Maybe he is the loose cannon that the left claimed. But, maybe, just maybe, there is a method to his madness, as there was during the campaign. The MSM worked very hard trying to defeat him, and elect Crooked Hillary. And, the Clinton News Network (CNN - named that when her husband was in office) was probably the worst, conspiring with her campaign to bring him down. Giving her debate questions in advance. Using her campaign's debate questions in debates moderated by them. Etc. He is in a position now to either make it easier for them, or to break them. Imagine the White House denying press credentials (or a good seat at press conferences) to any of the networks. Or, the NYT or WaPo. I think that what he was really saying is that there isn't going to be business as usual. That there is no reason for him to let bygones be bygones, and pretend that they weren't actively trying to elect his opponent, and kill his campaign. And, that there is a new sheriff in town, and the rules are going to be different. He is getting his bluff in early.

I think that it is more likely than not a typical Trump opening move in a negotiation. He comes in with all guns blazing, attacking his opponent, then backs off in private, being his charming self. Something that we have grown to expect from him. To me, this was just too strategic. We shall see.

Bruce Hayden said...

Loved this:

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well.

“Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. “Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.”

Fabi said...

Two of the delicate flower lefties have already called Trump "petulant". Where have you been the last eight years of Obama? Lulz

JAORE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikee said...

The press honors those who most deplore them, by fawningly, cringingly serving their betters.

JAORE said...

"They didn't lie, they broke their promise. There is a significant difference."

You're right that I'm assuming that they knew when they promised that they were going to break that promise.

So that would make the promise..... a lie.....

Perhaps they intended to keep the promise. They no doubt thought Trump would dial back the hostility and say, "Let's all be friends". Just like those pledging forgiveness, "No matter who wins the election".

So promises are only to be kept when things go your way. Likely bets are only to be completed if your team wins.

I guess none of this matters to the committed fringe. And by committed fringe I mean MSM and Freder.

mccullough said...

The Raddatz call out was pretty funny. She was fighting back tears election night.

Gk1 said...

Good! And you know this was a total power play by Trump. He knew these weasels were going to leak anything he said anyway, so why not take a colossal shit on them, right? Where is the down side for Donald? Unfavorable coverage? New found respect for him now that the race is over? Puh-leeze.

Anonymous said...

Heh, wouldn't this be a hilarious honey pot trap? Now he can deny all future off the record requests, saying 'Y'all didn't honor it before, when there was 0, repeat 0, nada, nothing 0 information that compromised America, it's allies, or this administration. Why should I believe you now, when there is important info?'

Todd said...

MPH said... [hush]​[hide comment]
Prof. Althouse - The majority of your commenters think this is all a game, a cathartic release of anger channeled through their siren, Trump.

This is disgusting, petulance. What a terrible thing we've done, electing a troll-in-chief.

11/22/16, 9:55 AM


That was good! After 8 years of President Narcissist, President "smartest guy in the room", President Three-putt, you actually think Trump is "bad" for the office? Bad compared to what? The guy in there now?


(damn, I think I might have just wet myself a little...)

Comanche Voter said...

Trump plays the press like a maestro. He brings these mutts to a meeting; chews their backside until it looks like hamburger. It's all supposed to be "off the record".
Trump's spokesperson Kelly Anne Conway says "it was a great meeting---like it was all vanilla ice cream". She says nothing about the substance of what happened---after all, it was "off the record'.

But Trump knows that he can count on one or more of those press bozos to leak the substance of the meeting. Trump's hands are clean. The press shoots itself in the foot.

A monunmental ass chewing like that was long overdue in the minds of the Deplorables in Dubuque and Peoria. It plays well with Trump's base. The TV and press honchos had it coming in spades!

Trump has been playing the press longer than some of those bozos have been alive.

Todd said...

At this point, I think the biggest fear on the left is that Trump will treat them how they wanted / hoped Hillary would treat the right.

Seeing Red said...



Versus the rioters?

mockturtle said...

Comanche Voter asserts: Trump has been playing the press longer than some of those bozos have been alive.

Absolutely! He may be somewhat uninformed at times but stupid, he is not.

David said...

" and it looks as only 2 of them violated the agreement."

No, it looks as though at least two of them violated the agreement. Maybe others did. Or maybe others would have but they lost the scoop and held off.

In an event, the leakers did not just betray the agreement with Trump. They betrayed their fellow non-leaking journalists by casting suspicion on all of them. Why should Trump rust any of them for an off the record conversation?

David said...

"trust any of them" not "rust."

mockturtle said...

"trust any of them" not "rust."

I think he should 'rust' them all, David. ;-)

gadfly said...

"[Donald Trump] . . . is a pathological liar, he doesn't know the difference between truth and lies ... in a pattern that is straight out of a psychology text book, he accuses everyone of lying."

"Whatever lie he's telling, at that minute he believes it ... the man is utterly amoral."

"Donald is a bully ... bullies don't come from strength they come from weakness."

Joe said...

"They didn't lie, they broke their promise. There is a significant difference."

Meaning what? Seriously. How do people weigh the two?

To me a broken promise is worse than a lie.

Bad Lieutenant said...

gadfly, gadfly, blabbity blah. Did it hurt?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Oh please, he knew exactly what was going to happen. Trump knows full fucking well that the MSM is out to get him. And he's got a plan, to stick it to the Man. My God, and to think he hasn't even really begun yet.

Michael K said...

I was working out of town the past two days and could not comment. I am amazed and amused by the lefties thinking they are going to stage some sort of revolt against Tump. It is just hilarious. Once he takes office they will be spending full time trying to understand all the leftists shibboleths that ware being demolished. Did Obama not understand that "a pen and a phone" is not permanent ?

Inga and Freder will be in such a state of shock that they will probably not be able to disturb us for some time after Jan 20.

Michael K said...

""Donald is a bully ... bullies don't come from strength they come from weakness."

Does that mean you are a bully, gadfly ?

Just asking.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Touche, Doctor K!

Bad Lieutenant said...

Does that mean you are a bully, gadfly ?

Just asking.

Remember, overrated author Maya Angelou said when somebody shows you who they are, believe them.

JamesB.BKK said...

"If Trump acted like a petulant ten year old, then the importance of reporting on that behavior should void the promise of it being off the record."

In which a secret condition to an agreement is invented to excuse a broken promise? Nicely done. Is it because a 10-year old is legally incompetent, therefore someone who acts like one in the view of the other party excuses the other party from performing? Is this secret condition part of all off-the-record agreements? I was unaware.

Clyde said...

"Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

-- Benjamin Franklin

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