November 3, 2016

Is this a pro-Clinton argument?

"How Men Behaving Badly Have Held Hillary Clinton Back."

It's intended as a pro-Clinton argument. It's by Jill Filipovic and published in Time (which seems to be trying to distinguish itself as the go-to place for women-oriented pieces that actually insult women through the implication that women will buy material like this).

Look, I think it's bad that so many women throughout human history have been held back by men, but that's no reason to make one of the held-back women President. A woman can be President, but it better not be a woman who's vulnerable to men holding her back. The presidency is not a sympathy prize. We need a President to protect us from bad men.

Filipovic begins:
The first woman is just days away from (probably) being elected President of the United States, and so of course her candidacy has been fraught by two guys obsessed with their own penises, including one whose last name is literally Weiner.
And she ends:
[T]he hard-ons of has-been men and the hard heads of quietly powerful ones might just screw Clinton’s shot at the White House.
By the way, the 2 men whose penises she's asking you to think about do not include Bill Clinton. BC is not mentioned in the article. Somehow, Filipovic imagines that she could get that penis-y and we wouldn't think of the man closest to Hillary. 


madAsHell said...

A dog whistle for the scorned, childless woman in the Subaru.

rhhardin said...

It's menstruation that's holding women back, not penises.

dreams said...

"We need a President to protect us from bad men."

We'll need a Republican Congress and the FBI to protect us from Hillary if that crook gets elected.

chickelit said...

"Somehow, Filipovic imagines that she could get that penis-y and we wouldn't think of the man closest to Hillary."

Get bent, Filipovic!

Henry said...

Pick your associates carefully.

WisRich said...

Bad Judgement.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

We need a President to protect us from bad men.

Wow. That's a wrong turn, over the curb, the sidewalk, and then straight into a brick wall.

I like the way Chris Christie put it: "What? You want me to go down there with a shovel?"

Ken B said...

Is Hillary really the first woman?

Real American said...

It's never Hillary's fault, is it?

Fernandinande said...

Hillary's hair and hyper-pantsuited clothes suggest that she would be weak on defense, but her shrill, unstable, angry voice could scare away those Bad Men if it's the right time of month.

Brando said...

And this is the culmination of the Baby Boomer generation.

Alexander said...

Look, I think it's bad that so many women throughout human history have been held back by men

Citation please. Both as a ball park absolute figure, and how that compares to the number of men who have been held back by women.

Look, I think it's bad that so many men throughout human history died in coal mines, broke their bodies down behind a mule, or were lost as sea, because they were held back by women they had to provide resources for...

We need a President to protect us from bad men.
As others have said - no, we don't. A century of daddy government has been a disaster. What we need is a President that doesn't actively and maliciously collude with the bad men.

To steal a line from Dalrock, it always boils down to:
Why won't the weak mean quit ruining feminism!

narciso said...

Filipovic is attractive, but more than a little crazy.

dreams said...

Bill and Hillary, two sick people, figuratively and literally. It won't be long till both belong to the ages.

chickelit said...

"It's never Hillary's fault, is it?"

Apparently not amongst her feminist supporters. They have no clue how handing this woman unchecked power is a complete political turnoff.

Matt Sablan said...

If when the feds seized Weiner's laptop, they just found his emails, he wouldn't be holding her back.

dreams said...

"Filipovic is attractive, but more than a little crazy."

She's still a pretty little girl, born in 1983. She should be very careful if ever she finds herself close the Weiner man.

rhhardin said...

The Western idea of history as a propulsive movement into the future, a progressive or Providential design climaxing in the revelation of a Second Coming, is a male formulation. No woman could have coined such an idea, since it is a strategy of evasion of woman's own cyclic nature, in shich man dreads being caught. Evolutionary of apocalyptic history is a male wifh list with a happy ending, a phallic peak.

Woman does not dream of transcendental or historical escape from the natural cycle, since she is that cycle. Her sexual maturity means marriage to the moon, waxing and waning in lunar phases...[W]oman has never been deluded (until recently) by the mirage of free will. She knows there is no free will, since she is not free. She has no choice but acceptamce. Whether she desires motherhood or not, nature yokes her to the brute inflexible rhythm of procreative law. Menstrual cycle is an alarming clock that cannot be stopped until nature wills it.

...Every month for women is a new defeat of the will...

Sexual Personae p.10-11

Brando said...

It's about the irony of the "First Female President" being brought low by sleazy behavior of two men in her life--yeah, we get it. But it ignores the fact that people aren't really blaming her for Bill's misdeeds or Weiner's misdeeds. Has anyone seriously said "because she knows Carlos Danger, don't vote for her" or "because her husband is a predator, don't vote for her"? If anything, those things get her sympathy. What gets people opposed to Hillary has been things she has actually done--the server set up and Clinton Foundation shenanigans (not simply a Bill operation, but a joint one) and her actions in defending Bill (including smearing his accusers) when it came to his predations. Assuming she is actually blamed because of the men, and not her own acts, is the real anti-feminism going on here. She's not some naïve target.

CJinPA said...

Time (which seems to be trying to distinguish itself as the go-to place for women-oriented pieces that actually insult women through the implication that women will buy material like this).

You want insulting? Time recently ran a Tavis Smiley piece: "Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again."

There's a reason only 23% of U.S. women call themselves "feminist." Unlike modern feminists, they don't want to be treated like little girls.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

he hard-ons of has-been men and the hard heads of quietly powerful ones might just screw Clinton’s shot at the White House.

Hard-ons? You stay classy, NYTimes!

Remember all those nasty men who held Margaret Thatcher back? I don't either. Oh, right, right, she doesn't count--she wasn't a Leftist so she wasn't a real woman.

Ann Althouse said...which seems to be trying to distinguish itself as the go-to place for women-oriented pieces that actually insult women through the implication that women will buy material like this

Respectfully: you paid for a subscription, right? I mean I'm glad you do (to have blogging content) but you're a woman and you're paying money for "material like this."

This has been a good year for illustrating why we should all examine what we can do to reduce our support (monetary & otherwise) for the Media. Gotta stop feedin' the beast.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

6% of Clinton Foundation money goes to actual charity.


(according to 2014 IRS filing)

Hillary is out there lying - asserting 90% of her foundation mega-bucks goes to charity. Yet we hear nothing from feminists about Hillary's never ending lies.

dreams said...

It is known that 5 foreign countries hacked into her server. People have probably already been killed and will be killed because of that, we don't know and probably will never know because of security reasons.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There are no pro-Clinton arguments, only excuses for why she hasn't succeeded yet at anything she's done. And yes, I would classsify her time as a first lady a failure for at least three reasons: Travel Office scandal, Hillarycare, being unindicted co-conspirator #2 in Whitewater.
All of these are examples of her lust for power and wealth via shortcuts and political favors.

There is no pro-Clinton argument.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If all you've got is "first woman" then anyone with a vagina could replace her, right? Why not Palin?

Curious George said...

Oh what Bonnie could have become if not for Clyde.

DanTheMan said...

First Lady. Senator. Secretary of State. Running for President.

In what sense has she been "held back" ?

dreams said...

"Trump bragged about the size of his penis onstage at a primary debate,"

That's a dishonest statement. Poor old Trump was trying to defend his manhood and when a man has been reduced to that, its not bragging.

MayBee said...

I do feel like we are through the looking-glass here when Hillary Clinton and her people are trying to get us to focus on a President (or potential President's) misbehavior with women.

They didn't turn away from Bill Clinton, but they want Republicans to turn away from Donald Trump.

Isn't there a question to be asked about why Hillary Clinton stays with Bill now?

narciso said...

She has been legendarily wrong, whereas the huntress was as buyata might put, right where it mattered.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary has succeeded in selling us down the river for a buck. hillary is a successful liar. I'll give her that.

narciso said...

For a buck try a hundred million, from some very shady people.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I've been wondering about that 'Five Countries" thing. Who are they? Russia & China obviously. Israel probably, because it's too important to them not to do it (and I don't blame them for that). I can think of a lot of others who would want to, but might not have the tech savvy. France, maybe? I almost think the UK & Japan would not..

narciso said...

India maybe even thought Gupta had that coveted, recall this was made possible by the gifts top it guy, Chandra.

dreams said...

"They didn't turn away from Bill Clinton, but they want Republicans to turn away from Donald Trump."

JFK is still their ideal so they have no core, they're just hypocrites. I'm looking forward to a Trump administration or in a worse case scenario the impeachment by a Republican controlled Congress of crooked Hillary along with the continuing FBI investigation of her. Oh Yeah!

SGT Ted said...

Women hold themselves back with their child-like, self-centered attitudes about how society should treat them like special people because they are female, all the while claiming that's what equality looks like. Adults know better.

They also hold themselves back by projecting their weak-sister fears onto other people in the all too typical female attempt to manipulate via emotions to get their way, rather than dealing with their fears themselves.

This "first woman!" stuff is just childish tribalism, given Hillary's utter criminality.

SGT Ted said...

The wheels are coming off the Clinton Crime Family stretch limo and they are losing their shit. It is fun to watch.

retail lawyer said...

I'm worried that boners might be a thing of the past should Hillary be elected and constantly in the public's face, screeching and waddling and falling over. And now Wikileaks publishes A Podesta email dated 3/22/2015 wherein he points out that she now has the odor of boiled cabbage, farts, and urine. Likely the result of her propensity to bathe irregularly.

It all adds up to shrinkage, big time. Sure, boners do a lot of bad stuff, but ultimately, they are necessary and we should be so cavalier about repressing them to this extent.

dreams said...

"The wheels are coming off the Clinton Crime Family stretch limo and they are losing their shit. It is fun to watch."

They have been compared to a mafia crime family, the comparison is appropriate.

bagoh20 said...

Clinton is being held back by one person: a liar, an incompetent, an asshole, and that person is a woman.

And isn't it a stretch to say someone who married their way into The Whitehouse, The U.S. Senate, The Office of Secretary of State, and millions of dollars is being held back by penises? Compared to who?

narciso said...

I dubbed them like spectre, the murder incorporatedvwith a charitable front.

Dude1394 said...

So....SEXISM!!! Vote Hillary..

What a crock, Hillary has brought herself down to this. As one email exchange said about her illegal server.
"Why did she do this?"
"Because she thought she could get away with it"

She is...crooked.

bagoh20 said...

"she now has the odor of boiled cabbage, farts, and urine."

Like the claims about Trump's pushy sexuality, true or not, some things just sound likely.

tcrosse said...

If it weren't for all those penises, Roe v Wade would be moot.

dreams said...

"she now has the odor of boiled cabbage, farts, and urine."

Yeah, crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton is coming to a rotten end.

carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Take Olivia nucci someone who actually volunteered for weiner, but has expressed contempt except on one occassion for the huntress, and got trump always.

n.n said...

It's the female chauvinist argument for elective abortion, progressive wars, impulsive coups, terrorist rehabiliation, immigration reform, rape culture, etc. and performance art.

Bob Boyd said...

A penis can't hold you back unless it's prehensile. Those are rare.

However, if you won't let go of a penis when you need to, that can cause you to fall behind...which is much more common.

It's like a monkey swinging through the trees. The monkey lets go of one vine, hangs free in space for a moment, then grabs the next vine and continues its progress. It's a leap of faith.
Penises are like vines...only vines are longer...usually...and green.
Hillary has been hanging from that one same vine for way too long. I don't know. That's one way of looking at it.

Howard said...
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Howard said...

Cliff Notes Version: Even Hillary is too weak to not be controlled by men.

Paul Snively said...

Dr. Althouse: By the way, the 2 men whose penises she's asking you to think about do not include Bill Clinton. BC is not mentioned in the article. Somehow, Filipovic imagines that she could get that penis-y and we wouldn't think of the man closest to Hillary.

Because the issue has nothing to do with penises. The penises are just cover for the left's lust for power.

That's right: the phalluses are symbols.

Howard said...

The truth is that Billy Jeff would have never been Governor nor President if it wasn't for Hillary's ambition. She knew what she wanted and she took it.

holdfast said...

" . . . and we wouldn't think of the man closest to Hillary."

That big dude who catches her when she has a seizure?

jg said...

all the women who ever falsely blamed their failures on sexism practically sing. this message resonates.

hillary doesn't understand that people are more afraid of weak leaders who start wars, than a leader who has pressed a sexual advance or two - the latter is no threat to anyone you know; the former threatens EVERYONE.

mockturtle said...

A woman can be President, but it better not be a woman who's vulnerable to men holding her back.

Bingo, Ann!

mockturtle said...

Anyone remember Barbara Jordan? Hell, she would have made a great President.

bgates said...

We need a President to protect us from bad men

and from bad women.

Birkel said...

How does one know which man is closest to Hillary? Have she and Bill spent a night together in 16 years?

Bobar the Bobarian said...

Did the Clinton campaign distribute a memo telling people to say "badly behaved man"?

The Nation uses the same terminology:

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I apologize if it's been said already, but the word she wants is "wiener," not "weiner." Yes, I know, it's pronounced "wiener," just as it's spelt "Raymond LuxuryYacht" but pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove." But, still.

SukieTawdry said...

Oh, please. As if Hillary Clinton would be anywhere close to the presidency today were it not for Bill. One might even say it was Bill's wayward penis that swept her into a Senate seat (although, to be fair, she probably would have won that race without the wronged-little-woman-staunchly-bearing-up-in-spite-of-what-had-to-be-nearly-insufferable-emotional-distress act once Rudy was out of the game). To say that men (behaving badly or not) have held Clinton back is like saying the color of Obama's skin held him back.

Yet here we are, in an election of historic feminist significance, and we aren’t talking about the hard-earned power of a groundbreaking woman. "Hard-earned power" LOL. Hard sought after, maybe.

Jupiter said...

"The first woman is just days away from (probably) being elected President of the United States, and so of course her candidacy has been fraught by two guys obsessed with their own penises..."

It would seem to me, that the person obsessed with her own genitalia is the one who believes that possession of a vagina is a sufficient qualification for high public office.

Zach said...

You know, it's fun to laugh at Weiner, and we should all do that at every opportunity. But Weiner isn't holding anybody back. Huma Abedin, Hillary's chief of staff, stole three quarters of a million emails from her employer and hid them on her husband's computer. That's why Hillary's in trouble.

And then there's the *content* of the emails. Classified information, pay to play schemes, good ol' government secrets and whatnot. Huma couldn't steal 'em if they were on government owned and controlled computers in the first place.

Zach said...

Vulnerability to blackmail by subordinates is a really good reason for practicing email security! If they were on the secure system where they belonged, Abedin could be charged just for having them on her own computer. As is, how are you going to charge Abedin without charging her boss?

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